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How To Get Rich With Home Based Cash Gifting


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How to Get Rich with Home Based Cash Gifting by Ryan Biddulph Copyright 2010 Ryan Biddulph Table Of Contents Chapter Title 1 2 The 2 Different Breeds of Cash Gifting Mentor How to Reach the $7500 Level of a Cash Gifting Program in 1 Month: 3 Steps How to Spot a Cash Gifting Scam in 3 Easy Steps The Most Assanine Way to Spread the Word About Cash Gifting How to Master the Art of Cash Gifting How to Market Cash Gifting with 3 Wildly Innovative Methods How to Generate Cash Without Selling Or Recruiting How to Find a Helpful Cash Gifting Program Admin in 3 Easy Steps How to Draw Leads to Your Cash Gifting Program Like Bees to Honey How to Become a Cash Gifting Champion 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 How to Advertise Cash Gifting on Youtube How to Write Intelligent Articles in 3 Simple Steps How to Count Cash Gifts on a Daily Basis with 3 Easy Steps Follow My 3 Easy Steps to Get Past the Nightmare of No Cash Gifts Don't Use These 3 Words to Describe a Cash Gift 7 Warnings Signaling You're Dealing with a Bernie Madoff-Like Cash Gifting Sponsor 7 Words Your Cash Gifting Program Shouldn't Use 6 Disgusting Ways to Pitch Your Home Based Opportunity 7 Words Your Cash Gifting Program Shouldn't Use 5 Tools a Cash Gifting Program Back Office Should Include 4 Easy Steps to Turn Your Cash Gifting Program into a Money Making Machine 3 Simple Tips to Become a Cash Gifting Money Magnet 3 Easy Steps to Becoming a More Transparent Work at Home Cash Gifting Mentor 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 Simple Ways to Send People to Your Cash Gifting Site for Free 3 Reasons Why Cash Gifting Is Not a Pyramid Scheme 3 Reasons to Work at Home with Cash Gifting 3 Quick Ways to Make Money with Cash Gifting 3 Cash Gifting Delivery Methods 3 Different Types of Cash Gifting Programs 25 26 27 28 29 Introduction When deciding on a title for this ebook I chose "How to Get Rich with Home Based Cash Gifting" for a few reasons. I feel everybody wants to become rich on some level. Money is freedom in green pants: it allows you to have more, do more and be more. Money also expands your presence. You can only do so much in person but your money can affect more people's live through practices like donating to charities and tithing. Cash gifting offers you to ability to receive large sums of money from kind people so you can certainly become rich with the activity. I also chose to include the phrase "home based" in the title. Cash gifting grows in popularity each day but many are unfamiliar the home based opportunity. I intend to provide clarity with this adjustment. Please study and use the techniques described in this ebook on a daily basis. I mention the term "usable content" quite a bit; each chapter contains practical, simple to follow strategies that I use on a daily basis to generate cash gifts. The information shared is valuable if you decide to use it on a consistent basis. Enjoy! Chapter 1 The 2 Different Breeds of Cash Gifting Mentor - Selfish Versus Selfless Cash gifting is dominated by 2 distinct personalities. The work at home activity involves offering a declared sum of money strictly as a gift. The money is offered freely, without coercion or consideration. A cash gift is not a loan, investment or payment for goods and services. It's simply a sum of money offered to help someone out. Some clubs proving gifting levels from $150 to $10,000. Combine these numbers with strong leveraging potential and gifting offers a prospering means to increase your cash flow quickly. Sponsors may receive $10,000 to $20,000 per month in cash gifts. Cash gifting clubs offer you comprehensive libraries of free marketing tutorials. Even if you have zero knowledge of advertising you can become a pro quickly by taking a few basic steps each day. Or you can simply choose to plug in to a lead generating system to set up a passive prosperity stream. Like any home based opportunity cash gifting attracts different personalities. Selfish Mentor The selfish cash gifting mentor wants to get rich quick. 1 Look for the hype-filled website to find self-centered sponsors. All claims with few facts to back up these inflated claims. These shysters simply want to part you from your money. They're in cash gifting for themselves. Selfish mentors rarely last long in gifting. They are the first to be labeled scam artists. That's how karma works. Even if they do stick around their blatant dishonesty catches eventually catches up with them. Selfless Mentor The selfless cash gifting mentor understand the nature of gifting: giving. These mentors give freely of their cash, time and knowledge. Sponsors might offer a comprehensive product to prospects before they even decide to pledge. That's what gifting is about. Giving freely with no strings attached. The selfless mentors usually attract the most gifts since those who give freely receive generously. Do homework on your cash gifting mentor and club. Make sure you pledge to a good egg. 2 Chapter 2 How to Reach the $7500 Level of a Cash Gifting Program in 1 Month: 3 Steps I reached the $7500 level of my cash gifting program within the first month. I was prospered quickly because I followed 3 steps. The steps required little effort on my part. I didn't slave for hours on end. I didn't work myself to death to acquire the cash. I chose to imitate prosperous people and was subsequently prospered quickly. Research Your Club And Take The Plunge Some never receive a cash gift due to never pledging. Don't research for weeks on end. Months of research means you're scared to pull the trigger. When fear is your motivator good luck going anywhere of note. Have faith in your decision-making ability. I researched for a few weeks and boldly made a pledge. I was rewarded by receiving a pledge at the $7500, automatically bumping me up to that level for future gifts. Give Freely Give freely receive generously. I gave my cash gift freely. No strings were attached to my cash pledge. I understood that my gifting club was under no obligation to offer me anything. 3 By giving freely good things happen for you. Wealthy cash gifting sponsors understand the law of prosperity. That which if offered freely returns multiplied. Those engaged in charity or philanthropic endeavors know that giving for the sake of giving is a prospering act. Learn Advertising Most cash gifting programs offer free advertising tutorials. I had zero knowledge of marketing but consumed my club's free tutorials from day 1. It was quite easy, really. Follow a few simple steps each day and you begin to prosper quickly. Watch the videos, follow the tutorials, do what's been proven to be successful for other cash gifting sponsors. Most importantly find a helpful, knowledgeable mentor who can shorten your learning curve. By applying my knowledge I prospered greatly within the first month. Your sponsor and the club provide valuable resources in the advertising area. Use these resources. Simply plug in to a proven system. 4 Chapter 3 How to Spot a Cash Gifting Scam in 3 Easy Steps A cash gifting scam sends off distinct warning signals. Cash gifting is the act of offering a cash gift freely, without coercion or consideration. Gifting is a private activity. No good or service is exchanged with gifting. The offering of a gift is an agreement between 2 consenting individuals. Some unscrupulous people take advantage of gifting's private nature. Of course karma takes care of these folks but not before they've done some damage. Keep an eye out for these cash gifting scam red flags. No Website No website = Scam. If a supposed sponsor offers a cash gifting opportunity yet presents you with a lone wolf operation, look out. The person can't be trusted because cash gifting is a group activity. A website serves as a meeting place for online cash gifting programs. Take a free tour. Check out what the club has to offer you. Free marketing tutorials? A free website? Free auto responder? Remember, the club is not obligated to owe you a thing. Your cash gift is not an investment, loan or payment for goods and services. It's a sum of money offered as a gift. 5 Business Terminology Talk of a home based business, investing, or profits on an alleged cash gifting club's website means the club is likely a cash gifting scam. Cash gifting is a private, invitation-only activity. No selling or recruiting is allowed. No profits are to be made off of cash gifts. Where is the profit when it's not a business? Watch out for phrases like steady income, cold calling and get rich quick. None applies to the private activity. No Contact Information If there's no way to contact your prospective mentor the opportunity is a scam. Cash gifting is built on trust. To offer a gift freely trust your mentor. You can't trust someone who isn't open, transparent and honest. People who are tough to reach have something to hide. Not exactly the kind of person you want to offer a cash gift to. Cash gifting scams exist. Most clubs are legit but only through strict due diligence can you weed out the hucksters. 6 Chapter 4 The Most Assanine Way to Spread the Word About Cash Gifting Some cash gifting morons seek to spread the word about their opportunity by attacking other sponsors. Since force negates the wisdom - or lack thereof - of this strategy can't be debated. Be for. Not against. Being against shows that you fear the competition. I've encountered a few dingbats who felt the need to jump all over me, for whatever reason, I don't know. It's their karmic shit storm. No matter how strong the urge to react I simply refuse to go down with their ship. Haters Are Confused Admirers Repeat the above quote to yourself when attacked by someone for being you. As noted I ran into a few dolts recently who felt the need to advertise their opportunity by criticizing mine. This says everything about them and nothing about me. They are fans, yet they don't know how to show it. If they were 100% clear on not agreeing with what I had to offer they simple wouldn't engage me. It's easy to take things personally when in the heat of the moment. After meditating it's easier to see how self-destructive competitive marketing strategies are. 7 Competitive marketing is injurious to the reputation of the offending party. It destroys their brand. Kills their reputation. It makes them look small, poor and weak, for if the best thing you can offer is an attack on a successful sponsor than you have nothing of value to offer. Be For If you are a cash gifting sponsor devote all of your energies to being for, not against. You might disagree with a certain strategy. Feel free to note how you'd do things than move on. Don't waste time trying to attack someone else for it shows how little you are. 8 Chapter 5 How to Master the Art of Cash Gifting Mastering cash gifting is a matter of giving freely. Give of your cash, time and energy to prosper with the work at home activity. Cash gifting is offering a declared sum of cash to someone without coercion or consideration. The sum of money is not an investment, loan or payment for good and services. Cash gifting clubs are collections of people who join in the spirit of giving. Private sharing clubs choose to distribute cash gifts with different strategies. Possible methods are the 1 Up, No Up and Hybrid Residual cash flow structures. Have Fun Enjoy cash gifting. Learn to give freely and gifting becomes an easy way to generate a sizable prosperity stream. You don't have to learn a product or service in cash gifting. You don't have to cold call or recruit. Simply receive $150 - $10,000 each time you invite someone to a website. Be A Giver Offer your cash gift freely. Don't pledge with strings attached. Wealthy people give cash freely so they receive cash with greater ease. Philanthropists know this. People who give to charity know this. The reward for giving freely is feeling awesome and receiving generously. Givers never need. 9 Be A Learner Learn about the latest and greatest marketing strategies. Whether you plug in to a system or market with free strategies it's vital to continually learn. Mastering any art takes practice. Part of the practice is acquiring new knowledge on a daily basis and putting the knowledge into use. Be A Teacher You grow as much as your team grows. Be a leader. Teach your team how to share the activity of cash gifting. Inspire your team to move into action on a daily basis. Never accept a cash gift without intending to make your pledge exceed you. Aim to have each team member receive more cash gifts than you have. Raise the bar for yourself and your team. 10 Chapter 6 How to Market Cash Gifting with 3 Wildly Innovative Methods We know how to market cash gifting on twitter and Facebook. We know how to use article marketing to advertise cash gifting. Gifting is marketing. After pledging a gift you can choose to share the opportunity with others. Prosper as many people as possible with cash gifting by marketing the opportunity effectively and responsibly. Cash gifting is not get rich quick, although you can gain wealth through gifting quickly if you give freely. It's not affiliate marketing, MLM or a home based business. Cash gifting groups are private sharing clubs. Let's discuss 3 innovative methods to get the word out about your cash gifting club. Zimbio Zimbio is a high-ranking blogging site off of the beaten path. More than one of my zimbio cash gifting articles tops google. I recently started a cash gifting Wikizine on the blogging platform. You can add articles, videos and photos to your Wiki's or profile page. Write content rich articles. Check your keyword placement and density. Ping your blog and promote each article across multiple social networks. 11 Cash Gifting Angels Cash Gifting Angels is a wonderful social networking site for cash gifting sponsors. Here's how to differentiate yourself: add usable content on a daily basis. Most sponsors choose to pitch. Few offer non-stop usable content. As an added bonus, as of this writing Cash Gifting Angels tops a google search for "cash gifting." Form relationships with fellow sponsors. Start user groups and invite all of your cash gifting buddies. Blogging Duh, you say. Think again. Content-rich cash gifting blogs are non-existent. Stand out as a sponsor. Run an informative blog. Most blogs are weak pitching platforms. Or I should say, pseudo blogs. Post usable content on a consistent basis. Eventually your blog will achieve a higher page rank. When searching the phrase "how to market cash gifting" you're likely to find little value in the search results. Use what you've learned today to top google for select gifting phrases. 12 Chapter 7 How to Generate Cash Without Selling Or Recruiting: 3 Steps If you decide to generate cash without selling or recruiting cash gifting is your gig. Cash gifting is offering a declared sum of cash - strictly as a gift - without coercion or consideration. The sum of money is not an investment, loan or payment for goods and services. It's money offered to help another person. Some clubs provide gifting levels from $150 - $10,000. Receiving a cash gift can mean covering your grocery expenses this week or it could mean a down payment on a home, or at least a pretty sweet car. Pledge A Cash Gift To receive you must give. To receive generous amounts of cash you must give freely. Giving freely precedes all fortunes. You can't get without giving big. Offer your cash gift with no strings attached. Remember, it's a cash gift that doesn't legally entitle you to anything. That being said most clubs are generous in offering you a plethora of free tools. Give freely and you will be prospered. Share The Opportunity Offer the opportunity to others. Don't struggle when figuring out how to generate cash with gifting. Plug into a proven system for 100% cash free generation. Let others do the work for you. Simply count cash gifts on what could be a daily basis. 13 The one prerequisite of a reputable cash gifting sponsor is to share the opportunity responsibly. No heavy recruiting or inflated claims are allowed when advertising cash gifting. Gifting is people helping people with cash. That's it. Receive Cash Gifts The fun and easy part. Watch as cash gifts arrive. Can you get rich quick with cash gifting? Yes. Aim to prosper quickly by doing it the right way. Pledge freely, network with like-minded people and prosper. Deciding on how to generate cash in this world of unlimited opportunity shouldn't be a problem. I've offered you the quickest and most simple way to increase cash flow from the comfort of your home. 14 Chapter 8 How to Find a Helpful Cash Gifting Program Admin in 3 Easy Steps Cash gifting program admins make or break each cash gifting community. When deciding on how to find a cash gifting program admin keep a few things in mind. Think of an admin as the CEO of a gifting club. Each administrator is the go-to guy or girl. If you have a question that your sponsor can't answer the admin is your next and last point of contact. Cash gifting is a private activity. Before pledging do strict due diligence. Understand the process and your community. Gifting administrators must be knowledgeable. Before pledging a gift question your prospective sponsor about the club admin. Take time getting to know how the club operates. Check Out The Response Time 1 day is reasonable. Anything more than a day and your admin might not be on the ball. This person wears many hats. Be reasonable and more importantly, be patient. Most clubs are communities of people who meet to prosper all. It makes sense that most admins possess a pure intent. Demand a dependable admin. The administrator plays a key role in your deciding on how to find a cash gifting program. 15 Is Their Response Actually Helpful? Quick response time is a plus. An effective response? Even better. If the admin doesn't know how the club is organized, how to update your website or other basic information the club doesn't believe in a spirit of service. A cash gifting program that doesn't believe in service is like a Catholic church parish not believing in Jesus. Realize that your admin doesn't perform all duties. If you buy a domain and hosting this person can offer you the basic steps to mask your domain. Beyond that consult your hosting provider. What Does The Website Look Like? The admin is in charge of the website. Do you see typos? Grammar mistakes? Videos pulled from youtube remaining on the website? Misleading information concerning cash gifting? Too much damn hype? Sprint, don't walk to the next cash gifting club. Demand professionalism from both your admin and cash gifting program. Figuring out how to find a cash gifting program admin need not be a difficult process if you follow my simple steps. 16 Chapter 9 How to Draw Leads to Your Cash Gifting Program Like Bees to Honey - 4 Strategies Have you ever been to a bee keeper's convention? I have. What an experience. I have a scar on my head where a see stung me to prove it. I quickly learned how the phrase "like bees to honey"(or my scalp) originated. Bees love honey. To prosper as a cash gifting program sponsor prospects must love your website. You can generate leads by using these 4 methods. Articles Write content-rich articles. Think *usable content.* This article teaches you how to draw leads to your cash gifting opportunity. After reading you can begin to write articles, set up accounts on Facebook, twitter or Zimbio and go about drawing leads. Usable content. Craft each article around a key word. In a 400 word article mention the key word 4 times or so. Once in the first paragraph, once in the last paragraph and a few times in the body. Twitter Send out tweets describing your cash gifting opportunity. Spare the hype, be heavy on the facts. Share how cash gifting can prosper your audience. No selling, no recruiting, generate cash while working from the comfort of your home. That type of stuff. 17 Also tweet your cash gifting or work at home related articles. Retweet frequently. Grow your following by sharing. Engage consistently. Tweeters like being treated like people. Good Morning, Good Night, ask your followers questions about cash gifting, working at home. Yeah, all that good stuff. Zimbio Zimbio is the best kept secret of blogging sites. Set up an account. Ping your blog. Start a wikizine. I run a fun and entertaining cash gifting wikizine on Zimbio. You can also upload youtube videos, pictures and give props to other Zimbio'ers by clicking on the "Kudos" tab. Go ahead, give 'em kudos right now! Zimbio ranks high in search engines. Facebook Facebook is a relationship-building social media site. Spare the pitch tweets here; it ain't that type of site.. Stick to sending out cash gifting related content. Build relationships. Be sociable. Treat people like people, not prospects. Set up a personal profile and a Fan Page. Leave links to the Fan Page on your blog and other social networking sites. Be persistent in using these lead generating methods. Slow and steady wins the race here. Refrain from using crappy competitive marketing tactics and you can draw leads to your cash gifting program like bees to honey. 18 Chapter 10 How to Become a Cash Gifting Champion To be a cash gifting champion you need to understand the idea behind the private work at home activity. Give before receiving. Know how the practice of cash gifting works. A sum of money is offered freely - without coercion or consideration, strictly as a gift. A cash gift is not an investment, loan or payment for goods and services. Cash gifting champions know not to expect something in return for their gift. I signed gifting and non-solicitation forms stating the nature of the money changing hands. I didn't pledge with a "what's in it for me" mindset. I gave freely, knowing that my giving freely is the prospering factor. A champion teaches other sponsors how to responsibly share the opportunity of cash gifting. Gifting is not get rich quick. It's not make money online. It's not affiliate marketing, or a home based business. It's an invite-only activity among people who believe in the spirit of giving. Legit cash gifting sponsors offer their own product or can direct new mentors to a proven cash gifting system that generates leads. Be transparent. Cash gifting is an activity built on trust. To build trust open up. Maintain a presence on social networking sites like Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. Complete your profile. 19 Be thorough. Use the principle of attraction marketing. Like-minded people are drawn to similar people. How can others get to really know you if you don't open up? Be persistent. Cash gifting champions experience ups, downs, and everywhere in between. Top mentors persist through the good and the bad. Become fluent in cash gifting-speak. Replace the word "business" with activity. Don't use the word "income." Cash gifts are not exchanged for a good or service. Don't use the word "profit." With time and practice it becomes easier to use the proper terminology when describing cash gifting to a new sponsor. Don't resort to competitive marketing practices like over-hyping the activity. Don't film endless videos of yourself counting cash. Anybody can borrow money to count, and truth be told if you are counting money in front of others, hoping to pressure them into joining your activity, you're not too rich. The wealthiest don't have to flaunt it and they surely don't have to try to wow others with lame advertising techniques. Do it the right way. Share gifting in a responsible light. Be a cash gifting champion. 20 Chapter 11 How to Advertise Cash Gifting on Youtube You can't! Youtube forbids cash gifting videos. I advertise my cash gifting opportunity on Yahoo Videos. So far, so good. Here's how to advertise cash gifting using videos. Keep It Short Short and sweet wins here. Most viewers tell me they prefer the short and punchy nature of my videos. 3 minutes tops. Anything over and the attention span goes. Unless you give off unreal energy it's difficult to command an audience with anything over 3 minutes. Some of my cash gifting videos are under 30 seconds. Short, sweet and to the point. You can't delve into cash gifting too deeply anyway. Outside of a few basic definitions in gifting it's tough to shoot a full length motion picture. Hey Scorcese, enough already! Light On The Hype, Heavy On The Facts Tell me, how does me counting hundred dollar bills benefit you? Teaching you HOW to generate cash so that you can count the Benjies benefits you. It's why I offer a Free 21 Day Marketing Boot Camp before you even decide to pledge a cash gift. 21 I've learned that each kind, valuable act is prospered. The more freely I give - no strings attached - the more I'm prospered. Of course I want you on my cash gifting team. To learn more click on the link in the resource box and I'll send you email updates of my Boot Camp along with a free tour of The People's Program. As for as the cash counting crowd, if that's all they have to offer I let karma deal with them. Even if you part a fool from their money look out! Karma is always in effect. Try to cheat someone and watch how quickly you experience the negative bounce back effect. You can't fool the universe. Doctor Up Your Description Box The description box should be treated like a resource box. Include a link to your blog. Leave a short description of the video. Also leave a key word or phrase to benefit your video's SEO. Take time in crafting the box so that prospects are drawn to what you have to offer. Figuring out how to advertise cash gifting is not brain surgery. No product to sell here, no service to describe. Convey the message of paying it forward and you can prosper. 22 Chapter 12 Don't Be a Dingbat! How to Write Intelligent Articles in 3 Simple Steps What's an intelligent article? An article based on keywords. An article that's entertaining. An article that provides usable content. Figure out how to write intelligent articles by keeping these factors in mind. Intelligent articles attract attention. Think eyeballs. No....not the peeled grapes in a bowl Halloween trick. Eyeballs on your article! Non-intelligent articles don't use keywords. Poor headlines are a symptom here too. Intelligent articles think for themselves. No, they're not written just to put another piece of worthless content on the web. No way. Intelligent articles are written with a purpose in mind. Keywords Build your article around a keyword. Mention the keyword - or key phrase - 3 to 4 times for a 400 word article. Mention it once in the first paragraph, once in the last paragraph and a few times in between. Avoid awkward usage of the keyword. Sprinkle it in at the right spot. Search for non-competitive keywords. No need to go up against the big dogs. 23 Entertaining Be an entertainer. Nobody likes a bland article. If we want to watch paint dry, we'll watch paint dry. Inject passion into your article. Breathe your passion into it. A force behind your words exists, and this force becomes stronger as your passion grows. Entertainers write interesting headlines. Showmen and show women are witty, clever and put a stamp on their work. Usable Content Make your content usable. Your stuff can be entertaining as heck. Maybe you wrote a killer headline. Then you backed it up with a funny article that elicited a few chuckles from crowd. But what if your readers got nothing out of it, save a few laughs? Fluff is fluff. It's weak stuff. Most articles on the web are fluff, or at least recycled fluff. When stuff isn't fluff it's usually killer content. Can your readers put your knowledge into action immediately? Make sure the content is usable, and valuable. Valuable content is value-added. Add value to enough people's lives and you become valuable. Follow these steps. Forget writing for the sake of writing an article. Focus on how to write intelligent articles and watch how your readership grows. 24 Chapter 13 How to Count Cash Gifts on a Daily Basis with 3 Easy Steps Cash gifting offers a marked change-up to a work at home business. No product or service is offered by a cash gifting program. No recruiting or selling is allowed in gifting. You can count cash gifts frequently by understanding the nature of the activity. Cash gifting is offering a declared sum of money - strictly as a gift - without coercion or consideration. The money is not an investment, loan or payment for goods and services. You can count cash gifts on a daily basis by follow these 3 easy steps. Meet People Meet increasing numbers of people each day. Sounds simple but it's necessary to state the obvious. You can meet people through various channels: social networking sites, blogs, commenting on articles. You might meet people by writing articles that climb google's rankings. Prospects might come to you. Or you can plug in to a proven system. Hands-free cash generation. Spend Cash Freely The caveat: only spend cash that you have. Don't go into debt but don't fear going into the poor house if you spend a few extra bucks. Spend cash freely receive cash in increasing amounts. That's the way it works. 25 Most screw up the process. Holding onto cash or spending it fearfully gives off the vibe of lack. If you feel lacking you will lack. Your results always mirror your deepest feelings. You can't fool the universe. Express Gratitude The blessing of cash gifting is that so much work is done with activity in the mental realm. Doing things like expressing gratitude for the cash you have can help to bring more cash to you. You don't have to be an expert in anything with cash gifting, unlike a business where you have to learn your product inside-out if you expect to generate substantial cash flow. If you choose to plug in to a system you won't have to do any marketing at all. Your chore will be counting cash. The really successful cash gifting sponsors receive cash gifts on a daily basis because they are aligned with a worthy cause. People sharing the gift of freedom without any strings attached is what gifting is about. Understand this and you too can count cash gifts on a daily basis. 26 Chapter 14 Follow My 3 Easy Steps to Get Past the Nightmare of No Cash Gifts I was blessed to have prospered as a cash gifting sponsor within the first month. I did however go extended periods without receiving cash gifts while financial responsibilities pulled at me. I know how it feels to be broke. I killed my fear of not receiving cash gifts by following these 3 easy steps. Check Your Email Once Per Day Don't ever check your email more than once per day. Obsessive email checking creates stress. How many opt-in's today? How many gifts? When will they come? Stress, stress, stress. Kill stress by creating and forget about checking your email every 5 minutes. Sometimes I didn't check my email for 3 days. I decided to dissolve attachments by letting go. I had to let go of the anxiety that drove me to fixate on visiting my inbox. Creation Kills Stress Creation kills stress on contact. To prosper you must prosper others and creating in the form of article writing, blog posting and filming videos prospers your target audience. Cash gifting is a fun activity. If you're not receiving gifts and gifting has become a drag you're simply not creating enough. 27 Don't let a day pass without writing an article, blog post, shooting a video or chatting about cash gifting on social networking sites like twitter, Facebook or LinkenIn. Use blogging sites like Wordpress, Blogger, Zimbio or Tumblr to post informative cash gifting related updates. Lighten Up Do you meditate? Meditation promotes piece of mind and a general detachment from events of the day, especially detachment from any set outcome. Set aside 20 minutes per day to meditate. Find a quiet spot. Sit with your back straight. Follow your breathing. When your attention is grabbed by something - a thought of feeling - simply observe and let go. Don't hold onto the feeling or thoughts. Learn to be an observer of your thoughts. When letting go on a consistent basis it becomes easier to get through extended periods of not receiving cash gifts. 28 Chapter 15 Don't Use These 3 Words to Describe a Cash Gift Cash gifting includes some madness. Why? Some sponsors don't know how to explain the process of gifting. Combine this with the fact some gifting clubs offer pledges up to $10,000 and you have the recipe for misinformed prospects and some hype. Cash gifting is offering a declared sum of cash strictly as a gift. The money is offered without coercion or consideration. It might take you a few days to learn proper cash gifting terminology. Don't sweat it if you don't pick up these words right away. Investment A cash gift is not an investment. New sponsors mistakenly use the phrase "What's the initial investment?" I am quick to correct the newbie error. Be up front with your prospects. Let them know no investment is made. The one exception is that some clubs charge a yearly admin fee to cover the costs of auto responder and back office services. Don't look for a return on your gift. No percentage should be promised. You are entitled to receive cash gifts and most sponsors prosper handsomely with cash gifting, receiving upwards of $20,000 per month with the private activity. If you share the opportunity you will receive cash gifts but these are not to be viewed as a return. Just understand what a cash gift is and more importantly what a cash gift isn't. 29 Loan Expect nothing in return for you gift. You aren't loaning the money to a cash gifting club. Don't expect interest. The sum of money changing hands is a gift offered freely, without any coercion or consideration. Gifting and non-solicitation forms verify the nature of the money changing hands. Payment A cash gift is not a payment for goods and services. No exchange takes place. Offering a cash gift entitles you to nothing; it's not an entry fee, nor does the gift offer you access to the club's back office. Since cash gifting is not a business no payments are involved, save the paying of an admin fee. Do your due diligence to avoid cash gifting madness. Get the facts and prosper. 30 Chapter 16 7 Warnings Signaling You're Dealing with a Bernie MadoffLike Cash Gifting Sponsor I look at the bright side of cash gifting. Where your attention and energy goes expands. It makes little sense to dwell on the negative unless you want more of it. With that in mind let's look at 10 cash gifting red flags. Little Bernie Madoff's do exist in cash gifting. Their sole intent: parting you from your money. #1 Shadowy Handles I wouldn't pledge a cash gift to Mr. X. Why the hell would you? #2 Shadowy Pictures Avatar = Dingbat. Please don't pledge to someone who doesn't show their face. #3 Shady Club Does the club look like an investment vehicle? Business? Is the club advertised as a business? Cash gifting is an activity. It's private in nature. No selling of a good or service here. Steer Clear. 31 #4 Hype Train The club might be legit but if they only offer hype be wary. If they don't show you how to prosper why would you trust them? They should have YOUR best interests at heart #5 No Telephone Number Even before I knew diddly-poo-poo about working on line I knew never to trust someone who doesn't provide a phone number. If I can't talk to them over the phone, I don't trust them. #6 No Real Web Presence This one is debatable but cash gifting clubs are usually online activities these days. Without an online presence - twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or articles and maybe a blog - I would be wary of the sponsor. #7 A Jerk Funny, right? I would never trust a jerk. Who wants to work with a jerk? Really. Some sponsors are jerks, just like people. OK, without being overly judgmental some cash gifting mentors aren't too fun to deal with. If you're going to deal with someone on a consistent basis why not make it a nice person? Cash gifting can be the most prospering of work at home opportunities. There's no product to push on anybody. No service to learn. No heavy recruiting, no cold calling. You receive cash gifts for inviting people to a website, for introducing new sponsors to a prosperity stream. 32 Do your homework. Find a reputable sponsor, a reputable club and pledge your gift with no strings attached. Give freely, receive generously. 33 Chapter 17 6 Disgusting Ways to Pitch Your Home Based Opportunity Contrary to popular belief, it's possible to pitch your home based opportunity without cramming it down somebody's throat. Here's how it works: add value, receive value. Want traffic? Offer usable content on a consistent basis. Promote your business associates' stuff - aka, "the competition", in some circles - as much as your own stuff. Be persistent and do it the right way. Here's how to do it the wrong way. #1 Cramming It Down The Gullet Don't shove your opportunity down someone's throat. If they like the taste, they'll take a nibble. Maybe a bite if your presentation is solid enough. #2 Facebook Wall Ads OK, into specifics. Advertising your opportunity on someone else's Facebook wall is a no-no. It's like squatting in their living room and.....well, you know. Yes, that disrespectful. #3 Hyper Tweeters Hell yeah, I super tweet with the best of them. I've somehow avoided carpal tunnel syndrome up to now but I've never been a jerky tweeter. I tweet 98% pure content. The remaining 2% are pitch tweets, and even these tweets come with a neat freebie. 34 Only tweeting your affiliate link or home based opportunity is appalling. Don't do it. #4 Comment Drive-By's If you run a blog you know what I'm saying. Comment drive-by's. "Hey nice post great job ok gotta go one more back link on to the next post." What goes around comes around. Use somebody to get a back link and expect crickets to be your only audience. # 5 Squeeze/Squirm Pages Squeeze pages that cause you to squirm are nauseating. Offering hyped-up claims without backing up these gaudy numbers is lame. Anybody can spew out trumped up claims. Few can back them up with anything of substance. Yeah I know. We all have to build a list. Offer something of substance besides the style. # 6 Being Everywhere Without Being Anywhere We've seen folks who expand their presence the right way. It seems like they're everywhere, adding value to each and every conversation. We admire these home based opportunity entrepreneurs. Then we have people who are everywhere without being anywhere. Yeah, we see them everywhere but ignore them instantly. Their weak ads are plastered everywhere, using every poor technique possible. 35 I'm saying they combine methods 1 - 6. They are visible yet we want to make them invisible because they are desperate, annoying and going about marketing in the absolute worst way possible. The # 6 crowd tries to get before giving. This is an impossibility. Getting before you give is not the natural way to live. Give freely of yourself and your talents and you will have no problem pitching your home based opportunity. 36 Chapter 18 7 Words Your Cash Gifting Program Shouldn't Use Cash gifting programs should avoid certain no-no words. It's vital to establish the difference between cash gifting clubs and other home based ventures. Gifting is a private activity. No good or service is offered by a legitimate cash gifting club. Cash gifting is not get rich quick nor is it a scam. It's people helping people with the gift of freedom. Money is freedom in green pants: cash allows you to have more, do more and be more. Offering a cash gift is a kind act. Business Cash gifting is not a business. A gifting club doesn't offer a product or service. A gifting group should never be advertised as a business. Some new sponsors might make this mistake but be sure to correct your new pledges to avoid any confusion. Investment Your cash gift is not an investment. It does not entitle you to anything. Your cash gifting program is under no obligation to offer you anything because the sum of money offered is simply a gift. 37 Profit No profit is to be had with cash gifting. There is no "bottom line" on a cash gift. It's a sum of money offered to help someone. Income The word income should not be used on a cash gifting site. You don't generate income with cash gifting. You receive prosperity. Gifting offers you the ability to open a prosperity stream. Recruiting Legitimate cash gifting clubs strictly forbid recruiting. You shouldn't convince someone to give you a cash gift. Heavy recruitment tactics are discouraged in cash gifting. Selling No selling exists within a cash gifting club. Any marketing service offered on a cash gifting program's web site must be via a third party outfit. Company A cash gifting system is not a company. No management, no hierarchy, no corporate ladder. Cash gifting mentors enter a club on a level playing field. No advantages, no politics, no management. Each person receives an equal opportunity to receive cash gifts. 38 Chapter 19 5 Tools a Cash Gifting Program Back Office Should Include A powerful cash gifting program is a professional cash gifting program. No dinky websites or hyped up claims here. Look for the real deal. Check out your club's back office. Does it look professional? Auto Responder A free auto responder aids in tracking your campaign. Build a list. Direct prospects to your website. Record names, emails and telephone numbers of each prospect via your auto responder. Top flight clubs offer an auto responder already built into your web site. No messy coding on your end. Marketing Tutorials Marketing tutorials are a must. Learn how to share the opportunity with others. Cash gifting is marketing. After pledging find similar people seeking a prosperity stream. Cash gifting programs usually offer strong advertising tools. Plug in systems are made available. Free advertising methods are included too. Look for text lessons, videos and live calls. 39 Gift Tracking System Track gifts to ensure each party receives their fair share. Clubs typically use a 1 Up, No Up or Hybrid Residual cash flow structure. Each strategy dictates members receive certain percentages of each gift. A cash gifting program worth its weight in salt invests in a proven gift tracking system. Admin Contact An admin contact form should show up in the back office. Trouble with your website? Email the admin. Feel free to ask questions about sponsors, club policy, etc. The contact form should be easy to find. The admin needs to be responsive: a response within 1 day is reasonable. Newsletter Feature When building a list send out newsletters. Publish newsletters on at least a weekly basis. Built relationships with your list. Don't forget your subscribers. A legitimate cash gifting program offers an email newsletter feature. Keep your list up to date on the latest marketing methods, inform subscribers of your live call schedule or simply drop a note asking for questions. 40 Chapter 20 4 Easy Steps to Turn Your Cash Gifting Program into a Money Making Machine A cash gifting program can become a money making machine by following 4 easy steps. Follow each step to a T. Don't look for shortcuts. Look for a quick buck and you are sure to be burned. Contrary to popular belief there are no free lunches. If you want to get rich quick be prepared to go broke even more quickly. Fast money rolls in and out like the tide. Be Transparent Cash gifting is a private work at home activity built on trust. Be transparent. Put yourself out there. Don't hide anything. To develop trust be up front. Tell your story and don't hesitate to reveal all relevant details. Set up accounts on social networks like Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. Write personalized profiles. Be open. Use attraction marketing to your advantage. Don't tell your friends *every*thing about yourself. Be relevant but don't hesitate to share interesting aspects of your personality. 41 Give Cash Freely The universe prospers those who give freely. Give a cash gift freely and you can't help but to be prospered. The universe pegs you as a wealthy person. Doesn't matter what the numbers in your bank account look like now. It matters how you feel when giving. Soon, reality mirrors your mental state. Never give anything with strings attached. Don't be stingy unless you want the universe to be stingy with you. Pick A Prospering Cash Gifting Community Money cash gifting clubs are strong communities. Mentors build a strong back office including proven marketing tutorials. Communities work together. Communities understand the spirit of cash gifting: giving. Legit programs offer a free comprehensive tour of the club. Find out how the system shares gifts. Does the club charge an admin fee? Give freely, receive generously. Share Cash Gifting Responsibility Cash gifting is not a business. The activity is not MLM or affiliate marketing. Gifting is not get rich quick. Gifting is not people counting cash that just arrived via overnight courier. Cash gifting is one person helping another person with the gift of freedom 42 Money is freedom in green pants: it allows you to do more, have more and be more. Offering the gift of freedom is a kind act that prospers the giver and receiver. 43 Chapter 21 3 Simple Tips to Become a Cash Gifting Money Magnet Cash gifting prospers those who understand the true nature of the activity: people sharing the gift of freedom. Money is freedom in green pants; it allows you to have more, do more and be more. Offering the gift of cash is a kind act. It can mean using the money towards paying the bills or a down payment on a car as some cash gifting clubs offer levels up to $10,000 per cash gift. Cash gifting is not get rich quick. Gifting is not MLM or affiliate marketing. The activity is not a home based business. A business focuses on exchanging money for a good or service. A cash gift is not an investment, loan or payment for goods and services. It's a sum of money intended to help someone. Give Freely Give cash freely. Giving freely increases the flow of cash to you. Wealthy people became wealthy because they gave of themselves and their fortunes freely. Give with strings attached to block the flow of abundance to you. When holding on to money you haven't made space for more money to arrive. Let go and grow. Bless Money Bless your money. That which is blessed increases. Blessing is a simple way to increase your cash gifting presents. Take a few minutes to say a little prayer. 44 The prayer need now be fancy or thorough. A simple "Thanks for this and thanks for all that is on the way," will suffice. The feeling you experience while praying determines the effectiveness of the prayer. Pray from a place of lack and no matter how much you pray, lack is on the way. Pray from a place of abundance and prosperity finds its way into your life. Adopt An Attitude Of Service Set an intent to be a servant to your team. Aim to have each of your pledges exceed you. Don't hold back. Share all of your marketing tips. Give freely of your knowledge. Encourage your team to share cash gifting in a responsible light. Provide your team with training materials and inspiration to succeed. Be sure members have access to your club's back office. 45 Chapter 22 3 Easy Steps to Becoming a More Transparent Work at Home Cash Gifting Mentor Work at home cash gifting is built on trust. For a pledge to offer a cash gift freely they need to trust the person they're offering the gift to. Being transparent builds trust. It's difficult to be distrustful of a person who has nothing to hide. There's little to pick at, little to be wary of. Suspicions about a person's intent usually dissolve as they become more open. A cash gifting mentor can built trust by following a few simple steps. Set Up Accounts On Social Networks Set up accounts on twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. All are free social networking sites. Be transparent. Share yourself. Set up a comprehensive profile. Don't try to hide. The online audience can spot a scammer from a mile away. They also know someone who doesn't believe fully in themselves or how they choose to make a living. We detect these feelings on a subconscious level. Things may appear a certain way but our knowing tells us otherwise. Provide Usable Content Don't just provide any old content. Offer stuff that helps your readers. Share knowledge your readers can put into use immediately. Help them to attract gifts. Teach your audience how to share cash gifting responsibly. 46 Add value, become valuable. How to articles are popular. Provide step by step, easy to follow instruction. Sit to write an article with a goal in mind. Seek to solve a problem. See to add value to your reader's lives. Meet People As your social networking sphere grows so does your influence. Social proof can sway even the strongest critics. Numbers might lie but in most cases they don't. Social proof can do worlds for your transparency. Meet people. Then meet some more. Build relationships. Network marketing is connections. Be quick to spread the word about your associate's opportunities and they usually won't hesitate to do the same for you. 47 Chapter 23 3 Simple Ways to Send People to Your Cash Gifting Site for Free As a new cash gifting sponsor consider using a few free advertising methods. Plugging into a proven system creates an unending stream of prospects to your website. Focus on targeted leads. Tire kickers are a waste of time. You want people who are genuinely interested in a work at home opportunity. You can receive cash gifts for inviting people to your club. That's it. That's how gifting works. The next step is determining how to invite people to your work at home program. As mentioned you need access to a proven system. The 3 strategies I'll share today helped to prosper me to the $7500 level of my club within my first month as a sponsor. Facebook Facebook is a free social networking website. Build relationships of Facebook. Be transparent. Be open to use attraction marketing to your benefit. Save the pitches. Facebook is not a pitching type network. People are viewed as spammers rather quickly if they don't bring value to the table. 48 Twitter Twitter is the Wild West of social networking. You have 140 characters to get the word out. Be creative. Craft impact tweets. Don't hop into the spam fest that twitter degrades into at various stages of the day. RT. Engage. Be human. Be a person not a profile. People do business with people, not profiles. Ignore the number of people following you. Instead, pay attention to the people following you. Cash Gifting Angels Cash Gifting Angels is the Facebook of cash gifting social networking sites. Build relationships. Add content in the form of usable posts. Help others prosper with cash gifting and you can generate free leads. Upload blog posts, videos and pictures. Start cash gifting groups. Build a community. Angels stresses to promote your opportunity responsibly. Since cash gifting is not a work at home business never portray the activity in such a way. 49 Chapter 24 3 Reasons Why Cash Gifting Is Not a Pyramid Scheme Cash gifting is not a pyramid scheme. Don't let cash gifting watch-dogs fool you. Although various groups masquerading as gifting clubs do occasionally make some waves the majority of cash gifting programs are simply people helping people with the gift of freedom. Cash gifting is offering a declared sum of cash - strictly as a gift - without coercion or consideration. The sum is not an investment, loan or payment for goods and services. Gifting And Non-Solicitation Forms Gifting and non-solicitation forms provided by a cash gifting program state the nature of the money being offered. Make sure that your club provides both forms. Sign and date each form. Send copies with your gift and save copies of each for your own records. Keep these forms on file for tax purposes. It's Not A Business Cash gifting is not a business. It's a private, invitation only activity. Since gifting isn't a business there is no product or service being offered. If a gifting club advertises itself as a business then the pyramid scheme argument holds weight. If however the cash gifting program explicitly states the nature of the activity within the website there is no argument. 50 Make sure your gifting club tells it like it is. No selling, no recruiting, no business. Just a private, invitation-only activity involving people sharing cash with one another. Private Sharing Clubs Do you really feel most cash gifting clubs are scam ventures, their members out to attack unsuspecting victims? Most cash gifting programs are groups of kind people who seek to share the gift of freedom. If gifting isn't for you, fine. You won't be recruited or convinced to join a gifting club by a reputable sponsor. The few home based scams misrepresenting themselves as cash gifting clubs are the cause of watchdogs declaring gifting a pyramid scheme. Strict due diligence allows you to weed out these bad apples. 51 Chapter 25 3 Reasons to Work at Home with Cash Gifting Work at home cash gifting is an enticing opportunity. The home based business crowd might seek to set up a passive prosperity stream with gifting. Others might want to start cash gifting as a full time activity. Either way, private sharing clubs are growing in popularity during these financial times. Cash gifting is offering a declared sum of cash strictly as a gift. The money is not an investment, loan of payment for goods and services. Sharing clubs provide you with a creative way to prosper yourself and others. Each sponsor has an equal opportunity to prosper. No Product Or Service Cash gifting doesn't involve the selling or a product or service. You don't have to become an expert in the intricacies of a good. Work at home businesses are centered around a product. To become an effective seller you need to know the good inside-out. Cash gifting is offering a sum of money and sharing the opportunity with others. You don't need to be an authority to succeed. No Cold Calling Cash gifting forbids recruiting. Cold calling is not allowed. You don't have to experience the uncomfortable feeling of aggressively prospecting leads. No pressurized phone calls or attitudes from folks who don't appreciate cold calls. 52 Give The Gift Of Freedom Money is freedom in green pants. Offering money as a gift allows the receiving party to do more, have more and be more. Offering money is a kind act. It can mean a few extra dollars to be put toward paying the bills or a larger gift can mean a down payment on a big ticket item. Money generates different emotions in us but you can't deny the fact that it is freedom. Money dissolves bonds that hold you down: with enough money - acquired in harmony with universal laws - you are free. Free to travel, free to enjoy whatever you want to enjoy, free to live the life of your dreams. Cash gifting offers an alternative to a work at home business. No product or service to sell, simply offer a cash gift and share the opportunity with others. 53 Chapter 26 3 Quick Ways to Make Money with Cash Gifting Cash gifting offers an alternative to a traditional work at home opportunity. To make money with cash gifting understand the private work at home activity. No good to sell. No product to learn. No recruiting, or cold calling or persuasive selling tactics involved with gifting. Cash gifting is offering a declared sum of cash without coercion or consideration. The sum of money is not an investment, loan or payment for goods and services. Release Your Cash Gifts Freely That which is released freely returns multiplied. Release your cash gifts. Don't be stingy. Don't give with strings attached. Don't give without trusting. Each emotions creates the feeling of lack. That vibration creates lack in your life. Feel how a wealthy person feels when spending cash: give it away freely for you don't worry that the cash will run out. Yeah I know, it takes some mental gymnastics to do this at first but's worth it. Work at home cash gifting starts with a free pledge, offered without coercion or consideration. 54 Be Transparent Be open. Don't hide anything. When transparent you use the principle of attraction marketing. Likeminded people find you with greater ease because they see you. They get to know the true you. Never hide your face, or your background. Be honest in dealing with others. Honesty is the best financial policy. Fill out your entire profile. Get into the details. Individuals who aren't afraid to express themselves generate the most interest. As a cash gifting sponsor it's important to build trust. Being open builds trust quickly and easily. Select A Helpful Club The final step to make money with cash gifting is to find a reputable club. Gifting communities usually provide helpful marketing tutorials that help you to make money with cash gifting relatively quickly. Demand comprehensive marketing tutorials. Look for a proven lead generating system. Find out how your club helps new sponsors. Cash gifting programs meet in the spirit of giving. Top sponsors gravitate toward top clubs and share the knowledge freely. 55 Chapter 27 3 Cash Gifting Delivery Methods Cash gifting means offering a gift without coercion or consideration. The gift is not a loan, investment or payment for goods and services. Cash gifting is not an internet business. The activity is not MLM or affiliate marketing. A gifting group is a private sharing club. Individuals in gifting meet in the spirit of giving. Legit groups are collectives of kind people who know that giving is the prospering act. Receiving takes care of itself when giving freely. Since cash gifting is a private activity individuals decide how the gifts are sent and received. Both parties may work out a delivery method to their liking. Overnight Courier Cash in the mail without making a sale. Send cash gifts via overnight courier. 2 Day is OK for some clubs. Send your cash gift in a magazine or book to ensure a secure delivery. Make a trip from your bank to the local UPS or Fed Ex Store. If your sponsor lives within close proximity it's advisable to send your cash gift ground. Pay less for shipping. Most clubs recommend sending cash gifts via overnight courier. 56 Western Union Western Union can send cash gifts. Fees may apply. Western Union is a delivery method for overseas cash gifting in most cases. Conversions are handled by WU. A good deal for international cash gifters. State-side gifts can be send Western Union as well but fees might hinder U.S. residents when they can simply send gifts via Fed Ex or UPS. Paypal Accept or send cash gifts through paypal. Simply supply your email and confirm when the gift hits your account. Paypal is one of the quicker and easier ways to send cash gifts. No delays. Some fees may apply for certain transactions; work this out with your sponsor or new pledge. Set up a paypal account today. Use a secure email address. 57 Chapter 28 3 Different Types of Cash Gifting Programs Cash gifting programs are growing in popularity. Opening a prosperity stream from the comfort of your home without having to sell or recruit appeals to home based workers. Cash gifting doesn't require that you learn a product or service. You don't have to pitch anyone. You receive cash pledges from inviting people to a gifting club. Since gifting is an invitation only activity you decide who to invite. No pressure to meet quotas or numbers at month's end with cash gifting. The Couple Of Extra Bucks Program The internet abounds with $25 and lower per cash gift clubs. If you want to attract a few extra bucks these groups might be for you. Such clubs usually adopt a matrix style of sharing gifts. Understand how the sharing works before pledging. Make sure your sponsor explains the process. Don't expect to get rich with these programs; that's not the point anyway. These clubs are for folks interested in gaining some spending money or covering less expensive bills. 58 The Mid-Level Program Mid-level cash gifting clubs offer gifts from $100 - $3500. Magnetic Cash Gifting is one example. Mid-level clubs are attractive in that they cater to new as well as established work at home entrepreneurs. Most can afford to offer a $100 pledge then upgrade as more gifts come in. Mid-level programs are fairly popular due to low entry costs and upgrade potential. The Higher Rollers Program High roller programs offer gifting levels up to $10,000 and higher. The Peoples Program is one such club. Gifts range from $150 to $10,000. TPP offers affordable cash gifting and the power of leveraging with its unique credit system. You are upgraded to any pledge above your current level. This means that if you are at the $150 level and someone pledges $8000 your way you are automatically bumped up to the $8000 level without having to pledge a cent. The leveraging power of the TPP makes it a favorite among cash gifting programs. Begin generating cash now. Don't wait! Click on this link and type in your email address. I will send you my Free Marketing Boot Camp and you will receive access to The Peoples Program cash gifting club: The Peoples Program 59