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Mlm Watchdog Rod Cook Shares Info On Association Of Network Marketing Professionals




ASSOCIATION OF NETWORK MARKETING PROFESSIONALS (ANMP) FORMERLY MLM Distributor Rights Association (DRA) ANNUAL CONFERENCE LAS VEGAS EAST SIDE CANNERY (SUPER KEWL) HOME We are up to you losing $20,000 and your business if you are not here see below! PLUS THAT A SOCIAL MEDIA SOFTWARE WILL BE RELEASED BY ROD COOK AT THE MEETING - THAT WILL DESTROY YOUR COMPETITION DON'T LET YOUR COMPETITION GET IT FIRST! VALUE $10 GRAND - YOUR COST $13 LINK TO HOT NEW SOCIAL MEDIA SOFTWARE TO KILL COMPETITION PAGE IF YOU ARE NOT AT THE ANMP MEETING YOU ARE LOSING $10 GRAND! THE WORLD'S GREATEST EXPERT ON NOT PAYING MLM TAXES WILL BE SPEAKING AND THEN MINGLING WITH YOU TO PERSONALLY ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS! SANDY BOTKINS TAX LAWYER AND CPA WHO WAS AN IRS TRAINER And Rod Cook your MLM WatchDog fought a battle with scumbags that sold crooked "Income Tax is illegal never pay taxes" packages via MLM. You will find links on this Watchdog website about the scumbags going to jail! PLUS some Innocent people! (remember Global Prosperity and David Struckman?) SANDY WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO PAY THE LEAST OR NO TAXES LEGALLY ! Marcie Cook your ANMP treasurer is a disciple of Sandy's and will make sure your every question is answered and you have "face time" with the world's greatest U.S. tax authority. Save $10,000 or the Watchdog will eat your socks! Hand picked speakers are on stage for 30 minutes to spill their guts about the domination of Social Media Marketing; lead generation from massive traffic generation; how to safely belong to 3.5 companies - NO SALES PITCHES from the stage!! THE NEXT MEETING ON MARCH 1ST (registration) 2ND and 3RD IN LAS VEGAS WILL BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF! NOT ONE, BUT FIVE OF THOSE MLM MILLIONAIRES YOU HEAR ABOUT ON THE WATCHDOG SEE AGENDA BELOW: Voluteer to COACH Newbies The First night please! CLICK BELOW: Register for the ANMP Convention Today OR PAY AT THE DOOR! MAKE A ROOM RESERVATION AT THE EAST SIDE CANNERY OR THE HOLIDAY INN DOWN THE STREET $149.95/person for ANMP Members $199.95/person for non-members (includes 1 year membership) Are you an official member to the ANMP yet? If not, become a Member for $50/ year. Book your flight or make your driving plans TODAY: Fly in for the reception on Thursday evening. Fly home any time after Saturday night. AGENDA – Day 1 Thursday March 1st, 2012 Thursday, March 1, 2012 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM Time Topic 6:00-8:30pm Registration ** Pick up study sheets for ethic’s test ** Pick up your gift bag 7:30-11:00pm Meet & Greet Social **Small Group Study for ethic’s test ** Hors d'oeuvres and beverages ** Cash Bar AGENDA – Day 2 (morning) Friday March 2nd, 2012 Friday, March 2, 2012 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Time Topic Speaker/ Panel 8:00am Breakfast (provided) 8:30am Welcome & Vision Peter Mingils, President 8:45am MLM Honor Society – Ethics = QUICK TEST GET YOUR MLM HONOR SOCIETY CERTIFICATE 9:15am KeyNote Speaker MGM Mulvahney Fire your life up! 10:15am 15 Min Break (Coffee Available) 10:30am MLM Legal Panel - Scott Warren, David Van Sambeek, Richard Waak, David Eisenstein 12:00am Lunch (provided) AGENDA – Day 2 (afternoon) Friday March 2nd, 2012 March 2, 2012 1:15 PM – 6:00 PM Time Topic Speaker/ Panel 1:15pm- 2:30PM KeyNote Speaker Sandy Botkin SAVE $10,000 FROM SANDY ALONE! 2:45pm- Ari Ginsberg NEW SECRET TO SIGNING LEADERS - John Grene TARGETING NOT TEN LEADERS BUT 1,OOO'S REGISTER TODAY! 4:45PM Business Panel/ Ethics Panel 6:00pm Dinner (on your own) 7:30pm Social Networking workshops for those interested and social gathering AGENDA – Day 3 (morning) Saturday March 3rd, 2012 March 3, 2012 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Time Topic Speaker/ Panel 8:00am Breakfast (provided) 8:30am KeyNote Speaker Dave Blanchard 10:15 am 15 Min Break (Coffee Available) 10:30am ANMP Business Meeting – Become Involved ** Discuss organization of the ANMP ** Passing out of ballots for promoting during lunch. 12:00am Lunch (provided) AGENDA – Day 3 (afternoon) Saturday March 3rd, 2012 March 3, 2012 1:30PM - 5:30 PM Time Topic Speaker/ Panel 1:30pm ** Speeches & Nominations ** Voting (can write-in candidate) 2:00pm TBA TBA 2:30pm 30 Min Break (Coffee Available) 3:00pm Elections - Board of Directors for 2012/2013 Election Results & Discussion ** Group discussion in how the ANMP can truly have a productive and prosperous year. (Marketing, Recruiting and Further Development) 4:00pm Group Photos and Video Testimonials **We encourage everyone to invest in the ANMP ’s future by being present and providing some encouraging words about this year's ANMP Convention. 4:15pm 15 Min Break (Coffee Available) 4:30pm Technology that's changing how we do Business 5:00pm Final Thoughts & Closing ANMP President 5:15PM General Session Closed ANMP Board Members review REGISTER TODAY DISTRIBUTOR BENEFITS ... 1. Training on Independent Contractor contracts and rights. 2. Legal advice from Distributor Lawyers 3. Become part of a public WatchDog for distributors 4. How to protect yourself from Upline and Downline attacks 5. Ability to have a voice in the future of the MLM Industry 6. DRA Logo for your website! 6. With the publication of the MLM Distributors International Standard you will become and internationally known leader because you will be a founder (with photo) 7. You will not only have an impact on your own future but that of 1,000's COMPANY BENEFITS DRAFT... 1. Ability of companies to form true relationships with distributor forces 2. To give progressive companies a national platform to be recognized 3. Create new business models based on Company need 4. A source of information about such obscure things as company life Cycles, the damage caused to companies by terminations. 5. National recognition as a distributor friendly company which will give the company a competitive advantage in the Marketplace SANDY BOTKIN'S WEBSITE