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Quick Start Guide Auto Fb Marketer V2


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Auto Facebook Marketer 2.0 Quick Start Blueprint Guide by Bertus Engelbrecht copyright (c) 2013 You have only personal usage rights to this ebook and are not allowed to share it in any way. DISCOUNT!! Buy Auto FB Marketer 2.0 Software tool right ow! Table of contents Introduction..................................................................3 Strategy 1: Creating niche targeted facebook accounts.........................................................................4 Step 1 – Create a targeted facebook account................................5 Step – !ind facebook users that are targeted for your niche and beco"e friends #ith the"........................................5 Step 3 – $oin%create &roups%pages targeted for your niche.........' Step 4 – Start "arketing.................................................................( )arketing )ethod * – Status updates: )arketing )ethod + – Contributing in co""unities ,groups%pages- )arketing )ethod C – .osting on !riends/ #alls. )arketing )ethod 0 – +uilding an e"ail list Strategy .....................................................................13 Strategy 3.....................................................................14 )ore tips and ti"e sa1ers..........................................15 !233 +456S3S........................................................17 DISCOUNT!! Buy Auto FB Marketer 2.0 Software tool right ow! Introduction hank you !or purchasing "uto #acebook $arketer. By taking this !irst step% you have set yoursel! up !or success with #acebook &arketing. 'n this short guide ' want to (uickly outline a !ew di!!erent ðods that you can use to &arket your business)site)o!!ers)products through the use o! "uto #acebook $arketer. hese techni(ues are only a !ew ideas% but a!ter you played around with "uto #acebook $arketer a bit% ' a& sure that you will !ind out which strategies work best !or you. 8ou "ust re"e"ber that this is only a tool. 't all depends what you choose to do with it. '! you want to use it as purely a spa&&ing tool% it is up to you. ("lthough ' strongly urge you not to do this.) '!% on the other hand% you choose to use this &ore as a research or lead generation tool% you can do that as well. he possibilities with this so!tware is al&ost li&itless. 't all co&es down to how you are going to use this tool to sa1e 1aluable "arketing ti"e. "nd ' think that this is where the true value o! this tool lies. You still need to know what you are doing. '! you can do it sa!ely &anually then you can also do it with this tool. he thing is% it is a lot (uicker and &ore *hands o!!+ i! you use "uto #acebook &arketer. ' suggest you first test out the "arketing strategy that you #ant to follo# "anually and a!ter that start using "uto #acebook $arketer to help you i&ple&ent this strategy and to auto&ate so&e o! the tasks o! your strategy to save ti&e. ,ight% lets get into the bee! o! this short guide and give you a !ew strategies that you can !ollow. DISC!AIM"#$ What I reveal in this guide is only intended as examples. I make no guarantees of the exact results that you can obtain with this software. I also urge you to NOT to test out the full capabilities of this tool on your main F account. Facebook has been very fickle with it!s terms and have no set limits of how many messages or re"uests you can send in a specific time. I do give you recommendations of amount of messages and re"uests that you can send# but I take no responsibilities for any blocked# flagged or deleted accounts. I suggest you test this out with other additional accounts first. $ou can buy %hone &erified Facebook accounts on places like or for cheap. 'ook for accounts that are not too new and that have a few friends on DISCOUNT!! Buy Auto FB Marketer 2.0 Software tool right ow! already. Strategy 1: Creating niche targeted facebook accounts: -ne strategy that &ost people are using with this so!tware is to use it !or creating and &arketing on seperate .iche argeted #acebook "ccounts. his &eans that you have to have a whole account that you only target !or a speci!ic niche. his &akes it very easy to &arket to as all the activities you do on this particular account will relate to only one niche (&arket). /ere are a !ew e0a&ples o! niches that you can target !or di!!erent accounts1 • pregnant wo&an • dog training) puppy training • internet &arketing • gardening • dieting • running)e0erci2ing • !itness • travel • 3ob hunting)3obless)work !ro& ho&e • 4'Y • etc. TI.99 5et 30 niche6related ebooks with short tips that you can use !or content on !acebook here7 8o how this works is that you decide on one niche that you #ant to target #ith your !+ account. #or &y e0a&ple ' a& going to use dog training)puppy training as a niche. ' will lay out &y techni(ue in steps to &ake it easier !or you to !ollow. DISCOUNT!! Buy Auto FB Marketer 2.0 Software tool right ow! Step 1 – Create a targeted facebook account #acebook would need you to have a phone veri!ied account% so i! you don9t have a !ew e0tra ones% you can si&ply buy one !ro& places like or #or this niche that we will target (pregnancy)% we want to have a !e&ale account. "lways think which gender would be better !or the niche you are targeting. 4'Y : &ales% gardening : !e&ale etc. -nce% you have an account% create a genuine pro!ile with all your interests and such. $ake stu!! up% but &ake sure it is targeted !or your niche. 'n &y case it would be a young wo&an who have children o! her own already and is pregnant and &arried. 'nterested in pregnancy related and &o&&y type things. 8et up your whole account so that it looks legit. Step – !ind facebook users that are targeted for your niche and beco"e friends #ith the": #or a new account% you !irst need to get so&e !riends !or your account. ;e want to target the whole account towards wo&an who are pregnant% who are planning on getting pregnant or even wo&an who 3ust got their baby. 't all depends on how narrow you want to target the people. So here are a few way% to get frie&% that are targete& for thi% i'he$ *. 6se *uto !acebook )arketer :.;/s feature to search sa1e lists of !+ 6ser Ids and 62=s of people that belong to groups related to your niche. /ere are a !irst 0 &inutes be!ore the ne0t set o! re(uests. (2? hours !or new accounts). ;ith the delays this will go slowly !irst% but as your account gets older and you get &ore !riends% you can ra&p up this strategy. ,e&e&ber each !riend you get this way is super targeted and could be a pri&e candidate to buy your products or click on your links. (&ore on that later) B. *nother strategy is to use *uto !acebook )arketer to search for and <*uto $oin groups and pages> related to your niche. 8o !ire up "uto #acebook &arketer and go on *8earch !unction+ and set it to *"uto @oin 5roups+ -nly use search ter&s that you know would be highly targeted !or your niche. 'e1 • pregnancy • *pregnant wo&an+ • *newborn babies+ • *new &o&&ies+ • pregnant • etc. hen run this !unction so that the so!tware auto 3oins all groups related to your niche. ust add a link to your product at the end of each promotional message. This is a great way to provide free content to your friends and groups and soft?selling them on your main product or website. $ou can even use some of the tips to promote the main guide that you can sell or giveaway to build your email list. I give you master resell rights# so you can sell the ebooks as your own. 5E /E 30 .'F/EH,EE"E4 AE, EB--<8 /E,E7 )arketing )ethod + – Contributing in co""unities ,groups%pages- he second ðod is to provide use!ul co&&ents on the groups you belong to and the pages you created. (re&e&ber they are all targeted towards the sa&e niche. Aregnancy in our e0a&ple) Eike $ethod "% spa&&ing useless pro&otional e&ails a!ter another is not very e!!ective. You need to establish yoursel! as a kind o! authority in your niche when posting to groups and pages. You can use "uto #acebook $arketers *"uto Aost+ !unctions to post to all your groups and pages auto&atically% with set ti&e delays. DISCOUNT!! Buy Auto FB Marketer 2.0 Software tool right ow! 't is very i&portant to send use!ul kind o! &essages% with so&e pro&otional e&ails in there as well. '! you can co&bine the two it is even better. "lso re&e&ber to spin your &essage very well% so that you don9t post the e0act sa&e &essage to groups twice. NOT"$ 5sing the spinnable tips niche ebooks that I am selling with resell rights in the membership area# would be very useful if you don!t want to write and spin all the messages yourself. $ou can even use some of the tips to promote the main guide that you can sell or giveaway to build your email list. /ere is an e0a&ple o! one o! the spinnable tips related to pregnancy. '! this is plugged into the "uto #acebook $arketer and you send this to all your groups% only uni(ue &essages will be posted.1 Planning for pregnancy. {Learn|Study|Be taught} {more|extra} about {pregnancy|being pregnant}, and {seek|search} medical {help|assist} {if you|should you|hen you|in the e!ent you|in case you|for those ho|if you happen to} {need|ant} to. "etting pregnant {may|might|could} not come as a {alk|stroll} {in the|ithin the} park to some couples. {#oe!er|$e!ertheless|$onetheless}, ith {proper| correct} planning, {such as|similar to|corresponding to|comparable to|akin to|reminiscent of| resembling|e%ui!alent to} !isiting your {doctor|physician} for {tips|ideas|suggestions} and folloing {healthy|holesome} habits, {you should be|you need to be|you ought to be|you ha!e to be|try to be} {on your|in your} {ay to|method to|approach to|solution to|strategy to| option to|techni%ue to} ha!ing a child. {&n addition|'s ell as}, {make sure|ensure|make certain|be sure|ensure that|be certain that|make sure that|be sure that|be certain} to {a!oid| keep aay from} {certain|sure} {things|issues} {that can|that may} {affect|ha!e an effect on} your {pregnancy|being pregnant}, {such as|similar to|corresponding to|comparable to|akin to| reminiscent of|resembling|e%ui!alent to} alcohol and tobacco. You can !ollowing the sa&e strategy !or your own #acebook pages as well. $ake a !ew valuable contributions and the people will trust you. hen you can always use a pro&otional &essage such as1 I got all these great tips from an ebook# that you can also get for F6;; from here3 IN9;6T 'IN2 etc. DISCOUNT!! Buy Auto FB Marketer 2.0 Software tool right ow! '! you do this daily it can really help you. You can even use the posting in groups !unction to pro&ote your own #acebook page. TI.99 ' suggest &onitoring the groups you 3oined !ro& ti&e to ti&e% to see i! your posts stick. 8o&e groups dont allow posting links or pro&otional o!!ers. Eeave these groups and !ocus on the ones where you are allowed to post your links. )arketing )ethod C – .osting on !riends/ #alls. -ne &ore strategy is to post &essages on your !riends walls. You can use "uto #acebook $arketer !or this to post to all your !riends9 walls. You have to be care!ul here so that you are not classi!ied as spa&&ing. You have to spin your &essages very well% so that you don9t have duplicate posts. Aost nor&al and pro&otional e&ails% alternating between the& 8o&e &essages can 3ust be nor&al ones like1 (