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Thorne Mediclear Detox Booklet


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    December 1969
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NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT FOR NORMAL INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE, ALLERGIES, DETOXIFICATION, AND GASTROINTESTINAL INTEGRITY !"#$%&"'( ® ) !"#$%&"'( +&,- ® ) . !"#$%&"'(/010 ¯ !"#$%&"'( *(+,('- *'.$"/. 01$#" 21/" 3453 MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 1 5/17/12 1:35 PM 6"'&.7 81"9.$+//'$(" .+ :" %+-;&"."# <=."( >+1 ?$/$97 .7" !"#$%&"'( *(+,('- @:1. :"=+(" :",$//$/, =++# ("$/.(+#1A.$+/B !" $%&'(& )&(*+,-& ./0 1/2+ 3+,4'+1 .&'%5. */6*&+6( .'7& *.'68&)" 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 :" ;+& 1/2 .'7,68 +&82%'+ -/0&% 4/7&4&65(< '" !=> 5,4&( 3&+ )'1< -" ?&%%=@/+4&)< *" A'(,%1 &%,4,6'5&)< >" B/0 0/2%) 1/2 +'5& 1/2+ &6&+81 %&7&%< &C*&%%&65 8//) 4&),/*+& 3//+ D" B/0 ,( 1/2+ (%&&3< '" E'%% '(%&&3 &'(,%1< -" F5'1 '(%&&3 5.+/28./25 5.& 6,8.5< *" ?'G& @&&%,68 +&@+&(.&)< H" I,) 1/2 '**/43%,(. 0.'5 1/2 .') ./3&) 5/ 0,5. 5.,( 3+/8+'4< 6"'&.7 81"9.$+//'$(" .+ :" %+-;&"."# C"=+(" >+1 C",$/ .7" !"#$%&"'( *(+,('- !" $%&'(& %,(5 1/2+ 3+,4'+1 .&'%5. */6*&+6(" 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 :" ;+& 1/2 .'7,68 +&82%'+ -/0&% 4/7&4&65(< '" !=> 5,4&( 3&+ )'1< -" ?&%%=@/+4&)< *" A'(,%1 &%,4,6'5&)< >" B/0 0/2%) 1/2 +'5& 1/2+ &6&+81 %&7&%< &C*&%%&65 8//) 4&),/*+& 3//+ D" B/0 ,( 1/2+ (%&&3< '" E'%% '(%&&3 &'(,%1< -" F5'1 '(%&&3 5.+/28./25 5.& 6,8.5< *" ?'G& @&&%,68 +&@+&(.&)< H" ?.'5 0/2%) 1/2 %,G& 5/ '**/43%,(. 0,5. 5.,( 3+/8+'4< 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Patient Program Information Patient name ________________________________________ date ________________ Health-care practitioner ________________________________ phone _______________ MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 2 5/17/12 1:35 PM MediClear Program: Patient Guide Introduction 2 Are We All Toxic? 2 What Are MediClear, MediClear Plus, and MediClear-SGS? 3 The Liver’s Role in Detoxification 4 Other Helpful Detoxification Methods 5 How Does the Program Work? 6 How to Get Started 7 How Will I Feel? 8 MediClear, MediClear Plus, and MediClear-SGS Comparison Chart 9 MediClear Program Instructions 10 MediClear Smoothie Ideas 11 Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid 12 Sample Menus 14 (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Ideas) Recipes 17 Additional Supplements 20 Reintroducing Foods 22 Frequently Asked Questions 24 Copyright © 2012 by Thorne Research, Inc. MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 1 5/17/12 1:35 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 2 Introduction Due to your particular health concerns, your health-care practitioner has determined that the MediClear program of cleansing and nutrient support will benefit your health.* The MediClear program of recommended dietary suggestions and nutritional supplements will help your body’s trillions of cells repair and regenerate.* In turn, this will optimize their function and help you reach a new level of health.* Your choice in a knowledgeable health-care practitioner has brought you this far. Now it is time to take the next step. Follow the program as directed, and see how the MediClear program works for you! Are We All Toxic? In the last 50 years our environment has become increasingly more polluted. This has resulted in a greater human toxic burden than ever before. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of toxic chemicals have been introduced into our environment. So, no matter how careful we are or where we live, we all have some level of exposure. Add to this the use of alcohol, tobacco, and prescription, non-prescription, and illicit drugs, and you can see that this has created a challenging task for our bodies to get rid of these substances. The liver carries the greatest burden of detoxifying foreign substances, as well as substances our bodies create (like hormones). You can help your liver do its job by providing your body with enough protein and the nutrients and botanicals involved in liver function.* The typical American diet is high in fats and sugars. It relies heavily on nutrient-depleted vegetables, grains, fruits, and antibiotic- and hormone-laden meats. This type of unhealthy diet provides inadequate nutrients for many metabolic processes, including detoxification. These dietary habits, and the fact that many of us eat a limited variety of foods, can result in the development of allergies to some of the most commonly eaten foods such as corn, wheat, soy, dairy, and eggs. Increasingly, we find our food supply contaminated with hormones and antibiotics, commonly used in the mass-market farming of animals and in the farm raising of certain fish. Certain types of fish such as tuna and swordfish are also known to be high in mercury. So, if we are exposed to toxic substances or if we make unwise dietary and lifestyle choices, we can build up many potentially toxic substances in our bodies. Allergies and exposure to toxins in foods, water, and the environment are being increasingly recognized as major contributing factors in many health problems. The MediClear program is designed to do two things: (1) decrease your exposure to toxins and allergens and, (2) help your body cleanse.* * This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 2 5/17/12 1:35 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 3 MediClear is a rice and pea protein powder with added vitamins, minerals, and special nutrients that aid in the detoxification process.* Rice and pea proteins are used in MediClear because individuals are rarely allergic to them. MediClear contains a high concentration of protein to aid in tissue repair and regeneration.* The amino acids in these proteins also help in detoxification and elimination of harmful substances in the body.* Other beneficial amino acids, including glycine, N-acetylcysteine, taurine, and glutathione are added to assist in this process.* Green tea extract provides potent antioxidant and liver-protecting activity, and MSM helps detoxification and joint function.* A full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, in their most absorbable forms, are also in MediClear to ensure adequate amounts of these nutrients are available for tissue detoxification and regeneration.* Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) in MediClear are easily absorbed and used for energy by the body.* They do not contribute to increased fat in the bloodstream. The added ingredients in MediClear Plus help maintain the body’s normal inflammatory response.* Curcumin, the principal ingredient in the Indian spice turmeric, is an efficient antioxidant that also assists the liver’s detoxification activities.* Grape seed extract provides potent antioxidant compounds that help strengthen connective tissue and support healing.* MediClear-SGS contains sulforaphane glucosinolate, which is an indirect antioxidant that provides long-lasting cell protection from free radical damage several days after being consumed. Each serving of MediClear-SGS contains 30 mg of sulforaphane glucosinolate ÷ equivalent to eating 1.2 lbs of broccoli. What are MediClear, MediClear Plus, and MediClear-SGS? MediClear is a unique formulation containing rice protein, pea protein, vitamins, minerals, and specialized nutrients and botanicals. MediClear Plus provides all the nutritional benefits of MediClear, PLUS the added advantages of curcumin phytosome, grape seed phytosome, and green tea phytosome; all well-absorbed forms of these plant extracts to help maintain the body’s normal inflammatory response.* MediClear-SGS provides all the elements of MediClear Plus with the addition of advanced antioxidant and phase II liver support from sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS).* Another difference, MediClear-SGS comes in a great-tasting chocolate flavor! * This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 3 5/17/12 1:35 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 4 The Liver’s Role in Detoxification The liver plays a major role in the detoxification of numerous substances in the body, whether they come from the environment, food, or from within the body (from hormones and other substances). In order to metabolize and eliminate these potentially harmful toxins, the liver has developed an intricate, two-step detoxification system. Together, these two phases convert toxins into water-soluble molecules that can be excreted from the body in the stool and urine. Phase I Detoxification Specific enzymes produced in the liver perform the first step of detoxification. These enzymes, called cytochrome p450 enzymes, help detoxify a number of substances, including medications, caffeine, alcohol, many food constituents, and environmental pollutants. These enzymes cause chemical reactions in the liver that make the above substances more water soluble. Individuals with an intolerance to caffeine, perfumes, or chemical odors often have a dysfunction in this first phase of detoxification. The primary nutrients required during phase I detoxification include B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, copper, magnesium, and zinc; antioxidants including glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, and lipoic acid; and the branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine.* Phase I detoxification is further enhanced by indole-3-carbinol, found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower; and flavonoids, including silymarin from milk thistle, curcumin from the spice turmeric, and polyphenol antioxidants from grape seeds and green tea.* Phase II Detoxification The substances from phase I, which are partially detoxified, react with other substances in the liver that convert them into water-soluble compounds that can be eliminated from the body in the urine and stool. A number of cofactors are necessary for this phase to occur, including antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, and other substances the liver needs to have in ample supply to detoxify efficiently.* Nutrients required to support phase II detoxification include vitamins B5, B6, B12, and C, folic acid, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, glutathione, and the amino acids glycine, cysteine, methionine, taurine, and glutamine.* MediClear-SGS offers enhanced liver support by adding sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS)* ÷ a natural substance from the seeds and sprouts of select broccoli varietals ÷ for effective up-regulation of the body’s natural phase II detoxification enzymes.* * This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 4 5/17/12 1:36 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 5 Other Helpful Detoxification Methods Exercise is a very important element of any detoxification/cleansing regimen. Exercise increases oxygen delivery to all your tissues and increases your body temperature and metabolism, making your body more efficient at breaking down and eliminating toxins. It increases the flow of lymph fluid, which helps detoxify. Exercise burns fat as well, but be careful when starting an exercise program. Take it easy at first if you are not used to exercising. Take a walk around the block, go for a short swim or bike ride, but start slowly and work up to an intensity level that makes you sweat. If you feel worse after exercise or if it makes you very fatigued, back off. One thing that happens when you exercise is you burn fat. However, toxins are stored in fat, so you can increase the amount of toxins in your blood temporarily when you exercise. Liver function improves with exercise Approximately 25 percent of the U.S. population has a condition called fatty liver, in which, as the name implies, there is an increased amount of fat in the liver. Most of the time, people with fatty liver have no symptoms, but high liver enzymes are found on a blood test. Exercise has been shown to improve liver function, reduce the amount of fat in the liver, and decrease liver enzymes – all positive results from a simple lifestyle change! Even if you don’t have fatty liver, your liver function will benefit from exercise. Exercise also improves elimination from the bowels. Most people find they have better, more frequent bowel movements when they exercise. Make sure to increase your water intake if you are exercising, as you will lose water ÷ and toxins ÷ in your sweat. Another way to increase toxin removal is by using a sauna. The skin is your largest organ of elimination, so every time you sweat you eliminate toxins through the skin. When you start using a sauna, as when you begin an exercise program, start slowly with just a few minutes in the sauna and build up from there. Be sure to check with your health-care practitioner to make sure you are healthy enough to begin any exercise or sauna program. MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 5 5/17/12 1:36 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 6 How Does the Program Work? Many of the body’s systems, including the digestive system, carbohydrate metabolism, the cardiovascular system, and the immune system can be adversely affected as a direct result of our diet. We are what we eat! You may be sensitive to foods that you consume on a regular basis, which may cause an immune reaction that can have a negative impact on your body’s normal inflammatory response, as well as causing gas, bloating, diarrhea, sinus congestion, or headache. These symptoms may not happen immediately after eating a food, so it can be difficult to make the connection. However, identifying and eliminating these foods is essential to your long-term health. The MediClear Program is designed to last three weeks and is intended to help your body detoxify by providing essential nutrients and botanicals you need to support efficient cleansing.* The program also gives your body a break from the potential allergens you consume on a regular basis, as well as alcohol, caffeine, and refined sugars. Both alcohol and caffeine are hard on your liver, and this is going to be a vacation for your liver, since it is the organ most responsible for detoxification. Allergenic foods can cause inflammation; therefore, the “elimination diet” portion of the MediClear program removes potentially allergenic foods from your diet and allows you to choose from a group of healthy foods to which you are less likely to be allergic.* The foods allowed are also less likely to contain other substances that could interfere with the cleansing process, putting less stress on the digestive and immune systems. Your health-care practitioner may also modify this program to meet your particular needs. Sodas and fruit drinks are high in refined sugars, as are many processed foods. Refined sugars contain empty calories that do not offer any healthful nutrients in return, which puts stress on your pancreas and liver, causes significant fluctuations in blood-sugar levels, and robs stored nutrients from your body. Replacing refined sugars with whole foods that contain complex carbohydrates, including fresh fruits, grains, and legumes, is an important part of the elimination diet. These next few weeks will give you a unique opportunity to read the labels on the foods you consume and to learn how you can continue to make permanent changes to your diet even after this program is over. Being healthy is about making healthful lifestyle choices. Thorne’s MediClear Program is a great way to start on the path to a better, more healthy way of eating. * This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 6 5/17/12 1:36 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 7 How to Get Started on the MediClear Program To summarize what you have read, you are going to be on the MediClear Program for three weeks. During the three weeks you are going to need to diligently watch what you eat and follow the guidelines set out in this booklet. The best idea is to choose a three-week period when you have no trips planned, no big family get-togethers, no holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas, and no big events like weddings to attend. This will make staying on the program a lot easier for you. Whether your health-care practitioner has suggested using MediClear, MediClear Plus, or MediClear-SGS the diet instructions are the same. It does require some planning and attention to details, as with any diet, but with a positive mental outlook you could be one of the many people who complete the MediClear program with great success and a healthy outcome. In fact, many people find the MediClear diet helps them feel so much better they want to continue it long-term. Week 1 Diet: During the first week you will ease into the program and reduce potentially allergenic and toxic foods in your diet. Simply follow the list of foods to eat and foods to avoid on pages 12 and 13. Try some of the sample diets suggested in this booklet and utilize some of the suggestions we have provided to find foods you can eat. Then follow the regimen your health- care practitioner has outlined for you in the section on “Instructions for the Use of MediClear” and any other supplements in your treatment protocol. Week 2 Diet: In addition to the foods eliminated in Week 1, meats and fish need to be avoided during this week. You will also be consuming more of the MediClear product — consider this week a great opportunity to experiment with fun and delicious recipes for a tasty variety. Week 3 Diet: Now you are in the home stretch! The meats and fish you eliminated during the second week may now be reintroduced. MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 7 5/17/12 1:36 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 8 How Will I Feel on the MediClear Program? Many people have a lessening of their symptoms while on the MediClear program. Most feel a greater sense of energy and wellbeing, with better sleep. However, some individuals feel fatigued or have a return of old symptoms. This is not an uncommon occurrence as the body detoxifies. If this occurs, it is important to note that it should be temporary; however, if symptoms become bothersome, check with your health-care practitioner. If you are used to consuming caffeine, refined sugars, and/or alcohol daily you may experience headaches, anxiety, or a decrease in energy during the MediClear program. If any of these symptoms arise, it is helpful to understand your body is responding to not having substances it has become used to, and is also detoxifying these substances. Be sure to drink plenty of water and to follow the program as directed by your health-care practitioner. You may have better results if you gradually decrease the intake of these substances before you start the program. Consult with your health-care practitioner if you have questions or concerns. You may feel less energetic on this program, although many feel exactly the opposite. You may need to curtail strenuous physical activity for at least a portion of the three weeks. Don’t give up! Your body has collected toxins for years, so it may take some time to effectively detoxify. What if I Have More Questions? This booklet has a section that covers frequently asked questions from many patients like yourself. If you cannot find the answer to your questions there, please discuss your concerns with your health-care practitioner. The Next Step? The following pages list foods to include and foods to avoid, meal suggestions, and recipes for both the MediClear powder and your diet. At the end of the program you will need to gradually reintroduce foods back into your diet and this is discussed in the section called “Reintroducing Foods.” Now it’s time to begin. It is important to drink at least 8-10 glasses of purified water or herbal tea daily — this will help flush the toxins from your system. MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 8 5/17/12 1:36 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 9 Using MediClear MediClear products are prepared by mixing one serving (two scoops) of powder into 8-10 ounces of purified (spring, distilled, or filtered) water. As an alternative, your health-care practitioner may approve mixing the powder in fruit or vegetable juice, or rice or nut milk. You can use MediClear to make delicious, healthful smoothies by using your favorite whole fruits, fruit juices, nut milks, and a little imagination! We suggest using a shaker, mixer, or blender for best results. Do not premix MediClear. Once it is mixed with liquid you need to drink it within 30 minutes for optimum benefits. Discard unused prepared mixtures. Which MediCIear Powder is Right for Your Patient? Detox Support Supports NormaI Inñammatory Processes No Sweetener or FIavoring GI Support Added Vitamins & MineraIs MediClear MediClear Plus MediClear-SGS MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 9 5/17/12 1:36 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 10 MediClear Program Instructions J/5&K L6& (&+7,68 /@ M&),N%&'+O M&),N%&'+ $%2( /+ M&),N%&'+=FPF &Q2'%( 50/ (*//3(" Week 1 (Days 1-4) L6& (&+7,68 /@ 3+&(*+,-&) M&),N%&'+ 3+/)2*5 /6*& )',%1 ,6 R=!S /26*&( 0'5&+ /+ T2,*& ,6 5.& 4/+6,68 T2(5 -&@/+& -+&'G@'(5" E/%%/0 5.& ?&&G ! &%,4,6'5,/6 ),&5O 26%&(( /5.&+0,(& ')7,(&) -1 1/2+ .&'%5.=*'+& 3+'*5,5,/6&+" Week 1 (Days 5-7) U6*+&'(& 5/ /6& (&+7,68 /@ 3+&(*+,-&) M&),N%&'+ 3+/)2*5 50,*& )',%1O T2(5 -&@/+& -+&'G@'(5 '6) ),66&+ '6) */65,62& /6 ),&5" Week 2 L6& (&+7,68 /@ 3+&(*+,-&) M&),N%&'+ 3+/)2*5 5.+&& 5,4&( )',%1 ,6 R=!S /26*&( 0'5&+ /+ T2,*&O -&@/+& -+&'G@'(5O %26*.O '6) ),66&+" E/%%/0 5.& ?&&G : &%,4,6'5,/6 ),&5O 26%&(( /5.&+0,(& ')7,(&) -1 1/2+ .&'%5.=*'+& 3+'*5,5,/6&+" Week 3 (Days 1-3) L6& (&+7,68 /@ 3+&(*+,-&) M&),N%&'+ 3+/)2*5 50,*& )',%1 ,6 R=!S /26*&( /@ 0'5&+ /+ T2,*&O T2(5 -&@/+& -+&'G@'(5 '6) ),66&+" E/%%/0 5.& ?&&G > &%,4,6'5,/6 ),&5O 26%&(( /5.&+0,(& ')7,(&) -1 1/2+ .&'%5.=*'+& 3+'*5,5,/6&+" Week 3 (Days 4-7) L6& (&+7,68 /@ 3+&(*+,-&) M&),N%&'+ 3+/)2*5 )',%1O T2(5 -&@/+& -+&'G@'(5 '6) */65,62& 5.& ),&5 5.+/28. 5.& &6) /@ 5.& 0&&G /+ '( ')7,(&) -1 1/2+ .&'%5.= *'+& 3+'*5,5,/6&+" Week 1: Follow the dosage as outlined to the left, OR Change the dosage as follows: _______________________ Follow the elimination diet for Week 1, OR Follow dietary instructions outlined by your health-care practitioner Follow the additional supplement plan outlined on pages 20-21, OR Follow supplement plan outlined by your health-care practitioner Week 2: Follow the dosage as outlined to the left, OR Change the dosage as follows: _______________________ Follow the elimination diet for Week 2, OR Follow dietary instructions outlined by your health-care practitioner Follow the additional supplement plan outlined on pages 20-21, OR Follow supplement plan outlined by your health-care practitioner Week 3: Follow the dosage as outlined to the left, OR Change the dosage as follows: _______________________ Follow the elimination diet for Week 3, OR Follow dietary instructions outlined by your health-care practitioner Follow the additional supplement plan outlined on pages 20-21, OR Follow supplement plan outlined by your health-care practitioner MediClear Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 10 5/17/12 1:36 PM MediClear Patient Guide — Page 11 !"#$%&"'( D'.." : (*//3( M&),N%&'+ /+ M&),N%&'+ $%2( V /W X,*& /+ J25 4,%G Y/+ ' */4-,6'5,/6 /@ -/5.Z : = D /W */%) 0'5&+ $&+/ /+ I'*/3' Y+/'(5&) )'.%,' (1+23 @+/4 N'%,@/+6,' J'52+'% $+/)2*5( [ -/5. */@@&& (2-(5,525&(Z L35,/6K ')) ,*& '6) %&(( 0'5&+ @/+ '6 ,*&) %'55& [ ')) ' )'(. /@ *,66'4/6" E/+ ' M&),N%&'+ M/*.'O (2-(5,525& M&),N%&'+=FPF ,6(5&') /@ M&),N%&'+ /+ M&),N%&'+ $%2(" *"'A7 %++&"( : (*//3( M&),N%&'+ /+ M&),N%&'+ $%2( V /W 3&'+ T2,*& : /W */%) 0'5&+ !\: *23 @+&(. /+ @+/W&6 3&'*.&( E(+;$A'& F-++.7$" : (*//3( M&),N%&'+ /+ M&),N%&'+ $%2( : /W */*/625 4,%G Y3%',6Z D /W */%) 0'5&+ !\D *23 @+/4 ' */4-/ /@ 3'3'1'\4'68/\G,0, /+ -'6'6' -%&6) 265,% (4//5. /35,/6K ')) ,*& '6) &%,4,6'5& 0'5&+ G"(H C"((H : (*//3( M&),N%&'+ /+ M&),N%&'+ $%2( !\: *23 @+&(. /+ @+/W&6 -%2&-&++,&( !\: *23 @+&(. /+ @+/W&6 +'(3-&++,&( R /W */%) 0'5&+ LX D /W */%) 0'5&+ '6) D /W +,*& 4,%G E'(. '/# E'9.H : (*//3( M&),N%&'+ /+ M&),N%&'+ $%2( : /W 3/4&8+'6'5& T2,*& Y]62)(&6Z : /W 3&'+ T2,*& !\: *23 @+&(. /+ @+/W&6 +'(3-&++,&( D /W */%) 0'5&+ MediClear Smoothie Ideas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