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Honorary Consulate Of Romanian Newsletter 1


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Honorary Consulate of Romania Newsletter JUNE 29, 2016 CONTENTS VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1 Honorary Consulate of Romania Hotel Suisse #30, Sangarajah Mawatha, Kandy, Sri Lanka. Phone: +94 81 5633 923 Fax: +94 81 5633 823 ROMANIA COUNTRY PROFILE – PAGE 2 ROMANIAN BUSINESS OFFERS – PAGE 3 - 5 Bran Castle TRADE EXHIBITIONS September – October 2016 – PAGE 4 - 5 TOURISM – PAGE 6 HIGHER EDUCATION IN ROMANIA – PAGE 7 NEWS – PAGE 8 – 9 mailto:[email protected] Expo Level 3, Prince Alfred Tower, #10, Alfred House Gardens, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka Higher educatio n Office of the Honorary Consul Of Romania in Kandy Trade Tel: +94 11 4523 640 Mobile: +94 772 752 905 Honorary Consulate of Romania official website Facebook In this first newsletter we aim to present to the readers the Country and the opportunities available in trade and higher education.    Official name: Romania Area (km2): 237 500 Population: 19.94 million (2014,     Jan.) Capital: Bucharest National holiday: 01 December Currency: Romanian Leu Date of joining European Union: 01 1  January 2007 Head of state: Klaus Iohannis; since   21 December 2014 GDP (mil. €): 150,230.1 (2016, Jan.) GDP per capita: € 7,500 (2015,  Dec.) Real GDP growth rate (percentage ROMANIA COUNTRY PROFILE Romania, in Southeast Europe, is mountainous in the north, while the main feature in the south is the vast Danube valley. change on previous year): 2.8% The river forms a delta as it approaches the Black Sea, which is a (2014 est.) Unemployment rate: 6.8% (2014 wildlife reserve for countless native and migratory birds.   est.) Public debt (mil. €): 39.8 (2014 est.) The Romanian parliament consists of two chambers, the Senate (Senatul), which has 140 members, and the Chamber of Deputies (Camera Deputaţilor), which has 345 members. The members of both chambers are chosen in elections held every four years. Ethnically, the population is approx. 90% Romanian, 7% Hungarian and 3% other minorities. The Romanian language, like a number of others in southern Europe, is directly descended from Latin, although Slav speaking countries separate Romania from other Romanic- language countries. Romania has considerable natural resources – oil, natural gas, coal, iron, copper and bauxite. Metalworking, petrochemicals and mechanical engineering are the main industries. In food, Romanian specialties include grilled meatballs, pork stew with garlic and onions and doughnuts made with cream and cheese. The spine-chilling tale of Dracula is based on the 15th century Romanian Count Vlad Dracul whose son was famous in wartime for impaling captured enemies. Well-known Romanians include the writer Eugene Ionesco, the gymnast Nadia Comaneci and the composer George Enesco. (Source: National Institute of Statistics, Eurostat; The World Factbook ) 2 BUSINESS OFFERS Company name: POERNER ROMANIA SRL Primary line of business: Engineering Services Contact details: Str. Ing. V. Cristescu nr.8; 021985 Bucuresti, SECTOR 2 TEL: +40.244.529151 FAX: +40.244.529299 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: Representative: Michael VOLKMANN, CEO Daniela ANDREI, Head of Procurement Description: The complete range of engineering services includes: Studies, Licensing, Budgeting, 3 D Laser Scanning, Financing, Safety and Risk Analyses, Authority Engineering, Basic Engineering, Detail Engineering, Procurement and Supply of components and materials, Project management, Commissioning, Training of plant operatives, Documentation. Interested in: Pörner Romania provides engineering services for the design, construction and commissioning of complex and technologically innovative plants for refineries, petrochemical plants, special chemical plants but also for sectors, such as the power, pharmaceutical and environmental industries 3 BUSINESS OFFERS INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIRS September - October 2016 Company name: KUMA ROMANIA SRL  AGROMALIM 2016 International Fair for Agriculture, Foodstuff Industry, Packaging and Related Services Venue - Expo Arad International Date - Sept. 08 - 11, 2016 Contact - [email protected]  BIFE – SIM International Fair for Furniture, Wooden Products, Furniture Fittings, Interior Decorations; Forest Exploitation and Wood Processing Venue – Romexpo, Bucharest Date – Sept 14 – 18, 2016 Website -  EXPO PLAST Plastic Processing Industry Trade Show Venue – Romexpo, Bucharest Date – Sept 27 – 30, 2016 Website – Expo plast  MODEXPO International exhibition of textiles, ready-made clothes, leather goods, furs, footwear and leatherwear, accessories Venue – Romexpo, Bucharest Date – Sept 29 – Oct 02, 2016 Website –  TIB Primary line of business: Producer of washbasins, kitchen concepts, special countertops and window sills in composites and exporter Contact details: Str. Stupini, nr. 85B; 107050 Banesti, PRAHOVA TEL: +40.244.348596 FAX: +40.244.348595 E-MAIL: [email protected]; [email protected] WEBSITE: Representative: Camelia OLESEN, Executive Director Description: KUMA Romania SRL is a Danish – Romanian company established in 1998, it is part of KUMA HOLDING, which contains also other brand products like NORDLINES® and REKTOR®. Danish minimalist design and technology and the local manufacturing standards and values enable us to provide high quality products for the Romania and Scandinavian market. Kuma Strengths: • Shape and dimension at customer demands • Modern technology • Up-to-date models • Client orientation • Unique products • Exclusive design • Focus on high quality products • Developing new models together with our partners • Use of highly resistant material Interested in: TRADE-agreed supplier for projects; KUMA produces custom made products for projects: hotels, office buildings, airports, malls, hospitals, offering high quality designed products Bucharest International Technical Fair Venue – Romexpo, Bucharest Date – Oct. 12 - 15, 2016 Website - Kitchen Furniture 4 Bath Cabinets BUSINESS OFFERS INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIRS September - October 2016 Company name: EUCASTING RO SRL  ExpoEnergiE Primary Line of Business: Casting of light metals, Export parts of aluminum International fair for renewable energy, conventional energy, equipment and technologies for oil and natural gas Contact details: Str. Mr. Gheorghe Sontu nr. 8B, Pitesti, ARGES TEL: +40.248.615413 FAX: +40.248.223659 E-MAIL: [email protected]; [email protected] WEBSITE: Venue – Romexpo, Bucharest Date – Oct. 12 – 14, 2016 Website -  Representative: Federica MAPELLI, Administrator Andreea CASANDRA, Deputy Manager TEL: +40730021548 Railf-Romcontrola 2016 The Romanian Automation & Instrumentation and Laboratory Equipment Fair - Exhibition and Symposium. Products/services for import from Romania: Technological cooperation, research and development, product development, joint venture, partnerships, subcontracting, transfer of know-how and technology, trade intermediary, others. Venue – Romexpo, Bucharest Date – Oct. 12 – 14, 2016 Website – Raif-Romcontrola  BICO INDUSTRIES SRL - Primary Line of Business: Manufacturing and distribution of thermo and hydro insulation systems.  EMS FLOOR SYSTEMS SRL - Primary Line of Business: Professional flooring solutions.  METALTRADE GROUP - Primary Line of Business: Port operations and production and processing activities of primary materials for construction.  POLARIS-ANSERV SRL - Primary Line of Business: Service provider to the Oil, Gas and Energy sectors.  IRUM SA - Primary Line of Business: Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery (skidders).  ADISAL TH - Primary Line of Business: We offer complete solutions in metallic and machining.  GMB COMPUTERS SRL - Primary Line of Business: GMB Computers supplies feasible, high-tech solutions for projects of IT infrastructure. 5 TRANSYLVANIA IN PICTURES TRANSYLVANIA IS LONELY PLANET'S TOP VACATION DESTINATION FOR 2016 Transylvania is home to some of Europe's best-preserved medieval towns, most notably Brasov, featuring Old Saxon architecture and citadel ruins; Sibiu with its cobblestone streets and pastelcolored houses, and Sighisoara, adorned with a hilltop citadel, secret passageways and a 14th century clock tower. Tiny shops offer antiques and fine hand-made products by local artisans and artists. Visitors to Transylvania will also encounter stunning castles such Bran, near Brasov, - a Gothic fairy-tale structure, often associated with 15th century Walachian Prince Vlad Tepes, the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula. While the connection with Vlad is tenuous, the deep bond of local villagers with the legend is not. Lake Balea In close proximity to Brasov and Bran are the fortified churches at Harman, with its massive 13th Saxon towers, and Prejmer, the largest fortified church in Southeastern Europe. The 15thcentury Corvinilor Castle, the most beautiful in Transylvania, located nearby Hunedoara, has a sumptuous Knights Hall – that can be used for functions or parties, as well as towers and buttresses reminiscent of the medieval times. Transylvania's multi-ethnic heritage (including German and Hungarian) is delightfully apparent in the folk costumes, architecture, cuisine, music and festivals. Colorful centuries-old traditions are alive and well in the small villages of Transylvania. People here still make a living at such time-honored occupations as shepherds, weavers, blacksmiths and carpenters. Poiana The Apuseni Mountain range, in the western Carpathians, is a landscape of exquisite beauty and mystery. Here, you'll find ancient legends of mountain spirits and rare species of wildlife, along with 4,000 caves, many of which can be explored. Scarisoara Glacier, a national monument, shelters the second largest underground glacier on the continent. (Source: Corvin Castle 6 STUDY IN ROMANIA Higher education institutions in Romania offer all the traditional areas of study and research (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Aerospace Engineering, Architecture, Economy, Oil and Gas, Chemistry, Computer Science, Civil Engineering etc.); there are 57 government universities, including 3 Medical Universities recognized by the Medical Council of Sri Lanka, as well as several private universities. All accredited Romanian universities offer a variety of degree programs (bachelor, Master, PhD /Doctorate) in several different languages (Romanian, English, French, German, Hungarian). To ensure that higher education qualifications meet international standards and recognition and also to facilitate transfer-ability, a number of accreditations have been developed, among which are:  The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)   The Diploma Supplement (DS) The European Quality Charter for Mobility  The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF)  The ENIC Network (European Network of Information Centers on academic recognition and mobility)  The NARIC Network (National Academic Recognition Information Centers).  DETAILS ABOUT UNIVERSITIES AND DEGREES WILL FOLLOW IN THE NEXT NEWSLETTER. University accreditation is granted by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), an independent public body that assesses quality and ensures that EU guidelines are met. ARACIS is a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and is registered in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). Moreover, the development and implementation of a nation-wide qualifications framework for higher education is conducted and deployed by the National Agency for Qualifications in Higher Education (ACPART) in conjunction with the aforementioned bodies and Ministry of Education. The Romanian higher education system is administered by the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth (MECT) functioning in keeping with current national legislation. Studying in Romania is easy, cheap, and flexible. Romania has a progressive education system with many state of the art facilities. It offers a comfortable learning environment with excellent study opportunities and support services for international students. Although Romania is part of the European Union it has not adopted the Euro as its currency, which makes studying in Romania reasonably less expensive when compared to the rest of Europe or the US. The Romanian currency is the Leu. As a EU country, Romania currently applies the Bologna system, especially in higher education, which means that the study period is structured as three years for the bachelor’s degree (except Medicine & Architecture, which is six years), two years for the master’s degree and three years for PhD studies. The academic year typically runs from the 1st of October through June, but the exact dates vary from one faculty to another, depending on the duration of practical study duties and exams. The year is divided into two semesters that span 14 weeks each. Degrees from European Union and European Economic Area (EEA) accredited Romanian Universities are recognized throughout Europe and beyond. NEWS 7 SRI LANKAN BUSINESS DELEGATION VISITS ROMANIA 8-15 MAY 2016 Ten representatives of Sri Lankan companies paid an official business visit to Romania between 8-15 May 2016, in a mission organized by the Honorary Consulate of Romania in Kandy, Sri Lanka, in partnership with Central Province Chamber of Commerce and with the support of the Embassy of Romania in Sri Lanka and the Union of the Bilateral Chambers of Commerce of Romania. Mr. A.W.M. Fahim, Director, Head of Foreign Trade and International Affairs, Central Province Chamber of Commerce led the delegation. Members of the Sri Lankan Delegation at the Union of Bilateral Chambers of Romania This is the first official business delegation from Central Province Chamber of Commerce to visit Romania. Member s of the Sri Lankan Delegation at the Parliament of Romania (Continued) 8 The visit of the Sri Lankan delegation reflects an increased interest in developing commercial relations between Romania and Sri Lanka and the main objective of the visit was to explore business opportunities and the market potential in Romania, meet future business partners and representatives, establish networks and decide upon further activities. The visiting companies’ portfolios range from business activities in the field of spices, gems, education, infrastructure development, water and air treatment, cosmetics, IT, medical equipment, etc. Members of the Sri Lankan Delegation at The Chambers of Commerce of Prahova County While in Romania, the Sri Lankan delegation called on The Parliament of Romania, The Union of Bilateral Chambers of Commerce of Romania, The Chambers of Commerce of Prahova County and Ploiesti Industrial Zone, The County Council and Prefecture of Brasov County. They also met with an array of business people and visited numerous universities. 9 Honorary Consulate of Romania Hotel Suisse #30, Sangarajah Mawatha, Kandy, Sri Lanka. Phone: +94 81 5633 923 Fax: +94 81 5633 823 mailto:[email protected] Office of the Honorary Consul Of Romania in Kandy Level 3, Prince Alfred Tower, #10, Alfred House Gardens, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 4523 640 Mobile: +94 772 752 905 Honorary Consulate of Romania website Facebook 10