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Corrosion Coupon Installation Procedure

corrosion coupon installation procedure


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Confirmed. Supplied Corrosion Monitoring Coupon meets the Company specification. Confirmed. GLOAZURE Co.Ltd was approved by Company as per attached letter, 11050146 KG L 01194. Noted. 2 20.Oct 2014 Issued for Final S.Y.Kim H.J.Kim J.D.Song H.S.Kim 10 03.Apr.2014 Forfor Final Issued Final S.Y.Kim H.J.Kim J.D.Song H.S.Kim Issued to KOC Issued Approval S.Y.Kim Issued forforInformation H.J.Kim J.D.Song H.S.Kim Issued to KOC CHKD REVD APPD 0 A 25.July.2013 Rev. Date Description DRWN Company: KUWAIT OIL COMPANY (K.S.C.) Project: : WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT Burgan Field And South East Kuwait Fields Contractor: GLOAZURE CO.,LTD. Vendor: Title: INSTALLATION, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 11050146-VP-IC182-OT-009 Vendor DOC. No. 11050146-VP-IC182-OT-009 Contractor DOC. No. Date 03.Apr.2014 ContractorJob. No. 101920 Scale Company Contract No. PO No. 11050146 11050146-PO-IC-182 GLOAZURE CO.,LTD . Corrosion Monitoring Systems Eng Doc. No.:G L-MNL-06-Rev0 INSTALLATION, OPERATION & M AINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS TKS RP RETRIEVAL TOOL Re v 0 D a te J u n e /2 4 / 2 0 0 4 P re p a re d Ap pro v e d D e s cript i o n I s s u e d fo r a p p ro v a l G LOAZURE CO.,LTD. SECTION I ACCESS FITTING INS TALLATION I. Introduction This procedure covers the positioning Flanges and welding of the Gloazure’s Flarweld, Buttweld, Socketweld and NPT access fitting to the wall of pipe or vessel. See fig 1. CAUTION READ THIS DOCUM ENT COM PLETELY BEFORE COM M ENCING THE W ORK This procedure is operating m anual for proper operate this product only, The operator m ust be oblique the national safety procedure as a com m on and or other local or com pany regulation as w ell. S om ething in doubt asking G loazure. All instruction in this procedure does not cover any installation procedure. 1. Proper installation and preparation for best protection the fitting a) Orientation of the Fitting 1) Set the fitting on vertical position with the top (ACM E thread end) up. Other axial orientations m ay be specified for the location, consult the project docum entation before installation. Ensure that there will be adequate clearance above the fitting to operate the retriever, as follows: Pipe size from 2” – 12” Pipe size from 24” – 36” 8’ (2.4 m ) clearance above the top of fitting. * 11’ (3.3 m ) clearance above the top of fitting. ** 2) Set the longitudinal orientation of corrosion m onitoring device, by m ark across the hex head of solid plug then install in access fitting to indicate the orientation of corrosion m onitoring device. Fluid flow m ust be across each corrosion-m onitoring device (this procedure not relevant for flush type coupon). 3) The clearances m ust be apply to all orientations. 4) A m inim um lateral clearance of 9” (230 m m ) is required between fitting and from other obstructions. The dim ension is from the fitting centerline, ideally a 4’ (1.2 m ) space should be allowed. 5) W hen the m ounting is placed vertically below the line or vessel, a 4’ (1.2 m ) m inim um diam eter working space must be provided. The fitting to be off center 1’ (300 m m ) from the edge of the area at the closest bottom point and 3’ (1 m) at the farthest point. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 1 G,ltd. Fig.1. Access Fitting b) Installation Flanges W hen install the flanges, the correct sequence for fasten flange bolts m ust be as shown in fig. 2. First, it will provide the best surface contact between sealing gasket to each flanges face by hand tight, then 1 firm ly tighten the bolts in sequence as above. 8 5 3 4 3 7 6 7 2 Note: “Hot Flow” of gasket m aterial m ay occur on operating conditions. It will resulting loss of bolts pressure. Bolts m ust be retightened after operating tem perature has been reached. 2 Fig.2. Flange B olts B. W elding of G loazure’s Access Fitting a. S afety Considerations Every welding process m ust be control by supervisor, who will responsible to any tasks as follows: 1. Determ ine contents of the system . Hot work on lines or vessels containing corrosive or toxic m aterials should be given special consideration. Certain m aterials m ay cause m etallurgical or chem ical changes in the heat zone. Exam ple, carbon steel is changed m etallurgically at elevated tem peratures in the presence of caustic or elem ental sulfur. W elding should never be perform ed on equipm ent which is operating above its rated working pressure and tem perature, IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 2 G LOAZURE.Co.,Ltd. nor on equipm ent which is operating at less than atm ospheric pressure; such as, in a vacuum . 2. Determ ine if air is present , especially com bination of vapors in equipm ent. The oxygen content should be, and should rem ain at a level, which precludes the form ation of a flam m ables m ixture. Heating com pressed air lines or vessels m ay cause detonation. Exam ple, if lubricating oil has been vaporized and distributed throughout the system by a com pressor. Pipeline or vessels subject to this possibility usually can be rem oved or isolated from service and purged prior to hot work. 3. Determ ine if the equipm ent is m etallurgically suitable for w elding . Exam ple, hydrogen em brittlem ent or attack would m ake it im possible to com plete the weld. Som e steels and thickness require stress relieving, special treatm ent is required for high tensile alloy steels and special welding rods m ust be used. 4. Determ ine conditions , under which welding m ay be done and establish a safe procedure. The job should be inspected by individual responsible for authoring the welding operations. Before granting authorization to proceed, the responsible supervisor should indicate definite safety precautions to be followed. A test of the hot work area for flamm ables gas presence m ay be desirable or required. An inspection of the parent m etal is a necessity. 5. Observe the operation , to m ake sure the foregoing conditions are followed during perform ance of the job operation. 6. If hot tapping , determ ine the capabilities of the hot tapping m achine. Hot tapping tools are limited to use within their pressure and tem perature ratings. b. Prelim inary Job Considerations In additions to safety considerations under which welding or hot tapping is to be done, the responsible supervisor in charge m ust be: 1. Ensure the correct equipm ent or line has been selected to be welded or hot tapped. 2. Obtain the necessary clearance or approvals. 3. Provide either a suitable fire extinguis her (dry chem ical) and/or a pressurized fire hose. 4. Determ ine by visual inspection, ham m er testing, ultrasonic thickness m easuring devices, radiography (X -ray), or other approved thickness m easuring devices that the equipm ent to be welded or hot tapping is sufficient for strength and thickness to receive the connection, a wall thickness is define by actual pressure and corrosion allowance of pipe m aterial. Previous inspection records and data on corrosion rates will be useful in making this determ ination. 5. Determ ine if preheating is required. Studies have indicated that m ost steels should be preheated prior to welding (stainless steels with due to m oderate heat) o o when the fluid or m etal tem perature is less than 50 F (10 C). 6. Determ ine the proper fitting for use in m aking the connection.G loazure recom m ended use a Flarweld or Buttweld. Cause they only require only one IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 3 G,ltd. weld, thus reducing the changes of distortion and warpage. Also m ore efficient in tim e and m oney. 7. Design the connection, according to the proper code ASM E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or API Standard 650, W elded Steel Tanks for oil storage. c. Protection Access Fitting during W elding 1. The G loazure plug m ust be rem oved from the fitting during welding and stress relieving operations. The body m ust be inspected to ensure that there has been no dam age to the external Acm e thread, the upper shoulder and lip of the fitting, the internal thread or internal seal shoulder during its shipm ent. If dam age is found the fitting m ust be replaced. 2. The external Acm e thread and upper shoulder of the fitting m ust be protected from weld spatter during welding. W rap heat resistance cloth around the external Acm e thread and stuff the bore of the fitting with a retrievable wad of heat resistant m aterial to a point just below the internal seat. This is to prevent weld spatter onto thread and seal areas. 3. The internal thread and internal bore below and the internal shoulder m ust be protected from weld spatter during welding. 4. The welding procedure should be designed so that the upper portion of the fitting tem perature does not exceed 1000 oF (540 o C) during welding. Higher tem peratures encountered during stress relieving are acceptable. Notice W elding procedures are the final responsibility of the user’s engineering authority and m ust be approved prior to use. d. W elding Process 1. Select welding rods appropriate to the fitting and line m aterial. 2. W eld G ap, G loazure Access Fitting body or connecting fitting m ust be raised off the surface of the pipe or vessel wall to establish a proper weld gap. This can be done by placing four (4 ea) 1/16” (1.6 m m ) spacers or rods under the fitting to provide the proper gap between the curvature of the pipeline or surface of the pressure vessel wall and root or base of the fitting. Norm al weld gap is 1/16” (1.6 m m ) per ANSI B31.1. 1973. 3. Arc welding should be used if at all possible for all grades and types of steel. Because this will m inim ize warpage and distortion of the Access Fitting body cause of its localization of concentrated heat. Care should be exercised so that the body is properly positioned to prevent m isalignm ent of the hot tapping tool is used at a right angle or perpendicular to the work area. Also, avoid excessive arcing because arc spots on the body can cause stress and consequently body warpage while cooling. Recom m ended procedures for welding and special hole cutting considerations for various m etals as follow: IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 4 G, ltd. a. Carbon S teel o o 1) Tack W eld . Preheat the fitting to 600 F (315 C). Tack welds the fitting to the line between the spacers using 3 m m (1/8”) welding rods. Rem ove the spacers and weld slag from the tack welds. 2) Stringer Bead . Apply a stringer bead com pletely around the base of the fitting using 3 m m (1/8”) diam eter rod for 3 m m m axim um layer. Rem ove weld slag. 3) Cover Beads . Apply continuous cover beads to fill the bevel and provide a sm ooth tapered weld. b. Stainless S teel Do not preheat!, otherwise; use the sam e procedure as shown for carbon steel with the following considerations: 1) In the hole cutting procedure, a hollow drill or drill bit should be used to cut sm all size openings. Abrasive cutting wheels are generally used to m ake larger sized holes. 2) Arc cutting or injections of iron powder into an acetylene flam e are other m ethods used. If however, any of these flam e or arc m ethod are used, the hole should be cut under size ¼” (6.5 m m ) on the diam eter to allow for rem oving the heat affected areas by grinding before welding. 3) Either the heli-arc (electric arc) or m etallic (TIG and M IG ) m ethods m ay be use for welding. The sequence of welding passes for both alloy and stainless is the sam e as outlined for carbon steel. e. Post W elding Inspection After welding the following procedures m ust be followed: 1. The post-heat and cooling period m ust be in accordance with relevant welding procedures and engineering standards. CAUTION Do not install a solid or hollow plug into access fitting if the fitting still hot. It cause prim ary packing and o-ring m elting, cause stacking onto its internal surface. 2. Inspect the external ACM E thread to ensure it is free from weld spatter. If there is any weld spatter it m ust be carefully rem oved by chipping and filing. 3. Inspect internal (UNF) thread, internal bore above seat and internal seat to ensure it is free from weld spatter. If there is any weld spatter it is recom m ended to use a thread tap assem bly to repair/clean the threads or use a seat ream er for ream ing the bore and seat. 4. Inspect the internal bore of the body below the seat, the interior surface of the weld area and the internal surface of the hole through the pipe or vessel wall. These surfaces shall be ground or ream ed as necessary to ensure a full ID of 1.377” (35.00 m m ). Care m ust be taken to elim inate any dam age to the internal thread, bore and shoulder during grinding operations. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 5 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. 5. A hydrostatic test m ust be carried out. (Norm ally 1-1/2 tim e line pressure) 6. On com pletion of the inspection and after any subsequent stress relieving a G LO AZ U RE plug assem bly m ust be screwed into the access fitting and fully seated. The plug m ust be capable of insertion and full seating so that the top shoulder of plug (below the hex nut) is flush with top lip of the fitting (15 turns (360 o ) of plug), If the plug is tight, the fitting m ay have been distorted during the welding process and the internal threads m ust be chased with the correct thread chaser. After chasing, if the plug still cannot be inserted easily, the fitting m ust be blanked – off and a new access fitting point installed at another point. f. G eneral 1. W hen the installation has been com pleted and a hollow plug is to be installed, the probe or bore-sealing nut provides the pressure barrier. The use of a stainless steel ½” NPT plug is not recom m ended. 2. To determ ine the condition of the access fitting, periodic inspection m ust be perform ed. W hen under pressure, Ultra-Sonic and X-ray testing can be used. If shut down is possible, caliper can be used. If, after inspection it is considered that the access fitting m ust be blanked – off and a new access point installed at another point. C. Access Fitting M aintenance The interval tim e m aintenance of Access Fitting is the sam e tim e of scheduling tim e for rem ove – replace corrosion m onitoring devices. Base on NACE RP 0775-99. 3.5 for exposure tim e have been classified into Short term (1-45 days) and Long term (1-90 days). Access m aintenance consists of: 1. Cleaning and repair internal threads (UNF) by using a Thread Tap Assem bly (refer to section III. 3.6 Special Procedures for Access Fitting). 2. Cleaning internal threads (UNF) by using a thread brush (refer to section III. 3.6 Special Procedures for Access Fitting) 3. Grease external thread (ACM E) 4. Check access fitting face up end (O-ring seat Protective cover) for scratch, use a sm ooth s and paper and bastard to repair. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 6 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. SECTION II CORROS ION COUPON HANDLING I. Introduction This practice covers procedures for preparation, analysis and interpretation of Corrosion Coupons in Oilfield Operation. II. Equipm ent x x x x x x x x Analytical balance with accuracy ± 0.1 m gr Depth gauge M icroscope Pitting Gauge AAS / ICP Titrator G lass W are Digestion Sam pler III. Operation 3.1 During Installation Preparation x Prepare coupon for corrosion testing. x Coupon should be new. x Do not re-used coupons after exposure and analysis. x Choose the m ethod preparation of the m etal 1. Open the envelope and take out coupon carefully. Avoid contam ination of coupon caused by contact with other m aterials, oil or chem icals. 2. Record the following inform ation: - Coupon serial num ber. - Installation date. - Nam e of system . - Location of the coupon in the system (including fluid or vapor phase), nam e of the platform , sketches the position of the coupon in the pipeline (put all data on the Envelope), or take a picture of that location. - See the typical corrosion coupon report from Envelope & Appendix A 3. Record the physical condition of pipeline such as: - Dim ension of pipeline, - Fluid / water tem perature, - Pressure, - Density, - Viscosity - Flow rate. Number of Platform N umber of Pipeline Dimension of Pipeline Type of Fluid Pressure Density Viscosity Flow Rate IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 7 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. 3.2 During Rem oval 1. 2. 3. 4. Coupon Serial Number Rem ove the coupon out of the system carefully. Record the following item s: Coupon serial num ber Rem oval date Observation of any erosion or m echanical dam age Appearance of scale Appearance of corrosion product The coupon should be photograph im m ediately after rem oval, particularly if appearance of the corrosion product or scale is im portant. Record any changes of fluid flow rate during exposure tim e: - Any other pertinent data such as shut in tim e - Changes in velocity and inhibitor treatm ent, - Type or m aterials for corrosion inhibitor, - Dosing rate and dosing tim e of corrosion inhibitor, - Position injection chemical in the pipeline should also be recorded. Put the coupon into original envelope carefully and seal it (Avoid contam ination!) - Send the coupon im m ediately to laboratory for analysis. - Do not rem ove any scale or corrosion product in the field. Rem oval Date Note 3.3 Observation Mechanical Damage Appearance of scale & corrosion product Date of Photograph Date of Send to Laboratory Report of Analysis : Coupon m ust not be handled w ith the bare hand , and m axim um cleanliness m ust be m aintained during installation and rem oval process. The use of surgical or rubber glove is recom m ended while handling coupons. Exposure Tim e Exposure tim e m ust be considered when interpreting corrosion coupon data. Short-term exposure (15 to 45 days) provides quick answer but m ay give higher corrosion rate than long-term exposures. Aggravating conditions, such as bacterial fouling, m ay take tim e to develop on the coupon. Short exposure tim es m ay be advantageous when evaluating inhibitor effectiveness. Longer exposures (60 to 90 days) are often required to detect and define pitting attack. Because exposure tim e affects test results, exposure periods should be as consistent as practical. Tolerance of 7% allows a variation of 2 days on 30 days exposure. This is satisfactory for m ost applications. IV. Storage Maintenance o o Corrosion coupon should be storage in a clean, dry and warm (25 C – 32 C m ax) area. The coupon storage area should not be placed in that could increase hum idity. Norm al life tim e for coupon after shipm ent date is approx. 1 year, for best result after 1 year storage coupon should be blasting. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 8 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. SECTION II RETRIEVAL TOOLS I. Introduction This practice covers procedures for preparation, process of installation – rem oval and safety consideration during retrieval any corrosion coupon and probe. The retrieval tool TKS RP and service valve can be used to insert or retrieve corrosion m onitoring devices from process system s operating under full pressure (up to 6000 psi or 413 Bar). Also can be used to retrieve a variety of sensors from either the M H TM high pressure access system or any conventional 2-inch access system . The tool is constructed to com ply with NACE M R-0175 and is pressure tested at the factory for a working pressure of 7800 psi (537 Bar). The standard tool and service valve are suitable for operation between -4 ÛF and 450ÛF (-20ÛC and 232ÛC), both version of the retriever tool and valve use carbon steel construction of the ham m er nut. Item Description A Retriever Tool Overall Length - inches B C D II. Retrieval Tool and Service Valve Overall Length to Pipe OD (include non-tee access fitting) - inches Stroke Available – inches Retrieval Tool W eight - lbs Case / Tool Kit W eight - lbs T o ta l W e ig h t - l b s 3 Total Cubage - ft M ax. Holder length – inches M ax. Probe length – inches Stroke 25” 14” 18” 37” 49” 39 47 63 91 111 54 62 78 106 126 18.5 22.5 30.5 44.5 54.5 47 37 84 2 .4 5 52 37 89 2 .4 9 62 40 1 02 2 .9 17 83 48 131 4 .3 31 97 53 150 4 .8 41 4 8 16 30 40 Safety Test and check should be done to all equipm ent before attem pting to use in field. Safe operation requires m inim um 2-trained operator. Do not use this retrieval equipm ent unless you have been trained in its safe operation. M ake sure you have com plied with all plant safety requirem ents and environm ental regulations. e. Identify the type m edia its pressure and tem perature. Review m aterial safety data inform ation on the m edia prior to operation. f. Ensure you have all the required safety equipm ent and used, i.e.: protective clothing, safety helm et, safety glasses, safety gloves, ear plug, safety shoes and breathing apparatus when toxic atm osphere exists. g. Any actions, which could vary system pressure such as surges, caused by opening and closing of valves and chokes should be delayed until com pletion of retrieval operations. h. Insure you have enough clearance for safe operation; there m ust be sufficient space available for head room as well as enough shoulder room to allow free m ovem ent of the equipm ent as well as of the operator. Clearance beyond the top of the access fitting body is required for m ovem ent and installation of the retriever and service valve. a. b. c. d. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 9 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. i. III. For shoulder room above ground level requires 3 feet radius circle and below ground level a m inim um diam eter of 4 feet is required with the fitting located off to one side of the hole. Note: W ind direction prior to starting operations involving hazardous products. The Use of Diverter Hose Assem bly is recom m ended. Ensure you have scaffolding if the Access fitting that to be serviced is m ounted above the operator. Operation 3.1 Preparation Note : - Ensure by-pass service valve / ball (12) in “OPEN” position. - Ensure bleed valve retriever (6A) and service valve (22) in “CLOSE” position. a. Check condition of service valve . Inspect the O-ring (18) at the ham m er nut end (2) for nicks, cuts and abrading b. Check condition of retriever . Rotate the retriever handwheel (11) clockwise and counterclockwise to ensure it’s lubricated and operating properly; check all the thread connection parts & Oring especially O-ring (37) at thread adapter for nicks, cuts and abrading. c. Check pressure in pressure gauge on protective cover . Note : If there’s any indication pressure, release by opening bleed valve in protective cover. 3.2 Rem oving Procedure 1. Rem ove the access fitting cover (protective cover) by using a spanner wrench (“C” pin wrench). 2. Rem ove the pipe plug ½” NPT (1). Use a crescent wrench to rem ove pipe plug slightly counterclockwise. W arning : If for any reason there’s pressure behind the plug, after one or tw o m inutes has not been bleed – off. Loosen the steel pipe plug 1/8 turn m ore. If pressure bleeds – off, rem ove the pipe plug; if it has not re – tighten the plug and follow ing the procedure of overshoot adapter. 3. Connect the service valve to the fitting . Lift the service valve and place it on the access fitting body. Turn the ham m er nut (20) clockwise until the service valve is securely seated. Tap the ham m er nut (20) tight using a brass ham m er. The valve should be in full “OPEN” position. 4. The retrieval tool handwheel (11) should be at its stop in the full, run-out position, secured there by the lock-pin (10) placed in one of the lock holes on the inner diam eter of the handwheel. 5. Install the retrieval tool on the open service valve. CAUTION : See chapter 3.2 .13 for system s greater than 2000 psi. 6. W ith one hand on the retrieval tool handwheel, use the other to rem ove the handwheel lock-pin (10) and placed it in its keeper (storage) hole. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 10 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. 7. Slowly rotate the handwheel (11) clockwise to m ove the spring (B5) loaded socket adaptor (1B) to the plug. Slowly turn the T-bar handle (28) clockwise until it com es in contact with the solid plug assem bly. Turn the T-bar (28) handle 3-5 turns to engage the landing screw (B1) in the plug. Check for engagem ent by attem pting to rotate the handwheel (11) counterclockwise. The handwheel (11) should not rotate. If it does rotate, repeat the start of this step. W ith slight clockwise pressure on the handwheel (11) turn the T-bar handle (28) in the clockwise direction until the spring (B5) loaded socket seats on the solid plug. W ith continued pressure on the handwheel (11), turn the T-bar handle (28) in the counterclockwise direction 2-5 turns. Note: You should notice system pressure equalizing past the plug assem bly into the retrieval tool body after approxim ately two (2) turns of the T-bar handle (28). CAUTION : Do not rotate the T-bar handle (28) m ore than five (5) tim es without equalization occurring. If pressure does not equalize, you m ust have the tool back pressured to equal or to slightly exceed system pressure to successfully accom plish plug retrieval. Equalization m ay be verified by checking the pressure gage on the retrieval tool. As you rotate the T-bar handle (28), you will notice the handwheel (11) is rotating in the run-out direction. 8. W hen the handwheel (11) stops rotating, the plug assem bly has reached the end of its threads (approxim ately 15-16 turns). Rotate (run-out) the handwheel (11) to its stop to retrieve the plug into the tool body. 9. Lock the handwheel (11) in the full run-out position to prevent possible dam age to the service valve or plugs should it gravitate downward. 10. Close the service valve / ball (12). 11. The retrieval tool m ay now be bleed down to atm ospheric pressure. (See 3.2.14 for venting hazardous products). In liquid service, a bleed hose m ay be connected from the tool to a container to catch the drain product. Open the retrieval tool bleed valve(s) (6A). Leave the bleed valve(s) (6A) open. Check the retrieval tool pressure gage (6) for zero reading. Note: If a bleed hose is connected to the auxiliary bleed valve (6A), be certain personnel at the discharge end are aware of the bleed-off. W hen the tools is being used in liquid service, a splash pan or container having approxim ately two (2) gallons (16 inch tool) capacity should be used to contain the liquid which will drain from the tool during bleed-off. Approxim ately ½ cup of liquid will rem ain in the tool below the bleed valve after bleed-off. A splash pan will contain this residual product. 12. M anipulate the plug assem bly out of the tool body for service or inspection. 13. W here the retrieval tool is being operated on system over 2000 psi, it is recom m ended the operator back pressure the tool to equal system pressure after installing the tool on the service valve, (see back pressure Procedure below). Since the pressure differential across the plug is decrease, thread life in the plug/fitting assem blies is prolonged. Torsional requirem ents on the spline rack (32) are also reduced and the plug will be m ore easily rem oved. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 11 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. Back Pressure Procedure 1. To back pressure the retriever, attach the ¼” fem ale quick connect to the retriever bleed valve (6A). Either retriever bleed valve m ay be used. Suggestion: Attach the back pressure pum p hose to whichever retriever bleed valve (6A) (quick connect) is lower so that the upper retriever bleed valve (6A) m ay be used to bleed off air as the retriever is filled. 2. Connect the back pressure pum p hose fem ale quick connect to the m ale quick connect. 3. Open the retriever bleed valve (6A) and pressurize the retriever to the system pressure. Operate the back pressure pum p in accordance with the Enerpac tech m anual or other pum p brand m anual. Note: The back pressure pum p reservoir m ay need to be filled several tim es to com pletely fill the retriever. 4. Pressurize the retriever to slightly less than system pressure. Shut the retriever bleed valve, depressurize the back pressure pum p, and rem ove the pum p from the retriever. 5. Return to step 6. 14. An optional diverter hose assem bly is recom m ended when bleeding off retriever pressure; fluids can be collected in a container or diverter to a safe area away from the operator. The hose is attached by quick-connect to either the retriever bleed valve or the open port in the service valve. Optional diverter hose (P/N. TKS-A-DH) assem blies are: Diverter hose assy 10 ft (3.0 m ) Diverter hose assy 25 ft (7.6 m ) Diverter hose assy 50 ft (15.2 m ) 3.3 Fitting Corrosion Coupon Holders and Coupons 1. Unscrew and rem ove the solid plug (2) from the socket adapter pilot (B1). 2. Unscrew and rem ove the corrosion coupon (7) from the coupon holders (5). See section I for handling of coupon. 3. S lack off the anti-vibration set screw (8) using a hex key. 4. Rem ove coupon holder (5) from the bottom of the solid plug (2) (left hand thread). Replace any used prim ary packing (4) and O-ring (3). 5. Replace coupon holder (5) and tighten. Use no more than one-quarter turn against the prim ary packing seal. 6. Fit a new anti-vibration set screw (8) and tighten . 7. Assem ble the new coupon (7) on the coupon holder (5), ensuring that the coupon (7) are com pletely insulated from the m ounting screw nuts (6) and IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 12 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. coupon holder (5) by utilizing the insulation and m ounting hardware set (6) provided. 8. M ake a m ark across the hex of the solid plug (2) to indicate the orientation of the coupon (7). Fluid flow m ust be across each coupon – not against the face of the coupon (this procedure not relevant to flush type coupon). Note : Coupon m ust not be handled w ith the bare hand , and m axim um cleanliness m ust be m aintained until the coupons are inserted into the pipe. The use of surgical or rubber glove is recom m ended while handling coupons. 9. Replace the plug and holder assem bly in the fitting as described below . Fig 2. Corrosion Coupon Assy 3.4 Fitting Probe Insert and Hollow Plug Nut 1. Unscrew and rem ove the hollow plug (2) from the socket adapter pilot (B1). 2. Rem ove hollow plug nut (5) from bottom of hollow plug (1) if has been installed. Replace any used prim ary packing (2), probe packing and set screw (3 & 4). 3. Screw the probe (6) insert into the bottom of the hollow plug (1), first checking that a new square section probe packing seal is fitted. The probe insert m ust be tightened down very firm ly (left hand thread). Steps 3 & 4 also apply when hollow plug nut (5) is fitted in place of a probe. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 13 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. 4. Tighten the anti vibration set screw (3 & 4). 5. Replace the plug (1) and Probes (6) assem bly in the fitting as described below . For m ajority of probe there is no requirem ent to orientate the probe (6) in the fluid flow. Som e special probes Duo and Sand for exam ple, require orientation – consult the installation instructions provided with these item s. Ensure rem oval of all traces of m oisture within the hollow plug (1) and six – pin electrical connector. If setting an extension adapter, m akes certain that the key way is properly located before pushing the pins into the sockets. Notice : Rotation after the pins are located into the sockets can cause irreparable dam age to the probe. Fig.3. Corrosion Probe Assy 3.5 Installation Procedure 1. Index the plug assem bly hex. If the corrosion m onitoring device requires orientating with the product flow, “index” the plug assem bly by filing a notch across the top of the hex. The notch should be filed so that the device can be aligned with the product flow. 2. Apply grease (lithium base grease) to the prim ary packing and O-ring (solid or hollow plug). Note: DO NOT apply grease to the corrosion m onitoring devices 3. Install the solid/hollow plug on the retrieval tool socket adapter. 4. Rotate the retrieval tool handwheel (11) counterclockwise until the plug is full retracted into the tool body. Lock the handw heel (11) in this position by inserting the handwheel lock-pin (10) provided into the top or bottom m ost lock hole on the inner diam eter of the handwheel. This will prevent the possible free downward travel of the rack assembly, which could dam age the service valve. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 14 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. 5. The service valve / ball (12) should be in the “closed” position. Install the retrieval tool on the service valve. Close the bleed valve(s) (6A) on the retrieval tool and service valve (22). 6. W ith one hand on the retrieval tool handwheel handle (40), use the other hand to rem ove the handwheel lock pin (10) and placed it in its keeper (storage) hole on the handwheel. 7. Slowly open the service valve-equalizing valve (27) to pressurize the retriever. Before proceeding further, wait until the retriever is fully pressurized. 8. Slowly open the service valve and close equalizing valve (27). An extension bar is provided with the service valve to assist opening the valve, if necessary. CAUTION: See 3.2.13. for system s greater than 2000 psi. 9. Rotate the handwheel (11) clockwise (run-in-direction) to m ove the plug assem bly down the tool body and through the service valve until it m akes light contact with the access fitting. 10. Apply slight clockwise pressure on the handwheel (11) while turning the T-bar handle (28). This will locate the spring (B5) loaded socket (B1) onto the hex of the plug assem bly. W ith the adaptor engaged in the plug assem bly, continue turning the T-bar handle (28) clockwise (approxim ately 15 turns) until a definite, positive stop is felt. This is your indication that the plug has seated. Do not over stress the rack assem bly by applying unnecessary rotational force on the T-bar handle (28). Note : An alignm ent m ark m ay be placed on the T-bar handle (28) drive ring to assure that the device is in the proper alignm ent with the pipe flow. 11. The retrieval tool m ay be bleed down to atm ospheric pressure. (See 3.2.14 for the venting of hazardous products). CAUTION : If after approxim ately 1 m inute, product continues to vent through the bleed valve, the seal on the plug assem bly m ay not be seated or m ay be dam age. Close the bleed valve (6A), rotate the T-bar handle (28) counterclockwise 1/8 turn and then clockwise 1/8 turn to its original position. Reopen the bleed valve (28). If product continues bleeding from the bleed valve port, rem ove the plug assem bly and check the plug seal for dam age. (See 3.6. Special Procedures for Access Fitting). Note: If a bleed hose is connected to the auxiliary bleed valve, be certain personnel at the discharge end are aware of the bleed-off. W hen the tools is being used in liquid service, a splash pan or container having approxim ately two (2) gallons (16 inch tool) capacity should be used to contain the liquid which will drain from the tool during bleed-off. Approxim ately ½ cup of liquid will rem ain in the tool below the bleed valve after bleed-off, if the access fitting is m ounted in a “12 o’clock” position. This m ay be bleed-off using the bleed valve on the service valve. 12. Holding counterclockwise pressure on the handwheel (11), turn the T-bar handle (28) in the counterclockwise direction until the spring (B5) loaded socket adaptor has cleared the plug assem bly. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 15 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. Note : M onitor the bleed valve (6A) for any discharge. If discharge occurs, stop rotating the T-bar handle (28). Attem pt to reseat the plug by putting clockwise pressure on the handwheel (11) and turning the T-bar handle (28) in the clockwise direction. Once the plug is reseated, attem pt step 9 again. 13. Turn the handwheel (11) in the counterclockwise direction until the adaptor is fully retracted in the tool body. 14. Secure the handwheel (11) in position by rem oving the lock-pin (10) from its keeper hole and placing it into the lock holes on the inner diam eter of the handwheel. 15. Verify that there’s no pressure in the tool body by checking that the bleed valve(s) is in the open position. There should be on pressure indication on the retrieval tool pressure gage at this tim e. 16. Rem ove the retrieval tool from the service valve. Check for splash pan in liquid service. 17. Rem ove the service valve from the access fitting. Check for splash pan in liquid service. If installing electrical devices, dry the plug assembly before installing protective cover. 18. Install protective cover on the fitting. Close optional bleed valve on the protective cover. Note: The retrieval tool and service valve should be cleaned after each day’s use with solvent, diesel fuel or hot, soapy water. The tool should be disassem bled, cleaned, and inspected after each 50 cycles (approxim ately) or prior to storage. (See chapter IV. Retrieval Tool M aintenance) 3.6 Special Procedures for Access Fitting Retriever and service valve m ay also be used with appropriate special tools to either repair or aid in cleaning the access fitting body while operating on lines that are under system pressure. W hen using the service tools described within this section, it is advisable to use the shortest stroke, lightest retriever available, it will provide the better operational sensitivity. IM PORTANT: The following procedures assum e that the service valve is still installed on the access fitting body. It is in the closed position and the plug assem bly is absent from the access fitting body. A. Thread tap service The thread tap service is used to clean up product scale, chips from threads after hot tapping or to repair thread dam age caused by cross threading in the plug assem bly or by galling. 1. Attach and grease the tap. Attach the tool to the socket adapter pilot thread (1B). Protect hands while applying grease liberally to the cutting edges. 2. Connect the retriever. Lift the retriever and place it on the service valve. Turn the ham m er nut (2) clockwise until retriever is securely seated tightened in IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 16 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. place on the service valve. Use a brass ham m er to m ake up a secure connection. 3. Open the service valve by-pass then open service valve ball (12). CAUTION: See 3.2.13 for system s greater than 2000 psi. 4. Rotate the handwheel (11) clockwise (run-in-direction) to m ove the thread tap assem bly down the tool body and through the service valve until it m akes light contact with the access fitting. 5. Rotate clockwise the handwheel (11) while turning the T-bar handle (28). Continue turning the T-bar handle clockwise (approxim ately 14-16 turns), occasionally turn the T-bar handle counter clockwise to help the tap threads to clear scale or chips from the tool flutes. W ARNING : DO NOT turn T-bar handle clockwise m ore than 16 turns; it m akes dam aged the inside of Access Fitting. 6. Rotate counter clockwise T-bar (28) for about 14-16 turns until the tool threads are disengaged from the internal threads access fitting. Rotate (runout) the handwheel (11) to its stop the thread tap into the tool body. 7. Lock the handwheel (11) in the full run-out position to prevent possible dam age to the service valve or plugs should it gravitate downward. 8. W hen the tap operation is com pleted, connect the diverter hose assem bly to the retriever bleed valve (6A). Open the retriever bleed valve (6A) and allow bleed – Off for approxim ately twenty second. Norm ally this is sufficient tim e for debris to be flushed from the access fitting body threads. 9. Close the retriever bleed valve (6A). Rem ove the diverter hose assem bly. 10. Close the service valve (ball) (12) and the service valve bleed screw (22). 11. Bleed and rem ove the retriever. Open the retriever bleed valve (6A) and allow pressure to bleed off com pletely. Using the brass ham m er, tap loose and fully unscrew the retriever ham m er nut (2). Lift the retriever from the service valve. 12. Rem ove the tap. Unscrew the tap from the socket adapter pilot (B1). Note: if the tool flutes have a large am ount of debris, it is recom m ended that the thread brush service assem bly be used to clean the access fitting body and threads prior to reinstalling the plug assem bly. B. Thread brush service The thread brush service assem bly is used to clean sm all am ounts of debris from the access fitting threads. 1. Attach the thread brush service assem bly to the socket adapter pilot threads (B1). IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 17 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. 2. Connect the retriever. Lift the retriever and place it on the service valve. Turn the ham m er nut (2) clockwise until retriever is securely seated tightened. Use a brass ham m er to m ake up a secure connection. 3. Open the service valve by-pa ss then open service valve ball (12). CAUTION: See 3.2.13 for system s greater than 2000 psi. 4. Rotate the handwheel (11) clockwise (run-in-direction) to m ove the brush assem bly down the tool body and through the service valve until it m akes light contact with the access fitting. 5. Brush the threads, turning T-bar handle in (28) a clockwise direction, until it bottom . W hile the other hand rotate the handwheel to m ove down the brush tool. W arning : Do not turn the brush counterclockw ise 6. Rotate handwheel (11) counterclockwise direction until the brush tool is fully retraced in the tool body. 7. Lock the handwheel (11) in the full run-out position to prevent possible dam age to the service valve or plugs should it gravitate downward. 8. W hen the cleaning operation is com pleted, connect the diverter hose assem bly to the retriever bleed valve (6A). Open the retriever bleed valve (6A) and allow bleed – Off for approxim ately twenty second. Norm ally this is sufficient tim e for debris to be flushed from the access fitting body threads. 9. Close the retriever bleed valve (6A). Rem ove the diverter hose assem bly. 10. Close the service valve ball (12) and the service valve bleed screw (22). 11. Bleed and rem ove the retriever. Open the retriever bleed valve (6A) and allow pressure to bleed off com pletely. Using the brass ham m er, tap loose and fully unscrew the retriever ham m er nut (2). Lift the retriever from the service valve. 12. Rem ove the brush service assembly. Unscrew the tool from the socket adapter pilot (B1). C. S urge Tube Assem bly The surge tube assem bly is used to clean sm all am ounts of debris from the access fitting body threads. Follow the below procedures to use it. 1. Connect the surge tube assem bly to service valve. a) Close the surge tube bleed valve (6A). b) Place ham m er nut (2) end of the surge tube assem bly on the service valve. Turn the ham m er nut (2) clockwise until the surge tube assem bly is securely seated. 2. Connect diverter hose/high pressure tubing to surge tube bleed valve (6A). 3. Clean the access fitting body. a) If the lines pressure is low (pressure lower than 250 psi – 17 bar) Open the service valve quickly IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 18 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. Open the surge tube bleed valve (6A) and allow for approxim ately twenty seconds. Close the surge tube bleed valve. Close the service valve. Open the surge tube bleed and allow the surge tube pressure to bleed off. Closes the bleed valve (6A) of surge tubes then rem ove the diverter hose/high pressure tubing. Repeat the step a. through f. at least two m ore tim es. b) If the lines pressure is high (pressure higher than 250 psi – 17 barg) Open the equalizing valve (27) of service valve; watch the pressure inside the pressure gauge (6B). By opening the equalizing valve (27) the torque required to open the service valve ball (12) would reduce. W hen the pressure inside the surge tube assembly is 17 bar below the line pressure open the service valve quickly. Open the surge tube bleed valve (6A) for approxim ately twenty seconds. Close and open the surge tube bleed valve (6A) at least two m ore tim es and each tim es allow for approxim ately twenty seconds. Each tim e the surge tube bleed valve (6A) is open, partially close then fully opens the service valve to rem ove the solids/debris from the seat area. Close all valves. Close the surge tube bleed valve (6A), the service valve (22) and then equalizing valve (27). Open the surge tube bleed valve (6A) and allow the surge tube pressure to com pletely bleed off. Close the surge tubes bleeds valves (6A) then rem ove the diverter hose/high pressure tubing. 4. Rem ove the surge tube assem bly Tap looses and fully unscrews the surge tube ham m er nut (2). Lift the surge tube assem bly from the service valve. D. S teel Pipe Plug Adapter The steel pipe plug adapter is used to install or allow retrieval of the ½”, if the plug assem blies are under pressure. This tool is used in cases where bleed – off cannot be plug. The following procedure assum es that the service valve not to be installed and the plug assem bly are present within the access fitting body. If the service valve is installed, rem ove first. The plug adapter could not be installed when the service valve still connected to the access fitting. 1. Attach the pipe plug adapter to the square head of the pipe plug and tighten the L-key head set screw. 2. Install the service valve onto the access fitting body. Turn the ham m er nut (20) service valve clockwise until it securely seated. Tap the ham m er nut (20) tight using brass ham m er. 3. Install the retriever onto service valve, turn and tap ham m er nut (2) tight by using brass ham m er. W ith one hand on the retrieval tool handwheel (11), use the other to rem ove the handwheel lock-pin (10) and place it in it’s keeper (storage) hole. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 19 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. 4. Slowly rotate handwheel (11) clockwise to m ove the spring (B5) loaded socket adapter (1B) to the plug adapter. Slowly turn the T-handle (28) 3-5 turns to engage the landing screw (B1) in the plug adapter. Check for engagem ent by attem pting to rotate the handwheel (11) counterclockwise. The handwheel should not rotate. If it does rotate, repeat the start of this step. W ith slight clockwise pressure on the handwheel turn the T-handle (28) in the clockwise direction until the spring loaded socket seats on the plug adapter. W ith continue pressure on the handwheel, turn the T-handle (28) in the counterclockwise direction 2-5 turns. Note: You should notice system pressure equalizing past the plug assem bly into the retrieval tool body after approxim ately two (2) turns of the T-bar handle (28). CAUTION : Do not rotate the T-bar handle (28) m ore than five (5) tim es without equalization occurring. If pressure does not equalize, you m ust have the tool back pressured to equal or to slightly exceed system pressure to successfully accom plish plug retrieval. Equalization m ay be verified by checking the pressure gage on the retrieval tool. As you rotate the T-bar (28), you will notice the handwheel is rotating in the run-out direction. 5. Repeat 3.2. Rem oving Procedure steps 8-14. IV. M aintenance 4.1 Retriever TKS RP The m aintenance interval required by either the TKS RP retriever will vary depending upon the service to which it is subjected. Certain fluids will wash out all lubricant from the retriever after one retrieval; others will deposit debris in the retriever m aking operation difficult. If the retriever has been in use and it is anticipated not being used for a period longer than one day, it should be com pletely disassem bled, cleaned and lubricated. Also, if in a days operation (because of adverse retrieval environm ent conditions) the retriever becom es difficult to operate, feels gritty and does not rotate easily (handwheel), it should first be cleaned and lubricating without disassem bly does not relieve the difficulties in the retriever operation, it should be com pletely disassem bled, cleaned and lubricated as indicated in either point A and B of this Section. Lubricant choices are m any. For a particular service, som e experim entation m ay be necessary. Recom m ended lubricants are: 1. M otor Oil – (SAE 30 weight or equivalent). 2. Lubricate (m ulti-purpose) – A lithium base grease; usually the best choice for m ost service since it is thin and applies easily. Use for service tem peratures of 0 o o o o to +350 F (-18 to +177 C). 3. Synthetic lubricant – m olybdenum disulfide grease containing rust and oxidation inhibitors. It is recom m ended for use in extrem e pressures and tem peratures (40 o to +600 o F, -40 o to +316 o C). IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 20 G LOAZURE CO.,Ltd 4.1.1 Sour G as Service On both the RP6000 retrievers, applicable m aterials com ply with the requirem ents of NACE standard M R0175, “Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant M etallic M aterials for Oil Field Equipm ent.” As stated in this standard. “M aterials … are resistant to, but not necessarily im m une to (sulfide stress cracking) under all service conditions.” Thus, when the retriever is used in sour environm ents, it m ust be thoroughly cleaned after use to help prevent corrosion and/or dam age to internal m aterials. The m aintenance interval required for the retriever is dependent on the frequency of use and the operating m edia. Recom m ended interval for the following m edia is: Type Of M edia W eeks 1 C ru d e O il 1 2 Re fi n e d H y d ro c a rb o n 2 3 N a tu ra l G a s 2 4 P ro d u ce d W a te r 1 5 S e a W a te r 2 6 S te a m 2 Except with the presence of : 1. H 2 S, CO 2 , or O 2 2. Chlorides or Sulphate 3. Acids, Alkalis, Am ines or G lycols 4. Sand, grit, Clay or M aine Shells 5. M etal chips due to hot tapping It should be cleaned on every day that it is used. A. Overhaul Procedure 1. Back Tube Rem oval , rem ove back tube (29) from tool by first rem oving set screw (7) and rotating back tube off counterclockwise with spanner wrench provided in tool kit. 2. G ear Rack Rem oval, rem ove spline rack (32) by rem oving end stop flathead screw (33) and end stop (34) from rack. The spline rack can now be pulled out from the front of the tool. 3. Drive Ring Rem oval , rem ove handles (28) from drive ring (27) by rotating out counterclockwise. Rem ove both set screws (7) from the drive ring and slide the drive ring off the dive tube (20) taking care not to lose the two keys (26). 4. Bearing Cap Rem oval , rem ove bearing cap (22) from the gear box (8) by first rem oving each set screw (7) and rotting the bearing cap out counterclockwise with the spanner wrench provided. 5. Thrust Bearing Rem oval , the thrust bearing (21) can now be rem oved from the bearing cap by gently tapping the threaded side of the bearing cap on a block of wood. 6. Drive Tube Rem oval , the drive tube (20) can now be pulled straight out of the gear box. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 21 GLOAZURE CO.,Ltd. 7. Front Tube Rem oval , rem ove the front tube (3) from the gear box by first rem oving set screw (7) and then backing the gear box out of the front tube by rotating counterclockwise. 8. Union Nut Rem oval , first unscrew counterclockwise the pressure gauge (6) and bleed valve (6A) from front tube by using a wrench on the flats provided. Then rem ove the spiral retainer ring (4) by prying the lead end out of the groove and sliding the spiral retainer ring off the end of the front tube. The ham m er union (2) can now be slid off the front tube. 9. G ear S haft Rem oval, place the gear box (8) in a soft jawed vise and by holding the handwheel (11) rem ove nut (9) from the gear shaft using the 11/16” socket wrench provided. The handwheel can now be pulled free of the gear shaft. Now place shaft retainer wrench over the gear shaft and back the shaft retainer (12) out counterclockwise. The gear shaft can now be pulled free of the gear box. 10. End Cap Rem oval, the end cap (31) can be rem oved, if necessary, from back tube (29) by first rem oving the set screw (7) and rotating the end cap counterclockwise with the spanner wrench. 11. Adapter Assem bly Rem oval , rem ove the spirol pin (A6 or B6) from the adapter assem bly (1A or 1B) by using a punch and ham m er. The adapter can now be pulled free of the spline rack (32). 12. S eal Inspection, rem oves all seals from tool, degrease, and check for wear and nicks. TROUBLE S HOOTING G UIDE 1. Possible Cause Set screw not clear of threads 1. 2. Possible galling 2. Threads binding during m ake-up 1. Possible galling 1. Gear shaft binding after assem bly 1. 1. Tool leaking at connections under test pressure 1. G ear shaft retainer tightening down on thrust washer W rong O-ring Problem Connection binding during rem oval 1. 2. Pipe threads on 1. gauge or bleed valve leaking Grease fitting 1. leaking through full port Im proper thread m ake-up 1. Ball not seated 1. Possible S olution Rem ove set screw connection. from Tap Connection with ham m er while backing off thread Do not proceed, back thread off while tapping with a ham m er, deburr, polish and grease threads prior to m aking up connection. Use thinner thrust washers, or rem ove one thrust washer on gear box side. Consult parts list for proper seal size. Replace dam aged seals and redress seal surfaces. Use Teflon tape or dope on connections. G rease with grease gun and pressurize the tool. Note: if fitting still leaks, replace. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 22 G LOAZURE CO.,Ltd. B. Assem bly Procedure 1. G ear Box, place thrust washers (15) on gear shaft (14) using two washers on each side of the gear. Slide O-rings (16) on gear shaft, coat shaft with bearing grease rated at desired operating tem perature and slide gear into gear box (8). Place O-ring (13) on sha ft retainer (12) and screw clockwise into the gear box. 2. Front Tube , slide the ham m er union (2) onto front tube (3). Slide spiral retainer ring (4) in place. Place O-ring (17) on the gear box. Apply grease to O-ring and threads and screw front tube onto gear box. Tighten with strap wrench and install set screw (7) in place. 3. Bearing Cap, install the Om ni seal (18) on the drive tube (20) with the spring side of the seal facing outward. CAUTION : Take care not to scratch or deform the seal. If the seal should becom e deform ed, heat it and the drive tube in an oven at 400 ÛF for fifteen m inutes and allow cooling prior to assem bly. G rease seal (18) and flange bearing (19), then slide the drive tube into the gear box. Grease thrust bearing (21) and slide over drive tube. Note that the sm all “ID” of thrust bearing is toward drive tube flange. Place O-rings (24 and 35) into the bearing cap (22). G rease and screw the bearing cap onto the gear box, and secure with two set screws (7). 4. Drive Ring, put two keys (26) in the keyways on the dive tube and slide the drive ring (27) in place. Secure with two set screws (7). Install handles (28) on the dive ring by threading in clockwise. 5. S pline Rack, install the proper adapter assem bly body (TKS 201 or TKS 209) onto the spline rack (32) by sliding the adapter assem bly (1B) over spline rack and retaining with spirol pin (B6). 6. Back Tube ; install the O-ring (38) in the end cap (31). G rease and screw the end cap clockwise onto the back tube (29) and secure with set screw (7). Slide the assem bled back tube over the spline rack, coat with grease and screw clockwise onto the drive tube. Secure with set screw (7). 4.2 Service Valve The m aintenance interval required for the service valve will be determ ined by the m edia acting upon the valve and frequency of use. Sand, grit or m etal chips m ay dam age seats causing leaks which will require seat replacem ent. The recom m ended interval for the following m edia is: Type Of M edia W eeks 1 C ru d e O il 1 2 Re fi n e d H y d ro c a rb o n 2 3 N a tu ra l G a s 2 4 P ro d u ce d W a te r* 1 5 S e a W a te r* 2 6 S te a m * 2 IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 23 G LOAZURE.CO.,Ltd. * The valve should be rinsed with diesel fuel after each day’s service in these environm ents. Except with the presence of: 1. H 2 S, CO 2 , or O 2 2. Chlorides or Sulphate 3. Acids, Alkalis, Am ines or G lycols 4. Sand, grit, Clay or M aine Shells 5. M etal chips due to hot tapping It should be cleaned on every day that it is used. Occasional lubrication will be necessary to reduce opening torque. The use of a synthetic lubricant is recom m ended. 4.2.1 Service Valve Disassem bly Our service valve has a valve ball that is rem ovable only from the service valve ham m ers nut end (access fitting body connection). 1. Loosen and rem ove cap screw (4) on handle (5) service valve. Rem ove handle (5) from stem (3), rem ove plate position stop (25). 2. Place the service valve upside down (it will be better if placed in a vice to secure it when rem oving interior parts from service valve. If this is done, wooden block should be used to protect the body from m arks caused by vice jaws). 3. Loosen and rem ove the four Allen cap screw 7/16” (23) by using a 5/16” Allen wrench. Loosen and rem ove the two cap screw ½” (24) by using a 3/8” Allen wrench. Rem ove the bonnet (2) from service valve body (1). Rem ove back up ring (8), seal stem (9), thrust ring (10) and o-ring (11) from stem . Care m ust be taken in rem oving the seal stem (9) and o-ring (11). 4. Loosen and rem ove the four Allen cap screw 5/8” (19) at the ham m er nut end (20) by using a ½” Allen wrench. 5. Rem ove ham m er nut (20), retainer (16), carrier seat (13), valve ball (12) (care m ust be taken in handling of ball) and carrier seat (13). 6. Rem ove the needle valves only if necessary for seal replacem ent. To rem ove; turn the large bleed screw retaining locks nuts counter-clockwise and com pletely disengage from the se rvice valve body. To disassem bly the bleed screws from their retaining lock nuts, it is necessary to rem ove the roll pins and the sm all anti vibration hex nuts from the bleed screw tops. By turning clockwise on the bleed screws they will thread out through the bottom of their retaining lock nuts. Seat replacem ent cannot be accom plished. 7. Loosen and rem ove pipe plug (21) from service valve body (1). 4.2.2 Service Valve Assem bly 1. Clean all parts. A recom m ended cleaning solution for all m etal parts is a m ixture of 5 gallons (20 liters) of diesel fuel, ½ pints (250 m l) of standard m otor oil and two tablespoons of m ethanol. A soft brush such as a test tube cleaning brush m ay be used to rem ove any deposits. IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 24 GLOAZURE.CO.,Ltd. 2. Lubricate inside service valve body (1), lubricate carrier seat (13) and install ring seat seal (15) into carrier seat (13), install o-ring (14) into carrier seat (13). NOTE: That there are two seat seal rings and carriers; and, that they are interchangeable. There is only one carrier seal and it is to be installed on to the carrier going into the ACM E threaded end of the service valve). If the seat seals are not being replaced, install the better of the two seat seals in the ACM E threaded end of the service valve. G rease the face of the seat seal. 3. Place valve body (1) upside down (in a vice if possible using a wooden blocks) then replace carrier seat assem bly (13) into service valve body (1) with o-ring (14) contact inside service valve body (1). 4. Lubricate the valve ball (12) and install the better side in the ACM E threaded end of the valve body (1). Ensure that’s the groove side on valve ball (12) facing the stem (3). Then repeat item steps 3, install carrier seat assem bly into service valve body (1) with ring seat seal (15) facing the valve ball (12). 5. Lubricate the retainer (16) (both side) then assem bly o-ring (17 & 18). Install retainer assem bly (16) into service valve body (1). Install ham m er nut assem bly (20) into service valve body (1) screw with the four 5/8” (19) Allen cap screw by using a ½” Allen wrench. DO NOT tighten them securely at this stage. 6. Partially assem bly the bonnet (2) by installing the back-up ring (8) and stem seal (9) in the bonnet (2). Install the thrust washer and stem in the bonnet. Position the bonnet-to-valve body ‘O’ ring in the valve body (1) stem recess. 7. Install the thrust ring (10) and stem (3) in the bonnet (2). Position the bonnet-to-valve body is o- ring in the valve body (1) stem recess. Carefully position the bonnet onto the valve body, ensuring that the thrust washer is eased into position concentric with the ‘O’ ring. Stager torque the four 7/16” Allen head cap screws to 30 ft.lbs. And the two ½” Allen head cap screws retaining the bonnet to the valve body to 50 ft.lbs. Use a 5/16” and 3/8” Allen wrench, respectively. 8. Carefully position the bonnet (2) onto the valve body (1), ensuring that the thrust ring (10) is eased into position concentric with the o- ring (11) and ensure that the stem (3) inserted into valve ball groove. Stager torque the four 7/16” Allen head cap screws (23) to 30 ft.lbs. And the two ½” Allen head cap screws (24) retaining the bonnet (2) to the valve body (1) to 50 ft.lbs. Use a 5/16” and 3/8” Allen wrench, respectively. 9. Install the plate position stop (25) over the top of the stem (3) and position the valve ball handle (5) onto the square head of the stem (3). Ensure that handle (5) positioning points away from the ham m er nut end (20) when the valve ball (12) is in the open position. Tighten the cap screw (4). 10. Stager torque the four 5/8 “ Allen head cap screws (19) that were initially installed as indicated in item steps 5 to 130ft. lbs, to retain the ham m er nut assem bly (20) and retainer (16). IOM RETRIEVER TKS RP 25 TITLE : TITLE :