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British Defence Equipment Catalogue

British Defence Equipment Catalogue. 1970-1980


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    December 1969
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BRITISH DEFENCE EQUIPMENT CATALOGUE THIRD EDITION OCTOBER 1970 9* BRITISH DEFENCE EQUIPMENT CATALOGUE Published by authority of the Ministry of Defence (Defence Sales) by Combined Service Publications London, October 1970 Ltd All copyright reserved by the publishers Third edition Published by : October 1970 Combined Service Publications 67-68 Jermyn Street London SW1 Ltd England Telephone: 01-930 1110 Edited by Technical Writing Service Ltd 6 Ganton Street London W1 V 1 LJ England Telephone: 01-437 2944 Printed by F J Parsons Ltd London, Hastings and Folkestone England Contents Page 3 List of 4 Introduction 5 How 9 Product index contents to use this 35 Alphabetic 57 Product data Catalogue of firms list NAVY 57 Section Ships 83 Section Support vessels 91 Section Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment 111 Section Surface sensors, control systems and 143 Section Propulsion and auxiliary machinery 167 Section Other naval equipment weapons ARMY 177 Section 7 Tanks 183 Section 8 203 Section 9 221 Section 10 253 269 283 309 Section Section 12 Armoured vehicles Weapons and ammunition Sensors and control systems Engineer equipment Earthmoving equipment Section 13 Vehicles Section 14 Vehicle equipment 331 Section 5 Trailers Section 16 Aircraft 1 1 for ground forces AIR 339 367 377 405 415 435 Section 1 7 and engines Helicopters and hovercraft Section 18 Weapons and Section 19 Aerial reconnaissance Section 20 Aircraft equipment and instruments Section 21 Airfield equipment and services control systems for aircraft equipment ALL SERVI CES Section 22 Guided weapons and equipment Section 23 Air defence Section 24 Radio transmitters and receivers Section 25 Other communications and electronic equipment Section 26 Training equipment Section 27 Internal Section 28 Power generating equipment Section 29 Rescue equipment 601 Section 30 Pyrotechnics 615 625 647 655 675 685 Section 31 Fire fighting Section 32 Materials handling equipment Section 33 Storage equipment Section 34 Test equipment Section 35 Medical supplies and equipment Section 36 Field 691 Section 37 Uniforms and personal equipment 701 Section 38 Advisory and supporting services 729 Section 39 Other products and services 449 467 477 509 535 559 577 593 and air traffic radars combustion engines equipment accommodation — ntroduction industry manufactures a very wide range of defence equipment proven in battle round the world. In recent years many items of such equipment have been sold to other countries both by British industry and by the British Ministry of Defence. Although all manufacturers issue technical literature describing their products and many offer very detailed brochures, it is felt that there is a need for a joint catalogue of defence equipment such as this publication. This sets out to provide a quick and easy reference to the widest possible range of products and services, information about each being presented British uniform layout. do not claim that all items of defence equipment manufactured in Britain are included or described. Some are too complex to include in this type of presentation, others of which you may have heard are not yet in service. If you want further information on any of the items or if you cannot find the type of equipment for which you are looking, help will be forthcoming from the British Embassy or High Commission if appropriate in your country. Alternatively, your representatives in London can seek further information from the British Ministry of Defence or Ministry of in a We — Technology. It should be noted moreover that contributors to this Catalogue have been able to select only one or, at best, a few of their products for inclusion in the product data sections; other products made by the contributor are indicated against their name in the alphabetic list. This edition contains updated and new information, and therefore supersedes the second edition dated December 1969, all copies of which should be destroyed. The next (fourth) edition will be published in the Autumn of 1971, it having been decided that it is now necessary to publish the Catalogue only once a year in future. This Catalogue has been sponsored by the British Ministries of Defence and Technology and has been prepared with the fullest assistance and co-operation of the many firms participating. Application for further copies of this edition should be addressed to the publishers: Combined Service Publications Limited, 67 68 Jermyn Street, London SW1 , England. . . H ow ^ to use tnIS Cr3t3lOQU0 53 The products shown in this Catalogue are grouped into sections relating comparable defence purposes. As far as possible, the sections themselves are grouped to bring together equipment for naval, army and air use n P a 9 e ^ wi " be found a list of these section headings with page numbers. On pages 9-34 there is a comprehensive index of all the products included, arranged alphabetically irrespective of section, giving the page numbers on which descriptive details are published. On pages 35-56 there is a list of all the firms concerned, arranged to broadly alphabetically. If details of a product or products made by a particular firm are required, these may be found from the page numbers listed in the firm's alphabetic list entry. This list also contains more details of the firms themselves, such as locations of separate divisions or branches, as well as products not described in this publication. While every care has been taken to ensure that the data published in this Catalogue are correct, the publishers accept no responsibilityforany of the information. The right is reserved to change specifications without prior notice at any time. The trade marks and trade names used in this Catalogue must not be reproduced without permission of the firms concerned. All text and illustrations in this Catalogue are copyright and must not be reproduced without permission of the publishers. To our many friends we apologise that this Catalogue is printed only in English. Where further explanation is required, assistance can always be obtained from the Embassies of Great Britain, including our Service Attaches. Queen's Award to Industry <8> This symbol, which will be found on many pages in this Catalogue, denotes that the firm concerned has received the Queen's Award to Industry for outstanding achievements in the year or years indicated under the symbol. Modo onsulter ce Catalogue au Catalogue sont groupes 3 j'apportant a des fins militaires d ordre rubriques sont groupees autant que ,'es de facon a reunir les equipements des services de I'armee, de I'air et de la marine. On trouvera a la page 3 une liste de ces rubriques, avec leurs numeros de pages. II est publie aux pages 9-34 un repertoire de tous les produits inclus au Catalogue, parordrealphabetique, independamment de la rubrique et indiquant la page ou se trouvent les descriptions s'y rapportant. Une liste parait aux pages 35-56 ou figurent alphabetiquement toutes les societes mentionnees. Pour trouver des informations sur un ou des produits fabriques par une societe donnee, se referer aux pages indiquees a la liste alphabetique des societes; cette liste procure d'autres renseignements sur les societes, comme par example les adresses des services et filiales qui ont leur propre siege, ainsi que d'autres produits non decritsau present Catalogue. Tandis que les editeurs ont pris soin d'assurer que les informations publiees au Catalogue sont exactes, ne peuvent accepter aucune responsabilite en ils ce qui concerne toutes ou partie de ces informations. Les societes se reservent le droit de modifier les specifications a tout moment donne, sans avis prealable. Les marques et les noms commerciaux qui figu r ent au Catalogue ne seront pas reproduits sans la permission des societes concernees. Tous les textes et illustrations du Catalogue ne peuvent etre reproduits sans la permission des editeurs qui s'en reservent le droit de publication. Nous prions nos bons amis nombreux de bien vouloir nous excuser de I'absence d'une version francaise de cet Catalogue. Pour des renseignements supplementaires on peut toujours s'adresser aux Ambassades de la Grande Bretagne ou a ses Attaches Militaires. ories de usar este Catalogo Los productos ilustrados en este Catalogo estan agrupados por secciones que guardan relacion con finalidades de defensa comparables en terminos generates. Dentro de lo posible las secciones mismas estan a su vez ordenadas en grupos con el fin de reunir los equipos y material destinados a las fuerzas de tierra, mar y aire. En la pagina 3 se hallara una lista de los encabezamientos de estas secciones con indicacion de los numeros de las paginas. En las paginas 9-34 hay un indice completo de todos los productos incluidos, dispuestos alfabeticamente cualquiera que sea la seccidn a que pertenece y con indicacion de los numeros de las paginas en las que se publican los detalles descriptivos. paginas 35-56 hay una lista de todas la firmas interesadas, por orden alfabetico. Si se desea conocer detalles de un producto o productos fabricados por una firma determinada, pueden hallarse dirigiendose a los numeros de paginas indicados en la lista alfabetica de las empresas. Esta lista contiene tambien mas datos de las firmas propiamente dichas, tales como la direcciones de las distintas divisiones y sucursales, asi como productos que no se describen en este Catalogo. Si bien se han adoptado todas las precauciones necesarias para asegurar que sean correctos todos los datos publicados en este Catalogo, los editores no aceptan responsabilidad alguna por la informacion facilitada en el mismo. Queda reservado el derecho a modificar especificaciones sin previo aviso en cualquier momento dado. No esta permitida la reproduccion de ninguno de los nombres y marcas registrados utilizados en este Catalogo sin el previo consentimiento de las firmas interesadas. Todo el texto y las ilustraciones de este Catalogo estan sujetos a las leyes del derecho de autor y no esta permitida su reproduccion sin el previo consentimiento de los editores. Rogamos a nuestros numerosos amigos de excusarnos de que este Catalogo sea impreso unicamente en ingles. Mas amplios informes pueden ser obtenidos de las Embajadas de Gran Bretaha y de sus agregados En las militares. Le Prix Royal decerne a I'industrie Ce symbole qu'on recontrera souvent aux pages du Catalogue indique que la societe concernee s'est vu decerner le Prix Royal a I'industrie pour son important apport au cours de I'annee ou des annees portees en dessous du symbole. El Galardon de la Reina a la Industria Este simbolo, que se vera en muchas paginas de este Catalogo, indica que la firma ha sido galardonada con el Premio de la Reina a la Industria por haber logrado exitos sobresalientes en al aho o los ahos mencionados bajo el simbolo. Zum Gebrauch Die in diesem Katalog beschriebenen Erzeugnisse sind Abschnitte gegliedert, die annahernd vergleichbaren Verteidigungszwecken entsprechen. Soweit wie moglich, sind die Abschnitte selbst so angeordnet, dass Ausrustungsartikel fur die Marine, Armee und Luftwaffe zusammengefasst sind. Auf Seite 3 befindet sich ein Verzeichnis dieser Abschnitts-Uberschriften mit Angabe der Seitenzahl. Die Seiten 9-34 enthalten ungeachtet der Einteilung in Abschnitte in alphabetischer Reihenfolge ein umfassendes Register alter aufgefuhrten Produkte mit Angabe der Seite, auf der die detaillierte Beschreibung zu finden ist. Die Seiten 35-56 enthalten ein komplettes Firmenverzeichnis, alphabetisch geordnet. Werden Einzelheiten uber ein von einer bestimmten Firma hergestelltes Produkt gewunscht, so sind diese an Hand der Seitenzahlen zu finden, die im alphabetisch angeordneten Firmenverzeichnis angegeben sind. Dieses Verzeichnis enthalt auch Mitteilungen uber die einzelnen Firmen, wie z.B. Anschriften von Abteilungen oder Filialen, sowie uber Produkte, die in diesem Katalog nicht beschrieben sind. Obwohl mit grosster Sorgfalt darauf geachtet wurde, dass die Angaben in diesem Katalog richtig sind, lehnt der Verlag jede Haftung ab. Die Herstellerfirmen behalten sich das Recht vor, Benachrichtigung Spezijederzeit ohne vorherige fikationen zu andern. Die in dem Katalog vorkommenden Warenzeichen und Firmennamen durfen nicht ohne schriftliche Einwilligung der Firmen nachgedruckt werden. Alle Texte und lllustrationen des Katalogs sind urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Nachdruck ohne Einwilligung des Verlags ist untersagt. Wir bitten unsere Uberseekunden hoflichst urn Nachsicht, dass dieser Katalog nur in englisch gedruckt ist. Falls zusatzliche Erlauterungen erwunscht sein sollten, konnen sie jederzeit von den Botschaften Grossbritanniens, einschliesslich der Militarattaches, eingeholt werden. in — — Koniglicher Industriepreis Dieses Zeichen, das auf zahlreichen Seiten des Katalogs erscheint, zeigt an, dass die Firma in einem oder mehreren Jahren mit dem Queen's Award to Industry fur hervorragende Leistungen ausgezeichnet wurde. Manuseamento do Catalogo des Katalogs Os produtos mostrados neste Catalogo estao agrupados em seccoes relacionadas em termos gerais a fins defensivos comparaveis. Tanto quanto possivel, as seccces, de per si, estao agrupadas catalogando equipamento usado por forcas navais, aereas e do exercito. Na pagina 3 encontra-se uma lista com os titulos destas seccces e os numeros das paginas em queseencontram. Nas paginas 9-34 encontra-se um indice compreen- dente todos os produtos incluidos, dispostos alfabeticamente, irrespectivamente da seccao a que pertencem, com os numeros das paginas onde se encontram os pormenores descritivos. Nas paginas 35-56 encontra-se uma lista de todas as firmas interessadas em o.dem alfabetica. Se forem desejados pormenores de um produto ou produtos feitos por determinada firma, estes podem obter-se pelos numeros da pagina que se encontram na lista alfabetica das firmas. Esta lista da tambem mais pormenores sobre as firmas como, por exemplo, localizacao de divisoes separadas ou sucursais, bem como de produtos que nao se encontram nesta publicacao. Nao obstante ter sido tornado o malor cuidado para assegurar a exactidao dos dados publicados neste Catalogo, os editores nao aceitam qualquer responsabilidade pelas informacces fornecidas. Reserva-se o direito de alterar especificoes em qualquer momento e sem aviso previo. As marcas registradas e nomes comerciais publicados neste Catalogo nao devem ser reproduzidos sem o consentimento previo das firmas respectivas. Todos os textos e ilustracoes tern direitos reservados e nao podem ser reproduzidos sem o consentimento dos editores. Pedimos desculpas aos nossos Exm os amigos que Catalogo seja redigido exclusivamemte em Ingles. Se se precisem mais explicacces as Embaixadas inclusivo os adidos militares, ficarao Britanicas, sempre as suas ordens para lhas fornecer. este Real Ordem de Merito Industrial Este simbolo, que se encontra em muitas paginas deste Catalogo, significa que a firma respectiva foi galardoada com a Real Ordem de Merito Industrial em reconhecimento de realizacoes de relevo no ano ou anos indicados a parte inferior do simbolo. 3 is not a comprehensive index of defence equipment: only products dealt with in this Catalogue are listed. Opposite each product will be found the number of the page or pages on which the product is described. This Items printed headings. in bold type indicate section Product index Page Product Page Product Aid Air control radar, tactical 243 670 433 112- 113, 514-515 250 249 727 557, 714- 717 670 724 684 250 140- 141 380 381 102- 103 329 172- -173, 264 740- -741 470- -471 Air-cooled diesel engine 570- -571 Air cooler 330, 427, 740-741 732- -733 370- -375 fire AC AC generator voltmeter AIDA intruder alarm AMETS artillery meteorological survey ATC simulator ATES air-transportable Abbot self-propelled earth station gun Accelerometer, single-axis Access mat, tank Accident recorder, in-flight 324- 325 666- 667 227 243 548- 549 484- 485 204- 205 428- 429 258- 259 432 permanent Acetylene gas generator Acoustic transmitter Action information system Action information training simulator Action simulator Actuator control-surface, aircraft electric hydraulic rotary night-viewing ranging technical training viewing visual training walking Aiming post lamp Aiming sight Air-brake parachute Air breathing apparatus, compressed Air cleaner Accommodation mobile control, artillery inspection landing navigational, marine 688 688 267 Air compressor Air conditioning 554 538- -539 Air-cushion craft skirt Air-cushion vehicle Air defence and air traffic radars 416- -417 134- -135 134- -135 324- -325 Air defence control system Air defence operational centre Air defence radar, naval Adaptor, tubing, surgical Addressing equipment, telegraphy, automatic 681 520- -521 Air Aden cannon ammunition 387 Air filtration Admiralty chart Admiralty Standard Diesel Engine Faci ig Adour gas turbine engine Advice, operational, naval Advisory and supporting services Air electronics trainer 136 152- -153 360- -361 720- -721 701 728 Advisory service 376 hovercraft operational 714- -715, 720-721 Aerial aircraft omni-directional 533 528 space communications Aerial camera Aerial cover Aerial infra-red surveying equipment Aerial mast Aerial reconnaissance equipment 482- -483 406 -407, 41 0-41 Aerial reflector Aero engine test equipment Aeronautical chart Aeronautical instrument Agent, purchasing equipment 109 116- 117, 126-127 98, filter equipment Air heater Air-intake control, hydraulic Air navigating computer Air navigation chart Air-portable bridge Air-portable landing mat Air-portable plastics cabin 467 475 130- -131 710- -711 116- -117, 122-123, 394- -395 548- -549 172- -173, 329 740 741 740- -741 422--423 408--409 Facing 432 256--257 440 689 306- -307 Air-portable truck Air-portable vehicle Air purification plant 302 -303 Air-sea rescue apparatus Air-sea rescue craft Air-sea rescue radar 172- -173 598- -599 90 394- -395 598 -599 470 -473 406 -407, 412-413 396 -397 458 -459 396 -397 400 427 414 498 -499 Air-sea rescue survival Air surveillance radar 405-414 Air-to-air fire control 427 436 -437 Facing 432 Air-to-air 431 Air-to-air ranging 401 702 -703, 716-717 Air-to-air rocket 382 -383 Air survey kit camera guided missile Air-to-air interception radar Air-to-air interception sight system system Product jht nssile ;i lg r system launcher to-ground rocket system to-surface fire control Air traffic control radar Air traffic control simulator Ail Air traffic control system Air trainer Air-transportable earth station Air-transportable radio equipment Air-transportable radio station Airborne camera Airborne command post Airborne infra-red reconnaissance equipment Airborne Airborne Airborne Airborne Airborne liferaft machine gun pod magnetic tape recorder radar radio equipment reconnaissance pod Airborne Airborne Airborne Airborne Airborne recorder rocket launcher weapon carrier weapons release unit Product 400 458-459 Aircraft hydraulic 401 Aircraft 378-379 382-383 396-397 470-475 548-549 Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft maintenance contractor maintenance docking maintenance service maintenance staging refuelling system Aircraft refuelling tanker truck 130-131, 710-711 Aircraft reverse thrust 344-345 484-485 484-485 Aircraft servicing trolley, hydraulic towing 484-487, 507 406-407, 412-413 Aircraft tug 358-359 Aircraft " 414 594-595 386 432 Aircraft tractor weapon loader weapon mounting Aircrew lifejacket Aircrew prodecure trainer Aircrew trainer Airfield construction Airfield crash tender 394-395, 468-469 492-493, 496-497, Airfield installation 502-503 408-409 Airfield lighting 530 378-379 388-389 390-391 Airfield equipment and services Airfield landing Airfield mat equipment membrane 346-347, 353-359 bomber 352-353 340-341 cargo 350-351, 358-359 carrier-borne 348-349 348-349 close-support drone fighter, 540-541 342-343, 348-349, ground-attack 354-355 freighter 346-347, 358-359 344-345, 348-349 342-343, 348-349 ground-attack interceptor interceptor, all-weather 441 Alarm fire intruder, seismic radiation Albion cargo truck Alignment telescope All-weather interceptor aircraft Allison gas turbine engine Alternating horn 340-345, 356-357 Altimeter, radio 346-347 support long-range patrol maritime patrol naval reconnaissance reconnaissance 346-347, 358-359 Aluminium alloy armour search and rescue short-haul strike, 358-359 358-359 348-349 354-355 348-349 V/STOL close-support low-level supply-dropping support survey strike, strike, 346-347, 358-359 350-351 trainer 358-359 356-357 354-355 352-355 trainer, operational 344-345, 348-349, transport 356-357 350-351 transport, light 346-347, 358-359 utility 346-347 348-349 533 725 339-365 168-169 387 tactical tanker vertical take-off Aircraft aerial Aircraft, All the World's. Jane's Aircraft and engines Aircraft arresting gear cannon ammunition Aircraft control-surface actuator Aircraft engine hose engine transit mounting Aircraft equipment and Aircraft instruments Aircraft ferrying service Aircraft fire crash tender Aircraft fuel system gas turbine engine 41 6-41 434 434 415-434 702-703 620-621, 623 418-419, 422-423 360-365, 591 622 227 170-171 286-287 236-237 354-355 364-365 744 Alternator light 340-349, 352-355 346-347, 358-359 435-447 706-707 440 438-439 Airstrip surfacing material jet STOL 555 710-711 620-621, 623 Airlane chart fire control system Airport approach chart interceptor, high-altitude 352-353 352-353 352-353 5 16-547 710-711 702-703, 710-711 Facing 432 396-397 Facing 432 354-355 354-355 logistic 422-423 Facing 432 702-703 444 710-711 444 420-421 446-447 4 22-423 443 338-389, 403 445 445 392-393 338-389 534-595 441 planning Airfield support service Airfield Airpass anti-submarine patrol Aircraft system Aircraft stores auto-selector Aircraft ambulance Aircraft system Aircraft landing chart Aircraft 10 Page Page power generating vehicle plate alloy casting alloy extrusion 586-587 312-313 433 330 330 330 Ambulance armoured field Ambulance Ammeter aircraft Ammunition aircraft cannon gun, 30 mm mortar Ammunition container Ammunition pouch Amphibious craft Amphibious vehicle Amphibious vehicle, armoured 186-187, 190-191, 298-299, 346-347, 668 200-201 286-289, 322-323 358-359 387 208-209 214-215 648-649 648-649, 692-693 370-375 192-193 200-201 Amplifier audio miniature, thin-film passenger address power, audio Anaesthesia cylinder stand Anaesthesia equipment Analogue computer Analyser frequency response function, transfer, digital microbiological Anchor gear Andover transport aircraft Angular positioning unit 524-525 534 512-513 512-513 683 681, 683 546-547 666-667 666-667 683 168-169 350-351 671, 734-735 Antenna cassegrain dish omni-directional 484-485 484-485 528 Product Page Product Page f continued space communications Anti-aircraft guided missile Antenna Anti-aircraft 482-483 452-455, 460-461 gun mobile 208-209 naval 1 Anti-aircraft gun mounting Anti-corrosion system Anti-erosion polyurethane sheeting Anti-gravity suit Anti-reflective coating Anti-riot Anti-riot Anti-riot equipment grenade gun Anti-static rubber Anti-submarine craft Anti-submarine patrol aircraft Anti-submarine radar Anti-submarine tactical simulator Anti-submarine trainer, shipborne Anti-submarine weapon system Anti-tank guided missile Anti-tank guided weapon simulator Anti-tank guided weapon vehicle Anti-tank mine Anti-tank vehicle, armoured Anti-tank weapon practice range Anti-vibration mounting Approach chart, airport Approach radar, precision Approach slope indicator, Apron lighting equipment visual Aptitude assessment Area-measuring instrument Argosy transport Armament aircraft electrical periscope simulator, submarine system, low-level trainer Attitude director Attitude indicator Attitude repeater 40-1 41 138-139 Anti-aircraft shell Attack Attack Attack Attack 1 40-1 41 650-651 434 594-595 734-735 220 612-613 220 645 58-59 Audio Audio Audio Audio Audio amplifier balancing unit equipment power amplifier 708-709 Auto-selector aircraft stores weapon Autoclave 352-353 394-395 546-547 552-553 458-459 Automated infusion 450-451, 456-457 557 186-187 218-219 200-201 542-543 175 Facing 432 433 438-439 438-439 708-709 266 350-351 unit Automatic cannon, self-loading Automatic gearbox Automatic lavatory Automatic parachute release Automatic position plotter Automatic radio test equipment Automatic sighting system Automatic telegraphy addressing equipment Automatic test equipment Automatic transmission Automatic voltage regulator Automotive cooling system Automotive diesel engine Autopilot Autostabiliser, helicopter Auxiliary diesel engine, marine Auxiliary engine Auxiliary gas turbine Armament electrical systems Armament pack test set 390-391 390-391 652 Auxiliary power unit, marine Aviation service Avimo Arming device stabilised sight Avionics test equipment guided missile torpedo 466 1 524-525 512-513 510-511 512-513 530, 534, 673 recorder Audio-visual aid systems diagnostic tester 108 552-553 380-381 538-539 430 430 430 Avometer 34-1 35 Avon gas turbine engine 388-389, 403 388-389, 403 683 683 210-211 326-327 683 426 514-515 662-663 240 520-521 466, 656-659 572-573 132-133 316-317 574-575 428-429 428-429 1 48-1 49, 564- -565 562-563 422-423 1 48-1 49 710-711 241 468-469 668 360-361 Armour body, lightweight infantry, portable Armour-piercing gun Armour-piercing shell Armour plate, aluminium alloy Armoured Armoured Armoured Armoured Armoured Armoured ambulance amphibious vehicle anti-tank vehicle cargo carrier command vehicle 84-1 87 188-191, 248 200-201 1 88-1 91 186-187, 184-189, 1 86-1 87, 200-201 Barometric parachute release Barrier, moisture Base-load power generating plant Bath 1 wheeled Armoured fighting vehicle sight Armoured mortar vehicle Armoured patrol car Armoured personnel carrier Armoured reconnaissance vehicle Armoured recovery vehicle Armoured repair vehicle Armoured tank, heavy Armoured troop carrier Armoured vehicles Arms, small Arresting gear, aircraft equipment, field Artillery fire control aid Artillery fire control equipment Artillery fire control plotter Artillery fire control 202 200-201 194-199, 202 200-201 178-179 190-191 183-202 220 168-169 Baby's survival cot system, portable Artillery fire director, optical sound location system Artillery tractor Assembly, flexible wiring Assessment, aptitude Assistance, operational, naval 594-595 Bag inflatable sleeping Balancing unit, audio equipment Bar mine Ballistic paraffin wax vacuum embedding Bathythermograph 732-733 690, 692-693 512-513 398-399 218-219 426 650-651 576 683 683 106-107 Battery electric storage lead-acid main propulsion, submarine Battery capacity tester Battery charger Battery charging set Battery-electric fork lift truck 104-105, SIS- -319 SIS-SI 9 04-1 05 1 736-737 498-499, 736- -737 580-581 630-631, 634- -639, 642-644 428-429 horizon indicator Artillery control , 194-199 304-305, 332-333 Articulated truck Artillery D D fighting vehicle tracked Artificial 698 698 210-211 210-211, 387 330 186-187, 200-201 200-201 200-201 200-201 186-187, 200-201 226 243 Battery-electric tractor 251, 536-537 251 Beacon Battle tank flashing 226 239 246 192-193 747 marker radar responder-racon 708-709 search 720-721 survival recovery rescue rotating 630-631, 642- -643 180-181 744 596-597 114-115 596-597 596-597 744 596-597 596-597 11 — 7 Page Product ma Bearing, /e shaft Beaver trucK Bed camp hospital MK truck Bedford Bell waist Belt, Bench, hydraulic test, Beret Betalight 1 Product Page CRT 406-407 689 747 690 684 306-307 744 692-693 669 694-695 250 display recording camera Cabin, plastics, air-portable Cable, electric Camera 406-407,410-413 406-407, 412-413 aerial air survey airborne electro-optical low-level reconnaissance gun-mounted 247 reconnaissance optical 239, 247 recording, CRT display recording, radar display Binocular sight, infra-red Bird-scaring cartridge Bivouac Blood transfusion equipment Blood transfusion set Blowpipe guided missile Boat see also Corvette. Craft, Frigate, Launch, Ship, Submarine, Submersible 232-233 606-607 690 ultra-high-speed Camouflage net 681 Camp 683 97, scintillation 460-463 bed Canberra aircraft Cannon see also Gun, Mortar self-loading, automatic single-shot inflatable 175 Cannon ammunition, patrol 88-90 Canoeist's lifejacket patrol, fast 62-67, 74-77 88-89 732-733 686-687 Canopied liferaft, Canteen furniture Cannula, Guest work work, inflatable Boiler, steam-raising, oil-fired Bomb fragmentation high-explosive mortar practice, retarded smoke Bomb-aiming equipment Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb carrier ejector release retarder retractable-fin Bomber aircraft Bone-fracture equipment Book, text Boom microphone Boot, safety Bottle carrier, water Bow 214-215 214-215 214-215 384-385 214-215 396-397 388-389 388-389, 403 380-381 unit tail high-explosive thrust unit 386 386 340-341 684 708-709 510-511, 534 699 692-693 1 58-1 59 Brake disc main propulsion, marine transmission Breathing apparatus clearance diving compressed damage air control underwater Bren gun 162 162 162, 747 102-103 102-103 102-103 102-103 21 6-21 Bridge air-portable floating girder modular, clearspan portable Bridge-unit trailer Buccaneer low-level strike aircraft Bucket loader, multi-purpose Building prefabricated transportable Bulk-liquid carrier truck Bulldozer Bulldozer pusher attachment Bullet-proof vest 256-257 256-257 254-255 256-257 256-257 334-335 348-349 278-279 688 688 296-297 272-273 272-273 698 Buoy signal, smoke submarine, distress Burette set, paediatric Burns dressing Bush, rubber Bushmaster trailer 3 166 447 Binocular 12 — — 604-605 108 633 384 330 335-337 aircraft inflatable Cap Capacity tester, battery Capstan, vehicle-mounted Car see also Truck, Vehicle command 406-407, 41 2-41 660-661 41 0-41 406-407, 412-413 406-407 406-407 676-677 660-661 742 690 340-341 210-211 210-211 387 594-595 598-599 688 683 694-695 736-737 262-263 298-303 escort 188-189, 202 patrol 194-195 patrol, armoured riot 188-189, 202 control scout Caravan Carbon microphone Cardiology equipment Cargo aircraft Cargo carrier, armoured Cargo-carrying craft Cargo container, transportable Cargo loading equipment Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo movement net restraining net trailer truck truck, cross-country truck, 188-191, 202 298-299 radio control heavy-duty vehicle 196-199 286-287 534 681 350-351, 358-359 200-201 370-373 322-323 628-631 742 742 336-338 445 286-287, 306-307 284-285 298-299 Carrier armoured, personnel cargo, armoured gun load troop Carrier, bomb Carrier, water bottle weapon, airborne Carrier-borne aircraft Carrying case, equipment Carrying harness, personal load Carrier, Cartridge bird-scaring signal smoke teargas gun Very wind-indicating Case, equipment carrying Cassegrain antenna Casting aluminium alloy non-ferrous Catalogue, spare parts Catgut Cathodic protection equipment Cell, electric storage 186-187, 200-201 200-201 192-193 192-193 190-193 388-389 692-693 388-389 348-349 692-693 692-693 606-607 610-613 606-607 220 606-607 610-613 692-693 484-485 330 158-159 724 683 132-133 104-105 Product Page Product Centrifuge, disc 683 747 265 132-133 498-499, 736-737 580-581 Communications system Chain, conveying Chain saw, electric, portable Changer, frequency, static Charger, battery set, battery Charging Chart Admiralty aeronautical air navigation aircraft landing Facing Facing Facing Facing Facing Facing Facing airlane airport approach nautical Chart plotter Chassisless tank trailer cleaning de-rusting surface-treatment Chieftain heavy armoured tank Cine target training equipment Circuit panel, flexible Circuit, printed engineering contractor Cleaner, 36 432 432 432 432 432 136 137 447 Check-out system Check-out unit, weapon systems Chemical Civil 1 air Cleaning chemical Cleaning solvent Clearance diving breathing apparatus Clearspan modular bridge Clinometer Clock, speaking Close-support gun, 1 05 Close-support strike aircraft Closed-circuit television system, colour mm continued tropospheric scatter Communications system contractor Communications terminal shipborne shipborne satellite, Communications test instrument Compacting roller Comparator mono, optical optical stereo gyro magnetic Compass test table, magnetic 730-731 730-731 730-731 178-179 542-543 388-389 747 706-707 329 730-731 730-731 102-103 256-257 266 rubber rubber, footwear Compressed air breathing apparatus Compression chamber, diving Compressor air high-pressure high-pressure, reciprocating portable submarine tractor-mounted rotary, Compressor nitrogen turbine-driven 531 206-207 594-595 442 747 470-471 vacuum Codification service, NATO Coil, ignition warning, venous pressure Cold-light illumination Collector system, waste oil Colorimeter Colour closed-circuit television system Command Command Command car craft 734-735 734-735 724 320-321 sonar interpretation 518-519 518-519 710-711 electrical 310-311, 528 fuzing quick-release, electrical tubing, surgical 681 Console 546-547 298-303 90 field test communications control, hydraulic test, radio 186-187, 200-201 84-1 85 245 1 equipment Construction, airfield Construction plant Constructor recovery crane Consultancy air defence defence training Commer truck Commodore ship's computer system 294-297 137 military engineering Communication line, fixed-link Communications console Communications control system Communications equipment, space Communications monitoring equipment Communications recorder, 478-479 naval 51 naval engineering plant 6-51 power 516-517 482-483 662-663 516-517 669 662-663 710-711 270-281 290-291 702-703 716-717 712-713 720-721 712-713, 727 722-723 Container ammunition cargo, transportable 516-517 flexible liquid, flexible 531 490-491 496-503 482-483 Containerised radio equipment Contamination tester, water-in-petrol digital 482-483 Contract manufacture Contractor speech 480-481, 710-711 Communications set, manpack Communications station, earth Communications system 474-475, 518- -519 trailer, electrical vehicle multi-channel 398-400 474-475 683 190-191 sight 137, 238, 398- -399, 408-409, 514- -515 1 20-1 21 314-315 mobile tracked navigating 388-389 310-311 310-311 310-311 458-459 Commander's 264 102-103 590 128-131, 137, 226, 398-399, 518- -519, 550-551 inter-vehicle post armoured 172-173, 264 264 172-173 264 172-173 264 Connector 683 250 airborne Command 330 699 102-103 100-101 518-519, 538- -539, weapon-aiming Computer digital data input unit Computer peripheral equipment Computer program Computer software Computer system Coating anti-reflective 1 24-1 25, 136, 230-231, 431 250 266 108 546-547 546-547 survival Coast-watching defence radar 266 734-735 266 546-547 analogue digital 594-595, 698 Clutch 280-281 Computer 348-349, 354-355 protective Cloud-base recorder system 116-117 484-485 516-517 set diesel-powered electronic uniform Clothing 702-703, 716- 717 Compound 699 699 tropical 482-483 Compass illuminated 656-659 390-391 Cloth Coil, Page , aircraft maintenance 648-649 322-323 427 652 482-487 673 728 702-703 13 — Page Product Product Page Contractorcivil engineering 706-707 continued shallow-water 372-373 702-703, 716-717 strike, diesel, fast 60-61 702-703 702-703 304-305 270-281 survey 84-85 communications system motor transport weapon system Contractor truck Contractors' plant Control console, hydraulic Control craft Control, drip rate Control equipment Craft 669 90 683 artillery fire 251, 536-537 field artillery 226 gun 226, 244 torpedo 97,99 416-417 422-423 550-551 416-417 Control mechanism, power-operated Control, nozzle, gas turbine Control simulator, operational Control-surface actuator, aircraft Control system air traffic communications crew crowd gunnery missile launcher naval power pitch propeller pitch remote, power sequence, digital Control systems technical service Controlled-pitch propeller Controller engine starting sequence pressure, liquid Converter, hydraulic Conveying chain Conveying wheel Coolant radiator cryogenic, miniature fuel oil Cooling fan Cooling system, automotive Co-ordinate plotter Cord parachute surgical Cordage Correlator, LF, digital Corrosion remover Corvette Cot, survival, baby's 330, 427, 740-741 747 427 316-317, 330. 427 328 316-317 266 742 742 742 666-667 730-731 58-59, 72-73 594-595 732-733 163 418—419 732-733 aerial flexible, protective Crack detector, eddy-current 163 747 427 650-651 671,730-731 Craft amphibious anti-submarine cargo-carrying command control fast-attack glassfibre-reinforced plastics inflatable logistic patrol, customs and police patrol, diesel, fast patrol, patrol, gas turbine, high-speed long-range, fast rescue, air-sea 14 Crew 370-375 58-59 370-373 90 90 370-371 90 175 370-371 66-67, 88-89 64-65 68-69, 74-75 ^8-69, 76-77 ^2-63 626-627 626-627 272-275 526-527 trainer naval submarine training, naval Crowd cargo truck cargo vehicle tyre vehicle control system Cupboard, fume Cupola, fighting vehicle Current rectifier Customs and police Cutting equipment patrol craft gas underwater Cymbeline mobile radar DC DC 274-275, 626-627, 645 290-291 290-291 274-275, 645 620-621, 623 Crash tender, airfield Crawler tractor Crew control system D fuel line main propulsion, marine mechanical Cover truck-mounted vehicle-mounted 164 418-419 flexible fuel transfer mobile, heavy-duty recovery rough-terrain, 10-ton Cross-country Cross-country Cross-country Cross-country Coupling effluent transfer mobile Crew 669 747 747 316-317 626-627 645 hydraulic 710-711 516-517 526-527 526-527 226, 244 132-133 1 34-1 35 164 164 132-133 164 722-723 1 58-1 59 Cooler air Crane heavy-duty generator voltmeter Damage control breathing apparatus Dart gas turbine engine Data input unit, digital, computer Data link Data processing equipment, electronic Data processing equipment, radar Data processing system. meteorological Data reader, digital Data recorder digital magnetic Data service, flight Data source, underwater Data transmission equipment Data transmitter, sighting Davit winch, hydraulic Day/night sight, small arms Decca Navigator navigation system Deck machinery, hydraulic Decompression chamber, diving Deep mobile target Defect tester, eddy-current Defence installation Defence radar Defence radar, coast-watching Degaussing equipment, magnetometer Degreasing solvent De-humidifying equipment De-icing equipment De-ioniser, water Deltic diesel engine Demountable staging Depth measuring unit, ocean Depth presetting equipment, torpedo Depth recorder, marine De-rusting chemical Desalination apparatus, seawater Desalination kit, seawater Desalination plant 554 538-539, 554 727 306-307 286-287 330 188-193, 196-199 526-527 684 242 324-325 66-67, 88-89 267 267 224-225 324-325 666-667 102-103 360-361 474-475 522-523 126-131, 134-135, 137, 518-519, 546-547 470-471 243 532 430 534, 673 Facing 432 109 478-479 140-141 168-169 252 514-515 1 68-1 69 100-101 544-545 671 706-707 474-475 470-471 122-123 730-731 650-651 591 745 150-151 444 106-107 99 114-115 730-731 598-599 745 745 Product Page Product Page Desiccant, silica gel Design service 653 Disposable glove Disposable items, surgical Distance-measuring instrument Distance-run indicator, ship's Distillation unit, water Distortion measuring set, telegraph Distress buoy, submarine 680 728 682 720-721 746 728 712-713, 720-723, 727 718-719 electronics hospital installation, machinery optics rocket motor ship workshop Destroyer, guided missile, 82 multi-role Detector crack frogman's 604-605 pyrotechnic rocket 604-605, 610 611 602-603, 608- -609 320-321 Distributor, ignition Diver transport vehicle Diver's lifejacket 730-731 618-619 Diving chamber fire mine 1 overheating 618-619 radiation 170-171 730-731 728 Detergent Development service 06-1 07, 229 Diagnostic tester armament electrical systems radio equipment Dial sight equipment Dialysis Diathermy unit, electro-surgical Diesel engine automotive high-speed marine, auxiliary mobile, power-generating Diesel fork power-generating lift truck Diesel power generating set Diesel-powered compressor set 580-583 264 Diesel strike craft, fast 60-61 Differential tracking radar 466 734-735 666-667 482-483 518-519, 538-539, 546-547 474-475 532 430 664-665 532 240 432, 532 532 470-471 164 484-485 666-667 666-667 266 668 Diffraction grating Digital LF correlator Digital communications system computer Digital data input unit, computer data reader Digital data recorder Digital Digital Digital frequency meter Digital incremental recorder Digital indicator sight Digital Digital magnetic tape recorder magnetic tape system Digital radar simulator Digital Digital sequence control system speech equipment Digital transfer function analyser Digital voltmeter, integrating Digitising system Diode tester Direct-fire weapon-effects simulator Direction finder, ground-based Direction-finding radio Director artillery fire, optical attitude Disc brake Disc centrifuge Dish antenna Dispenser, engine Display oil head-down, universal moving-map radar Display system, visual 102-103 102-103 102-103 175 Diving transfer-under-pressure system Docking, aircraft maintenance Documentation Dominie Door 64-65, 68 S-69, 74-75 Diesel patrol craft, fast self-contained surface demand Diving gear Diving mask Dodge 640-641 574-575 Diesel generating set 100-101 100-101 1 00-1 01 562-563 48-1 49, 564-565, 568-571, 574-576 146-147, 1 50-1 53, 568-569, 574-576 560-561, 570-571, 576, 588- -589 570-571, 586-587 628-629, 632-635, 556 533 492-493 239 430 162 683 484-485 314-315 truck trainer aircraft 100-101 444 716-717, 724, 726, 727 292-293 352-353 fireproof 1 watertight 1 Doppler sonar Dose rate meter Dose rate unit, radiation Dress, dry-diving Dressing burns first-aid portable Drip rate control Drive Drill, electric, variable-speed, hydrostatic variable-speed, mechanical Drive shaft bearing, marine Drive transmission Driver's sight Drone aircraft Drop-side truck Dry-diving dress Dry-powder 58-1 59 58-1 59 118-119 676-677 170-171 175 330, extinguisher fire Dryer, film Drying oven Dual-trace oscilloscope Dunking sonar Dust separator 684 684 265 683 747 747 166 154-155 232-233 540-541 322-323 175 620-621 678-679 684 672 120-121 329 Dye 730-731 730-731 fluorescent penetrating c t Eager Beaver fork lift tractor Earth communications station Earthmoving equipment 640-641 482-483 269-281 Echo sounder hydrographic navigation Economic studies Eddy-current crack detector Eddy-current defect tester Effluent transfer coupling Ejector release, bomb Electric actuator Electric cable 402 514-515 92-93 594-595 compression decompression recompression Diving equipment 560-561, 574-575 1 marine propulsion stationary, 390-391 662-663 239 683 683 266 142 683 520-521 108 Distress signal 671 crack, eddy, current 681 Electric chain saw, portable Electric drill, 394-395, 470-471, portable Electric grinder, portable 474-475 548-549 Electric impact wrench, portable 557 Electric line tester 114-115 114-115 720-721 730-731 671 732-733 388-389, 403 134-135 747 265 265 265 265 668 15 Page Product Page Equipment carrying case Equipment pack 692-693 652 Electric shears, portable 669 265 265 265 265 Electric storage battery 104-105, 318- 319 Electric storage cell 104-105 630-631 747 747 310-311, 528 312-313, 32Q- -321, 324-325 310-311 668 390-391 Product Electric Electric power pack pump, portable Electric sander, portable Electric screwdriver, portable Electric towing tug preformed Electric wiring harness Electrical connector Electrical equipment, vehicle Electric wiring, Electrical quick-release connector Electrical test set systems test set, armament Electrical systems tester, armament, diagnostic Electrical trailer connector Electrically conducting rubber Electrical Electrics technical service Electro-magnetic microphone Electro-magnetic ship's log Electro-medical equipment Electro-optical camera Electro-surgical diathermy unit computer Electronic Electronic data processing equipment Electronic system, guided missile Electronic test equipment Electronic test set Element, filter, hydraulic Elevation sight, gun Emergency flare, helicopter Emergency power supply Evaluation, progress Evaporator Excavator Excavator/loader Exchanger, heat Exercise head, torpedo Expansion tank Expendable parachute Extinguisher, fire fume solvent aluminium alloy soundproof Endoscope FACE Fabric, rubber-coated 137, 226, 518- -519, 134- -135, 519, 546-547 Fabrication, reinforced plastics Face shovel Fan cooling pressurising Fast attack craft Fast diesel patrol craft 529 586-587 670 62-63 62-67, 74-77 Fault-finding system Ferret scout car Ferry trailer, heavy Ferrying, aircraft Fibre optics 146-151, 560- -561, 568-569, 572- -573, 576, 586- -589 570-571 Fibre-reinforced plastics armour Fibre-reinforced plastics tank diesel, diesel, marine, auxiliary marine propulsion diesel, water-cooled gas turbine gas turbine, aircraft gas turbine, marine gasolene diesel, 1 52-1 53, 576 Field Field accommodation ambulance Field artillery control equipment telephone Field test console Fighter aircraft, ground-attack Field 570-571 591 Fighter controller trainer 360-365 144-145 560-561 Fighting Ships. Jane's Fighting vehicle armoured, tracked jet, aircraft 591 kerosene 560-561 560-561, 566- -567 562-563 562-567, 572- -573 566-567 armoured, wheeled Fighting vehicle cupola Fighting vehicle episcope Fighting vehicle periscope military military, small multi-fuel opposed-piston outboard, heavy-duty petrol ramjet turbo-fan Engine, fire Engine oil dispenser Engine run-up stand, jet Engine starting sequence controller Engine test stand, jet, mobile Engineer equipment Engineering consultancy, naval Engineering contractor, civil Engineering service, medical Environmental pack Epicyclic gearing Episcope, fighting vehicle tank 1 56-1 57 572-573 362-363 328 328 370-371 Fast patrol boat Fast-rise oscilloscope Fibre light guide 574-575 562-563 574-575 564-565 226 200-201 200-201 376 427 274-275 Fast long-range patrol craft diesel diesel, 684 683 330 64-65, 68-69, 74-75 60-61 562-563 automotive high-speed marine 544-545 316-317 424-425 618-622 Fast diesel strike craft auxiliary diesel, 316-317, 330,427 field artillery control equipment FV 432 armoured personnel carrier FV 434 armoured repair vehicle Engine diesel, air-cooled 270-271, 274-277 276-277 c r Fender, ship's shielded, modular 68-69 708-709 427 equipment Extraction Extrusion, 390-391 310-311 645 722-723 534 136, 142 682 660-661 683 128-131, 398-399, 550-551 126-131, 137, 518466 672 668 416-417 240 610-611 578-579 Enclosure 16 188-189, 202 Escort car Escort vessel Fighting vehicle sight, armoured 672 656-659 175 196-199 338 702-703 670 247, 670 698 384-385 685-690 190-191, 286-289, 298-299, 322-323 226 510-511 662-663 342-343, 348-349, 354-355 538-539 725 184-187 188-191, 194-199 242 239 239 248 Film plastics, protective 747 747 surgical 681 laminating 591 Film dryer 678-679 622-623 314-315 436-437 164 436-437 253-267 727 706-707 682 652 Film interpretation table Film processing equipment, x-ray 41 0-41 Film viewer, stereoscopic Film viewing table 41 0-41 1 60- 1 61 Film wire circuit 410-411 388-389 Filter air 172-173,329 hydraulic 41 6-41 liquid 172-173 734-735 neutral Filter element, hydraulic Filtration 239 242 678-679 air mobile 41 6-41 equipment 740-741 738-739 — 1 Product water Filtration plant, Fin stabiliser, non-retractable Finder, direction, ground-based alarm Fire Page Product 738-739 Fork 165 533 622 Fire control 396-397 396-397 243 air-to-air air-to-surface Fire control aid, artillery equipment, Fire control plotter, artillery 251, 536- -537 251 Fire control radar 222-223, 470-471 Fire control Fire control system, artillery artillery, portable crash tender, aircraft Fire detector Fire Fire director, artillery, optical Fire engine Fire extinguisher Fire fighting equipment Fire fighting trailer Fire fighting truck Fire fighting vehicle Fire protection helmet vehicle-mounted Fire service Fire Fireproof door First-aid dressing Fixed-link communication line Fixed-pitch propeller Flag Flame tube, gas turbine Flameproof lighting equipment petrol Forward landing pad Forward-looking radar Fox armoured car Fracture equipment, bone Fragmentation bomb 618-619 Free-running underwater target 239 Freight transport helicopter 622-623 618-622 61 5-623 620-621 620-621 620-622 696-697 Freighter aircraft 616-617, 622 1 58-1 59 684 tender hand-propelled low-pressure gas manual-hydraulic Frame, manpack 616-617 616-617 616-617 710-711 portable trailer-mounted continued diesel 226 620-621, 623 pump Fire Page truck lift 9 478-479 158-159 690 422-423 438-439 Flare Frame tent long-haul short-haul Frequency meter, digital Frequency response analyser Frequency standard, precision Friend-or-foe identification radar 358-359 346-347 664-665 666-667 664-665 468-471 Frigate 68-71, 78 -81 Frogman's distress signal Frontier security system 604-605 Fuel control valve Fuel cooler emergency helicopter reconnaissance illuminating parachute parachute illuminating reconnaissance signal Flashing beacon Flat-platform trailer Flaw-detection equipment Flexible circuit panel Flexible container Flexible coupling Flexible fuel tank Flexible liquid container Flexible protective cover Flexible reservoir Flexible wiring assembly Flight data service Flight instrument Flight simulator Flight trainer Float switch Floating bridge Floodlight equipment Flow marker, tidal Flow meter Flow regulator, fuel Flotation 610-611 610-611 614 614 602-603 614 602-603, 608-61 744 334-335 730-731 388-389 427 163 330, 427, 732-733 652 650-651 652 747 Facing 432 430 546-547, 555, 557 546-549, 557 418-419 256-257 438-439, 744 732-733 606-607 683 422-423 Fluid magnetic particle inspection protective Fluorescent dye Fluorescent lamp Flying helmet Flying training Folding furniture Folding wheelchair Footwear Footwear rubber compound Fork lift tractor Fork lift truck battery-electric 730-731 730-731 730-731 438-439 696-697 702-703 690 684 699 699 640-641 630-631, 634-639, 642-644 227 41 8-41 427 Fuel-injection system 422-423 312-313 Fuel jettison valve 41 8-41 Fuel metering system 422-423 422-423 Fuel flow regulator Fuel pump Fuel storage tank Fuel system, aircraft Fuel system equipment 652 418-419, 422-423 427 Fuel tank. flexible helicopter 628-629, 632-635, 640-641 644 628-629, 634-635 644 634-635 440 396-397 194-195 684 214-215 692-693, 699 690 544-545 368-369 long-range Fuel transfer coupling Fueldraulic system Fume cupboard Fume extraction equipment Fume generator, insecticidal Function analyser, transfer, digital 330, 427, 732-733 384-385 732-733 422-423 684 684 606-607 666-667 Furniture canteen folding hospital laboratory office Fused quartz window Fuze guided missile impact self-destruct 688 690 684 684 688 734-735 466 208-209 208-209 Fuze indicator, howitzer Fuzing connector Fuzing harness 251 Gamma 330 470-471 267 267, 683 radiation meter Gap-filling radar Gas cutting equipment Gas pressure regulator Gas turbine, auxiliary Gas turbine-driven hydraulic power pack Gas turbine engine aircraft marine Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas turbine flame tube turbine nozzle control 388-389 388-389 422-423, 590 443 360-365, 591 1 44-1 45 422-423 422-423 turbine patrol craft, high-speed 68-69, 76 -77 turbine-powered generator pack turbine reheat system 443 422-423 422-423 364-365 267 560-561 turbine starter turbine starter trolley welding equipment Gasolene engine 17 Product riant Gas Page Product Page 681 Ground-to-air radio receiver Ground-to-air radio transmitter Guard system, perimeter Guest cannula Guidance equipment, guided missile Guide, fibre light 533 533 227 683 466 670 Ge 168-169 168-169 689 747 aircraft arre; anchor running, trailer-type Gear wheel Gearbox automatic marine Guided power transmission semi-automatic Gearing air-to-air 154-155, 160-161 747 air-to-ground 326-327 anti-tank 160-161 154-155, 160-161 160-161 286-287, 296-297, 306-307, 322-323 ship-to-air main propulsion, marine reduction General-purpose truck 298-303 General purpose vehicle Generating plant power, base-load power, standby Generating set power, diesel power, lightweight power, marine power, mobile power, petrol power, portable power, standby power, stationary vehicle-mounted Generating system, vehicle, Generator 576 576, 586- -587 574-575, 580-583 578-579 564-565 578-579, 582-585, 588-589 580-581 580-581 electric ac dc acetylene gas fume, insecticidal power, hand signal, telegraph warning tone Generator pack, gas turbine- powered 582-583 586-587 584-585 324-325 324-325 324-325 petrol-engined, power turbine-driven, power trailer Geophone Girder bridge Glassfibre-reinforced plastics craft Glassfibre-reinforced plastics hull Glassware, laboratory disposable surgical, rubber fire pump sight diffraction moire irritant riot control smoke Grinder, electric, portable Ground-attack aircraft Ground-attack fighter aircraft missile fuze missile launcher missile launcher hovercraft submarine Guided missile loading equipment Guided missile miss-distance system Guided weapon sight Guided weapon simulator, anti-tank Guided weapon system Guided weapon vehicle, anti-tank Guided weapons and equipment Gun see also Cannon, Mortar mm anti-aircraft, mobile armour-piercing mm light, police tank trailer-mounted mm 557 450-461 186-187 449-466 208-209 220 210-211 220 206-207 208-209 206-207 216-217 220 204-205 210-211 208-209 208-209 192-193 226, 244 240 247 pod, machine, airborne 138-139 138-139 138-139 138-141 138-139 334-335 386 rule 251 20 pedestal anti-aircraft gyro-stabilised naval twin 30 mm Gun-mounting 734-735 734-735 Gun Gun Gun 342-343. 348-349, 252 241 sight Gun ammunition, 30 mm Gun carrier Gun control equipment Gun elevation sight Gun-mounted binocular Gun mounting 250 734-735 612-613 612-613 612-613 612-613 265 344-345 mm mm self-propelled Gun-aiming 462-463 462-463 462-463 464-465 536-537 184-185 140-141 anti-riot 105 machine 458-459 458-461 460-461 466 82 466 466 464-465 466 464-465 system helicopter 498-499 590 336-337 227 254-255 90 88-89 684 Grenade anti-riot missile close-support, 105 gyro-stabilised, twin 30 Grating fringe, system guidance equipment missile handling equipment missile electronic 443 Graticule illuminated missile destroyer, multi-role cartridge, teargas 364-365 144-145 616-617 marine missile arming device anti-aircraft gas turbine engine aircraft surface-to-surface Guided Guided Guided Guided Guided Guided Guided Guided 76 680 683 680 surgical shipborne surface-to-air 606-607 498-499 520-521 512-513 Glove Godiva 452-455, 460-461 450-451, 456-457 460-461 460-461 anti-aircraft 267 Generator set Gnome 458-459 458-459 man-portable epicyclic Generator missile 326-327 trailer sight gyroscopic image-intensifying Gun stabilisation system Gunnery control system Gunnery miss-distance system Gunnery Gunnery Gunnery Gunnery trainer, naval 400 248 244 226, 244 536-537 550-551 241 556, 714-715 training aid training system 354-355 533 470-471 394-397 Gunner's sight Gyro compass Ground sheet 6S" Ground-surfacing mat Ground-surveillance radar 25fc Gyro-stabilised gun mounting Gyro-stabilised gun, twin 30 Gyro-stabilised platform 608-609 245 124-125, 136, 230-231,431 138-139 208-209 124-125 Gyro system 431 Ground-based direction finder Ground-controlled interception radar Ground-mapping radar Ground-servicing 18 lift truck 259 222-223, 252 training target mm — Product Page Product Gyro-theodolite 266 Helmet Gyroscope Page continued flying 428-429 134-135 reference system 400 124-125 sight 241 Hi-Fix survey system High-altitude interceptor aircraft High-explosive bomb High-explosive bomb tail unit High-explosive shell High-hysteresis rubber High-pressure compressor High-pressure hydraulic pump High-pressure lubricator 124-125 High-pressure reciprocating horizon missile north-seeking 124-125, 238 vertical 431 vertical reference 124-125 Gyroscope 7 671 test table Gyroscopic Gyroscopic Gyroscopic Gyroscopic gun sight weapons stabiliser compressor High-resolution video H HF HF patrol radio radio HS 748 Hand equipment transport aircraft extinguisher fire Hand-held microphone Hand-held signalling rocket Hand power generator Hand-propelled fork Hand lift truck truck Handbook, operating Handling equipment guided missile mechanical Handset, telephony Harness 500-501 480-487, 490-491, 494-495, 506 350-351 620-621 510-511 602-603 Headphone Headset Headset tester Heat exchanger Heater, air Heavy armoured tank Heavy-duty cargo truck Heavy-duty crane Heavy-duty load carrier Heavy-duty mobile crane Heavy-duty outboard engine Heavy-duty powered raft Heavy-duty truck Heavy-duty trailer Heavy-duty winch Heavy ferry trailer Height finding radar 304-305 692-693, 699 402 320-321 544-545 316-317 694-697 430 136 500-501, 500-501, 524-525, 510-511 316-317, 740-741 178-179 284-285 626-627 304-305 290-291 156-157 256-257 292-295 332-335 290-291 338 472-473 Helicopter freight, transport rescue strike Helicopter autostabiliser Helicopter emergency flare Helicopter guided missile launcher system Helicopter landing pad Helicopter reconnaissance flare Helicopter refuelling system Helicopter sonar Helicopter trainer Helicopters and hovercraft Helmet fire protection system Hovercraft liferaft Hovercraft skirt Howitzer fuze indicator Hull, plastics, glassfibre-reinforced Humidity indicator Hunter ground-attack 292-293, 447 aircraft 386 387 645 264 669 314-315 172-173 548-549 562-563 68-69, 76-77 304-305 394-397 428-429 428-429 744 434 314-315 684 682 684 684 370-375 376 Hovercraft guided missile launcher 274-275, 628-633 510-511 Haulage truck Haulage vehicle Haversack tape-type reel Hovercraft advisory service 464-465 348-349 Headgear Heading indicator Hose Hospital furniture Hovercraft 747 Head, torpedo exercise Header tank radar Horizon gyroscope Horizon indicator, artificial Horn, alternating Hose, aircraft engine 714-717, 724, 726, 727 wiring, electric Head lamp, vehicle craft Hospital design service Hospital equipment Harrier vertical take-off aircraft display, universal Homing Hospital bed 388-389 692-693 Head-down High-speed diesel engine High-speed gas turbine patrol High-speed haulage vehicle 498-499 644 644 personal load carrying fusing map 696-697 514-515 354-355 214-215 524-525 510-511, 534 fighter aircraft Hydraulic actuator Hydraulic air-intake control Hydraulic aircraft servicing trolley Hydraulic crane Hydraulic control console Hydraulic converter Hydraulic davit winch Hydraulic deck machinery Hydraulic filter Hydraulic filter element Hydraulic power pack gas turbine-driven motor-driven Hydraulic 251 88-89 650-651 348-349 1 34-1 35 422-423 443 645 669 669 168-169 1 68-1 69 41 6-41 416-417 443 669 pump aircraft 330, 427 462-463 594-595 376 high-pressure naval Hydraulic ram Hydraulic system, aircraft Hydraulic test bench Hydraulic test equipment Hydraulic test rig Hydraulic winch Hydrographic echo sounder Hydrophone Hydroplot navigating computer Hydrostatic variable-speed drive 422-423 669 168-169 422-423 422-423 669 443, 669 669 260-261 114-115 98 137 747 1 1 368-369 368-369 368-369 428-429 610-611 462-463 441 INAS inertial navigating and attack system IRIS infra-red intruder warning system ISIS integrated strike and interceptor system Idler wheel, track Identification radar, friend-or-foe 610-611 420-421 120-121 538-539 367-376 Ikara guided missile 696-697 Illuminated compass Illuminated graticule Ignition coil Ignition distributor Ignition system, vehicle 398-399 228 400 330 468-471 320-321 320-321 320-321 458-459 250 250 19 Page Product Page Product Illuminated map-reading magnifier Illuminated rifle sight Illuminating flare, parachute Illuminating rocket Illumination, cold-light Illustrating service 250 234-235 602-603, 614 608-609 250 716-717, 724, 726 248-249 248-249 265 208-209 432 418-421 Instrument— com/ntyetf 531 Interception radar 532 air-to-surface 682, 684 671, 734-735 ground-controlled Image-intensifier tube Image-intensifying sight electric, portable Impact wrench, Impact fuze In-flight accident recorder system Incremental magnetic tape recorder In-flight refuelling Incremental recorder, digital Incubator Indexing table, rotary nuclear surgical test test, communications Instrument landing system Instrument panel light Instrument trolley Instrumentation recorder Integrating digital voltmeter Intensive care unit Inter-vehicle connector all-weather 354-355 ground-attack 342-343, 348- -349 high-altitude 354-355 400 512-513 attitude 428-429 430 fuze, howitzer 251 Interceptor system, optical heading 430 136 650-651 418-419 174 142 142 438-439 430 524-525 398-399 398-399 698 212-213 542-543, 608- -609 249 732-733 175 598-599 594-595 732-733 264 Intercom box, station Interference suppression, radio frequency Internal combustion engines Interpretation computer, sonar horizon heading, tape-type humidity liquid level radiation ship's distance-run speed ship's slope, visual approach vibration Inductive loop radio equipment Inertia! navigation equipment Inertial navigation platform Infantry armour, portable Infantry mortar Infantry target simulator Infantry weapon Inflatable sight bag Inflatable boat Inflatable canopied liferaft Inflatable liferaft Inflatable work boat Inflator, tyre 97 Information system action naval action Infra-red binocular sight Infra-red intruder Infra-red warning system lamp Infra-red line scanner Infra-red mapping recorder Infra-red material Infra-red periscope sight Infra-red photographic equipment Infra-red projector 126-127 116-117 232-233 228 683 408-409 408-409 232-233 245 414 228. 245 Infra-red reconnaissance equipment, airborne Infra-red searchlight portable vehicle-mounted aerial 227 228 Invertor, static Invisible-light projector Iron Fairy crane Irritant 683 fume generator Inspection aid Inspection fluid, magnetic particle 606-607 670 730-731 Installation airfield defence naval 706-707 706-707 706-707 Installation design service. machinery J Jaguar Instrument aeronautical area-measuring distance -measuring examination, non-destructive All the World's Aircraft Fighting Ships Surface Skimmer Systems Weapon Systems Jet aircraft Jet engine run-up stand Jet engine test stand, mobile Jet pump 356-357 725 725 725 725 340-345, 356- -357 436-437 436-437 418-419 K Kerosene engine 560-561 1 L furniture glassware film machine system 666-667 490-491 682-684 684 684 747 747 747 Lamp fluoroscent head, vehicle 438-439 320-321 infra-red 683 747 250 747 320-321 230-231 nuclear post, aiming self-luminous Land navigation equipment Land Rover 431 air-portable armoured levelling 266 266 670 430 266 navigation 431 flight 20 aircraft Jane's spot, vehicle 720-721 132-133 228 645 612-613 346-347 1 Laboratory Laboratory Laminating Laminating Laminating Infusion unit, automated Insecticidal grenade Islander light aircraft 245 245 414 20-1 21 Intruder alarm, seismic Intruder warning system, infra-red LF correlator, digital LF radio equipment Laboratory equipment Infra-red surveying equipment, 1 492-493 414 245 Infra-red sight 529 559-576 Interrogator Information organisation system, tactical 396-397 470-471 Interceptor aircraft Indicator artificial 330 684 666-667 516-517 433 250 338 534, 673 666-667 682 310-311 lightweight long-wheelbase short-wheelbase Landing aid Landing chart, aircraft 302-303 202 302-303 298-299 300-303 433 Facing 432 9 Page Product Landing mat airfield Landing pad forward 440 helicopter 441 Landing system, instrument Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser training 433 708-709, 712-713 marked-target seeker rangefinder ranging equipment rod 401 target marker 401 Launch, personnel Launcher guided missile rocket rocket, air-to-ground rocket, airborne Launcher control system, missile Launcher system guided missile, helicopter guided missile, hovercraft guided missile, submarine Laundry equipment Laundry, mobile Lavatory, automatic Layer, mine Lead-acid battery Lens optical photographic 232-233 401 734-735 88-89 1 Product Page continued Link 440 440 air-portable Language —— , SHF radio Linkage, power-actuated Liquid container, flexible Liquid filter Liquid level indicator Liquid level transmitter Liquid pressure controller Load carrier heavy-duty high-mobility Load carrying harness, personal Load lifting table Loader bucket, multi-purpose 450-451 456-457, 464-465 382-383 378-379 378-379 132-133 462-463 462-463 462-463 686-687 686-687 683 218-219 318-319 734-735, 746 247 aircraft Loader shovel Loading equipment cargo guided missile Loading shovel, wheeled Locomotive, shunting 346-347, 358-359 292-293 304-305 384-385 352-353 62-63 Loud 526-527 512-513 512-513 380-381 Loudspeaker Levelling instrument 266 Loudspeaker-amplifier Low-level attack system Low-level reconnaissance camera Low-level strike aircraft Low-pressure gas fork lift truck diver's naval parachutist's airborne canopied, inflatable hovercraft inflatable Lift 594-595 598-599 594-595 594-595 truck fork, battery-electric fork, diesel fork, fork, fork, hand-propelled low-pressure gas manual-hydraulic fork, petrol ground-servicing Lift, hailer Low-temperature equipment Lubricating trailer Lubricator, high-pressure Liferaft vehicle Ligature, surgical Light gun, 105 mm Light, panel, instrument Light signalling projector Light tank Light transport aircraft Lighting equipment airfield apron flameproof vehicle Lighting, runway Lightning aircraft Lightweight body armour Lightweight power generating set Lincompex equipment Line, fixed-link communication Line scanner, infra-red Line tester, electric Line-throwing rocket 630-631, 634-639, MF/HF MITRE pocket phone 438-439 438-439 438-439 320-321 438-439 342-343 698 578-579 478-479 478-479 408-409 668 604-605 Link microwave radio radio, UHF junction M 45H gas turbine engine MF radio equipment 628-629, 634-635, 640-641 644 628-629, 634-635 644 346-347, 358-359 478-479 478-479 1 40-1 41 514-515 41 0-41 348-349 628-629, 634-635 747 336-337 314-315 IVI 642-644 634-635 644 314-315 683 206-207 250 744 184-185 628-631 Long-distance haulage truck Long-distance haulage vehicle Long-range fuel tank Long-range patrol aircraft Long-range patrol craft, fast Look-out sight Loran navigation system Lorry see Car, Truck. Vehicle 41 8-41 594-595 594-595 594-595 594-595 594-595 270-271, 276-277 Logistic support aircraft Level transmitter, liquid aircrew canoeist's 392-393 Logistic craft Log, ship's, electro-magnetic 418-419 250 Lifejacket 278-279 464-465 278-279 574-575 136, 142 370-371 Level, spirit Level indicator, liquid 304-305 192-193 692-693 644 270-271, 276-277 tractor weapon, 478-479 416-417 652 172-173 418-419 418-419 418-419 radio equipment Machine, laminating Machine gun Machine gun pod, airborne Machinery control, main, naval Machinery installation design service Magnetic compass Magnetic compass test table Magnetic particle inspection fluid Magnetic tape recorder airborne audio cockpit, audio digital FM/digital incremental instrumentation Magnetic tape system, digital Magnetic tape transport Magnetometer degaussing equipment Magnifier, map-reading, illuminated Main machinery control, naval Main propulsion battery, submarine Main propulsion brake, marine Main propulsion coupling, marine Main propulsion gearbox, marine Main propulsion gearing, marine Maintenance and repair ship Maintenance contractor, aircraft Maintenance manual Maintenance schedule, planned 362-363 490-491 504-505 500-501 747 216-217 386 164 720-721 266 108 730-731 432 534 530 432 544-545 531 673 532 532 22-1 23 250 164 1 04-1 05 162 163 154-155, 160-161 154-155, 160-161 86-87 1 702-703 714-717, 726-727 714-715 21 Prod Page Product Page 710-713 444 Meteorological equipment 442; Meter dose flow 330, 676-677 aircraft Mainten a Mar.-poriabie guidea missile Management training Manoeuvring room training simulator Manpack frame Manpack radio equipment Manpower planning 460-461 708-709 554 692-693, 699 490-491 496-503 708-709 , operating technical training Manual-hydraulic fork Manufacture, contract lift truck 714-717, 726-727 724 714-717, 727. 714-717, 724, 726-727 644 728 aeronautical nautical video, high-resolution video, radar Map-reading magnifier, illuminated recorder, infra-red auxiliary power unit consultancy depth recorder diesel engine diesel engine, auxiliary drive shaft bearing gas turbine engine main propulsion brake main propulsion coupling main propulsion gearbox main propulsion gearing navigational aid power generating set propulsion diesel engine propulsion unit Marine radar Marine radar simulator Marine transmission brake Marine window Maritime patrol aircraft Marked-target seeker, laser Marker 664-665 330 664-665 422-423 683 radiation modulation Metering system, fuel 510-511. 534 534 534 510-511, 524-525 534 boom carbon electro-magnetic hand-held moving-coil 478-479 683 Militant 548-549 470-471 250 408^109 cargo truck recovery crane Military engine Military engineering consultancy 1 48-1 49 720-721 114-115 574-575 564-565 166 144-145 162 163 154-155. 160-161 Mine 54-1 55, 112-11 3, 1 1 60-1 61 4-51 5 51 564-565 152-153, 144-147. 156-157, 112-115. 546-547, 162 1 58-1 59 576 150-151. 568-569 394-395 550-551 352-353 401 self-luminous 747 401 Marker beacon 606-607 596-597 Maroon rocket Marquee 602-603. 608-609 690 Martel guided missile 458-459 flow Microphone Facing 432 Facing 1 36 target, laser tidal gamma Microwave radio link Microwave therapy unit Map Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine 683 frequency, digital Microbiological analyser Manual maintenance Mapping rate Mask 284-285 290-291 560-563, 566-567 712-713 218-219 218-219 218-219 anti-tank bar plastics Mine detector 106-107, 229 Mine-hunting radar Mine-hunting sonar 114-115 106-107 218-219 218-219 394-395 534 747 Mine layer Mine-laying plough Mines counter-measure radar Miniature amplifier, thin-film Miniature cryogenic cooler Miniature radio equipment Miss-distance system guided missile 492-493, 496-497, 500-501 536-537 536-537 gunnery Missile guided, air-to-air guided, air-to-ground guided, anti-aircraft guided, anti-tank guided, man-portable guided, ship-to-air guided, shipborne guided, surface-to-air guided, surface-to-surface submarine-to-air wire-guided Missile arming device 458-459 458-459 Missile-carrier trailer 332-333 452-455, 460-461 450-451. 456-457 460-461 460-461 458-459 458-461 460-461 97 450-451, 456-457 466 diving 175 Missile control system 130-131 oxygen 696-697 498-^99 Missile controller trainer 538-539 466 466 466 134-135 Mast, aerial Mat Missile fuze, guided air-portable, landing landing ground surfacing tank access airfield, Materials handling equipment Measuring set, distortion, telegraph Measuring system, radiation level Measuring tape Measuring unit ocean depth sea temperature Mechanical handling equipment Mechanical power transmission Mechanical reference synchroniser Mechanical rotating shaft seal Mechanical variable-speed drive Mechanical winch Mechanism, precision Medical engineering service Medical supplies and equipment Membrane, airfield Memory store Message switching system 440 440 258-259 258-259 625-645 520-521 170-171 266 106-107 106-107 274-275, 628-633 747 666-667 743 747 260-261 728 682 675 684 441 134-135 2-483 Meteorological data processing system 22 Missile electronic system, guided Missile guidance equipment, guided Missile gyroscope 450-451, 456-457, Missile launcher 464-465 1 Missile loading equipment, guided 464-465 Mobile accommodation Mobile anti-aircraft gun Mobile command post Mobile crane 688 208-209 190-191 274-275. 290-291, 626-627, 645 Mobile Mobile Mobile Mobile Mobile Mobile filtration equipment engine test stand laundry jet office personnel shower power generating set 738-739 436-437 686-687 286-287 686-687 578-579, 582-585, 588-589 Mobile Mobile Mobile Mobile power source radar radio equipment radio station Mobile repair workshop 243 32-1 34 Missile launcher control system 568-569. 222-225. 490-491 488-489, 502-503, 578-579 470-471 494-495, 507 286-287,300-301, 322-323, 336-337 — Product Page Product Page Mobile target, deep Mobile UHF radio relay Mobile weather station Model making Modular bridge, clearspan 544-545 522-523 243 722-723 256-257 Navigating computer 137, 238,398-399, 408-409, 514-515 136, 238,431 Modular shielded enclosure Modulation meter 529 664-665 Moire" fringe grating 734-735 650-651 Moisture barrier Monitor neutron Navigating system Navigation echo sounder Navigation equipment 514-515 Navigation instrument Navigation platform, inertial Navigational aid, marine Neonatal care unit Net 676-677 radiation 174, 330, vibration 430 676-677 Monitoring equipment, communications 516-517 266 Mono comparator, optical Mortar see also Cannon, Mortar ammunition Mortar bomb Gun Mortar, infantry Mortar-locating radar Mortar shell Mortar vehicle, armoured Motor protection equipment, thermal Motor system, rocket Motor transport contractor Motor tug trailer 214-215 214-215 212-213 224-225 214-215 200-201 132-133 728 702-703 338 Moulding plastics 434 434 rubber Mounting anti-vibration gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, 20 mm pedestal anti-aircraft gyro-stabilised naval twin 30 mm transit, aircraft weapon, engine aircraft Moving-coil microphone Moving-map display Moving target indicator radar 175 138-139 138-139 138-139 138-141 138-139 434 388-389 534 514-515 470-471 Multi-channel communications recorder 531 camouflage cargo movement cargo restraining safety Netting, nylon Neutral filter Neutron monitor Night/day sight, small arms Night-driving sight Night fighter Night sight aircraft illuminated passive Night surveillance periscope Night surveillance system Night-viewing aid Nimbus gas turbine engine Nimrod reconnaissance aircraft Nitrogen compressor set Noise-excluding headset Non-destructive examination instrument Non-ferrous casting Non-retractable fin stabiliser North-seeking gyroscope Nozzle control, gas turbine Nubian Major 278-279 668 478-479 Office, mobile Muscle stimulator Muzzle bore sight 683 245 Ohmmeter Office furniture Oil cooler engine Oil-fired steam-raising boiler Oil-resisting rubber Olympus gas Narrow-aisle truck Nautical chart Naval action information system Naval action tactical trainer Naval air defence radar Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval Naval architecture technical service consultancy control system crew crew trainer training engineering consultancy gun mounting gunnery trainer installation lifejacket main machinery control operational advice operational assistance reconnaissance planning aircraft refit repair service strategic studies support service surface warning radar 724 636-637 Facing 136 116-117 550-551 116-117, 122-123, 394-395 722-723 720-721 1 34-1 35 554 727 712-713, 727 138-141 550-551 706-707 594-595 164 720-721 720-721 352-353 727 704-705 720-721 727 114-115 398-399 112-113, 514-515 682 742 742 742 742 742 734-735 676-677 252 232-233 354-355 234-235 249 248 228 250 364-365 352-353 102-103 510-511 670 158-159 165 1 24-1 25, 238 422-423 623 330 747 742 Oberon class submarine Ocean bed research vessel Ocean depth measuring unit Oil dispenser, codification service 431 o Multi-purpose bucket loader Multi-range test set Multi-role guided missile destroyer Multicoupler equipment Multiplex equipment, telephony N truck Nylon netting 562-567, 572-573 82 528 fire Nuclear instrument Nuclear lamp Multi-fuel engine NATO 114-115 230-231, 398-399, turbine engine Omni-directional aerial Omni-directional antenna Operating handbook Operational Operational Operational Operational Operational Operational Operational advice, naval advisory service assistance, naval centre, air defence control simulator storage trainer aircraft Operational training Operator-computer interface Opposed-piston engine Optical artillery fire director Optical comparator Optical element Optical equipment Optical flat Optical interceptor system Optical mono comparator Optical plotting table Optical prism Optical rangefinder Optical system 96 94-95 106-107 688 286-287 668 316-317,330,427 314-315 686-687 645 144-145,362-363 528 528 714-717,724,726, 727 720-721 714-715 720-721 710-711 550-551 650-651 344-345, 348-349, 356-357 727 474-475 566-567 239 734-735 734-735 242, 247-249, 252, 670 734-735 400 266 266 242 239 746 23 .s design Page Product Page 734-735 Pen-type rocket Penetrating dye Perimeter guard system Peripheral equipment, computer Periscope 602-603 730-731 746 se. 247, 670 bre Optics, resin, synthetic Optics. tracki Organ storage ui Organisation system, tactical information Orpheus gas turbine engine Oscilloscope dual-trace fast-rise wide-band 734-735 232-233 682 108 attack fighting vehicle 239, 252 97 night surveillance 362-363 search search attack submarine 672 672 672 tank Periscopic sight Other communications and electronic equipment Other naval equipment Other products and services Outboard engine, heavy-duty Oven, drying Overhead projector Overheating detector Oxygen mask Oxygen therapy equipment Permanent accommodation Personal equipment 509 534 167-175 729-747 156-157 Personal load-carrying harness Personnel carrier, armoured Personnel launch Personnel parachute Personnel recruitment Personnel shower, mobile Personnel truck Personnel vehicle Petrol engine Petrol-engined generator set 684 239 618-619 696-697 683 Petrol fork 652 652 652 648-649 652 armament environmental equipment Packaging material Packing, special Pad bonded, rubber-to-metal forward landing helicopter landing Paint remover Paint, self-luminous Pallet truck Pallet, vehicle servicing Palouste gas turbine starter trolley Panel light, instrument Pantometer, projection Parachute 424-425 424-425 424-425 424-425 steerable supply-dropping Parachute cord Parachute flare Parachute illuminating Parachute release automatic flare barometric Parachutist's lifejacket tracer wax bath Paralleloscope Paratroop transport Particle inspection fluid, magnetic Passenger address amplifier Passive night sight Pilotage radar Pisces submersible Patrol car, armoured customs and police gas turbine, high-speed long-range, fast Patrol radio, HF submarine Pedestal gun mounting, 20 mm Pegasus gas turbine engine propeller Planned maintenance schedule Planning manpower naval refit Planning service Plastics cabin, air-portable Plastics craft, glassfibre-reinforced 742 614 602-603 Plastics fabrication, reinforced 426 426 594-595 606-607 683 247 346-347 730-731 512-513 248-249 Plastics Plastics film, protective Plastics hull, glassfibre-reinforced mine moulding armour, aluminium Plastics Plate, alloy Platform, gyro-stabilised Platform trailer, flat Plot extractor, radar 714-715 710-711 708-709 727 714-715 689 90 427 747 88-89 218-219 434 330 1 24-1 25 334-335 474-475 137 266 chart co-ordinate fire 251 control, artillery 514-515 position, automatic Plotting table, optical 266 Plough, mine-laying 218-219 645 500-501 Pneumatic tyre Pocket phone 62-67, 88- -90 188-191, 94- -195, Pod machine gun, airborne 202 reconnaissance, airborne Pole, ranging 66-67, 88- -89 64-65, 68- -69, 74-75 68-69, 76- -77 Police Polyurethane sheeting, anti-erosion 62-63 Poncho 500-50^ Portable artillery fire control system Portable bridge Portable compressor I 138-139 352-363 673 410-411 406-409, 412-414 247 114-115. 410-411 266 683 296-297 106-107, 112-113 94-95 606-607 Plotter 352-353 352-353 352-353 96 580-581 336-337 164 164 power Patrol craft diesel, fast 424-425 710-711 686-687 296-297 298-299 572-573 498-499 634-635 Pitch control system Patrol aircraft anti-submarine long-range maritime Patrol boat Very Pistol, airfield expendable smoke Photogrammetric system Photographic equipment Photographic lens Photographic processing equipment Photo-interpretation equipment Photometer Pick-up truck 683 730-731 747 636-637 314-315 364-365 250 734-735 380-381 Parachutist's syringe 330 440 air-brake personnel 24 set 248 108 108 108 242 236-237, 239, 245, 247, 252 688 692-693 692-693 186-187, 200-201 88-89 water-contamination test Petrol 441 Paediatric burette set Patrol truck Petrol tanker trailer Pack Paraffin lift power generating Petrol 227 474-475, 518-519 Police and customs gun patrol craft Portable electric chain saw 386 408-411 266 66-67, 88-89 220 434 690 226 256-257 264-265 265 9 Page Product Page Product Portable electric drill Portable electric grinder Portable electric impact 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 616-617 252 698 580-581 265 252 490-491 500-501 258-259 690 245 514-515 Processing equipment 671,734-735 648-649, 692-693 Propeller 683 416-417 512-513 132-133 586-587 577-591 fixed-pitch Propeller pitch control system Portable Portable Portable Portable wrench electric pump electric sander screwdriver shears electric electric Portable fire pump Portable ground surveillance radar Portable infantry armour Portable power generating set Portable power tool Portable radar torch Portable radio equipment Portable roadway Portable shelter Portable sight, infra-red Position plotter, automatic Positioning unit, angular Pouch, ammunition Powder, glove, surgical Power-actuated linkage Power amplifier, audio Power control system, remote Power generating alternator Power generating equipment , Power generating plant 576 base load standby 580-583 578-579 564-565 lightweight marine mobile 578-579, 582-585, petrol portable standby stationary Power generator, hand Power-operated control mechanism Power pack electric hydraulic hydraulic, gas turbine-driven pitch control system plant consultancy servo control system source, mobile supply, emergency supply system take-off tool, portable tool transformer transmission, mechanical 588-589 580-581 580-581 582-583 586-587 498-499 416-417 669 669 443 164 722-723 132-133 568-569, 578-579 578-579 584-585 336-337 265 324-325 747 unit auxiliary auxiliary, marine vehicle Powered-axle trailer Powered heavy-duty Practice raft, bomb, retarded 560-561 1 48-1 49 568-569 336-337 256-257 384-385 Practice range anti-tank weapon small-arms Practice shell Precision approach radar Precision-fabricated component Precision frequency standard Precision mechanism Precision voltmeter Prefabricated building Preformed data, radar film, x-ray information photographic Program, computer Programme, training Programmer, tape-controlled Progress evaluation Projection pantometer electric wiring Pressure controller, liquid Pressure regulator, gas Pressure suit Pressurising fan Prism, optical Printed circuit Printing service Procedural trainer 542-543 542-543 387 433 422-423 664-665 728 666-667 688 747 418-419 267 594-595 328 242, 734-735 747 726 555 678-679 544-545 114-115,410-411 518-519 714-715 683 708-709 734-735 Projector infra-red 228, 245 invisible-light 228 239 744 728 overhead signalling, light Propellant, rocket motor controllable-pitch 158-159 158-159 164 Propulsion and auxiliary 143-166 machinery Propulsion Propulsion Propulsion Propulsion battery, main, submarine brake, main, marine gearing, main, marine unit, marine set diesel Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power 126-131, 134-135, 137, 518-519, 546-547 470-471 data, electronic 576, 586-587 Power generating , Prosthesis 04-1 05 162 1 54-1 55 1 44-1 47, 1 50-1 51 156-157, 564-565, 568-569 684 1 Protection equipment cathodic motor, thermal Protective clothing Protective cover, flexible Protective fluid Protective footwear Protective plastics film Protective storage system Proteus gas turbine engine Provisioning service, spares Public address equipment Puffin gas turbine engine Pull-through, rifle-cleaning Pulse modulator thyristor 1 32-1 33 132-133 594-595, 698 650-651 730-731 699 747 650-651 1 44-1 45 714-715 526-527 591 742 534 Pump hydraulic, high-pressure 265 616-617 422-423 168-169, 422-423 669 jet 41 8-41 electric, portable fire fuel hydraulic turbine-driven Pumping set, turbine-driven Punched-tape reading equipment 422-423 590 520-521 Purchasing agent Purchasing service 702-703, 716-717 712-715 Purification plant 172-173 air water Pusher attachment, bulldozer Pyrotechnic device 738-739, 745 Pyrotechnics 601-614 272-273 602-607, 614 ^^ o \Jm Quartz window, fused Quick-release connector, electrical 734-735 310-311 *% R i RB1 62 gas turbine engine Racon, radar responder beacon 360-361 114-115 Radar air defence, naval air-sea rescue air surveillance air traffic control 116-117, 122-123, 394-395 394-395 470-473 470-475 25 — air-tc-sir interception airborne airborne, tactical anti-submarine defence defence, coast-watching shipborne 492-493, 496- -497, 500-501 500-501 484-485, 496- -499, transportable 502-506 480-485 portable UHF UHF/VHF VHF identification, friend-or-foe marine 114-115, 394--395 mines counter-measure mobile 394-395 microwave 222-225, 470- -471 SHF mortar locating 224-225 470-471 106-107, 433 468-471 222-223, 408-409 470-471 114-115 114-115 470-471 116-117, 396-397 122-123 466 470-471 394-395 394-395, 470-471, 548-549 470-471 474-475 408-409 602-603 608-609 114-115 474-475 gap-filling ground-controlled interception ground mapping ground surveillance ground surveillance, portable height finding homing moving target indicator pilotage precision approach secondary surveillance short-range sideways-looking static submarine surface warning, naval tactical air control target indicating target-tracking tracking tracking, differential transportable weather Radar display Radar map, video Radar plot extractor Radar recorder Radar-reflecting rocket Radar-reflective signal Radar responder beacon, racon Radar scan converter Radar simulator digital marine Radar trailer Radar training simulator Radar transponder Radar unit marine relative-motion true-motion Radiac radiation alarm Radiation Radiation Radiation Radiation Radiation Radiation alarm detector dose rate unit indicator level measuring system meter, gamma Radiation monitor Radiator, coolant Radio Radio Radio Radio altimeter beacon control car . 112--113 474- -475 394- -395 122- -123 MF/HF manpack junction Radio relay, mobile, UHF Radio sound ranging system Radio station air-transportable mobile Radio telephone Radio test equipment, automatic Radio transmitters and receivers Raft, powered, heavy-duty Ram, hydraulic Ramjet engine 406- -407, 474- -475, 470-471 546-547, 550- -551 334-335 222-223 468-469 112-113 112-113 112-113 170-171 170-171 170-171 170-171 174 170-171 330 174, 330, 676--677 316-317 433 596-597 298-299 502-503 482-487 MF Radio equipment diagnostic tester Radio equipment test console Radio frequency interference suppression Radio link Radome containerised LF 484-485, 492-493, 480-485, 502-503, transportable 492-493, 496- -497, inductive loop 492-493 static equipment HF 488-489, 492- -493, 528 vehicle-mounted UHF airborne ground-to-air continued miniature 396-397 470-471 470-471 394-397 222-223 252 472-473 394-397 468-471 forward-looking 26 396-397 468-469 394-395 394-395 474-475 470-471 222-223, 470- -471 control Page Radio equipment continued Radar 1 Product Page Pfcz-:-. fire —— ,, 533 480-487, 490- -491, 494-495, 500- -501, 506 524-525 490-494 490-401 504-505 490-491 496- -503 488- -489, 500- -501, 528 496- -499, 508 662-663 662-663 529 478-479 478-479 478-479 522-523 246 484-487, 488-489, 502-503, 494-497, 482-483, 502-503, 488-489, 507 494- -495, 507 502- -503, 506 494- -499, 507 508 662-663 477-508 427 256-257 422-423 362-363 Range practice, anti-tank weapon practice, small-arms tracking, underwater Rangefinder aid 232-233 239 249 equipment, laser 401 pole stave 266 266 laser optical Ranging Ranging Ranging Ranging Ranging 542-543 542-543 98 system air-to-air air-to-ground Rapier guided missile Rapier tracking system Rarden gun Reach fork lift truck Reach truck Reader, digital data Reading equipment, punched-tape Receiver, radio see Radio equipment Reciprocating bracket sight Reciprocating compressor. high-pressure Recompression chamber, diving Reconnaissance aircraft Reconnaissance camera Reconnaissance equipment Reconnaissance flare Reconnaissance pod Reconnaissance vehicle armoured light tracked 401 401 452-453 232-233 210-211 642-643 630-631 532 520-521 240 172-173 100-101 340-349, 406-407, 410-411, 608-611, 408-41 352- -355 410--413 414 614 184-189, 194-1 298-303 186-187 Recorder accident, in-flight airborne 432 530 audio 530, 534, 673 534, 673 data depth, marine digital data incremental, digital instrumentation magnetic tape 114-115 430 532 534, 673 530. 534, 544- -545, 673 — Page Product continued Recorder magnetic tape, airborne magnetic tape, digital magnetic tape, incremental magnetic tape, video mapping, infra-red Page Product Retarded practice Retarder, 432, 532 531 Retractable-fin 548-549 408-409 bomb multi-channel communications 531 408-409 430 442 596-597 290-291 258-259 Rifle sight 334-335, 338 284-285, 304-305, Ripper Road wheel, track 322-323 678-679 Roadway 186-187, 200-201 temporary Rocket Recorder system, cloud-base Recovery beacon Recovery crane Recoverable roadway Recovery trailer Recovery truck Recovery unit, silver Recovery vehicle armoured 192-193 high-mobility Recovery vessel torpedo underwater Recruitment, personnel Rectifier, current Red Top guided missile Redpole marine simulator Reduction gearing Reel, hose Reference synchroniser, mechanical Reference system, gyroscopic Refit planning, naval Refit service, warship Reflector, aerial 94-95 94-95 710-711 324-325 458-459 550-551 160-161 314-315 666-667 1 24-1 25 727 helicopter in-flight Refuelling tanker truck, aircraft Refuelling trailer Regulator fuel flow gas pressure voltage voltage, automatic Rehabilitation equipment 1 32-1 33 684 427 698 112-113 388-389 426 426 390-391 132-133 Remover corrosion paint rust Repair Repair Repair Repair Repair and maintenance ship and testing service service, naval armoured workshop, mobile vehicle, 702-703,714-717 704-705 200-201 286-287, 300-301, 322-323, 336-337 Repeater attitude steering Replay wire Rescue and search aircraft Rescue apparatus, air-sea unit, Rescue beacon Rescue craft, air-sea Rescue equipment Rescue helicopter Rescue rocket Rescue survival kit, air-sea Research service Research vessel, ocean-bed Reservoir, flexible Restraining net, cargo 188-189, 202 612-613 272-273 330 258-259 258-259 258-259 portable recoverable distress 602-603, 608-609 hand-held, signalling line-throwing 602-603 608-609 604-605 maroon 602-603, 608-609 pen-type 602-603 602-603 604-605 illuminating radar-reflecting rescue signal 602-603, 608-609 smoke streamer 604-605 Rocket launcher air-to-air 2-inch air-to-air air-to-ground Roehampton dressing 430 136 430 358-359 598-599 596-597 90 593-599 368-369 604-605 598-599 728 94-95 652 742 382-383 378-379 378-379 728 728 382-383 382-383 382-383 734-735 684 Roller compacting vibratory, self-propelled vibratory, trailer Rotary actuator Rotary indexing table Rotary submarine compressor Rotating beacon Rotating shaft seal, mechanical Rough-terrain crane, 10-ton Rough-terrain fork lift tractor 280-281 280-281 280-281 324-325 671,734-735 172-173 744 743 626-627 640-641 Rubber anti-static electrically conducting high-hysteresis 730-731 730-731 730-731 86-87 542-543 Riot control grenade Rod, laser Reinforced plastics fabrication Reinforced plastics shielding Relative-motion radar unit Release bomb equipment Riot control car Rocket motor system Rocket system 422-423 parachute, automatic parachute, barometric Release unit, weapons, airborne Remote power control system Rifle target training 420-421 420-421 418-421 446-447 446 422-423 267, 683 324-325 384-385 380-381 386 422-423 220 690 742 234-235, 250 247 infantry air-to-ground airborne Rocket motor propellant Reheat system, gas turbine ejector, unit illuminated 704-705 427 Refuelling system aircraft tail Reverse thrust system, aircraft Revolver Ridge tent Rifle-cleaning pull-through radar wire bomb bomb 432 oil-resisting Rubber bush Rubber-coated fabric Rubber component Rubber compound Rubber moulding Rubber-to-metal bonded pad Rubber tyre, solid Ruby optical unit Rucksack Rule, gun Run-up Running Runway stand, jet engine gear, trailer-type lighting 645 645 645 645 330 376 330 330, 699 434 330 330, 645 734-735 692-693, 699 251 436-437 689 438-439 Runway, temporary 441 Rust remover 730-731 o o SABA swimmer's air breathing apparatus SCOT shipborne communications terminal SHF radio link 102-103 484-485 478-479 27 Page s isjncher system able radar torch aircraft Safety boots Safety device Safety net Saladin armoured car Samaritan armoured ambulance Samson armoured recovery vehicle Sander, electric, portable Saracen armoured troop carrier Satellite Saw, chain, electric, portable Scaffolding, tubular Scale, optical Scan converter, radar Scanner 252 346-347, 358-359 699 134-135 742 188-189 186-187 186-187 265 190-191 Scintillation camera Scorpion light tank Scout car Scrambler, telephone Scraper, tractor, wheel Screwdriver, electric, portable Scrub soap, surgeon's Sea Dart guided missile Sea-Fix survey system Sea King helicopter Sea temperature measuring unit Seacat guided missile Seal, shaft, rotating, mechanical Sealed toggle switch Search and rescue aircraft Search/attack periscope Search beacon Search periscope Searchlight infra-red visible light Seawater desalination apparatus Seawater desalting kit Secondary surveillance radar Secrecy equipment, telephone Security system, frontier Seeker, marked-target, laser Seismic intruder alarm Self-contained transportable winch Self-destruct fuze Self-loading automatic cannon Self-luminous lamp Self-luminous marker Self-luminous paint Self-luminous sign Self-powered winch Self-propelled gun Self-propelled vibratory roller Self-sealing tank Semi-automatic gearbox Semi-trailer 22-1 23 726 714-715 186-187 676-677 84-1 85 186-187 196-199 522-523 272-273 265 683 458-459 514-515 368-369 106-107 460-461 743 324-325 358-359 108 596-597 108 245 744 598-599 745 468-471, 474-475 522-523 227 Sensors and control systems for ground forces Separator, dust control system, digital engine starting Service design spare parts technical support technical training Servicing equipment, vehicle Servicing steps Servicing tower Servicing trolley, air ^ulic Servo control system, >wer Shackleton patrol aircraft Shaft seal, rotating, mechanical Shallow-water craft Shears, electric, portable Sheet, ground Sheeting, polyurethane, antierosion 352-353 743 372-373 265 690 434 Shell 1 40-1 41 210-211, 387 387 anti-aircraft armour-piercing high-explosive mortar 214-215 practice Shelter, portable Shielded enclosure, modular Shielding, reinforced plastics Ship design service Ship, maintenance and repair Ship-to-air guided missile Ships —see 387 690 529 698 712-713, 720-723, 727 86-87 460-461 also Boat, Corvette. Launch. Submarine, Submersible Craft, Frigate. 57-82 142 175 Ship's distance-run indicator Ship's fender Ship's log, electro-magnetic 136, 142 Ship's navigating computer Ship's speed indicator Ship's stabiliser 137 142 165 Shipborne Shipborne Shipborne Shipborne 552-553 484-485 458-459 anti-submarine trainer communications terminal guided missile radio equipment 484-485, 496-499, 502-506 Shipborne satellite communications terminal Short-haul aircraft Short-haul freighter aircraft Short-range radar Short-wave therapy unit Shorland armoured Shotgun Shovel patrol car face loader loading, wheeled Shower, mobile, personnel Shunting locomotive Sideways-looking radar 116-117 358-359 346-347 222-223, 394-395 683 202 220 274-275 270-271, 276-277 278-279 686-687 574-575 408-409 Sight 40-1 41 aiming 1 401 air-to-air interception 227 262-263 208-209 210-211 747 747 747 747 262-263 204-205 280-281 732-733 326-327 air-to-ground attack armoured fighting vehicle 400 400 248 232-233 240 245 252 240 232-233 239 252 241, 248 240 400 245 332-333 304-305 Semi-trailer truck controller, 1 1 variant Sequence Sequence 116-117 265 444 734-735 474-475 408-409 infra-red temperature Scheduling, spares School, training Scimitar 30 mm cannon vehicle 28 462-463 communications terminal, shipborne line, 97, Page Product 221-252 329 164 164 binocular, infra-red bracket, reciprocating commander's day/night, small arms digital indicator driver's dial guided weapon gun gun, elevation gun, gyroscopic gunner's gyroscopic image-intensifying infra-red, portable infra-red, vehicle-mounted look-out muzzle bore night 718-719 718-719 718-719 718-719 314-315 444 night-driving night, passive periscope, infra-red periscopic rifle rifle, illuminated 444 443 stabilised 132-133 weapon, tank infantry 241 248-249 245 245 140-141 245 234-235 232-233 248-249 245 236-237, 239, 247, 252 247, 250 234-235 140-141, 241 247 249 3 Product Page Product Page Sign, self-luminous 747 Soundproof enclosure Space communications equipment 586-587 482-483 smoke 604-605, 608-613 Spare parts catalogue Spare parts service Spares provisioning service Spares scheduling Spartan armoured personnel Speaking clock Special-purpose equipment Special-purpose trailer 724 718-719 radar-reflective 604-605 604-605 608-609 Signal distress frogman's distress, Signal buoy, smoke Signal cartridge 604-605 610-613 Signal flare Signal generator, telegraph 602-603, 608-611 520-521 602-603, 608-609 744 Signal rocket, distress Signalling projector, light Signalling rocket, hand-held Sighting data transmitter Sighting system, automatic Silica gel desiccant Silk, surgical Silver recovery unit Simfire weapon-effects simulator Simulation technical service 602-603 1 40-1 41 240 653 683 678-679 556 722-723 action air traffic control flight guided weapon, anti-tank infantry target marine radar operational control radar, digital marine radar training submarine submarine attack tactical, anti-submarine tactical trainer training, action information training, carrier 531 728 338 142 360-361 250 320-321 244 140-141, 241 Speed indicator, ship's Spey gas turbine engine Spirit level Spot lamp, vehicle Stabilisation system, manoeuvring room weapon-effects, direct-fire Single-axis accelerometer Single-shot cannon Sippican bathythermograph gun Stabilised sight Stabiliser non-retractable 165 165 124-125 fin ship's weapons, gyroscopic 538-539 548-549 546-547, 555, 557 557 542-543, 608-609 550-551 550-551 470-471 546-547 222-223 546-547 552-553 546-547 130-131 554 maintenance demountable aircraft Stalwart load carrier Stand, cylinder, anaethesia Standard, frequency, precision Standby power generating plant Standby power generating set air-cushion craft hovercraft Sky-shouting system aircraft Sleeping bag Small arms Small arms day/night sight Small-arms practice range Small military engine Small-ship sonar Smoke bomb Smoke cartridge Smoke grenade Smoke signal Smoke signal buoy Smoke streamer rocket Smoke tracer, parachutist's Soap, scrub, surgeon's Software, computer Solid rubber tyre Solvent 422-423 312-313 364-365 gas turbine vehicle Starter trolley, gas turbine Starting sequence controller, engine 324-325 Static frequency Static radar Static radio station 494-497, 502-503, 506 428-429 210-211 106-107 Station 732-733 376 526-527 358-359 690, 692-693 220 252 542-543 562-563 118-119 214-215 606-607 612-613 608-61 604-605 604-605 606-607 683 518-519 330, 645 Sonar doppler dunking 118-119 120-121 20-1 21 helicopter 1 mine-hunting 106-107 118-119 114-115 small-ship Sonar interpretation computer Sonar ray trace indicator Sonar system trainer Sorbs// silica gel Sound location system, artillery Sound ranging system, radio 1 1 20-1 21 20-1 21 550-551 653 246 246 Sounder echo, hydrographic echo, navigation 164 Starting system, vehicle 546-547, 554 556 degreasing Solvent extraction equipment transit 576, 586- -587 582-583 32-1 33 132-133 470-471 730-731 730-731 683 cleaning 444 444 192-193 683 664-665 Starter changer Static inverter radio, air-transportable radio, mobile Skirt Skyvan 726 186-187 Staging Simulator radar, 714-715 114-115 114-115 radio, static radio, transportable weather, mobile Station intercom box Station radio Stationary power generating set Stave, ranging Steam-raising boiler, oil-fired Steerable parachute Steering repeater Steps, servicing Stereo comparator Stereoscopic film viewer Stereoscopic telescope Sterilising equipment Stern tube Sterngear system Still, water Stimulator, muscle Storage battery, electric Storage cell, electric Storage equipment Storage, operational Storage system, protective Storage tank, fuel Storage unit, organ Store, memory Stores auto-selector, aircraft Strainer Strategic service Strategic studies, naval Streamer rocket, smoke 1 484-487, 488-489, 502-503, 494-497, 482-483, 502-503, 243 507 494-495, 507 502-503, 506 494-499, 507 512-513 480-481 586-587 266 686-687 424-425 136 444 266 410-411 239 683-684 166 166 683 683 104-105, 318-319 104-105 647-653 650-651 650-651 652 682 134-135 403 416-417 720-721 720-721 604-605 Strike aircraft close-support low-level V/STOL 348-349 348-349 348-349 Strike craft, diesel, fast 60-61 Strike helicopter 368-369 344-345 Strikemaster aircraft 29 Page - jided Studded Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine system Submarine attacK s.rnulator compressor, rotary crew trainer distress Switch weapon ! buoy 186-187 330 552-553 172-173 538-539, 546-547, 554 108 Submarine periscope Submarine radar Submarine simulator Submarine weapon system Submersible, underwater work Systems management 96 108 T 97 97 92-95 pressure temperature-controlled Sultan armoured command vehicle Super Constructor truck Supply-dropping aircraft Supply-dropping parachute Supply, power, emergency Supply service Supply system, power Support aircraft 594-595 594-595 594-595 1 86-1 87 304-305 naval technical Support trainer, technical Support training Support vessels Surface demand diving equipment systems and weapons Surface Skimmer Systems, Jane's Surface, temporary Surface-to-air guided missile Surface-to-surface guided missile Surface-treatment chemical Surface warning radar, naval Surfacing material, airstrip Surgeon's scrub soap Surgical catgut Surgical cord Surgical disposable item Surgical film 683 683 742 681 681 Survey aircraft Survey camera, air Survey craft Survey equipment Survey system Surveying equipment, aerial. infra-red beacon Survival clothing Survival cot, babv's water treatment Suture, surgical Swingfire guided missile 30 108 470-471 394-395 356-357 Tactical trainer simulator 130-131 Tail unit bomb, high-explosive bomb, retractable-fin light 386 386 458-459 336-337 178-179 180-181 184-185 Tank expansion 316-317 fuel, flexible 330, 427, 732-733 fuel, long-range fuel storage header self-sealing Tank Tank Tank Tank Tank Tank Tank Tank 384-385 652 316-317 732-733 access mat 258-259 driving trainer 557 242 210-211 242 247 447 304-305, 332-333 354-355 336-337 296-297 446-447 177-181 683 266 episcope gun periscope sight trailer, chassisless transporter Tanker aircraft Tanker trailer, petrol Tanker truck Tanker truck, aircraft refuelling Tanks Tape-controlled programmer Tape, measuring Tape recorder magnetic magnetic, airborne magnetic, digital magnetic, incremental video Tape system, magnetic, digital Tape transport, magnetic Tape-type heading indicator 544-545 432 432, 532 531 548-549 532 531-532 136 Target deep mobile gunnery training towed 414 596-597 594-595 594-595 underwater, free-running Target equipment, rifle Target indicating radar 598-599 745 683 456-457 Target marker, laser Target simulator, infantry Target system Target-tracking equipment Survival kit air-sea rescue 671 97 550-551 system battle 441 410-411 410-411 644 266 671, 734-735 Tactical trainer, naval action armoured, heavy 725 440 458-461 460-461 730-731 114-115 227 Tactical information organisation 708-709,714-715 83-90 102-103 248 468-471 228 358-359 406-407 84-85 396-397 514-515 silk Tactical aircraft Tank 111-142 109 666-667 734-735 744 134-135 671 tilting 555 Surveillance periscope, night Surveillance radar, secondary Surveillance system, night Surgical rubber glove gyroscope magnetic compass 718-719,727 681 681 681 Surgical ligature test, Taildog guided missile Take-off, power Surgical tubing Surgical tubing adaptor Surgical tubing connector Surgical instrument rotary indexing test, 702-703, 710-713 712-713, 727 702-703, 712-715 Surgical suture powder lifting plotting, optical Tactical airborne radar 683 683 684 683 680 683 683 Surgical glove viewing interpretation, film Tactical air control radar Surface sensors, control Survival film 424-425 578-579 710-711,714-715 584-585 Support service airfield intruder alarm 346-347, 358-359 346-347, 358-359 350-351 logistic transport Surgical TOBIAS 418-419 324-325 618-619 Table load Suit anti-gravity Surgical glove toggle, sealed trip, thermal Synchronised acoustic transmitter Synchroniser, reference, mechanical Synthetic resin optics 462-463 1 04-1 05 114-115 546-547 Submarine-to-air missile system float Syren guided missile launcher main propulsion battery Submarine, patrol Page Product 544-545 608-609 540-541 544-545 542-543 116-117, 122-123, 470-471 401 542-543, 608-609 540-541 232-233 , Product Page Product Target-tracking radar Target training equipment cine 396-397 Tester 542-543 542-543 220 727 724 724 rifle Teargas gun cartridge Technical aid Technical documentation Technical illustration service Technical manual Technical service control systems 714-717, 727 722-723 722-723 722-723 722-723 712-713 722-723 naval architecture simulation training weapons 702-703, 711-715, 718-719, 727 555 702-703, 710-715, Technical support service Technical support trainer Technical training service 718-719 478-479 set Telegraph signal generator Telegraph terminal Telegraphy addressing equipment, automatic Telegraphy equipment Telegraphy transmission equipment 520-521 520-521 504-505 671 diagnostic, radio equipment diagnostic, armament systems diode electric line headset Testing and repair service Text book Theodolite Therapy equipment, oxygen Therapy unit microwave short-wave ultrasonic Thermal motor protection equipment Thermal trip switch Thermionic valve tester Thin-film miniature amplifier Thor ramjet engine Thrust unit, bow 390-391 668 668 510-511 668 702-703, 714-717 708-709 266 683 683 683 683 132-133 618-619 668 534 362-363 1 58-1 59 454-455 520-521 520-521 478-479 Tilting table 671 77? underbird 534 606-607 460-461 284-285, 292-293 Toggle switch, sealed Tool, power, portable Torch 324-325 scrambler secrecy equipment handset 510-511 488-489, 508 522-523 522-523 510-511 multiplex equipment transmission equipment 478-479 478-479 Torpedo Torpedo arming device Torpedo control equipment Torpedo depth presetting system Torpedo exercise head Torpedo recovery vessel Torpedo tracking system Torpedo trolley Touchwire display radio alignment stereoscopic Television system, closed-circuit, colour Temperature-controlled suit Temperature measuring unit, sea Temperature scanner Temporary roadway Temporary runway Temporary surface Tender 236-237 239 546-547 594-595 1 06-1 07 22-1 23 ridge Towing tractor Towing truck Towing tug, electric Trace indicator, sonar ray 1 Test equipment Test equipment aero engine equipment Towed target smoke, parachutist's Tracer, Track-laying vehicle Track wheel Tracked armoured fighting vehicle Tracked reconnaissance vehicle Tracking optics Tracking radar differential naval Tracking range, underwater Tracking system, torpedo 436-437 Trackway temporary roadway automatic 466, 656- -659 Tractor avionics electronic 468-469 672 artillery hydraulic 443, 669 crawler 662-663 fork 516-517, 666-667 669 towing automatic Test instrument Test rig, hydraulic Test set armament electrical systems electronic multi-range transistor Test stand, jet engine, mobile Test syringe, water-in-petrol 390-391 668 668 668 668 436-437 673 Test table gyroscope magnetic compass 1 84-1 87 186-187 232-233 466 122-123 98 98 258-259 92-1 93 630-631, 642-643 1 battery-electric Tractor-mounted compressor Tractor scraper, wheel 272-275 640-641 638-639 445 276-277 264 272-273 Tractor 304-305, 332-333 lift towing, aircraft Tractor loader electrical 20-1 21 606-607 258-259 330 330 idler road 116-117 504-505 669 662-663 662-663 655-673 field 98 392-393 474-475 441 690 690 Terminal shipborne satellite communications telegraph Test bench, hydraulic Test console 252 267 97-98 134-135 97 99 544-545 94-95 540-541 444 638-639 638-639 630-631 620-621 623 616-617, 622 Tent frame welding Tower, servicing 440 aircraft fire crash radar, portable 265 258-259 1 fire radio, 662-663 electrical Tipper truck field radio 736-737 guided missile Thyristor, pulse modulator Tidal flow marker Tigercat guided missile Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephony Telephony Telephony Telescope battery capacity defect, eddy-current valve, thermionic electrics Telecommunication system Telegraph distortion measuring Page trailer Trailer bridge-unit cargo ferry, heavy fire 671 fire-fighting 108 generator 334-335 336-338 338 616-617 620-621 336-337 31 . continued gun-mounting Page Tra er 1 ! Product Page Transfusion equipment, blood Transfusion set, blood 681, 683 Transit sonar 683 668 434 114-115 Transmission automatic 572-573 petrol tanker 334-335 332-335 336-337 332-333 338 336-337 platform, flat 334-335, 642-643 drive 1 power-driven powered-axle 334-335 336-337 334-335 power, mechanical 747 326-327 162, 747 heavy-duty lubricating missile-carrier motor tug radar recovery refuelling semispecial-purpose tank, chassisless tractor water tank workshop Trailer connector, electrical Trailer-mounted fire pump Trailer-mounted gun Trailer-type running gear Trailer vibratory roller Trailers 334-335, 338 446 332-333 338 447 304-305, 332-333 338 336-337 310-311 616-617 208-209 689 280-281 331-338 Trainer air electronics aircraft, operational air aircrew anti-submarine, shipborne attack display, visual fighter controller flight helicopter missile controller naval crew naval gunnery procedural procedure, aircrew sonar system submarine crew support, technical tactical, action speed tactical, naval action tank driving vehicle driving weapons Trainer aircraft, operational Trainer simulator, tactical 344-345 548-549 344-345 555 552-553 538-539 555 538-539 546-549, 557 538-539 538-539 554 550-551 555 546-547 550-551 538-539, 546-547, 554 555 546-547 550-551 557 546-547 546-547 348-349, 352-357 130-131 Training flying language manpower naval crew operational service, technical 702-703 708-709,712-713 708-709 727 727 support 702-703,718-719 708-709,714-715 weapons system 727 Training aid Transistor test set Transit mounting, aircraft engine vehicle Transmission brake Transmission equipment data telegraphy telephony Transmitter acoustic acoustic, synchronised data, sighting 54-1 55 478-479 478-479 478-479 98 109 140-141 418-419 liquid level see Radio Transmitter, radio equipment 468-469, 492-493 Transponder, radar Transport aircraft light long-range paratroop Transport contractor, motor Transport helicopter, freight Transport, magnetic tape Transport trolley Transportable building Transportable cargo container Transportable radar Transportable radio equipment Transportable radio station Transportable winch, self-contained Transporter, tank Transporter truck, vehicle Trent gas turbine engine Trilux illuminated rifle sight Trilux light Trip switch, thermal 346-347, 358-359 350-351 346-347 702-703 368-369 531-532 392-393 688 322-323 470-471 480-485, 498-499 482-483, 494-497, 502-503, 507 262-263 304-305, 332-333 292-293 360-361 234-235 250 618-619 Trolley 443 338 aircraft servicing instrument starter, gas turbine torpedo transport Trolley-mounted Troop carrier fire extinguisher Tropical cloth Tropospheric scatter communications system Truck see also Car, Vehicle 2-ton 4£/5-ton 10-ton 14-ton 364-365 392-393 392-393 620-621 190-193 699 482-483 296-297 286-287 284-285, 294-295 air-portable 292-293 306-307 guided weapon, anti-tank gunnery 557 articulated 304-305, 332-333 241 bulk-liquid carrier visual 716-717,724 535-557 542-543 712-715 714-717,724,726-727 708-709, 714-715 714-715 710-711,714-715 cargo 296-297 445 Training equipment Training equipment, cine target Training facilities Training manual Training programme Training school Training service, technical Training simulator action information manoeuvring room radar Training system, gunnery Transceiver, radio see Radio 554 546-547, 554 222-223 556,714-715 equipment Transfer function analyser, digital 32 drop-side fighting fire fork lift, battery-electric fork lift, diesel fork lift, fork lift, fork lift, hand-propelled low-pressure gas manual-hydraulic fork lift, petrol general-purpose hand 666-667 100-101 haulage heavy-duty lift, ground-servicing 324-325 narrow-aisle Transfer-under-pressure system. diving Transformer, power tool cargo, cross-country cargo, heavy-duty 286-287, 306-307 284-285 322-323 620-621 630-631,634-639 642-644 628-629, 632-635 644 628-629, 644 634-635 286-287, 306-307, 644 292-293, 292-295 644 636-637 634-635 296-297 322-323 447 — — Product Truck Page continued Product Page Valve 636-637 296-297 296-297 630-631 pallet personnel pick-up reach recovery venting Valve tester, thermionic 284-285. 304-305 Vampire trainer Variable-speed drive tanker, aircraft refuelling 322-323 304-305 296-297 446-447 tipper 284-285, 292-293 towing 638-639 292-293 626-627 112-113 248-249 166 semi-trailer tanker vehicle transporter Truck-mounted crane True-motion radar unit Tube image-intensifier Tube, stern Tubing, surgical Tubular scaffolding 747 747 68-69 mechanical Vedette frigate Vehicle air-cushion 370-375 302-303 192-193 200-201 200-201 186-187 298-299 184-185 air-portable amphibious amphibious, armoured anti-tank, armoured anti-tank, guided cargo 444 command weapon command, armoured 445 630-631 590 590 422^123 590 aircraft towing, electric Turbine-driven compressor set Turbine-driven generator set Turbine-driven pump Turbine-driven pumping set Turbine engine gas gas, marine Turbo-compressor Turbo-fan engine Turbo-generator set Tyne gas turbine engine Type 42 destroyer 591 591 591 1 44-1 45, 360-361 82-83 Tyre cross-country pneumatic 330 645 rubber, solid 330, 645 studded 330 330 264 vehicle Tyre inflator u UHF junction radio link UHF radio equipment UHF radio relay, mobile UHF/VHF radio equipment 478-479 488-^89, 492-493 Ultra-high-speed camera Ultrasonic therapy unit Underwater breathing apparatus Underwater Underwater Underwater Underwater Underwater Underwater cutting equipment data source recovery vessel target, free-running tracking range transport 522-523 492-493 660-661 683 1 02-1 03 267 109 94-95 544-545 98 92-93 Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Underwater weapon 91-110 Underwater work submersible Uniform Uniform cloth 92-95 694-695 699 Uniforms and personal equipment Unihedd universal head-down Urology equipment Ursa Minor racon Utility aircraft display 98 691-699 402 fighting, armoured fighting, armoured, tracked fire fighting general-purpose haulage personnel reconnaissance, armoured reconnaissance, light reconnaissance, tracked recovery repair, armoured transport, diver Vehicle-driving trainer Vehicle electrical equipment Vehicle equipment generating system, electric head lamp system ignition lift lighting equipment Vehicle-mounted crane Vehicle-mounted capstan Vehicle-mounted fire pump Vehicle-mounted generating set Vehicle-mounted radio equipment Vehicle-mounted sight, infra-red Vehicle-mounted winch Vehicle navigation equipment Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle power unit servicing equipment 314-315 spot lamp 320-321 312-313 324-325 326-327 292-293 330 283-307 354-355 683 starter starting system transmission transporter truck tyre Vehicles Venom V/STOL strike aircraft Vacuum coating Vacuum embedding bath 1 86-1 87, 200-201 258-259 92-93 546-547 312-313, 324-325 309-330 324-325 320-321 320-321 314-315 320-321 274-275. 262-263 616-617 584-585 480-485. 502-503, 245 260-263 230-231 568-569 314-315 servicing pallet fighter aircraft Venous pressure warning coil Vertical Vertical Vertical take-off aircraft Very cartridge Very pistol Vessel see Boat, Corvette, Frigate, Launch, Ship. Submarine, Submersible 484-485, 488-489, 492-493, 500-501 Vibration indicator 348-349 734-735 683 Vibratory roller self-propelled Vibration monitor trailer 320-321. 645 496-499, 508 1 46-1 47. 586-587 431 1 24-1 25 gyroscope reference gyroscoDe 114-115 346-347 200-201 418^19 Venting valve Ventura diesel engine Vest, bullet-proof equipment 298-303 186-187 192-193 track laying Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle 184-185 620-622 298-303 304-305 200-201 298-299 184-189, 194-199, 202 recovery, armoured 681 V radio 186-187. 200-201 188-193, 196-199 1 94-1 95, 714-715 cross-country mortar, armoured 590-591 360-363 144-145 gas, aircraft VHF aircraft hydrostatic 681 Tug 418-419 418-419 418-419 668 354-355 control, fuel jettison, fuel 348-349 606-607 606-607 Craft. 698 430 430 280-281 280-281 33 Page Product Page Weapon Systems, Jane's Weapon, underwater 725 98 203-220 Video tape iecoiuer 548-549 470-471 548-549 Viewer, stereoscopic, film 41 0-41 Product Vid-^ radar Viewing aid Vigilant guided missile Viper gas turbine engine Visor Visual approach slope indicator Visual display Visual display system Visual training aid Vixen ground-attack aircraft Voice-compression equipment Voltage regulator, automatic 670 450-451 362-363 696-697 438-439 555 557 724 354-355 484-485 132-133, 324-325 Wellington hovercraft 666-667 666-667 666-667 668 666-667 digital, integrating general-purpose precision w helicopter oil collector system bottle carrier Water-cooled diesel engine Water de-ioniser Water distillation unit Water filtration plant Water-in-petrol test syringe 692-693 684 683 114-115 228 512-513 704-705 368-369 314-315 692-693 570-571 745 683 738-739 673 Water purification plant Water still Water tank trailer Water treatment survival kit Watertight door Weapon-aiming computer 738-739, 745 683 338 745 1 58-1 59 Weapon auto-selector Weapon control system Weapon effects simulator, direct-fire Weapon handling system Weapon loader, aircraft Weapon mounting, aircraft Weapon range, practice, anti-tank Weapon sight 388-389, 403 130-131 556 398-400 guided infantry Weapon simulator, Weapon system guided, anti-tank 128-129 392-393 388-389 542-543 252 249 557 Welding equipment, gas Welding torch Wessex helicopter Wheel conveying gear support, sprocket track, idler 458-459 450-461 submarine 97 Weapon system contractor Weapon systems check-out tractor scraper Wheelchair, folding Wheeled loading shovel Wide-band oscilloscope unit 702-703 390-391 390-391 124-125 727 722-723 546-547 394-395 243 648-649 267 267 370-371 368-369 747 747 330 330 330 272-273 684 278-279 672 Winch davit, hydraulic heavy-duty hydraulic mechanical self-contained, transportable self-powered vehicle-mounted Winchester hovercraft Wind-indicating cartridge 168-169 290-291 260-261 260-261 262-263 262-263 260-263 372-373 610-613 Window marine wire-heated Wire circuit, film Wire-guided missile Wire-heated window Wire recorder Wire replay unit Wiring assembly, flexible Wiring, electric, preformed Wiring harness, electric Work boat Workshop, repair, mobile Workshop trailer Wrench, impact, electric, portable Writing service 158-159 232-233 388-389 450-451, 456-457 232-233 430 430 747 747 747 88-89 286-287,300-301, 322-323, 336-337 336-337 265 716-717, 726 X X-ray film processing equipment anti-submarine guided 34 Webbing track, road Warning coil, venous pressure Warning radar, surface, naval Warning system, intruder, infra-red Warning tone generator Warship refit service Wasp Weather radar Weather station, mobile Wheel Waist belt Walking aid Waste Water 377-403 for aircraft Weapons release unit, airborne Weapons stabiliser, gyroscopic Weapons system training Weapons technical service Weapons trainer Voltmeter AC DC Weapons and ammunition Weapons and control systems 678-679 Y Yearbook, Jane's 725 Alphabetic list of participating firms 35 Name and AB Components Electronic Telephone address Ltd Cables Telex 49606 01-437 7581 Other products made 310-311 Electrical connectors Sutherland House 5-6 Argyll London Page Products described Street W1V 1AD England AEC Ltd Military Saies Division 01 -499 6050 Leymotors 22498 London W1 Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square Militant III 10-ton 284-285 cargo truck Telex W1 London England Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd 40 Purley Way 01-684 3211 Instradio 262960 Croydon Electro-magnetic 142 ship's log correlator Croydon CR9 3BH England Air- Gas detection equipment. servo test equipment- Log Ltd North Lane Aldershot 24411 Airlogco Aldershot Harlow 24331 Airmed Harlow Aldershot Reconnaissance cameras 406-407 Portable power generating sets 578-579 Telecommunication 534 Hampshire England ground support and servicing equipment, armament ground support and check-out systems Aircraft Airmed Ltd Aviation Division Edinburgh Way 81338 Harlow Gas flowmeters. headsets with boom- regulators, mounted microphones flowmeters, oxygen breathing equipment Essex peak England Medical Division Edinburgh Way Harlow Airmed Harlow Harlow 24331 81338 General anaesthesia and oxygen therapy 683 apparatus, flowmeters and regulators Essex England Airscrew-Weyroc Ltd Fan Division Weybridge Cooling fans for the Scorpion and other Weybridge 45599 328 fighting vehicles Surrey England Airtech Ltd Haddenham Airtech Haddenham 422 Haddenham 83223 Aylesbury Buckinghamshire England Cloud base recorder system for airfields or 442 meteorological stations UHF multicoupler 528 system 689 Northbourne 2271 Airwork Xchurch 41282 Technical support and advice for Christchurch military Hampshire authorities and 702-703 Design and development of special aircraft installations and modifications, testing of civil BH23 6EB aircraft seats England structures, technical publications London Office Portland 01-834 9477 House Stag Place London SW1 England Albion Motors Ltd Military Sales Division 01 -499 6050 Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square Leymotors 22498 London W1 Albion 41/5 ton 286-287 general service cargo truck Telex London W1 England Allis Chalmers Great Britain Ltd Essendine Stamford 32255 Articulated wheel loader 270-271 31459 Coventry Scorpion light tank Scorpion variants Telex Saladin amoured car Saracen armoured 184-185 186-187 188-189 190-191 troop carrier Stalwart load carrier 1 Stamford 2471 Gyrating Coventry Alvis 25501 Stamford Lincolnshire England Alvis Ltd Holyhead Road Coventry CV5 8JH England Ardrox Ltd Commerce Road 01 -560 5444 Ardrox 23609 Brentford Telex Brentford Auto Diesels Brabv Ltd Cowley Mill Uxbrldge Middlesex England 36 Road Uxbridge 38262 Courteous Uxbridge Chemicals and equipment for surface 92-1 93 730-731 treatment, cleaning and flaw detection Middlesex England 263835 UHF power-line filters (up to 200 arms), signal filters (telephone line, etc) trailer-type running gear Airwork Services Ltd Bournemouth (Hum) Airport duplexers, VHF and (stop band bandpass, tunable), filters Airportable cabins and Design and installation of mobile radar and telecommunications systems. VHF and UHF Gas turbines for generating sets 590 and Name and address Avimo Ltd Telephone Taunton 81071 Herbert Street Cables Avimo Telex 46126 Taunton Avocet Dover 96283 Bridgend 3211 Rubber 44142 021-458 6324 Dover 2626 Small arms day/night Page Other products made 252 sight Taunton Somerset England Avo Ltd Avocet House Dover Products described Small portable radar torch Vehicle and airborne optics, military optics 252 Simulators for antitank guided weapons 557 Test instruments 668 Rubber compounds 699 252 Kent England Avon Footwear Ltd Bridgend Bridgend for service footwear Glamorgan South Wales Avon Medicals-Avon Rubber Co Ltd Avon Disposable 1649 Pershore Road Medicals transfusion and Stirchley Birmingham 30 dialysis Industrial Products Division 683 equipment and accessories Birmingham 30 England Avon Rubber Co Ltd Industrial Products Division Bradford-on- Industrial Bradford-on-Avon Avon 2191 Bradford-on- 44856 Avon Wiltshire England Rubber components and products for naval equipment Rubber components 175 330 for fighting vehicles Hovercraft skirts and skirt 376 systems Rubber components 434 for aircraft Tyre Division Melksham Rubber Melksham 3101 Melksham 44142 Tyres Pneumatic and Wiltshire solid 330 645 tyres England Barr & Stroud Ltd Caxton Street Anniesland Glasgow 041-954 9601 Telemeter 778114 Periscopes, distress 108 buoys and compass Glasgow code generators, test tables W3 Sights, laser range finders and special Scotland 232-233 01-930 1541 Office Kinnaird House 1 Pall Mall East Retemelet ultra high-speed cameras. fibre optics, optical and electronic filters optics London Night viewing equipment, radar homers. 261877 London SW1 London SW1 England Beaufort (Air-Sea) Equipment Ltd Beaufort Road 051-652 2667 62478 Birkenhead Cheshire England Survival equipment: lifejackets, clothing. liferafts 594-595 Proofed and tested fabrics, air-portabla hangars, radomes. helicopter landing pads. and boats special plastic and rubber mouldings Belling & Lee Ltd Radio Frequency Interference Division Great Cambridge Road 01-363 5393 Radiobel 263265 Shielded enclosures 529 combating radio frequency interference Enfield Enfield Electronic components. television distrioution for equipment Middlesex Black & Edgington Ltd 01-302 0211 Ruxley Corner Works Sidcup Kent England T T Boughton £f 897371 Tents 690 Hydraulic and 260-261 Tarpaulins, water dams Sons Ltd Engineering Division Bell Benedge Sidcup Lane Amersham Little Boughtons Chalfont Amersham 83132 mechanical winches 2666 Buckinghamshire England Brandhurst Co Ltd High Wellington Road High Wycombe 25106 Wycombe Self-luminous products: compounds. nuclear lamps, signs and markers 747 742 Dorset Nylon nets and netting camouflage, cargo movement and England restraint Buckinghamshire England Head Office Vintry 01-236 1411 House Brandcolim 262632 London EC4 Queen Street Place London EC4 England Bridport-Gundry Ltd Industrial Division Bridport Bridport 2244 Netting Bridport 41132 for Fishing nets, sports nets. horticultural nets 37 d . i Cables Telex Bristol Percussion 44641 657511 Bristol Telephone ess Ltd Products described Page Other products made 264 Portable and stationary air compressors Bri- and British Aircraft Corporation Ltd Guided Weapons Division Way Six Hills Stevenage Bntair 2422 Stevenage 82125 450-451 guided Vigilant missile guided missile Thunderbird guided flapper Stevenage Hertfordshire 452-453 454-455 missile England Precision Products Six Hills Way Group Stevenage Bntair 2422 Stevenage 82125 Swingfire guided 456 457 missile Gun sight with 240 automatic digital elevation read-out Stevenage Herts England Canberra aircraft Lightning aircraft Strikemaster aircraft 340-341 342-343 344-345 330 London SW1 Aluminium alloy armour plate Landing mats and pads for aircraft and England helicopters St Annes 21255 Preston Division Warton Aerodrome Bntair 67627 Warton Preston Jaguar tactical support and operational trainino aircraft PR4 1AX England 01-930 1020 London Office 100 Pall Mall London SW1 England The British Aluminium Norfolk House Co Ltd 01 -839 8888 Britalumin 22756 London SW1 St James's Square The British Hoist and Crane Co Ltd Compton Newbury Compton Bnthoist 301 Compton Newbury 440 84358 Iron Fairy hydraulic cranes 645 86190 Wellington hovercraft Winchester hovercraft 370-371 372-373 Berkshire England British Hovercraft Corporation East Isle Cowes of Cowes Brithover 4121 Cowes Wight and military hovercraft, hoverpallets, air-cushion heavy-load transporters England British Manufacture Research Co Ltd Springfield Road it Grantham Marco 2101 Telex Grantham 37635 Gun mounting for vessels of all types Gyro-stabilised twin Grantham 138-139 208-209 Lincolnshire 30-mm England gun Ammunition for Aden aircraft cannons 387 86277 /slander aircraft 346-347 33631 Cargo and specialpurpose trailers 338 Britten-Norman Sales Ltd Bembridge Airport Bembridge Isle of Wight England J Brockhouse Er Bembridge 2511 Britnor 021-556 1241 Brockhouse West Bromwich anti-aircraft Bembridge Co Ltd Vehicles Division Victoria Design, development and production of commercial Works Hill Top West Bromwich Ground heating trolleys, aircraft starting trolleys, Staffordshire armament handling equipment, England aircraft servicing trestles, field London Office 01 -629 kitchen trailers 25248 8783 25 Hanover Square London W1R ODQ England Brooke Marine Ltd Lowestoft Lowestoft 5221 Brookcraft 97145 Lowestoft 58-59 Corvette 60-61 Strike craft Suffolk Twin-screw Twin-screw England patrol craft patrol 62-65 66-67 boats Survey Head Office Dowsett Holdings Ltd Greatford 301 Dowsett Stamford craft 84-85 32108 The Offices Greatford Stamford Lincolnshire England Brown Best & Co Ltd 102 Old Kent Road London SE1 England 38 trolleys, pneumatic servicing 01-703 8' Abri Rucksacks, haversacks, London SE1 manpack frames 699 Groundsheets, instrument cases 1 Name and Telephone address Cables Telex Page Products described David Brown Gear Industries Ltd Huddersfield Gear Division Park Gear Works 22180 Gearing Huddersfield 51562 154-155 Marine main propulsion gearing Other products made Speed reduction gears and gear units for auxiliary drives Huddersfield Yorkshire England S G Brown Ltd Greycaine Road Watford 27241 Sidbrownix Watford 23408 Gyro reference system 124-125 for ship's navigation and weapons control Land navigation systems for military Watford Hertfordshire WD2 4XU 230-231 vehicles England Watford 23301 Communication Division King George's Avenue Radiolink 23412 Watford Watford Hertfordshire Handsets, headsets 510-511 and microphones Intercom equipment for military and civil 512-513 aircraft England Brown Son (Alembic Works) Ltd it 01-626 1801 10-11 Lime Street Hospital and laboratory Rawsonship London EC3 683 apparatus London EC3 England David Budworth Ltd Kings Quay Street 3116 Budworth Harwich Harwich Small gas turbines, turbo -compressors, turbo-generator sets, de-icers, turbo-fans 591 21246 Radio search and rescue beacons 596-597 27881 Fuel and electrical units for fighting 312-313 Harwich Essex Ground heater units, electronic tachometer indicators, engine and process control units England Burndept Electronics (ER) Ltd St Fidelis Road Erith Electronics 39121 Erith 01-743 3111 Vanteria Radio telephones Erith Kent England CAV Ltd Warple Way London London W3 W3 vehicles England Cammell Laird (Anglesey Ltd Beaumaris Anglesey North Wales Beaumaris 431 Searoads Beaumaris 61295 Low-voltage dc motors and hydraulics, low-voltage power system for traction Compression chambers 100-101 Portable bridges Truck-laid and heavyduty portable roadways 256-257 258-259 Airport passenger loading bridges and stairways; refuse collection vehicles; light stainless steel and non-ferrous castings; design, fabrication, machining and assembly of light to medium engineering structures and equipment alloy, steel aluminium and glassfibre- in reinforced plastics Cammell Laird (Shiprepairers) Ltd L41 704-705 051-647 7060 Drydocks Birkenhead 627011 Ship refitting warships 01-493 1882 Caterpillar 262931 Tractors and scrapers Birkenhead for 5HG England Caterpillar Tractor 55 St James's Street Co Ltd 272-273 London SW1 loaders, motor graders, pipelayers, wheel Wheel tractors, industrial London SW1 engines England Head Office PO Box 162 Uddingston 2921 Caterpillar 77721 Glasgow Glasgow Scotland Chelsea Quilt Co Ltd Riverside Works 46106 Barnstaple 72345 Sleeping bag, rucksack, personal load-carrying 692-693 equipment Barnstaple Devon England London Office PO Box 625 London SW1 267700 Barnstaple 72345 England Chiltern Hunt Ltd Belswain Lane Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead 51511 and Hertfordshire King's Langley England 3264 Clos o Mat 2 Brooklands Sale Cheshire (Great Britain) Ltd Road 061-973 1234 Chiltern Hemel Hempstead 648-649 Ammunition containers Automatic lavatory for 683 wounded and handicapped M33 2SS England 39 3SS c Telephone Cables Telex Products described Page Olher products made Tool 21311 01-567 3411 Portable electric tools 265 Self-cleaning air filters for protecting engines in severe dust conditions 329 Secondary surveillance 468-469 .. Eno. Coopers .Mechanical Joints Ltd Abergavenny 2041 Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales Cossor Electronics Ltd Avionics and Surface Electronics Division Harlow The Pinnacles Harlow 26862 Cossor Harlow 81228 Alphanumeric and graphic video displays, computer peripheral equipment. radar for air traffic control and defence SSR SSR Essex England defruiter systems. decoder, oscilloscopes, UHF and VHE radio communications equipment (land and marine) Coventry Climax Engines Ltd 01-499 6050 Military Sales Division London Leymotors 22498 London W1 Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square and Military gasolene and Small military multiand diesel engines Telex W1 560-561 Electric diesel engines 562-563 fork and Portable, trailer- vehicle-mounted tractors. lift truck attachments fuel England tow electric platform trucks. 616-617 fire pumps Mechanical fork lift 628-629 trucks Electric fork Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd South Green Works Dereham Cranefrue 2311 Dereham 01-568 0641 Cranefrue 97494 lift trucks Semi-trailers 630-631 332-333 Cargo containers. couplings Dereham Norfolk England Head Office House 649-655 London Road 262051 Isleworth Mills Isleworth Middlesex England Joseph Crosfield it Sons Ltd Industrial Chemicals Division Warrington Crosfields PO Box 26 31211 Warrington 627067 Desiccants Sodium and potassium 653 silicates, silica sols, Warrington industrial detergents, Lancashire sodium toluene and England xylene sulphonates, synthetic fluid catalysts, nickel catalysts, fine silicas and micronised silicates, silica gels, ion exchange and base exchange materials, sodium ferrite. textile and auxiliaries and oils concrete auxiliaries London Office Avon House 360-366 Oxford London W1 01-493 6372 Savonnier 262269 London W1 Street John Curran Ltd PO Box 72 Cardiff Narruc 20641 Cardiff Mobile engine run-up stands 436-437 Turning gear and aerial Curran Road mounts for ground radar and radio telescopes; Cardiff g force measuring CF1 1TE Wales equipment; specialist aeronautical and mechanical design, development and manufacture , The Daimler Co Ltd Coventry 27626 Daimler Coventry 31459 Daimler Road Radford Coventry England Fox armoured car Ferret scout cars 194-195 196-199 Dale Electric of Great Britain Ltd Filey Dalectric 52163 2011 Filey Portable and transportable power plants Mobile power plants 580-581 Electricity Buildings Prime power and standby generating sets, vehicle- 582-583 mounted welding Filey Yorkshire England S Davall Er Sons Ltd Wadsworth Road 01-998 1011 Davall Airborne tape cassette record/replay Greenford Greenford Middlesex England 530 Crash recorders, engine starters, Decca House 9 Albert Embankment London SE1 England 40 de-icing timers. delayed device arming, equipment printed circuits, relays. sonic strain gauges for civil The Decca Navigator Co Ltd sets. cable drum-handling device 01-735 8111 Decnav London SE1 28588 Navigation systems 514-515 engineering Name and address Telephone Cables Telex Page Products described Other products made Decca Radar Ltd Industrial Sales Division 01-735 8111 Decca House Decradar 28588 London SE1 Automated infusion 683 unit 9 Albert Embankment London SE1 England 01-735 8111 Marine Division Decca House Decradar 28588 Marine navigational London SE1 radar Binocam Glasgow and periscopes 112-113 Integrated ship instrumentation system 239 Air survey instruments. Embankment 9 Albert London SE1 England Defence Instruments (Optical) Ltd 041-221 6666 145 Queen Street Sights, telescopes compasses, altimeters. Glasgow C1 clinometers Scotland 01-460 4665 Sudbury House Tylney Road Optic Sales Optical systems for Edenbridge photogrammetry and Bromley 266 surveying Kent England Dowsett Engineering Construction Ltd Harrogate Dowsett Construction services Bilton Hall 2664 Harrogate for defence. Harrogate Yorkshire industrial and 706-707 civil projects England Driclad Ltd Sittingbourne Expac Staplehurst Road Sittingbourne 4422 Sittingbourne Coventry Sound 88733 Coventry 96180 Protective operational storage system for valuable equipment 650-651 Disc brakes for marine main propulsion 162 Grain silos; metal, wood plastics containers and Kent England The Dunlop Co Ltd Aviation Division Military — Equipment Sales 31677 Holbrook Lane Coventry transmissions Hydro-pneumatic vehicle suspension systems. hydraulic and pneumatic systems, light weapon stabilisation system. tracked vehicle brakes CV6 4AA England New Products Division Holbrook Lane Coventry Coventry Sound 88733 Coventry 31677 Breathing apparatus 102-103 CV6 4AA Height-pressure air valves. panels for breathing-set charging, air-suspension systems for vehicles. anti-skid systems for England vehicles London 01-930 6700 Office 25 Ryder Street Dunlop London SW1 London SW1 England Dynaflex Ltd Dynaflex Division North West House 01-262 5010 28694 Servicing equipment and vehicle 314-315 for plant 119-127 Marylebone Road London NW1 maintenance England EMI Electronics Ltd Military Division 01-537 3888 Hayes Middlesex England H Edgard PO Box 22 Emidata 22417 London Cymbeline mortarlocating radar 224-225 Reconnaissance pod mounting 408-409 Uniforms 694-695 for aircraft £r Sons (London) Ltd Whitehaven 2441 for all services Whitehaven Cumberland England Ekco Avionics A Division of Pye Telecommunications Ltd Southend-on-Sea 394-395 536-537 Southendon-Sea 49491 Ekco Southend 99167 Airborne radar Miss-distance system 01-730 7163 Chloridic 262038 Submarine propulsion main batteries 1 683 Essex SS2 6PW England Electric Power Storage Ltd Government Marketing Division 50 Grosvenor Gardens London SW1 London SW1 04-1 05 England Head Office 061-794 4611 EPS Elecstor 669087 Manchester Ltd Clifton Junction Manchester M27 2LR England Electro- Medical Supplies (Greenham) Ltd Wantage Galfarad Electro-medical 4291 Wantage equipment Wantage Berkshire England 41 Telephone bs Ltd Burgess 5101 Hill Cab Pace Burgess es Telex 87183 Page Products described 174 Portable radiation meter Hill 330 Vehicle-installed doserate meter Other products Analogue, digital and hybrid computers, datalogging and dataprocessing equipment. precision : made components Automation Radar Systems Ltd Mobile Radar Engineering Division 22777 01-953 2030 Short-range ground surveillance radar Seismic detectors and intruder alarm systems IRIS infra-red intruder system Elstree Boieham Wood Hertfordshire ^nd 222-223 Airborne early warning radar, maritime anti- 227 submarine 228 landing monitoring system, interceptor/ radar, air ground-mapping and terrain-following radar, electra radar relay system, fire control radar Elliott Flight Automation Ltd Automatic Test Equipment Division Medway Elliotauto Rochester Kent England 44400 Rochester Head Chelmsford 53221 Expanse Chelmsford 99201 Erskine Laboratories Ltd Scarborough 2433 Erskmlab Scalby 52562 Newby 031 -443 4050 Ligatures Office Marconi House New 96333 656-659 Automatic Design, development and production of electrical and electronic equipment 728 Electronic test gear. Sutures ligatures catgut, silk and related surgical 683 Automatic equipment test circuit testers Street Chelmsford Essex Scarborough Yorkshire microwave components England Ethicon Ltd Edinburgh Sighthill Edinburgh Scotland products FPT Industries Ltd The Airport Portsmouth 62391 Fireproof 86106 Portsmouth Flexible assemblies for liquid storage Portsmouth Hampshire 732-733 and Rubber mouldings and extrusions flotation P03 5PE England Fairey Hydraulics Ltd Cranford Lane 01-573 7777 22230 Airily Hounslow Aircraft power controls Hydraulic 416-417 filters Heston Middlesex England Ferranti Ltd Equipment Department South Hit! Park Easthampstead Aircraft 84117 Bracknell 4202 Gyro-stabilised sight 241 weapons Bracknell Berkshire Flight instruments invertor units. and 428^*29 helicopter auto-stabiliser England Compass systems. transistorised control/ for vehicle-borne transformer rectifiers. voltage regulators, VTOL flight systems, research and development Systems Department Western Road Digital 84117 Bracknell 3232 Bracknell Berkshire RG12 1RA England CAAIS computer- 1 26-1 27 Air traffic control systems defence systems. assisted action air information system Data handling and weapon control system for naval applications tactical control FM1600B 1 28-1 29 and action data automation systems, digital data transmission equipment message collection and 130-131 switching systems, simulators and trainers microminiature computer Electronic Systems Department Ferry Road 031-332 2411 72141 EH5 2XS Radar systems for and mobile ground use INAS inertial systems Scotland for aircraft navigation 396-397 Radarscope recorders, 398-399 lightweight inertial platforms, floated and non-floated rate gyroscopes, rate integrating gyroscopes, aircraft Edinburgh and attack ISIS weapon sighting systems Laser ranger and marked target seeker Head-down display 400 two-axis vertical gyroscopes, air stream 401 direction indicators, angle of attack systems, 402 measuring and gauging systems, control systems for satellite aerials Government Contracts Department 061-681 2000 66342 Hollinwood Trainers and simulators 538-539 Magnetic tape audio recording equipment 534. 673 Lancashire England The Ferrograoh Co The Hyde Edgware Road Colindale London England 42 NW9 I 01 -205 2241 Britferro London NW9 Marine echo sounders. transformers, endless-loop magnetic tape cassettes. switches, magnetic tape head defluxers Name and address Telephone Cables 061-872 1477 Flexibox Ltd Nash Road Telex Products described 66284 Manchester Flexible couplings for marine main propulsion machinery Mechanical seals for M17 1SS all England shaft Trafford Park Flight Refuelling Ltd Wimborne Refuelling Wimborne 2121 Wimborne 41247 Page Other products made 163 743 types of rotating equipment 418-419 Fuel systems and associated Dorset equipment England Refuelling systems for and helicopters Aerial target systems 420-421 Diesel engines for marine propulsion, power and industry 564-565 744 aircraft Fodens Ltd Marine Department Sandbach 3244 Fodenway Sandbach Francis Searchlights Ltd Bolton Francis Searchlights for Turner Bridge Bolton Lancashire 27196 Bolton purposes 01-629 7101 Rufflette Elworth Works 36163 Sandbach 540-541 Cheshire England all England Thomas French it Sons Ltd 061-834 1887 Head Office PO Box 22 25115 London SW1 59 St James's Street London SW1 England Rufflette Airborne rocket launchers 378-379 Capstan winches 262-263 Fixed-link lines for 478-479 Cartridge belts, links and clips 66254 Manchester Chester Road Manchester England 1 5 Fuller, Lucas E* Co Ltd Crowborough Cross Eridge Road Crowborough Crowborough 2000 Lucas Lucas Crowborough Crowborough Chamcorn Sussex England London 261981 GEC-AEI Telecommunications Ltd Transmission Division Coventry Springjack PO Box 53 52152 Coventry 31361 Coventry telephony, telegraphy and video CV3 communications 1 HJ Telephone switching equipment for automatic or manual exchanges of any size, telephone switching networks, nationwide dialling systems, private telephone England systems PAX/PABX, telephone instruments, open-wire and balanced- and coaxial cable telephony transmission systems pair line GKN Sankey Ltd Automotive and Manufacturing Division Hadley Castle Works 35248 Wellington Armoured vehicle for 200-201 personnel carrying and other duties 4321 Wellington Shropshire Pressed steel wheels. chassis frames, vehicle cabs, presswork panels. bumper bars. agricultural implements, England automatic vending machines, pressed steel radiators, steel laminations for electric motors, plastics mouldings, tungsten carbide dies, steel furniture, partitioning, metal framing, shelving systems, office machines Gallay Ltd Denington Industrial Estate Cooling systems for Wellingborough 4801 316-317 military vehicles London Road Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 2QU England The Glacier Metal Co Ltd Alperton Wembley Middlesex 01-997 6611 Glamet Wembley 936881 Ships' line shaft bearings 166 Dry, lubricated and pre-lubricated plain bearings, centrifugal filters, rod end joints HAO 1HD England 43 Cables Telex Glosaro Gloucester 43134 Telephone dress Gloucester 67411 Products described Page 446 Aircraft refuellers Other products Fire-fighting made equipment for aircraft, de-icing vehicles for aircraft, Gk GL3 4AD demineralised- water England vehicles, liquidcarrying tanker vehicles, g assfibre- reinforced plastics tankers and I containers London Office Hawkei Siddeley Holdings 01 -930 2064 Hawsidair 24665 London SW1 Ltd 18 St James's Square London SW1 England Graviner (Colnbrook) Ltd Poyle Mill Works Colnbrook Crashfires 3245 Colnbrook 84124 618-619 Fire-protection equipment Marine monitoring systems, temperature controllers Colnbrook Slough Buckinghamshire England Grecngate it Irwell Rubber Co Ltd 061-834 5652 Coated Fabrics Division Para 66762 Airfield membranes for 441 temporary runways and helicopter pads Manchester 5 Greengate Manchester Coated fabrics, conveyor belting, electric cables, engineering rubbers, industrial hose, Lancashire M60 3EA protective clothing, England transmission belting London Office 01-476 3222 21758 01-560 3011 933887 Stephenson Street Canning Town London E1 England HML (Engineering) Ltd St John's Isleworth Road Servicing trolleys for 443 aircraft hydraulic systems Custom-built Middlesex England 669 hydraulics for equipment and systems testing 01-723 0022 Head Office 466-490 Edgware Rocd W2 London England HTS Management Consultants Ltd 01-839 2822 John Hadland (Photographic Instrumentation) Ltd Newhouse Airtrain Support training 708-709 Ultra-high-speed 660-661 London SW1 29 St James's Street London SW1 England Hemel Hempstead 2303 Johhadland London 82344 camera for proiectile and explosives research Hycam high-speed cameras, photographic Bovingdon instrumentation, portable film processors, Hertfordshire aerial Laboratories reconnaissance flash England A W Hainsworth Er Sons Ltd Spring Valley Mills Pudsey 3091 Army Pudsey 699 Uniform cloths Farsley Pudsey Yorkshire England Halmatic Ltd Havant 6161 Havant Hampshire Patrol and rescue craft 90 Fishery protection vessels, hydrographic survey vessels, crew P09 1JR boats, work boats, customs launches, England pilot boats, police launches London 01-499 8341 Office Deborine London W1 179 Piccadilly London W1 England Harbormaster Ltd Sales Department Central Road Temple Harlow Harlow 34301 Jonwhiteng Harlow 81317 01-546 7741 Hawsidair Kingston 23726 Outboard propulsion 156-157 units Fields Essex England Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd Richmond Road Kingston upon Thames upon Thames Buccaneer. Harrier. Hunter aircraft HS 748, Andover. Surrey Argosy England Nimrod, Shackleton. HS 125 348-349 jet 350-351 European airbus 352-353 with Sud Aviation and Deutsches Airbus; Dove twin-engined executive 354-355 transport; aircraft aircraft Vampire. Venom, Vixen aircraft Comer and Trident A300B airliners; Heron jointly four- engined executive transport; Gnat singleseat fighter; Gnat advanced London Office 18 St James's Square London SW1 England 44 01-930 2064 Hawsidair London SW1 24665 trainer Name and address Telephone Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Ltd Hatfield Manor Road 62300 Cables Telex 22324 Page Products described Other products made 414 458-459 Infra-red linescan Guided missiles Hatfield Hertfordshire England London 1 01-930 2064 Office Hawsidair 24665 London SW1 8 St James's Square London SW1 England Helio Mirror Co Ltd Crabtree Manorway Belvedere Kent Enth Scodil 32142 London W1 265403 242 Periscopes and cupolas for fighting vehicles England Helmets Ltd Wheathamp- Flying, parachute Wheathampstead stead 2221 instructor's St Albans Hertfordshire 696-697 and fire-protection helmets England Henley Forklift Co Ltd Newbridge Road Industrial 49655 Blackwood Estate Fork lift trucks 632-633 Fork lift trucks 644 Containers 662-663 Digital/analogue computers, process automation, temperature controls, micro switches 2671 Pontllanfraith Blackwood Monmouthshire NP2 2XF Wales Hestair Sherpa Ltd 01-573 3844 Hestairco Hounslow Southall Lane Hounslow Middlesex England London Office 1 Buckingham Palace Mansions London SW1 01-730 9934 England Honeywell Ltd Eaton Road Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead 2141 Test Systems Division Honeywell Hemel 82165 Field test console for Clansman radio communications system Hertfordshire England Head 01-568 9191 Office Great West Road Brentford Honeywell 22765 Hounslow Middlesex England Hunting Engineering Ltd Defence Sales Reddings Wood Ampthill Huneng 3431 Ampthill 380-381 82105 Research, design. development in air armament, military and Ampthill Bedfordshire civil aviation; development and England production of electronic control equipment for automated processes Hy-Mac Ltd Hy-Mac House Bath Road Newbury Newbury 2205 Hymac 84557 274-275 Excavators and cranes Inspection platforms. wheel-mounted cranes. crawler-mounted cranes Newbury truck-mounted cranes Berkshire England The Hymatic Engineering Co Ltd Aerospace and Advanced Redditch Products Division Glover Street Redditch Worcestershire England 63621 Hyster Ltd 01-568 9292 Hymatic Redditch 33634 747 Cryogenic coolers pneumatic control valves, fuel pressurisation Aircraft for infra-red devices equipment, waveguide pressurisation Lift equipment 634-635 trucks Turriff Building Great West Brentford Road Middlesex England IBIS Engineers Ltd PO Box 23 Ibis Works Shap Road Kendal Ibis 22621 Kendal Telex 6580 686-687 Mobile laundry Garment presses. washing machines. drying machines. vacuum units Kendal Westmorland England IPL (Gardener) Ltd Government Marketing Division Codex House Willow Grove 1 01-467 5633 724 Technical documentation armed services for the Chislehurst Kent BR7 5DA England I 45 ess s iNDT) Ltd Telephone 01-242 6105 Cables Telex Endoscopes Maygain London WC1 Page Products described inspection in for visual Other products made 670 confined spaces .-•. r,a« Aerauio Ltd 01-574 2411 24114 Intaerio Aeronautical charts Southall Aers. Mayes Road Control systems for Southall large Middlesex England centres Aviation services International Computers Ltd Defence Area Victoria House Southampton Row London WC1 England Head 01 -405 systems, telegraph and data systems, air traffic control systems, synthetic 51 6-51 7 trainers, 710-711 518-519 commercial printing in monochrome and colour for airlines Computer analysis equipment, computer stationery - 21159 01-788 7272 Office Voice communications communications Electronic computers 7866 Facing 432 ICL House Putney London SW1 5 England Irving Air Chute of Letchworth GB Ltd Letchworth Irvin 6262 Letchworth 82198 Automatic releases for parachutes 426 Parachutes, car belts, Hertfordshire cargo securing equipment, England industrial safety lifting slings, harnesses, equipment, air cargo covers textile and structures JCB Sales Ltd Rocester Uttoxeter Uttoxeter Earthmover 3121 Uttoxeter 36154 Excavators, loaders 276-277 and shovels Staffordshire ST14 5JP England London Office 4-6 Deanery Street London W1Y 5LH 01 -499 6744 266361 England Jane's Yearbooks BPC 01-437 0686 23451 Publishing Ltd 49 Poland London International annual reports 725 Laboratory 683 Scientific and technical books Street W1A 2LG England Joyce, Loebl it Co Ltd Princesway Team Gateshead 877891 Jayell 53257 automation systems Gateshead Valley Gateshead Co Durham NE11 OUJ Densitormeters. sensitometers, flying-spot scanners, image quantizers, isodensitracers, tristimulus spot colorimeters, chromoscan thin layer attachments, LV units, lenses, prisms, England mirrors London Office 01-570 7313 Joyce, Loebl International Investment Sales Ltd 2 Noble Corner Great West Road Heston Middlesex England Kelvin Hughes 01-500 1020 New North Road Hainault Marinst 896401 Radar, racon, sonar 114-115 and photographic equipment llford llford Essex England London Office St Clare House 01-481 8741 Marinst 262776 Phone London Minories London EC3 England L R Industries Ltd 01-527 2377 North Circular Road Chingford Lonrubmanf London E4 21644 Sterile surgical gloves 680 Re-usable surgical gloves finger cots, condoms, general-purpose rubber gloves London E4 England Lansing Bagnall Ltd Road Kingsclere Basingstoke Bagnallic 3131 Basingstoke 85120 Fork lift and pallet Basingstoke trucks Fork lift truck and Hampshire England towing tractor Samuel Lee-Bapty Ltd Garston Cow 73055 Lane Garston Watford Hertfordshire England 46 Special-purpose mechanical and electro-mechanical equipment 636-637 638-639 728 Thermostats, clocks, switches 1 Name and address J E Lesser (International) Ltd JEL House Staines Road Hounslow Telephone 01-570 7755 Cables Telex 936161 Jell Hounslow Products described Mobile or prefabricated Page Other products made 688 quarters Middlesex England Leyland Motors Ltd 01 -499 Military Sales Division 6050 Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square Leymotors 22498 447 Beaver haulage London chassis for airfield W1 refuellers Telex London W1 Multi-fuel engine 566-567 England Link- Miles Ltd 87165 Lancing 5881 Churchill Industrial Estate Flight simulators and 557 trainers, visual display Chartwell Road Lancing systems, tank driving simulators Sussex England R A Lister & Co Ltd Dursley Gloucestershire Dursley Machinery 2371 Dursley 43156 Industrial and marine 576 diesel engines Mechanical handling equipment, horse clippers GL11 4HS England Lonsdale it Bartholomew Technical Ltd 86-88 Edgware Road London W2 01-723 8001 Documentation ensure to 726 maximum utilisation of equipment England Lucas Gas Turbine Equipment Ltd 021-777 3232 338781 Luset Birmingham Shaftmoor Lane Birmingham 28 England Fuel systems and combustion and 422-423 hydraulic systems Joseph Lucas (Batteries) Ltd 021-777 3292 Formans Road Birmingham 1 Lucasbatt 33105 Birmingham Lead-acid storage 318-319 batteries England Joseph Lucas (Electrical) Ltd Contract Department Great King Street Birmingham 1 9 021-554 5252 Lucas 338681 Ignition and lighting equipment for vehicles 320-321 87311 Weapon mountings 388-389 Birmingham Telex England MB Metals Ltd Armament Division Victoria Road Brighton Metals 46981 Portslade for aircraft Data logging control equipment, cables and Portslade moulded connectors. Sussex BN4 1YH fuzing units, aircraft switches, film-wiring England harnesses for aircraft MEL Equipment Co The Ltd 87267 Crawley Crawley Sussex England MacTaggart, Scott £r Co Ltd Station Ironworks Infra-red sights Mobile HF radio equipment 28787 Manor Royal 72478 Loanhead Valve 311 Loanhead Naval hydraulic 245 480-481 168-169 Davits, replenishment- at-sea winches and masts hoists, cranes. hydroplanes, hydraulic controls and complete equipment Loanhead Midlothian Scotland systems Marconi Communication Systems Ltd Radio Communications Division Marconi House Chelmsford Chelmsford 53221 Expanse Chelmsford 99201 systems Naval radio systems Military radio 482-483 506 Data transmission and digital communications systems, pulse code modulation systems. sound broadcasting and Essex England television London Office 34 Portland Place London W1 01-580 5522 25111 Expanse London systems W1 England Marconi Radar Systems Ltd Crompton Works Chelmsford 67111 Marstor Chelmsford 99108 Air defence radar 470-471 34551 Naval radar systems 122-123 Naval control 132-133 Chelmsford Essex England New Park Leicester Leicester Assocelect 87133 Leicester Leicester Assocelect 871331 Leicester LE3 1UF England A El Control Engineering Department Parks New Leicester LE3 1UF England 34551 equipment for power supplies and other systems Gun control equipment for fighting Complete naval control systems, temperature scanning equipment. high-power ac motor 244 drives, clutch servos, searchlights vehicles 47 - j-ess Telephone Page Other products made Cables Telex Products described Electronics 22616 Underwater weapons and tracking ranges 98 Weapon 466 guidance and 484-485 components, electronic ;nce - 01-954 2311 Stanmore The G electronic stabilisation, electronic Communications systems for counter measures, control all armed services Camberley 63311 Instrument Jtun Group Chobham Road Elliotauto 85289 satellites, military data systems, space systems Middlesex England Space and instrumentation. weapon guidance 432 In-flight data recorder Camberley F(., Camberley Surrey - England Camberley 63311 Military Division Chobham Road Elliotauto 85289 FACE computer system 226 for artillery fire control Camberley Frimley AMETS Camberley meteorological survey 243 artillery Surrey England Camberley 63311 Naval Division Chobham Road Elliotauto 85289 137 Navigational computer and other Camberley Frimley data processing Camberley systems Surrey England Trainer and Simulator Division Chobham Road Camberley 63311 Elliotauto 85289 Camberley Naval simulators and engine 554 for action Frimley room Camberley Flight simulators 555 Diver transport vehicles 92-93 training Surrey England Cowes 4731 Marine Exploration Ltd Marex Cowes 86262 Marex House Diving equipment, small surface support craft. High Street consultancy Cowes activities, in marine operational and design studies of Wight England Isle Marshall of Cambridge Engineering Ltd Airport Works Cambridge Cambridge 56291 Marfly 81208 Cambridge 322-323 Vehicle bodies for military civil and Design modification and repairs of aircraft and installation of interior applications fittings CB5 8RX England Marston Excelsior Ltd Fordhouses 3361 Wobaston Road Marex Wolverhampton 33211 Heat exchangers. 330 flexible fuel tanks Fordhouses Heat exchangers. Wolverhampton flexible tanks 427 and Staffordshire radomes WV10 6QJ Flexible reservoirs England armament packs for aircraft and 652 Martin-Thomas Ltd South Way Walworth Industrial Estate Andover Hampshire England Mercury Airfield Equipment Ltd Woodbridge Works Staging and docking system for aircraft maintenance 444 and cargo handling trucks 445 Guildford Merywether London SE10 Fire protection vehicles. 622 installations Hiway Andover 47277 Guildford Mercury 85211 71271 01-692 1016 Andover 4014 Aviation Division Aircraft Hydraulic access platforms, mobile servicing step kits Guildford Surrey England Merryweather & Sons Ltd Greenwich High Road London SE10 and equipment England F G Miles Engineering Ltd Riverbank Works Old Shoreham Road Shorehamby-Sea 4511 87466 Weapon release and weapon check-out 390-391 equipment Shoreham-by-Sea Sussex BN4 5FL Braking force trailer, gas turbine generator sets, gas turbine water pumps, gun control equipment. service test equipment. electronic installations England Millbank Technical Services Ltd Luke House 4 Abbey Orchard Street 01-222 1145 Milltech 915623 Technical support London SW1 services Acetyweldo London SE8 Gas welding, cutting. brazing and soldering equipment 712-713 London SW1 England C S Milne & Co Harley Works Deptford London SE8 England 48 Ltd 01-692 3'J32 • 267 Profile cutting machines Name and address Ministry of Defence Director of Sales (Army) St Christopher House Southwark Street London SE1 Telephone Cables Products described Telex 01-928 7999 Chieftain battle tank 105 mm light gun Rarden 30 automatic cannon 81 81 England mm mm medium mortar medium mortar ammunition Bren machine gun conversion to Page Other products made 178-179 206-207 210-211 212-213 214-215 216 217 NATO ammunition Bar mines and minelaying equipment 218-219 Jrilux night sight Single- and doublestorey medium girder bridges 234-235 254-255 Eager Beaver 640-641 rough-terrain fork lift tractor After-sales service for British military vehicles 714-715 and engineer equipment Hyd'ographic Department Taunton Somerset England Ministry of Technology Department EIR 2 Taunton 7900 01-437 9288 House 23-25 Soho Square London W1 Creechup Taunton Mintec Facing Charts 136 22241 2-inch rocket system 382-383 23917 Security and protective film laminating equipment 747 London Stuart Telex England Morane Plastic Co Ltd Gresham Road Staines Morane 51985 Staines Staines Middlesex England Morgan cards and printed matter tissue, self- Grundy Ltd Medical Division Grundylab Uxbridge 21126 Gloucester Muirhill 43179 2148 Gloucester military loading shovel Hospitabed Hospital beds and ward equipment 684 Radiation monitors 676-677 Uxbridge 38551 Cowley Muir-Hill Ltd Road 684 Hospital laboratory and dispensary furniture and fume extraction systems Uxbridge Middlesex England Bristol mounting adhesive plastic films, plastic bookjackets for identification £r Hot presses for dry mounting, dry 278-279 Multi-purpose Gloucester GL1 5RX England J Nesbit- Evans Wednesbury Cr Co Ltd 021-556 1511 Wednesbury Staffordshire England Nuclear Enterprises Ltd 031 -443 4060 Sighthill Nuclear Edinburgh 72333 Edinburgh EH11 4EY Scotland Optical Measuring Tools Ltd Helston Water- Ma-Trout Road Helston Cornwall England 2366 45295 Optical elements and rotary indexing tables 734-735 602-603 604-605 Pains-Wessex Ltd Middle Painwessex Hand-held rockets High Post Woodford 282 Salisbury Distress signalling Salisbury Wiltshire and rescue devices Bird-scaring cartridges. smoke and other devices England Perkins Engines Ltd Peterborough Perkoil Peterborough PE1 5NA England 67474 Peterborough The Permutit Co Ltd 01-560 5199 Industrial and process control systems. laboratory instruments. nucleonic instruments, radiation detectors 606-607 32132 Multi-purpose diesel engines 568-569 24440 Water purifying units for desalination and 745 Telex Pemberton House Permutit Hounslow 632-652 London Road Water and effluent treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, ion exchange resins, water softeners, marine de-ionisation Isleworth Middlesex England condensate polishing plant Petters Ltd Diesel Division Staines Staines Diesel 51333 Staines Telex Middlesex England Pilchers (Merton) Ltd Victoria Road Burgess Sussex England Hill 23871 Diesel engines 570-571 Air compressors, diesel- powered generating sets. marine diesels. transport refrigeration units Burgess Hill 5707 87323 Ambulap Burgess Hill Military ambulance 288-289 Mobile blood collecting mobile clinics. dispensaries and dental clinics, mobile laboratories, mobile laundries, mobile units, operating theatres 49 ' , ,ier Ltd Cables Telephone ess St Asaph 3301 61291 Optical St Telex Products described Page 746 Optical systems Asaph Other products made Moving map displays. computer doors and optics, aircraft camera windows, missile lasers, nose cones, heat. resistant filters Plane-iron (Operations) Ltd 419 Richmond Road 01-892 8854 Operating, maintenance and training manuals 716-717 Radiation alarm 170-171 system for ships and submarines Telegraphy equipment 520-521 St Margarets Twickenham Middlesex England The Plessey Co Ltd Automation and Transmission Divisions Sopers Lane - 41272 Poole 5161 Poole Dorset England Electronics ford 1 01 -478 Group 23166 3040 Torpedo depth 99 presetting system 1 Sippican bathythermograph, minehunting system Small-ship sonar Helicopter sonar unit Sound ranging system Essex England 106-107 118-119 120-121 246 for locating artillery positions by radio Auto selector system for aircraft HF radio transmitter UHF and VHF radio systems HF radio sets Miniature 403 armament UHF/VHF 486-487 488-489 490-491 492-493 radio Radio transmitter 507 Speech and data links for radio and telephone 522-523 networks Plessey Radar Ltd Weybridge Plessrad Addlestone 47282 Weybridge 262329 116-117 Naval radar and satellite Weybridge communications Surrey systems Air defence radar England for surveillance and control Radar display and data 472-473 474-475 handling Portex Ltd Hythe 66863 Portex Hythe Telex 96165 Hythe Portsmouth 62251 Portavia 86205 Portsmouth Medical plastics products 681 Therapeutic equipment. automatic peritoneal dialysis machine. Bristol blood warmer, Derbyshire oxygen chair Machine gun pod and 386 Aerial photoflash. Kent England Portsmouth Aviation Ltd The Airport bomb Portsmouth Hampshire tail airborne mine-carrier. units Servicing trolleys for 392-393 weapons aircraft gun- P03 5PF harmonisation equipment. special-purpose England ancillary weapon equipment Price Brothers ft Hospital Division Wellington Co Ltd Wellington Wool 2216 Wellington Burns dressings 684 Divans, mattresses, pillows, polyurethane Somerset England foams (for furniture London acoustic insulation, bedding, Office packaging, etc) 01-935 0711 18/1 8a Orchard Street London W1 England Pye Telecommunications Ltd Newmarket Road Cambridge 61222 81166 The Pyrene Co Ltd Sunbury-on- 261402 Pyrene House Sunbury- on -Thames Middlesex England Thames 85588 RFD-GQ Godalming 4122 Radio-telephone for 508 vehicles Cambridge CB5 8PD England Ltd Fire-fighting vehicles Surrey Personnel and supplydropping parachutes Cine-target range for England infantry training Godalming Airships Godalming 85233 Air-sea rescue apparatus 50 620-621 and equipment 424-425 542-543 All types of parachutes. aircrew safety harnesses. aircraft brake parachutes. air 598-599 ventilated coveralls, lightweight collapsible stretcher Name and address Racal-BCC Ltd Western Road Telephone Bracknell 3244 Cables Racal Bracknell Telex 84166 Products described Static, transportable and mobile radio equipment Man-portable radio equipment for field Bracknell Berkshire England use Lightweight Page 494-495 Other products made Complete communication systems; communications 496-497 receivers (all modes); transmitters, linear amplifiers 498-499 manpacks and exciters; adaptors and ancillaries, remote control systems, radio-telephones, antenna systems, telegraph and telephone terminal equipment; portable transmitter/receivers and manpack equipment, specialised electronic systems, selective calling and privacy systems; frequency synthesisers; wideband matching transformers; data transmission and processing; high-speed data transmission systems; high-speed tape recording systems Racal Instruments Ltd Duke Street Windsor Windsor 69811 Racal 847013 Windsor Test instruments for 664-665 communications equipment Berkshire England Racal-Thermionic Ltd Hythe Hythe 3265 Technico Hythe 47600 Ware 3939 Rank Ware 81415 01-508 5522 Survey Loughton Voice and data 531 recording equipment Southampton Hampshire England Rank Precision Industries Ltd Broadcast Division Watton Road Two-way 500-501 Ware Homer/transponder radio beacon, airborne homing radar, military FM packset radio telecommunications equipment Hertfordshire England Metrology Division Langston Road Debden 23855 Passive night sight for Industrial Estate vehicles Individual sight Loughton Essex 248 armoured fighting weapon 249 England Rank Kershaw Industrial Division 200 Harehills Lane Science Leeds 55162 624601 98254 Leeds Optical equipment for 247 military use Leeds LS8 5QS England Reavell £* Co Ltd PO Box 44 Ipswich Reavell 56124 Ipswich 01-493 9444 Airdrill Air compressors for 172-173 classes of naval vessels all Ranelagh Works Automatic control equipment Ipswich IP2 OAE England London Office 22105 London W1 44 Brook Street London W1 England Recording Designs Ltd Camberley Blackwater Station Estate Blackwater 24622 85272 Camberley Data transmitters underwater equipment Magnetic tape Surrey recorders England Deep mobile Redifon Ltd Communications Division Broomhill Road London SW1 8 01-874 7281 Redifon 264029 London Telex England for 109 Message stores, pressure transducers, data transmitters 532 target 544-545 Static, transportable 502-503 and mobile radio equipment Radio equipment Point-to-point HF, marine and man-portable radio equipment; naval 504-505 radio teleprinter for equipment; radiobeacons; naval and military Omega communications receivers; EDC and data processing equipment; computers Flight Simulation Marketing Unit 01-874 7281 Broomhill Road London SW1 8 Redifon 264029 London Flight simulators and 546-547 trainers Telex England Renold Ltd Renold House Wythenshawe 061-437 5221 Renold Manchester 669052 Mechanical power 747 transmission equipment Manchester M22 5WL England Reynolds Boughton Ltd Vehicle Division Bell Lane Amersham Little Boughtons Chalfont Amersham 83132 Heavy recovery vehicles 290-291 Special-purpose vehicles special vehicle bodies 2666 Buckinghamshire England 51 : -ess Telephone Cables Telex Products described Flaw detectors, rotary Markyate 761 indexing and Other products made 671 tilt workshop tables for and Page use Battery chargers and battery capacity field 736-737 testers Eng' Rists Wires b- Cables Ltd Lower Milehouse Lane Newcastle 36301 Electric cables, Newcastle Rist's (Staffs) Newcastle preformed 561221 Staffs wiring assemblies. and flexible Staffordshire rigid England printed circuits Rolls-Royce (Composite Avonmouth Materials) Ltd 4821 Rolcom Avonmouth 44207 747 electric Aircraft stores Lightweight body 384-385 698 armour Avonmouth Road Avonmouth Bristol BS11 9DU England Rolls-Royce Ltd Aero Engine Division PO Box 31 Derby England Bristol Bristol Bnsidair 44185 Bristol Gas turbine and ramjet engines 362-363 693871 31637 Marine gas turbine engines 144-145 High-performance engines for military 572-573 Derby Engine Division PO Box Roycar Derby 37645 42424 3 Aircraft gas turbine 360-361 engines Filton Bristol England Walsgrave- Roycov Turbine Division on-Sowe Coventry PO Box 72 3211 Industrial and Marine Gas Industrial gas turbines 4000 bhp-24 800 bhp Ansty Coventry CV7 9JR England Crewe 55155 Motor Car Division Crewe 36121 Roycru Crewe combat vehicles Cheshire Motor cars, light aircraft engines, investment castings England I 0/7 Engine Division Shrewsbury Shrewbury 52262 35171 Shropshire Diesel engines for vehicles, boats. generators, England compressors, Small Engine Division Leavesden Watford Roycar Shrewsbury 23206 Garston Rollsed 74000 Watford Derby Roycar Derby 37645 42424 01-629 6201 Rolhead 263371 574-575 etc. and generalpurpose gas turbine engines 364-365 Dodge 14-ton 292-293 heavy-duty truck Commer 1 0-ton heavy-duty truck 294-295 Commer 296-297 Aircraft Automotive transmission equipment WD2 7BZ England Head Office Moor Lane Derby England London Office 14—15 Conduit London W1 London W1 Street England Rootes Motors Ltd Export Sales Division 25—40 Kensington High Street 01-937 8077 Rootesmoti London 23535 W8 W8 London England 2 -ton heavy-duty pick-up truck Rotax Ltd Chandos Road 01-965 7777 Rodynalite 23662 Lightweight generating and starting systems 324-325 51336 15 kVA generating system 584-585 London NW10 Willesden Junction High-efficiency actuating mechanisms. encoders, servo motors NW10 London England Special Products Group — Equipment Division Bradford 65271 Rodynalite Bradford Telex Constant-speed drives. Bradford 3 Yorkshire ac and dc generators. actuators and motors. electric control and protection equipment. England ground Aircraft Phoenix Works The Rover Co Ltd 021 -743 4242 Meteor Works Lode Lane Rover 33156 Military j ton Military J ton Solihull Land Rover Warwickshire England portable Rubery Owen Lightweight Er Darlaston Wednesbury Staffordshire WS10 8JD England 52 air- 300-301 302-303 Land Rover Co Ltd Special Equipment Division PO Box 10 298-299 Land Rover Solihull 021-526 3131 Ruberowen Telex Darlaston 338236 Military trailers 334-335 test equipment Name and address Ruston Paxman Diesels Ltd Vulcan Works Newton -le-Wil lows Telephone Cables Newton-leWillows 5151 Telex Products described 62366 Ventura diesel engines for marine propulsion Marine auxiliary diesel engines Deltic diesel engines for marine propulsion Lancashire England Stationary diesel power generating sets Transportable and Page Other products made 146-147 148-149 150-151 586-587 583-589 mobile diesei power generating sets S.E.P.E.C.A.T. Weybridge Britair c/o British Aircraft Corporation Ltd 45522 Weybridge 01-573 3800 Airily 356-357 27111 Jaguar 22121 Night viewing aids 250 22498 Super Constructor heavy-duty tractor, 304-305 London W1 Telex Contractor high-speed aircraft Weybridge Surrey England Saunders-Roe Developments Ltd North Hyde Road London Hayes Middlesex England Scammell Lorries Ltd Military Sales Division 01-499 6050 Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square Leymotors W1 London heavy-duty tractor England Schermuly Ltd Spra Works Newdigate Schermuly 331 Dorking Surrey Newdigate Rocket illuminators. and signals Aircraft flares and 608-609 flares Dorking Surrey England Rocket line-throwing equipment 610-611 distress signals 612-613 Cartridges and grenades signalling control 01-942 3633 Scottorn Ltd Works Kingston Road New Maiden Victor for and riot Essenn Cargo and tanker New Maiden trailers 336-337 Amphibious, generator and lubricating trailers Surrey England Self-Changing Gears Ltd Military Sales Division 01-499 6050 Leymotors 22498 London W1 Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square Transmissions for 326-327 military vehicles Telex London W1 England Short Brothers & Harland Ltd General Engineering Division Glen Works Newtownards 3114 Glenards 74688 Newtownards Shorland armoured 202 patrol car components, aircraft components, mechanical handling equipment Newtownards Northern Ireland Missile Supersonic target drones, airframes and airframe Systems Division Montgomery Road Belfast Predivis 59271 Belfast 74688 Seacat. Tigercat, 460-461 Blowpipe guided missile systems Castlereagh Belfast BT6 9HN Northern Ireland 74688 Skyvan Division Belfast Aircraft PO Box 241 58444 Belfast 01-629 9541 Broshort Skyvan aircraft 358-359 Queen's Island Belfast BT3 9DZ Northern Ireland London Office Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square London London 24934 W1 W1 England Thomas Smith £r Sons (Rodley) Ltd Pudsey 2844 PO Box BR5 Rodley Leeds Smith Rodley 55105 Heavy-duty cranes and 626-627 for military industrial uses Telex LS13 2TG England The Solartron Electronic Group Ltd Farnborough Solartron Farnborough Hampshire England 44433 Farnborough 85245 Simulators and video maps 548-549 for air traffic control and defence Simulators and trainers and marine use Simfire weapon effects simulator Digital instruments for voltage measurement 550-551 for naval 556 666-667 and dynamic analysis 53 1 1 1 : :jress M Spe: . Cables Telephone Telex Products described Page Other products made 524-525 Andover Near-field audio 5741 communication system NewEury Road over Hampshire England Sperry Flight Systems Division Sperry Rand Ltd Way Downshire Bracknell Speriflite 3222 Bracknell 84129 and 430 military aircraft Bracknell Berkshire RG12 1QL England Rand Ltd Way Downshire Aeronautical instruments for navigation 431 Naval control systems 134-135 Gyroscope systems 136 - Sperry Gyroscope Division Sperry Flight instruments for civil Bracknell Spengyco 3222 Bracknell 84129 for Bracknell Berkshire marine navigation Vehicle navigator 238 Landing aids for airborne and ground 433 RG12 1QL England Standard Telephones it Cables Ltd 261912 01-368 1200 Radio Products Group Oakleigh Road New Southgate London N1 England Head use 533 Aircraft communications equipment 22385 01-836 8055 Office 190 Strand London WC2 England Stella-Meta Filters Ltd Whitchurch Stellameta Laverstock Mill (Hants) Whitchurch Hampshire England 2360 Whitchurch Hants Stone Manganese Marine Ltd 01-858 6171 85145 Water Propellers for Anchor and Hope Lane London SE7 738-739 purifiers 158-159 all marine applications England Stothert & Pitt Ltd Construction Equipment Division Bath Stothert PO Box 25 63401 Bath 44177 Vibrating rollers for 280-281 compaction and Dockside cranes, deck Somerset machinery, tower cranes. concrete mixers, truck mixers, concrete batching BA2 3DJ plant, asphalt plant. soil consolidation Bath pumps England (rotary, screw displacement, centrifugal, lobe) London Office 30 Buckingham Gate London SW1 01-222 1911 262201 Summer-field Research Station Kidderminster 33527 Imperial Metal Industries Ltd 4061 England Rocket motor systems. double base 728 solid cast Kidderminster Worcestershire propellants England Head Office Imperial Metal Industries Ltd 021-356 4848 33236 PO Box 216 Birmingham 6 Tannoy 01-670 1131 Tannoy London SE27 Jersey Avio Jersey Norwood Road London SE27 Public address and crew control systems 526-527 Technical support for 718-719 England Technical Support Route De La Haule & St Brelade Jersey Services Ltd 41161 defence forces Central 25301 Channel Islands Head Office PO Box 33 Jersey Jersey 23527 Avio Jersey 41161 Central Channel Islands Tektronix Ltd PO Box 36 Guernsey 23411 41193 Oscilloscopes 672 28228 Environmental control systems 740-741 55293 Unbreakable nylon syringes Surgical instruments, 673 St Peter Port Guernsey Channel Islands Temperature Ltd 01-223 0511 192-206 York Road London SW1 Tetmur London SW1 England Chas F Thackray Ltd PO Box 171 Park Street Leeds LS1 1RQ England 54 Leeds 20085 hospital furniture equipment and 684 Name and address Telephone Cables Telex Products described Page Other products made Thorn Bendix Ltd Industrial Electronics Division Nottingham Beech Avenue 76123 New 37142 552-553 Anti-submarine trainer Basford Nottingham NG7 7JJ England Thorn Lighting Ltd Airfield Lighting Division 01-836 2444 Eleclampo London Thorn House Upper Saint Martin's Lane 21521 WC2 Lighting equipment for 438-439 Lamps and aprons and airfields, lighting fittings (tungsten. buildings fluorescent, discharge) London WC2H 9BR England Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) Ltd Military Sales Division 01 -499 6050 Leymotors 22498 London W1 Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square Nubian Major fire airfield 623 crash tender Telex London W1 England United Scientific Instruments Ltd Kirkman House 54a Tottenham Court Road London 01-636 5905 Scodil 265403 London W1 Lightweight mine 229 detector Fire-control aids for ground forces 251 W1P OBQ England Vauxhall Motors Ltd Luton 21122 Carvaux Luton 82131 Luton 01-828 7777 Vickers 27921 Bedford MK truck 306-307 Bedfordshire England Vickers Ltd Vickers House London SW1 Gun mounting and 140-141 aiming sights for naval guns Millbank London SW1 Battle tank Mk England Abbot mm 1 05 self-propelled Barrow Engineering Works PO Box 12 Barrow-inFurness 3366 Barrow-in-Furness Lancashire Vickerseng Barrow-inFurness 6597 180-181 204-205 3 gun Marine diesel engines Main propulsion 152-153 160-161 gearing for naval and marine vessels Guided England 464-465 missile launchers for Sea Dart and Seawolf Support services shipbuilding and in 727 naval service Vickers Instruments York Haxby Road 24112 Coordinate York Sights and telescopes 236-237 Medical engineering systems 682 Escort and patrol vessels Type 42 destroyer 68-69 Submersibles for underwater naval work 94-95 Oberon 96 York Y03 7SD England Vickers Medical Engineering Basingstoke Works Priestley Basingstoke 5151 Road Basingstoke Hampshire England Vickers Shipbuilding Group Barrow Shipbuilding Works PO Box 6 Barrow-inFurness Barrow-in-Furness 20351 Vicarmsea Barrow-inFurness 6571 Lancashire England diesel -electric submarine Submarine weapons 82 patrol 97 (missile systems, fire- control systems and torpedoes) SLAM (submarine or surface-launched air missile system) 462-463 W Vinten Ltd Aviation Equipment Division Bury Western Way Bury St Edmunds St Edmunds 2121 Vintacinni 81176 Bury St Edmunds Suffolk Reconnaissance equipment for aerial photography and ground support 410-411 1 6 mm airborne and cameras. mobile field photographic units, scientific camera servicing vehicles England Vosper Electric Industrial and Marine Controls Division Castle Trading Estate Portchester Fareham Hampshire England Cosham 79481 86115 Main machinery controls for naval vessels 164 I Inverters and battery chargers, motor starters and speed controls. electronic components 55 . . . addi ess Telephone Cables Telex Products described Page Other products made . Shi 86115 Cosham Jn - 70-71, Frigates 79481 Vosper Hous8 Corvettes Paulsgrove Portsmouth England Diesel patrol craft Gas turbine patrol Maintenance and craft 78-79 72-73 74-75 76-77 86-87 repair ship 88-89 Glass-reinforced plastics launches and boats Hovercraft 374-375 Ship's stabiliser 165 Vosper Thornycroft Engineering Hydraulic Power Division Paulsgrove 86115 Cosham 79481 Portsmouth Hampshire England Wallop Industries Ltd Wallop Middle Wallop Stockbridge Hampshire England 456 47692 Reconnaisance for flare 614 Tracking motor fixed-wing flares, rocket igniters. pyrotechnic delay elements, pyrotechnic pressure delay units, pyromechanical actuators aircraft gas generators, power generator cartridges Webley ft Scott Ltd (Incorporating Handsworth Birmingham W W Greener Ltd) 021-553 3952 Webley Birmingham Anti-riot Industries Tractors, trucks Poole trailers equipment 220 short-range peacekeeping duties for 21 Signal pistols. lightweight hydraulic jacks England Wessex Industries Ltd Poole 2626 Market Street Poole and 642-643 Dorset England Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co Ltd Semiconductor Division 82 York Way 01 -837 6432 Westinghouse London N1 261629 King's Cross Thynstor for pulse modulator and similar 534 Low, medium and highpower silicon diodes. avalanche silicon diodes applications London N1 fast-recovery silicon diodes, low, medium and England high-power thyristors. inverse gate thyristors. fast-switching thyristors inverter grade selenium surge thyristors, suppressors, thyristor driver and controller units, power transistors, triacs Westland Helicopters Ltd Yeovil Aircraft Yeovil 5222 Telex Yeovil Somerset England London Office 01-222 4822 Westland Aircraft Ltd 8 The Sanctuary 46277 Helicopters for military and 368-369 Precision castings and gears civil duties Aldwarke 25232 London Telex London SW1 England Williamson Manufacturing Co Ltd Hawthorn Road London NW10 01-459 0073 Kinetogram London 25842 NW10 England 412-413 X-ray processing 678-679 Specialist photographic equipment equipment Y-ARO Ltd 041-959 1251 PO Box 4000 77380 Yard Glasgow Naval consultancy 720-721 (design, strategic and marine services) 1395 South Street Glasgow W4 Naval consultancy Scotland London Reconnaissance and survey cameras air 722-723 (technical services) Office 01-799 2178 4 Abbey Orchard Street London SW1 England Yarrow (Shipbuilders) Ltd 041-959 1221 Scotstoun Glasgow 77357 Yarship Frigates 78-81 Fracture equipment. folding wheelchairs, walking aids and 684 Glasgow W4 Scotland London Office 01-930 2848 262007 26 St James's Street London SW1 England Zimmer Orthopaedic Ltd 176-178 Brompton Road London SW3 England 01-584 6416 Zimorpedic London SW3 Implants for orthopaedic rehabilitation surgery, surgical instruments, traction apparatus, crutches, equipment walking sticks, toilet aids 56 bath and Section 1 Ships Section 1 Ships : Principal particulars and abridged specification form Hull Round Stabilisers Fin-type (optional extra) bilge with knuckle forward Construction All-welded mild steel hull General equipment with aluminium alloy superstructure Two patent/stockless bower anchors One kedge anchor Propulsion Triple marine diesel engines driving three screws through reverse reduction gearboxes 274m 110m 110m Two 50 fathoms) forged steel stud link cable for each bower anchor (60 fathoms) 140mm (5 A in) circ. Manilla towline (60 fathoms) 3lin circ. FSWR towline 1 0m (60 fathoms) 3in circ. mooring lines (1 1 Performances each rated at 4410bhp at 1900rev/min maximum and 3670bhp at continuous rating Maximum speed 24 knots Continuous speed 22 knots Note Speeds given at half-load displacement in UK conditions Triple diesel engines rating. — Accommodation Arranged fuel load at complement of 66 officers and men officer in separate cabin Five officers in single and double cabins Six CPOs in separate cabins Ten POs in separate mess Forty-five ratings in three separate messes All-electric galley, servery, refrigerated and provision stores Range With standard for a total Commanding 14 knots, 3300nm Wardroom Separate toilet facilities for officers, petty officers and crew Tank capacities Fuel (standard) 80 tons Fresh water 24 tons Fresh-water system Automatic pressure-type supplying all services Hot water from 360 litre (80gal) calorifier Operational spaces Operations room, sonar control, W/T fire control office, wheelhouse, radar and offices Steering gear steering operating twin rudders, Control from position aft Power wheelhouse or emergency Insulation Radio and navigational equipment Plessey AWS 1 and Decca TM 626 Echo sounder Kelvin Hughes MS32F — — Log — Chernikeef Accommodation, operational spaces and engine rooms sound insulation material Radar electronic Compasses magnetic Arma Brown Mk 1 gyro with repeaters M/F and VHF Alternative Ventilation and air-conditioning All living and operational spaces air-conditioned Mechanical supply and exhaust of fresh air to all other necessary spaces transmitter/receivers equipment can be installed to suit owners requirements Life saving equipment and boats One 6-7m (22ft) glass-fibre sea boat Two 20-man inflatable liferafts Two 10-man inflatable liferafts Four lifebuoys with buoyant lights Electrical 440V 60Hz Two 200kVA diesel-driven One 40kVA harbour duty Fire One man alternators and bilge systems fire main connected to pumps with fire hose connections on weather and accommodation decks Magazine spray and portable hand extinguishers Bilge main with suction to each main compartment Power 58 lifejacket per 36, Armament One 114-3mm (4-5in) forward gun mounting One 40mm gun aft mounting One anti-submarine system Integrated fire control system (2in) target-illumination rocket launchers 50 Search and attack sonar Two 8mm fitted with heat and Section 1 : Ships Corvette 196ft triple-screw vesse The 60m (196ft) corvette swiftly and economically a otherwise require a handsome CODAG ment can be exterior a mounted forward, which vessel. Within the particularly corvette either a diesel or 114-3mm fully automatic gun (4 Ain) requires limited manning, the corvette also features an anti-submarine weapon system in addition to a 40mm AA gun mounted aft. The corvette can be adapted for any specialist purpose within the designed payload, and missile With well suited to carry out variety of roles that might larger and more expensive is of the machinery arrange- systems can be fitted. carried. DECK N9 1 N? 2 DECK Dimensions Length overall 59-74m (196ft) Length (waterline) 55-47m (182ft) Breadth (moulded) 9-1 4m (30ft) Depth (moulded) 6-55m (21 Maximum ft 6in) 1 40mm 2 gun mounting 6-7m (22ft) sea boat 3 Funnel 4 50mm 14 15 16 automatic (2in) rocket flare 5 Inflatable liferaft 6 Fire control 17 compartment Enclosed wheelhouse and chartspace 18 19 20 Anti-submarine weapon 40mm magazine 21 10 Armament 11 12 Machinery control room Decontamination compartment 13 Bosun 22 23 24 2b 26 8 9 Spare compartment Laundry 27 Air-conditioning and 28 29 30 ventilation projector 7 N°5 DECK. draught 2-89m (9ft 6in) store store compartment maintenance room Spare compartment Special radio equipment Operations room Sonar control compartment 114-3mm Steering compartment loading com- ASW partment Electrical Wireless office Radar office Captain's cabin (4Ain) automatic gun Windlass 31 Diesel-driven alternators 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Main engines Machinery spaces Captain's toilet 41 Officers' cabin 42 Wardroom Officers toilet Officers cabins Petty officers' toilets Chief petty officers' mess Pantry Ship's office Sonar store Galley and servery 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Ratings' toilets Gun bay Handing room Captain of turret office Ratings' toilets Ratings' mess Paint store Lamp store 51 Petty officers' 52 53 54 55 56 Gyro room 57 58 59 60 mess Ratings' mess Store rooms Sonar compartment Refrigerated stores 4-5in magazine Ratings' mess NBCD store Chain locker BROOKE MARINE LIMITED <®> Lowestoft, Suffolk, England Telephone: Lowestoft 5221 Cables: Brookcraft Lowestoft Telex: 97145 1968 59 Section 1 Ships : -4 4 Principal particulars and abridged specification form Hull Round Power-assisted mechanica operating twin spade rudders. Control from wheelhouse or bridge One 68kg (1501b) Meon anchor 1 10m (60 fathoms) Wl stud link cable 110m (60 fathoms) 3in circ. nylon towlines Two 110m (60 fathoms) 3in circ. mooring lines Radio and navigational equipment Radar Decca TM 626 Echo sounder Kelvin Hughes MS 32F Arranged Steering gear bilge with knuckle forward Construction All-welded mild steel hull with aluminium alloy superstructure Propulsion engines driving quadruple engines driving through integral gearboxes, aft engines driving through integral gearboxes and V-drives Four marine screws. diesel Forward — Log — Sal Max. speed (each) (knots) 59 and VHF ship-to-ship and 1 also ship-to-aircraft transmitter/receivers, plus portable transmitter/ receiver for use with assault craft Max. contin- equipment can Alternative uous speed be for a total Commanding — one magnetic, Arma Brown Mk gyro Navigator — Decca Mk 12 Main transmitter/receiver — Marconi N 3000, UHF Max. bhp — Compasses Performance Engines Accommodation installed to suit of 24 Three junior officers in three-berth cabin Four petty officers in four-berth cabin 16 ratings in forepeak Additional accommodation for a further two petty officers and four ratings available for training purposes All-electric galley with cooker, water heater, deep- freeze, refrigerator, etc Wardroom Separate owners' requirements complement officer in separate cabin toilet facilities for officers, petty officers and ratings (knots) Electrical Four Napier Deltic CT 18-42Kdiesels 3700 . Note: All speeds given UK conditions 40-6 at half-load 349 displacement Fresh water system system Automatic pressure-type supplying all outlets Hot water from 1 80 litre (40gal) calorifier 440V, three-phase, 60Hz Three 75kVA diesel-driven alternators in Fire and bilge system fire main connected to pumps with fire hose connections on weather deck Magazine spray and portable hand extinguishers Bilge main with suctions to each main compartment Power Range With standard fuel load at 14 knots, 1700 nautical miles. With reserve tanks at 14 knots, 2075 miles Two centrifugal-type pumps material Fuel (standard) 36 tons Fresh water 6 tons Stabilisers Lifesaving equipment and raiding craft Fin-type (optional extra) Two 15-man inflatable Two lifebouys Operational spaces bridge Armaments — schedule 4 1 Forward position 76mm/62 calibre compact automatic gun, with secondary control by 'local' 2 mount 'local' control by on- sights 5 Magazines Four aft fixed launchers surface guided missiles for surface- man boats with 20hp outboard motors Aft position mount Forward, lower deck main deck 35mm calibre twin 76mm. 'local' gun mounting control by on- sights Aft, 3 Extreme aft fixed launchers for surface- surface guided missiles Armaments — schedule 1 Extreme liferafts with secondary gun mounting calibre twin 'Z' 35mm/90 system Four with secondary 60 Fire control Aft position 35mm/90 lifejacket per Two 10-man Fully integrated fire control stabilised sight 2 One General equipment One 136kg (300lb) Meon anchor Wheelhouse Operations room 1 Insulation Accommodation, operational spaces and engine room fitted with heat and sound insulation Tank capacities Open Ventilation and operational spaces air-conditioned Mechanical supply and exhaust to all othe necessary spaces All living 2 Forward position 35mm/90 calibre twin gun mounting with secondary mount sights 'local' control by on- 4 Fire control Fully integrated fire control 5 system Magazines Forward, lower deck 35mm. deck 35mm Aft, main Section 1 : Ships Strike craft 140ft quadruple-screw vessel The 42-7m (140ft) Brooke Marine fast strike craft is a sophisticated small warship with fully integrated fire control system for surface missile system, 35mm twin gun for AA defence, and a 76mm multi-purpose gun. With four diesel engines operating on four shafts, the 140ft has a maximum speed in excess of 40 knots. Integrated weapon system, sophisticated navigational aids, and communications equipment are fitted, giving the craft considerable offensive and defensive potential. Dimensions Length (overall) 42.67m (140ft) Length (waterline) 3662m (130ft) Breadth (moulded) 7-92m (26ft) Depth (moulded) 4-1 1m (13ft 6in) Maximum draught 2-13m (7ft) LEGEND 1 35mm QF 2 Missiles 3 Air filtration 4 5 Magazine Radar room 6 7 Engine control room Operations room 8 9 10 twin gun space 11 12 13 14 15 Air-conditioning plant W/T office Wheelhouse 76mm gun Aft peak Aft engine 16 17 18 19 20 Officers' cabin Gyro Wardroom Toilet Cold store and provision room Forward engine room CO's cabin room 21 Galley 22 PO's mess 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Magazine Gun well Crew's space Fore peak 'Z' boat Funnel Open bridge BROOKE MARINE LIMITED Lowestoft, Suffolk, England Telephone: Lowestoft 5221 Cables: Brookcraft Lowestoft Telex: 97145 1968 61 Section HMAFV 1 Ships : Sea/ and Principal particulars abridged specification Hull form Round bilge with knuckle forward Construction All-welded mild with aluminium alloy hull steel superstructure Propulsion Twin marine diesel engines driving twin screws, through reverse-reduction gearboxes Performance Up to 33 5 knots depending on engines Max. bhp Engines specified Max. speed (each) (knots) Max. cont. speed (knots) Twin Twin Twin Twin 12YJCM Paxman 16YJCM Paxman T18-37K Napier Deltic CT18-42K Napier Deltic 36m (120ft) twin-screw fast patrol craft Radio and navigational equipment Radar Decca RM316 Kelvin Hughes MS32F Echosounder Chernikeef electronic Log Magnetic compass Decca Arkas autopilot Main transmitter/receiver Pye Alternative equipment can be installed owners' requirements — — Accommodation Arranged ing on — for a total of 25-27 depend- Commanding officer in separate cabin 2 officers 2 or 4 petty officers — 18-22 to suit ratings All-electric galley with cooker, water heater, deep- refrigerator, etc freeze, 23 5 215 Wardroom 270 24-5 Separate 30-5 33-5 27 29 3600 4800 6200 7400 complement role toilet facilities for officers, petty officers and ratings Electrical system 440V, 3- phase, 60 Hz; two 70kVA diesel-driven Note: in UK All speeds given at half load displacement alternators conditions Range With standard fuel load at 13 knots, 1800 nautica miles With reserve tanks Fresh water system Automatic pressure type supplying all outlets Hot water from 180 litre (40gal) calorifier at 13 knots, 2500 Fire and bilge system Power fire main connected with pumps with fire hose connectors on weather deck. Magazine nautical spray and portable hand extinguishers. Bilge main with suctions to each main compartment. Two centrifugal-type general service pumps miles Ventilation and operational spaces air-conditioned Mechanical supply and exhaust of fresh air to all other necessary spaces All living Tank capacities Fuel (standard) 20 tons Fresh water 5 tons Stabilisers Fin-type (optional extra) material Operational spaces Wheelhouse and operations rooms General equipment One 100kg (224lb) Halls anchor One 68kg (1501b) Meon anchor Steering gear Power-assisted spade mechanical, operating twin rudders. Control from wheelhouse or emergency position 62 aft Insulation Accommodation, operational spaces and engine room fitted with heat and sound insulation 0m 110m 1 1 Twol (60 fathoms) W1 stud link cable (60 fathoms) 3in circ. nylon towline 10m (60 fathoms) 3in circ. mooring lines Lifesaving equipment and raiding craft Two 15-man inflatable Two lifebouys One lifejacket per Two 8-man Z' lifecrafts in GFRP valises man boats with 20hp outboard motors Section 1 Ships : Patrol craft 120ft twin-screw vesse The twin-screw 36m (120ft) development of the highly successful long-range support and recovery craft designed and built by Brooke Marine for the UK Ministry of Defence (Air). The craft has superior sea-keeping characteristics combined with high performance and long range. craft is a Sophisticated weapons systems, usually associated with larger craft, may be installed to make the craft a formidable small warship. Accommodation and operational spaces of the highest standard are arranged to ensure that maximum crew efficiency can be maintained on long patrol missions in adverse weather conditions Dimensions Length (overall) 36-57m (120ft) Legend Length (waterline) 34-20m (112ft) Breadth (moulded) 7-1 Depth (moulded) Maximum draught 6m 400m 1 (23ft 6in) (13ft 1n) -75m (5ft 9in 1 Aft peak 2 Store 3 Toilet 4 Cabin 5 Cabin 6 Magazine —8 —6 ratings ratings 7 Engine room 8 Control room 9 CO's cabin 10 Elec. computer and gyro room 11 Wardroom 12 Cabin 13 Galley 14 Crew's mess —2 officers 15 Magazine 16 Cabin 17 Cabin 18 40mm 19 'Z' 20 Engine casing 21 Operations room 22 Life raft —2 —8 petty officers ratings Bofors gun boat 23 Rocket 24 'Ready use' flare projector ammo lockers 25 Windlass LOWER DECK Schedule of alternative armament roles The following armament roles are submitted for guidance purposes only and within reasonable limits (depending on displacement and performance required) consideration can be given to a combination of armament selected from all roles. ROLE Four 21 Two ROLE1 40mm 40mm One One Two in side launchers 4 SU guided missile system Two 2in rocket launchers with four fixed launchers aft One 35mm twin gun mounting forward SU guided missile system with four fixed launchers aft ROLE 2 One 40mm jun mounting forward One 20mm gun mounting aft Two 2in rocket launchers Two 5 2in rocket launchers *9a BROOKE MARINE LIMITED <®> Lowestoft, Suffolk, England Telephone: Lowestoft 5221 torpedoes One 40mm gun mounting forward 2in rocket launchers ROLE in 2in rocket launchers ROLE gun mounting forward gun mounting aft 3 One twin 30mm gun mounting forward One twin 20mm gun mounting aft Cables: Brookcraft Lowestoft Telex: 97145 1968 63 Section 1 : Ships Principal particulars and abridged specification form Hull Round bilge with knuckle forward Steering gear Commanding Power-assisted mechanical, operating twin spade rudders. Control from wheelhouse Two Two or Construction All-welded mild steel hull screws through reverse-reduction gearboxes Performance Up to 26-5 knots depending on engines specified, see All-electric Radio and navigational equipment Radar Decca RM 316 Echo sounder Kelvin Hughes MS 32F diesel engines driving twin table — — Log — Chernikeef Magnetic compass Decca Arkas autopilot Main transmitter/receiver Pye Alternative equipment can be installed to suit owners' requirements — Electrical system Two 60kVA (each) Max. speed (knots) diesel-driven alternators Max. contin- uous speed Fire (knots) and bilge equipment fire main connected to pumps with hose connections on weather deck Magazine spray and portable hand ex- Power fire Twin Paxman 12 YJCM diesels Twin Paxman 16 1800 23-5 21-5 2400 26-5 240 tinguishers YJCM diesels Bilge main with suctions to each main compartment Note: All speeds given UK conditions at half-load displacement in Two centrifugal-type general service standard 2300 load fuel at 12 knots, at nautical miles Tank capacities Fuel (standard) 18 tons Fresh water 5 tons 12 knots, Separate toilet facilities for officers, petty officers and ratings Fresh water system Automatic pressure-type supplying all outlets Hot water from 180 litre (40gal) calorifier Ventilation Mechanical supply and natural exhaust of fresh air to all accommodation, operational spaces and toilets. Mechanical supply and exhaust to galley and engine room. Air-conditioning available if required. Insulation Accommodation, operation spaces and engine room fitted with heat and sound Two 12-man inflatable Two lifebouys 3500 One General equipment One 100kg (224lb) Halls anchor One 68kg (1501b) Meon anchor lifejacket per liferafts man Two six-man Z boats with 20hp outboard motors (60 fathoms) W1 stud link cable 0m (60 fathoms) 3in circ. nylon towline Two 1 0m (60 fathoms) 3in circ. mooring 110m 1 1 lines 64 Wardroom craft 1 Operational spaces Conning bridge Wheelhouse Operations room water Life-saving equipment and raiding Stabilisers Fin-type (optional extra) nautical miles With reserve tanks cooker, insulation material pumps Range With with electronic 440V, 3-phase, 60Hz Max. bhp galley heater, deep-freeze, refrigerator, etc alternative for installations Engines petty officers 16 ratings aft with aluminium alloy superstructure Propulsion Twin marine emergency position officer in separate cabin officers Standard armament Forward 40mm gun Aft 40mm gun — Two Accommodation Arranged for a total of 21 2in rocket flare launchers magazine capacity rounds Total complement — (40mm) — 960 Section 1 Ships : Patrol craft 107ft twin-screw vessel 32-6m (107ft) craft combines Marine's with functional scope. A variety of of size economy carried out by the craft depending on the duties can be armaments selected. With an all-steel hull and aluminium alloy superstructure, the 107 has excellent seaThe keeping qualities, performance and reliability. Brooke craft's sea-keeping may be further improved stabilisers. Weapon capability can abilities by the installation of be adapted to particular requirements. Depending on the engines specified, the craft can a maximum speed of 26 5 knots and a range of considerably more than 2000 miles, which can be have further extended to tanks are utilised. 3500 miles when the reserve fuel In common with other Brooke Marine patrol craft, the 107ft patrol craft is built to the highest standards ensuring economy of operation and maximum use- fulness. Dimensions Length (overall) 32-62m (107ft) Length (waterline) 30-48m (100ft) Breadth (moulded) 609m (20ft) Depth (moulded) 3-51 m (11ft 6in) Maximum draught 1 -67m (5ft 6in) LOWEC DEXk. LEGEND 1 2 3 4 40mm 9 gun aft Rocket flare projector 'Ready use' ammo lockers Access hatch to aft 6 7 8 11 Galley store 12 Forward air-conditioning 13 14 Engine casing CO's cabin Operations room Accessto accommodation forward 15 16 CO's toilet Lobby 40mm 18 19 20 Toilet 21 Switchboard 25 26 27 28 29 30 22 Engine control room 31 23 24 Cabin and steering g sar compartment Aft peak room Aft air-conditioning room accommodation 5 17 Engineer's office 10 gun forward Windlass Cabin —2 Wardroom officers 32 33 Mast platform Conning bridge Wheelhouse Galley Magazine Cabin 10 Fore peak — 'Z' ratings boats <& Lowestoft, Suffolk, England Cables: Brookcraft Lowestoft ratings Engine room BROOKE MARINE LIMITED Telephone: Lowestoft 5221 —6 — 2 POs Cabin Telex: 97145 1968 65 Section 1 : Ships 12.2m (40ft) fast patrol boat 1 Aft cockpit 2 Sparred seats 3 Engine hatches 4 Flush hatch to ammunition store 5 Small arms stowage 6 Control house 7 Portable gunner's platform 8 Chart table and radio equipment 9 Cupboards 10 Toilet 11 Galley stove 12 Sink unit 13 Settee berth 14 Hanging cupboard 15 Shelf space 16 WT 17 Fore peak 18 Light 19 Gunner's hatch 20 Heavy machine gun hatch (over) machine gun (P & S) 18.5m (60ft 10in) fast 1 Liferaft 2 WT patrol boat hatch 3 Companion 4 Inflatable boat 5 Sideboard 6 Drop-leaf table 7 Deck saloon and 8 Writing desk 9 Filing cabinet to cabin office 10 Locker seat 11 Engineroom companion 12 Flag locker 13 Open 14 Chart table 15 Control house 16 Flush hatch 17 RT 18 Hinged hatch 19 QF gun 20 Windlass 21 Emergency 22 Aft peak/steering gear and fuel tanks 23 Refrigerator 24 Galley 25 Dresser cupboards under 32 Officers' 26 Table 33 Sideboard 27 Officers' toilet 34 Officers' cabin 28 Crew's 35 29 30 31 66 bridge table scuttle toilet Galley store Writing desk Table mess 40 Engine room 41 Two 42 Wash Upper and lower berths 43 Cupboards 36 Generator 44 Folding cot berth 37 Batteries 38 HW 39 Water pressure boiler set fixed berths and one cot berth basin cabinet 45 Hinged table 46 Crew's cabin 47 Fore peak and store 1 Section 1 : Ships Patrol boats Twin-screw boats 12.2m 18.5m (60ft (40ft) The twin-screw 122m (40ft) patrol boat is a development of a series of small patrol boats designed and built by Brooke Marine Limited. The craft has been developed over a period of 20 years and is capable of high speed in bad sea conditions. There are three 0-30in (7-62mm) machine gun positions, giving 360 deg arc of fire. Facilities troops, provided are for and crew accommodation is of transportation the more than ample for modation a fast patrol is and capable boat with crew living accomof carrying medium-sized armament in a hull of minimum dimensions. Accommodation both above and below decks allows the use of this craft for customs and police duty in addition to naval patrol work. In addition to the available for a 0-30in 30mm naval gun, positions are (7-62mm) machine gun on the bridge. a craft of this size. 26.8m This craft 10in) (88ft) This craft can undertake comprehensive patrol duties and is designed for ease of maintenance and economical operation. The vessel may be armed with a variety of weapons to suit various roles. 26.8m 1 Hatch 2 Liferaft 3 Companion 4 ER entrance 5 Z' (88ft) fast patrol boat to cabin boat 6 Semi-portable top for engine removal 7 Funnel 8 Mast 9 Compass 10 Bridge 1 RT equipment 12 Control house 13 Chart table 14 RV ammunition 15 QFgun 16 Windlass locker 17 Aft peak/steering gear/store 18 Toilet 19 Upper and lower berths 20 Crew's cabin 21 Table 22 Generator 23 Engine room 27 Officers' cabin 31 PO's cabin 24 Main engine 28 Galley 32 Single berth 25 Ward room 29 Magazine 33 Crew's cabin 26 Refrigerator 30 Galley store 34 Fore peak/cable locker/store BROOKE MARINE LIMITED Lowestoft, Suffolk, England Telephone: Lowestoft 5221 Cables: Brookcraft Lowestoft Telex: 97145 & 1968 67 Section 1 : Ships 900-ton frigate— Vedette The Vickers Vedette has been designed to fulfil tactical and strategic roles which fall in the gap between patrol boats/corvettes and the larger sophisticated frigates. Within the Vedette series, the Type 521 represents one approach where the simplest effective armament is carried to support a general-purpose Vedette Type 522, with Type 521 shown on the role. Type 522, illustrated, incorporates within the same dimensions and displacement a much more sophisticated and powerful armament to allow consideration of the flexibility of such a weapon outfit, fully adaptable to a navy's particular requirement. The left Specification (Type 522) Dimensions Length, waterline: 76-2 m (250 ft in) in) Breadth: 9-5 m (31 ft Depth to No 1 deck: 7 2 m (23 ft 6 in) Draught, deep condition: 2-9 m (9 ft 6 in) Displacement, deep condition- 900 tons Main machinery each consisting of one Maybach MD 1082 marine diesel engine driving a fixed-pitch propeller through a reversing/reduction gearbox Total maximum power: 6600 shp Two sets, Range Range at 22 knots: 2800 km at 1 6 knots: 5500 Armament (1 (typical fit) Medium-range gun: one 4-5-inch Mk 8 mounting Close-range missiles: one 3-barrelled lightweight Seacat system Close-range guns: one Twin 30 mm Hispano-Suiza mounting Anti-submarine: one Terne medium-range weapon system — Computer-controlled or assisted fire-control system, air-warning and tracking radars Performance Accommodation Maximum For up to about 95 officers and speed, deep condition: 22 knots 500 nm) km (3000 nm) men Customer support services The facilities and experience within the Vickers Technical Aid organisation, developed on Leander Class frigates, submarines, and the Type 42, will be available in support of medium frigate and Vedette construction. For overseas construction, the extent of aid given depends on customer requirements but typically includes advice on shipyard layout and equipment, provision of ship drawings and documentation, ordering 63 equipment and monitoring sub-contractors, planning, assistance with setting-to-work, provision of technical and supervisory staff and training. Besides overseas technical aid, Vickers can provide the following support services: Weapons system consultancy Weapons system tuning and test Operational training co-ordination Refit and in-service support. Section 1 : Ships Escort and patrol vessels of 900 Medium tons and 2100 tons displacement frigate The Vickers medium frigate been designed to has provide navies contemplating new construction with an effective replacement for the Leander Class frigate. The design includes many of the important features and the high standards to be found in new ships of the Royal Navy. The Type 2004, featured here, incorporates a machinery plant identical with that specified for future Royal Navy frigates and destroyers. There are two main machinery sets, each consisting 12 Single 45 in Mk 8 gun 2 Twin Bofors 375 mm anti-submarine rocket launcher 3 2 in rocket flare launcher, port and 1 starboard 10 11 5 Specification (Type 6 7 4 5 mm 9 Single 76/62 port 10 992 11 mm Oto Melara gun, and starboard Q Triple radar Mk 32 torpedo tubes, port and starboard 12 13 helicopter WG 2004) Dimensions Range Range Length, waterline: 97-5 m (320 ft in) Breadth: 1 1 -6 m (38 ft in) Depth to No 1 deck: 8-7 m (28 ft 6 in) Draught, deep condition: 3-5 m (1 1 ft 6 in) Displacement, deep condition: 2100 tons at at 34 knots: 1840 km (1000 nm) 8 knots: 8300 km (4500 nm) 1 Armament Gun armament: One 4-5-inch Mk 8 gun mounting Two 76/62 OTO Melara compact gun Two 20 mm Mk 7A Oerlikon guns Machinery Two sets (one Olympus TM3B and one Tyne 209 marine gas turbine each) non-reversing gearbox, controllable-pitch propeller Maximum power: 50 000 shp Maximum cruise power: 7000 shp Performance Maximum speed: 34 one Olympus Oerlikon gun, port and starboard 978 navigation radar 944 IFF radar RTN 10X fire control radar RDL 2 aerial 4 Single 20 6 7 8 8 9 TM3B and one Tyne 209 marine gas turbine (both of which are described elsewhere in non-reversing this Catalogue), coupled through a gearbox to a controllable-pitch propeller. The armament includes one 4-5-inch gun, two 76 mm guns and two 20 mm Oerlikon guns, rocket launchers and torpedo tubes. Alternative machinery plants and weapons systems can be fitted to meet particular requirements. of mountings Anti-submarine armament: One Bofors 375 twin anti-submarine rocket launcher 13 helicopter One MATCH system with Two Mk 32 triple anti-submarine torpedo tubes WG Accommodation For up to knots 170 officers and men VICKERS SHIPBUILDING GROUP Barrow Shipbuilding Works PO Box 6, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 20351 Telex: 6571 Cables: Vicarmsea Barrow-in-Furness vscKers 69 Section 1 : Ships Above and left: IIS Saam at full power during preliminary trials. Saam is the first of four fast destroyers for the Imperial Iranian Navy, two of which are being built by Vosper Thornycroft. and two by Vickers (Shipbuilders) Ltd. The design is a modification of the 40-knot Vosper Thornycroft Mk 5 frigate Below: Vosper Thornycroft after 70 launching Mk 7 frigate Section 1 : Ships Frigates 1200 tons Modern frigates of to 1500 tons displacement perhaps 280 ment of more than 250 officers tons with a comple- and men are compara- expensive ships both to build and to operate; so much so, indeed, that even the great naval powers are able to have them only in small numbers. The VosperThornycroft Mk 5 (1200 tons) and Mk 7 (1450 tons) frigates have been designed with two main objectives: (1) to provide smaller and much less expensive ships, with complements not greatly exceeding 100, able to carry out most of the functions of the larger frigate and (2) to take every advantage of the latest developments of both weapons and machinery to produce the most effective possible fighting units. tively A Mk 5 frigate armed with one Vickers 4-5in (1 14-3mm) gun forward and a twin 35mm Oerlikon gun aft. Both are controlled by Contraves fire control equipment. Nord Aviation guided missiles and missile control are also fitted. Short-range sonar equipment and anti-submarine mortar are fitted as well as two hand operated 40mm guns and two rocket flare launchers for target illumination at night A Mk 7 frigate armed with one Vickers 4-5in (1 1 4-3mm) gun, two triple Seacat launchers, two 40mm guns and two rocket flare launchers. Fire control is by Contraves. A helicopter, which can be armed with anti-submarine torpedoes or Nord Aviation guided missiles, is carried in its own hangar. Long-range sonar is also fitted. It would be possible in this design also to carry a twin 35mm Oerlikon gun if required of Rolls-Royce Olympus gas turbines gives the 5 frigate a maximum speed of 40 knots. A wide choice of weapons is available for frigates of The use Mk this type, missiles, embracing anti-ship and anti-aircraft guided guns of various calibres and anti-submarine mortars or torpedoes, all with their particular control equipment and action information facilities, up to a total weight of about 100 tons. In a Mk 7 frigate a helicopter complete with hangar can also be carried. Four fast destroyers, based on the Vosper Thornycroft Mk 5 design, have been ordered for the Imperial Iranian Navy, the first of which is seen opposite during her preliminary trials. A Mk 7 frigate for the Libyan Navy is also under construction. Length overall 94-5m (310ft) Length between perpendiculars 88-4m (290ft) Beam on LWL (max.) 10-4m (34ft) Depth moulded 7-6m (25ft) Draft moulded 32m (10ft 6in) Length overall 101 -6m (333ft) Length between perpendiculars 94-5m (310ft) Beam on LWL (max.) 1 1 0m (36ft) Depth moulded 7-9m (26ft) Draft moulded 3-4m (11ft) VOSPER THORNYCROFT Shipbuilding Division Vosper House, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth, England Telephone: Cosham 79481 Telex: 86115 1966 1969 71 Section 1 : Ships A Vosper Thornycroft Mk 3 61m (200ft) in length, speed 28 corvette knots GNS Kromantse. one of two Mk 1 corvettes supplied to the Ghana Navy in 1 964. They are (177ft) in length, speed 20 knots 539m LNS Tobruk, a Mk 1 corvette supplied to the Libyan Navy in 1966. Length (177 ft), speed 18 knots 539m 72 5 Section 1 : Ships Corvettes 440 tons to 800 tons displacement The term 'corvette' includes not only small unsophisticated vessels with comparatively simple armament but also larger and faster vessels with very advanced weapons and equipment. Corvettes are the smallest ships with a realistic anti-submarine capability. Because of their small size and basic simplicity they are considerably less expensive than frigates in prime cost and have crews of only about 50 to 60 officers and men. The Vosper Thornycroft corvette range consists Mk 1 type of 440 tons displacement, the Mk 3 some 600 tons and the Mk 8 of some 800 tons. the of of Mk corvettes are diesel-driven ships mum speed of 18-20 knots. The Mk 1 diesel-driven ship capable, with with a maxi3 is a larger three engines, of CODOG The Mk 8 corvette, length, is powered by a single gas turbine driving twin screws, giving a speed of 32 knots. Its cruising speed, on speeds up to 26 knots. 736 m (241 Olympus maximum ft) two 16-cylinder corvette in diesels, is 19^ knots. The Mk 9 Mk similar to the 8 but a little smaller and by two diesel engines. Its maximum speed is is powered 29 \ knots. The ships can be armed with long-range and shortrange anti-ship guided missiles, a variety of different lightweight guns or anti-aircraft missiles, anti-submarine mortar, depth charges or torpedoes, together with the appropriate radar, sonar and control equipment. Two Mk 3 corvettes are under construction for the Nigerian Navy. typical Vosper Thornycroft Mk 3 corvette of advanced design, powered by three diesel engines. It has a maximum speed of over 26 knots and a cruising range of some 5500 km (3000 nm at 1 5 knots. The armament consists of a combination of long- range and short-range anti-surface guided missiles, as well as a Modern fire 35 mm twin gun and anti-submarine armament. control equipment, together with search and tracking radar, is Vosper Thornycroft Mk 8 CODOG corvette. The is a 76 mm Oto Melara. A triple Seacat launcher is mounted aft. Both are controlled by a Ferranti-Selenia fire control system which includes an element of action information. A Bofors anti-submarine rocket launcher controlled by Plessey sonar is fitted to the aft deck. In other Mk 8 or Mk 9 designs the weapons outfit includes Exocet (or other) anti-ship guided missiles and anti-submarine torpedoes instead of the mortar. A A typical forward gun also fitted. VOSPER THORNYCROFT Shipbuilding Division Vosper House, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth, England Telephone: Cosham 79481 Telex: 861 1 1966 1969 73 Section 1 : Ships 103ft (31 -4m) patrol craft armed with 40mm two guns 110ft (35-5m) fast patrol two 20mm guns. An craft, armed with 80mm rocket launcher, torpedoes and depth charges can also be carried 142ft (43-3m) fast patrol craft armed with 75mm gun and guided missiles. Boats of can be powered by diesels or gas turbines according to the performance a this type required 74 Section 1 : Ships Patrol craft diesel-powered Twenty-nine 103ft (31 -4m) fast patrol craft have been supplied to the Royal Malaysian Navy, the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard and the Kenya Navy. They are built of steel, with two 40mm guns and a speed of about 25 knots. Six 110ft (335m) fast patrol craft were supplied to the Peruvian Navy in 1965. These are 30-knot vessels armed with guns, rocket-propelled built of steel, missiles, torpedoes and anti-submarine equipment. A further six 110ft (335m) fast patrol craft are at present (1968) being built for the Republic of Singapore. Two of the vessels are being built in Portsmouth, the remainder by Vosper Thornycroft Uniteers Ltd in Singapore. A new design of 142ft (43-3m) fast patrol boat, armed with modern guns and guided missiles, has recently been built as a private venture. Many other smaller patrol craft have also been designed and built. (335m) 30-knot fast patrol guns and powered by two diesel engines Typical Vosper Thornycroft 110ft boat armed with 40mm 1 42ft (433m) fast patrol boat design. Four diesel engines or two gas turbines may be fitted according to performance required. The boat is armed with two twin 35mm guns and long-range anti-surface guided missiles VOSPER THORNYCROFT Shipbuilding Division Vosper House, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth, England Telephone: Cosham 79481 Telex: 861 1 5 1966 1969 75 Section 1 : Ships -T» .& a& S s^ *"^T#.-> Top and left: venture fast 43-3 m diesel (142 fast Vosper Thornycroft private patrol ft) patrol boat Tenacity. This 40 knot gas turbine/ boat, armed with an advanced weapons system of powerful modern guns and guided missiles, repre- new generation of fast patrol boats capable of engaging major warships and sents a modern aircraft LNS Susa, Libyan guided missile 76 Navy, discharges a Section 1 : Ships Patrol craft gas turbine-powered Following the 29-3 one of m (96 ft) fast patrol boats, which were designed and remaining at sea for a week or more and armed with anti-ship guided missiles and powerful modern guns capable of shooting down aircraft or guided missiles. A choice of individual weapons and fire-control twenty- built for six of the world's navies during the last decade, a new generation of gas turbine fast patrol boats has been built as a prototype. Because of the high costs of building and manning large ships, the fast patrol boat of the future will increasingly be used for long patrols and as a major surface strike vessel. Thus the latest Vosper Thornycroft fast patrol boat is much larger than previous patrol boats, capable of Triple-screw 43-3 Mk 43-3 4, m which (142 m (142 ft) fast patrol boat. also controls the four Contraves ft) fast patrol The forward gun Sea Killer missiles is available. Nevertheless, the much less costly 293 m (96 ft) boat, with its exceptionally high speed of 55-60 knots and an armament of 40 guns, lightweight guided missiles and/or torpedoes, is still an extremely effective vessel in many applications. mm is in an Oerlikon twin 35 two fixed mm controlled mountings on the mm gun and one Bofors 40 emergency use. Two torpedoes can boat armed with one Oto Melara 76 control with a separate optical sight for target indication or equipment aft mm by Contraves Sea Hunter deck gun, controlled by Ferranti also be carried if fire required 43-3 m (1 42 ft) fast patrol boat armed with one Oto Melara 76 mm gun and one Bofors 40 mm gun, controlled by NV Hollandse Signaal Apparaten fire control, with a separate optical sight for target indication or emergency use. Two torpedoes can also be carried if required VOSPER THORNYCROFT rffel Shipbuilding Division Vosper House, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth, England Telephone: Cosham 79481 Telex: 86115 1966 1969 77 Section 1 : Ships mmi-W-cMaH . •if*****' Artist's 78 impression (above) and model (below) of Type 21 Frigate . ' ' ~ v:^v *, .f.w.-f.-- ' Section 1 : Ships Frigates of 2500 tons displacement 968 the British Ministry of Defence (Navy) placed a contract with the Vosper Thornycroft Group of the design of a frigate, to be prepared in the fullest collaboration with Yarrow (Shipbuilders) Ltd Portsmouth for Amazon, the first ship of the class, was ordered in March 1 969 and two further ships in May of Scotstoun. 1970. All are being built by Vosper Thornycroft at Woolston. The staff requirements called for a ship of about 2500 tons displacement which could contribute effectively to the defence of a convoy or other force, against surface ship or submarine attack and would moreover be fully capable of self-defence against aircraft, missiles or fast patrol craft. It had to be capable of matching comparable contemporary foreign ships in battle and performance. It also had to be able to patrol the high seas in all areas and in all weather and was required to be able to land armed or unarmed landing partiestodeal with civil disturbance or natural disaster. Brief details of the design arrived at to meet all these requirements are given below. In February 1 HMS Navigation The bridge is enclosed, with open wings at the same level, and is so designed that the maximum all-round view is provided from a central pelorus containing a gyro compass repeater. Engine telegraphs and steering control are sited on the bridge. Automatic steering is provided Specification Weapon systems The design incorporates the most modern weapon systems controlled by miniaturised digital computers designed and built by Ferranti (England) An integrated action information data-handling unit provides for the automatic tracking of targets and for their interrogation, and ensures the most effective use of the armament Communications ship-to-shore, ship-to-ship, ship-to-air radio communications to the latest Full British naval standards are provided Machinery and performance accordance with the latest British naval policy the ship is fitted with gas turbine main machinery and will have Olympus and Tyne gas turbines in a arrangement driving two shafts with controllable-pitch propellers. The maximum speed is about 34 knots and the cruising range more than 8300 km (4500 nautical miles) at 18 knots In COGOG Accommodation The total margin of number 1 has been developed to give the optimum combination of good seakeeping and high speed. The knuckle forward is designed to reduce wetness on the foredeck without causing heavy deceleration when the bow pitches into heavy seas The hull will not exceed 1 70 but to allow some purposes, accommodation is provided for a total company 192 as follows: 14 19 30 128 Seakeeping of the ship's for training or other commanding officer officers (10 single and 2 chief petty officers double cabins) petty officers junior ratings The accommodation is air-conditioned and winterised throughout British Ministry of Defence (Navy) has accorded the sole right to make overseas sales of ships of this design Vosper Thornycroft and Yarrow (Shipbuilders) Ltd. The design has been specifically tailored to the requirements of the Royal Navy. Clearly the sound basic concept and the detailed requirements of the Royal Navy will produce a fine warship, but it is fully recognised that other navies may require modifications in detail of both the armament and the equipment. Within the general space and weight concepts of the ship, there is ample scope to adapt the design to meet the particular requirements of other navies. The to 1966 1969 1969 VOSPER THORNYCROFT Shipbuilding Division (SHIPBUILDERS) LTD Scotstoun, Glasgow Vosper House, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England Telephone: Cosham 79481 YARROW Telex: 86115 Telephone: 041 -959 1 W4, Scotland 207 Cables: Yarship Glasgow Telex: 77357 79 Section 1 : Ships The clean lines of the Yarrow frigate are a promise of its economical performance and speed when required. Faster and more sophisticated than a corvette, smaller and more economical than a first-rate frigate, the Yarrow frigate provides powerful armament and control systems for general defence. Designed to help developing nations protect their own interests, the Yarrow frigate gives economy in capital cost, in operating cost and in vital operating manpower at about 60 per cent of the equivalent figures for existing first-rate frigates The Yarrow frigate's twin-screw CODOG arrangement of fully automated machinery combines a single diesel engine of good specific fuel consumption giving high endurance and long-range cruising economy, with a large gas turbine of low specific machinery weight for high-speed operational performance. Normal cruising performance up to 16 knots is obtained from the Crossley-Pielstick PC2V engine driving through an automatic SSS synchronising clutch into a single gearbox from which two output shafts drive two controllable pitch propellers. Running on distillate fuel, life between piston withdrawals will be 12 000h or more. Full control is exercised by independent change of propeller pitch, through simple lever controls on the bridge. At speeds above 16 knots, the Rolls-Royce Marine Olympus gas-turbine is started, and drives into the same gearbox through a separate SSS clutch Air Intake Diesel Exhaust i , GT Exhaust Ventilation Trunks A.r Intake Port Shaft Forward Engine Room. Aft Engine Room D;esei 8 Auxiliaries 30 Gas Turbine. Gearing and Auxiliaries THE YARROW FRIGATE MAIN PROPULSION MACHINERY ARRANGEMENT Section 1 : Ships Frigates with economical manning requirements Compact, economic, versatile and powerful, the Yarrow frigate is a complete major fighting ship of an entirely new design filling the widening gap between the large Leander Class frigates and the small corvettes. Capable of matching first-line frigates in both firepower and performance, the Yarrow frigate is available at about 60 per cent of their cost. The armament payload of 1 50 tons compares favourably with warships of twice the size. design detail provide for fitting out the for general defence services or for specific duties such as anti-aircraft or anti-submarine Variations Yarrow in frigate operations. There is an automatic pilot, fin stabilisers and direct bridge control of the main propulsion machinery. The Yarrow frigate has a cruising range of more than 5000 miles at 16 knots, with a range of more than 1000 miles at full speed. Typical Yarrow easily obtainable standard diesel fuel. Weapon and propulsion machinery variations are all to suit purchaser's requirements. A specialist team is available to visit any country to discuss the adaption of the Yarrow frigate to a specific defence requirement. More than 100 years' experience of warship design and construction lie behind the Yarrow frigate. The modern Yarrow shipyard, with computer scheduling and control of work flow and covered building berths with all supporting services, can deliver a Yarrow frigate fitted out to the very high standard for which the company is famous, in less than three years. and performance Maximum speed: up to 33 frigate: dimensions, range Length: 94-5m (310ft) Breadth: 10-3m (34ft) Draught: 3-36m (11ft) Complement: 120 Armament: as required knots Economical speed: 16 knots Cruising range: more than 5000 miles Full-speed range: more than 1000 miles MEDIUM RANGE GUNS FIRE and operating compartments are fully airconditioned and, with maintenance and operating duties kept to a minimum, most of the complement of 1 20 is available to man the armament. The main engines are fully automated and combine a single diesel with a large gas turbine, using the same All living CONTROL RADARS MISSILE DIRECTOR SURVEILLANCE RADAR NAVIGATIONAL RADAR SURFACE TO AIR ANTI-SUBMARINE WEAPON MISSILE LAUNCHER HELICOPTER SURFACE TO SURFACE MISSILE LAUNCHER ANTI-SUBMARINE DECOY LANDING AREA SONAR Weapon systems The Yarrow frigate can be fitted with surface weapons to engage up to three surface and air targets using radar and computer facilities, with additional closerange defence in local control. A choice of anti-submarine systems is fitted, using either mortar projectile rockets or torpedoes as required; in addition a helicopter can be carried to extend the anti-submarine capability, and for surface attack. A choice of weapon control and action information systems using the latest Ferranti, Signaal or Contraves YARROW computers is offered, together with modern radar, sonar and communications equipment. Typical weapons which can be fitted include surface-to-surface missiles (Penguin, Sea Killer), surface-to-air missiles (Indigo, Seacat, Seaset, Sea medium-range mountings (Bofors L46 120mm, Oto Melara 127/54, Vickers 4-5-in Mk 8), close-range mountings (Bofors 40mm and 57mm, Oto Sparrow), Melara 76/62, Oerlikon twin 35mm), anti-submarine (Asroc, Bofors rocket launcher, Mortar Mk 1 0, Terne, torpedoes), etc. A feasibility study of alternative weapon fits can be carried out on request. weapons (SHIPBUILDERS) LIMITED Scotstoun, Glasgow W4, Scotland Telephone: 041 -959 1207 Cables: Yarship Glasgow Telex: 77357 81 Section 1 : Ships Type 42 destroyer multi-role guided missile vessel The gas-turbine propelled Type 42 destroyer has been designed to provide all-round support for the modern naval fleet. The machinery, outfit, and weapon systems have been selected as being the most cost-effective to meet operational requirements, and emphasis has been on minimising running costs and in-service support during the ship's Items too large for planned replacement such as main gearing or Olympus engines have been designed for long life and very high reliability. Lubrication, power supplies, and machinery control systems have been designed to minimise interdependence, and fail-safe principles are employed. Also, normal sea-going conditions do not require all diesel generators and air-conditioning plants to be on load simultaneously, thus allowing further margins for maintenance. Pipe systems, too, have been kept as simple as possible, and the number of underwater fittings reduced to a minimum. The main armament of the Type 42 is the Sea Dart guided missile, providing the main air-defence role of life. A combined gas-and-gas (COGOG) machinery arrangement has been specified, using Olympus engines for full-power conditions and Tyne engines for cruising. The benefits of the COGOG arrangement, proved in reach reduced space and weight, and savings service, include rapid to ability top in speed, technical manpower. The Type 42 machinery and equipment assist in meeting the high standards of reliability and maintenance required by navies. The Type 42 has been designed to operate world-wide with a minimum of dockyard support between the planned four-yearly refits. To minimise on-board maintenance, a repairby-replacement The Royal Navy's has policy first been Type 42 destroyer widely will For surface engagement and further antiarmament, a Mk 8 4-5-inch gun is fitted. Both Sea Dart and Mk 8 are linked to tracker illuminator radars and a controlling computer. For anti-submarine warfare duties, the Type 42 carries the latest sonar systems and the WG13 helicopter armed with homing torpedoes or guided missiles. the ship. aircraft adopted. be delivered early in 1 972. Vickers has been nominated as lead yard for the class Specification Dimensions Accommodation Length: 1195m (392 ft in) in) Breadth: 140 m (46 ft Depth: 90 m (29 ft 6 in) For 31 5 officers and Armament deep condition: 40 m (1 3 ft in) Displacement, deep condition: 3675 tons Draft, Main machinery Two Rolls-Royce Olympus 50 000 Two Rolls-Royce Tyne 7000 shp shp — — high speed cruising Coupled in a COGOG configuration through non-reversing reduction gearboxes and driving twin controllable-pitch propellers Performance Max speed: over 28 men knots Sea Dart guided missile system Mk 30 Mod 2 One 4-5-in Mk 8 Vickers gun mounting Two 20 mm Mk 7A Oerlikon mountings WG13 helicopters armed with homing torpedoes or guided missiles Two Mk 32 single torpedo tubes FM1600 computer, and associated systems Designers: Ministry of Defence (Navy), Bath Main contractors: Vickers Shipbuilding Group. Barrow-in-Furness Main sub-contractors: Rolls-Royce, Hawker Siddeley Dynamics, Ferranti, Plessey, Westland, David Brown Gear Industries, Stone- Manganese Marine Range: about 8300 km (4500 nm) VICKERS SHIPBUILDING GROUP Barrow Shipbuilding Works PO Box 6, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 20351 Telex: 6571 32 Cables: Vicarmsea Barrow-in-Furness vicKers Section 2 Support vessels .83 Section Support vessels 2: Key to diagrams on facing page LOWER DECK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 HMS s store survey store Diving store Spare gear store De-gaussing equipment Generator room Generators Engine control room Engineers workshop Engine room Main engines Platform deck Stabiliser tank Class II cabin Baggage store 18 Ship's office Class IV cabin Senior ratings cabin 19 20 Senior ratings' baggage store Regulating office 17 *v Bosun RU 21 WC 22 Toilet 23 Junior ratings' bunk space Beagle MAIN DECK Principal particulars form Round bilge Optimum and abridged specification One Hull with knuckle forward and aft. prismatic coefficient and bulbous bow fitted, giving excellent sea-keeping qualities and good flow into propellers Construction All-welded mild steel hull alloy superstructure. division meet to with aluminium Watertight sub- two compartment flooding requirements -100A1. Lloyds Machinery echosounder One Gemini inflatable dinghy One 3 6m (12ft) dinghy system 440V, 3-phase 60Hz Four 225kVA alternators One 36kVA alternator for emergency and Electrical harbour use Steering gear twin spade rudders deck machinery powered by an electrohydraulic system Windlass 6} ton at 9m min (30ft min) Capstan 2 ton at 23m min (75ft min) All Propulsion Blackstone ERS8M marine diesel engines driving twin CP propellers through twin -input single- output reducLister tion survey boat with Deck machinery Certificate Four GRP (18ft) Electro-hydraulic steering gear with hand and auto steering systems operating Classification Lloyds 55m 24 25 gearboxes Performance Deck 7m crane 1 maximum ton \ " (two engines per shaft) maximum bhp 2640 at 750rev min Maximum speed 15 knots Two engines (one engine per shaft) maximum bhp 1320 at 750rev min Maximum speed 11 1 knots The above figures given for the ship in the deep condition under UK conditions Range running, speed 15 knots. nautical miles running, speed 11 1 knots, nautical miles Tank capacity 104 tons Fresh water 52 tons Fuel Operational spaces Wheelhouse Plotting room Chart room Main survey room Survey and navigational equipment Decca Hi-Fix type BM Decca Mk. 12 Survey Receiver Decca type TM 62S Radar Kelvin Hughes Fisherman's Asdic Mk. 11 Three Kelvin Hughes MS 26 Echosounders Electronic Chernikeef Log (28ft 6in; Danielle survey boat with Hi- Fix receivers and echosounder 84 Portable plate (P&S) Battery charging room Potato and vegetable room 30 CO. room 31 Hydraulic 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Upper deck pump room store Woodworking compartment Emergency generator and switchboard room Senior ratings' mess Galley Pantry Junior ratings' dining and recreation space Laundry Drying room room 41 Paint 42 Ante -room 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Ward room Pantry Sick bay Control communications switchboard Canteen and store Magazine Gunners' store radius (22ft 9in) FORECASTLE DECK Passive stabilisation tank fitted giving roll reduction 60% Accommodation Arranged for a total Commanding complement officer, en suite of 43 men dayroom, night cabin and toilet Six officers, two single cabins, four double cabins Boats One 8 7m 28 29 Stabilisation Four engines Four engines range 2000 Two engines range 4500 26 27 Helicopter dropping zone Gemini dinghy Dinghy Eight senior ratings in four double cabins Twenty-eight junior ratings in dormitory forward 50 Surveying instrument room 51 Hi-Fix compartment Inflammable locker 5 5m (18ft) boat 8 7m (28ft 6in) survey boat 52 53 54 55 56 57 Surveying chartroom Radio room Sound reproduction room 58 59 60 CO's toilet CO's dayroom CO's bedroom 61 1 62 63 Anchor davit 1-ton crane Hydraulic windlass Self service laundry, library, canteen, sick- bay and cinema Air conditioning living spaces and certain working spaces air-conditioned to maintain internal temperatures of 18-30 C in ambient conditions of —4 C to —45 C BRIDGE DECK All Self support 64 65 66 67 68 69 Vessel fitted with workshops and storerooms enabling the vessel to operate for periods up to 1 months without base support Two evaporators each having a capacity of 70 FW 71 five tons day fitted to augment capacity Other features include provision of diving equipment, photographic dark room. Land Rover stowage on upper deck, a marine defecamet plant for sewage disposal and a helicopter dropping area on the quarterdeck Funnel Air conditioning Plotting table room Chart table Wheelhouse 20mm Oerlikon (PErS) TANK TOP Provision store Victualling store 72 73 Dark room 74 75 76 77 78 79 Gyro compass room 80 Naval store Wardroom store Defacamet Cold store and refrigerator Refrigerator machinery Hold Asdic and log compartment under room Section 2: Support vessels New In August 1 survey craft 966 Brooke Marine Ltd were commissioned design and build four survey craft for the Ministry of Defence (Navy) to carry out hydrographic survey work. A high standard of performance and quality has been achieved. The craft have been built to Lloyds Register Special Survey and certain (Navy) standards. These craft, working in pairs, can operate for a two-year period between refits and operate for periods of ten months without base support. Excellent sea-keeping qualities to provide a stable working platform for the hydrographic work have been incorporated in their design. to MOD The propulsion machinery arrangement is such that efficiency is achieved under all conditions of operation, and the controls have been designed for maximum simplicity of operation, reducing to a minimum. watchkeeping duties The vessel has a maximum speed of 15 knots and running on one engine per shaft has a range of 4500 miles at 1 1 1 knots. when In view of the requirement for long operations with- out base support, the standard of accommodation and amenities is very high and all living spaces and certain working spaces are fully airconditioned to allow operation in extremes of temperature from Arctic cold to equatorial heat. The vessels are the most advanced of their type, being fitted with the most modern surveying equipment and survey boats for special inshore work. IQWiK DECK. Dimensions Length overall 57-7m (189ft 6in) Length between perpendiculars Breadth moulded 51 -4m (168ft 6in) 11 4m Depth moulded 60m (19ft 9in) Maximum 3-8m (12ft 6in) draft (37ft 6in) *Sa BROOKE MARINE LIMITED <®> Lowestoft, Suffolk, England Telephone: Lowestoft 5221 Cables: Brookcraft Lowestoft Telex: 97145 1968 85 Section 2: Support vessels The MRS (maintenance and repair ship) Zeltin A maintenance and repair ship of 2400 tons displacement has been some speci- designed to meet the requirements Libyan Navy for a mobile naval base. The Zeltin was completed in 1968 at the Woolston shipyard. This ship provides a complete overhaul and maintenance capability for the fast patrol boat squadron and for the corvette Tobruk, training and recreational facilities for the boats' crews and accommodation ally of the • " i&. * for jW« 86 35L,. the operational staff. She is fitted with a dock for the fast patrol boats, and carries ample stocks of fuel, water, ammunition and stores for squadron use 1 Section 2: Support vessels Maintenance and repair ship for corvettes and patrol boats -- ~- 3 :• 31 i 43 3 :- 2 }i :- 3 ZE : _— : 2 : 2 2 - - y 9 — - : 1 2 3 4 Fore peak Water ballast tanks Fresh water tanks 5 Oil fuel tanks Store rooms 6 7 8 Spare gear store Refrigerated spaces and Magazine rooms Engine room Steering gear compartment Cinema and lecture room Radio and electrical workshops provision 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 Engine control room Junior ratings' mess Enclosed messes for chief 24 25 26 Ship's store Riggers' store Stern door lifting 27 28 29 machinery compartment Capstan motor compartment 40mm Bofors guns 2-ton crane 30 Wardroom 31 Officers' cabins 32 33 34 35 36 Administration office Sick bay petty officers and petty officers 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Laundry Junior ratings' dining Galley Senior ratings' dining hall hall Machine shop Engineering workshop Platers' and plumbers' workshop Engineers' store Maintenance office Woodwork shop Emergency generator room 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Pump control room Travelling 3-ton gantry Rails for gantry Dock Wheelhouse Operations room Wireless office Commodore's suite Captain's suite Commodore's operations 1036m (34ft) room motor launch 9-ton derrick Inflatable dinghy VOSPER THORNYCROFT Shipbuilding Division Vosper House, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth, England Telephone: Cosham 79481 Telex: 86115 1966 1969 87 Section 2: Support vessels The 17 m (56 ft) patrol boat in) Length overall 17-37 m (57 ft Length on waterline 1 5 84 m (52 ft Beam 503 m (16 ft 6 in) Draft 1 The 10 33 m (4 ft 4.1 in) in) m (34 ft) personnel launch in) Length overall 10 38 m (34 ft in) Length on waterline 9 45 m (31 ft Beam 303 m (10 ft in) Draft 92 Twin- or m (3 ft in) single-screw machinery available 10m (34 ft) open work boat in) Length overall 1038 m (34 ft in) Length on waterline 945 m (31 ft Beam 303 m (10 ft in) in) Draft 0-92 m (3 ft The 88 IS Section 2: Support vessels Launches and boats Nelson craft with glass-reinforced plastics hulls The well-known boat building company Keith Nelson & Co Ltd of Bembridge in the Isle of Wight, England, has joined the Vosper Thornycroft Group and transferred its headquarters to Portsmouth. In so doing it has extended the range of craft that the Group can offer to include a number of extremely sophisticated boats of (34-60 ft) the most up-to-date design in the 10-1 8 range. Theoretical study and long practical experience in all weather conditions have produced the standard Nelson hulls of various carefully chosen sizes. They are of round bilge form and constructed in glassreinforced plastics (GRP) to give both high performance and good seakeeping. The structure is of exceptional strength, with built-in tanks and watertight subdivision. GRP has the considerable additional advantages that it is not liable to rot or corrode or suffer m The 183 m The The 12 13 7 m damage can be quickly and Routine maintenance of the hull is reduced to a minimum. The 183 m (60 ft) hull has been developed from the 17 m (56 ft) boat for use as a patrol craft, with or without a light armament. These boats are suitable for such duties as coastal patrol, anti-smuggling or air-sea rescue in open waters. The Keith Nelson 12 m (40 ft) hull, which has been used extensively for patrol boats, pilot boats, personnel launches, etc, over the last five years, has now been redesigned to be 13 7 m (45 ft) in length with a corresponding increase of about 03 m (1 ft) in beam. The length 103m (34ft) was selected as the smallest twin-engined boat that can carry a dozen passengers or a ton of stores at a speed of about 20 knots in of an open anchorage m (34 ft) in any reasonable weather. personnel launch - The 10 (45 ft) patrol craft m (34 ft) work boat m (40 ft) patrol launch Length overall 12-52 m (41 ft 2 in) Length on waterline 1 1 68 m (38 ft 4 Beam borers and that structural easily repaired. The 10 (60 ft) patrol craft ,- damage from marine 3 61 Draft 0-99 m (11 ft m (3 ft 3 10 in) in) in) VOSPER THORNYCROFT Shipbuilding Division Vosper House, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth, England Telephone: Cosham 79481 Telex: 86115 <8> 1966 1969 89 Section 2: Support vessels and rescue Patrol in glassfibre-reinforced plastics Two examples tough boats built in Standard hull lengths Built by to 2590 m (85 ft). of a range of fast, glassfibre-reinforced plastics. from 7-62 m (25 ft) Halmatic Limited in their quality-controlled factory to rise 12 2m (40 ft) command and A round-bilged, semi-planing hull with proved ssakeeping qualities. Over 70 boats of this type have been produced and many are now in service with navies and pilotage authorities all over the world The latest version has an allglassfibre-reinforced plastics hull, deck and superstructure built to Lloyd's requirements. 9-5 m (64 ft) Length, overall: 1 2 28 m (40 ft 4 in) Length, waterline: 1 1 -68 m (38 ft 4 in) Beam, moulded: 3 35 m (1 1 ft) Draught: 99 m (3 ft 3 in) Displacement: 9200 kg (20 000 lb) Fuel capacity: 1450 litres (218 gal) Range, cruising: 725 km (390 nm) Engines: 2 Cummins V8 185. 175 bhp Speed: maximum 20 knots cruising 18 knots. Designers: TT Boat Designs air/sea rescue craft Specification A fast hard-chined hull in glassfibre-reinforced plastics, developed overthe years from a range of well-proved motor torpedo boats A very seaworthy and stable hull which can be used as a patrol vessel, fast passenger carrier or fishery protection vessel, as well as for many other purposes. HALMATIC LIMITED Havant, Hampshire, Telephone: Havant 61 61 90 Lloyd's specifications, these craft are supplied to navies, public authorities and commercial firms throughout the world. control vessel Specification 1 craft P09 1JR, England Length, overall: 1 9 56 m (64 ft 2 in) Length, waterline: 1 7-90 m (58 ft 9 in) Beam, moulded: 4 98 m (1 6 ft 4 in) Draught: 1 -45 m (4 ft 9 in) Displacement: 31 700 kg (70 000 lb) Fuel capacity: 6280 litres (1 380 gal) Range, cruising: 1000 km (550 nm) Engines: 2 Rolls-Royce DV8. 71 5 bhp Speed: maximum 26 knots, cruising 22 knots Designer: J B Hargrave Section 3 Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment 91 Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment As can be seen from the illustrations on this page, the Type B is a vehicle in which the divers are exposed. It is intended for much the same purpose as the A2; the performance figures and technical details are given in the specification below. Marex can supply instructors to give comprehensive courses on their submersible vehicles any part of the world. The installation of a diving unit can be carried out, together with the supply of diving equipment. Marex also offers a replacement parts service. Experienced consultants are available to advise on any operational and maintenance problems. in Specification Dimensions: Speed indicator, needle indication: knots Echo sounder, forward/downward: metres Clock (running time): digital, reset: hours/mm/sec Length, transportation: 5 9 m (18 ft) Length, operational: 5-1 m (1 6 ft 9 in) Maximum diameter: 508 m (1 ft 8 in) Overall width: 1 -377 m (4 ft 6 in) Overall height: 084 m (2 ft 9 in) Maximum operating depth: 60 m (200 ft) Instrumentation: Main body: Ammeter: current taken from Clock (total time, digital, reset: 005 m' (1 J ft") Weight: basic weight 1 70 kg (380 lb) weight including batteries 270 kg (600 Speed: cruise speed 3 knots (5-5 km/h); max speed 5 knots (9-2 km/h) Endurance: at 2 knots (37 km/h) 1 5 hours at 3 knots (5-5 km/h) 8 hours at 4 knots (7-4 km/h) 5 hours at 5 knots (9 2 km/h) 3 hours . amperes battery state indicator (2 degrees forward and reverse battery, volts, propeller pitch indicator: off): Console: Depth gauge, needle indication -0 to 80 m Compass, vertical display, degrees Log, digital display, reset: 1/100 nautical miles OPERATIONAL LENGTH / 18ft (5-9 m) TRANSPORTATION LENGTH DIVER TRANSPORT VEHICLE General Arrangement 92 hours/min/sec Power supply: normal operations silver/zinc batteries 600 Ah: restricted operation 300 Ah Carrying capacity: compartment for neutrally buoyant equipment, £pprox TYPE B lb) Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Diver transport vehicles Marex Type A2 and B The A2 diver transport vehicle is of a new design especially for military survey and surveillance, attack swimming and carrying divers to strategic areas. A variable-speed dc motor through a high-efficiency gearbox and a large low-speed propeller gives the A2 very good endurance which is necessary from the safety aspect and to provide the necessary range for the vehicle. A which protects divers from large plexiglass screen dynamic flow pressure ensures unobstructed vision in all directions but astern. The controls are straightforward and consist of an aircraft-type steering column which in turn operates rear-mounted stabilising fins to give depth and directional control. All the necessary levers for controlling the buoyancy, trim and speed of the vehicle situated are within easy reach of the pilot The maximum operating depth is limited to 80 metres (250 ft). The physiology of the diver becomes a more important factor beyond this depth. The depth capability can be increased for specialist operations. The instruments of the A2 have been specially selected to provide maximum operational efficiency and are situated on the pilot diver's console, apart from the air/mixture and life support instrumentation which are Ample to be found on the No 2 diver's console. storage capacity is provided by twin lockers in the upper mid section of the vehicle. Handling is made easy by a The single lifting eye positioned in the upper hull. vehicle is balanced about this point, which enables it to be positioned manually once lifted by a crane; it can be secured to the transportation unit by quickrelease clamps incorporated in the skids. diver. Specification Dimensions: Length 4-90 Height 1-42 1-87 Beam m m m (16 (4-6 1 Depth gauge: 0-8C m Compass: degrees Log, digital, reset: 1/100 ft) ft) Maximum operating depth: 80 m (250 ft) Operational weight: 2500 kg (2 5 tons) Speed: maximum 7 knots (1 3 km/h) cruise 5 knots (9-2 km/h) Carrying capacity: twin storage lockers, total volume 03 m J total weight 200 kg Instrumentation: Pilot's console: Ammeter: current taken from battery Trim indicators: degrees nose up/down Motor rev/min indicator Voltmeter: volts : ; nautical mile Speed: analogue Echo sounder forward/downward: metres (6-1 ft) No 2 diver's console: Clock, running time, total time: digital reset Motor temperature monitor: degrees C Ampere hour meter: power contents of battery Diving air/mixture contents indicator: bar Life support: storage volume 42-5 m 3 (1 500 ft 3 ) Power supply: voltage 48 V dc: batteries: lead-acid type; capacity: Endurance: 6 hours at cruise 5|knots"(9-2 km/h) 4 hours at max 7 knots (13 km/h) 30kWh MARINE EXPLORATION LIMITED Marex House, High Telephone: Cowes 4731 Street, Cowes, Isle of Cables: Marex Wight, England Cowes Telex: 86262 93 Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Vickers- Pisces can be naval roles, including: / I Location and recovery equipment used of •9 torpedoes and Positioning and servicing sonar beacons and other instrumentation K R Acting as sonar target or sound emitter Underwater maintenance and v^ - Power source 1 Marine survey and sampling ^ 5 " v- 94 1 2 tons and provides compensation repair for tools or divers £ The handling gear on Vickers Venturer will lift over and submersible motions in rough seas several Inspection of wrecks h? for ship in weapons and equipment Section 3: Underwater vessels, Submersibles for underwater naval work Vickers Pisces submersibles Vickers- Pisces is a depth capability of The two-man work submersible with 1000 metres. a is equipped with sonar, closed-circuit search and navigation equipment, and manipulators. Vickers- Pisces is normally operated from a surface support ship, the oceanographic research vessel Vickers Venturer, which carries a submersible location system SPATE (Submersible Position and Tracking Equipment). One of Vickers- Pisces' main tasks to date has been craft television, torpedo search and recovery, and several weapons have been recovered from various depths down to Other naval applications include 730 m (2400 ft). location of sunken objects, assistance with salvage, hydrography, and laying and recovery of instruments. The submersible can be operated in poor weather and seas up to sea state 4, using a specially developed handling gear fitted to the stern of Vickers Venturer. If necessary, Vickers-Pisces can be air-freighted to site and operated from other ships or shore installations. SURFACE RADIO ANTENNAF TRANSIT SONAR RECORDER UNDERWATE EPHONE TRIM SPHERE BALLAST TANK SONAR AIR PURIFICATION UNIT CONTROL CONSOLE VIEWING PORT TORPEDO RECOVE RY ARM Specification Displacement: 1 1 300 kg (25 000 Length: 5-9 m (19 ft 4in) Breadth: 30 m (9 ft 10 Draft: 2-3 m (7 ft 6 in) lb) Additional Continental Shelf lift capability using Total: 1130 kg (2500 1b) air system: 450 kg (1 000 lb) in) Overall height: 31 m (10 ft 4 in) Maximum diving depth: 1000 m Power source: 40 kWh. (3000 lead acid oil-filled battery Propulsion motors: 2 3 hp Endurance: 4 hours at 2 knots: 1 5 hours at Illumination: 2 100W.QI lamps ft) Payload Personnel: 180 kg (400 lb) Extra instrumentation: 225 kg (500 lb) Additional oil ballast payload: 270 kg (600 lb) Certification: American Bureau J knot; 72 hours life support of Shipping mm Manipulators: Torpedo grabs, 324 General-purpose PHA manipulator and 533 mm (12; in and 21 in) claws VICKERS SHIPBUILDING GROUP Barrow Shipbuilding Works PO Box 6, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 20351 Telex: 6571 Cables: Vicarmsea Barrow-in-Furness viCKers 95 Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Oberon diesel-electric patrol The Oberon submarine most successful and advanced submarines in the world. Together with the Porpoise class, from which it evolved, the '0' Class is the mainstay of the Royal Navy's patrol submarine fleet and is in service with, or on order for, is one of the diesel-electric patrol four other navies. Particularly suited to anti-submarine and surveillance operations off enemy bases, the Oberon is fitted with several types of sonar device. The submarine is Nearly thirty 'O' and 'P' in service and has proved duties The design has been continually developed by the British Ministry of Defence and proved during 12 years of service. The Oberon and its ship systems are highly reliable and no serious accidents have occurred in over 30 000 days running at sea. Simplicity of operation and maintenance contribute to this safety record, as well as ensuring that operational availability remains high and in-service support is kept to a minimum. probably the quietest type highly successful Class submarines have entered service since Vickers built the first in patrol of class in 1 958 Specification Dimensions Length overall: km (14 000 miles) Diving depth: greater than 1 50 m (500 Range: over 22 500 90 m (295 ft 3 in) breadth, external: 808 m (26 Inside hull dia: 5-41 m (17 ft 9 in) Height to top of bridge fin: 1308 m (42 Maximum ft 6 ft) in) Complement ft Seven 11 in) officers and 55 men Submerged displacement: 2418 tons Weapon systems Main machinery Diesel-electric propulsion, main generating diesel engines: diesel engines each developing 1840 bhp max two 16 Hz ASR-1 Torpedoes: 6 tubes forward: 2 tubes aft Torpedo control system: TCSS 7/9 Passive/active sonar and intercept sonar Echo sounders, bathythermographs, etc Performance Speed: over 16 knots submerged, over 14 knots surfaced VICKERS SHIPBUILDING GROUP Barrow Shipbuilding Works PO Box 6, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 20351 Telex: 6571 96 Cables: Vicarmsea Barrow-in-Furness viewers . Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Submarine weapons Missile systems, fire-control systems and torpedoes new weapons systems are being developed by Vickers to meet the needs of navies for inexpensive and armaments to fulfil specific tasks. These weapons systems are being designed initially to exploit the potential of the Oberon Class submarine, but can also be adapted to suit other types of submarines. The Several easily fitted systems can be fitted independently, or together to form an integrated weapons fit. Submarine-Launched Air-Missile System (SLAM) SLAM is designed to give submarines capability, enabling patrol & to carry out a surface attack more effectively The system carries six Short Harland Blowpipe missiles in a launcher and policing Brothers them roles. housed in SLAM the submarine fin. currently undergoing prototype trials development by Vickers, and should be ready is demonstration at sea in 1 and for 971 Tactical Information Organisation System (TIOS) The system, which is being developed by Vickers in TIOS is an integrated fire-control system, based largely conjunction with Ferranti and Gresham Lion Elecon existing hardware. It is designed to provide reliable tronics, should be ready for demonstration at sea torpedo control tactical situation display, and analysis during 1971. TIOS is compatible with other systems of target bearing information at a low overall cost. Later versions of TIOS will include missile control on the Oberon submarines, and can be retrofitted. capability, such as SLAM, and navigation aids. Improved Mk 20 torpedo To meet the need for an inexpensive torpedo compatible with modern control systems and available to an anti-submarine torpedo of proven reliability, and the modified version will provide a very cost-effective overseas navies, Vickers has designed a modification for the Mk 20 torpedo. The alternative to existing torpedoes. Successive Oberons incorporate yet cable-set Mk 20 is many design improvements. The ships on order for Brazil and Chile will be among the most advanced produced VICKERS SHIPBUILDING GROUP Barrow Shipbuilding Works PO Box 6, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 20351 Telex: 6571 Cables: Vicarmsea Barrow-in-Furness viCKers 97 Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Underwater weapons and tracking ranges Torpedoes The company is the pre-eminent underwater weapon development organisation in the UK. Its capability stems from an unbroken record of 25 years' collaboration with the British Government in the development of guidance systems for acoustic homing torpedoes. The homing system electronic packages for every British tcrpedo in service or under development have been designed and produced by this company. The company has been awarded a large contract by systems the British Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment for the completion of the development of an entire submarine torpedo and associated equipment the first time in Britain that such a wide-ranging res- been placed with industry. Forwardlooking studies of potential successors to current designs are also in progress. The company has also been appointed the main contractor for the study of a new British lightweight torpedo for air-launching. ponsibility has Underwater tracking ranges Three types of tracking range are produced by Marconi Space and Defence Systems Limited. They are: 1. Sea-going 3D underwater tracking range, which can simultaneously track three separate targets and plot trajectories in real time to an accuracy of a few yards. Suitable for applications which require shallow and deep-water operation of the tracking range. 2. Portable underwater tracking range (targetcentred 3D tracker), designed for fleet use in submarines, which provides a numeric 3D record of torpedoes fired by or against a submarine. Long-range tracking with high-definition mode in final attack phase. 3. Fixed tracking range, which can be used as a short-range, shallow-water, high-definition system or a long-range deep-water multi-target system. Signals from sea bed or surface buoyed arrays are transmitted shore installation via cable or radio data links. these tracking systems require 'active' targets. A standard range of synchronised acoustic transmitters, from 12 75 in to 21 in diameter have been developed for this purpose. These contain low-drift digital timing sources with a stability of better than 5 parts in 100 million. They are fitted into the target hull and do not materially affect the dynamic characteristics of the target. They can also be supplied as part of a more comprehensive practice head to replace the warhead. For simple underwater location, the company markets an acoustic transmitter which can operate continuously for three weeks, at depths up to 365 m It can be used with existing sonar receivers, (1 200 ft). although a portable directional receiver is available. to a All synchronised acoustic transmitter (SAT) fitted in the weapon practice head. In addition, a synchronising used purposes is required in the submarine or aircraft firing the weapon. The SAT fitted in the torpedo is one of a standard range of devices developed for this purpose, fully compatible with both British and United States tracking installations and available for 1 2 +in or 21 in torpedoes, and in most cases suitable for environmental conditions appropriate to airborne or rocket launch The torpedo installation consists of a small unit for A GEC-Marconi Electronics Company MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD Headquarters The Grove, Warren Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01 -954 2311 98 Cables: Ele :'romcs St«nmore Telex: 22616 , Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Depth presetting system torpedoes for AUW presetter Mk The purpose 1 of the presetter is to pre-select (or preset) the initial search depth (ISD) and floor depth (FD) settings of torpedoes. There are six possible settings of ISD and five settings of FD. The presetter forms one half of an ac Wheatstone bridge (the other half being within the weapon). Selection of a new depth setting unbalances the bridge, the detector senses the unbalance and operates which delivers, via the 'set' switch, power to a Ledex stepping switch in the torpedo. Operation of the 'set' switch causes the Ledex switch to step round until the new depth is selected and the bridge re-balanced. The above circuit is duplicated for the two depth a relay settings needed. produced by an about 1 kHz. The detectors The ac supply astable are to the bridges is multivibrator operating at transistorised and transformer- coupled to the bridges. Despite the compact size and light weight of all units, the system can handle several torpedoes. Correct operation is indicated by lamps and the selected switch positions are also illuminated to give immediate and constant visual indication of all settings. The system is arranged to fail safe. An interlock is incorporated to prevent operator error. Locations for connectors are provided at the top, bottom and rear of the presetter to enable it to be mounted in any convenient situation. presetter Mk for 1 presetting the running depth of torpedoes The equipment equally suitable for use on ships and on aircraft. Although designed for operation at 28 V dc nominal, the presetter has a wide voltage tolerance and operates is from 22 V to 30 V dc. The system is suitable for use with Mod correctly Mk 44 AUW The Plessey and Mod 1 Specification Depth setting range: Range of depth settings available 70 C Operational temperature range: -25 C to Operational ceiling: 9100 m (30 000 ft) Environmental conditions: Tested to the following specifications: Acceleration: Av.P.24, Chapter 104, Category 5 of table 4 Vibration: Av.P.24, Chapter 105, for rotorcraft. Fig. 5 Crash landing: Av.P.24, Chapter 104, Clause 4, Applied acceleration 25g torpedoes. Climatic: Drop DTD. 1085B tests: K.114, Part 6.1 and K114, Part 5.2 Salt corrosion: K.114, Part 5.14 Contamination: To the method of Dimensions: 178 Weight: 2-2 kg (4 J 127 152 DEF 133 mm (7 6 in) 5 lb) Power supply Nominal 28 V : The unit will not dc negative earth Voltage limits 22 V to 30 V dc. be damaged by short-term transients not exceeding 60 V (positive) or 100 V (negative) Current consumption: Mean current 0-5 A Peak current 5 A (approx.) THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics llford, Group Essex, England Telephone: 01-478 3040 'WwVVirWVj Telex; 23166 99 Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment The transfer-under-pressure system, when a Type 1 and Type 4 chamber are interconnected, enables patient being a the smaller chamber to be transferred the larger chamber where to medical assistance can be given in a more spacious environment. On completion the two chambers can be separated and the smaller released for immediate further use treated in The Type 1 chamber is extensively used where teams of divers are operating. Seven men can be held in the main compartment and a further three men in the The chamber incorporates a air lock. telephone system and individual oxygen connections The Type 4 chamber is readily transport- both compact and of advanced design and capabie of supporting deep-water diving operations able by land, sea or 100 air. It is The low weight and compact dimensions of the Type 5 chamber allow maximum ease in handling. It has been designed for diving work in relatively shallow waters Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Compression chambers for divers The role played by the professional diver in underwater operations, both military and civil, has become increasingly important in recent years both in defence and in projects involving marine surveys, repairs and demolitions. The proficient amateur diver, participating in a novel but increasingly popular sport, is extending his dives to greater, but more hazardous depths. Diving operations frequently entail working at considerable depths, and the staging procedure of a slow ascent to the surface which is necessary to allow the become adjusted gradually to pressure changes without suffering decompression sickness, has imposed severe limitations on the time which can be allocated to the actual work beneath the surface. The use of a chamber permits a more rapid ascent followed by a surface decompression completed relatively free of the hazards associated with the staging procedure previously employed. This has the diver to Type 1 — Ten-man two-compartment compression chamber connection and a telephone system is incorporated in each compartment. Medical supplies and food can be passed by means of a small hand air lock. The control panel, fitted with the necessary supply vent and bleeding valves, pressure gauges and telephone, is shaped around the shell of the chamber and bracketed to it. Length overall: 3-47m (1 1ft 4 Jin) 201m (6ft 7in) -91 m (6ft 3{in) overall: overall: Height 1 Inside diameter: 1 -54m (5ft OJin) Normal working pressure: 7-0kg/cm 2 circuit tested to: (1 to be readily carried out. Intensive development and rigorous testing have resulted in the establishment of a range of compression chambers backed by auxiliary equipment such as air cylinders and pump. The models listed below are manufactured in corrosion-resistant aluminium to the highest standards and cover a wide range of operational conditions. Type 4 One-man compression chamber Many diving operations are carried out in remote areas where permanent recompression equipment is not available and where the transport of such equipment would not be practicable. This model meets the demand for a compact chamber readily transportable by land, air or sea for locations where surface equipment is required both to support diving operations and as a safety measure to meet decompression sickness emergencies. A is mounted on the side of the chamber on which are grouped gauges and controls along with a retractable speaker/microphone unit to maintain communication with the diver during the compression cycle. This chamber is an advanced unit offering the safety, quality and operational efficiency necessary to military diving and to specialised deep-water engineering control panel all problems. Length overall, Length overall, Height speaker Height speaker door closed: 2-44m (8ft) door open: 3-1 5m (10ft 4in) unit closed: unit open: 1 1 -14m (3ft 9in) -37m (4ft 6in) Width door closed: 1 09m (3ft 7in) Width door swung fully open: 2-1 1 m Length, main chamber: 1 -80m (5ft 1 1 in) Length, air lock: 1 07m (3ft 6in) Diameter, access door: 0-60m (1ft 11 Jin) Weight: 1565kg (34501b) Volume (approx): 5-4m 3 (190ft 3 ) Hydraulic test pressure: 10-5kg/cm- (150lb/in 2 ) Air rest pressure:70kg/cm- ( 1 00lb/in 2 ) Maximum permissible drop in 24 hours: 10% Oxygen time with the confidence that his normal penalty of stoppage time can be completed in the Furthermore the relative comfort of a chamber. chamber provides a facility for the therapeutic treatment should a diver develop a 'bend' after surfacing and enables training and pressure-conditioning programmes his diving — This model was designed to meet the extensive requirements for the recompression and subsequent decompresssing of teams of divers, whether on seaborne or shore-based operations or in training, and for therapeutic treatment and research. The main compartment is entered through a single air lock to which a quickaction pressuretight door is fitted at each end, permitting one man to enter at a time. Seven men can bs comfortably held in the main compartment with ample space for a further three men in the air lock. Each man has an individual oxygen Width benefit of considerably increasing the potential of the diver as an underwater technician in that he can remain at work beneath the surface for a longer proportion of (6ft 1 1 in) 0-76m (2ft 6in) 2-13m (7ft) 0-88m 3 (31ft 3 ) Internal diameter: Internal length: Cubic capacity: Weight: 263kg (580lb) Hydraulic test pressure: 10-5kg/cm 2 (150lb/in 2 ) Working pressure, max: 7.0kg/cm 2 (1 00lb/in 2 ) 00lb/in-) Type 316-4kg/cm 2 (4500lb/in 2 ) 6 — One-man compression chamber This model is Type 4 but by helicopter. similar in every respect to the adapted feet to facilitate transport is equipped with specially Transfer-underpressure system 1 two-compartment chamber and Types 4 and 6 one-man chambers can be modified to provide an interconnection facility with both chambers at pressure, thereby permitting a transfer under pressure from the smaller chamber The Type Type When 5 — One-man compression chamber diving operations are to be confined to relatively shallow waters the demands on a compression chamber are less exacting. The Type 5 has been developed as a lightweight unit to support operations where the advanced features of the Type 4 are not required. The working pressure capability is lower and the depth pressure gauge, vent valve, relief valve and through connection for oxygen breathing apparatus are mounted on the door inside the handling ring. An air lock can also be fitted if required. The low weight of this chamber permits maximum ease in handling. Length overall: 224m (7ft 4in) ength internal: 2-1 3m (7ft) Diameter internal: 0-56m (1ft 10in) Height: 0-79m (2ft 7in) air lock: 0-81 m (2ft 8in) Hydraulic test pressure: 8-4kg/cm 2 (120lb/in 2 ) Working pressure maximum: 5-6kg/cm 2 (80lb/in 2 ) Weight: 113kg (250lb) Extra: glassfibre stretcher with vinyl-covered mattress: 1 3kg (28lb) Hand air lock: 1 1 -4cm (4Jin) dia; 13cm (51in) long; 5kg (121b) Width with hand CAMMELL LAIRD (ANGLESEY) to the larger. This enables patients, forced by circumstances to commence therapeutic treatment in the relatively confined space of a one-man chamber, to complete the decompression schedule in a more spacious environment where medical assistance can be given. The T-U-P two-compartment chamber embodies an access door at the end opposite to the air-lock entry, an external sealing ring and a steel clamping ring with intermittent dogs, actuated by means of a handwheel. The weight is 1746kg (38501b). The T-U-P one-man chamber has an adaptor ring and a door with removable external hinge, increasing the weight to 338kg (7451b). The chamber is supported on an aligning trolley, engaged with the larger chamber and the pressure in both chambers and in the intervening space is equalised. The large chamber door is then opened, a substitute hinge coupled to the oneman chamber door and, on opening it, the stretcher and patient withdrawn from the smaller chamber. If the patient's condition permits he can be seated in the larger chamber and, after reversing the above procedure, the two chambers can be separated and the smaller released for further use. LIMITED Beaumaris, Anglesey, North Wales Telephone: Beaumaris 431 Cables: Searoads Beaumaris Telex: 61295 101 Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Swimmer's SABA The air breathing apparatus (SABA) twin-cylinder open-circuit Admiralty breathing set manufactured in corrosion-resistant non-magnetic light alloy and stainless steel. The cylinder capacity is 2800 litres free gas at a maximum working pressure of 170 kgf/cm'2 (2400 lbf/in 2 ). The apparatus (shown at the left) is highly efficient for harbour maintenance purposes and for searching the underwater section of ships. It can be used in comfort and safety by clearance divers down to 51 m (180 ft) depth. The complete SABA consists of cradle and weight boxes, front weight pocket and belt, main and reserve air cylinders with associated valves, and a single-stage high flowreducing valve, feeding the rear-mounted demand valve, face mask and breathing tube assembly. is a Surface demand diving equipment (SDDE) SDDE is a light alloy mobile breathing set suitable for The of 51 m (180 divers down to a maximum ft). The diver's equipment, which is worn with the underwater swimming dress and associated items, comprises a standard damage control breathing apparatus modified to carry divers weights in the front pocket and fittings for flexible supply hoses from the surface. At the surface the supply hose is connected to a surface control panel supplied with high-pressure air from the ship's main or portable air compressor (or from a storage cylinder). The panel contains arrangements for controlling air pressure to the diver according to his depth and can support two divers for normal working; in an emergency can accommodate a third diver. The SDDE has twin cylinders, each charged to 21 kgf/cm 2 (3000 lbf/in 2 air pressure, which automatically supply the diver should the surface supply fail. The breathing apparatus is of the open-circuit type, the used air being exhausted into the surrounding it ) water. The complete SDDE equipment consists of cradle and supporting frame, front weight pocket, belt and swivel hose connection, main and reserve cylinders with associated valves, and a single-stage high-flow-reducing valve feeding the demand valve, face mask and breathing tube assembly. Damage The DCBA control breathing apparatus (DCBA) compressed-air breathing apparatus for use in irrespirable atmospheres, flooded compartments and fire fighting. It is simple to operate and can be used above or below water without modification or adjustment. Provision is made to supply air to a second face mask on an extension harness, which can be coupled to the set through a 1-8 m (6 ft) hose when rescuing a casualty, to provide a supply of air at the earliest opportunity. The apparatus consists of two steel containers having a working pressure of 254 kgf/cm 2 (3600 lbf/in 2 ) and a free gas capacity of 1200 litres; at normal air pressure the endurance is approximately 40 minutes. The control system consists of a normal single-stage reducing valve feeding air to the demand valve. The face mask is coupled to the demand valve by flexible hoses. The set has an equaliser valve for guidance on air consumption: one cylinder feeds the system while the second is held in reserve for topping-up purposes. is a lightweight self-contained Clearance diving breathing apparatus (CDBA) y^M This apparatus (shown below) is a semi-closed-circuit re-breathing set in which the breathing bag contains a volume of oxygen-enriched mixture gas substantially equivalent to the surrounding media and of that in the user's lungs. The gas in the bag is under constant replenishment at an actual controlled flow unaffected by back pressure from an uncompensated reducing valve. All gas, including by-pass gas, is finely filtered. The equipment consists of an integral harness and breathing bag, relief *L* 4 valve, W '4pffj m ^ JBT c Ik J La^/ M£ lS> *" 1 ^ &i jf R/^ ( || T 102 alloy gas cylinders, a . tube and an emergency gas cylinder. The trim is achieved by lead weights loaded into a collapsible fabric container rear harness. Weights are quickly releasable in all attitudes by manual operation of the quick-release device. The Mk 2 version of CDBA is on trial with the British Ministry of Defence Diving fixed to the Establishment at the Royal Navy; NATO approval can be expected when the trials B(^*~~ ) light 9 kg (2 lb) charge of soda-lime granules readily rechargeable, a wide-vision face mask complete with mouthpiece cock, a corrugated breathing ;< JjLi- twin canister holding are complete Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Breathing apparatus High-pressure compressors and boosters Diesel-driven compressor set The set Type IC 1 1 2 is a standard product used throughout the Royal Navy for charging underwater breathing sets and damage control apparatus. It is driven by an Enfield VS1 diesel engine which is mounted with the compressor on a sub-frame. Air is fed to a distribution panel equipped with cleaning and drying apparatus to ensure that clean, dry air is available. The distribution panel can be supplied with several delivery pressures: 1 70 kgf/cm 2 (2400 lbf/in 2 ) for SABA, 210 kgf/cm 2 (3000 lbf/in 2 ) for SDDE and 254 kgf/cm-' (3600 DCBA. for lbf/in-) Alternatively this parts equipment can be divided into two — namely an engine and compressor assembly on own panel which can be a separate component with piping to the compressor. A range of motor-driven machines are also built for the Royal Navy with a variety of panels suitable for charging breathing apparatus direct from a compressor or from a storage system charged by a compressor. its base and a distribution Twin compressor This new Dunlop set IC 476 twin compressor set is designed to combine high output with minimal weight and size. Its high volumetric efficiency reduces the running cost per unit volume of output to an unprecedentedly low level. a 400 V, three-phase, 50 Hz electric incorporates an oil and water trap and dehydrators set to customers' requirements together with filter and pressure gauge. The air delivered conforms to NATO, British Ministry of Defence and Home Office requirements for purity and dryness. Powered by motor, it Both compressor and motor are mounted on a frame which is bolted down when static installation is required. The output is 280 litres (10 ft 3 ) per minute nominal. The weight of the unit is about 230 kg (500 lb). Nitrogen boost system Nitrogen gas 130 kgf/cm 2 normally obtained from suppliers at lbf/in 2 ). Boosting is therefore charge receivers, such as inert gas is (1800 necessary to accumulators, to 280 kgf/cm 2 (4000 lbf/in 2 ). Dunlop booster sets are designed to transfer the maximum amount of gas with minimum loss, by feeding the compressor via a demand valve. This valve allows full pressure to be drawn from the supply bottle into the compressor at the beginning of the compression cycle. Full output continues to be obtained until the pressure in the supply bottles falls to 35 kgf/cm 2 (50 lbf/in 2 ). No gas is lost during the compression cycle because the crankcase of the compressor is sealed and the breathing or piston losses are piped back into the firststage inlet. Wastage is thus practically nil. Dunlop nitrogen boost sets are available powered by a 400/440 V, three-phase electric motor. THE DUNLOP COMPANY LIMITED New Products Division Holbrook Lane, Coventry, CV6 4AA, England Cables: Sound Coventry Telephone: Coventry 88733 Telex: 31677 103 Section 3: Underwater vessels, HMS weapons and equipment Onyx, an 0' Class submarine One of the submarine cells Onyx for main propulsion 104 fitted in HMS Section 3: Underwater vessels, Main weapons and equipment batteries submarine propulsion for Chloride, Exide and Kathanode lead-acid submarine main 'propulsion batteries have been supplied to the many Royal Navy and used are also in all other navies since 1902. They Royal Navy nuclear submarines. Four battery types currently in service with navies throughout the world are: the 6560; the 7420 (NATO A); the 8100, which has an increased performance in the same volume as the 7420; and the 10500 (NATOB). Design features batteries manufactured by Electric Power Storage Limited have a number of important design features which, under normal conditions of submarine propulsion work, ensure a service life in the region of five years. These design features include: (1) Plate groups specially designed for use in submarine main batteries, with double separation between the plates for durability, high performance and Submarine low open-circuit (2) loss Lightweight glass fibre container Electrical and cover designed to w ithstand very severe shock test require- ments Lead-pl ated copper intercell connectors for good electrical contact and mechanical strength (4) Forced circulation of the electrolyte by cornpressed air to ensure mixing of the electrolyte, so reducing charg ing time and increasing efficiency (5) Copper water-cooling plates are fitted to the terminals af ea ch cell, to remove heat and to enable charging to be carried out without interruption. (3) performance Duration of discharge Type 3 5 10 1 3 5 10 8100 1 3 5 10 10500 ampere-hours 1 3 5 10 cell Final volts per cell average Mean volts per cell Wh 7138 10629 12267 14115 8080 12010 13870 15960 8632 13049 15147 17572 10750 16520 19530 22670 1-46 1-66 1*61 1 1-67 1-73 1-46 1 61 1 67 1-73 1-46 1-61 1-67 1-72 1-46 1-61 1-67 1-73 1 82 87 1 91 1-66 1-82 1-87 1-91 1-66 1 82 1-87 1 91 1-64 1-80 1-86 191 Weights Dimensions (nominal) Length of Width of Type container container Height over container and cover mm mm mm 6560 7420 8100 10500 443 449 449 548 341 1026 360 360 388 1081 1081 ELECTRIC per 4300 5840 6560 7390 4870 6600 7420 8360 5200 7170 8100 9200 6560 9180 10500 11870 4300 1947 1312 739 4870 2200 1484 836 5200 2390 1620 920 6560 3060 2100 1187 1 7420 Output in A hours 6560 Capacity Rate of discharge 1210 Height over cell terminals mm The average weight of a single cell filled with electrolyte but excluding connectors and cooling plates is not more than: Type 6560 450 kg Type 7420 501 kg Type 8100 519 kg Type 10500 753 kg intercell 1088 (with cooling plates) 1143( ) 1143( ) 1 268 (without cooling plates) POWER STORAGE LIMITED A member of The Chloride Electrical Storage Group Government Marketing Division 50 Grosvenor Gardens, London SVV1, England Telephone: 01-730 7163 Cables: Chloridic London SW1 Telex: 262038 105 S action 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Bathythermograph Plessey-Sippican expendable type The Plessey-Sippican XBT expendable bathythermograph permits accurate and continuous ocean temperature and ocean depth measurements to be made in any sea state, at ship's speeds of up to 30 knots, without slowing the ship or restricting its course in any way. It is a simple, accurate and dependable system, easy to operate and maintain, capable of providing a profile to a depth of The basis 460m of (1 this 500ft) in less system shaped probe containing spool of fine wire which is a than 90sec. small ballistically connected to a dropped from a launcher a thermistor is normally mounted at the stern of a ship. The wire of the probe is dereeled as the probe drops vertically through the water. The other end of the wire is wound on a second spool mounted within the probe canister. As the ship moves ahead this wire is also dereeled, allowing the probe to fall free, completely unaffected by the ship's motion or the state of the sea. The nose of the probe is weighted and the entire unit spin-stabilised to ensure descent from the launcher at the known rate. Changes in resistanceof thethermistordueto temperature changes of water are transmitted by the trailing wire to a recorder mounted on board ship. 106 Since the rate of descent of the probe is accurately directly from the time scale of the recorder. After the probe passes 460m (1500ft), its wire is exhausted and it sinks to the ocean bottom. This continuous temperature-depth profile is traced on known, depth can be read the recorder chart, giving far greater resolution and durability at less cost than the trace normally recorded on the smoked glass slide of the conventional bathythermograph. This system, already in use in many navies of the world, has similar applications in the commercial field, for example in the fishing industry and in oceanographic research. Specification Depth range: 460m (1500ft) Depth accuracy: 2% Temperature range: -2 C to 35 C (28-96 Temperature accuracy: 2 C 36 F) Rated ship speed: up to 30 knots F) ( Dimensions and weights Recorder: 337 324 352mm (13 1 12] 13 Jin) Weight: 1 6 3kg (36lb) Launcher Breech and discharge tube: 1240mm (48m) long Mounting stanchion: 1170mm (46m) long Weight combined: 35kg (77lb) Operating cost: the expendable probes cost about £stg10 each, depending on quantity ordered Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Mine-hunting system cost-effective, quick, reliable The Marine Systems Division of Plessey is responsible overseas sales of the outstandingly successful The Division's Royal Navy mine-hunting system. responsibilities cover all aspects of procurement, inpreparation for acceptance and stallation, postacceptance support of the complete system. It also includes, when necessary, consultation on all ship construction aspects of installation. Cost-effective minehunting demands speed, accuracy and a highly reliable mine destruction capability. Accuracy is of particular importance, because the whole object of minehunting is to provide safe navigation channels with a minimum of delay. This can be done either by finding and marking areas where no mines have been laid, or by destroying the mines in a carefully defined area. To achieve the necessary very high standards of navigational accuracy, the mine-hunting sonar is integrated into a specially designed command and navigation sub-system. Important elements of the system are a pilotage radar, used to take range and bearings of reference short-scope buoys, and a minefield plot- for ting table. The other essentials in a properly integrated mine- hunting system are: (a) a mine-destruction capability, adequate communication facilities to maintain continuous contact with other vessels in the force and to provide control of the mine destroying team, propulsion and manoeuvring (c) sophisticated ability to enable the craft to navigate with precision at low speed under coastal tide conditions. (b) Sonar operators system at the display units of the THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics llford, Group yi/VWW] Essex, England Telephone: 01-478 3040 Telex: 23166 mine-hunting sonar ^ 1969 I07 Section 3: Underwater vessels, weapons and equipment Optic/electronic systems Periscopes, distress buoys and compass test tables Submarine periscopes Submarine periscopes for small, medium and large ocean-going submarines are produced by Barr & Stroud Limited, and these incorporate the following features in their basic design: optical antivibration, wire-heated top window with thermostatic control, bearing transmission, true and relative bearing special and sextants. Search periscopes have binocular viewing for optimum viewing comfort under poor light conditions or during long periods of watch-keeping; facilities for high-quality motorised or polaroid camera photography can be provided. Attack periscopes have monocular viewing systems allowing a smaller diameter tube upper end to be used, thus minimising tube exposure above water. Combined search/attack periscopes of 180 mm tube diameter have been designed for smaller submarines in which only one periscope can be fitted. These utilise a special tube upper end of minimal size which can have either a combined search/attack head or a smaller diameter attack head. All periscopes provide rotation in azimuth and variation of elevation scales, Right: Submarine periscope Left: tress Submarine disbuoy Indicator unit for submarine distress buoy The submarine distress buoy is a self-contained equipment which is released from a submarine in distress. A submarine normally carries two of the buoys which are tethered to it by steel cables stowed on free-running drums. The buoy consists of an indicator unit (1) sealed in a pressure vessel (2), a whip antenna (3) and a flotation unit (4). The indicator unit transmits a preset code sequence on HF and UHF international naval distress frequencies, at the same time flashing a high-power lamp (5). The equipment is completely transistorised and its comparatively low current consumption results in an endurance of at least 72 hours from a mercury cell type battery pack. Essex, England Cables: Marinst llford Telex: 896401 1967 1968 115 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and Above: Vospsr Mk weapons 5 fast destroyer IIS Plessey surveillance radar AWS-1 and integrated IFF (Mk10) system (picture courtesy of Vosper Thorny- Saam croft is fitted with Group) A Plessey three-man tactical display for systems. A fully automated digital display with a 55 cm (22 in) directviewing horizontal labelled radar picture ADA backed by a full alpha-numeric tote The display operates in conjunction with 30 cm (1 2 in) digital display consoles to provide comprehensive and display. display systems for destroyers and frigates. Full accessibility for maintenance is ensured by hinged table-top and tilting viewing unit, as shown at the versatile left 126 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Naval radar systems and satellite communication systems Plessey AWS series of naval radars The Plessey AWS series of surveillance and early warning radars are high-performance S-band radars intended for service in destroyers, frigates and corvettes. They fulfil the following operational roles: air warning, aircraft control, surface warning, navigation and air and surface target indication. The AWS-1 employs two transmitter-receivers, operating in frequency diversity through a single, lightweight aerial. It can also be supplied with a single transmitter- receiver. Coastal radar applications A land-based variant of the Plessey AWS-1 has been currently being supplied for coastal surveillance and is installed by the Royal Navy for helicopter purposes. control systems and is currently supplying equipment for systems to the Royal Navy for the Type 82 destroyer HMS Bristol, Type 42 frigates and kara- equipped Leander Class frigates. I Naval support services The increasing complexity of warship design, particularly in the electronics and weapons systems areas, demands a detailed and well-planned schedule of maintenance and repair by highly qualified technicians. Modern ships' electronics systems are sophisticated and are occupying more of the initial capital cost of a ship. Plessey Radar is offering a total support service to protect the customer's considerable investment and prolong the active life of his ship. Backed by wide experience in naval electronics and refits Plessey Radar can offer a total support service covering both refitted and Naval IFFMk 10 (SIF) equipment The Plessey IFF Mk 10 SIF equipment package uses silicon integrated circuits extensively and incorporates the latest techniques in micro-miniaturisation, to provide a compact and highly reliable system. Operation SIF decoding of 4096 codes on each of Modes 1 2 and 3A is a feature of this system. Facilities are available for both passive and active decoding. The package includes a companion transponder. with Installation design services Provision command constantly up-dated information on air, surface and sub-surface situations and can assist in, or control, threat evaluation and weapon assignment. The degree of automation and computer assistance incorporated in the system may vary according to the type of ship, its weapons system and its operational role. A Full Action Data Automation (ADA) system would be required for a guided missile destroyer, whereas a manually operated display system with or without a computer would be installed in a general- purpose with of ship or shore-based maintenance engineers , Plessey Radar is a leader in the field of completely integrated display and data-handling systems for all classes of ship, from small corvettes to guidedweapon destroyers. First-class action information systems enable the fighting efficiency of a ship to be dramatically increased. An integrated action information system supplies the construction warships. These services include: Preventative maintenance schedules Commissioning and setting to work of electronic equipment full Action information systems new Training and instruction of technicians. Plessey Radar will also undertake the complete project management of entire ships' electronics systems refits from the ship survey and resultant recommendations for refurbishment or replacement to sea trials and handover to the customer. Naturally the same responsibilities can be undertaken from installation design to customer acceptance in a new ship. Naval satellite communications terminals conjunction with the Admiralty Surface Weapons Plessey Radar Limited is the first company to design and manufacture a successful shipborne satellite communications terminal, as shown above. Installations aboard the two Royal Navy In Establishment, assault ships, HMS Intrepid and HMS Fearless, will provide a world-wide multi-channel telegraphy and voice communication capability to the fleet by means of geo-stationary military satellites. The 1 8m of warship (6ft) terminal down can befitted aboard mosttypes to frigate class. frigate. Plessey Radar has wide experience in the design, installation and integration of naval action information Plessey land-based radar and defence systems are described elsewhere in this catalogue. PLESSEY RADAR LIMITED yUoOrW] Addlestone, Weybridge, Surrey, England Telephone: Weybridge 47282 Cables: Plessrad Weybridge Telex: 262329 <& 1969 117 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Top: operator's console Left: Far 118 transducer head left: electronic units Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Small ship sonar Plessey Type MS26 Types MS27 and MS26 and MS27 are the latest additions to the Plessey range of naval sonars. They have been designed expressly for one-man Use operation. of the latest ensures high reliability, while modular construction techniques permit rapid maintenance and minimise loss of operational time. These new sets are much smaller and lighter than those This not only makes important currently in service. savings in shipboard space and weight, but renders transistorised fully circuits MS26 and MS27 suitable for installation in small down to patrol craft of 150 tons displacement. vessels thus possible to provide small escorts and patrol craft with a primary sonar capability which, until now, has been possible only in the larger classes of escort. MS26 and MS27 also offer a means of economically providing secondary sonar capability in multi-role It TypeMS26, general description Plessey sonar Type MS26 is a self-contained sonar system for ships and patrol craft down to 150 tons. The equipment provides full 360 deg coverage in four steps of 90 deg and may be manually controlled to cover a particular sector or set to carry out an automatic maintenance of search procedure. It incorporates a facility for tracking close or deep targets. close contact A single operator controls the sonar through a special console. He is provided with three sources of sonar information: is vessels. Performance any sonar is determined by many factors including transmitted power, receiver sensitivity, interference levels and transmission losses. The first two of these factors are under the full control of the designer and, in the case of MS26 and MS27, are optimised by the use of maximum transmitted power, high directivity index and a sophisticated and highly Interference sensitive receiving and display system. levels and transmission losses depend partly on the sea conditions prevailing at any time, but the effect of interference is minimised in both sonars by careful receiver design and hull outfits. Under slow-speed operation, when the background noise is that caused by the breaking and pounding of the waves equivalent The performance to, say, sea state of 4, the theoretical can be calculated to be 6825m initial detection range (7500yd). (a) audio (b) visual doppler (c) visual sector The doppler facility provides increased initial detection range and improved classification capabilities compared with conventional small ship sonar equipments. The MS26 transducer array is mounted within a Plessey hull outfit with a glass-reinforced plastic dome. Type MS27, general description Plessey sonar MS27 differs from MS26 only in its associated hull outfit. The MS27 transducer array is mounted in a Royal Navy hull outfit 19 or similar, which renders the equipment suitable for installation in small escorts down to about 750 tons displacement. Type MS27 can be used in the surveillance role in association with a separate fire control sonar within the same hull outfit. This enables the ship to continue surveillance for new threats while engaging a target already detected. Types MS26 and MS27, electronics Width (cm) Description 53 Operator's console — Support frame Doppler receiver (cm) Depth (cm) 43 — 30 52 Height Auxiliaries unit 40 29-2 29-2 19-2 29-2 Sonar power supply Support structures 43-2 38-1 40 40 Sector receiver Transmitter 29-2 — — 44-5 — Interconnecting cables Transducer assembly Total weight Type MS26, — 380 52 51 50-1 Weight Width Height Depth Weight (kg) (in) (in) (in) (lb) 26 5 20-9 — 16-9 — 11-8 — 58-4 15-75 15 75 11-5 15-75 17-4 11-5 11-5 7-5 11-5 20-1 45-6 23-8 30-0 20-1 150 19-5 250 20-7 10-8 13-7 27-1 — 99-6 — — — 53-4 — 73 50 50 100 397-4 J 15 205 600 1600 1100 1100 2200 — — 17-5 — — — 400 — Weight Width Height Depth Weight (kg) (in) (in) (in) (lb) 320 540 59-0 190 28-5 520 — — — 21 872-9 hull outfit Description Width (cm) Height (cm) Depth (cm) Hull outfit 800 137-3 140) 1015 Sonar dome 48-3 Hydraulic power supply — Total weight Note: I 55-1 Details of hull outfits suitable for use with MS27 are available 72-5 — — 132^ — — 136 1151 \ ( — — — — — — 2240 * 300 2540 on request THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics llford, & Group <|/i/Umm/| Essex, England Telephone: 01-478 3040 Telex: 23166 1969 119 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons One of the Westland Sea King helicopters Navy making a sonar dip of the Royal Helicopter sonar Type 195 This equipment has been designed by the Ministry of Defence and manuIn factured by the Marine Systems Division of the Plessey Company. conjunction with a high-definition radar, an aircraft tactical plot and an air-launched torpedo it provides the modern helicopter with the equivalent of a frigate's anti-submarine warfare fire power and plotting facilities Type 195 Sonar is now in squadron service with the Royal Navy. The dunking' sonar is fully capable of dealing with the modern submarine and has proved robust and reliable in service to the satisfaction of the Royal Navy. 120 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Helicopter sonar unit and computerised sonar ray trace indicator * Sonar has proved a most effective means of submarine location, while helicopters, with their outstanding manoeuvrability, are in many respects ideal platforms for anti-submarine warfare. The combination of the two, in the form of the Plessey Type 195 'dunking' sonar shown on the opposite page, has already proved highly successful in many trials under battle conditions. However, sonar is based on the assumption that sound waves travel outwards in a straight line and at a fixed speed from the source. This is not always the case; temperature gradients, changes in salinity and other parameters affect the transmission of sound waves through water. Especially changes in temperature with increasing depth can reflect and refract sound waves to a considerable extent. Acoustic ray trace indicator The new Plessey Acoustic Ray Trace Indicator (ARTI) has been developed by the Marine Systems Division for the Royal Navy to apply automatically corrections due to such effects. The equipment, which provides rapid corrections to the is very compact, detection range of any sonar by using temperature/ depth or velocity/depth profiles derived from suitable detectors. The indicated correction enables targets to be located with greatly improved accuracy. ARTI can accept input data from any temperature or velocity-profile source, but is specifically designed to accept plots automatically from either the Royal Navy sound velocity recorder, or from the PlesseySippican expendable bathythermograph which is described in detail elsewhere in this Catalogue. The bathythermograph is already in service with ten navies. The ARTI incorporates an analogue computer which integrates the sonar plot with the temperature/depth or velocity/depth data and predicts ray paths at one Mounted degree intervals within the sonar beam. specific the that designed so it is independently, manually parameters of any sonar equipment can be display on an ARTI demonstrates the vertical coverage pattern derived from the simple batythermograph trace shown This below preset. The equipment consists of three portable housed in a separate instrument case: units, each Data converter: This unit contains the devices for data input setting from each of the possible sources, the input data store and the first stages of the com251 mm < 356 putation. The overall case size is 441 in). 14 x 9| (17f Sonar ray computer: This contains the major part Overall of the computer, with the output display. 14 < 356 480 mm (17| x 18^ in). size is 441 provides storage Accessory outfit: The third unit space for the polaroid camera and all connecting cables and accessories. The power supply or 230 V ± 15 V. is 115 V + 15 V, 45-66 Hz, Simple sea depth temperature curve obtained on a PlesseySippican bathythermograph from an expendable probe THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics llford, Group yivwW] Essex, England Telephone: 01-478 3040 Telex: 23166 <& 1969 121 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Left: radar Target tracking and illuminating for the Sea Dart guided missile system HMS Below: Kent is one of the many ships fitted with Marconi radar and in service with the Royal Navy 12: Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Naval radar systems and all associated equipment Marconi Radar Systems Limited has always played an important role in meeting the Royal Navy's radar requirements. It has also designed and installed complete radar systems for Commonwealth and for foreign navies. The company has extensive experience in the development, design and manufacture of naval radar equipment for most operational requirements including long-range early warning, target indication and fire control. The equipments can be supplied as individual items or engineered into an integrated ship's system. The company collaborates with the shipbuilders to plan the layout of radar equipment to suit the user's requirements and can undertake installation of the equipment if desired. Marconi Radar Systems Limited is actively engaged the development programme of the complete in electronics system for Seawolf, a new generation of missile in the Royal Navy. The company will be responsible for the complete system electronic equipment, including surveillance radars, target-tracking radar, missile-gathering and guidance television, datahandling and display equipment and command guidance communications. The company is also responsible for all aspects of management and development coordination for the complete shipborne system. The company has major sub-contracts for radar equipment which forms part of the new Sea Dart Artist's shipborne missile system, in particular the tracker/ illuminator radar and the transmitter for the surveillance radar. In addition to radar equipment, the company's naval systems capability is enhanced by the control engineering department. This department has specialised in servo equipment for weapons for over 30 years and at present has contracts for the remote power control systems for the Seawolf, Sea Dart and RN Ikara launchers, the 4-5-in Mk 8 gun mounting and the antisubmarine mortar Mk 10. Control equipment Many specialised sub-systems are also supplied by the company, including gyro and magnetometer degaussing schemes, cathodic protection equipment, temperature scanners and static inverters which power several sub-systems. new Mk 100 VR The company has developed matic voltage regulator, the a standard autoSeries, in con- junction with the British Ministry of Defence (Navy); this is described elsewhere in this Catalogue. The various activities within the company are coordinated by the systems engineering department to provide a naval systems capability embracing radar, electronic and control systems, utilising the extensive development, design and manufacturing services of Marconi Radar Systems Limited. impression of the Type 42 destroyer (photo by courtesy of Vickers Ltd) A GEC-Marconi Electronics Company MARCONI RADAR SYSTEMS LIMITED New Parks, Leicester, LE3 1UF, England Telephone: Leicester 871331 Cables: Assocelect Leicester Telex: 34551 123 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Vertical reference gyro Mk 20 The Arma-Brown vertical reference gyro stable element which is smaller than many Mk 20 is a types of a gyro of instruments of this class. It consists platform controlled by a single two-axis floated gyroscope placed with the spin axis vertical. The gyro is normally slaved to the vertical by means of a pair of damped pendulum units. By using a computer to correct the platform for errors due to the ship's motion and earth's rotation, the system yields a basic accuracy of = 3 minutes earlier The degree of sophistication that is the computer depends on the require- of arc. incorporated in ments of the particular application, notably the maximum speed of the ship in which it is to be used. The Mk 20 gyro and computer are in service, and are used in conjunction with an Arma-Brown gyro compass to provide an integrated heading and vertical reference system for navigation and weapons fire control stabilisation. The gyro reference unit occupies approximately 5000 cm 3 (300 in 3 and weighs approximately 1 36 kg (30 lb). The associated computer occupies approximately 6500 cm 3 (400 in 3 and weighs approximately ) The Arma-Brown fire vertical reference gyro Mk 20 for navigation and control ) 13-6 kg (30 lb). Arma-Brown gyro compass Mk |P.» The (Mk li tional gyro mode and speed com- Mod 16 kg (35 124 lb). compass control box Left: reference for fire control and kindred applications. This reference system uses good-quality floated gyroscopes of the same type as that produced by the company in large quantities for its gyro reference systems and can therefore be regarded as already proven for marine application. Provision is made for the unit to operate either in the gyro-compassing mode or directional gyro mode, as required, and hence it is possible to use the reference system to replace all vertical and directional gyroscopes at present found in a ship, other than those provided specifically for a ship's inertial system. The system yields a basic accuracy of 3 minutes of arc to the vertical and 6 minutes of arc to true north. The platform unit occupies approximately 00424 m 3 (2-5 ft 3 ) and weighs approximately 23 kg (50 lb); the associated computer and power supply occupy a further 00566m 3 (2ft 3 ), and weigh approximately gyro Mod 5) has a separate that enables the direc- 1 These facilities are particularly advantageous in maintaining compass accuracy in fighting ships during high-speed manoeuvres. I Three-axis stable platform Mk 30 The Arma-Brown three-axis stable platform Mk 30 is a compact three-axis general-purpose reference system giving roll, pitch and heading information which meet the needs of all ship's equipment requiring a stable 5 Arma-Brown pensation controls to be selected remotely from the compass. ^ n i¥i r Mod 1 the Arma-Brown gyro compass 5 with remote control unit Below: the Arma-Brown three-axis stable platform pitch and heading information roll, Mk 30 Mk 1 gives Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Gyro reference system for ship's navigation and weapons control Arma-Brown gyro compass The Arma-Brown gyro compass is suitable for use in naval vessels of all types for speeds up to 60 knots. provides a true north reference in the form of a visual on a card in the compass unit, and remotely of synchro transmitters which can operate means by heading indicators or a variety of other equipment, either directly or through an external retransmission It indication steering repeater and as such can easily be incorporated into any vessel's layout, offering maximum utilisation of available space. Power converters enable the compass system to be operated from virtually any ships main supply from 24 V upwards. The measured magnetic signature of the gyro compass special applications unit. Unlimited azimuth reference outputs can be provided for such duties as navigation, weapon alignment, radar stabilisation and automatic steering control. The master compass is little larger than a standard MAGNAVOX EMERGENCY STEERING CONTROL SATELLITE NAVIGATION SYSTEM by is in within the limits laid the Royal Navy. down for The Arma-Brown compass system has been proven its extensive use in naval ships of 30 nationalities. Minimum shipboard maintenance is necessary; the gyro unit has a mean-time-between-failure record in excess of 25 000 hours. ARMA BROWN GYRO COMPASS AND MAGNETIC COMPASS, RETRANSMISSION INCLUDING COURSE CHART RECORDERS, BEARING AND STEERING REPEATERS, RADAR AND DF STABILISATION BRIDGE STEERING CONTROL, VERSATILE CONSOLE SYSTEM, ALL-ELECTRIC STEERING SYSTEM & AUTOPILOT RUDDER ENGINE CONTROL AND FEEDBACK UNITS POWER CONVERSION FOR GYRO COMPASS AND STEERING SYSTEMS STABILISED PLATFORM FOR WEAPON CONTROL MASTER STEERING CONTROL Typical reference and associated control equipments supplied for use in naval vessels Specification Settling point error: normal Turntable: ^0-5 Small angle Scorsby: Large angle Scorsby: total total +0-25 Humidity: 95% RH Shock: 16 g spread 1 spread 2 -5° 1-5 Vibration: maximum error Radio interference: none Follow-up rate: 100 per second (limiting rate before toppling (run mode): 50% to 65% at period 120 minutes Correction for speed: manual or automatic to 60 knots Damping Latitude range: magnetic fields: effectively nil Angular freedom: ± 50 in pitch and roll axes Temperature (operating): -10 to +50 C 80 north to 80 south as gyro compass; no All the above parameters meet or are better than spec MIL-C-1 A Hawker BROWN LIMITED Greycaine Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, Telephone: Watford 27241 as directional gyro Effect of S G 140 /second) limit WD2 4XU, England Cables: Sidbrownix Watford Telex: 23408 Siddeley 5952F (Ships) Company f& 125 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons CABLE DUCT MONITOR PANEL MONITOR PANEL DISPLAY DRIVE JUNCTION AREA COMPUTER SLOW SIGNAL INTERRUPT EQUIPMENT INTERFACE FM 1600 B COMPUTER ENCODER S Y C SS TE ER Q R | E MV J £ S C E T E R S E DECODERS RADAR EXTRACTORS RB KB PCU PCU CAAIS PSU PSU digital modular flexibility in wide FANS ^^^^^ 126 FANS equipment is designed on a considerable the creation of systems for a principle, offering variety of vessels. typical cabinet Illustrated arrangement for frigate, incorporating a Ferranti microminiature computer an is a ASW FM1600B Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons CAAIS Computer-assisted action information system CAAIS (Computer-Assisted Action Information System) data-handling systems is using Ferranti computers and equipment to be ordered by the Royal Navy. It is intended for fitting in frigates and smaller craft, for both new construction and subsequent fitting. The system has been specifically designed for small ship applications, with the primary aim of enhancing the performance of human operators by computerassistance in appropriate areas. It is adaptable on a modular basis to suit the requirements of different the latest of a series of digital classes of ship. in CAAIS provides many features normally found much bigger systems, such as: only Interlaced raw radar and computer-generated display picture Automatic tracking of air and surface radar targets Semi-automatic input of sonar and other data Digital data-link operation Target designation to weapon systems Special aids for anti-submarine and surface operations. With all this, CAAIS has been designed to a cost low is the data-link terminal equipment. Dimensions of a two-cabinet suite are 117 cm by 57 cm by 198 cm high (including shock mounts) and the total weight of the digital equipment is 500 kg. Each shelf module houses a number of withdrawable six-layer printed-circuit logic panels, on which are mounted Ferranti Micronor 2 micro-circuit elements. The panels plug into 12-layer printed circuit backboards. For system variation, extra modules may be separately, as added, or some units omitted; the input/output units are themselves modular, the number of panels fitted being adjusted to requirements. The principal units are: FM1600B computer {central processor): 24- bit parallel mode computer, operating at a clock rate of 3 MHz. Three-address, indirect addressing instruction enough This has been to permit widespread fitting. achieved by careful selection of operational requirements to give maximum cost-effectiveness, by the use of extremely economical Deccascan displays (which none the less provide all the essential features for this type of operation) and by the use of the highly efficient Ferranti FM1600B digital computer and the modular range of fully compatible associated units. These have been developed especially for naval systems and permit the adaptation of CAAIS to the widest range of ship applications. Specification The digital equipment modules for CAAIS are housed in two standard cabinets, each having its own power Main power (approxisupply unit and fan cooling. mately 2 kVA at 200 V 400 Hz) is required from a regulated supply. The cassette-loaded tape reader and tape punch (with spooling take-up unit) are mounted code. Core store: Typically 16 384 words of Ferranti 650 nanosecond core store; additional store modules may be added to a total of 65 536 words Computer interrupt equipment: Controls input/output of data via standard interfaces, and regulates interrupt priority. System services Include alarm logic, real-time clock, and control logic and power supply unit for tape reader and punch. Display drive unit: Provides synthetic character generation and positioning signals, synchronisation, 'interlace' and off-centring controls for up to six displays. 'Slow signal' interface: Provides multiplexed input and output control for single-bit (relay and switch) signals, up to a total of 144 incoming and 96 outgoing signals, as required. Encoder unit: All-solid-state device providing multiplexed input control and analogue-to-digital conversion for up to 28 synchro-resolver channels. Decoder (stepper) unit: Provides synchro outputs, the synchros being driven by stepper motors under closedloop control from the computer. Radar extractors (LAX): Provide gating control, quantisation, and binary coding of radar video for processing in the computer. Rolling ball and keyboard peripheral control units: Provide multiplexed input control for signals from up to 12 rolling ball and keyboard units respectively. FERRANTI LIMITED Systems Department Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 Digital Telephone: Bracknell 3232 Telex: 84117 1 RA, England FERRANTI 127 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons 128 — Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and Weapon control weapons system Data-handling and weapon-control for naval use In modern warfare, threats materialise and strike so quickly that it is physically impossible, without automatic assistance, for the commander to evaluate and retaliate rapidly enough to be effective. Thanks to the enormous range and variety of modern sensor equipment now available, the problem is further complicated by the sheer volume of information pouring into the command centre too quickly for human sorting and comprehension. Ferranti data-handling and weapon control systems provide the answer. Based on a range of sophisticated microminiature digital computers, Ferranti systems are capable of accepting automatically a mass of information from radars, sonars, passive equipment, data links, etc, of digesting, correlating, ordering and displaying information in clear, comprehensive form and, subject to command approval, of aiming, controlling and tiring such weapons as guns, anti-aircraft or anti-submarine missiles, torpedoes, etc. Ferranti systems can also, if required, do much more, such as assembling messages for data links, controlling radars, forecasting or recommending actions and Ferranti on order FM1600 computers are currently in service or for control of the following weapons: Seadart Seawolf Seacat IKARA Guns Torpedoes and in various systems for the control of aircraft and helicopter operations. solving navigational problems. Unique to Ferranti systems is the flexibility of operation offered both in terms of the range of vessels in which they can be fitted either as original equipment — or subsequently, and in the wide range of duties they can undertake. At the heart of all Ferranti systems lies either the computer the most the FM1600B advanced microminiature digital computers currently available. Ferranti has applied the same degree of sophistication to all the other modules vital to a complete, integrated system, such as modules for processing radar data, for encoding synchro outputs for weapon control, for operating data links and for generating information for display. These and many others are the 'building blocks' of Ferranti systems easily and quickly assembled in different configurations to create a system exactly tailored to any type of vessel FM1600 — or and any range of duties. Having worked closely with the Royal Navy and other members of NATO, Ferranti has wide experience, technical ability and large-scale resources to provide data-handling and weapon control systems to meet specific service requirements, present or future. FERRANTI LIMITED Digital Systems Department Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, Telephone: Bracknell 3232 Telex: 84117 RG12 1 RA, England FERRANTI 129 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons asp The Ferranti FM1600B microminiature computer incorporates the latest techniques in solid-state circuitry is an advanced parallel-mode designed for Ferranti action data automation (ADA) systems such as that installed in HMS Eagle Poseidon' computer Cerberus was specially designed as the Ferranti 'Green Ginger' data processing system, which is used to control the operation of Thunder- central processor for the bird II missiles Apollo' is general-purpose time-sharing a computer oriented to handle operational control tasks. It is installed at the Control Centre of Prestwick Airport, to test the use of computers in handling air traffic The FM1600 range of equipment is velopment of 'Poseidon', using the solid-state integrated circuit devices. faster and facilities. trials of 130 is latest It is improved input/output used in development and offers It a de- 'Sea Dart' missiles Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons data processor Digital FM1600B Ferranti microminiature computer FM1 600B is the latest and most advanced unit in a long line of military computers designed and made by Ferranti. These include Poseidon (now installed The Ferranti on the Royal Navy's aircraft HMS Eagle to Prestwick Airport carrier Now in production for: Seawolf control process action data), Apollo (used at tests to validate the use of computers in air traffic control), Cerberus (which controls the operation of Thunderbird II missiles), the F1600 (employed in the development of Sea Dart missiles), and the CAAIS FM1600. Radar simulators in All in these equipments have proved highly successful their tasks and have led computer technology Data handling for submarines Admiralty Research Laboratories in SHAPE their respective fields. The FM1 600B Gun/Seacat control the basic unit of the latest range of computer systems. Its outstanding feature is its compactness: with half the power of its immediate predecessor, the FM1600, it occupies only one-fifth of the space, thus offering considerable space savings for an equivalent data-handling capacity. The FM1 600B is the central processor of a complete range of modular electronic data processing units capable of handling the inputs and outputs of naval data handling and weapon control systems, air defence systems, message switching systems and air traffic control systems, as well as the requirements of a wide range of trainers and simulators. The equipment also suitable for use in computer programme is is Ferranti real-time military Technical Centre LEOK Trainers Universities development centres. Specification The Ferranti FM1600B unit is a single-shelf module comprising the central processor, one 4096-word block of 1;i.sec core store, drive and selection circuits. The complete module measures only 483 408 178mm (19x16 x7in) and weighs 18kg (40lb). The central processor comprises 19 six-layer printed circuit panels carrying a total of 1300 Ferranti integrated circuit devices. These logic circuit panels plug into a twelve-layer printed circuit backboard. The basic core store of 4096 words can be expanded to a total capacity of 63 536 words. The word format is twos complement type. The operating mode of the system is clock rate is 3MHz.Both fixed point and of the 24-bit, arithmetic The British is The floating point used. Ferranti and parallel. FM1600B equipment NATO fully conforms to specifications for electronic data handling equipment. FERRANTI LIMITED Digital Systems Department Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, Telephone: Bracknell 3232 Telex: 84117 RG12 1 RA, England FERRANTI 131 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Static frequency changers The company also responsible for the design, in co-operation with the Defence (Navy), production and installation of a range of static frequency changers and power inverters for various ship's is British Ministry of electrical systems. Brief details of standard units are given here; enquiries for these or for special units to serve individual requirements are welcome. Mk SFC no-break W static frequency changer of 80 peak for short periods. Designed 20 to British Ministry of Defence (Navy) specifications, the unit converts an input of 1 1 5 V, single-phase, 50/60 Hz into an output of 115V, single-phase, 60 Hz. Protection against supply failure is provided by a float-charged 24 V battery, which can maintain a continuous output for up to 30 minutes. The unit is inherently Left: the mean 1 capacity, is a and up to 1 W short-circuit-proof. Mk 4 SFC is a static frequency changer of 1 kVA Designed to MOD (Navy) specifications, the unit capacity. produces a 115V, single phase, 400 Hz output from a 400 V, three-phase, 60 Hz input. The unit is short-circuit-proof, with an overall efficiency of approximately 70 per cent and a total harmonic Right: the distortion of less than 5 per cent. \ * * "!"!'""»•••••*'***" Mk 3 SFC is a convection-cooled, no-break static frequency (Navy) specificaconverter of 2 kVA capacity. Designed to tions, the unit converts an input of 440 V, 50 or 60 Hz, three-phase into 115 V, 400 Hz, single and three-phase outputs. Local The MOD remote control and indication facilities are available. Protection against supply failure is provided by a float-charged 140 V (nominal) battery supply in a separate cabinet, which can maintain the output for up to 30 minutes, Trips are incorporated as a precaution against incorrect frequency and voltage outputs, and the battery charging current is monitored. 132 MOD (Navy) Mk 5 SPI is a static power inverter designed to specifications for submarines. The unit converts a dc input of The 1 70-320 V to two 115V, 400 Hz outputs of 1 kVA (three-phase) and 400 VA (single-phase) capacity. Local and remote control and indication facilities are provided and the unit is naturally cooled. Trips are employed as protection from incorrect frequency and voltage outputs. Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Naval control equipment Power servos and thyristor control systems Power servos The AEI Control Engineering Department of Marconi Radar Systems Ltd has been associated with naval servo systems since the 1 930s, and today designs and manufactures the remote power-control systems for the launchers and mountings of the Royal Navy's most modern weapon systems, including Sea Dart Seawolf RN Ikara 4-5 in Mk 8 gun A/S mortar Mk 10 Using the latest techniques of technology, world-wide experience semiconductor in this field is and enquiries are invited for the design and development of power servo systems for launchers, mountings and aerial turning gear. offered, Automatic voltage regulators AEI Control Engineering has, in conjunction with the British Ministry of Defence (Navy), developed a standard automatic voltage regulator known as the Mk 100 VR Series, which is suitable for conventional or brushless main and auxiliary generators. The advantage of this standardisation is that logistics problems are much simplified because the Mk 100 VR Series can be used with different types of generator on one ship a facility not available before. The Mk 1 00 VR is made up of a standard basic tray or sub-assembly on which the circuits common to all generators are mounted. Different units may be selected from a range of sub-units and easily attached to the basic tray to meet the specific generator requirements. This versatility means that the Mk 100 VR is suitable for operation with generator outputs of 1 1 7, 205, or 450 V and at frequencies of 60 or 400 Hz three-phase. — Sea Dart missile launch Other products addition to the equipments shown on these two pages, the AEI Control Engineering Department can also offer thyristor motor-control systems, degaussing equipment, cathodic protection equipment which is marketed jointly with Morgan Berkeley, three-term control systems, motor thermal protection units and several other items of control equipment including Standard Admiralty Modules. The cathodic protection equipment, a standard equipment for the Royal Navy, has recently been redesigned and new design techniques have reduced the equipment cost, size and weight by more than half. In Mk 100 VR A GEC-Marconi Electronics Series automatic voltage regulator Company MARCONI RADAR SYSTEMS LIMITED AEI Control Engineering Department New Parks, Leicester, LE3 1UF, England Telephone: Leicester 871 331 Cables: Assocelect Leicester Telex: 34551 133 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Systems management General-purpose systems processor suitable for military Missile systems: hydraulic and electric actuation; autopilot; computer systems r.*5, Gunfire control: ' large and small ship systems ! v Radar: --c ^ scanning; circular conventional parabolic electronic : polarisation; systems Ship inertial navigation systems (SINS): suitable for surface and underwater vessels to establish exact their position without external reference Automatic check-out equipment Gyro-compass systems: for surface vessels, submarines, fast patrol craft and amphibious vehicles Ship stabilisation: activated fin and tank stabilisation for all types of vessels; list control systems are also available Digital data handling Memory storage: fixed and floatinghead magnetic drum systems are available Torpedo systems: actuation; sensors; electric and hydraulic attitude control systems Mine counter-measure equipment Sea-bed vehicle navigation: based on the Sperry land vehicle navigation system 134 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Naval control systems Hardware, software and systems management A wide range of control equipment and systems, comsystems management back-up, has been developed for naval purposes. Some examples of costeffective Sperry systems are briefly described: plete with Hydraulic actuation A lightweight, rapid-response/high-torque actuation system has been designed primarily for missiles and torpedoes. Three versions are offered: a conventional system employing a separate gas (1 ) generator to power a hydraulic ring main. An advanced system employing iso-propyl nitrate both as a power source and as the hydraulic medium, whose principal advantages are improvements in weight, packing density (2) Hydraulic actuation unit and cost-effectiveness. An on-line hot-gas system, using hot gas at up to 1100 C, fed directly to the actuator. (3) Electric actuation lightweight, low-cost system designed especially for A the medium-torque range, typically for small missiles. Power take-off is either torpedoes and from a propeller shaft or separate electric motor. The system is offered either as a single module, or in multiples as a package. applications in Gyros A wide use. A range of gyros is offered for civil and military example for a weapons application is a two-axis unit which has a free drift rate of better than e an hour, with a run-up time of 20 seconds. The 1 instrument is packaged in a 152 mm (6 in) diameter Electric actuation unit typical sphere. Safety and arming devices in this field. A typical safety and comprises pressure-sensitive switches, g-sensitive switches and a mechanical double-inte- Sperry are specialists arming unit grating accelerometer. Electronic data processing To match Sperry's capability in actuation systems, the Division has developed a strong electronics facility, the emphasis being on digital systems. The Division has for a number of yearssupplied home and foreign navies with memory systems for tactical data handling. Fixed and floating-head units are available in capacities up to 8 Megabits. Two-axis missile gyro Systems managemant Sperry Gyroscope Division maintains a comprehensive systems management facility backed by simulator, computer, PERT and theoretical studies departments, whose tasks include the development of advanced integrated systems and subsequent systems management. Cost-effectiveness is the keynote of the operation. SPERRY GYROSCOPE DIVISION Sperry Telephone: Bracknell 3222 Cables: memory store JL Rand Limited Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 Floating-head QL, England Telex: 84129 Sperigyco Bracknell 1 135 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Gyroscope systems for marine navigation Mk 23 gyro-compass system The Sperry Mk 23 gyro compass is a small true-north-seeking compass designed specifically as standard equipment for surface vessels, submarines, fast patrol and craft where amphibious vehicles, and accuracy under severe operating conditions are essential. It consists of a master unit and control panel, with additional alarm control, speed signal potentiometer (electro-magnetic log), one or more alarm bells, one or more annunciators and an isolating transformer as reliability required. The compass is error, latitude error operate as compensated for speed and unbalance. It can directional a gyro high at synchronous outputs of 1-1 and 36-1 speed/heading data which can be fed into a compass retransmission unit with either synchro outputs or stepping outputs to navigational and other systems' heading receivers. Many naval vessels compass systems, one the other for weapons; Mk it is also fitted as a instrument in major warships using the Sperry Mk 19 gyro compass. Specification 0-2deg Accuracy in gyro compass mode: 90% accuracy ±0-5deg; maximum error ~ 0-75deg Settling time from within ± 5deg of settling point: Settling repeatability: • 30min Maximum the 0-5deg/h drift as a directional gyro: first Mk consists of error in magnetic of field 10 gauss: ±1-5deg two major components: the The Sperry master compass and the electronics low-cost, highly accurate heading reference specifically designed to meet the requirements of small military and commercial vessels. It complies with all For military specifications for small-craft com- The system requires only 0057m 3 (2ft 3 space and 50W of input power for for 2h Maximum passes. 23 and stand-by latitudes and has an electronic follow-up system which provides smooth accurate 27 gyro-compass system Mk 27 gyro compass is a new, dual utilise for navigation, operation directly from 115V, 60-400Hz power supply, converter also is Mean is power Overall provided. accuracy of the system a unit. ship's the ±0-5 degrees. time between failure on the gyro element is in excess of 20 OOOh. ) of operation. It provides a direct (conven- tional marine type) readout for installations employing the steering station. master compass at the The equipment can also be supplied with transmitters for compatibility with the Sperry gyro pilot automatic steering stand, radar, sonar and other systems requiring heading informa- •,/,#. I tion. The 27 gyro compass equipment Sperry tape-type heading indicators may be used either as heading indicators or steering repeaters and are specially designed for receiving master compass transmissions of the synchronous type. ,: jj They are most suitable for the bridge, chartroom, captain's cabin and operations room. steering Settling point error: » 0-5deg Typical peak error at sea: 1 -5deg Roll and pitch clearance: 45deg Heading transmission system: (a) step transmission; (b) 1 -speed or 1- and 36-speed synchro (either | | 60or400Hz) Power requirements: 24V dc with power converter Starting power: Mk Tape-type heading indicator f™"™™^^ffi^" r' Specification position, Heading is shown by large graduations and figures viewed through a rectangular glass window, which is wide enough to Rand Telephone: Bracknell 3222 136 Cables: Sperigyco Bracknell Telex: 84129 100W (5min) 50W display 15 lubber line. degrees lighting adjustable; either side of the Heading or rate of change of heading can easily be observed from one side of the bridge to the other. Accuracy is ±0-25 degree for synchro transmission and ^0 25 degree for step transmission relative to the master compass. The instrument is fully weather-proofed and built to meet specification DEF 133 The operating temperature Section N2. Backrange is from -10 C to +55°C. fitted. Limited Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1QL, England 115V 60-400Hz Operating power: SPERRY GYROSCOPE DIVISION Sperry or ~M7 is red filters are S541 Charts of sea lanes and coastal areas For some years the Hydrographic Department of the Ministry of Defence has been considering a new style for the Admiralty Chart. The aims have been to improve its legibility and usefulness to the mariner, and to make increasing use of modern techniques to enable new information to be the chart more speedily. In addition, thought has been applied to the "metrication" of Admiralty Charts in view of the United Kingdom Government's declared policy to convert all measurements to metric units. This change should be of considerable benefit to many overseas users of Admiralty Charts who normally employ incorporated in metric units. The which result has will a new style chart has been adopted radically different from former Admiralty of the old and new styles are shown here. been that look Charts. Examples The new style charts will show depths and heights in metres. colours and style of lettering will be used and the result be a general simplification and greater legibility. New will The Hydrographic Department The Hydrographic Department dates from 1795 when the Board of Admiralty appointed Mr Alexander Dalrymple, Hydrographer of the East India Company, as the first Hydrographer of the Navy. Before this, the collection of charts and hydrographic information was the responsibility of the individual ships' captains which proved a haphazard business. It resulted in more ships being lost by stranding and shipwreck than by enemy action. During the term of office of the second Hydrographer of the Navy, Captain T Hurd, RN, ships of the Royal Navy were getting the best charts available. The present Hydrographer of the Navy, Rear Admiral G S Ritchie, CB, DSC. FRICS, is the nineteenth and all, with the exception of Mr Alexander Dalrymple, have been naval officers. Department now provides a comprecoverage of navigational charts and publications. Great Britain is one of the few countries which The Hydrographic world-wide hensive can provide this coverage. British Admiralty Charts are used the world over by all nationalities. The primary concern of the Hydrographic Department is of course the needs of the Royal Navy, but consideration is also given to the needs of the British Merchant Service and foreign shipping. Apart from charts and publications supplied to the Royal Navy and United Kingdom Government Departments, the value of sales of charts at home and abroad last year was more than £ 800 000, nearly two thirds of which was for sales abroad. The distribution of Admiralty Charts and hydrographic publications is made through appointed commercial agencies throughout the world, but further details and information are available from: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (NAVY) The Hydrographic Department Taunton, Somerset, England Telephone: 0823-7900 Cables: Creechup Telex: 46274 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Navigational computer and other data-processing systems The company is among the leading authorities on ways in which computers may be used in situations where a mass of data has to be collated, analysed and presented, as for instance in ship navigation and maritime research. On-line real-time electronic data-processing systems are supplied that produce plots, graphs, charts and drawings in cartesian form from an input of positional data from any type of navigation aid and other measured The required forms of input and output vary widely among users. Each system is, therefore, likely to be unique but all are identified by or recorded parameters. the generic name of Hydroplot. Hydroplot, which is particularly suitable for research and scientific applications, is installed on the ocean survey ships H MS Hecate, H MS Hecla and HMS Hydra as well as on the Fishery Research Vessel Explorer. Great benefit may be derived by both naval and merchant vessels from using computer-based systems that can undertake many of the tasks associated with management, such as collision avoidance, satellite navigation, and weapon systems organisation. Commodore is a co-ordinated system which, using an online computer, handles both economically and effectively a ship's total requirements of this sort. By accepting inputs from such devices as radar, sonar, radio navigation aids and communication equipment, Commodore can provide assistance in navigation, ship handling, weather routeing, loading and other duties. Electronic Electronic Communication Communication Bulk Data Storage iavigation Flat Receivers Bed Plotter Time Radar Central Ship's Alpha-Numeric High Speed Processor Sensors Display Instruments Roll Plotter Map Reading Equipment Printer Man- Machine nterface Paper Tape f A GEC-Marconi Electronics Paper Tape * Indicators Company MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD Naval Division Chobham Road, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey, England Telephone: Camberley 63311 Cables: Elliotauto Camberley Telex: 85289 137 Section 4: Surface sensors, controi systems and weapons The Type A32 naval mounting ensures effective The Type A41 naval mounting provides a simple and inexpensive form of defence with 138 minimum operator training AA defence Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Gun mountings for vessels of all Gyro-stabilised twin 30 mm gun The Type A32 mounting provides sive types mounting Type A32 effective but inexpenaircraft and missiles, defence against very low-flying together with a significant surface-to-surface role. optical control when gyro-stabilisation the gives an excellent aiming capability even in the roughest seas. Coupled to a ship's fire control director it can also be used for remote It can be used under local operation. The rapid rate of fire and control performance result in a high hit probability which, combined with the very low weight of the system, enables it to form either the main armament of modern high-speed patrol boats or the secondary weapon system in larger vessels. Specification mm cannon Type 831 L Muzzle velocity: 1080m/sec (3540 ft/sec) Total rate of fire: 1 300 rounds/min Max effective AA range: 3000 m (3300 yd) *Ammunition capacity: 320 rounds Ammunition: details are given elsewhere in Weight of mounting: 1642 kg (36121b) (without ammunition and gunner) Weight of 320 rounds: 320 kg (704 lb) Armament: twin 30 Elevation arc: 80 to -15 Overall height: 1 46 (4 80 ft) Swept radius at elevation: 2 52 m (8 25 ft) Aiming control: Remote: fire director Local: two-motion controller with emergency m this Catalogue *Electrical manual drive power supply: 440 V 3-phase 60 Hz: 115V single phase 400 Hz *Gunsight: gyroscopic lead angle computing. Nife reflector or Delta IV *Standard specifications may be altered to Traverse arc: unlimited suit customers' special requirements Manually operated single 20 mm pedestal gun mounting Type A41 is the simplest form of armament of the various types manufactured by BMARC. Its elementary construction and simple operation The A41 mounting fulfil the requirements of modern customs and coastal patrol launches. Specification Type 804 70 Type 820L 85 cal barrel cal barrel 20 mm Muzzle velocity: 835 m/sec (2750 ft/sec) Rate of fire: up to 800 rounds/min Feed mechanism: 60-round drum magazine Weight of mounting: 157 kg (345 lb) 20 mm 1050 m/sec 3445 ft/sec) up to 1000 rounds/min 50-round drum magazire 157 kg (345 lb) Traverse arc: unlimited Elevation arc: -10 to -33 Overall height: 1 6 m (63 in) -10 Calibre: Swept radius at elevation: Control: manual operation unlimited 1 -7 m (67-5 -6 to - 33 m m (63 in) 2-1 (83 in) manual operation ring-and-bead type 1 in) Gunsight: ring-and-bead type A BRITISH MANUFACTURE AND RESEARCH CO LTD HISPANO SUIZA Springfield Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England Telephone: Grantham 2101 Cables: Marco Telex Grantham MEMBER OF THE Telex: 37635 ARMAMENTS GROUP 139 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and Look-out and aiming sight The look-out and aiming sight Mk weapons Mk 1 covers in one unit the functions which in the past have required separate air 1 look-out sights and aiming sights. It has been engineered to meet the very arduous environmental conditions encountered at sea in small ships, with the maximum of reliability and the minimum of operator fatigue. The sight is fully stabilised and its main functions are: 1 To serve as air look-out, particularly for surface and low-flying aerial targets 2 To transmit target indication of such targets to a main fire-control system 3 To be conned by the ship's sensors or by a main fire-control system on to a particular target requiring visual examination, for instance for identification 4 To operate as a visual aiming sight directly controlling an associated gun. Against surface targets, the sight is provided with a surface fire computer contained in an emergency fire control box which is separately manned 5 To be used by a safety officer for practice shoots In the design the principle of unit construction has been widely applied. This makes the sight readily adaptable to a variety of ship fitting applications as a complete lightweight visual, visual/television or visual/radar fire-control system for guns or guided missiles. Code No NSN 1 265-99-520-91 1 2 under the The sight is in production for the Royal Navy, and has the title 'sight, stabilised, visual and data transmission'. NATO 140 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and weapons Gun mounting and aiming sight for naval guns 4.5 inch Mk 8 gun mounting The 4-5 in Mk 8 mounting has been specified by the British Naval Staff to give the optimum naval gun for the 1970s and 80s. With fully automatic operation, long range, great accuracy and a high-capacity shell, it has exceptional performance in surface fire and support fire overland. The mounting employs the new N99 role selective fuse to give the highest probability of destroying low and medium-altitude aircraft and missile targets which pose the major threat from the air in the future. This round includes the following new features: Improved shell design to give better lethality Cool propellant offering an exceptional increase in barrel life to over 5000 rounds. This avoids frequent barrel changes and reduces costs A unique method of fixing the shell and holding so allowing high ramming speeds it rigid in the cartridge, High muzzle velocity and long range Elimination of primer misfires A new very versatile fuse VICKERS LIMITED Vickers House, Millbank, Telephone: 01 -828 7777 London SW1 Cables: Vickers , England London SW1 Telex: 27921 ViCKers 141 Section 4: Surface sensors, control systems and Electro-magnetic ship's log Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd 40 Purley Way, Croydon, CR9 3BH, England 142 weapons AGI logs provide continuous electro- magnetic readings of ship's speed and distance covered with an accuracy and reliability unmatched by any other The Royal Navy has specified this system. equipment for surface and undersea vessels. Speed range: 0-60 knots. Accuracy of speed and distance indication: 0-1 per cent of full scale. Other speed and accuracies available. Synchro or Telephone: 01-684 3211 Hull fittings suitable dc remote indication. and double-skin craft. Independent salinity. Operator training courses arranged. single Cables: Instradio Croydon Telex: 262960 for of Section 5 Propulsion and auxiliary machinery 143 Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Over 70 000 operating hours have been accumulated by Marine Gnome gas turbines in British hovercraft, such as the SR. N6, since 1 964. They have successfully operated in many parts of the world, including regions with such extreme climatic conditions as North Canada, Borneo, Scandinavia, Brunei, Iceland and Libya. In military evaluated r ^, <^ ;* in — Warden Class (SR. N5 one Gnome) one Gnome) have been jungle swamp, ice, over rapids and in operations the and the Winchester Class (SR. N6 — conditions of and coastal waters. river estuaries The Marine Gnome is a shaft engine with a very specific fuel consumption compact lightweight axial-flow twogood power/weight ratio and a low Proteus-powered boat HMS Brave Borderer commenced 1958, and since then the British Royal Navy has had continuous sea experience with the Marine Proteus. In HMS Brave Borderer, as in her sister ship HMS Brave Swordsman, three Marine Proteus engines form the sole propulsive machinery. The success of these installations led to the adoption of the Marine Proteus by the navies of Germany, Denmark, Greece, Sweden, Italy, Malaysia, Brunei, Iran, Libya and the USA. The Marine Proteus also has ideal power characteristics for hydrofoil craft and hovercraft. The Mountbatten Class hovercraft (SR N4) has four Proteus, the Wellington Class (BH. 7) one Proteus, and the BH. 8 two Proteus engines. The US Navy's hydrofoils USS High Point and Tucumcari also have Proteus engines The first sea trials in The Marine Tyne RM 1 is a free power turbine engine of 4100 bhp. It has been developed from the earlier Marine Tyne Mk 621 that powers the United States Navy's hydrofoil USS Flagstaff and the Dolphin passenger-carrying hydrofoil. 1 The has been ordered by the Ministry of RM Defence (Navy) as the cruise engine for all future frigates and destroyers for the Royal Navy. It will be supplied in a packaged or module form to simplify installation and to ensure easy access for servicing. Olympus gas turbine, adopted mainly from its gas generator lightweight unit producing high power, and having a longestablished reputation for reliability in exacting duties as an The outstanding advantages of the for larger ships, are derived — power plant, and in industrial applications. 1966 the Admiralty Board approved the conversion of the Blackwood Class Frigate HMS Exmouth (1500 tons) to all-gas aircraft In turbine power. This ship, now in service with the Royal Navy, has power with two Proteus engines for cruising. This configuration gives the British Royal Navy the first major warship with all-gas turbine machinery. The Royal Navy has chosen the Olympus as the boost engine for all future frigates and destroyers. Two engines in module form will be installed in each Type 21 frigate and Type 42 destroyer, with two Tyne engines in a COGOG machinery arrangement. The Type 82 destroyer at present under construction will also have two Olympus gas turbines, and steam turbines in a COSAG arrangement. Olympus engines are also in service with the Finnish Navy and on order by the navies of Iran, Libya, Malaysia and Thailand. one Olympus engine 144 installed for full Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Gas turbine engines Marine propulsion units In 1 958 the Royal Navy started sea trials on a new class of fast patrol boat powered by Rolls-Royce marine gas turbines. Since then 13 other navies have ordered Rolls-Royce gas turbines for similar craft. Many are The Royal Navy have now chosen these service. engines for all future warships. By the end of 1969 Rolls-Royce marine gas turbines in 180 000 hours of sea-going ex50 Olympus, 29 Tyne and 98 Gnome engines were in service or on order. accumulated had perience, and 200 Proteus, All British gas turbine-powered hovercraft in quantity production have Rolls-Royce engines and the second generation of both military and civil hovercraft will have them too. Specifications Gnome Marine Marine Tyne The Marine Gnome engine consists of a 10-stage axial compressor driven by a two-stage turbine, an annular combustion chamber and a mechanically independent single-stage turbine which drives the power output shaft. Max rating: Continuous 1050bhp 900bhp rating: in a Length: 1666mm (65-5in) Width: 314mm (12-36in) Height: 519mm (20-4in) Weight: 147kg (324lb), 201kg (444lb) with reduction gear Fuel: DERD 1494 Avtur Fuel consumption: Oil Max litre (1 -2pt)/h 00 bhp mm mm 0283kg (0-625lb)/bhp/h max consumption: 0-75 pedestal. rating: 41 Length: 4343 (14 ft 3 in) Length (complete module): 5562 (18 ft 3 in) Width: 1828mm (6ft) Height: 2692 mm (8ft 10in) Weight: 14 062 kg (31 000 lb) Fuel: BSS 2869 Class A Fuel consumption: 0-221 kg (0494 lb)/bhp/h DERD 2487 Oil: The Marine Tyne RM 1 engine has a six-stage low-pressure compressor in tandem with a nine-stage high-pressure compressor, each driven independently by a single-stage turbine through co -axial shafts. The gas generator is connected to a separate two-stage axial-flow power turbine with the drive shaft supported max DERD 2493 Oil: Oil consumption: 0-56 litre (1 pt)/h max Marine Proteus Marine Olympus The Marine Proteus engine is a simple-cycle, lightweight gas turbine with a combined 12-stage axial and a single-stage centrifugal compressor, eight combustion chambers and independent compressor and power turbines. The Marine Olympus gas generator is a high-pressure ratio unit with a five-stage low-pressure compressor and a seven-stage high-pressure compressor. Each compressor is driven by its own single-stage turbine through co-axial shafts. The gas generator is connected to a separate power turbine which is a Max rating: Continuous 4250bhp rating: 3400bhp single-stage axial-flow type, with the rotor shaft supported Fuel: DEF 2402 —TM in a pedestal. 27 200bhp Output shaft speed: 5660rev/min max Max Length: 2890mm (113in) Width: 1070mm (42in) Weight: 1413kg (31181b) rating 3: Length: 6860mm (22ft 6in) Width: 3300mm (10ft 10in) diesel Height: Fuel consumption: 0-26kg (0-58lb)/bhp/h max OEP 71 Oil consumption: 0-28 litre (0-5pt)/h average 2900mm (9ft 6in) Weight: 13 155kg (58 0001b) Oil: Gas generator: Length: 3580mm (11ft 9in) Width: 1300mm (4ft 3in) Weight: 2950kg (65001b) BSS 2869 class A Fuel consumption: 0-22kg (0 490lb)/bhp/h Fuel: Oil: Oil max DERD 2487 consumption: 0-84 litre (1 -5pt)/h max ROLLS-ROYCE LIMITED and Marine Gas Turbine Division PO Box 72, Ansty, Coventry, CV7 9JR, England Industrial Telephone: Walsgrave-on-Sowe 3211 Cables: Roycov Coventry Telex: 31637 145 Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery The Paxman 16-cylinder Ventura engine an outstanding unit for marine propulLight, compact and dependable, it is available in a wide range of rated power to suit naval vessels of many different types is sion. Royal Libyan Navy corvette built by Vosper Ltd powered by twin Paxman 16-cylinder Ventura engines each developing 1900bhp HMS Hecate survey ship 1 hasdiesel-electric drive by three 2-cylinder Ventura engines totalling 3840bhp MOD Paxman (Air) long-range recovery and support craft Seal powered by two 16cylinder Ventura engines each rated at 2000bhp 146 at 1485rev/min Section Propulsion and auxiliary machinery 5: Diesel engines Ventura range for marine propulsion Paxmans have for many years been leaders in the field of compact, high-output prime movers and the design and construction of the Ventura range is another major technological advance based on experience accumulated from millions of running hours by Paxman vee-form diesels. Particular attention has been paid to: Compactness All extraneous equipment, coolers, free-end engine dimensions giving a remarkably small high-powered package. drives, etc., are packed oil Engine speed 6 rev/min Brake Brake Brake Brake 1500 1250 1200 1000 hp hp hp hp 8 6 12 8 12 16 16 YJXM YJCM YJXM YJCM JYXM YJCM YJXM YJCM 550 510 500 450 700 620 600 525 750 680 670 600 1150 1025 1000 900 925 825 800 700 1530 1370 1350 1200 1400 1235 1200 1050 1850 1650 1600 1400 inside the overall These are continuous ratings intended for sustained high-speed running, meeting the requirements of continuous duty and diesel-electric drive. Low weight This has been achieved with the use of the latest and fabricating techniques without sacrificing any the well-known Paxman ruggedness. metallurgical Propulsion engines for high-speed patrol craft of Special ratings are available for vessels requiring high Smooth power flow Stringent control of tolerances and finishmoving parts together with ultra-fine balancing of crankshaft and flywheel gives vibration-free running over the full and fluctuating speed/load range. ing of all Quietness The pressure charging combines high volumetric Rating, bhp Engine speed rev/min Max 6 8 6 power 12 8 for 12 short periods 16 16 YJXM YJCM YJXM YJCM JYXM YJCM YJXM YJCM Inter 1600 1550 750 690 850 770 1000 920 1200 1100 1500 1380 1800 1650 2000 1840 2400 2200 Cont 1500 625 700 825 1000 1250 1500 1650 2000 efficiency with a muffling of the exhaust note. Economy Pressure charging of air into the advanced design combustion chamber with a highly efficient fuel injection system ensures economy of operation and clean exhaust gases. Maintenance A characteristic of Paxman vee-form diesels is the run for long periods between overhauls, 20 OOOh in some cases. This, combined with the clear access to components requiring routine maintenance means that down-time is a very small percentage of the total working life. ability to Interchangeability A large number of wearing parts are common throughout the range and replacement spares, machined to precision limits, can be instantly exchanged without hand This fitting. where a is of particular benefit to multi-engine installations common spares stock can be held. Maximum rating may rating is the power available for short periods. Frequent use of this increase maintenance down-time. Intermittent rating is the of the total running hours. for short periods not exceeding 10% Continuous rating is intended for sustained high-speed running meeting the requirements of continuous duty as generally applied to patrol craft of the highspeed type. Ratings are for temperatures not exceeding 29 C (YJXM) or with the temperature of the water supply to the intercooler not exceeding 24 C (YJCM). Engine data Number of cylinders: 6, 8, 12, 16 216mm Bore and stroke: 197 x (7-75 X 8-5in) Cycle: 4-stroke Compression ratio: 13:1 Full-load speed range: 750-1 500rev/min Mean piston speed at 1500rev/min: 10-8m/sec (2125ft/min) Dimensions and weights = LC Length (engine and coupling only) Width over HB = HD = bearers Height Height Engine mm 6 1745 1137 (68-75) (44-75) 1745 1137 (68-75) (44-75) 1850 1137 (72-75) (44-75) YJXM 6 YJCM 8 YJXM (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) Dry weight kg (lb) 641 (25-25) 1257 3660 (49-5) (8050) 641 (25-25) 1257 3750 (49-5) (8275) 641 (25-25) 1675 (660) 4250 (9350) 1850 1137 (72-75) (44-75) 641 (25-25) 1675 (660) 4360 YJCM 12 2220 1283 711 1638 5180 YJXM (87-5) (50-5) (280) (64-5) (11 12 2220 1283 711 1638 5460 YJCM (87-5) (50-5) (280) (64-5) (12 025) 16 2720 1283 743 (107) (50-5) (29-25) 1675 (660) 6950 YJXM 16 2720 1283 743 (107) (50-5) (29-25) 1675 (660) 7220 YJCM 8 A Management Company power usable (9600) 400) (15 300) (15 900) of English Electric Diesels Ltd RUSTON PAXMAN DIESELS LIMITED Vulcan Works, Newton -le-Willows, Lancashire, England Telephone: Newton-le-Willows 5151 Telex: 62366 1968 1969 147 Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Top: maintenance escort vessel RNAS Stalwart with five 16 YJCAZ and two 12 YJCAZ engines installed Left: one the of engines installed in Class guided missile Ventura 16-cylinder HMS Fife, a County supplying frigate, for electrical power Below: view of the engine room of Hecate, a Royal HMS Navy survey ship. Powered by three 12-cylinder Ventura engines coupled with generators each producing 610kW for main propulsion duties, Paxman a there are engines also two coupled 6-cylinder to 300kW generators for electrical power supplies Below left: a 750kW Paxman Ventura generating main standby set installed in supertankers Esso Malaysia and Esso Mercia. Paxman -powered generators supply power for various duties including emergency and auxiliary power for fire pumps and deck machinery for 16 vessels completed or building in European shipyards UZ Section Propulsion and auxiliary machinery 5: Diesel engines for marine auxiliary duties Backed by over a century of engineering experience, most powerful engines Paxman range of marine auxiliary diesel engines offers many characteristic advantages. There is the high output combined with a relatively low weight, com- the production; its weight class now in are all-important. Adopted as standard by the Ministry of Defence (Naval), the YJ or Ventura as it is called has an output ranging — — from 475 to 1920bhp. Although outputs are high, running costs are low these are easily-proven facts. The shorter stroke of the Paxman engine means that piston speed, the really vital factor, is most moderate. For example, the 197mm (7-75in) stroke (RPH or YH) diesel running at 1 200rev/min has a piston speed of 470m/min (1 550ft/ min). This may be compared with a vertical unit of similar power but with a 305mm (1 2in) stroke which, at 750rev/min, would have a piston speed of 460m/min Other features contributing to the low (1 500ft/min). running costs are the small size and low weight of the cylinder heads, pistons and other components, which make overhaul and maintenance a simple procedure. Periods between major overhauls often exceed 20 OOOh. Because of their inherent reliability, Paxman marine auxiliary engines are particularly suitable for multiunit installations operating under remote or automated First is the RPH, with outputs from 1 37 to 825bhp and speeds of up to 1500rev/min. The result of some 30 years of progressive development, this series of heavy-duty engines has a proven history of reliability and a service life unsurpassed by any other make of diesel throughout the world. Second is the YH series, direct-injection in particularly suitable for installations where space considerations pactness which is a main advantage of the vee-form design, smooth running, long service life between overhauls, and the ability to operate satisfactorily on marine diesel oil Class B. In addition, the higher outputs of the smaller units in the range make them particularly suitable for driving the modern 60Hz ac generator. The Paxman range of auxiliary engines covers outputs of from 1 00 to 1 920bhp, with from four to 1 cylinders, and can be supplied with natural aspiration, turbo-charging, or turbo-charging with charge intercooling. The range covers four basic designs, with many of the wearing parts commonly interchangeable. a is it version of the RPH, with outputs 1 1 OObhp. Third istheYJ, oneof the ranging from 690to control. Typical outputs, dimensions and weights Marine Engine rev/min :1500 4RPHZ .. 4RPHXZ 4RPHCZ 6RPHZ .. 6RPHXZ 6RPHCZ 8RPHZ 8RPHXZ 8RPHCZ 12RPHZ 12RPHXZ 12RPHCZ . 12YHXZ.. 12YHCZ.. 6YJXZ 6YJCZ 8YJXZ 8YJCZ 12YJXZ 12YJCZ 16YJXZ 16YJCZ . . . . . . . . . . 176 223 275 274 334 413 366 447 550 618 825 960 1030 600 700 825 960 1230 1440 1650 1920 168 111 154 188 188 211 143 184 165 217 280 286 255 312 383 432 465 581 670 720 415 490 578 675 870 1020 1165 1365 273 244 317 409 325 422 546 512 634 820 900 850 550 610 735 840 1100 1260 1470 1680 bhp'kW 221 290 376 355 438 573 630 600 380 425 512 590 770 890 1045 1200 137 190 241 209 286 362 280 380 482 440 572 724 700 738 475 550 660 770 990 1160 1320 1540 Width Length mm 1000 1200 121 231 671 auxiliary rating 92 130 163 142 196 245 190 262 334 303 394 450 505 520 330 380 458 539 693 814 930 1090 2410 2460 2460 2720 2740 2790 3070 3120 3120 3580 3730 3810 4545 4700 3480 3480 3710 3835 4215 4140 4750 4800 in 95 97 97 107 108 110 121 123 123 141 147 150 179 185 137 137 146 151 166 163 187 189 mm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1650 1520 1520 1520 1675 1650 1450 1450 1575 1575 1700 1675 1675 1780 Weight Height in 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 65 60 60 60 66 65 57 57 62 62 67 66 66 70 mm 1700 1680 1800 1750 1700 1800 1750 1780 1800 1960 2130 2240 2195 1860 1995 1995 2440 2440 2540 2640 2665 2665 in 67 66 71 69 67 71 69 70 71 77 84 88 86-5 73 77 77 96 96 100 104 105 105 kg 4380 4670 4800 5520 5670 5920 6400 6720 6870 8470 9900 10 300 9880 10 750 7860 8120 9270 9850 11 250 12 600 14 000 15 400 lb 9560 300 550 150 500 050 150 850 100 18 650 21 850 22 700 21 800 23 725 17 350 17 820 20 400 21 770 27 000 27 800 33 050 34 050 10 10 12 12 13 14 14 15 Z denotes marine auxiliary or diesel-electric propulsion For diesel-electric propulsion ratings are reduced by approximately 10 percent Weight includes underbase and generator X Denotes pressure-charged C Denotes intercooled pressure-charged Starting equipment: electric, air or hydraulic The marine auxiliary rating complies with Lloyd's unrestricted service requirements for engines operating in ambient temperatures up to 45 C (normally aspirated or pressure-charged) or 30 C seawater temperature (intercooled. pressure-charged). For diesel electric propulsion and pumping duties, the temperatures are 29 C and 24 C A Management Company of English Electric Diesels Ltd RUSTON PAXMAN DIESELS LIMITED Vulcan Works, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire, England Telephone: Newton-le-Willows 5151 Telex: 62366 <8> 1968 1969 149 Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Top: Deltic-powered fast patrol boats of the Royal Norwegian Navy. These 'Nasty' class FPBs have two turbocharged engines of 3100shp each Upper left: a motor torpedo boat of the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force powered by three Deltic turbo-blown engines developing a total of 9300shp Lower left: Peruvian fast a patrol boat of charged Deltic engines developing of the Navy powered by two turboa total 6200shp Bottom left: a 'Ton' class coastal minesweeper of the Royal Australian Navy. Over 65 of this class of ship powered by two Deltic engines each of 1500shp are in service throughout the world Bottom right: an installation pair of engines for a coastal minesweeper. Panels can be easily removed for servicing purposes accoustically 150 clad Deltic Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Diesel engines range for marine propulsion Deltic The Deltic engine was designed specifically for use by the Royal Navy and, although unique in the triangular arrangement of cylinder blocks, crankcases and crankshafts, only proven principles of opposed-piston practice, and the equally proven forkand-blade rod design fitted conventional type are used. in Acoustic cladding Special acoustic cladding has been developed to reduce diese noise. It is arranged in easily removable panels. As regards heat insulation, it is assumed that 2 percent of the total heat energy available from consumed fuel in a liquid-cooled engine can be accounted for in radiation. Although the acoustic cladding is not a complete insulator, it can be expected that a total increase in cooling capacity of approximately 5 percent would be required and it is suggested that the normally fitted coolers (with excess capacity in the order of 10-15 percent) would accommodate this increase. This cladding method can also be applied to other diesel engines. countless vee-form engines of The triangular configuration, coupled with the extensive use of the engine castings, has considerable advantages, providing an extremely compact power unit with, for a compression-ignition engine, an unusually high power/weight ratio. For example, the CT18-42K engine (see engine data) offers 3840bhp with a ratio of 1-43kg/hp (3 1 5lb/hp), bmep is conservatively rated at 9 45kg/cm 2 (134-4lb/in 2 ). A special feature of the Deltic range of marine engines is the reverse reduction gearbox which can be supplied as a unit integral with the engine. Even when fitting this unit, a power/ weight ratio of just under 1-8kg/shp (4lb/shp) is achieved and the basic concept of a compact power unit is enhanced by this light alloy for feature. The original specification called for an engine with a low maintenance factor capable of being dealt with by semi-skilled engine room staff, and only minor attention is called for during the life of the engine up to major servicing. The complete interchangeability of common parts and components, such as auxiliary pumps and control units, permits the extensive use of the repair-by-replacement technique. Major units of the engine such as the blower, phasing gear case and reverse reduction gearbox, are also interchangeable thus reducing servicing time. For fast patrol boat installations where boat trim and space limitations are of major significance, a vee-drive gearbox can be supplied which enables a particularly compact installation arrangement to be achieved. To match the concept of light weight and compactness, a special range of ancillary installation equipment has been developed in conjunction with the respective manufacturers of exhaust and air intake silencers, coolant heat exchangers, oil coolers and priming pumps. A Deltic-engined installation offers substantial advantages where weight and space affect the performance of the vessel and often make possible machinery arrangements previously considered impracticable. Technical data No of cylinders common to all Section through No 2 cylinders of Deltic Type CT18-42K Deltic marine engines 18; cylinder bore 1302mm (5 125in); stroke 184mm 2 (7-25in opposed-piston compression-ignition engines operating on the two-stroke cycle and employ either a mechanically driven scavenge blower or a turbocharger. On the higher rated CT' engines charge-air coolers are introduced and are integral with the turbocharger unit. The engines are liquid- 2) cooled with exchangers. closed circuit system incorporating thermostatic valves and heat Lubrication system is on the dry sump principle with scavenge oil pump returning oil to a service tank via an oil cooler; a thermostatic valve controls the temperature. Deltic engines are a Engine data Full-load Engine type 18-25K T18-27K . T18-37K' . CT18-50K* Full-load Engine weight less gearbox kg (lb) Overall length less Overall gearbox width Speed bmep rating range kg/cm 2 bhp power bhp rev/mm (lb/in 1725 1900 600/ 6 34 (90-2) 9-51 160-3 4605 2337 1905 2134 1550 (1873) (0-358) (10 350) (92) (75) (84) 600/ 85-7 9-51 172-8 4513 2337 1905 2134 2000 (97-1) (1873) (0-386) (9950) (92) (75) (84) 600/ 1650 7-58 (107 8) 10-12 (1994) 162-9 5071 (11 180) 3048 1905 2314 (120) (75) (84) 600/ 7-98 (113-4) 12-88 (2537) 171-1 (0-382) 4890 3048 1905 2134 (10 780) (120) (75) (84) 9-45 (134-4) 12 88 (2537) 173-8 5852 3120 1778 2007 2100 (0-388) (12 900) (123) (70) (79) 600/ 8-62 5852 3120 1778 2007 (145-0) 12 88 (2537) 170-8 2100 (0-380) (12 900) (123) (70) (79) 2200 2500 2630 2420 3240 2100 CT18-42K" maximum Maximum 1970 18-39K' Piston speed Continuous 2850 3100 3840 600/ 4140 The prefix T to the engine type denotes a turbocharged engine, mechanically driven scavenge blowers " Sprint rated engines, generally for fast patrol boat applications A Management Company at 2 ) fuel cons. m/sec g/bhp-h (ft/min) (Ib/bhp-h) (0-364) CT denotes turbocharging with mm integral charge-air coolers. (in) mm (in) Engines with no prefix Overall height mm (in) letter have of English Electric Diesels Ltd RUSTON PAXMAN DIESELS LIMITED Vulcan Works, Newton-!e-Willows, Lancashire, England Telephone: Newton-le-Willows 5151 Telex: 62366 1968 1969 151 Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Above: Type 16 VTS engine on Below: Indian Navy test .:::> i*Wt* 152 frigate Beas Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Diesel engines ASR 1 range for marine propulsion Vickers has been manufacturing the highly successful Admiralty Standard Diesel Engines Range 1 since 1948 and has supplied them for submarines, frigates, tugs and aircraft carriers. Modifications have been constantly introduced to take advantage of modern developments and to keep latest abreast of the technology. Many navies abroad have taken advantage of this proven design and include Australia, current users Canada and India. The basic design of engine is such that variations for purposes are easily made, which facilitates in such a wide range of vessels. The in-line version, which may be normally aspirated or supercharged, has either six or eight cylinders and is eminently suitable for auxiliary generating engines, being rated at 360 kW and 550 kW respectively. The V-type is available with either 1 2 or 1 6 cylinders and may be normally aspirated, supercharged by turboblowers or mechanically supercharged. Brief technical particulars of the various types are specific use their shown in the accompanying table. The photograph on the opposite page shows a 16 VTS engine on the test bed. Normally eight engines of this type (four operating clockwise and four counter- main propulsion in Admiralty has recently completed and supervised the installation of a set of these engines in a frigate built by Yarrow (Shipbuilders) Ltd. Previous frigates engined by Vickers include HMS Salisbury and Leopard as well as Beas and Betwa for the Indian Navy. Auxiliary generating sets have also been supplied for HMS Llandaff, Chichester, Ausonia, Lynx and Brahmaputra, and the aircraft carrier HMS Hermes, while the 12 VTS engines have been fitted in the Admiralty tug HMS Typhoon. Vickers is known the world over as submarine builders and has been closely associated with the British Admiralty and most other naval countries of the world in the production of complete vessels. Although the first Barrow-built engines for submarines were petrol-driven in about 1 903, they weresoon followed by the first diesel engines in 1 908, and Vickers has been constantly engaged in this field ever since. Many of the highly successful Oberon Class submarines, each of which incorporates two 16 VMS diesel generating sets for main propulsion, were built by Vickers. clockwise) are fitted as frigates. Vickers Specification ASR 1 diesel engines Type 6 mm 247-7 8 LTS 12 VTS 16 VTS 16 VMS 247-7 9-75 247-7 9-75 247-7 9-75 247-7 9-75 266-7 10-5 266-7 10-5 266-7 266-7 266-7 10-5 10-5 10-5 rev/min 720 720 920 920 920 Continental 532 UK 525* 786 775t 1460 1440 kN/m- 848 123 938 136 903 m 4-8 5-69 4-8 in 189 224 189 m 1-3 1-3 1-7 1-7 1-78 in 51 51 67 67 70 2-82 111 2-87 2-59 2-59 305 113 102 102 120 10 160 10 13716 14 732 13-5 14-5 18 035 17-75 Bore in mm Stroke in Speed Maximum bhp LTS BMEP Ib/in 2 Length Breadth Height m in Weight kg tons 975 131 1 1 967-2028 940-2000 931-945 135-137 1866 1840 871 126-3 5-66 5-7 224-75 223 21 336 21 'Output with generator 360 kW ^Output with generator 550 kW VICKERS LIMITED Barrow Engineering Works PO Box 12, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 3366 Cables: Vickerseng Barrow-in-Furness Telex: 6597 vicKers 153 Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Main propulsion gearing for improved Leander Class frigates This double-reduction double-helical main propulsion gear unit designed for the improved twin-screw Leander Class frigis of dual tandem articulated design driven by a single steam turbine. The allwelded gearcase, fabricated at the David Brown plant at Penistone, shows how ates modern welding techniques produce the finest possible results with an extremely complex design Main propulsion gearing HMS Exmouth for With double-reduction double-helical propulsion gear unit was designed for the Royal Navy frigate HMS Exmouih, the world's first all-gas turbine major warship. This massive gearbox, a dual tandem locked-train unit with gearing, this main self-synchronising clutches, is a complex design to transmit the drive from two alternative sources of gas turbine power. An Olympus engine, positioned forward of the gear unit, supplies the main power and two Proteus engines, located aft, supply power for normal cruising Main propulsion gear unit for Vosper Mk 5 and Mk 7 fast destroyers The Vosper Mk 5 and Mk 7 marine gearbox double-reduction single helical main propulsion gear unit designed for the series of fast destroyers being built for the Imperial Iranian Navy and the Libyan Navy by Vosper Thornycroft. The gearing is of dual-tandem locked-train design and transmits the drive from two alternative power sources, an Olympus gas turbine for the main drive, positioned forward, and is a a Paxman diesel engine, located normal cruising 154 aft, for Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Gearing for marine main propulsion For well over half a century David Brown have played prominent role in the design, development and manufacture of main propulsion gearing for naval ships, working in close collaboration with the Ministry a Defence (Navy Department). David Brown have contributed greatly to post-war gearing developments, in close involvement with the work of NAVGRA and considerable progress has been made in the use of hardened gears. Produced under 'clean air' conditions of strict temperature and humidity of approx. 97 control, David demanded by Brown gears British are well within the limits Standard 1807, Part 1, Class A1, and balance. Examples of designs produced include those for Whitby Class frigates, Leander and improved Leander Class frigates, assault ships and others, while of recent date a David Brown gearbox was fitted in the all-gas turbine ship HMS Exmouth. Present contracts include the design and manufacture of main propulsion gear units for the projected type 42 gas turbine-driven ships. for pitch, profile, helix in. 2,464 m. Main propulsion gear approx. 128 unit for improved Leander Class frigates approx. 168i in. in. t^ELfJf Main propulsion gear unit for HMS Exmouth c '-.-.• Main propulsion gear DAVID BROWN GEAR unit for Vosper Mk 5 and Mk 7 fast destroyers INDUSTRIES LIMITED Gear Division Park Gear Works, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England Telephone: Huddersfield 22180 Cables: Gearing Huddersfield Telex: 51562 155 Saction 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery pontoon with two 75 hp units mounted together on the stern. A third unit of 1 50 hp (stem raised) is mounted on the bow for test purposes. Stem lengths Above: can be varied according to displacement of vessel and working depth of water. The units can be operated by controls mounted on the engine bed or from a remote control Other illustrations for one or more units. show Ford-engined units of 50 hp (right) and 65 hp (far right) with Dorman-engined units of 75 hp (below left) and 150hp (below right) Harbormaster units are designed for moving heavy loads at comparatively low speeds under arduous conditions, over long periods of continuous operation with the minimum of maintenance. They are therefore designed to deliver power at a high thrust/hp ratio with the reliability 156 maximum of • • Section Propulsion and auxiliary machinery 5: Outboard propulsion units I heavy-duty marine applications for a powerful and unique type of propulsion for more substantial craft such as tugs, dredgers, floating cranes and heavy barges. A safety device in the form of a friction slip-gear permits the stem and tail assembly to swing back if underwater obstructions are encountered. The entire unit can be mounted on any craft by simply clamping down the four base lugs to the deck. The units are of robust design, reliable under the most arduous conditions, and are supported by a first-class spares service. These large outboards provide ferries, Technical specifications 50 hp 1800 Engine (1 Ford 2701 C four-stroke four-cylinder diesel. 50 bhp at 1850 rev min for continuous duty. Totally enclosed freshwater cooling with tropical radiator. freshwater cooling with tropical radiator. Transmission Borg & Beck overcentre clutch or Borg Warner 1 :1 reverse gear driving 737 mm (29 in) dia standard towing propeller through Harbormaster geared transmission. Vertical 2135 mm 360 deg. (7 ft) Total shaft lengths 1220 mm (4 ft) min, max. Steering through continuous weight of unit 1500 kg (1-5 tons). Fuel tank 68 litres (15 gal). rev min for continuous duty. Transmission Parsons hydraulically operated Totally enclosed 1 :1 reverse gear mm driving 965 dia standard towing a (38 in) propeller through Harbormaster geared transmission. Vertical shaft lengths 1220 (4 ft) min, 2135 mm mm max. Steering through continuous 360 deg. (7 Total weight of unit 2850kg (2-8 tons). Fuel tank 135 litres (30 gal). ft) 150hp Engine Engine (2) Dorman 4DA four-stroke four-cylinderair-cooled 50 bhp at 1 850 rev/min for continuous duty. diesel. Dorman 6LDT four-stroke six-cylinder turbo-charged 1 50 bhp at 550 rev min for continuous duty. diesel. 1 enclosed Totally fresh-water cooling with tropical radiator. Transmission Borg and Beck overcentre clutch or Parsons hydraulically operated 1 1 reverse gear driving a 737 (29 in) dia standard towing propeller through Harbormaster geared transmission. Vertical shaft lengths 1220 Steering through (4 ft) min, 2135 (7 ft) max. continuous 360 deg. Total weight of unit 1 500 kg (1 -5 tons). Fuel tank 68 litres (1 5 gal). mm : mm mm Transmission Borg & Beck overcentre clutch driving a 1270 mm dia standard towing propeller through (50 in) Harbormaster geared transmission. Vertical shaft lengths 1520 mm (5 ft) min, 2440 mm (8 ft) max. Steering through continuous 360 deg. Total weight of unit 5700 kg (5-6 tons). Fuel tank not included in supply. 65 hp Engine 2704C four-stroke six-cylinder diesel. 65 bhp at 1800 rev min for continuous duty. Totally enclosed freshwater cooling with tropical radiator. Ford Transmission Borg Warner hydraulically operated 1 :1 reverse gear driving a 965 (38 in) dia standard towing propeller through Harbormaster geared transmission. Vertical shaft lengths 1220 (4 ft) min, 2135 Steering through continuous 360 deg. (7 ft) max. Fuel tank Totai weight of unit 2450 kg (2-4 tons). 104 litres (23 gal). mm mm mm Harbormaster units can be operated by the controls on or, if necessary, from a remote position with mechanical, hydraulic or electro-hydraulic controls. the unit Where multiple unit installation is required, control can be achieved by variations of the above methods. a 65 hp and 75 hp units Pedestal-type control columns are available for remote control of one or more units for steering, throttle and 50 hp, reverse gear, with mechanical steering through lay- shafting. 750 hp units Control consoles can be supplied for mounting on the bridge or wheelhouse, to accept the electro-hydraulic controls which are supplied as an integral part of the 75 hp Engine Dorman 4LD Remote control four-stroke four-cylinder diesel. 75 HARBORMASTER bhp at 1 50 hp unit. LIMITED Sa/es Department Central Road, Temple Telephone: Harlow 24301 Fields, Harlow, Essex, England Cables: Jonwhiteng Harlow Telex: 81317 ISM.-M'l.-J.'. rViH .-l 157 Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery The illustrations of the facilities used Fixed-pitch propellers Stone Manganese Marine Limited is leading supplier of propulsion equipment The company's Navy. to the Royal Birkenhead Works specialises particularly production in this Controllable-pitch propellers and thrust units The company provides three designs bow bow thrust units to of addition to meet all naval controllable-pitch propellers in The SMM Greenwich Works, in which the accompanying photographs were taken, specialises in the production of this equipment applications. 158 in on this page show some and equipment of SMM the production of propellers Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Propellers for all marine applications Stone Manganese Marine Limited continues a long history of over a century as main supplier of propulsion equipment to the British Ministry of Defence (Navy). In position, the company continues to of products and manufacturing fully all requirements of the Royal Navy. this priviliged develop its facilities to range meet 12 13 14 3 4 B B lO IB IB 17 1B IB SO 11 27 2B 1 Vernier locking assembly 2 Thrust collar 3 Cylinder head 4 Piston 5 ring Circulation valve 6 Sealing ring 7 Bearing ring 8 Blade bolt 9 Piston rod bearing 10 Pressure tubes 11 Shaft coupling 12 Header tank connection 13 Pneumatic actuator 14 Valve casing Diagramatic arrangement of a Model XX 25 aa S3 as 15 Valve 16 Valve spindle 17 Pitch feed-back rack 18 Command rack 19 Operating lever 20 Feed-back 21 transmitter Pitch locking device Feed-back lever 22 23 Feed-back sliding ring assembly 24 Carrier pin 25 High-pressure seals 26 Oil transfer-box 21 27 Oil 28 29 30 shaft Tail shaft Tail shaft bolt Crank pin ring Sliding blocks 31 32 33 34 35 36 transfer-box Hub body Servo cylinder Piston rod Servo piston Cone 37 Driving sleeve 38 Cone cap 39 Jacking screw casing controllable-pitch propeller The range High-definition propellers of the types required by the Ministry of Defence involve close manufacturing tolerances both in the casting and machining stages. Adherance to these fine limits is achieved using most modern production techniques, in the three works of of propulsion equipment supplied for applications fixed-pitch and controllablepitch propellers and bow thrust units is supported by other specialised equipment in this field, including watertight door and fire-door systems as well as SMM at Greenwich, Birkenhead and Glasgow. SMM has developed a range of alloys which marine windows. have been adopted for use by the Ministry of Defence (Navy) these include Superston Seventy, Novoston and the new sound-deadening alloy Sonoston. — naval — — SMM From the Glasgow Works foundry supplies non-ferrous castings in a variety of intricate patterns for naval applications. STONE MANGANESE MARINE LIMITED Anchor and Hope Lane, London SE7, England Telephone: 01-858 6171 1966 1969 159 Section A new 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery range of co-axial reduction gears installations up to 18 000hp. These incorporate the Vickers epicyclic gear and ratios up to 9:1 are available. The small size and low weight make them especially suitable for modern high-speed for diesel ships The increasing use of marine gas turbines has led to the development of a new range of gearboxes incorporating synchro self-shifting clutches and flexible coup- lings so arranged that the main engine can take the drive from the cruise engine without stopping the ship and to provide a smooth take-up of power from rest and during change-over of the engines. Vickers has a range of designs to suit all combinations of gas steam diesel prime movers. The design shown is suitable for main gas turbines and cruising diesel engines PARALLEL- SHAFT PRIMARY REDUCTION MAIN ENGINE-DRIVEN OIL PUMP "^TURNING GEAR A modular design suitable tor multiplemain propulsion machinery incor- ir'Dut porating the Vickers epicyclic gear for the reduction stage final 160 RAL OIL TANK Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Main propulsion gearing for naval and marine vessels Vickers marine main propulsion gears have earned an unrivalled reputation for reliability, quiet operation, compactness and ease of maintenance with merchant This and naval engineers throughout the world. reputation can be attributed to the company's policy of continual research and development into manufacturing accuracy, hardening techniques, bearings and gear Vickers association with the British case design. Ministry of Defence (Navy) through the Royal Navy and Vickers Gearing Research Association is continuing to provide fundamental research into all aspects of gear design and manufacture. In comparison with conventional designs of marine gearing, epicyclic gears overcome size and weight limitations. The Vickers epicyclic gear, incorporating improved load-sharing principles, is now available for marine applications using diesel or turbine main propulsion machinery. The examples illustrated give an indication of the designs available for all forms of main propulsion machinery. A vertically off-set gearbox for a diesel engine rated at 1700 hp with an input of 900 rev/min and an output of 300 rev/min. The design incorporates a thrust bearing and lubricating oil modules A single-reduction double-helical gearbox to take the drive from Control equipment for a controllablefour 2000 hp engines. pitch propeller is fitted to the forward end of the gearbox. The design can be modified to suit two or three engines and powertakeoffs for pumps and generators can be provided VICKERS LIMITED Barrow Engineering Works PO Box 12, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 3366 Telex: 6597 Cables: Vickerseng Barrow-in-Furness vicKers 161 Section 5: Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Disc brakes marine main propulsion transmissions for Dunlop Aviation Division, with long experience in advanced brake design for aircraft and other applica- was OL'Pt" SuP<>OnT « N Typical rounds of typical 214 81mm smoke round; and mortar ammunition: typical HE round Left to right, round 81mm HE L15A4 fused L35; round 81mm HE L1 5A3 fused No 162; Section 9: Weapons and ammunition Mortar system 81mm medium mortar ammunition Ammunition available for the 81 mm mortar system includes high-explosive, smoke and practice rounds which have been specially designed to match the mortar and to achieve a general range of well over 5000m (5500yd) with great accuracy at The high-explosive all ranges. bomb has a special cast-iron body which explodes of small fragments, each capable of causing lethal injury. Fragmentation into a few large pieces and ineffective metal dust, which occurs with many other types of mortar bombs, has been eliminated. number into a large The short-ranging bomb (a failing with other mortars which troops) does not occur at all with well-known constitutes a hazard to the user's own system. this Specification High-explosive round (Round, 81mm Practice round (Bomb, 81mm mortar, practice L22A1 HE L15A3) mortar. Weight: 4-4kg (91b 13oz) Filling: This 60.40 (RDX TNT) is (90yd) a re-usable store item designed to fire with a maximum range of 80m when the obturating ring is fitted. It is in service with the British Army Body: ductile cast-iron extruded aluminium alloy Tail unit: Fuse: No 162 or L35 Propellant in celluloid container: porous nitrocellulose No of augmenting charges: 6 Primary cartridge: filled cordite 017 Obturation: plastic ring Overall length: 51 05cm (20-1 in) with L35 fuse; No 162 fuse Ranges NC30 given by the existing six augmenting charge system: WM Minimum 47-24cm (18 6in) Primary with Charge Range: minimum 200m (220yd) Range: maximum well over 5000m (5500yd) with supercharge 1 2 3 4 5 6 Smoke round (Round, 81 mm Smoke mortar, WP A L1 special extended range charge gives a range of Maximum 500m ;550yd) 1000m (1100yd) 1700m (1860yd) 2200m (2400yd) 3000m (3280yd) 3700m (4050yd) 4500m (4920yd) 5400m (5900yd) 9A1 Weight: 4-5kg (9lb 14oz) Filling: white phosphorous Body: grey cast-iron Fuse: No 162 or L35 Overall length: 49-78cm No 162 fuse 200m (220yd) 400m (440yd) 600m (660yd) 800m (880yd) 1 1 00m (1 200yd) 1400m (1530yd) 1600m (1750yd) Packaging (19 6in) with L35 fuse: 45 97cm (18 1 in) with The ammunition is supplied in strong waterproof containers, each holding two rounds; two such containers are fitted into a steel box. resulting in a very robust package which, with four rounds, weighs 33kg (72lb) MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Director of Sales (Army) St Christopher House, Southwark Street, London SE1, England Telephone: 01-928 7999 215 Section 9: Weapons and ammunition Bren conversion to NATO 7 - 62mm calibre ammunition New lease of life for the Bren The Bren gun has long been a deservedly popular weapon with the men in action the world over. By converting now made possible by the Royal Small Arms team at Enfield it to use modern NATO 7 62mm ammunition the many excellent features of this weapon have been given a valuable new lease of life and the overall flexibility of the gun has been greatly increased. — What conversion comprises: At the Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield, all marks of 303in Bren light machine gun are the Enfield converted to fire present-day ammunition. Conversion comprises the supply of several entirely new components, including barrel, magazine and breech-block assembly; also modification and machining of the body and special plant Important: tained in All original the converted parts re- Bren are checked for wear or other defects and are renewed where necessary. Thus, every Enfield Bren conversion means delivery of virtually a brand-new gun. carefully Improved flash eliminator better barrel too: One of the features of the Enfield Bren conver216 sion is the introduction of a improved much Also a new barrel, chromium-plated in the chamber to give better operation under adverse conditions and in the bore for greatly prolonged barrel life. flash eliminator. other units, requiring and tooling. the 20-round magazine of the LIAI rifle, which will give welcome flexibility in the field. Further information and quota- Interchangeable magazines for tions: If you require more details about the Bren conversion, or firm quotations on price and delivery, greater flexibility: The new 30round magazine has been specially please contact the Director of Sales (Army) at the Ministry of Defence designed to be interchangeable with in London. Section 9: Weapons and ammunition Bren machine gun conversion to NATO ammunition New magazine catch/ejector block New 30-round magazine (interchangeable with 20-round LIAI rifle magazine) New barrel (complete with flash eliminator ) improved New breech-block and extractor New backsight leaf Cover added to bipod sleeve to shield gas cylinder ports Sundry machining operations and modifications to body Main features of RSAF Bren conversion Specification General particulars Main dimensions Type of feed: magazine, 30 round Overall length: downward bottom, downward 1237mm Position of feed: top, Position of ejection: Overall height System of operation: gas, four-position adjustment Type of fire: single shot and automatic (magazine Rate of fire: 500-575 rounds/min Muzzle velocity: 869m/sec Type of cooling: air, removable barrel Type of cocking: hand, right-hand side, folding Type of front sight: blade Type of rear sight: leaf, Bore diameter: 7-54 Rifling diameter: Rifling width: graduated to 2000metres or yards of rifling grooves: 6 rifling: Shot travel: 1 turn in 305mm right-hand 114mm Length of magazine: 613mm 216mm Weight of magazine 0-5m rifling 422-460mm Weight of magazine (empty): 0-39kg Chamber chromium-plated: Bore and 224mm Weight of complete weapon (less magazine): 9-52kg + 0-10mm + 002mm Number and bipod extended): Length of barrel assembly: + 005mm Twist of fitted Overall width (bipod folded): 7-798 2-79 (magazine removed and bipod folded): Overall height 0025mm thick minimum chromium-plated: 005mm thick minimum (full): 109kg Weight of barrel assembly: 2-63kg MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Director of Sales (Army) St Christopher House, Southwark Street, London SE1, England Telephone: 01-928 7999 217 Section 9: Weapons and ammunition The mine-laying plough, fitted with cage wheels, towed by a standard armoured personnel carrier. The harrow discs close the trench opened by the plough point after the mines are laid. The chain attached to the discs drags the surface smooth 218 Bar mines are loaded on to the conveyor of the plough from the Conveyor height is adjustable. Buried laying rate is 600-700 mines per hour. The plastics-cased mines cannot be located by electro-magnetic detectors safety of an armoured vehicle. Section 9: Weapons and ammunition Bar mine system Bar mines and mine-laying equipment The new British bar mine system combines great inhibiting enemy movement with effectiveness in simplicity, safety and economy in the deployment of mines. The system is based on the use of a new type of mine and of a mine-laying plough'. The mines are transported in and the plough is towed by any suitable vehicle, usually a tracked armoured personnel carrier. Advantages The new bar mine system has many advantages, the most important being: Greater effectiveness by mine detectors and severe. Greater by the Eager Beaver fork lift described elsewhere in Bar mines this Catalogue. can also be assembled in manpacks of four mines each for use in situations where trucks cannot be used. The logistics of mine-laying are therefore greatly ideally suited for handling tractor shown below and fully simplified. a trailer-type bar per hour. to mines enemy armour are is required to Improved handling to mines can 700 be from an laid bar mines can be buried — compact unit loads can be safely air-lifted, quickly handled in the field. Specifications Bar mine mm mm mm Overall length: 1200 Overall width: 108 Overall height: 81 Total weight: 1 1 kg Weight of explosive: 8-4 kg Laying plough mm Overall length: 4190 Overall width, including cage wheels: Overall height: 1270 Weight, ready for use: 1240 kg 1600 mm mm Unit load of 72 bar mines 840 mm 1220 mm Width: 1020 mm Height: Length: pallet: Effective density (load 855 kg package ratio): 88 percent plough of mechanical hydraulic nor design; neither electrical equipment is involved in its operation. A conveyor arm above the tow bar accepts bar mines loaded from the armoured towing vehicle, without exposing personnel to enemy fire. The conveyor is adjustable in height to adapt it to any towing vehicle. It feeds the mines to an adjustable spacing mechanism, which deposits them in a trench of adjustable depth made by the plough. Two harrow discs then close the trench; a dragged chain may be used to smooth the surface. The plough and harrow can also be raised to allow the mines to be laid on the surface. All wearing parts, such as the plough point, are quickly and simply replaced. The machine can be used on any type of soil capable of being ploughed. Cage wheels can be quickly fitted to the two hubs to provide extra stability on soft or uneven ground at high travelling speeds. The plough is capable of laying buried mines at the rate of 600-700 mines per hour and at even higher rates on the surface. Conveyor, tow bar and cage wheels can be quickly purely damage — fewer — armoured Greater speed — up safety vehicle. Weight, including Mine-laying plough The bar mines are laid by bar mines cannot be located inhibit a given area. Greater Bar mine The new bar mine has a tough plastics casing housing the explosive charge and the fuze, which contains only very few small metal parts. The mine cannot be detected by any current electro-magnetic mine detector. Extensive trials have shown that this mine is completely effective against any tank track and causes severe damage to tank belly armour The fuze is fitted before operational use and is armed immediately prior to loading; the mine can thus be handled, transported and stored in safety. Because of its shape, 72 bar mines are combined into a unit load of approximately one cubic metre volume and 1 tonne in weight, securely steel-strapped to a standard pallet for ease of handling. Such a load is efficiency — removed for transport. The equipment portable. is fully air- Standard unit load of 72 bar mines on a steel-strapped pallet. is safe and can be air-dropped. Manpacks of four mines each can also be made up The load MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Director of Sales (Army) St Christopher House, Southwark Street, London SE1, England Telephone: 01-928 7999 219 Section 9: Weapons and ammunition Anti-riot for short-range Greener Mk 3 police mm (14/2J (12/21 in) Mk3/12: 70 mm (12/23 Mk3: 73 peace-keeping duties gun Overall length: 1067 mm (42 Weight: 351 kg (7 lb 1 2 oz) Bore and chamber size: Mk3/14: 73 equipment in) in) mm in) Webley anti-riot -inch 1 gun mm (9 in) mm (24 in) 246 Barrel length: [J Overall length: 61 Weight: 2-48 kg (54 Webley 38 and 32 Mk 4 Webley 38 lb) Mk 4 revolver revolvers Police and military Pocket model Barrel length: 76 mm (3 in) Overall length: 178 mm (7 in) Barrel length: Weight: 67 kg (1 lb Mk 3 The Greener Overall gun to This gun is intended for the dispersal of riots, guarding of vulnerable points, night ambushes, etc. It is constructed on semi-military lines to withstand the roughest usage, is a powerful and versatile shortrange smooth-bore shotgun for use against targets at up to 100 metres, and has the Greener improved Martini action. Three types are available to meet a wide variety of special needs. Mk 3/12 is chambered for use with standard 2| inch 12-bore cartridges obtainable all over the world. A special security feature is incorporated in the Mk 3 and Mk3/14 which fire only special ammunition. Cartridges may be loaded with any shot. The Webley 1 -inch anti-riot Typical uses for this gun gun are the dispersal of riots, the arrest of armed besieged criminals, etc. It is a shortrange shoulder-controlled weapon for use by internal security forces. Accurate, robust, light in weight and simple to operate and maintain, this gun has a long barrel and adjustable rear sights for consistent accuracy over ranges of approximately 100 metres, firing standard 1 |-inch tear gas cartridges. The gun is accurate WEBLEY & SCOTT LIMITED (incorporating W W Greener Ltd) Handsworth, Birmingham 21, England Telephone: 021-553 3952 220 (5 in) length: 254 mm longer barrel Cylinder: six-shot Weight: 0-76 kg (1 7£oz) police (4 in) or mm 127 Cylinder: six-shot Cables: Webley Birmingham model mm 102 300 lb 11 300 in) oz) mm used for signal (10 at 40 metres, This gun can also be flares. The Webley 32 and 38 calibre Mk 4 revolvers These side arms are designed for close-quarter work and for personal defence. The break-open frame has a When the top strap of the barrel closed and the barrel catch is home, the breech fastenings form practically a solid mass. No force, short of one sufficient to tearthe metal through the solid, could blow the pistol open. The hammer design prevents firing when the revolver is not securely fastened at the breech. positive stirrup lock. is 38 calibre police and military model The -38 calibre police and military model is the latest and most efficient Webley revolver and embodies many new features. It offers power and accuracy with the 38 S and cartridge (1 45 grain bullet). W 38 and 32 calibre pocket model The -38 and -32 calibre pocket model has the same action and features as the police and military model but may be fitted with a small grip for handy pocket use or with a longer overhand pocket grip if required. A safety catch is included on this model. Section 10 Sensors and control systems for ground forces 221 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces ,/ r- s ; ZB 298 in action can be easily concealed, the height of the radar head being adjustable to provide a low silhouette. The remote display unit allows the operator to site himself behind cover The remote display unit contains all the operator controls. These have been kept Azimuth and elevation to a minimum. indicators are illuminated with Betalights 1 ZB 298 can be mounted on of military vehicles. typical 222 mount on a wide range The photo shows a a Chieftain tank Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Portable radar ZB 298 for short-range ground surveillance The ZB 298 short-range ground surveillance radar is designed to meet a UK General Staff requirement which in turn conformed to the NATO basic military requirement for this class of radar. ZB 298, now in quantity production and currently being delivered to the British Army as Radar GS No 14, Mk 1, meets the long-felt need for an all-weather day and night surveillance radar. Unskilled operators of ZB 298 after only a few days' training can speedily detect, recognise and provide accurate positional information (azimuth, range and angle of sight) and direction of movement on all forms of moving target on land and over water from a few metres out to 10 000 metres (64 miles). Helicopters Furthermore ZB 298 can be can also be detected. employed for observing ground or sea bursts of artillery and mortar fire and the correction of such fire on to both moving and stationary targets. The system is designed to be carried by two men (or one man in an emergency). It can also be mounted on almost any wheeled or tracked vehicle and operated from within, ZB 298 necessary with the hatches closed. if non-coherent pulsed doppler radar operating in X-band from a 24 V dc supply. Except for a long-life magnetron of proven high reliability, solidThe state techniques are employed throughout. complete system consists of a radar head, tripod, remotable display unit and battery power supply. When man-packed, the display unit clips to the base of The colthe radar head forming a one-man load. lapsible tripod and the battery carried in the accessory bag form the other load. The radar is inherently rugged and requires no extra protection or special cases for a is transit. in The equipment can be brought into or out of action 2-3 minutes: because a magnetron with short warm-up time used, the radar is ready for operation switching on. All operations of the in radar, including movement of the radar head performed from the elevation, be azimuth and can a few seconds is after which can be positioned 20 metres or more away from the radar head. The radar is operated by one non-technical operator, for instance an infantry display unit soldier. The display unit incorporates a unique solid-state display, which acquired and tracked, allows moving targets to be even in the presence of clutter and other interference, such es vegetation moving in An audio display (headset) facilitates a high wind. recognition of the type of movement (man/men walking, running, crawling, wheeled vehicle, tracked vehicle, helicopter, shell-burst, etc). A visor is provided for viewing the visual display in bright sunshine. Azimuth and elevation readouts and the telescope graticules (used for orientation) are illuminated with Betalights to facilitate operation at night. The following features are also provided: A confidence check facility which allows the operator to check instantly the correct functicning of the equipment, that line-of-sight conditions exist at any azimuth within radar range and to ensure that the elevation of the antenna is correctly set for optimum visual signal returns. 1000 metre audio alarm to give warning to the operator of the presence of any moving target over an extended range zone, to minimise operator fatigue. search arc indicator so that the operator can see at any time the position of the radar head within a pre-set azimuth sector. Indication is also given when the radar head has reached the limits of the allotted azimuth A sector. Indicators which show when the antenna has not aligned itself in either azimuth or elevation with the control settings. A battery warning lamp lights up when the battery requires changing. Also developed as part of the system are a training simulator capable of working off a mains supply and permitting the use of up to four standard display units, and test gear which permits rapid fault-finding and check-out using general radar technicians as opposed to specialists. Specification: Transmitter and antenna system Operating frequency: X-band Antenna beamwidth: horizontal 90 mils; Performance Maximum range: 10 000 metres vertical 90 mils Polarisation: vertical Output: 2-3 W Parameters Range coverage: 50-1 000 metres Azimuth traverse: 6400 mils electrically controlled from display unit Elevation limits: ^355 mils electrically controlled from display unit Temperature range: operating -40 C to 50 C; stored -40 C to 70 C Power supply: UK Army uses Varley 24 V secondary battery, non-spill lead-acid. Alternative batteries to meet special user requirements can be provided -: Weights (approximate) Radar head: 11-36 kg (25 lb) Display unit: 8-63 kg (19 1b) Tripod: Battery: Display system phosphide display covering any selected 1000-metre range zone. Adjustable in 500-metre steps and incorporating a 50-metre Fine range control allows adjustment of range to range marker bracket. 5 metres Audio display: headphone signals; audio gate position ganged to 50-metre range market bracket. A 1000-metre audio gate giving audio alarm over selected 1000 metres also incorporated Range presentation: numerical indicator tubes giving direct range reading in 5-metre steps Azimuth: direct-reading mils scale (2 mil graduations) Elevation: direct-reading mils scale (10 mil graduations) 1000 kg (22 lb) 1044 kg (23 lb) Visual display: gallium A member ELLIOTT of GEC-Marconi Physical dimensions Radar head 508 x 483 x 178 mm (20-19-7 in) Display unit: 508 x 1 78 x 203 mm (20 -7-8 in) Tripod: Length collapsed 610 mm (24 in), max dia 292 mm (1 1 \ in) Cables Data (display to tripod): 3 m long or 20 m. required Power (display to battery) 2 m : (78 A longer cable can be provided if in) Electronics Ltd AUTOMATION RADAR SYSTEMS LTD Mobile Radar Engineering Division Elstree Way, Borehamwood, Telephone: 01-953 2030 Hertfordshire, England Telex: 22777 223 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Cymbeline lightweight, mortar-locating radar equipment The equipment can be carried by six men, on a Land Rover, on a trailer or by helicopter J*r ^t-i j/J* - *•*# 224 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Cymbeline mortar-locating radar is a rugged lightweight portable radar for and for the adjustment of artillery fire. location mortar It is a completely self-contained radar system, including its own power supply, with a detachable display unit. The radar is mounted on a four-legged structure supported on screw jacks fitted with hydraulic absor- Cymbeline transmitter/receiver and the radar timing and computer modules. The display unit can be removed from the equipment box for remote operation for distances up to 1 6m (52ft). It consists of a short-persistence 'B' scope on which the radar returns are displayed. It also carries the the controls necessary for the operation of the radar. bers. all The antenna system consists of a Foster scanner which illuminates a parabolic cylinder reflector and The produces a pencil beam scanning in azimuth. complete radar head can be rapidly rotated to cover any required sector; for example, 1 80 deg rotation takes only When in transit the reflector folds down. 1 5sec. Below the antenna is an equipment box which houses the main radar unit, the power unit and the display unit during transit. The main radar unit contains The mortar co-ordinates are shown on another unit which is detached and can be used at distances up to 2m (6ft) from the display. The radar can be operated from any 1 kVA dc supply However, provision has been made for at 24V = = 4V. either a Wankel gasoline engine-driven generator or a hydrazine air fuel cell unit to be mounted on the equipment. These two units are being separately i developed as alternatives. Specification Physical Weight Weight Reliability 205kg (440lb) power supply (generator Radar of radar: of or fuel cell): 65kg (1461b) Height (stowed): 100cm (39iin) Height (operational): 220cm "(87in) Length: 175cm (69jin) Width: 160cm (63in) reliability: MTBF 200h Electronic units: fully sealed (excluding power source) and dessicated with air-to-air heat exchangers Power units 1, Wankel generator: weight, 65kg (1461b); 200h MTBF. Silence: inaudible at 100m (330ft) on Alternative and Radar system in reliability, a still day tropical night conditions Alternative 2, fuel cell: weight, 65kg (1461b); reliability, 500h MTBF Frequency: X band Aerial: Foster scanner with reflector Bearing limits: 9600mils total rotation Operating limits Temperature: -46 to Altitude: sea level to Performance Location range: out to 10 000m (1 1 : 52C 3000m (10 000ft) Wind conditions: no loss of accuracy up No damage up to 160km/h (100mph) 000yd) to 80km/h (50mph). EMI ELECTRONICS LIMITED Miiiiary Division Hayes, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01-537 3888 Cables: Emidata London Telex: 22417 |emi <$> 1968 225 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces FACE computer system FACE (Field Artillery for artillery fire control Computer Equipment) a mobile computing system for use in command posts and artillery battery survey computing centres to automate the is procedures associated with the preparagun firing and survey data. Advantages over manual methods include speed, elimination of human error under battle conditions and improved accuracy. FACE was developed in conjunction with the Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment and the School of Artillery at Larkhill. tion of Gun data role the information required to place a shell accurately on target is processed by the computer and displayed on the console. A single system can process information relating to two batteries, each containing up to eight guns, and in addition can deal with three other In this role all batteries, each treating battery on a battery centre basis. For each calibre of weapon in the gun data role and for the artillery survey role there is a program tape stored in a sealed cassette, and the data on this tape can be read into the computer by the loading unit within two program minutes. Artillery survey role the calculations necessary for survey are carried out. In this role, artillery Maintenance and repair No routine maintenance is required. A the program for each role provides the operator with a confidence check. A complete engineers' test diagnostic program is available for testing of computer and console. Use of these test facilities enables a fault to be traced to the defective unit. Furthermore, test test sequence sets in have FACE computer system installed in for which FACE installation vehicles Computer Console Power supply unit Program loading unit Teleprinter with RF suppression and can Teleprinter inverter in the vicinity of radar and highpowered communications equipment. be used It is . Battery 2 Technical data normal operation: A GEC-Marconi 14 9 31 81 44 51 20 5 11 83 183 Temperature units can work under ambient temperatures from -32 to -52 C 300W Electronics Installation All units can be installed in one vehicle Company MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD Military Division Road, Frimley, Camberley, Telephone: Camberley 63211 226 100 79 All Environment Complies with Def. Spec. DEF 133/L3 Chobham 45 36 37 20 23 De pth Width mm 490 490 260 450 540 220 220 220 610 mm in 19-2 19 2 10 1 17-5 21 8-6 8.6 8-6 23-8 230 470 410 310 560 240 170 170 350 in 90 18-6 160 12 2 21 8 9-4 6-6 6-6 13-7 . Power consumption In Supply control unit Teleprinter line adapter not affected by radiation at levels 10mW/cm Weight lb kg Unit Interference below Other British FV432 and FV610 Dimensions fault-finding. fitted Rover. available include the Weights and dimensions which simulates the control waveforms generated in the computer, and enables a technician with no knowledge of the computer to carry out comprehensive is kits are been developed which to be isolated to a sub- enable the fault unit, such as an electronic circuit panel. For the computer, a test set is available FACE long-wheelbase Land a Surrfey, England Cables: Elliotauto Camberley Telex: 85289 Sealing All units are fully sealed Height mm 820 590 590 310 360 220 220 180 310 in 320 230 23 12 2 14-1 8-6 8 6 70 12 2 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Seismic detectors and intruder alarm systems TOBIAS intruder alarm system The TOBIAS seismic intruder alarm system is designed day and to provide a small, easily portable, all-weather night surveillance system which does not require lineof-sight conditions, to meet the needs of all those involved in security, whether on the battlefield or for frontier or perimeter protection. It makes use of small, rugged, low-cost, passive sensors (geophones) which, because they are buried below ground level, are virtually undetectable. They may be sited near likely intruder approach routes or round a perimeter. Their deployment area can be many miles from the display unit. TOBIAS has four independent channels on each of which up to 20 geophones may be connected. Thus, if desired, a considerable frontage or perimeter can be protected by one system. Maximum detection distances for one geophone depend largely on the nature of the ground and the amount of natural and man-made seismic activity in the area, but for a walking man this is seldom less than a circle of radius of 50 metres round the sensor. Distances considerably in excess of this have been frequently achieved and circular detection patterns of 300 metres radius or more are not uncommon. Visual indication of movement on each channel is provided at the display unit; an aural display (headset) also allows the nature of movement on each channel to be recognised (man, animal, vehicle, etc). The aural display also allows operator to monitor activity on all four channels continuously and simultaneously. Power supply (contained in lid of display unit) is eight fcV standard 1 which provide a minimum U2 of (or equivalent) cells, 72 hours' continuous operation. Dimensions and weights Geophone: Width 3 8 cm (1 i in) Overall height, including spike Weight 163 grammes (5 1 oz) 1 2-7 cm (5 in) Display unit: Width 37-2 cm (14? Depth 28-9 cm (11 j in) in) Height 15-9 cm (6} in) Weight (excluding batteries) 5-5 kg (14; lb) «^vr* TOBIAS display unit, showing display panel and headset TOBIAS display unit, ready for carrying, shown with four geophones AIDA intruder alarm system To eliminate the need for continuous monitoring and at the same time to provide an effective intruder warning system in areas of high seismic activity (urban areas, Automation has developed AIDA, an automatic intruder alarm system. Again, seismic sensors are used which may be industrial estates, etc), Elliott deployed singly or in arrays buried in the ground, or attached to fences, gates, etc. The display console, which can be mounted on racks in a guardhouse or other building, can be set to provide an automatic alarm signal on, say, a man walking or crawling but not A member ELLIOTT of GEC-Marconi signals from sources such as road traffic, trains, machinery, etc. Alternatively the alarm could be passed down a telephone wire to a remote site or headquarters. The equipment includes comprehensive monitoring facilities which check correct functioning and, with a fail-safe facility, gives an alarm in the event of an attempt to interfere with the geophone arrays and connecting cables. As with TOBIAS, provision is made for the operator to monitor the alarm signal and thereby establish the nature of the intrusion. to react to interfering Electronics Ltd AUTOMATION RADAR SYSTEMS LIMITED Mobile Radar Engineering Division Elstree Way, Borehamwood, Telephone: 01 -953 2030 Telex: Hertfordshire, England 22777 227 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces IRIS Infra-red intruder system of the enemy's movements is essential. has been specifically designed to meet this requirement and to offer a light, low-cost, reliable and rugged equipment requiring the minimum of technical It ability to set up and operate efficiently in the field. from any convenient 12V supply. can be powered dc Delay circuitry has been built in to overcome false alarms such as birds flying through the beam. The basis of the system is an infra-red beam pro- Knowledge !RiS jected of the between a transmitter and a sensor; interruption beam causes an alarm to be triggered at a remote monitoring unit. The beam is extremely narrow it is virtually impossible to detect without interrupting reception by the sensor. The effective part of the beam is a narrow cylindrical 'pipe' about 40 and mm indiameterconnectingthetransmitterand sensor which must be completely obscured to give an alarm. particular, the transmitter and sensor may be In hidden in light foliage, amongst or behind small twigs and branches, etc. IRIS can be used both during day and at night over ranges of 200 m in average conditions. Even in fog, snow or tropical rain, a range of 50 m may be obtained. The system is designed to be 'fail safe' in that (1 i in) damage * Above: in the complete IRIS positions ""*NSMirTER equipment, showing the headset alternative or destruction of either transmitter or sensor, disconnection of the battery, or the cutting of the signal cables leading to the monitor will automatically indicate an alarm condition. Below: monitoring the IRIS infra-red intruder system A member of GEC-Marconi Electronics Ltd ELLIOTT AUTOMATION RADAR SYSTEMS LIMITED Mobile Radar Engineering Division Elstree Way, Borehamwood, Telephone: 01-953 2030 128 Telex: Hertfordshire, 22777 England Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Mine detector New lightweight model Mine detector No 4C The mine detector No 4C, now in general service with the British armed forces and the armed services of many other nations in all parts of the world, is the logical development of the well-proven models 4 and 4A. The most important innovation is the replacement of the thermionic valve-operated amplifier by a transistorised unit of modern design, and the fact that the control box is incorporated in the amplifier. As a result the entire equipment is now much lighter, the amplifier weighing only 1 -8 kg (4 lb) complete with battery, and much more compact and insensitive to mechanical shock and vibration. The mine detector comprises a search head mounted at the end of a telescopic pole (or handle), an amplifier unit and headphones, together with all interconnecting For transport these are stored in a robust case, which also contains a spare boxes, other battery, test extension cable and accessories. cables. wooden transit Right: an assault pioneer of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) using a mine detector No 4C to search for mines Below: the mine detector No 4C with all accessories and carrying case A Division of United Scientific Holdings Ltd UNITED SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS LTD Kirkman House, 54a Tottenham Court Road, London, W1 P OBQ, England Telex: 265403 Cables: Scodil London W1 Telephone: 01-636 5905 229 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Above: LNS 101 equipment showing standard units Below: the Chieftain tank 230 is fitted with LNS 101 equipment Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Land navigation systems for military vehicles Conditions of modern warfare demand that small units should be able to move rapidly about the battlefield under all conditions, but particularly at night or when visibility is poor. LNS 101 is a land navigation system that has been developed by the Aviation Electric Company using the Arma-Brown gyro compass as the standard heading A second system (LNS 102) is available, reference. using a magnetic heading transmitter where conditions of use do not warrant a gyro compass. Advantages These land navigation systems accurately and continuously compute and display the geographical location of the vehicle and the direction in which it is headed. The presentation is designed to let the commander use the information immediately without need for any manual plotting or calculating. The LNS makes it possible for crews of tanks and any other vehicles to navigate across unknown country quickly and easily even when features on the ground cannot be seen, as for instance in darkness, fog or smoke or when hatch covers must be kept closed. It also enables vehicles to navigate accurately in country devoid of landmarks, where reliable maps are not available or in areas lacking permanent topographical It permits the position of the vehicle to be quickly and accurately reported without map reading. The LNS 101 is supplied to the British, Canadian and US Armies for operational use in tanks such as the Chieftain and Centurion, and armoured personnel carriers such as the M1 1 3A1 The advantages of using a self-contained deadreckoning system have been firmly established. While armoured vehicles have received priority in respect to fitment of land navigation equipment, it has become increasingly evident that the ability to navigate under adverse conditions can be equally important in other vehicles used under combat conditions. features. Method of operation The continuous computation and display of the present position of the vehicle is obtained by automatic deadreckoning from a known starting point. The distance travelled by the vehicle is measured by the odometer drive, while the direction of travel of the vehicle is derived electrically from either a gyro compass or a magnetic heading transmitter. Prior to moving off, the starting point co-ordinates, obtained from a standard military map grid, are set into the appropriate units. Any subsequent movement of the vehicle is continuously followed and displayed. Specification Power requirements Operating conditions The equipment is designed 24 V dc obtained from vehicle battery Computer and all display units only: 2 A max LNS 101 System: 5 to 12 A running LNS 102 System: 4 A max to meet the following environmental conditions in accordance with Canadian Army specification CA-E126, 10 May 1962 and US Army MIL-N-52549 (ME) 4 January 1 967 and US Army TECP 700-700, 8 March 1 967, extracts of which are briefly stated below: Temperature: from -65 F (-54 C) to 1 50 F ( - 65 C) Range of operation Humidity: up to 100% relative humidity at varying temperatures wherein condensation takes place on the equipment in the form of both water and frost - Computer: no limit Indicator, heading and position: no Plotter, vehicle position: Scale Scale Scale Scala map limit Moisture: prolonged exposure to driving rain or snow and total immersion in fresh or salt water at covering depths up to 0-91 (3 ft) for 2 hours area: m 1/25 000 10km(E/W)x 8km(N/S) 1/50 000 20 km (E/W) x 16 km (N/S) 1/100 000 40 km (E/W) 32 km (N/S) 1/250 000 100 km (E/W) 80 km (N/S) Dust and sand: dust and sand particles as small as 10 microns concentration likely to be encountered in service Vibration: • accordance with CA-E126 and Speed range km/h (60 mph) any US Army TECP 700-700 Orientation: any Accuracy 1% distance travelled, whichever is Altitude the greater up to 3050 m (10 000 A Hawker S G in Shock: shock of the type encountered in any type of military vehicle moving Also, shock resulting from ballistic impact over extremely rough terrain. when mounted in an armoured vehicle Zero to 95 Within 50 meters or in in size BROWN LIMITED Greycaine Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, Telephone: Watford 27241 WD2 4XU, England Cables: Sidbrownix Watford Telex: 23408 ft) above sea Siddeley level Company f& 231 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces -a^fti Above: Rapier guided missile launcher and Rapier tracking system Above: Installing a laser rangefinder in a tank * 1 • 4 232 of laser rangefinder Below: Wire-heated windows Below: Infra-red binocular sight tr Above: Inside tank view *r ^V Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Optical equipment Sights, laser rangefinders and special optics Rapier tracking system & Stroud Limited has been responsible for the design and manufacture of the sighting optics and Barr sufficiently accurately for the missile to hit the target. system. Many difficult engineering and optical problems have had to be overcome to satisfy the required level of accuracy necessary for the Rapier tracking system. The sighting optics and line-of-sight drive mechan- The servo-optical section consists of an optical system with associated drive mechanisms and servo controls. It is the precision manufacturing and careful alignment of these optical and mechanical assemblies which enables the operator to direct the line of sight isms for the servo-optical section of the tracker unit are designed to match the complete Rapier tracking system for stability and durability. Consideration was also given at design stage to the extreme climatic conditions which are experienced in military service. line-of-sight drive mechanisms for the servo-optical section of the tracker unit used in the Rapier tracking Laser rangefinder LF2 LF2 is a fully engineered laser rangefinder designed for use in a tank; it can be fitted to other vehicles where space permits. Itis designed in conventionaltankgunner'ssightstyle, combining the function of a laser rangefinder with conventional tank sight optics. Thus the gunner has only to locate and sight on a target, then press the laser firing button to obtain a range. Range read-out is afforded by an eyepiece positioned to minimise head movement. The equipment consists (1) the combined laser and sighting equipment, laser of two separate units: sight unit containing the transmitter, receiver and associated electronics; (2) the power unit. Laser rangefinder LF2 is of robust construction to withstand vibration and extreme climatic conditions experienced in military service. Driver's infra-red binocular sights Driver's sights CU9, CU10 and CU13, permit night driving of military vehicles of illumination. without using a visible form These sights are binocular periscopic instruments differing only in the position of their exit are angled to give optimum driving comfort for different driving positions. They afford stereoscopic vision and have large exit pupils providing vision comfort. The sights convert the radiation from the vehicle's beams which infra-red light source into visible light and because of the wide field of view combined with wide-aperture optics, driving at night using the sights compares favourably with night driving using a visible form of illumination. The sights are robust instruments, designed to withstand vibration and extreme climatic conditions experienced in military service. Wire-heated windows Barr & Stroud wire-heated windows are particularly suitable for military sighting instruments where exceptional optical performance and electrical reliability are required. These precision-made yet rugged windows do not have diffraction effects, and retain definition throughout their operating temperature range, typically - 65 to -50 C. Light transmission is not less than 90% and there are none of the grading and delamination problems frequently associated with conducting film windows. Windows are available in a variety of shapes and sizes; thermostatic control can be provided. Infra-red materials Calcium aluminate glasses transmit from the ultraviolet to over 5;j. and combine high strength and hardness with resistance to abrasion and thermal shock. A new arsenic triselenide glass transmits well from 1-5 to 16a and when anti-reflection coated has over 90% in transmission in the 8-1 4;x band. Other materials are available and all can be supplied a variety of forms including domes, lenses, prisms and plates. BARR & STROUD LIMITED Caxton Street, AR R Anniesland, Glasgow W3, Scotland Telephone: 041-954 9601 Cables: Telemeter Glasgow Telex: 778114 AND ST R OUD .233 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces The problem All soldiers know the difficulty of aiming at night, or when there is not enough light to line their sights with the target. Unless his sights are illuminated the firer must rely on rough weapon alignment with only a small chance of hitting the enemy. Illuminated sights are therefore essential, but while being easily seen by the firer they must not be so bright, or so positioned, that they interfere with his view of the target under difficult night conditions. The illuminations must also be self-energising, free from deterioration (as occurs with luminous paints), free from radio-activity hazard and long-lasting. The Trilux night sight meets all these requirements. It is unique, simple, safe, adaptable, long-lasting and robust. The solution The Trilux night sight consists of: Foresight. The blade incorporates a luminous glass tube, coated on the inside with phosphorus which is activated by tritium gas. The glass tube is manufactured for the Royal Small Arms Factory by Saunders-Roe Developments Limited. It has the following advantages: Its brightness can be varied in manufacture to meet the requirement; its size allows it to be adapted to all known weapon foresights; the illuminant is completely sealed; it has a long half life of 8-10 years. Various configurations of foresight blade as made at the Royal Small Arms Factory are illustrated. Backsight. This incorporates a large aperture of the optimum size to match the requirement of the nightadapted eye. As with any small daylight aperture the firer instinctively places the illuminated foresight in the centre of the aperture. Ease of use The technique of firing is simple and a trained soldier can be instructed in a matter of 10 minutes. Effectiveness World-wide trials by the British Army show that, under light conditions where a man-sized standing target can just be seen between 20 and 50 metres, the average firer will score 70 per cent hits. Using Trilux night sights a soldier can effectively engage all targets out to the furthest distance at which he can see them: From 15 metres dark night and background. To 300 metres light night and background. Apart from its night-firing advantage the Trilux night sight increases accuracy in 'quickfire' engagements. — — Security The luminous tube away give the concealed from direct view by the enemy, and is firer's field tests in poor daylight conditions and have shown that the sight does not position at night. Adaptation to your weapons In addition to the British Army rifle and machine gun, sights have been made and fitted to a number of overseas weapons including the Colt AR15, Heckler and Koch G3, FN's FAL, the US M1 and M14 and the Italian BM59 (M1 7-62 conversion). The system can either be in the form of clip-on-sights, or permanently fitted replacement , for the existing iron sights. Further information and quotations for the Enfield Trilux night sights can be obtained from the Director of Sales (A), Ministry of Defence, at the address given below. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Director of Sales (Army) St Christopher House, Telephone: 01-928 7999 234 Southwark Street, London SE1, England mm Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Night sight shooting Trilux foresight for in the dark Typical foresight arrangements L1A1 rifle and FAL German G3 rifle A Flat-sided pillar-type adjustable for elevation zeroing. A Trilux tube is mounted centrally for Trilux maximum rear protection, facing the firer with two portholes' fixed block, rifle with a the backward-sloping or clip-on-blade type tube mounted in edge of the blade, and visible through narrow slit, or portholes US AR 15 rifle Adjustable pillar-type, with portholes, similar to the L1A1. Trilux sights for other rifles and machine guns are also available either a 235 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces User's view (left) of the operational position of the Vickers periscopic sight No 30 Mk A view 1. of the sighting right, head while below the adjusting of the aperture is shown at the view showing knobs and illumination is a unit Below is the Vickers AA radar elbow telescope No 2 Mk 1, while at the left it is shown ium carrying case 236 in its alumin- Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Sights and telescopes General-purpose and radar alignment Periscopic sight The Vickers periscopic sight No 30 Mk 1 for armoured vehicles (NATO ref. No. 1240-99-200-7856) is a It is fitted robust optical precision instrument. as equipment on the Centurion tank. standard Two adjusting knobs are provided which, set in midpoint reading, are capable of moving the graticule (in system) at least 18mil to each side of this the 8x setting. The sighting head is removable, being held by hinged which are operated easily through an eccentric hinge pin, notched at the end. Spare sighting heads can be supplied, each being interchangeable with latches the other. is provided to the graticule. sight is located in a mounting by means of two Weight of the complete sight is side trunnions. 6 35kg (141b). Replacement parts can be supplied. Electric illumination The Optical characteristics Telescope 8 x system Field of view diam. Exit pupil EFL objective EFL eyepiece Eyepiece focusing Alignment telescope The Vickers AA radar elbow (NATO ref. No. Mk 1240-99-960-4670— OS 1314 MA) telescope No 2 1 is robust telescope suitable for the accurate alignment of radar systems. The body of the telescope is a onepiece component to ensure stability of the sight line and includes graticule illumination ports. The telescope is supported by the two stainless steel a -i Infinity sight 8°-30' Field of view, vertical 4-45mm Field of view, bino 249 68mm 31 -47mm Field of view, 1 X 9"-0' 11°-45' 45--30' mono 2i dioptres end rings which are an integral part of the telescope body. Weight telescope the of 0-76kg is (2lb 11oz), excluding the case. A robust aluminium carrying case can be supplied if required. Collimation The aligned to the mechanical axis to within ±30sec but a finer tolerance of ±15sec can be achieved if required. Although this telescope is set at infinity, it can be adjusted to suit customers' own requirements, ie to focus down to 18-28m (60ft) optical axis is minimum. A typical graticule pattern is a 20-min square sub- divided into four 10-min squares, with the horizontal and vertical cross lines divided into two-min intervals. Other patterns can be produced to suit customers requirements. Optical characteristics Magnification » 7 view 6 deg Apparent field 42 deg Field of Exit pupil 3mm Eye relief 21 mm Focusing adjustment ±3 dioptres VICKERS LIMITED Vickers Instruments Haxby Road, York, Y03 7SD, England Telephone: York 24112 Cables: Coordinate York vicKers 237 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Navigation system Sperry vehicle navigator is an automatic and an entirely self-contained navigation system that continuously and accurately displays a vehicle's co-ordinates and heading, relieving the commander of the necessity to calculate No external reference is required; the his position constantly and freeing him for his other vital tactical tasks. completely immune enemy interference. The therefore to equipment is in world-wide general service is system with the British Army, has been sold in quantity to the Swedish Army and is on evaluation trials throughout the world. The Sperry Navigator Specification r^jTVyfe COMPUTER Overall accuracy Heading, magnetic version: better than 1 deg (18mils) Directional gyro version better than 5 deg (10 mils) Position: better than 1% of the distance travelled Environmental standard: meets all British Army requirements Operating temperature range: -40 C to 60 C : Inputs distance run (from vehicle transmission) 1 2: heading reference (magnetic detector or gyro) : 3: 24V dc magnetic system (about 6A) 1 -5A. gyro system 1 A plus gyro consumption Outputs 1 : vehicle heading in mils an eight-figure 2: vehicle position as map reference Weight: 11 -5kg (25lb) Dimensions: 277mm (10 88in) wide 222mm 211mm (8 69m) high (8-31 in) deep HEADING INPUT Magnetic detector unit Weight: 91 kg (2 2lb) Dimensions: 120mm (4 75in) diameter Boom: non-magnetic metal System readiness time: immediate System power consumption: 1 -5A or directional gyro Input: 1 1 5V 3-phase 400Hz from 24V inverter Weight: master unit 4-1 kg (9lb) Dimensions: 184mm (7-25in) wide 176mm 243mm 94m) high (9-56in) deep (6 Power consumption: 40VA at 115V 3-phase 400Hz Readiness time: better than 2min Total drift rate: 15mils/h or north-seeking gyro The equipment can also accept nputs from a north-seeking gyroscope MAP DISPLAY (optional) A map display designed and developed by Sperry is available as an optional extra. It gives a continuous visual indication of the vehicle's position by the intersection of the two cursors driven by the computer. The vehicle commander can slip the map out of the display and take it with him for marking up at briefing meetings, orders groups, etc. No map preparation other than folding around a platen is required and the displayed area can be quickly changed. Any one of three scales can be selected. The map display meets Finabel military requirements. SPERRY GYROSCOPE DIVISION Sperry Rand JL Limited Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1QL, England Telephone. Bracknell 3222 238 Cables: Sperigyco Bracknell Telex: 84129 , -, Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Optical systems Sights, telescopes, periscopes Defence Instruments (Optical) Ltd, in association with Charles Frank Ltd and Survey and General Instrument Co Ltd, carries a wide range of instruments and spares current, obsolescent and obsolete. Included in our range are periscopic sights, stereoscopic telescopes for armoured fighting vehicles, tank periscopes, tank episcopes, rangefinders, artillery directors, dial sights, binoculars, etc. Since we have design, repair and manufacturing facilities, we can undertake to overhaul, modify or re-build. Catalogues can be supplied on request. Details of our optical instruments photogrammetry and surveying in this will and equipment for be found elsewhere Catalogue. Overhead projector for personnel training In conjunction with our associate company, of developing a we are in the process combined overhead projector and episcope. Data are available on request. DEFENCE INSTRUMENTS (OPTICAL) LTD 145 Queen Street, Glasgow C1, Scotland Telephone: 041-221 6666 Cables: Binocam Glasgow 239 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Gun sight with automatic digital elevation read-out This automatic digital elevation (ADE) sight is based on a gravity sensing device which provides a horizontal datum. A sensor is fitted to the elevating mass of a gun and its output is relayed to digital readouts. As the gun is elevated or depressed its elevation is continuously displayed on a counter. This obviates presetting of the elevation and laying by bubble and lends itself to automation. It improves the accuracy as it measures the actual elevation of the elevating mass, its readout can be set to 0-25 mil and the layer's task vastly simplified. to existing guns. is It The sensing head can be fitted swiftly and simply standard equipment and is designed to be interchangeable with any other head unit and to be mounted on any gun. The head, which has a cross-levelling capability, is fixed to the elevating mass. No accurate aligning of the sensing unit to the gun barrel is necessary as this is done electronically is when sight testing. The electronic unit carries all the electronics necessary for the operation of the sight. It can be mounted in any convenient place on the gun or in the turret. The miniaturised components, using silicon transistors and integrated circuits, are mounted on a number of plug-in printed circuit boards which facilitate maintenance as they are easily and rapidly replaceable. The mean time between failures (MTBF) is more than 2000 hours. The display unit is a standard design and is common to all equipments. It incorporates two pairs of light indicators. The first pair shows whether the detector head cross axis is level and, if not, in which direction it is inclined. The second pair indicates to the layer whether he is elevating or depressing within the speed range of the sight. Specification Dimensions mm mm 90 mm Electronic unit: 230 x 1 90 \ 1 1 5 Digital display unit: 210 > 1 1 5 y Sensing head: 200 1 90 1 85 Weight 36 Electronic unit: kg Digital display unit: 1 -4 kg Sensing head: 8-5 kg Power requirements: 24 V 1 A max 1600 mils (90) Angular range: Automatic reciprocating sight bracket This carries the azimuth sight, automatically maintains it vertically and offsets the sight line when the gun is elevated over tilted trunnions. The elevation is supplied to it by the ADE sight. Laying is considerably simplified and is speeded up. In the event of breakdown or enemy action reversion can be made to the manual mode as at present. The carrier can befitted to any gun and can be adapted Being unconnected mechanicwith the elevating mass it can be mounted anywhere on the traversing mass. for any azimuth sight. ally Specification Dimensions: 410 Weight- 27 2 kg • 380 355 mm Power requirements: 24 V 2 A max compensation: 180 mils R L(10°) Tilt These units, together with a data link between gun and command post (field computing equipment), can form the basis of an automatic sighting system. Automatic reciprocating sight bracket an Abbot self-propelled gun installed in The ADE sight comprising sensing head, switchbox and BRITISH AIRCRAFT Precision Products Six Hills Group Way, Stevenage, Telephone: Stevenage 2422 240 CORPORATION LIMITED Herts, Cables: England Britair Stevenage Telex: 82125 digital display unit A Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Gyro-stabilised sight Avimo-Ferranti series for vehicle-borne The Avimo-Ferranti AF.120 is adaptable sighting system stabilised to vehicle-borne Type weapon systems. these applications sighting can be effected on the move. Anti-vibration mountings smooth out inherent high-frequency low-amplitude vibrations and an integral gyroscope stabilises the sightline against larger Two magnifications of the viewed disturbances. stabilised image are provided: low magnification with a large field of view and high magnification with a small field of view. A thumb-operated switch on the tracking control is used to obtain the required magnification. An electrically driven gyroscope is directly coupled to the top mirror of a periscopic arrangement stabilising Any the sightline against pitch and yaw motions. movement in roll only causes apparent rotation of the image. In any periscopic mirror arrangement rotation of one mirror about a vertical axis causes an apparent tilt of In weapons the viewed horizon. The Avimo-Ferranti sight incorporates an automatic image-tilt correction prism which maintains the viewed horizon correctly orientated throughout the yaw motions of the sightline. Since the mirror is electrically controlled, a variety of tracking control configuration and positions is available. The bi-ocular eye-pieces remain in a forwardlooking direction at all times. In both axes, azimuth and elevation, the rate at which the mirror scans is related to the movement made of the tracking control handle. The scan rate is thus directly controlled by the operator. The servo-driven rotating head on the top of the sight protects the top mirror from buffeting by external forces and ensures that an optically acceptable window is provided at the correct angle to receive the top mirror image. The window is fitted with an electrically driven wiper with washing and de-misting facilities. The sight is collapsible for easy storage. Specification Magnification: X 2-5; X10 Fields of view: >2ff ( 2-5); Deflection of the field of view: >5 C ± 60 ( x 10) azimuth; 60 elevation : (total) Tracking rates: azimuth up to 40/sec; elevation up to 6 /sec Total exploration field with stationary eye-piece: azimuth 140 elevation 80 Eyepiece: bi-ocular (5 exit pupil) Interpupillary distance: 56 to 72 Independent eyepiece focusing: -5 to - 2 dioptres (6-5 in) distance Vertical adjustments: over 165 The type AF.120 sight can be fitted with a simulator spot injection unit which, together with an analogue unit located at a convenient position within a helicopter, provides the Additionally, necessary simulation for operator training. where operator training performance is required to be monitored, a camera can be fitted which films simulated engagements as well as live firings. The simulated missile flight is represented by a light spot projected on the face of a cathode-ray tube within the spot injection unit. The light spot is injected into the operator eyepiece and therefore into the field of view. The camera input is so arranged that it can record the field of view with the injected spot or real firing. The spot-injection unit is mounted on the lower optical assembly. The voltage inputs to drive this unit are provided by a small analogue and power supply unit. The initial conditions on the missile analogue are set up by the instructor The analogue unit controls launch attitude and missile launch relative to aircraft speed, together with range, etc. The analogue is designed on the modular principle so that different missile simulations can be set up by changing plug-in board components. The size of the analogue and (12-5x5x8 in) power supply unit is 317 127 203 ; mm mm mm mm The illustration shows the Avimo-Ferranti Type AF.120 gyro-stabilised sight assembly with the mounting frame for installation in Scout and Components of the spothelicopters. injection unit for the simulator are also shown Wasp FERRANTI LIMITED Aircraft South Equipment Department Hill Park, Easthampstead, Bracknell, Berkshire, England Telephone: Bracknell 4202 Telex: 84117 FERRANTI 241 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Periscopes and cupolas for all-round vision in fighting vehicles Helio periscopes and cupolas for fighting vehicles give personnel maximum vision coupled with safety. The periscope illustrated is the one now replacing the original instruments fitted to the cupola of the Chieftain tank and versions of it are under development for the Scorpion, Fox and other British fighting vehicles. Prototypes for M.109, M.113, Leopard, AMX series and several other fighting vehicles are also under development. These instruments, which can be produced to fit most types of military vehicles, are non-reflecting and of advanced design embodying several advantages: Immunity from detection by reflected light from the sun, a searchlight or an infra-red source. Immunity to the crew from shattering glass, because the two prisms comprising the periscope are isolated so that if the upper prism is damaged in action the lower prism protects the 1) 2) user's eyes. Synthetic rubber encapsulation affords protection to the periscope and the user, allows easy withdrawal for replacement and provides a sealed instrument. The periscope is fully desiccated and nitrogen-filled. Collimation of line-of-sight during manufacture ensures that when used as a nest of periscopes a common horizon is obtained without further adjustment. The instrument remains fully operational over the temperature range -40 C to — 80 C and can withstand air transportation in an unpressurised cabin at 11 200 m (37 000 ft) without damage and an external water head of 46 m (1 5 ft) without leakage into the periscope or vehicle. Better light transmission compared with a plastics type periscope results in far greater efficiency under threshold conditions of dawn and dusk. Prisms are flush-faced for ease of cleaning and the periscope is suitable for mechanical wiping. In place of the usual coating of black paint a layer of black glass is fused to the matt surfaces of prisms to ensure 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) *) 9) permanent The of the No 40 Mk 2 periscope optical contact. illustration on the right shows part of the ring No 40 Mk 2 periscopes giving all-round vision No 17 cupola, designed and produced by Helio in in MVEE for a Chieftain variant. Indicated diagramatically below are the four hatch positions possible on this cupola. Changing from one position to another takes only a few seconds. conjunction with No 1 7 cupola Below: the four hatch positions of the No We UMBRELLA 7 cu pola s r^ CLOSED 1 V 90°OPEN FULLY OPEN be glad to carry out design studies on any aspect of sighting periscopes or cupolas within the scope of our facilities. A shall Division of United Scientific Holdings Limited HELIO MIRROR COMPANY LIMITED Crabtree Manorway, Belvedere, Kent, England Telephone: 242 Erith 32142 Cables: Scodil London W1 Telex: 265403 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces AM artillery AMETS meteorological survey self-contained, computer-based, mobile meteorological station designed for the British Army, forobtaining and processing information on atmospheric conditions. The system comprises conventional radiosonde launching, receiving and radar tracking equipment with a specially designed data-processing system. is a The data-processing system capable of producing accurate meteorological information almost instantaneously in immediately usable form as the balloon ascends. There are no delays while the information is processed manually, no highly trained operators and no chance of human error. The equipment has been is designed and built to military specifications. This knowledge of computer-based data processing be applied to many other aspects of military management. It has particular application where command and control decisions have to be taken rapidly, and where all relevant information has to be called up and presented to the commander or staff can cell. The elimination immediate access of human staff great flexibility and generate new and speed NBC | / with commanders and response to amend of plans. RADAR DISPLAY D G TAL RADAR CONSOLE coupled errors, to information, give UNIT | DISPLAY UNIT PROGRAM LOADING UNIT INTERCOM JUNCTION TELEPRINTER BOX TECHNICIAN'S COMPARTMENT POWER SUPPLY CONSOLE MONITOR BOXES COMPUTER COMPUTER TEST SET BATTERY POWER SUPPLY TEST SET COMPARTMENT AIR CONDITIONING CABLE DRUM LOCKER UNIT Cut-away view of a typical AMETS system for providing commanders with virtually instantaneous information on meteorological conditions. The entire computer-based system can be mounted on one general-purpose vehicle A GEC-Marconi Electronics Company MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD Military Division Chobham Road, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey, England Telephone: Camberley 63311 Cables: Elliotauto Camberley Telex: 85289 243 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Gun for Gun all control equipment types of fighting vehicle improves the battle performance of a tank by ensuring faster target engagement and a higher first-round hit probability while firing on the move. The all-electric system fitted to the Centurion and Chieftain tanks has proved to be the most suitable for fighting vehicles. stabilisation The EC517 gun control and stabilisation equipment is an all-electric system. The equipment uses all "the latest techniques to provide a gun-laying and stabilisation performance which has been proved under battle conditions. The system has been selected forthe Vickers main battle tank and enquiries are invited from companies or countries who wish to improve the performance of their present tanks or who require new equipment for projects under development. Centurion modernisation Centurion tank gun-control equipment may be modified using the EC517 system. This not only secures the advantage of improved performance, but also increases reliability, simplifies operation and reduces procurement problems. The equipment can be fitted to replace the FV/GCE No 1 equipment during a normal rework period at a base workshop, no change to the Centurion vehicle being necessary. Centurion tank on manoeuvres EC517 gun A GEC-Marconi Electronics Company MARCONI RADAR SYSTEMS LIMITED AEI Control Engineering Department New Parks, Leicester, LE3 1UF, England Telephone: Leicester 871 331 244 Cables: Assocelect Leicester Telex: 34551 control equipment Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Infra-red sights Portable and vehicle-mounted Infra-red sights for armoured vehicles These infra-red periscopes are either for permanent fitting in tanks and armoured vehicles or for substitution for the normal daylight periscopes to provide They are of the latest binocular pattern two types, one for use at the gunner's the other for use by the commander. night vision. and are made position, in The majority of parts are identical to both types but whereas the gunner's sight has an illuminated graticule and is rigidly aligned to the gun, the commander's sight has a field of view which is adjustable in elevation for observing near or far objects. The sights are operated from the 24 V electrical system of the vehicle. They are of extremely rugged construction and completely waterproof and are not affected by gunfire or bumps and vibrations. facilities can be provided any make of tank or vehicle. Engineering them into for fitting Projector/searchlights for use with the sights are supplied as separate units to meet specific requirements. Commander's Gunner's sight sight Specification 13° Depth of focus: 30 m Field of view: Eyepiece setting: Infra-red weapon 24 V tank supply (negative or positive earth) Temperature range: -40 C —70 C Magnification: 2-8 X Tubes and spares: details on request Power supply: ; (1 00 ft) 2 dioptre to infinity sight for infantry This is a portable infra-red system used by infantry for night combat, consisting of an infra-red projector and monocular telescope combined in a single light-weight unit. It may be used with any make of rifle, machine-gun or anti-tank weapon. Special brackets enable the unit to be quickly attached or detached from the weapon. Adjustments are provided for accurate alignment of the illuminated graticule with the weapon sights, and for optimum positioning of the projector. The unit is operated from a 6 V portable battery which provides six hours of continuous use. This is regarded as adequate for a typical one-night operation. The battery is carried in a webbing pouch and is rechargeable. All electrical parts are suitably enclosed and the unit is panclimatic and immersible. It conforms to the relevant NATO standards and to the specifications of the defence forces of most countries. Muzzle bore sights Muzzle bore sights are optical devices for checking and adjusting the accuracy of gun-sights. The standard muzzle bore sight is a right-angled telescope for fitting in the muzzle of the gun to enable it to be accurately trained on a target. The gun-sight, or the graticule of the gunner's periscope, is then independently adjusted to the target, which brings it into exact alignment with the gun barrel. With this device the aiming accuracy can thus be checked at any time without going on to a firing range or expending ammunition. special muzzle bore sight also The includes a reference telescope for inserting in the breech end of the gun barrel which enables the ballistic performance of the gun to be measured with great accuracy. Muzzle bore sights can be provided with adaptors number of different sizes of barrel, including 76 mm, 105 mm, 120 mm, a 20 pounder and suitable for a 5-5 and 6-5 in. These instruments were designed in consultation with the British Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment, are fully approved by the Ministry of Defence and are in service with the British Army and many other armies throughout the world. THE MEL EQUIPMENT COMPANY LIMITED Manor Royal, Crawley, Sussex, England Telephone: Crawley 28787 Telex: 87267 ©oo 245 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Sound ranging system for locating artillery positions by radio that eighty percent of the battlefield casualties in the Second World War were caused by artillery fire. As a result much effort was made to destroy or neutralise enemy artillery by counter-bombardment. However, before counter-bombardment fire can be brought to bear, the enemy weapon must first be located. Analysis has With this in shown mind the Plessey gun sound ranging system No 2 Mk 1 has been developed. cm* SOUNDS ggppHHHHHHHHHHanMHaMMMn ' I" 111111 HHIIIIIIIIII REMOTE SWITCHING UNIT SOUND RANGING COMMAND POST(CP) Sound ranging is a means of locating a sound source, based on the assumption that sound travels uniformly from its source at a known velocity. A typical sound ranging base consists of seven microphones, connected by a data transmission link to a data recording and processing centre. To achieve an accurate location, the position of each of the microphones must be fixed by precise survey, and the time intervals must be corrected for non-standard atmospheric conditions. An observer is deployed in the forward area at an advanced post. It is his task to listen to the enemy artillery fire and to switch the system on when he wishes it to record. He also provides additional information such as estimated type and calibre of weapon, number of rounds fired and so on. This information is relayed to the data recording and processing centre by radio. Two advanced posts are normally deployed. Sound ranging has three applications: 2. The location of a hostile weapon (passive role) The adjustment of counter-bombardment fire by sound comparison (active role) 3. Self-help procedures: 1 a. Assuming surveyed microphone data are not available: (1) The calculation of microphone co-ordinates accuracy) (at reduced veyed detonations (2) locating sur- calculation of relative microphone co-ordinates, for adjustment of fire procedures, by locating the shellburst of a The co-operating b. by fire unit (base registration) The calculation of meteorological correction in the absence of a standard sound ranging meteorological message, by locating data, surveyed detonations. THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics Group Vicarage Lane, llford, Telephone: 01-478 3040 246 Essex, England Telex; 23166 'J/lAwwV] 1969 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Optical equipment for military use Tank sights, periscopic sights, rifle sights, services binoculars, gun-mounted binoculars, paralleloscopes Rank Kershaw manufactures a wide range of sights, and bore telescopes for all aspects of military use and to specific requirements, as well as a binoculars standard range of aerial reconnaissance lenses, optomechanical systems and fibre optic products. RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LIMITED Rank Kershaw Industrial Division 200 Harehills Lane, Leeds, LS8 5QS, England Telephone: Leeds 624601 Cables: Science Leeds Telex: 55162 247 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Passive night sight for armoured fighting vehicles Fox image intensifier night sight These image intensifier night sights are designed for use the turret of fighting vehicles such as the Fox and Scorpion. They have two roles: firstly they enable the gunner to locate, identify and engage targets at night without recourse to artificial lighting, and secondly they may be used for general surveillance. The sights contain two objectives mounted one within the other. The outer one, which is selected when the sight is to be used in its primary role, has a magnification of 58 (Fox), 65 (Scorpion). The inner one, which is selected when the sight is to be used for 1-6 (Fox), surveillance, has a magnification of x1 -8 (Scorpion). A flap shutter isolates the low-magnification objective when the high-magnification objective is in use and an iris diaphragm isolates the high-magnification objective when the low-magnification objective is mounted in selected. The iris diaphragm may also be used to reduce the light-gathering power of the high-magnification objective to suit the brightness of the target. A flash shutter, operated electrically from the gun the image intensifier tube from the effects of gun muzzle flash. firing button, protects Either a setting graticule or a ballistic graticule be illuminated may when the high-magnification objective is in use. The former is selected when the sight is to be correlated with the gun and is used in conjunction with a bore sight. The latter is used for laying the gun. The graticules are adjustable in tangential elevation and azimuth and are ganged together so that the ballistic graticule becomes aligned when the setting graticule is being adjusted. A circular graticule may be illuminated when the low-magnification objective is in use and this defines that portion of the field which would be covered if the high-magnification objective were to be selected. The illumination of all the graticules may be adjusted to suit the brightness of the target. The exposed window of the objective, which is a plane window, is cleared by a wiper and washer and the eyepieces are prevented from fogging by thermostatically controlled eyepiece heaters. RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LIMITED Metrology Division Langston Road, Debden Telephone: 01-508 5522 248 Industrial Estate, Loughton, Essex, England Cables: Survey Loughton Telex: 23855 1966 1967 1968 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Individual weapon sight L1A1 for direct fire and surveillance The L1A1 weapon individual designed to be used with infantry was originally weapons for engage- sight ment of targets at night. It relies solely on natural moonlight or starlight illumination of the target, even under darkest jungle conditions. The sight is selfcontained and consists of three integrated units: the primary optical system (which can be focused from 10 metres to infinity), the main body (which incorporates the graticule, intensifier tube, oscillator and power supply), and the magnifier. The graticule is adjustable in elevation and azimuth for weapon align- ment. The incorporated battery provides about 100 hcurs intermittent operation and can be readily replaced in darkness without breaking the seal of the complete unit. The sight carries a device enabling it to be boresighted to the weapon during daylight and this also enables the sight to be used in dawn and dusk conditions. Brackets are available to enable the sight The sight has to be mounted on various weapons been thoroughly tested by the British Ministry of Defence and has its full approval. Above: Individual weapon sight L1A1 Below: weapon sight mounted on general-purpose machine gun RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LIMITED <®> Metrology Division Langston Road, Debden Telephone: 01-508 5522 Industrial Estate, Loughton, Essex, England Cables: Survey Loughton Telex: 23855 Son 1967 1968 249 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Night viewing aids Betalights (Trilux lamps) for military equipment Betalights are low-level light sources that require no power supply, batteries or electrical connections. Betalights are available in a variety of shapes, sizes and a range of colours: they do not require maintenance and have a useful life generally in excess of the equipment in which they are used. Betalights have already been adopted for-a wide range of military uses. Some of them are shown below, while details of others are readily available on request. The British and other armies have already shown that Betalights increase mobility and improve efficiency. Betalight illuminated rifle foresights have improved night firing accuracy by an average of 70 percent. The leve of illumination has been chosen to give adequate rear visibility for the soldier firing without being visible It cannot be from long distances. seen from the front. The Betalight illuminated aiming post lamp is a single 227 g (8 oz) unit which can be carried in the pocket. It contrasts very favourably with previous methods which required a power supply or batteries. Betalight illuminated level and graticules are available bubbles for a wide range of sighting equipment. The components are easily assembled without the added complication of considering wiring problems. 1 md Panel illumination by Betalights gives absolute reliability without maintenance and a life that is usually longer than that of the equipment itself. No heat is generated, no battery is required and there is no need for any wiring connections. Betalight illuminated map and message readers largely eliminate the risk of security lapses caused by torches and similar devices. The Stanley Mk 4 prismatic compass has Betalight illumination on the dial, index ring and sighting points. The level of illumination is superior to conventional luminous paint, making readings more accurate and greatly reducing eye strain. SAUNDERS-ROE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED <®> North Hyde Road, Hayes, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01 -573 3800 Cables: 250 Airily London Telex: 22121 1970 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Fire-control aids ground forces for A wide range of instruments is available from United Scientific Instruments Ltd to aid in the control of two typical units being shown here. Details of other instruments and equipment are available artillery fire, on request. Light fire-control plotter FBA No 1 Mk 1 This fire-control plotter provides quick and accurate solutions of the various problems concerning the deduction of map data for artillery and mortar fire. It can be used successfully with almost any type of field artillery equipment. The plotter operates over a complete arc of 6400 mils (360 ) about the gun position, and out to a range of 20 000 metres, at a scale of 1 :1 2 500. It has been designed in a lightweight version which allows for easy air-portability, and measures only 1 8 in). 580 460 (23 mm \ M Gun rule The gun and fuze indicator, for NATO 105 mm and fuze indicator illustrated is specifically designed for use with the 105 mm pack howitzer, now standard equipment with several NATO armies. Use of the gun rule gives two important advantages: a) Simplification of command post drills. The command post need only deduce the map azimuth and range to the target, without having to look up the quadrant elevation, and b) More accurate shooting. The individual muzzle pack howitzer velocities of the different rule respective gun guns can be rules; this will set on their concentrate the fire of the guns. Use of the fuze indicator allows quick and accurate calculation of the fuze setting for mechanical time fuzes, to achieve an airburst over the target. It allows the observation post officer to adjust range and height of burst separately. % « ... -, < 5f% " A Division of United Scientific Holdings Ltd UNITED SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS LTD Kirkman House, 54a Tottenham Court Road, London, Telephone: 01-636 5905 Cables: Scodil London W1 Telex: W1 P 0BQ, England 265403 251 Section 10: Sensors and control systems for ground forces Small arms day/night sight Avimo This sight increases the effectiveness of small arms operation particularly during low light level conditions because of its very high light transmission. The sight has a graticule illuminated by a trithium light source which is easily adjustable. It has been designed to meet stringent military specifications. Different mounts are available which incorporate adjustments for zeroing in azimuth and elevation. Small portable radar torch: SPRAT Telephone: Taunton 81071 This 1 Light transmission: mm 65% Exit pupil dia: 7 mm mm Length: 290 Weight: 330 grammes Focus: fixed is Cables: a hand-held ground-surveillance primarily intended for military use. SPRAT was Establishment Avimo Taunton radar designed by the Royal Radar Surveillance Section), It is now being the prototypes. manufactured and sold by Avimo Ltd under a licence from the British Ministry of Technology. SPRAT is a clutter-locked pulse doppler radar. who also (Battlefield made 46126 Telex: The composite signal reflected from the target is received and processed to detect target movement, which is denoted by an audible doppler note in the earphones. Range is metres for a up to man 1 1 00 metres for a vehicle and 500 d 30 metre accuracy range with a discrimination of 50 metres. Ltd Vehicle and airborne optics, military optics Telephone: Taunton 81071 Cables: Avimo Taunton We design, develop and manufacture optical systems for a variety of weapons, ranging from selfpropelled anti-aircraft guns to anti-tank guided weapons. The vehicle-borne optics are of the periscopicThe type and can be binocular or monocular. monoculars can have split-field presentations (two magnifications in one eye piece or a flip change to Telex: 46126 two separate magnifications). The monoculars for anti-tank guided weapons are of low magnifications with high fields of view. This is necessary for acquiring missiles early in their flight and bringing them on to the line of sight. Avimo has also designed periscopes for aircraft use, for the examination of stores (underwing or inside the aircraft) and for drift measurements. Ltd Herbert Street Taunton, Somerset. England 252 is which The Herbert Street, Taunton, Somerset England Avimo 28 Field of view: 7 Ltd Herbert Street, Taunton, Somerset, England Avimo Magnification: x4 Objective aperture: Telephone: Taunton 81071 Cables: Avimo Taunton Telex: 46126 Section 11 Engineer equipment 253 Section 11: Engineer equipment ' Y.i*.. 4v*vf* Tank on double-storey medium girder bridge (see table on opposite page for spans) Truck on single-storey bridge (see table on opposite page for spans) A bridge 254 is launched, undecked, with a central launching nose of suitable length Section 11: Engineer equipment Medium girder bridges and double-storey single- The medium girder bridge can be assembled either as a single- or a double-storey construction, of varying lengths. It will carry Class 60 loads over gaps of up to 30-5 metres (100ft), but longer spans of lower load classes can be built. When span junction posts and other accessories are available, it will be possible to build multi-span bridges of any length on fixed or floating piers. The basic unit is a light alloy box section top panel, 183cm (6ft) in length. Sections can be rapidly joined together to make a pair of long girders which form the load-carrying members of the bridge. A light alloy decking is then laid between them to give a roadway 4 metres (1 3ft 2in) wide. For long spans and heavy loads the side girders can Assembly: In use: 1 A 1 to 2 hours hour Dismantling: 2 Total: 4 A to 5.1 to 2 A hours hours (by night) The medium girder bridge can be built, used and dismantled in about half the time that would be needed simply to build a comparable bridge of the same span and load class, that is to say of 30-5 metres (100ft) Class 60. It takes about 30 per cent longer at night. This high speed is achieved by keeping the bridge and all its components to the minimum weight, by be deepened by the addition of triangular bottom panels, which are equally easy to handle and assemble. Very long bridges can be made up of successive spans joined together by span junction posts and supported on piers or pontoons. Kerb sections can be fitted along the edges of the bridge. Where required, footwalks and handrails are available. Ramp units give access at the ends of the bridge which may be placed directly on the ground. There is no need to rest the bridge on grillages. The bridge can be assembled, in 1 -8-metre (6ft) increments up to the longest span of 487 metres (160ft), by 24 men and a NCO. No cranes are needed and no component requires more than six men to lift it. minimising the time required to unload stores, and by providing pin-hole aligning devices to ensure quick and easy insertion of panel pins. When a single- or double-storey girder bridge has been assembled it is launched across the gap before the decking is laid. Both single- and double-storey bridges are launched with the aid of a central launching nose a light alloy beam which is long enough to touch down on the far bank before the centre of gravity of the whole bridge assembly passes beyond the launching rollers. When the end of the launching nose reaches the far bank a roller is placed to receive it. — tables show the maximum permissible spans. As a rough guide, the Class number can be taken as an indication of the vehicle weight in short tons (1 short ton 907kg). The following = Single-storey spans Double-storey spans Class 60 9-1 metres (30ft) Class 60 30-5 metres (100ft) Class 30 14-6 metres (48ft) Class 30 41-4 metres (136ft) Class 16 21 -9 metres (72ft) Class 16 48-7 metres (160ft) MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Director of Sales (Army) St Christopher House, Southwark Street, London SE1, England Telephone: 01-928 7999 255 Section 11 : Engineer equipment Components assembled The Class 1 6 bridge in in Dowered raft form moving in to a landing point clearspan form with seven deck boxes Using special carrying bars, a squad of eight men can easily carry deck box between transport trailer and assembly area over any reasonable distance a 256 Trailer with four deck boxes. sponsons are carried in the similarly carried. towing truck Articulator Floats boxes, (deflated) ramps and are normally Section 11: Engineer equipment Portable bridges for clearspan, floating and The Class 16 bridge is lightweight hand-erected equipment capable of being assembled as a clearspan bridge, a floating bridge or as a powered raft. Made of high-strength aluminium-zinc-magnesium alloy, it is designed for ease of transport and handling. Its basic components can be quickly assembled and placed into use. Each component has integral interlocking fittings and, when assembled, the equipment provides a clear non-skid roadway 3-3 m (11 ft) wide. General description The basic components of the Class 16 bridge are deck boxes, ramps, articulator boxes, floats and sponsons. The deck box combines the functions of bridge girders and cross girders and contributes buoyancy in floating applications. The top of the box forms the deck of the bridge. Tapered ramps are fitted to each end of the bridge to provide an easily negotiable access. Hydraulically operated articulator boxes are fixed between the deck boxes and the ramps to allow adjustment for varying bank heights with floating bridge and raft applications. For floating bridges and rafts, pneumatic floats are fitted to the deck boxes to give additional buoyancy and stability. Sponsons with integral turntable brackets for 40 hp Johnson outboard motors are fitted at each corner of a floating raft for powered raft operations. raft applications Clearspan bridge 1 5 2 m (50 ft) clearspan bridge is assembled from seven deck boxes and two pairs of ramps. The bridge can be constructed and positioned by 16 men in approximately 20 minutes using a special launching nose and rollers. A Floating bridge floating bridge 58 m (1 92 ft) long can be assembled from 40 deck boxes, two pairs of articulator boxes, two pairs of ramps and floats using a standard bridge set, but there is no limit to the length of floating bridge that can be built. A Powered raft The standard raft has a 1 22 m (40 ft) level deck and is 22 m (72 ft) overall. It is assembled from 10 deck boxes, two pairs of articulator boxes, two pairs of ramps, floats and four sponsons with outboard motors. The building time is approximately 40 minutes with 24 men. Longer rafts may be built up to 28 m (92 ft) overall and operated for a total distributed load of 24 tons. Transport Component sizes and weights enable bridge and raft sets to be economically and easily moved overland on special trailers towed by Land Rover or similar trucks. The equipment may also be carried in strategic transport aircraft or by helicopters. ARTICULATOR BOX Dimensions and weights Component Deck box Ramp Articulator box Float and support frame Sponson (with motor Depth m Weight in m in 1-2 1-8 1-2 1-2 48 72 48 48 0-38 0-38 0-38 0-75 15 15 15 273 304 20 144 144 72 78 30 23 600 670 550 50 20 78 1-2 48 0-75 30 329 724 3-6 3-6 1-8 in kg 251 lb fuel tank and anchor) CAMMELL Width Len gth m LAIRD (ANGLESEY) LIMITED Beaumaris, Anglesey, North Wales Telephone: Beaumaris 431 Cables: Searoads Beaumaris Telex; 61295 257 lection 11: Engineer equipment of launching and recover/ combined with low maintenance costs have resulted in Class 30 Trackway being specified as standard military equipment in many countries. Launching is normally carried out over the front of the vehicle and this can be completed in a few minutes by a team of three men Speed A roll of Class 30 Trackway may be transported on any suitable 5-ton flat platform truck. The roll is mounted on a spool and turntable which permits the trackway to be positioned within the length and width of the vehicle without overhang. When the operation is complete, the launching equipment can if necessary be quickly removed, so releasing the vehicle for other duties The demand for a heavy-duty quickly assembled roadway capable of supporting both tracked and wheeled vehicles is met by the Class 60 Trackway. It is commonly used at the approach to and exit from temporary bridge and ferry sites and, in conjunction with Class 30 Trackway, is ideal for operations involving the combined use of tracked and wheeled vehicles 258 Section 11 : Engineer equipment Portable roadways truck-laid Class and heavy-duty types 30 and Class 60 Trackway are portable non-skid surfacings designed for use on would become increasingly difficult with continual traffic and eventually result soft ground where condi- immobilisation of vehicles and mobile equipment. Both classes of Trackway are engineered for easy transportation and rapid handling so that they can be placed quickly and effectively by the minimum number of men. Trackway can be easily taken up after use, transported elsewhere and re-laid. Simplicity of construction and the use of aluminium alloy planks result in a very low maintenance and replacement factor. Cammell Laird (Anglesey) Limited manufactures and supplies all components for these portable roadway tions in total systems. Class 30 Trackway Class 60 Trackway Application Class 30 Trackway Application The Class 60 heavy-duty Trackway is designed for both tracked and wheeled vehicles. In general it is used to support tanks over very soft ground and in areas of large vehicle concentrations such as may occur at bridge and ferry approaches, at the entry and exit to marshalling areas and other areas subject to heavy traffic. Class 60 Trackway is also used to protect Class 30 Trackway designed for wheeled vehicles and for tracked vehicles with rubber pads. Heavier vehicles can use the Trackway when ground conditions are favourable and tanks up to Class 50 may cross at an angle provided they do not slew while on the track. Class 30 Trackway is a simple, quick and highly efficient means of maintaining vehicle movement over soft ground, particularly in conjunction with amphibious or other temporary bridges where its application extends the choice of crossing point. One of the main features of Class 30 Trackway is that it can be launched and recovered by the transport vehicle and can therefore be put into use without delay. is Assembly Class 30 Trackway is assembled from a number of extruded aluminium alloy planks with interlocking captive tongue-andgroove joints, forming a continuous non-skid surface 335 m (11ft) wide and normally 49-95 m (150 ft 9 in) long. This standard Trackway length is reeled on to a carriage assembly transported by normal platform trucks. Class 30 Trackway is launched from the truck and later recovered on to the truck. The spool carrying the length of track is mounted on a frame and turntable assembly which clamps to the truck platform. This arrangement permits the equipment to be stowed within the vehicle dimensions or swung to the launching and recovery positions. Launching Class 30 Trackway is launched forward over the truck cab, using a quickly fitted removable roller frame launching assembly. The track may also be launched over the rear of the truck. The preparation and launching operation can be completed in about ten minutes by a three-man team. tank crossing points. Class 60 Trackway is quickly and easily assembled and the components can be transported in quantity by standard trucks. at Assembly The heavy-duty Trackway is assembled from interlocking 0-23 m extruded aluminium alloy planks made in two sizes: 4-57 0-23 m (7 ft 6 in -9 in). These dimen9 in) and 2-28 (1 5 ft sions enable a continuous load-carrying mat to be assembled quickly over areas of soft ground. The method of assembly is by sliding individual planks together successively and engaging a simple locking device. An access mat area 183 11 -6m ft) assembled 38 can be in four hours by ten men. A pre(60 4-6 m (25 assembled length of Class 60 Trackway 7-6 15 ft) secured in a roll is easily laid and recovered by ten men. Tanks are driven on to the mat over the longitudinal lay of the planks. Slewing can take place once the tracks are fully on the mat. Transport Class 60 Trackway component dimensions permit transport in quantity by standard trucks and easy handling at both loading and application points. Two 3-ton trucks can transport components for assembly of a trackway area measuring 183 -11-6m (60 38 ft). Comfor assembling a roadway 15-3 m (50 ft) in length and (15 ft) wide can be loaded on one 3-ton truck as loose planks or as a single pre-assembled roll or as two pre-assembled rolls each 7-65 m (25 ft) long. ponents 4-6 m Recovery Class 30 Trackway is recovered over the rear of the vehicle, being rewound on to the spool by ratchet levers. Roller supports clamped to the rear of the truck platform support the track clear of the truck. The recovery operation can normally be completed in 10 to 1 5 minutes by a four-man team. Dimensions and weights Typical Class 60 Weight per m- (ft-): Total weight: 71 Dimensions and weights Mat Length: 18-3 m (60 ft) Width: 11-6 m (38 ft) Area: 212 m- (2280 ft 2 ) 34 kg (7 lb) 82 kg (15 960 lb) Typical Class 60 Track Standard Class 30 Trackway Length: 15-3 m (50 ft) Width: 4-6 m (15 ft) Weight per metre (ft) run: 144 kg (105 Total weight: 2385 kg (5300 lb) Length: 45-95 m (150 ft 9 in) Width: 3-35 m (11 ft) No of planks: 201 Weight per m(ft) run: 62 kg (45 lb) approx 0-23 m (1 1 ft Individual plank: 3-35 9 in) 14-9 kg (33 lb) Carriage assembly: 760 kg (1672 lb) approx Launching assembly: 340 kg (750 lb) approx Recovery equipment: 41 kg (92 lb) approx Total weight trackway and components: 4218 kg (9298 lb) approx CAMMELL LAIRD (ANGLESEY) lb) Individual planks Length: 4-57 m (15 ft) Width: 0-23 m (9 in) Weight: 33 07 kg (73 lb) Short plank Length: 2-28 m (7 ft 6 in) Width: 0-23 m (9 in) Weight: 16 76 kg (37 lb) Long plank — — LIMITED Beaumaris, Anglesey, North Wales Telephone: Beaumaris 431 Cables: Searoads Beaumaris Telex: 61295 259 Section 11: Engineer equipment Examples of mechanical winches Examples of hydraulic winches 260 Section 11: Engineer equipment Winches mounting on wheeled and tracked vehicles for As one of the oldest established manufacturers of winches, T T Boughton offers a comprehensive range of units suitable for use on vehicles, wheeled or crawler tractors, or for special applications. Mechanically driven from the power-takeoff shaft, the small end of the range is suited to vehicles or lightweight tractors; it starts at 2720kg (60001b) line pull and increases through subsequent models to 22 680kg (50 0001b) line pull. A equipment variety of optional is readily available, such as alternative gear ratios, two-speed gearboxes, freespool and automatic brake, four-roller fairleads, choice of underwind or overwind in most models and drums applications. (Regarding special applications, of varying width. For heavier wheeled tractors and for the bigger crawler types, winches with line pulls of up to 31 750kg (70 0001b) are in regular production with the optional equipment as mentioned above. Partial or complete waterproofing is available on some models for beach landing craft and similar fairleads, etc, are available. Mechanical specification Hydraulic specification As a typical specification the winch are as follows: characteristics of the Model V 19 mechanical a unit providing 200 tons line pull went into service this year.) In addition to their mechanically driven units, T t Boughton has pioneered and developed a range of hydrostatic winches, actuated by hydraulic motors. This group of seven models is also suited to vehicles, wheeled and crawler tractors or to special applications. Capacities range from 2720kg (60001b) to 27 210kg (60 0001b) line pull and varying line speeds. Apart from the smooth shockless functioning so characteristic of hydraulic power, hydrostatic winches permit many more permutations and combinations than the mechanical types. Not only can a range of optional gear ratios be used between the motor and the winch drum, but pumps providing different flow rates may influence line speed, while variations in hydraulic pressure can increase or diminish line pull. Optional equipment such as automatic brakes, A typical specification of an hydraulic winch is that of the Model 2H: Drum dimensions Barrel diameter: 152mm (6in) Flange diameter: 406mm (16in) Between flanges: 304mm (12in) Drum dimensions Barrel diameter: 165mm (6iin) Flange diameter: 355mm (14in) Between flanges: 398mm (1 53in) Rope capacities with 304mm (12in) drum (standard) 12-7mm 137m max lin > 150yd). Recommended length 110m (120yd) 1 58mm X 91 m max (tin x 100yd). Recommended length 91 m (100yd) Recommended length 46m (50yd) I 90mm X 69m max (Jin X 75yd). Rope capacities 91m (100yd): 15-8mm (tin) dia 100m (110yd): 14-2mm £in) dia 118m (130yd): 12-7mm (Jin) dia - ( ( Maximum line pull 1 1 340kg (1 Line pulls 5 0001b) on bare Worm: Gearing final drive providing 30:1 ratio. Worms are nickel-chrome gears are cast in high-grade bronze and teeth accurately generated by hobbing. Housing in-line bored Worm steel. Main shaft Mounted Housing 1 i% nickel-chrome-molybdenum generous bronze bushings in Steel casing to steel heat-treated and ground. BS 592 Grade B Automatic brake Totally enclosed in housing on worm shaft. Absolute safety against runback assured. No rearrangement of parts is required when changing from overwind to underwind or vice versa Clutch Direct on drums. Sliding member and pad brake actuated by single lever Catsheads 340kg (25 0001b) at 1 2-2m/min (40ft/min) on bare drum 5670kg (12 500lb) at 24-4m/min (80ft/min) on full drum assuming a pressure of 105kg/cm- (1500lb/m 2 ) and delivery I I drum of heat-treated alloy steel. Clutch of 145 litres/min (32gal/min) from the pump Rope attachment to drum is by simple ferrule let into recess in side of drum flange; allows rapid changing of ropes and recoiling Free drum is incorporated and allows easy pay-out of rope by hand when required. Free drum clutch is of the internal and external toothed type, operated by lever. By applying the brake, this clutch can be disengaged easily even if the winch rope is under load 280mm (11 in) dia, self-energising for over and underwind, and requires very little effort on hand lever to give a very powerful grip. External contracting band is operated by over-centre toggle mechanism. Brake drum and band are totally enclosed ensuring freedom from dirt and moisture in the Brake mechanism Towing on the winch brake is ensured without tractors. Ratchet hand brake (standard) slip on tractor up to 65hp Standard equipment Brake and free drum levers are grouped for ease of operation from seat or ground. Winch is operated by control valve with forward and Control levers Cab controls All winches designed with longitudinal control rods and down- hanging levers when linkage is taken to control levers inside cab. flexible cables simplify difficult installations Basic weight Push-pull reverse selection lever which automatically returns to neutral position when released, causing hydrostatic lock as safety precaution. Very fine inching control and cushioned pull is obtained on this winch 276kg (6101b) All gears, clutches, etc, are made of ample strength materials, heat-treated as required and run in totally enclosed oil baths. The winch is Transmission designed for continuous hard working with long life and freedom from failures and breakdowns. Taper rollers, ball and parallel roller bearings are fitted throughout, and are continually lubricated by winch transmission Nett weight 304mm (12in) drum, main winch only 460-51 0kg (9-10cwt) approx without rope T T BOUGHTON & SONS LIMITED Engineering Division Bell Lane, Telephone: Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England Little Chalfont 2666 Cables: Boughtons Amersham Telex: 83132 261 Section 11: Engineer equipment Plumett auto-capstan winch Type CA-45 The Plumett auto-capstan winch and gearbox Type CA-45 is shown above fitted is given above. A similar model is available for mounting on the Bedford 4 tion in a fighting vehicle Type FV432; 4 army truck shown elsewhere a brief specifica- in this Catalogue Specification Power: through power-takeoff from fighting vehicle Max rope pull at hook: low gear 6500 kg; high gear 3000 kg Rope speeds: low gear 4-5-18 m/min; high gear 33-1 32 m/min Diameter of rope: 14 mm length of rope: 250 m Breaking load of rope: 1 1 200 kg Weight (excluding rope): 470 kg Max Plumett transportable motor winch The illustration BM Volvo Type and diagram below show the Plumett portable motor winch Type TL-20; in the photograph it is shown carried on a BV 202 truck. Brief specifications of Type TL winches with integral 5, 9 and 1 5 hp drives are given in the specification below Specification Power: integral two-stroke engine through centrifugal clutch Max rope pull at hook: 2000kg (5, (5 9 or and 9hp); 2200 kg (15hp) Rope speeds: 07-0-28 m/sec (5hp); 6 m/sec (9 hp); 0-2-0-8 m/sec (15 hp) mm 15hp) 15- mm Dia of rope: 8 or 9 Max length of rope: 300 m 8 or 21 mx9 Breaking load of rope: 4000kg (8 mm); 5150kg (9 mm) Weight (excluding rope): 140kg mm / i I I 6 ^tl ' WL \ Mt t, • 262 *» • mm Section 11 Engineer equipment : Capstan winches vehicle-mounted or with own power Plumett capstan winches are robust units suitable for wide range of recovery, construction and similar work. Their essential feature is that the steel rope is winched by a multiple-groove twin pulley block, ensuring uniform speed at any point on the rope, while the rope itself is stored on a separate drum, as shown in the diagram below. The advantages of this design are that a great length of steel rope can be carried, that speed can be controlled and maintained very accurately over a wide range, and that pay-out of the rope can be powera unit Further features of the design are automatic rope laying on the drum, a free-wheel brake to prevent run-back under load, and overload protection devices; an hydraulically operated braking system is available assisted. optionally. Plumett winches are available in two ranges: the CA series, which is intended for vehicle-mounting and is driven through a power-take off from the vehicle power unit, and theTL, which is portable and completely self-contained, having its own power unit. Plumett auto-capstan winch Type CA-15 all models of Land Rover, a typical method of mounting being shown below. Apart from military purposes, this winch is being used by electricity companies for cable-stringing and laying, by firefighting and post office services, by civil engineers and many others. A brief specification for the CA-15 winch is given below; the specification for the larger and more powerful CA-45 winch is on the opposite page. This winch can be fitted to shown here with the driver's seat removed to give a better view. The principle transmitted to the steel rope by the multiple-groove pulley block A and B. The drum C, driven by a friction clutch, ensures adhesion and stores the cable passed by the multiple-groove pulley block. The pulley D can turn through 360 allowing traction in all directions. Plumett CA-15 winch of operation (right) is installed in a that the Land Rover power of the motor (left) is , Specification Rope speeds: 03 to Diameter of rope: 8 40 mm : mm mm : mm FULLER, LUCAS Crowborough • mm m/sec or 9 mm length of rope: 230 m 8 dia or 1 70 m 9 dia Breaking load of rope: 41 00 kg (8 dia) 51 50 kg (9 d ia) Weight (excluding rope) 95 kg Max Power: through power-takeoff from vehicle Max rope pull at hook: 1 500 kg & COMPANY LIMITED Cross, Eridge Road, Telephone: Crowborough 2000 Crowborough, Sussex, England Cables: Lucas Crowborough Telex: Lucas Crowborough Chamcom London 261981 263 Section 11: Engineer equipment Air compressors Portable and stationary models Duplex air compressors of all types are available wide range of applications. The current range Bristol for a includes diesel-driven portable plants for construction work, light industrial and heavy-duty units for workshop use, high-pressure models for laboratories and airbottle charging, garage compressors, and tractor- mounted plants. The patented Duplex airflow-cooled, two-stage design embodied in all Bristol air compressors enables the machines to deliver a greater volume of usable air power. This design uses a stepped piston and cylinder to enable both stages of compression to be carried out in any one cylinder. Efficient airflow cooling of the high-pressure area of the cylinder, together with inter-cooling carried out between stages, results in very cool-running compressors with high for a given horse Portable air compressor Model ATS, 150, volumetric efficiency. In addition, the double-acting piston does an equal amount of work on each stroke and plants run relatively free from vibration while the short stroke inherent in this design gives low piston speeds with consequent reduction in wear. Bristol Duplex air compressors, large numbers of which are serving with the armed forces of British and other NATO countries, have undergone the most stringent tests. These include subjecting the plants to ambient temperatures ranging from —52 C to -40 C with no detrimental effect to performance. Free air delivery figures are quoted for every Bristol air compressor and are guaranteed to the relevant British Standard Specifications and all international WD equivalents. Specification Portable tyre inflator Model 306/JL.5 Model ATS 150 Two-wheeled two-stage. 70kgf/cm WD portable trailer-type Free : air delivery diesel-driven 368 m 3 /min (130 air ft 3 compressor, air-cooled, /min). Working pressure (100lbf/in ! ) Other sizes available from 1 mVmin to 9 mVmin (36-320 ft 3 /min) Model 306/ J L.5 Compact tyre inflator air compressor, air-cooled, two-stage, easily transportable Free air delivery 0-1 (150lbf/in=) mVmin (3-5 ft 3 /min). Working pressure up to 10 5 kgf/cm- Model 308 ATS/500 Heavy-duty industrial-type compressor, air-cooled, two-stage. Free air delivery 11-3mVmin (400ft7min). Working pressure 70 kgf/cm 2 (100 lbf/in ! ) J 1 mVmin to 1 1 -3 m /min (35-400 ftVmin) Other sizes available from Heavy-duty stationary compressor Model 308/ATS/500 BRISTOL PNEUMATIC TOOLS LIMITED Causeway Works, Fishponds, Telephone: 264 Bristol 657511 Bristol, BS.16 3JS, England Cables: Percussion Bristol Telex: 44641 Section 11: Engineer equipment Portable electric tools from vehicle-mounted generator for field service The Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company Limited, manufacturers of industrial high-frequency tools for in collaboration with the Army authorities a range of specially adapted British tools to meet most known requirements anywhere in the world under the severest conditions of climate and over forty years, has produced usage. Known as the Hicycle range, these tools operate from the electric supply of 400 Hz, 200 V, adopted as standard for British Army service requirements. more comprehensive information, trade cata- For logues are available from the company or any of branches and agents throughout the world. its Drills The model No mm of 9-5 1 57 MOD drilling machine has a capacity metal or in) for ( 3 equipment available bench a is wood Additional stand and 90 drilling. drill angle head. H-MOD-490 is a 19 mm wood drilling and earth The model No 40 capacity drill for metal or to a depth of 1 -2 includes a bench m (47] drill bit. Grinders The model No 51 1 a 150 > 25 mm (6 in) Additional equipment bit chuck, earth in). wood stand, boring chuck, rod and (|-in) boring G-MOD-5400 wheel grinder is fitted with for general grinding. For sharpening tungsten carbide bits and tipped tools 25 a 1 00 (4 x 1 in) wheel is fitted. A bench stand is available as additional equipment. 1 mm Wrenches The model No 7250 MOD is a reversible impact wrench for tightening and removing nuts, driving metal screws up to 13 mm (i in) diameter and wood screws up to No 14. Additional equipment includes a right-angle head, carrying case with set of sockets and screwdriver attachment. Sanders The model No 511 AS-MOD-5400 is fitted with a 230 mm (9 in) diameter abrasive disc for angle sanding. a 1 50 mm can also be used for wire brushing with (6 in) diameter brush. It Shears The model 200 MOD shearing machine cuts mild sheet up to 2 mm (14-gauge) thickness. steel Saws The model No 575 timber and felling 1 -19 m height (91 (46| is in) 280 MOD chain trees. including 584 mm (11 in) saw is ideal for cutting length is only (23 in) cutter bar. Its and the width is 240 Its overall mm mm in). 1 Screwdrivers " The model No 157 SC-750 screwdriver for driving metal or wood screws, with a capacity up to 6 mm ( i in) Pumps The new Hicycle sump pump has a capacity ranging from 545 litres/min (120 gal/min) at 6 m (20 ft) head ranging to 1 09 litres/min (24 gal/min) at 36 m (1 20 ft) head. CONSOLIDATED PNEUMATIC TOOL CO LTD 97-107 Uxbridge Road, London W5, England Telephone: 01-567 3411 Cables: Caulking London W5 Telex: 21311 265 Section 11: Engineer equipment Optical systems for photogrammetry and surveying Defence Instruments (Optical) Ltd can supply a wide range of technical instruments for defence purposes, some of which are shown on page. Periscopes, telescopes other optical equipment for fighting vehicles are shown elsewhere in this Catalogue. this and Photogrammetric equipment Our range includes large-scale and smallscale plotters, mono and stereo comparators of 230 230 mm (9 9 in) and 460 230 mm (18 9 in) size, stereo scopes of 70 70 mm (2^ 2 ^ in) and 230 230 mm (9 9 in) size, co-ordinatographs, photo-interpretation equipment, area-measuring instruments, scribing tools and digitising systems. Surveying equipment The range covers theodolites and instruments, gyro-theodolites, levelling electronic distance-measuring equipment, co-ordinate plotters, survey clinometers, magnetic compasses, plane table equipment, measuring tapes and bands, ranging poles and staves. the equipment shown here are available on Full details of and listed request. Defence Instruments (Optical) Ltd has a staff of specialists qualified to interpret technical requirements, to offer advice and to make recommendations on the choice of suitable equipment for the widest range of purposes. aT^l DEFENCE INSTRUMENTS (OPTICAL) LTD Sudbury House, Tylney Road, Bromley, Kent, England Telephone: 01-460 4665 266 Cables: Optic Sales Edenbridge Section 11: Engineer equipment Gas welding, Milne products, as supplied to the British Ministry Defence, are available either separately or in working packs: a cutter and/or welding blowpipe, with gas regulators, hose projectors, hose and of cutting, brazing and connectors. soldering equipment 100g The blowpipe range includes: Firecrest' weighing (31 02) for micro-welding and brazing and electronic circuit connections up to 1 6 Baby' and General' for welding gauge-1 in) mild steel plate and for cutting 0-5-76 mm (26 gauge -3 in) plate, 'Spitfire' for cutting up to 300 (12 in) plate and Seafire' for underwater cutting up to 230 mm (9 in) plate all with nozzles for most oxy/gas and air/gas fuel (16-gauge) 10-32 mm foil systems. mm We also plate. (0 i make acetylene generators. C S Milne & Co Ltd Harley Works, Deptford, London SE8. England Telephone: 01-237 9841 Cables: Acetyweldo London SE8 267 Section 12 Earthmoving equipment 269 Section 12: Earthmoving equipment The high driving seat on the AllisChalmers 645 ensures good all-round visibility. capacity Its is SAE rated operating 4082kg (90001b) Allis-Chalmers 645 Articulated Wheel Loader combines dependable power with excellent stability, speed and operating ease for high productivity With its ability to swing through a full 90 degrees arc (45 degrees each way), the 645 can head into the pile or swing toward the truck with only a minimum of time-wasting linear travel 270 Section 12: Earthmoving equipment Earthmoving equipment Articulated wheel loader The Allis-Chalmers 645 is a rugged 2m 3 (2\yd 3 ) machine with an SAE rated carrying capacity of 4082kg The six-cylinder 142hp diesel provides a (90001b). high horsepower-to-weight ratio. Good weight distribution and long wheelbase combine to provide exceptional balance and stability. The 90 degree swing and axle placement equidistant from the joint centre line allows the loader to turn in a (17ft 8iin). radius of only 54m sits on a fully adjustable bucket seat bucket and the rear of the machine is to the The operator Visibility Single-lever excellent. power — shift for on-the-move changing, both forward and in reverse (no stopping or foot clutching); power steering; air over hydraulic dual system brakes; push-button electric all combine to make starting; easy-to-read gauges gear — operation easy. DIMENSIONS eta L JLs v% \r .I**' A Overall length (bucket B Axle centres 2945m 415m on ground) 7 2006m C Centre rear axle to drawbar pin D Ground clearance E Centre drawbar pin to rear of drawbar F Height to underside of drawbar top 457mm Height to centre line of axles 71 Height to top of air J Overall height to top of cab 3 Maximum height at 1 50mm (2in) 482mm (1ft 7in) mm (2ft 4in) 654m cleaner stack cap 2 full (6ft 7in) (1ft 6'n) G H K (24ft 4in) (9ft 8in) 302m raise with (8ft 8Jin) (10ft 10in) clam fully open 5-721 m (18ft 9iin) L M Clearance pin. fully raised 3 581m (11ft 9in) when bottom dumped 3-473m (11ft 4jin) width, across bucket Height to hinge N Maximum O Track width P Outer turning circle (tyres) Q Outer turning circle (bucket) 1 -993m 2-692m (8ft 10in) (6ft 6Jin) Overall length less bucket 4-81 3m (15ft 9iin) radius 5-397m (17ft 81in) radius and winch 5 486m (18ft Oin) Overall length (bucket on ground) with scraper 7-264m (23ft 10in) SPECIFICATION Hydraulic system Total capacity 150 litres (33gal), all piston rods chrome-plated cylinders (2) double acting 152mm (6in) diameter Dump cylinders (2) double acting 140mm (5iin) diameter Clam cylinders (2) double acting 102mm (4in) diameter Steering cylinders (2) double acting 76mm (3in) diameter Bucket pump: gear type three-stage 265 litres min (70gal'min) at governed Engine AEC AV505 six-cylinder diesel Maximum horsepower 142bhp Lift at 2200rev/min Service rating 89 6bhp at 1800rev/min Maximum torque 52 2kg m (378ft-lb) at 1 20O-1 400rev min Bore and stroke 1 16mm (4-56in) by 130mm (5-1 2in) Displacement 8226cm= (502in : ) Air cleaner dry, Donaclone 254mm (10in) Fuel tank capacity 197 litres (43-5gal) engine speed Power train Transmission: Allison TT2420-1 with power shift. Changes from 1st to 2nd and 3rd to 4th are automatic Converter: Allison twin turbine TT425. with stall ratio of 5-18:1 Forward speeds: 1st 4-8km h (3-0mph); 2nd 10-6km h (6-6mph); 3rd 18 8km h (11-6mph): 4th 40 0km h (24 8mph) Reverse speeds: 1st 4 7km h (2 9mph); 2nd 140km h (8 7mph) Axles Planetary type, floating shafts, torque-proportioning hypoid gear differential, pin -connected to frame Front: Rockwell Centrax Model PR209. rigidly mounted to frame Rear: Rockwell /Centrax Model PR111. pivot-mounted to frame Tyres Tubeless, 20 5 25, 20 ply Brakes Dual system, air over hydraulic with service line couplings for trailer braking Service: double anchor pin, single cylinder, operating on all four wheels Size: front 438mm (17Jin) diameter 102mm (4in) wide. rear 406mm (16in) diameter 89mm (3lin) Parking: Rockwell standard drum, mechanically actuated, engagement automatically shifts transmission to neutral Size: 254mm (1 Oin) diameter 38mm (1 tin) • • Electrical system Type 24V negative towbar stowed earth, two batteries 12V 125A (10h rating) Steering pump: gear type, 68 litres, min (18gal min) with demand valve interconnected to bucket hydraulic system Control valves: three-spool for loader hydraulic and winch control, two-spool for trailer attached scraper Main relief valve 126-5kg,cm ! (18001b in : ) Filters: Full flow micronic, magnetic, full flow wire mesh and air filter Winch TT Boughton Series 2H Bar drum line pull and speed 1 1 884kg (62 200lb) at 9m. min (30ft/min) Rope length 46m (150ft), rope diameter 19mm (Jin) Bucket 4 in 1 multipurpose SAE rating 1-91m" (2jyd*) Rated carrying capacity 4082kg (90001b) Maximum lifting capacity to full height 5443kg (1 2 0001b) Tipping load 9298kg (20 5001b) Maximum breakout force, boom lift 8618kg (19 0001b); crowd 14061kg (31 0001b) Lifting time to full raise 6-5sec, from full raise 4-2sec Drort Weights Front axle 6001 kg ( 1 3 230lb) Rear axle 6386kg (14 300lb) Total (less operator) 12 487kg (27 530lb) General equipment with two rear-facing headlamps, inter-vehicle starting Connections for trailer equipment. Front and rear windscreen motors. Swivel-type tow hook. Detachable tow hook suitable for scraper. Tyre inflator Full lighting socket. ALLIS-CHALMERS GREAT BRITAIN LTD Essendine, Stamford, Lincolnshire. England Telephone: Stamford 2471 Cables: Gyrating Stamford Telex: 32255 271 Section 12: Earthmoving equipment Caterpillar D4D at work in heavy soil with bulldozer attachment Hydraulically adjustable multi-shank ripper attachment on D8H Caterpillar D8H with turbocharged engine delivering 270 bhp net at 1280rev/min, giving a drawbar pull of nearly 50 tons at lowest speed and a maximum speed of over 10 km/h (6-5 mph) unloaded ^^^.Fvv u^M«lj i _^ | ,Y ^7^^^* Cushioned on D8H D6C at is fitted with angle dozer blade with hydraulic rams. The engine delivers 125 bhp net pull of over 20 tons at lowest speed. Maximum speed 900 rev/min, giving a drawbar nearly 11 km/h (7 mph) 1 Caterpillar 621 272 wheel tractor-scraper operating in coarse sand rear push block attachment Section 12: Earthmoving equipment Tractors and scrapers Caterpillar-built equipment Of the wide range of earthmoving equipment made by Caterpillar, only a very small selection is shown here. The tractors, ranging from 65 to 385 bhp net, can be adapted to a variety of needs with a wide range of attachments. The sealed track is specially designed by Caterpillar and extends the normal life of pins and bushings by up to 30%. Track rollers, carriers and idlers are lubricated for life. On the D6C and D8H models the sprockets have bolt-on replaceable rim segments, so that the sprockets can be re-rimmed in the field without dismantling track, sprocket or frame. The track guides have high-speed hauling units, incorporates Caterpillar's design for increased capacity and speed in loading. Bowl and tractor can be transported separately. of Low Bow! replaceable wear strips. The 621 wheel tractor-scraper, smallest in the range TRACTOR MODEL D4D Caterpillar engine type D330 D8H D6C D333 diesel 4- cyl. 7-litre 65 bhp net at 1 680 rev/min 1 diesel 6-cyl, 25 bhp net at 1 D342 5-litre 1 diesel 6-cyl. 20-4-htre 270 bhp net 900 rev/min at 1 2S0 rev/min turbocharged Transmission direct drive power direct drive shift full power shift full power shift (direct drive not available) Max speeds (forward) km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h 1st gear 2nd gear 3rd gear 4th gear 5th gear Max drawbar (mph) (mph) (mph) (mph) (mph) — — 2-4 3-4 4-8 6-8 9-5 — — 15-3 10-3 6 9 4-5 2-8 3-2 (20) 5-8 (3-6) 9-3 (5 8) 2-7 (1-7)3-9 (2-4) 5-5 (3-4) 7-1 (4-4) 9-3 (5-8) (1-5) (2-1) (30) 3-7 (2-3)* 6 6 (4-1) 10-3 (6 4) 0-3-9 (0-2-4) 22 5 0-4 9 0-27 0-16 0-6 8 (0-4-2) 0-10-5 (0-6-5) — — — — (4-2) (5-9) pull (forward) 63* tons tons tons tons tons 1st gear 2nd gear 3rd gear 4th gear 5th gear mm mm Ground contact m area 2 9 30 5 2-2 16 Track Number cf shoes (each side) Width of track Length of track (on ground) 17 4-3 135 8-5 — — — — 35 330 (13) 1840 (72 .1) 36 455 (18) 2370 (93!) 39t 560 (22) 2900 (115) 1-22 (1885) mech. or hydra ulic mechanical 2-17 (3357) 3-26 (5049) hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic hydraulic 2410 (95) 1710 (67 A) 380-475 (15 -18|) 3400 (133) 1980 (78) 1520 (60) 355 (14) 2700 (106) 2120 (83 A) 415-500 (1 51-19}) 3950 (156) 2370 (93) 1880 (74) 370 (14;) 3100 2440 530 5200 2700 2130 510 (in) (in) (in ! ) Track adjustment Steering Dimensions (see sketch) Overall height Height to fuel filler cap B mm mm mm mm mm mm mm A Drawbar height C Overall length D Overall width E Width of track centres F Ground clearance Shipping weight (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) 5900 (13 100) kg (lb) 10 400 (23 000) 10 700 (23 500) 6200 (13 700) (122) (96) (21) (204) (107) (84) (19;) 22 700 (50 000) "Other transmissions are available as standard options +A direct-drive transmission is available as standard option tThese figures refer to the model with six-roller frame; a seven-roller frame is available as standard option Type 621 wheel tractor-scraper Tractor Caterpillar engine: D336 diesel V8 11-5-litre 300 bhp net at 2200 rev/mm Transmission: 8-speed and reverse mechanical gearbox with torque converter on 1st and 2nd (optional semi-automatic for 3rd to 8th) Tyres: 26 5 X 29 (wider 29-5 29 optional) Scraper Capacity: 1 Max depth Width of 5 3 m 5 of cut: cut: (20 yd 3 ) heaped, 10-7 330 (13 in) 3000 m 3 (14 yd 3 ) struck, SAE mm mm (1 1 9 in) kg (28 Max penetrating force: 1 2 900 Max depth of spread: 430 mm (17 400 lb) in) Controls: hydraulic, from tractor Dimensions A mm mm B 3550 2950 C 2110mm G H (139 in) (1 16 in) (83in) 2080 mm (82 in) E 3050 mm (120 in) F 3400 mm (134 in) Weight: 23 600 kg (52 000 I D J K 4100mm (162in) 2750 mm (108 in) 7100 mm (281 in) 1730 mm (68in) 11 600 mm (457 in) V f H - empty, 45 400 kg (1000 00 lb) lb) " ¥ I — K J *~ with average load CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO LTD 55 St James's Street, Telephone: 01-493 1882 London SW1, England Cables: Caterpillar London SW1 Telex: 262931 m CATERPILLAR <%> 1967 273 Section 12: Earthmoving equipment The Hy-Mac 580BT excavator with standard back-acter bucket, The Hy-Mac 1 080 (as illustrated) a 1 is -2 amply powered to work a m :) (1 \ 1 m3 (1 shown here in British Army colour 3 } yd ) bucket, or yd') face shovel The wheel-mounted Hy-Mac 610C can be supplied not only with digging grabs and buckets, but also with a variety of special materials- The Hy-Mac 880 can handling grabs operate continuously on a gradient of 274 specification travel on a gradient of 1 in 4 1 in 2 and Section 12: Earthmoving equipment Construction equipment Excavators, cranes and materials-handling units In 1962, Hy-Mac introduced the first all-hydraulic crawler excavator to be made in Great Britain. Now the range of Hy-Mac products embraces all-hydraulic excavators, materials handling equipment and inspection platforms, as well as Hy- Lift cranes. These products have been found widely acceptable in countries of the world, even in extreme climates and difficult ground conditions; a large number of many Hy-Mac 580BT excavators British now is in service with the Army. Excavators The main machines in the excavator range Hy-Mac 580C Outreach: 909 m (29 ft 10 in) Digging depth: 6 48 m (21 ft in) :! SAE required. all Hy-Mac machines is that and placed functionally, so that grouped controls are untrained operators can be quickly taught, and operator-error and fatigue are kept to a minimum. An important feature of are: Hy-Mac 1290 Outreach: 1273 m (41 ft 9 in) Digging depth: 8-69 m (28 ft 6 in) Capacity: up to 1 200 litres (1 \ yd Engine: 1 90 bhp at 21 00 rev/min 1 Capacity: up to 700 litres (087 yd Engine: 95 bhp at 2250 rev/min At every stage of production, from design to final inspection, special attention is devoted to reliability There is a world-wide network of and durability. distributors, with experienced servicing staff and HyMac parts stocks, to guarantee after-sales service when SAE :1 rating) rating) Hy-Mac 610C Hy-Mac 880 Outreach: 1026 m (33 ft 8 Digging depth: 7-93 m (26 (with back-acter equipment) Outreach: 8 86 m (29 ft 1 in) Digging depth: 6-17 m (20 ft 3 in) Capacity: up to 700 litres (087 yd Engine: 95 bhp at 2250 rev/min in) ft) Capacity: up to 1200 litres (1 A yd J Engine: 145 bhp at 2600 rev/min SAE rating) :i SAE rating) SAE rating) Hy-Mac 61 OC Hy-Mac 1080 Outreach: 1 1 28 m (37 ft) Digging depth: 732 m (24 ft) Capacity: up to 1 200 litres (1 A yd 3 Engine: 1 64 bhp at 21 00 rev/min SAE (with actuated grab) Outreach: 7-65 m (25ft 1 in) Digging depth: 6 60 m (21 ft 8 in) Capacity: up to 700 litres (087 yd Engine: 95 bhp at 2250 rev/min rating) :i Front end equipment: the Hy-Mac range of special equipment is wide and includes varied types of buckets, grabs, face shovels and extended dipper arms. Cranes Hy-Mac manufactures the cranes. The main models are: also range Hi-Lift of Hy-Lift HM300 Truck-mounted telescopic crane Height of Maximum lift: 2042 m load: (67 Hy-Lift HM1150 All-hydraulic crawler crane Maximum boom length: 4267 ft) Maximum Hy-Lift m (140 ft) Fly jib also available 10 161 kg (10tons) load: 40 642 kg (40 tons) HM675 Self-propelled telescopic crane Boom extension (with manual stage) to: Maximum load: 6096 kg (6 tons) A Powell Duffryn 1036 m (34 ft) Company HY-MAC LIMITED Hy-Mac House, Bath Road, Newbury, Telephone: Newbury 2205 Cables: Berkshire, England Hymac Newbury Telex: 84557 HY-moc <& 1968 275 Section 12: Earthmoving equipment A JCB 7B tracked excavator, demonstratgeometry of the boom and dipper, which gives it a load over height of 5 54 m (18 ft 2 in), a digging depth of 6 10 m (20 ft) and a reach of 9 30 m (30 ft 6 in). The 7B has a bucket capacity rated at 0-67-0-76 m 3 ( £-1 yd 3 ) ing the straight-arm The versatile JCB 3C, job-proven for most popular wheeled in the UK. The famous, economically designed JCB cab offers the excavator/loader reliability, the is optimum in plicity of controls all-round visibility, sim- and operator comfort Speedy, tough and economical, the JCB 1750 is one of a range of eight-wheeled loading shovels, offering high economic performance for a wide variety of bulk materials handling applications. The JCB 1750 has a rated payload of 3175 kg (7000 lb) and is powered by a Leyland 138hp engine with Clark transmission 276 Section 12: Earthmoving equipment Excavators loaders and shovels range of earthmoving equipment to suit most needs is made by JCB and available from JCB Sales Ltd, backed by a world-wide parts and repair service. Brief details only of some of the most popular machines A wide are given here. The hydraulic systems machines have been developed over nearly 20 years to a high pitch of efficiency as the result of experience gained in operation in all parts of the world, under all kinds of climatic conditions. Servicing requirements have been reduced to a minimum and the entire range enjoys a high degree of interchangeability of components. Controls, too, have been kept simple, to enable personnel with a minimum of training to operate the machines efficiently. JCB of all JCB tracked excavators A range of machines of popular size capable of big Important features are superior lift performance. capacity, bucket crowd action and tear-out force. JCB tracked excavators have 360 of continuous slew and incorporate a revolutionary two-step hydraulic system which directs maximum power and speed to where and when needed for fast and efficient working cycles. JCB 5C Engine: 77bhp at choice of machines with two-wheel or four-wheel drive, with payloads ranging from 1600 to 5000 kg Patented three-ram geometry (3500 to 11 000 lb). gives ideal bucket-carrying positions and permits a design of great stability with excellent visibility and low fuel consumption. The combination of modern functional design and job-proven components results in a range of machines capable of extremely high economic performance. 2250rev/min Digging depth: 5-76m (18ft 1 1 in) JCB JCB 704 Drive: four JCB 6C JCB JCB 6D front 2250rev/min Two-position boom and dipper at 702 wheels only 1b) 1000 Drive: four 106bhp wheels Engine: 90hD SAE gross Payload: 1590 kg (3500 Engine: 106bhp at 2250rev/min Two-position boom and dipper Digging depth: 6 35m (20ft 10in) Engine: loading shovels A wheels JCB 900 front wheels only Engine: 131hp SAE gross Payload: 2150 kg (4750 1b) Chain-type running gear Digging depth: 6 35m (20ft 10in) JCB JCB 7B Engine: 106bhp 2250rev/min at JCB7C 106bhp JCB 2250rev/min Two-position boom and dipper at Chain-type running gear Digging depth: 6-73m (22ft JCB wheeled 1 JCB 907 front wheels only 3000 Drive: four wheels Engine: 224hp SAE gross Payload: 5000 kg (1 1 000 lb) in) excavator loaders rugged construction most luxurious, which the have, as standard, economically designed cab on the market. All backacter positions can be controlled from the cab. Controls are simple and within easy reach whether the operator is Highly wheels Engine: 151hp SAE gross Payload: 3180 kg (7000 1b) Digging depth: 6-1 m (20ft) Chain-type running gear Engine: 1750 Drive: four machines versatile facing front, rear or of range of attachments includes: bulldozer blade, lifting forks, crane jib of one ton capacity, scarifier, pole erector or tree planter, 4-in-1 shovel, loader, grab and many standing. is The loading shovels, developed from the JCB 2 and JCB 3 machines, are outstandingly versatile. The wide JCB 2B JCB Engine: 70bhp at 2200rev/min Snap-mount backhoe Digging depth: 3-25m (10ft 8in) others. 700 Engine: 70bhp Capacity: 0-91 m> (1 *yd s ) JCB3 Engine: 70bhp Digging depth: at JCB2BS 2200rev/min 370m Engine: 70bhp Capacity: 0-57m 3 (Jyd s ) (12ft 2in) JCB3C Engine: 70bhp at 2200rev/min Digging depth: 4-1 9m (1 3ft 9in) JCB3S Engine: 70bhp 57m J (1yd 1 ) Capacity: JCB 3D Engine: 70bhp at 2200rev Digging depth: 4-60m mm (1 5ft 1 in) JCB3CS JCB4D Engine: 70bhp at 2200rev Engine: 70bho 77m 3 (1yd 3 ) CaDacity: mm Digging depth: 4-95m (16ft 3in) JCB SALES LIMITED Rocester, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, Telephone: Uttoxeter 31 21 ST14 5JP, England Cables: Earthmover Uttoxeter Telex: 36154 277 Section 12: Earthmoving equipment Above: Muir-Hill A5000 all-wheel-drive, all-wheel-steer loading shovel with 4-in-1 bucket and rear-mounted trenching attach- ment Digging with the rear-mounted trencher. sitting over the boom has the advantage of perfect visibility even in the most awkward spaces The operator The 4-in-1 bucket clamshelling the of the pile. In ventionally, scrapes 278 last addition to operating conthis bucket bulldozes and Section 12: Earthmoving equipment Bucket loader Multi-purpose military loading shove The Muir-Hill A5000 all-wheel-drive, all-wheel-steer loading shovel has been specially prepared for military application. Specification Overall dimensions m Overall height with cab: 2-87 (9 ft 5 in); without cab: 2 Width over tyres: 2-1 6 (7 ft 1 \ in) Max width overall: 2-29 (7 ft 6 in) approx (over bucket) m 30 m (7 ft 6,' in) m,« m Length: bucket on ground: 6-30 m (20 7 ft at carry: 6 30 m (20 ft 7; in) Wheelbase: 2-29 m (7 ft 6 in) Track: 1-77 m (5 ft 91 in) Ground clearance: 41 9 mm (1 ft 41 in) Approach angle: 90 Departure angle: 25 with winch Height of towing hooks: 705 mm (2 ft 3 i in) I over sprag in carry post; bucket with winch in) Weights Axle loads, with full fuel, oil and water, with cab, bucket and winch: Front axle: 3402 kg (7500 lb) Rear axle: 4921 kg (10 8501b) 2 Tyres 15 5 (7 ft t m S 2 29 a 30- 120 17 II 6x1 HI t 70 m IS MO ml ml • Draw bar pull and 2nd gear: 12 927 kg (28 5001b) available, vehicle ie U =0-75 on unladen vehicle 5987 kg 3rd and 4th gear: travelling range 3992 kg (8800 lb) 1st limitation on weight of H 3200 lb) Winch T T Boughton Type 2H Bare drum line-pull and speed: 9072 kg (20 000 Engine Perkins diesel. 4-stroke Model: 6 354 Horsepower: 104 lb) at 7 m/min (23 ft/min) Rope: Length: 91 44 m (300 ft) Construction: 6/19 hemp core 17 324/18 898 kgf'cm ! Diameter: 1 5 ( j in) Weight (including rope) 689 kg 1 520 lb) approx 2500 rev/min governed speed 875 in) at mm (3 mm (5 in) Bore: 984 Stroke: 1 27 (1 mm Fork lift 10/120 tons/in : ) ( : Displacement: 5800 cm 3 (354 in J ) Fuel tank capacity: 1 82 litres (40 gal) Cooling system capacity: 29-6 litres (6-5 gal) Air cleaner: Coopers 8-in Cyclopac with restriction indicator Cold starting device: Start Pilot Oil-filter: full-flow type equipment Size of forks: 1 Max and min 27 mm (5 in) wide spacing (centre-to-centre): 1-14m (3ft 9 in) max; 152 mm min (6 in) Max height of lift (forks horizontal and back of forks level with front of tractor): 2 85 m (9 ft 4 in) Transmission Max Torque converter: Allison TT2220-1 Torqmatic Hydropowershaft direct-mounted to engine by Flexplate coupling. Single-lever control Full powershift between work and travel ranges. Torque multiplication 5-1 :1 1) forward tilt: At carry position: 10 below if level ground. 70 below horizontal if discharging level At max height: 43 range (forwards to backwards) 110 Side shift (each side of central position): 229 (9 in) in) load centre: 1 81 4 kg (4000 Capacitv at 61 mm (2 ft Weight: 590 kg (13001b) approx 2) Full tilt mm Steering Hydraulically assisted by direct-driven vane Min turning circle: 1) 2) n * 25-12 PR Tread: Dunlop EM 1 Pressure: Front 2-5 kg/cm- (35 lb/in") Rear 1-8 kg/cm 3 (25 lb/in-) Size: 24 Radius to inside: 1-83 m (6 ft in) Radius to outside of bucket: 4-70 m Bucket equipment SAE capacity: 075 m 3 pump (1 5 ft Back acter 5 in) mm Size of bucket: 61 (2 Capacity of bucket: 0-1 2 m yd 3 ) struck; 1 m 3 (1 1 yd 3 ) heaped Lifting capacity (rated): 2268 kg (5000 lb) payload Max lifting capacity to full height of lift: 4082 kg (9000 lb) Max break-out force: 1) Boom lift: 4536 kg (10 0001b) 2) Crowd: 5897 kg (13 0001b) Width outsida: 2-29 m (7 ft 6 in) Depth (1 of dig: 3-66 m (1 2 ft Crane hook attachment Angle of dump: 45 Capacity: max ft 3 in) (4-2 ft ) in) in) Outreach: 4 27 m (14 ft Loading height: 348 m (11 ft 5 in) Slew and digging arc: 193 Max offset of king post from centre: 71 1 mm (2 Width of stabiliser base 1 63 m (5 ft 4 in) Weight: 1293 kg (28501b) Max dumping height: 300 m (9 ft 10 in) Max load-over height: 357 m (11 ft 81 in) Raising times to lb) height with rated load: 6 sec at 914 1 81 4 kg (4000 lb) at 61 in) outreach (3 ft mm (2 ft ft in) 4 in) outreach; mm 1 588 kg (3500 lb) Other products The A500 one of a range of nine Muir-Hill loading shovels with payloads from 1 800 kg (4000 lb) to 5450 kg (12 0001b), all featuring the same basic design concepts for increased efficiency. Muir-Hill also produces three is & MUIR-HILL LIMITED A member Bristol of the Babcock four-wheel drive tractors, a range of with payloads from 5 to 25 tons, and two dumpers mobile cranes of 10 tons and 20 tons capacity heavy-duty respectively. Wilcox Limited Group Road, Gloucester, GL1 5RX, England Telephone: Gloucester 21481 Cables: Muirhill Gloucester Telex: 43179 Muir-Hill 279 Section 12: Earthmoving equipment Model 54RD2 Tandem vibrating roller equipped with a variableamplitude system enabling the degree of vibration to be altered to suit the depth of material being rolled. It provides the most efficient compaction ever on a wide variety soils of and materials. Other This roller is important features include extra smooth excellent manoeuvrability, compaction on steep gradients and easy maintenance. Several of these rollers have recently been supplied for use in the construction of airfields and access roads reversal, ^Ail-'iL-. -.: at military installations Model T1 82 Trailer vibrating roller machine tandem, two Ideal for large-scale projects, this can be towed singly, in formation— a abreast or chevron suitably equipped four-wheel drive 65 hp tractor being suitable under most site conditions. Features a totally enclosed vibrator belt drive and self-adjusting clutch. A sheepsfoot conversion is available for clay soils Model T208 Trailer vibrating roller The most powerful model in the Vibroll range. Up to 300 tons of impact assures faster, deeper compaction for a wide range of materials in the construction of fills, embankments and dams. Handles rock in lifts up to 9 m (3 ft) extra-capacity deep. Heavy-duty frame, fuel tanks, high-yield steel roller and 105 bhp engine are just a few outstanding features. A sheepsfoot conversion is earth available for clay soils Model D76 High-frequency, high-output duplex vibrating roller This model is one of the latest additions to the Vibroll range The and is suitable for any so that the roller tends to maintain its line giving less operator effort, although the random phasing of the vibration makes it easily steerable when required. Features include surface. 97 percent rolls are fixed isolation from vibration, two speeds, excellent climbing ability and an extremely reliable air-cooled Lister engine. Extra-high kerb clearance and adjustable operator's handle are also important features fast 280 travel Section 12: Earthmoving equipment Vibrating rollers compaction and consolidation for soil The Vibroll range of vibrating rollers was first introduced by Stothert & Pitt 1945. in The patented such a way vibrating vibrating action of the Vibroll system causes the material particles to re-orientate themselves in that voids are kept to a minimum. The action extends to a considerable depth and area around the roll. On materials such as non-cohesive soil, sand, wet mix, gravel, etc, the Vibroll has of material particles ensuring that compaction is particularly good. Besides the four heavy-duty models from the Vibroll range illustrated here, there tandem and pedestrian models, each employing the same Vibroll system. is no equal, the re-orientation also a wide range of smaller trailer, Specifications Model 54RD2 Model T208 Total weight (wet unballasted): 7360 kg (7 30 tons) Weight on front roll (wet unballasted) 2860 kg (2-82 tons) Weight on rear roll (wet unballasted) 461 kg (4-56 tons) Total weight (fully ballasted): 8570 kg (8 46 tons) Weight on front roll (fully ballasted) 3970 kg (3-9 tons) Weight on rear roll (fully ballasted): 4610 kg (4-56 tons) Width of vibrating roll: 1 372 (54 in) Width of steering roll: 1 295 (51 in) Diameter of rolls: 1 21 9 (48 in) Total operational weight: 11 700 kg (11 828 mm (72 in) Roll width: 2082 mm (82 in) Overall length: 5963 mm (1 9 ft 6 J in) Roll diameter: : : mm (8 ft 21 in) Frequency: 30 Hz Maximum impact: 306 1 75 kg (300 tons) Engine: Lister HR56, 105hp at 1800 rev/min or Deutz F6L514, 1800 rev/min Engine speed control: mechanical Fuel tank capacity: 1 82 litres (40 gal) Overall width: 2501 : mm mm mm Wheelbase: 2972 mm (9 ft 9 in) Overall length: 4451 mm (14 ft 71 -5 tons) 1 in) 106hp at mm Overall width: 1 753 (5 ft 9 in) Overall height (with cab): 2642 (8 ft 8 in) Clearance, travel drive side: 178 (7 in) Clearance, vibrator drive side: 381 (1 ft 3 in) Overhang both sides: 191 (7 J in) mm mm mm Model D76 Maximum 8m (42 lb) Roll width: mm Turning circle: 12 Frequency: 50 Hz 1 1 34 kg (2500 762 mm (2 ft 6 in) diameter: 570 mm (22i in) Total operational weight: Roll ft) Length overall: 2971 mm (S ft 9 in) Length without handle: 1 308 mm (4 ft 3 1 in) Width overall: 990 mm (3 ft 3 in) Height overall: 1295 mm (4 ft 3 in) Frequency of vibration: 66 6 Hz Amplitude: 0-40 mm (0061 in) Maximum impact (each roll) 9638 kg (9-5 tons) Engine: Lister diesel SR1 7-75 hp at 2500 rev/min air-cooled Speeds: two, forward and reverse 2-88 and 1 -42 km/h (1 -8 and i impact: 55 090 kg (121 450 lb) Travelling speeds 1 st gear: 1 -5 km/h (0-9 mph) speed constant 2nd gear: 4 km/h (2-5 mph) speed constant 3rd gear: 5 5-8 km/h (3-5-5-0 mph) (not vibrating, controlled by engine throttle) : , Power unit HA3 3-cylinder air-cooled diesel engine giving 33 bhp at 1 800 rev/min (governed speed) with manual control down to idling speed of 900 rev/min. Lister Electric starting Fuel consumption at load: 7-73 litres/h (1 -7 gal/h) full Model T1 82 Machine with smooth Roll 88 mph) -25 gal) Water tank capacity (2 tanks): 61 litres (13-4 gal) Water spray on both litres (1 rolls — — mm Ground clearance drive side: Ground clearance overhang: 141 mm (5-75 in) non-drive side: 445 mm (17-5 overhang: 38 mm (1 -5 in) 76 (3 in) in) roll mm (16 61 in) mm (7 ft 5 in) mm (4ft 10in) width: 828 mm (6 Oin) diameter: 380 mm (4 6 in) Overall length: 5048 Overall width: 2261 Overall height: 1473 Roll Fuel tank capacity: 5-5 ft ft 1 ft 1 Weight: 5051 kg (4 95 tons) Vibrator frequency: 34 3 Hz Maximum impact: 98 474 kg (96 9 tons) Machine with sheepsfoot 1475 roll mm (4 ft 10 in) Weight: 5607 kg (5 5 tons) Engine: Lister HA4 4-cylinder diesel, Roll diameter: air-cooled, (continuous rating BS 649:1 958) Fuel tank capacity: 90 litres (20 gal) (sufficient for Starting by means of Simms spring starter STOTHERT & 1 44 hp at 1800 rev/min 2 hours' operation) PITT LIMITED Construction Equipment Division PO Box 25, Bath, Somerset, Telephone: Bath 63401 BA2 3DJ, England Cables: Stothert Bath Telex: 44177 281 Section 13 Vehicles 283 Section 13: Vehicles The AEC on This recovery vehicle has an AEC Militant 1 0-ton chassis and is fitted with a Renolds Boughton hydraulically operated crane with a manual jib extension mounted on a ballbearing slewing ring giving an angle of slew of 180. Hydraulic luffing is carried out by the Boughton B19H winch which is fitted with an automatic brake. Hydraulic power is generated by a pump driven from a single-speed power take off which is supplied with the chassis. The crane's main frame and structure is fabricated from standard road steel sections electrically welded. A load indicator is fitted to the main jib and suitably marked showing safe loads. The crane can lift a maximum weight 284 of 10 tons a 6x6 Militant chassis III 10-ton cargo truck Section 13: Vehicles Militant 10-ton 6x6 III cargo truck body sides as well as the tail board may be dropped or removed. The vehicle has an average road speed of 53 km/h (33 mph) and a range of action at maximum speed of 480 km (300 miles). Its robust construction, good road speed and crosscountry capability combined with reliability in service and ease of maintenance render the Militant III an fork been built to comply with the Fighting Vehicle Research and Development Establishment's 10-ton general-service cargo a for specification The design includes current commercial vehicle. vehicle components adapted as necessary to meet The Militant has military requirements. The body has a flat floor carrying of all and forms of cargo. To is intended for the loading by lift truck, the outstanding vehicle for military purposes. facilitate Dimensions mm (1 6 ft) B Overall length: 8798 mm (28 C Body length: 6153 mm (20 A Wheelbase: 4877 ft ft D Body 2^ in) 3702 to centre line of bogie: (12 ft 1} 10| in) mm in) mm (8 1470 mm (4 E Rear overhang: 2451 G Front overhang: ft ft I in) 91 in) Specification Electrical system Voltage: 24 V Wiring: insulated return Performance Weight: unladen 11 850 kg (26 104 1b); gross 22 000 kg (48 504 1b) Average max speed: on road 53 km/h (33 mph) cross-country 24 km/h Range at average max road speed: 480 km (300 miles) Gross power-to-weight ratio: 10 bhp/ton Max tractive effcrt, low gear: 544 kg/ton (1 200 lb/ton) Max climbing ability: 1 in 3 Max gradient for stop/start: 1 in 3 ; (1 5 mph) Type mm (5 in) dia, and 25 A suppression: to FVRDE Spec 2051 m (75 ft) Wheels Rims: WD Tyres: 1400 x 20 divided disc in cross-country, or 1500 or 600 X 20 1 in on four-piece discs Brakes Foot: two-line air pressure, dual circuit Hand: air-assisted mechanical on four rear wheels Warning devices: buzzer and gauge Fuel system lift 27 Steering Type: AEC AV760 diesel 3 Displacement: 12-473 litres (761 in ) 141: 1967) (B.S.AU rev/min bhp 2000 201 at Output: 204 bhp at 2000 rev/min (DIN 70020) Torque: 79-3 kgf m (571 Ibf ft) at 1500 rev/min (B.S.AU 141: 1967) Governed speed: 2000 rev/min Ignition type: compression Type of 1 Type: worm and nut, hydraulic assistance Turning circle: right-hand 22-9 m (75 ft); left-hand 27-9 Engine Type: of alternator: Capacity of batteries: 100 Ah Water-proofing, tropicalisation Appendix D1, Sched B pump fuel: diesel Suspension Air cleaner: oil bath Fuel capacity: 21 8 litres (48 gal) Type: front semi-elliptic springs; rear semi-elliptic springs inverted Shock absorbers: front only Transmission Military characteristics Roles: transportation of cargo including NATO palletised loads 3 Cargo capacity of load deck: 21 2 m 3 (277 yd ) Clutch: single dry plate Gearbox: 6-speed constant mesh Transfer box: 2-speed Towing Transfer box ratios: 1 :1 and 1 -634:1 Axle type: fully floating Overall ratios: top 7-9:1, bottom 91-5:1 Number of differentials: three ability: front hook, rear hook Variants of basic chassis Fueller/tanker, command vehicle, tractor, recovery vehicle, tipper AEC LIMITED Military Safes Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: Leymotors W1 , London W1 Telex England Telex: 22498 285 ^•jciion 13: Vehicles WlUunr M The workshop body .Ml insulated. IS °.. •j: o ! is is fully a enclosed and door, rear four windows, roof lamps (230 V 60 W), flexible bench lights and electric extractor fans. The exterior is proofed for use in the tropics. There are two hardwood benches, racks, a tool cabinet, a cable drum and ' fire extinguisher, also selection a of machine tools which include a 2\ in lathe, in bench drill, two 6-in grinders and a polishers, a machine for spark plug cleansing and testing, valve refacing equipment, a battery charger and a tyre inflater. Power «* 3760.»|UI«I There i; ® © © Lathe 115mm ® (4iin) Oxy-acetylene rack grinding and polishing © Bench machine Benches with cupboards and drawers machine © Bench © Battery-charging plant ©Valve drilling Spark plug cleaner and tester re-facing machine supply :ge cupboard a stretcher case or case patients s unit 8 and water tank inside the truck and facilities for heating and ventilating. First-aid equipment is also supplied with this vehicle for 5 sitting patients A k * jjft E £ 1 s D i If s 1- . i a j c \ •4 3SeOo>(Mttn> - - 46Ur 5HO»-l24: •* 3760MH.4e.rJ SOw(2«l D tlSiDE ' Vardrobe -awers 286 ® Folding table © Armchair © Folding chairs ©D esk wit ®S wivel c is windows sitting p seats UAJMlStol a suitable generator-trailer fully version - from enclosed body of the ambulance divided into two compartments. The forward one is suitable for sitting cases and for carrying equipment; the rear compartment can either be arranged for four stretcher cases or eight seats. Two large double-doors extending the whole width of the body are fitted at the rear for ease of access. There are four sliding The © Sink is ri dra* vers I s The basic construction of similar to the workshop this caravan truck, but is an additional window is fitted at the front of the body and a partition with sliding door is constructed approximately 282 cm (9 ft 3 in) from the rear. The front compartment is equipped as a bed and dressing room; the rear compartment is for use as an office. There are four other 4.1/5 ton trucks in this range designed for available specific requirements: a message centre lair 330x9 15mrr edside table (72 x )6in) fed and exchange truck, a teleprinter truck, a charging signals truck and munications repair truck a telecom- Section 13: Vehicles Albion 42/5-ton general service 4x4 cargo truck when The vehicle addition to providing four-wheel drive a to be engaged, giving a Power-assisted steering further reduction of 204:1. The Albion can be fitted with a is fitted as standard. variety of bodies for military applications, including an engineering workshop, a portable stores system, a caravan and an ambulance. is suitable for all military applications where 4.1-ton payload is required cross-country. It is available in three alternative wheel bases (3089 mm, 3623 mm, 4080 mm), making range of applications. 0-370 diesel It it suitable for a powered by is 106bhp developing engine, a wide Leyland at 2200 rev/min. The main gearbox has five forward gears and one An reverse. auxiliary box is fitted which, in enables an extra-low M - N mm Dimensions A B C D Wheelbase Rear of cab to rear axle Rear overhang Rear of cab to E Overall length F Overall height cf chassis tail 4080 3850 1945 5790 7380 2820 - mm in 160; 151 required, ratio i G H 76 V 228 290 i M 111 N 1170 1727 2273 1740 2280 865 Height to top of chassis Track, front Overall body width Track, rear (centres of twin wheels) Width of rear axle Width across chassis main members K L in 46 68 89 i 68 i 89| 34 Specification Wheels Engine Type: Leyland 370 diesel Displacement: 6075 cm 3 (371 in 3 ) Gross bhp: 106 at 2200 rev/min Gross torque: 38-7 kgf m (280 Ibf Governed speed: 2200 rev/min Ignition type: compression Rims: B6 5 \ 20 with 142 mm (5-6 in) offset 900 X 20-12 ply, singles front and twins rear 20-14 ply, single tyre equipment al round. This reduces the Options: 1 1 00 gross vehicle weight limit to 9297 kg (20 496 b) on road and 8789 kg (1 9 376 lb) cross-country Tyres: - ft) at 1400 rev/min I Brakes Fuel system Type: mechnical lift Type of fuel: diesel Hand: mechanical, power-assisted pump Foot: air-over-hydraulic, all wheels Warning devices: buzzer and gauge Air cleaner: oil bath Fuel capacity: 1 1 3 litres (25 gal) Suspension — Type Transmission Clutch: single dry plate 356 mm rear: semi-elliptic leaf springs (14 in) dia Gearbox: five forward speeds and one reverse (option of 6th forward speed) Transfer box: two-speed Transfer box ratios: 204:1 and 1 00:1 Axle type (front and rear): single-speed double-reduction (spiral bevel centre, epicyclic hubs) Axle ratio: option of 5 555:1 or 6 250:1 or 6-933:1 Differentials: front: semi-elliptic leaf springs two Electrical system Voltage: 24 V Wiring: insulated return available Type of generator: alternator Capacity of batteries: two 12 V 81 Ah capacity Water-proofing, tropicalisation and suppression available Shock absorbers: hydraulic, telescopic, at front axle Performance data Unladen weight: 4217 kg (9296 lb) Gross weight: 12 193 kg (26 8801b) on road, 10 161 kg (22 400 1b) crosscountry Speed, average maximum: 72 km/h (45 mph) with 6-250:1 axle ratio Range of action at average maximum speed: 400-480 km (250-300 miles) Gross power weight ratio (bhp per ton) 9-7 Maximum tractive effort, in low gear: 485 kg (1071 lb) per ton with 6-250:1 : axle ratio Maximum Maximum climbing ability: 1 in 2 with 6-250:1 axle ratio gradient for stop and restart: 1 in 3 with 6-250:1 axle ratio Military characteristics Steering Type: Burman re-circulatory ball type, hydraulically assisted Turning circle: 17-1 m (56 ft) or 20-4 m (67 ft) or 22-9 m 75 ft) depending on wheelbase Roles: cargo, office, workshop, engineering (appropriate bodies available) Cargo area: dependent on types of body Towing ability: rear hook available plant, caravan and ambulance ALBION MOTORS LIMITED Military Sales Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: leymotors W1 , London W1 Telex England Telex: 22498 287 Section 13: Vehicles ^p 3" •***(??*- Tne four-stretcher ambulance on the 277 cm (109 in) wheelbase Land Rover chassis has been specially developed by Pilcher for military purposes and for use in civil disasters. The rear compartment of the ambulance provides accommodation for four fulllength military stretchers, or two stretchers and four sitting patients, or eight sitting patients. In all combinations of accommodation, a fold-up seat is provided for one attendant. 288 Section 13: Vehicles ambulance Military Four-stretcher body on long-wheelbase Land Rover This vehicle is a great step forward in the development 4 x 4 ambulance for military and civil disaster use. The most advanced methods are used in the construction of the body, which is of the one-piece doubleskin type, fully moulded in glass-reinforced plastics. The advanced specifications include injection insulation, colour impregnation and fire-retardation. The floor is also moulded of glass-reinforced plastics of a with integral tread pattern; it is therefore not necessary to use any type of floor covering. The floor is further reinforced between theskin mouldings with 1 (fin) plywood. The interior walls are of colour-impregnated plastics and can be easily cleaned; the seats are also of an easy-clean material. The roof is of the same construction as the remainder of the body, that is double- 9mm /letres 2-768 1-308 4-800 2-413 1-790 Wheelbase Track AA BB CC DD A Overall Overall Overall Overall length height width width over hinges 1 Interior length 2 892 336 B Interior height 1-524 C D width Top of front cushion to floor Front to rear of front cushion 1-701 Interior E 0368 0-406 skin glass-reinforced plastics with injection insulation, giving a very high degree of thermal insulation and good shock-absorbing properties. An additional tropical roof can also be supplied. One of the advantages of this ambulance is that the bodywork colour-impregnated and never repainting, kits being available in a matching colour. The interior is also colour-impregPilchers requires is repair nated. The Pilcher four-stretcher ambulance has the same readability and cross-country capability as the original 277 cm (109 in) wheelbase Land Rover, which Catalogue, complete with technical specification. Brief specifications of the Pilcher ambulance body are given below. fully is described elsewhere Inches (109) F Front squab height (51 i) G (189) 95) ( (70J) (744) (92) H Width of front cushions Width between front seats Width between wheel boxes Width of stretcher rack Width of seat (60) (67) (144) (16) 1 J K L Height Height Height Height Height M N O P in this of nurses seat between top rack and roof between top and bottom rack of bottom rack of wheel boxes Metres 0-431 0-457 Inches (17) (18) 0025 (D 0-977 0-660 0-457 0-457 (381) (26) 0622 0622 (24 4) (24 4) (16) 0-406 228 (18) (18) (9) Specification Power unit The following power Windscreen Basic Rover fixed screen units are available: 4-cylinder 21 litre petrol engine 6-cylinder 2-6 litre petrol engine 4-cylinder 21 litre diesel engine Driver's bulkhead Full-length with central opening complete with roll-up blinds. Bodywork Constructed of a one-piece, double-skin, fully moulded glass-reinforced plastics Insulation Complete body insulated with injection Fibreglass insulation Rear doors full -width rear doors made to open and secure flat to body side. Two-way locking bar with interior handle secures left-hand door. Right-hand door secured by double-locking handle. Interior head pad above door opening Double Two open lockers Driver's compartment Rover windscreen, cab doors, sidescreens and cab seats Finish Interior: white or ivory colour-impregnated plastics laminate Exterior: colour-impregnated in colour selected, with some lettering Standard fittings Illuminated ambulance sign, siren or alarm bell, twin wipers and wing mirrors Interior Two Pilchers folding stretcher racks with fold-up seats. Accommodation: four Lighting Two windows with opening section darkened safety lighting system glass. One fixed in each side of body. Plain, frosted, or in each rear door. 12 V interior window Folding rear step with locking bar Ventilation adjustable air Optional extras intakes and one large-capacity extractor. Two 12 V rubber- Weight 1930 kg (4256 bladed fans PILCHERS (MERTON) LIMITED Victoria Road, Burgess Telephone: Burgess Hill mm Blood bottle holder, vacuum flask, forced ventilation system, 178 (7 in) dia rear floodlamps, tropical roof, fluorescent interior lamps, telescopic or Mk 2 stretchers, ventilated floor compartment, first-aid kit, flashing roof beacon, reversing lamp, universal spotlight on screen pillar, heater, resuscitation equipment, provision for two-way radio, air conditioning, fire extinguisher Rear steps Two stretchers, or two stretchers and four seats or sitting cases, or eight seats for sitting cases, plus attendant's seat Hill, 5707 pilchers Sussex, England Cables: Ambulap Burgess 1b) Hill Telex: 87323 289 Section 13: Vehicles AEC Militant 10-ton recovery crane Additional equipment Salvage winch (mechanical or 1 hydraulic) Scammell Constructor 12-ton recovery crane — Snatch blocks single sheave with swivel oval eye, working load 10 tons 12 Shackles, 5-ton capacity 8 Ground anchors 1 'A' type distance frame 2 — one and crane, one illuminate work Floodlight equipment illuminating deck swivelling to Spade, shovel, axe, crowbar, sledgehammer Wire bonds 5 48m 1 9mm (18ft) long, (Jin) dia wire eyes each end Double lashing chains comprising 2 legs 1 8m (6ft) ring and 2 hooks, leg 1 capacity 5 tons each (b) 2 off comprising 2 legs 1 8m (6ft) long, 1 ring and 2 hooks, leg capacity 2 A tons each (c) 1 off comprising 4 legs 1 -8m (6ft) long, 1 ring and 4 hooks, leg capacity 2 A tons each 2 Hydraulic bottle jacks, 8-ton capacity 1 Rear spade designed to support jib under suspended-tow conditions, providing greater safety under vertical (a) 1 off long, lifts 2 Timber packing, 152cm 20cm hardwood 10cm 8in (5ft x 4in) 2 Timber jack blocks, 30cm (1ft) hardwood cube 4 Timber supports for jack leg feet, hardwood 30cm 1 1 1 290 30cm 10cm (1ft > Heavy duty towpole 5-ton breakdown ambulance Flashing beacon on cab roof 1ft x4in) Section 13: Vehicles Heavy recovery vehicles 10-ton and 12-ton capacity is all electrically welded with 20-3cm (8in) pressed steel channel crossmembers mounted on rolled steel channel mainbearers adequately gussetted at all intersections. Floor in 6-35mm ( ]in) mild steel Chequer plate pressed to form capping to extremities of cross members, stitch-welded to underframe. Outrigger jack support beams fabricated in box sections mounted below chassis members, the forward beam braced up to body and incorporating sliding inner portion extending 45-7cm (1ft 6in) each side. Access steps fitted at Underframe strengthened to receive crane rear. slewing ring. The toolbox is in 1 0swg steel sheet extending for the full width of body 61cm high 121cm wide (2ft 4ft) fitted with hinged access flaps at the rear of the cab. Crane hoisting, slewing and luffing are hydraulically operated; jib extension is by hand. The Boughton V1 9H hoisting winch is worm-driven with automatic brake incorporating sheave headpiece and sheave crane block The body with swivel hook giving approximately 2-43m (8ft) per min hook speed, with rope falls of 15-8mm („in) dia 6/37specially improved plough wire rope. The VI 9H unit is also used for luffing. Recovery crane mounted on ball bearing slewing from common power source via appropriate valve, having 180deg slewing, speed approximately 2-2irev/min with full load. ring hydraulically operated Jib extension manually operated by winch mounted below main jib fitted with 6.35mm (jin) dia 6/19 specially improved plough wire rope, giving 121cm Locking pin provided to sustain (4ft) extension. 406cm jib at (16in) intervals. Hydraulic power generated by a suitable pump driven from a single-speed power take-off which should be supplied with the chassis. Load showing main indicator fitted to safe loads. suitably jib marked APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS A Model B C D E F Width •AEC 0870 cm 483 190 244 96 732 288 122 48 165 65 331 in 130 244 96 i"Scammell Constructor cm 510 200 335 132 670 264 122 48 170 in 67 360 142 290 114 cm 371 in 146 244 96 544 214 122 48 157 62 325 128 244 96 Foden "17 tons fully laden f21 tons fully laden SAFE WORKING LOADS FOR AEC MILITANT Jib positioned at the rear Load luffed at 20 Jacked Min length kg lb 1st extension kg lb 2nd extension kg lb Full extension kg lb Free Load luffed at 45 Jacked Load luffed at 20 Jib positioned at 90 Free Min length 10 160 22 400 8618 19 000 6100 13 440 6100 13 440 6100 13 440 6100 13 440 1st extension kg 4064 8960 4064 8960 4064 8960 4064 8960 2nd extension kg 3048 6720 3048 6720 3048 6720 3048 6720 Full kg | lb lb lb extension kg lb i Load luffed at 45 Jacked Free Jacked Free 6852 15 150 3311 7300 8365 18 480 3556 7840 5080 11 200 3070 6770 6100 13 440 7300 4064 8960 2789 6150 4064 8960 3048 6720 3048 6720 2181 3048 6720 2540 5600 4810 3311 SAFE WORKING LOAD FOR SCAMMELL CONSTRUCTOR Load luffed at 20 Jib positioned at the rear Jacked Min length kg lb 1st extension kg lb 2nd extension kg lb Full extension kg lb Free Load luffed at 45 Jacked Jib positioned at 90 Free 12 240 26 988 8708 19 200 12 240 26 988 10 523 23 200 Min length 7348 16 200 7348 16 200 7348 16 200 7348 16 200 1st extension kg 4828 10 640 4828 10 640 4828 10 640 4828 10 640 2nd extension kg 3556 7840 3556 7840 3556 7840 3556 7840 Full kg lb lb lb extension kg lb Load luffed at 20 Load luffed at 45 Jacked Free Jacked Free 6532 14 400 1814 4000 11 612 25 600 3084 6800 5987 13 200 1451 3200 9434 20 800 2902 6400 '717 10 400 3200 7983 17 600 2540 5600 1088 2400 7983 17 600 2177 4800 3991 8800 1451 REYNOLDS BOUGHTON LIMITED Vehicle Division Bell Lane, Telephone: Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England Little Chalfont 2666 Cables: Boughtons Amersham Telex: 83132 291 Section 13: Vehicles This Dodge heavy-duty vehicle is available with a wide choice of cargo bodies, tipper variants being illustrated. Different wheelbase lengths add additional versatility to this popular model .J***. Illustrated at the right is the basic standard chassis form; clearly shown is the bolted chassis structure, a construction which enables easier realignment of chassis should any distortion under excess load conditions members 292 occur Section 13: Vehicles Dodge 14-ton heavy-duty truck The Dodge 14-ton heavy-duty truck is a wheeled, long-distance vehicle with rigid chassis, powered to maintain high convoy speeds. Experience in many areas has shown it to be fully dependable even under the most adverse conditions of operation. The five-speed gearbox with full synchromesh on the top four gears, careful layout of all controls, spacious cab and other features reduce driver fatigue robust to a minimum. The twin wheels on the two make sure-footed for surfaces. The basic truck wheelbases. This, progress even on rear axles slippery available in a wide range of combined with the bolted con- is struction of the chassis, facilitates conversion from the basic load-carrying model to heavy-duty tipper or specialised vehicle transporter. Specification Engine type: Perkins Gross bhp: 185 at diesel Suspension V8-510 2800rev/min Front: semi-elliptic leaf springs Rear: semi-elliptic leaf spring with equalising Nett torque: 51 kg m (378lb ft) at 1 600rev/min Lubrication: wet sump with full-flow oil filter Fuel tank capacity: 227 litres (50gal) Electrical equipment: 24V beams negative earth return with 720W alternator Transmission mm Clutch: single dry plate 381 (1 5in) dia Gearbox: five forward, one reverse, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th synchromesh engagement Propeller shafts: needle roller bearing Drive axle: two-speed Eaton 38DT fully floating, spiral bevel. Third differential with air-operated lock. Ratio 7-17/9 77:1 Weights — Unladen chassis/cab with fuel, oil, water and spare wheel: 6360kg (14 0201b) Gross vehicle weight: 22 352kg (49 2801b) Dimensions Overall length: 9220m (363in) Overall width: 2-394m (94}in) Overall height: 2438m (96m) Wheelbase: 5080m (200in) Track, front: 2032m (80in) Brakes Foot: Hand: full air full air dual circuit. Lining area 8200cm 2 (1 272in 2 ) with positive mechanical lock on front and front driving axles rear: 809m 1 (71 Jin) Ground clearance (laden): Tyres: 1000x20-16 234mm (9-6in) ply rating Performance Max. speed: 74km/h (46mph) Range (road use): 644km (400 miles) Tractive effort 1st gear: 6350kg (14 0001b) Max. gradient climbable based on rolling resistance of 134kg/1 000kg (30lb/ — Steering Type: recirculating ball, variable ratio Turning circle: 1828m (60ft) 22401b): 27% ROOTES MOTORS LIMITED Export Sales Division 26-40 Kensington High Telephone: 01 -937 8077 Street, London W8, England Cables: Rootesmoti London W8 Telex: 23535 ^g ROOTES 293 •"~-tjon13: Vehicles <^». • Illustrated the here Commer chassis truck in typical 10-ton is rough ground. vehicle stationary shown Also military setting, heavy-duty illustrated in a firing a field unit, having delivered and engineering stores ?94 rigid- travelling is over the range and at ammunition ~A>) Section 13: Vehicles Commer 10-ton heavy-duty truck proven record as a heavy-duty load-carrying vehicle, this Commer 10-ton wheeled rigid-chassis truck is ideal for transporting heavy loads such as bridging equipment, field defence stores, mines and ammunition. With its Its strong carbon-manganese steel chassis combines with its superb suspension to smooth the ride over the rougher terrain. On the open road, it has the power to match convoy speeds under full load and in all weather. The diesel engine of proven design, acting on two twin-tyred rear axles fitted with equalising excellent performance beams, give the vehicle in difficult terrain. The careful layout of the cab, combined with powerassistance on the steering, ensures that driver fatigue is kept to the minimum even on long runs at full load over difficult terrain. Equipment is designed to give long life under typical service conditions. The body type illustrated here is only one of several available. The wheelbase quoted in the specification below is the most popular, but trucks with longer or shorter wheelbases, to suit different types of bodies and tasks, are also available. Specification Engine type: Rootes 3D 215 Suspension Gross bhp: 125 Front: semi-elliptic leaf spring with lever-type hydraulic Rear: semi-elliptic leaf spring with equalising beams at 2400rev/min Nett torque: 4395kg m (3181b ft) at 1300rev/min Lubrication: wet sump with full-flow oil filter Fuel tank capacity: 1 90 litres (42gal) Electrical equipment: 12V negative earth return with shock absorbers 420W alternator Transmission Weights Clutch: single dry plate 355mm (14in) dia Gearbox: five forward, one reverse. 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 5th synchromesh engagement Propeller shafts: needle roller bearing Drive axle: single-speed Eaton 30DT fully floating spiral bevel. Third differential with air-operated lock. Ratio 7-17:1 Unladen chassis/cab with fuel. oil. water and spare wheel: 4284kg Gross vehicle weight: 1 8 285kg (40 300lb) Hand: air-assisted to Lining area 6800cm (1054in ! ) ! rear bogie Tyres: 9 00 X 20-14 ply (1 1 650lb) Dimensions Overall length: 8 915m (351 in) Overall width: 2263m (89!in) Overall height: 2 534m (99 4 m) Wheelbase: 4 863m (191 Jin) Track, front: 1 -806m (71 Jin) rear: 1 702m (67in) Ground clearance (laden): 226mm (8 9in) Brakes Foot: air/hydraulic divided line. — rating Performance Max. speed: 61km/h (38mph) Range (road use): 676km (420 miles) Tractive effort: 1st gear: 3982kg (87801b) Max. gradient climable based on rolling resistance 22401b): 20-8% Steering Type: cam and peg, power-assisted Turning circle: 21 -3m (70ft) of 13-4kg/1000kg (30lb' ROOTES MOTORS LIMITED Export Sales Division 26-40 Kensington High Telephone: 01-937 8077 Street, London W8, England Cables: Rootesmoti London W8 Telex: 23535 ^y ROOTES 295 Cc "Uon 13: Vehicles The Commer 2-ton heavy-duty pick-up isthe ideal general-purpose personnel carrier; illustrated with soft-ground tyres, it provides convenient transport to and from the firing range and yet is tough and dependable enough arduous conditions. carrier, a further vehicle tyres 796 is add for As use a in more bulk-liquid use for this most adaptable again soft-ground illustrated; to its versatile characteristics mam Section 13: Vehicles Commer 2-ton heavy-duty pick-up Its extremely versatile rigid chassis makes this Commer 2-ton heavy-duty pick-up truck a great asset in any modern army. Apart from its obvious uses as a load carrier, it can be adapted to fulfil a variety of requirements, including those of personnel and bulk-liquid transportation. It is powered by a diesel engine of proven economy, with synchromesh transmission on top three gears and has a full tank capacity range that more than normal supply Fitted with softthe most arduous conditions. Free access to all parts of the engine and chassis render maintenance in the field easy, while robust construction and careful design reduce the need for covers ground tyres, it excels distances. in maintenance to a minimum. The high road speed combined with good crosscountry performance render this vehicle suitable for general duties with most types of fighting unit. Specification Type: Diesel Suspension Engine: Perkins 4-236 Gross bhp: 80 at 2800rev/min Nelt torque: 25 9kg m (1 871b ft) at 1 500rev/min Lubrication: wet sump with full-flow oil filter Fuel tank capacity: 136 litres (30gal) Front: semi-elliptic leaf spring with lever-type hydraulic shock absorbers Rear: semi-elliptic leaf spring with lever-type hydraulic shock absorbers Electrical equipment: 12V negative earth return with 420W alternator Weights Transmission Clutch: single dry plate 279mm (1 1 in) dia Gearbox: four forward, one reverse, 2nd, 3rd, 4th synchromesh Propeller shafts: needle roller bearing Drive axle: fully floating, spiral bevel, ratio 5-43:1 — chassis and cab with fuel, oil, water and spare wheel: 2735kg (60301b) Gross vehicle weight: 5440kg (12 0001b) Unladen engagement Dimensions Overall length: Overall width: Overall height: Brakes Foot: air/hydraulic divided line. Lining area Hand: mechanical to rear wheels 2580cm (400in : : ) 5537m (21 8in) 2-200m (86|in) 2464m (97in) m (115in) Wheelbase: 2-921 Track, front: 1 rear: 1 -829m (72in) -905m (75m) Ground clearance (laden): Tyres: 10 50 • 16-12 209mm (8 iin) Sand ply, rating Performance Max. speed: 84km/h (52mph) Range (road use): 724km (450 miles) Tractive effort 1st gear: 1767kg (38951b) Max. gradient climbable based on rolling resistance — Steering Type: cam and peg Turning circle: 13-41m (44ft) 22401b): of 134kg/1 000kg (30lb) 31% ROOTES MOTORS LIMITED Export Sales Division 26-40 Kensington High Telephone: 01-937 8077 Street, London W8, England Cables: Rootesmoti London W8 Telex: 23535 f^f ROOTES 297 Sp^t»on13: Vehicles The long-wheelbase Land Rover (227cm, 109in) shown above can be adapted to many uses, some of which are shown below: 1 with Scottorn powered-axle trailer, 2 with 1 05mm Pack howitzer, 3 with Moy aircraft loader, 4 as four-stretcher ambulance, 5 with 120mm Wombat, 6 as fire tender, 7 fitted for radio (FFR), 8 as FFR command vehicle, and 9 with Wombat in action 298 Section 13: Vehicles Land Rover model military f-ton This world-famous 277-cm (109-in) wheelbase vehicle is the standard vehicle in its load class in all British Services and many other armed forces throughout the world. The specification includes FV design towing hook, twin fuel tanks, vehicle lashing eyes at front and rear, freight lashing cleats in body, rear bumpers and front bumpers modified to permit pushing of one vehicle by another, oil cooler and eight-bladed fan, FV pattern lights, chassis frame with extended spring shackles to permit fitment of larger tyres when required, etc. The vehicle is available in both '1 2-voit cargo' and '24-volt fitted for radio' (FFR) specifications. The FFR version incorporates a 90A rectified ac electrical system with provision for charging wireless batteries, full suppression of electrical equipment, wireless table, battery carrier, two 100Ah batteries, co-axial leads, HF aerial brackets, operators seats, etc. Metres 2-768 1-308 Wheelbase Track Overall length Overall width (over hinges) Overall height of cab Overall height with hood Front cushion to accelerator pedal Front squab to steering wheel Headroom front seat (uncompressed) Front to rear of front cushion Width of front cushion A B C D E 4-441 1-676 1-86 1-905 0-438 Metres Inches 109 F 51 -5 175 66 G H J 75 K 17-25 14 5 L 0369 0-991 39 0-406 0-457 16 N 18 O 0025 Top 0-368 of front cushion to floor Front squab height Height of body sides I 73-25 0-381 Width of front centre cushion Width between front seats Width of body interior Length of body interior Interior body width between wheel boxes Width of wheel boxes Height of wheel boxes M Inches 15 1 0431 14-50 17 0-483 1-444 1-85 19 56 87 72-75 921 36-25 13-75 0-349 0-229 9 Specification Transfer box ratios: 1-148:1 High General -43 X 1 -83m (56J 72in) clearance (laden): 0-24m (9in) Loading area: Ground 1 Low 14-3m (47ft) Unladen weight: 1630kg (37101b) Gross vehicle weight (approx): 2680kg (59051b) Turning Axle circle: litre, 2-4:1 — front and rear: 4-7:1 Equipment Tyre size: three alternatives: 7-50 > 16in or 8 20 15in sand tyres Wheel rim size: 5-50 16in well base Electrical system: 12V dc (24V ac 90A optional) Engine Type: 2-25 ratio four -cylinder petrol : 15in sand tyres or 9-00 Transmission Performance Main gee rbox ratios: Top direct Approach angle (laden): 47 deg Departure angle (laden) 29 deg Payload, including crew (road and cross-country): 765kg (15cwt) Maximum speed, four-cyiinder petrol: 96km/h (60mph) Gross power/weight ratio (laden): 30-8bhp/ton Maximum tractive effort (laden): 1600kg (35001b) Third 1-512:1 2nd 2-22:1 1st 3-6:1 Rev 30:1 X : THE ROVER COMPANY LIMITED Meteor Works, Lode Lane, Telephone: 021 -743 4242 Solihull, Warwickshire, England Cables: Rover Solihull Telex: 331 56 299 c ^rtion13: Vshicles The standard wheelbase Land Rover (223 cm, 88 inch) shown above can be put to a wide range of uses and is in service with many military and police forces throughout the world, some of which are illustrated below: 1 as two-stretcher ambulance, 2 fitted for radio (FFR), deep-wading, 3 as used in the Australian Army, 4 as a cargo carrier, 5 as a recovery vehicle, 6 on air-drop platform (with J-ton model), 7 as command post, 8 as used by the Royal Air Force, and 9 at the headquarters of Northag. 8 j^^ifl^ t 7 £ n j 3KBB - ?00 "IS Section 13: Vehicles Land Rover military Hon model In operation with armed and police forces throughout the world, the adaptability and immense strength of the 223-cm (88-in) wheelbase Land Rover have proved it one of the finest general-purpose military vehicles ever produced. The specification includes FV design towing hook, twin fuel tanks, vehicle lashing eyes at front and rear, freight lashing cleats in body, rear bumpers and front bumpers modified to permit pushing of one vehicle by another, oil cooler and eight-bladed The vehicle is available in fan, FV pattern lights, etc. both '12-volt cargo' and '24-volt fitted for radio' (FFR) The FFR version incorporates a 90A specifications. rectified ac electrical system with provision for charging wireless batteries, full suppression of electrical equipment, wireless table, battery carrier, two 100Ah batteries, co-axial aerial leads, HF aerial brackets, operators seats, etc. !*=* ( ^ N ^ M F 1 1 K N J: Tr A B c D E Metres Inches Wheelbase 2-23 88 Track 1-31 Overall length Overall width (over hinges) Overall height of windscreen Overall height with hood Front cushion to accelerator pedal Front squab to steering wheel Headroom front seat (uncompressed) Front to rear of front cushion Width of front cushion 3 62 1 68 1 714 97 0-489 1 50 142-56 66 67 5 77 50 19 25 0368 0965 400 0457 Metres Width of front centre cushion Width between front seats Top of front cushion to floor Front squab height Height of body sides Width of body interior Length of body interior Interior body width between wheel boxes Width of wheel boxes Height of wheel boxes F 51 G H I J K L M 14 5 38 N 15 75 18 0381 0025 0-362 Inches 15 1 0451 14-25 17 75 0508 20 448 1-206 57 47-50 0-917 0-349 36 125 13 75 0216 8-50 1 Specification General Loading area: -43 1 x 1 22m Ground clearance (laden): 0-203m Turning circle: 1 1 58m Transfer box ratios: 1-148:1 High (56J x 48in) Low (8in) Axle ratio (38ft) Unladen weight: 1530kg (33751b) Gross vehicle weight (approx): 2020kg (44531b) Engine size: Wheel rim litre, front and rear: 4-7:1 Equipment Tyre Type: 2-25 2-4:1 — 16m; 6 50 6 00 size: 500 Electrical system: four-cylinder petrol 12V 16in; 7 50 16m; 8 20 16in well base dc (24V ac 90A optional) 1 5in (sand) Transmission Performance Main ge£ rbox ratios: direct Top Approach angle (laden): 41 deg Departure angle (laden) 34 deg Payload including crew (road and cross-country): 508kg (10cwt) Maximum speed: 105km/h (65mph) Gross power/ weight ratio (laden): 40bhp/ton Maximum tractive effort (laden): 1800kg (40001b) Third 1-512:1 2nd 1st 222:1 36:1 Rev 3-0:1 : LAND^ THE ROVER COMPANY LIMITED Meteor Works, Lode Lane, Solihull, Telephone: 021-743 4242 Cables: Warwickshire, England Rover Solihull Telex: TROVER 33156 301 Section *3: Vehicles 302 Section 13: Vehicles Land Rover lightweight air-portable model new half-ton 223cm (88in) wheelbase Land Rover has been designed and developed in conjunction with the British Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (FVRDE) to meet the special air-portability requirements of the British Army, RAF and Royal Marines. Over a period it will succeed the normal 88-in Land Rover vehicle which is at present the standard light 4 4 in its load class in all British Forces. The main feature of the new halfton Land Rover is that any or all of the hood, body sides, doors, windscreen, bumpers and spare wheel may be removed more easily for transportation by aircraft or helicopter than from current models, resulting in an austere but highly robust and serviceable vehicle weighing little over a ton. In its built-up form it offers the same degree of comfort and weather protection as existing models. The half-ton is available in both '12-volt cargo' and '24-volt fitted for radio' (FFR) This specifications. AA Wheelbase BB Track CC DD Overall length Overall width Overall height of windscreen Overall height with hood Front cushion to accelerator pedal Front squab to steering wheel Headroom, front seat (uncompressed) Front to rear of front cushion Width of front cushion EE FF A B C D E Metres 2-23 88 00 F 1-31 3 65 51-50 144 00 G Width of front centre cushion Width between front sets H Top 52 6000 170 195 67 00 1 7700 36 17-50 14 25 M 105 41 50 N 0-43 17-12 18 00 0-44 45 Specification -40m (48 • 0-45 0-50 Height of body sides 00 2000 5925 4525 50 0-91 O 020 36-00 11-60 8-12 P Platform height (unladen) 071 2800 L 1st 3-6:1 Rev 30:1 1 1-14 0-28 Transfer box ratios: 1-148:1 High 24:1 Low: 1 1 14-00 18 00 Width of body interior Length of body interior Interior body width between wheel boxes Width of wheel boxes Height of wheel boxes General Loading area: 1-21 002 035 of front cushion to floor Front squab height I J K Inches 18 00 Metres 0-45 Inches Axle 551in) Ground clearance: 0-21 m (8Jin) Turning circle: 12-80m (42ft)* Unladen weight: 1386kg (32101b) 1206 5kg (26601b) in stripped-down form Gross vehicle weight (approx): 2018kg (44501b) ratio — front and rear: 4-7:1 Equipment — Tyre size five alternatives: 6 00 1 6in; 6-50 15in (sand tyres) 8 20 Wheel rim size: 5 00F 16in well base Electrical system: 12V dc (24V ac optional) X 1 6in; 7-00 X 1 6in; 7-50 X 1 6in • Engine Type: 2 25 litre, Performance four-cylinder petrol Approach angle: 49 deg (58 deg in stripped-down form) Departure angle: 36 deg (38 deg in stripped-down form) Payload (road and cross-country): 508kg (10cwt) Maximum speed: 105km/h (65mph) Gross power weight ratio (laden): 40bhp/ton Maximum tractive effort (laden): 1800kg (40001b) Transmission Main gearbox ratios: Top direct Third 1512:1 2nd 2 22:1 LAND^> THE ROVER COMPANY LIMITED Meteor Works, Lode Lane, Telephone: 021-743 4242 Solihull, Warwickshire, England Cables: Rover Solihull Telex: ROVER 33156 303 Section 13: Vehicles uper Constructor heavy-duty tractor The Scammell 6 6 Super Constructor is designed to give exceptional performance with heavy loads over all types of terrain. This is achieved by the well-proven Scammell method of transmission and suspension and Gear by power steering and two-pedal control. changes up or down at full engine torque are made by moving a lever on the steering column, the gear selected being shown on a dial. Powered by the Rolls-Royce C6 TFL, 12-17 litre Brakes Prime mover 6 6 engine producing 275 bhp, the Super Constructor is available in wheelbase length of 5-81 m (17 ft 2iin) as three main types: tractor for drawbar trailers with gross train weight up to 180 tons; prime mover for use with semi-trailers for payloads up to 75 tons; chassis for recovery workshops. It is also available as a heavy-duty wrecker/recovery vehicle with 1 2-ton capacity Reynolds Boughton equipment described elsewhere in this Catalogue. Scammell Super Constructor for 50-ton trailer air system Mechanical: rear bogie Foot: two-line tank transporter This six-wheel drive vehicle is the motive unit for a 50/60-ton semi-trailer. The cab accommodates two passengers in addition to the driver. A 15-ton winch with 137 m (450 ft) of rope is fitted for loading the semitrailer and for self- Steering Cam and double-roller with hydraulic power-assistance recovery. Suspension Front: coil Rear: balance beam Dimensions Fuel tanks Twin 455 litre (100 304 m (10 ft in) m (10 ft 10 in) Track, rear: 2-48 m (7 ft 91 in) Wheelbase: 5-35 m (17 ft 21 in) Height: Width: 3-30 Unladen weight: 14 532 kg (32 480 gal) tanks fitted to frame 50-ton semi-trailer tank transporter 6-6 lb) tractor, forms a This semi-trailer, with the Scammell Super Constructor transportation unit for the movement of tanks, armoured fighting vehicles and miscellaneous stores and equipment up to 50 tons. Power unit Type: Rolls-Royce C6 TFL oil ignition No of cylinders: 6 Capacity: 12-17 litres Gross bhp: 275 Gross torque: 1 03 691 kgf m (750 Ibf ft) Governed speed: 2100 rev/min Cooling: pressurised Lubrication: forced feed wet Dimensions at 1 300 rev/min Height: 2-62 m (8 ft 7 in) Width: 3 35 m (11 ft) Length: 1 1 77 m (38ft 71 in) Wheelbase (to kingpin): 8 66 m (28 ft 5 in) Track: inner 91 m (3 ft): outer 2-74 m (9 ft) Platform height: 1-17 (3ft 9} in) Weight: unladen 1 6 205 kg (35 728 lb) laden 77 21 9 kg m sump : Wheels 51 m (37-5 x 20 20 Michelin Metallic Transmission Rims: 0-95 Fluid coupling: Fluidrive Type 550 stepped coupling Gearbox: RV30 air-operated with 8 forward and 2 reverse speeds Tyres: E Propeller shafts: Hardy Spicer Axles: Scammell double reduction spiral bevel and epicyclic fully floating driving axles with disengageable drive to front axles. Ratio 1 0-25:1 Jacking • Manually operated hydraulic jacks Suspension Unsprung walking beam Wheels Rims: 406 5 08 m (16 00 20-00 in) Tyres: Michelin Sahara X. Spare wheel and tyre supplied loose 304 in) Towing attachments Kingpin size 89 mm (31 in) dia (1 70 240 lb) Section 13: Vehicles Contractor high-speed heavy-duty tractor not just one truck but a whole range of vehicles for high-speed long-distance road haulage. available with different capacity rear bogies, It is alternative engines and gearboxes for gross combination weights of 75 tons and more. Contractor performance ranges in speed from 80-96 km/h (SOSO mph); gradient ability is 1 in 4 (depending on choice of engine, gearbox and rear bogie); payloads The Contractor is 60 tons or more can be carried. The specification and performance details quoted here are typical and intended as a guide only they do not indicate the of — full extent of the range of performance. The Scammell Contractor is built to order to meet Each truck is particular requirements and needs. designed and equipped to suit a specific purpose. Specification Engine Cummins NTC-335 rev/min. Torque 1 335 bhp at 2100 Clutch Lipe-Rollway twin plate 381 mm (15 in) dia 15-2DP. Hydraulic actuation with Clayton with solid centre plates. 'Airpak' booster Type No Gearbox Fuller RTO-913 Ratios: 12-50:1 8 35:1 338:1 2-47:1 1-35:1 1-57:1 0-87:1 governor type D supplied by the main reservoir. The compressor charges the main reservoir, which in turn charges a second reservoir through a charging valve which connects the two reservoirs only above a preset pressure The main reservoir supplies air to the E-1 type pedal valve which regulates air to all the brakes on the vehicle and to a relay controlling air feed to the service line trolled by a six-cylinder diesel engine producing 29 kgf m (930 Ibf ft) at 1 600 rev/min 4-56:1 1-81:1 6 12:1 2-14:1 1-17:1 Electrical equipment A 12 V single-pole system starter. A battery carrier is 100:1 Reverse: 1307:1 3-87:1 Brakes (front) Leading and trailing shoe type, operated by S-cams with cam levers operating through slack adjusters Diaphragm type 24 actuators operate the cam levers. Size of brake: 431 1 52 mm (1 7 x 6 in) 1 6 mm ( j in) thick • • coupling. The second reservoir supplies air to the valve controlling the spring brakes; it also supplies air for the gearbox control. A standard two-line air system is employed. Aeroquip (or equivalent specification) brake hoses are used. is fitted, with series-parallel switching for the 24 V mounted on the frame. Four headlamps of 146 mm (5 J in) dia are provided, protected by, but mounted independently of, the front bumper. Two forward facing side lamps Contour lamps: two amber, facing forward, on cab roof at front corners two red, at front sides Two combined stop-and-tail Two lighting switches: one tail and marker two flashing turn indicators at front corners. controlling headlights, the other controlling side, lamps, lights only Brakes (rear) Design as for front brakes. Size of brake: 457 * 203 Wheels Diaphragm type 30 actuators mm (18x8 in) 1 9 mm Brakes, air pressure system The engine-driven compressor is regulated by SCAMMELL LORRIES ( I in) thick a built-in unloader valve, con- 10.00W 24 Tyres 1400-24 in x, in with 8-75 in offset 20-ply rating, ten per vehicle LIMITED Military Sales Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1, England Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: Leymotors London W1 Telex Telex: 22498 305 i ""0: Vehicles The Bedford MK general-service vehicle has a low overall height, which gives excellent air-portability characteristics and renders is •; it easy concealment. types of terrain ideal for home on at all It *>^;V* New wide good belly clearance fording or track, high ground clearance, and an unprepared wading ability up to 760 mm provide even greater versatility and efficiency than with the widely known R-type Bedford (30 ~- .---•_- 306 a-:* --'^ ~-^- :_ « = in) now Four-wheel drive is MK both chassis transfer box in ratios, and available on the and low' changes can 'high' ratio be made without stopping the vehicle. Handling and performance are even better than with the Bedford R 4 4 Section 13: Vehicles Bedford MK general service truck Latest in a range of very successful cross-country > 4 vehicles from Bedford, which have been in continuous production for over 30 years, the new M-type Bedford 4 4 truck offers many new features and 4 improvements: completely new 'cab-ahead-of-engine' (1) The layout gives very much improved crew accommodation, unobstructed cross-cab access and reduced step height; (2) the redesigned transfer box provides four-wheel drive in both 'high' and 'low' ratios, with two-wheel higher gross ratings mean increased (4) the exceptionally wide track gives improved stability on rough terrain; (5) there is a completely new braking system with dual air and dual hydraulic operation, or with three-line air for trailer brake operation; (6) vehicle height and weight drive only; high' in (3) load capacity; are low for air-portability. Specification variations can be provided for special Power units can be for petrol, diesel, or applications. multi-fuel operation. Dimensions A— B — 343 343 mm mm (13-5 (13 5 in) F— 1422 mm in) G— 1235 mm (48 62 in) H— 1333mm(52 50in) T—41 E— 3251 mm (1280 in) U— 38 J (257-1 2 in) mm Unprepared wading (shallow fording) 762 (30 in) — 6530 mm C— 1079 mm (42-5 D— 3962 mm (1560 in) in) (560 in) Weights Si ngle rear kg Gross vehicle weight Gross train 9450 20 832 14 734 2464 rear axle total weight Kerb weight: front axle Dua wl leels ton lb I rear kg 9-30 wh eels ton lb 175 32 480 — 24 640 14-5 5432 243 2412 5318 237 1270 2800 1-25 1400 3086 1-38 3734 8232 3 68 3812 8404 3-75 5716 12 600 5 62 7363 16 236 7 25 11 11 00 — — Body and payload capacity without Note trailer —The above are estimated weights in dry condition Specification MK data given are for the standard type with multi-fuel engine and single rear wheels All Power unit Type: 330 in* (5-4 litres) Bedford Displacement: 5420 cm 1 (330 in 3 ) Gross bhp: 107 at 2800 rev/min Net torque: 30-4 kgf m (220 Ibf ft) Governed speed: 2800 rev/min tri-fuel at 1 600 rev/min compression ignition Ignition type: Fuel system pump AVTAG, AVTUR Type: electrical Types lift of fuel: or DIESO Air cleaner: FV oil-bath with pre-cleaner Tank capacity: 150 litres (33 gal) Parking: drum-type transmission brake on axle casing Trailer: three-line air Warning device: gauge, buzzer and lamD Rims: B8 20 4-4 offset ten-stud heavy-duty three-piece Tyres: 1 200 \ 20 1 4 PR cross-country Tyre pump: via compressor Chains: provision for, can be fitted System: worm and sector Turning circle: 1829 m (60 Transmission Clutch: 230 (13 in) single dry plate Gearbox: four-speed synchro and reverse Transfer box: two-speed Trans box ratios: 2:1 and 1 :1 Propeller shafts: Hardy Spicer Front: semi-elliptic Rear: semi-elliptic Dampers: double-acting telescopic front and Type: hook front and rear hypoid to Electrical equipment Alternator: 24 V Batteries: 2 12 air/hydraulic dual-line wheels rear Towing attachments ; Differentials: two, fully-floating, Brakes System: pressurised, with pump, fan and thermostat dia Suspension Axles: fully-floating Ratios: top 6 8:1 bottom 96:1 Foot: ft) mm sump Engine cooling rear- Steering Winch: optional. 5 tons capacity, mid-mounted permit winching to front and rear Engine lubrication System: wet Wheels drum pattern on all V 80 Ah Suppression: MVEE specification 2051, Appendix D1, schedule B VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED Luton, Bedfordshire, England Telephone: Luton 21122 Cables: Carvaux Luton Telex: 821 31 307 Section 14 Vehicle equipment 309 section 14: Vehicle equipment Above: many 5MS connectors of different types and sizes are used in the turret of the Chieftain tank to protect all electric cabling The Patternjl04 connector, showing the latest fully sea led high - density assembly This inter-vehicle connector is a heavy-duty unit to aid starting at sub-zero temperatures, either by linked distribution systems or slave units This twelve-point trailer connector is a robust sealed assembly able to meet rough unskilled handling in trailer coupling ^0 Section 14: Vehicle equipment Electrical connectors Multi-pin ordnance types of AB Electronic Components years designed and manufactured electrical connectors to the exacting requirements of The Connector Division Ltd has for many Government We are proud to have been associated with the British Military Vehicle British specifications. Engineering Establishment, formerly FVRDE, for the past five years as design parents for connectors in defence networks, communication systems, and vehicle developments. Our expertise enables us to tackle the most complex applications. 5MS is the nomenclature for the standard range of connectors used throughout the UK in general vehicle This company played a major part in their design and development. The basis of the concept was the MIL-C-501 5 specification but it was updated in line with current connector practice. Bonded and sealed assemblies, using closed entry sockets, are manufactured to more stringent tolerances to ensure wiring. Other ranges available from production include Pattern 104, principally used in radio and signal com- The range is fully approved to DEF-5325-2. Pattern 104 connectors have replaced and remain intermateable and interchangeable with Mk 4 connectors, a British Government standard for many years. team has During the last two years our devoted much time and effort to analysing the feasiThe advantages of using bility of using 'flat cable'. particularly on government/ flat flexible cables, aerospace and defence projects, are well known. Our results from this programme are due to be launched very soon. The concept will provide not only an extremely simple answer for termination and coupling, munication systems. specification R&D interfacial sealing. itself the key to a wiring system. are presenting here only the Connector Division of our company. employ over 2500 people in three modern factories in South Wales, making thick-film number circuits, of The concept employs a minimum components to produce a fully universal system, with advantages to the engineer, purchasing officer and storeman. but is in We We a potentiometers, switches and edge connectors; subsidiary aids our service to Europe. German — B The above sketches illustrate the design concept of the 5MS connector series: The basic components are a fixed unit (A), a free unit (B) and a coupler unit (C). If sealing is required on the back of a fixed unit (A), a grommet assembly is used, comprising a grommet, follower and nut (D). to combine into the unit shown at (E). For units requiring a right-angled outlet, an angled outlet set is available comprising an outlet, grommet and follower (F). This results in a fixed angle outlet (G) or in a free angle outlet (H). The outlet with its integral nut is fitted in place of the grommet nut, which then fits on the end of the outlet. Should additional support be required for the cables or any assembly, the grommet nut can be replaced by a grommet cable clamp nut (J) of the many different concepts developed by us specifically for defence applications; full details are available on The following brief details describe some Automatic coupling connector Produced for coupling the firing circuits for the Swingfire missile. The design overcomes and eases the location problems associated with this form of system. Twelve-point Intervehicle connector This provides the link for coupling two vehicle distribution systems to ease of multisub-zero temperatures. With the introduction starting at fuel engines came the problems of increased starting current. This concept can handle well in excess of 1000 A for six minutes. It is fully approved by MVEE and NATO STANNAG 4007 and is intermateable and interchangeable with the previous 350 A UK standard. connector Quick release connector Originally developed for the latest version of the military Brewcan The canteen now has a place at No 1 in the modern fighting services, as important now as in the past. Variations are now installed for other applications on bridgelayer vehicles and Snowcats. The latest form is in the motor racing world for starting Grand Prix cars. connector AB ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS LIMITED Sutherland House, 5-6 Argyll Street, London, Telephone: 01 -437 7581 trailer approved by MVEE and NATO STANNAG 4074, this new design is intermateable and interchangeable with the previous NATO standard. Provision is made for positive cable and conductor sealing, providing fully weatherproof assemblies for both vehicle and trailer. This obviates the hazards of the past with vehicle wading. Fully request. Telex: 49606 W1V 1AD, England , DD 311 Section 14: Vehicle equipment Alternator, type AC140 CAV AC140 alternator has been designed to supply high electrical outputs. It fully meets specification FV2051 The alternator produces a self-limited maximum output of 140 A at a nominal 24 V at an ambient temperature of 80 C and can operate in an ambient temperature range from -40 C to —80 C, but up to 140 C with forced ventilation, ventilating air being drawn through ducts at an inlet temperature of 60 C. The stator laminations have been cast in position to obtain high thermal efficiency. The insulation in the stator has been designed to withstand high temperatures. The output from the stator is rectified by the main six silicon diodes mounted in the slip ring end shield. Three additional diodes in conjunction with three of the main diodes provide a rectified auxiliary dc supply for field excitation. Full-load excitation is provided at approximately 2 A field current. The alternator can be driven in either direction by a shaft or belt. Drive ratio depends on the installation but can usefully be fixed somewhere between 2:1 and 3:1 The Starter motor, type SL6 CAV motors come in two types, axial and co-axial. These high-performance have been designed to provide maximum efficiency with a long service life coupled to a reliable high duty rating. Pinion engagement occurs under reduced power and full starting torque is not applied until the pinion is completely in mesh with the flywheel ring gear. This positive low-load engagement eliminates any risk of damage as a result of violent engagement. The design incorporates a protection against overspeeding which can occur when an engine is firing and rapidly accelerating and the starter button is held engaged. The starters can operate in a wide variety of climatic conditions and fully meet British military specification FV2051 starter starters Multi-fuel injection n 16: '>n craft and engines Some bombs the wide range of missiles, (with ballistic or retarded tails), rockets and heavy-calibre guns available for the Lightning of 44 rockets (2-in) (1 0001b) overwing in a ventral pack, 450kg bombs on wing-pylons, and two an additional Bombs or (260gal) of fuel. rockets can be fitted at these overwing stations instead of fuel; a combined twin rocket-launcher/227 litre (50gal) fuel tank is also available for overwing attachment. The latter provides atotal additional fuel capacity of 910 litres (200gal) 1180 fuel tanks carrying litres Rotatable pack with reconnaissance camera ports exposed for photography. Gun pod with 2 30mm cannon installed in front portion of ventral pack 44 rockets (2-in) in the front fuselage with 72 rockets (68mm) beneath the wings <42 Section 16: Aircraft and engines Lightning high-low-high multi-mission aircraft Powerful ground-attack capability Already established as the world's finest interceptor, the Lightning, as a result of an intensive development programme, now has a high-performance groundattack potential of formidable strength. Under- and overwing weapons attachment stations enable it to carry in this role a wide spectrum of armament, bombs, rockets and cannon. For example, in one configuration no less than 188 rocket projectiles of both 2in and 68mm calibre can be carried. The mix of weapons can be varied to suit many operational requirements, over four hundred different combinations of load being feasible. Mission change in minutes and weapons In addition to missiles for high-altitude interception, and bombs, rockets and cannon for lowlevel attack, the Lightning can also carry out high- speed reconnaissance tasks utilising a pack contained within the fuselage for camera lens protection, and with capacity for the installation of side-looking radar and other reconnaissance electronics. A change of role from interceptor to ground attack reconnaissance can be made in a minimum of or to time, frequently as armament is the little only as one hour; the change of between-sortie modification necessary. Full potential in all roles In all these roles the Lightning retains unimpaired its qualities of manoeuvrability, ease of handling and response to control which have proved it unexcelled as a weapons platform. Its high-performance radar equipment is retained in all tasks and supplemented by a light fighter sight for accurate air-to-ground target destruction and as a stand-by sight for air-to-air combat. Diagram showing weapon stations on the Lightning: A Front fuselage B Ventral pack for fuel or combination C weapons bay and Underwing pylons for bombs, missile mounting fuel/30mm gun pod rocket pods or special containers D Overwing combined stations for fuel, fuel tank/rocket bombs, rocket launchers or launcher A D BRITISH AIRCRAFT B A CORPORATION Preston Division Warton Aerodrome, Preston, PR4 1AX, England Telephone: St Annes 21255 Cables: Britair Warton Telex: D 67627 343 Section 16: Aircraft and engines A BAC 1 67 340 litre Strikemaster takes off with two (75gal) auxiliary fuel tanks at outboard underwing SURA rockets at stations, inboard 16 80mm underwing guns and and two 762mm ammunition in fuselage mounting. stations, this configuration the Strikemaster radius of action of over A salvo of 68mm 500 In has a nautical miles rockets at the moment of launch from the Matra rocket pods beneath the wings of a Strikemaster. Outboard stations were empty on this occasion for trials recording purposes, but additional launchers or stores can easily be fitted at these points Some of the wide range of armament BAC 167 Strikemaster available for the 344 Section 16: Aircraft and engines Strikemaster BAC BAC 167 for pilot training and defence 67 Strikemaster variants are now being delivered and are on order for several air forces throughout the world. The dual capability of the Strikemaster has been High operational effectiveness Powered by the Rolls-Royce Viper 20 Mk 535 engine giving 1550kg (34101b) s.t, the Strikemaster has a choice since it enables jetbe introduced to project a soundly based defence plan, while incorporating simultaneous training to advanced standards with immediate avail- radius of action which can be varied from, for example, 250 nautical miles carrying 1360kg (30001b) underwing stores, to over 600 nautical miles on an armed reconnaissance sortie. At 100 nautical miles from base it can 'loiter' in the target area at low level for over 2ih, or at 500 nautical miles can patrol for 35min followed 1 a significant factor in this powered aircraft to ability for national security. by Two defensive concepts Not only is the BAC 167 Strikemaster a superb trainer for training up to a standard where easy transition to sophisticated supersonic machines can be achieved, but it gun a attack. vital also provides throughout this training period a powerful weapon and ground-attack national counter-insurgency costeffective and capable of integration into any projected or existing defence environment. for security. It is flexible, Wide armament spectrum Armament capability includes 2in, 80mm, 3in, and 5in rockets, bombs 2-75in, 68mm, of heavy calibre retarded tails, and various gun pods. underwing store configurations the Strikemaster carries two 7-62mm fuselage guns with 1100 rounds of ammunition. with ballistic or In all Fuel weight (lb) 1000 2000 3000 4000 Operational effectiveness 500 The graphs illustrate the considerable potential of the BAC 167 as an armed ground-attack or counter-insurgency patrol aircraft. In compiling 1500- these charts allowances have been 3000 1000- Take-off and accelerate to climb speed I Climb to optimum cruise a height Cruise at a (B £ 500- 1000 < ? after attack 8 Cruise 1500m to Loiter at 1-15Vmd 1 1 i 000 1 ' 1 at optimum height 9 Descend to circuit optimum height Descend while a Factors taken into capability, 7 Climb with tanks less stores (5000ft) 10 90kg (200lb) reserve fue at ISA conditions 1 1500m (5000ft) Attack for 3 minutes at 95 per cent power 1 for all operational factors fuel = i 2000 made consumption and weight carrying realistic fuel reserve figure has been allowed for. account or assumed are: affecting 12 Guns fined with 1 1 00 rounds ammunition * 2000 500 Fuel weight (kg) P.adius of action (nautical miles Radius of action nautical miles 200 100 400 300 1360 kg J 30001b =5 600 500 100 700 ts dropped 400 300 600 500 200 X^ Tanks retained Tan 200 200- for return 150- — _— _ x> Tanks dropped for return Tanks retained 150 U Z i c B E 910 kg 2000 < 450 kg 1000 50- X^n 1b Guns and 1100 200 100 100- lb O'J^ 600 400 Radius of BRITISH AIRCRAFT ds 800 action km 200 1200 N ^v 50 \ 400 600 800 1000 Radius of action (km) A CORPORATION Warton Aerodrome, Preston, PR4 1AX, England Cables: Britair Warton \ x2«v> Preston Division Telephone: St Annes 21255 N \\ X n >v x^ N ^v. ^^V \\ ^S?' OS \\ N \. mm 1000 "^N?* Telex: 67627 345 Seotfon 16: Aircraft and engines Performance (unfactored) at normal maximum weight 2860 ISA conditions (63001b). Short take-off and landing zero wind, dry hard surface. at kg sea level 2 x 260 hp Lycoming 0-540-E Take-off run: 170 m (560 ft) Take-off distance to 15 m (50 ft): 333 m (1090 ft) Landing run: 137 m (450 ft) Landing distance over 15m (50 ft) 293 m (960 ft) Sea level rate of climb, 2 engines: 5-3 m/sec (1050ft/min) Sea level rate of climb, 1 engine: 096 m/sec (190ft/min) Absolute ceiling: 4950 m (16 200 ft) Sea level maximum speed: 274 km/h (1 70 mph) Minimum control speed: 72 km/h (45 mph) Stalling speed: 78 km/h (49 mph) Cross wind velocity: 56 km/h (35 mph) : 2 300 hp Lycoming 10-540-K Take-off to 15 m (50 ft) at sea level: 287 m (940 ft) Landing distance from 15 m (50 ft) at sea level: 293 m (960 ft) Rate of climb, 2 engines (1260ft/min) Rate of climb, 1 engine at sea at level; 6-3 m/sec sea level: 1-3 m/sec (240 ft/mm) Single-engine ceiling: above 2440 m (8000 ft) Cruise 75% at 2290 m (7500 ft): 274 km/h (170 mph) Cruise 67% at 2740 m (9000 ft): 265 km/h (165 mph) The Britten-Norman BN-2landing on Hermes during trials in April 1968 346 HMS Section 16: Aircraft and engines Islander Britten-Norman BN-2 multi-purpose The BN-2 light transport aircraft gives dependable under tough close-support field conditions. Maintenance is simple. The fixed undercarriage is indestructible. virtually The entire structure is completely corrosion-proofed. The BN-2 is a twinengined aircraft which combines the capabilities of the service best single-engine STOL aircraft with the payload/ range performance of aircraft designed for long runway operation. The BN-2 communications, logistic parachute and supply dropping and roles of the are: support, utility, casualty evacuation. A version is available for aerial reconnaissance. Low in first costs, economic to operate and maintain, the BN-2's cost-effectiveness is increased by its short-field performance and ability to operate from unprepared clearings, sand areas or Arctic wastes which converts any small clearing into a forward air base. At its public transport gross weight of 2857 kg (6300 lb), the BN-2, powered by two rugged Lycoming light transport 0-540 engines, can be airborne in 171 metres (560 ft) and land in only 137 metres (450 ft), from any reasonably In flat ground. the Casevac role, the BN-2 can carry two sitting patients, two stretcher patients, plus attendants and medical equipment. The 4-77 m 3 (1 68-5ft ) cabin of the BN-2 can carry 900 kg (2000 lb) of supplies, ammunition and equipment, or eight fully equipped troops. The large rear door and high wing combined with the low minimum control speed make the BN-2 an ideal parachute or supply-dropping aircraft. As a ship-toshore liaison aircraft, the BN-2 can land and take off fully loaded from a conventional aircraft carrier without :! catapults or arrester gear. Numerous attachment points can be provided for the carriage of a wide assortment of underwing stores. The BN-2 is in quantity production and the basic equipment including propellers, brakes and instruments were chosen for their availability from commercial Over 1 80 BN-2s are in world-wide operation. sources. Casevac As a port combination forward support transand air ambulance, the BN-2 offers maximum cost made for two sitting patients medical room Provision effectiveness. plus is and two stretcherattendants, with to spare for extra payload or medical equipment. Supply drop The BN-2's rear door is 122 112 cm 44 in) which means that sacks, (48 large boxes and supply packs can all be delivered by the supply-drop BN-2. The BN-2 flies 320 km (200 miles) in just over an hour, has the ability to fly at low (83-4 km =45 knots) speeds for accurate on-target supply drops. Numerous attachment points can be provided for the carriage of a wide assortment of under- wing stores. Logistic support The BN-2 cabin is 427 cm (14 ft) long with a volume of 4-77 m 3 (1 68-5 ft 3 ). The BN-2 can take off and land in under 171 which means that any small clearing can be a forward supply base. Because of its low price the BN-2's metres (560 ft) cost effectiveness is many times greater than that of a helicopter offering equivalent payload. Internal security For the cost of one sophisticated aircraft, more BN-2s may be operated, each carrying eight troops a unique combination of flexibility and cost effectiveness. The BN-2 can take off from a standstill with one engine completely inoperative. five or — BRITTEN-NORMAN SALES LIMITED Bembridge Airport, Bembridge, Telephone: Bembridge 2511 Isle of Wight, England Cables: Britnor Bembridge Telex: 86277 347 Section 16: Aircraft and engines The Buccaneer was designed from the outset as a low-level high-speed weapon system. The use of high-strength steel wing spars and outer wing skins machined from the solid give high strength and durability. Special forward-looking and avoidance radar enable the aircraft to stay below the detecting radar horizon, while the high load-carrying capacity gives it an outstanding attack capability. The long range and transonic speed combined with comparatively low take-off and landing speeds (achieved by boundary blowing) result while some layer exceptional the most in flexibility, sophisticated electronic control and attack aids standing effectiveness in of navigational, ensure all outoperational roles. The Harrier is the only operational world able to take off vertically, or with only a very short run, thus making it completely independent of prepared air-strips. Despite this helicopter-like capability, the Harrier can attain speeds in excess of Mach 1, has an endurance of more than 7 hours and has already flown with external stores of 3630 kg (8000 lb) and will shortly 4540 kg be cleared to (10 000 1b). A full range of the latest electronic aids, aircraft in including the INAS (inertial navigation and attack system), ensure strike effectiveness under the most difficult conditions. The T2 two-seater Harrier in service with the Royal Air Force has a dual fighter/trainer role. A Harrier New York the Central of 5 hours 31 minutes 10 seconds, taking off and landing from building sites in the centre aircraft established — Central London time of both cities. Pictured is a Harrier in US Marine Corps markings carrying external stores of 3630 kg (8000 lb). The Hunter, although one of the first reach operational service, has undergone constant development and still represents one of the most effective ground-attack and general-service fighters available today. In service with the Royal Air Force and twelve other air forces in all parts of the world, the Hunter can deliver a considerable load of varied weapons at near-sonic speed over a wide radius. jet fighters to The basic Hunter specialised available in many including two-seat is versions, trainer, single-seat reconnaissance fighter, interceptor and ground- operational attack fighter. made craft 348 it one and safety have most popular air- Reliability of the with pilots everywhere. Section 16: Aircraft and engines Buccaneer, Harrier, Hunter Low-level strike and ground-attack aircraft Hawker Siddeley Aviation is one of the largest aircraft manufacturing company outside the USA. Its products cover the entire range of fixed-wing aircraft from civil and military trainers to strategic bombers and jet airliners. Hawker Siddeley Aviation is part of the Hawker Siddeley Group, one of the largest industrial organisations in the world with branches in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, South Africa, Argentina, India and Pakistan. The Group has 94 000 employees and a turnover exceeding £1 million a day. In addition to aviation, manufacture extends to missiles and aerospace equipment, diesel engines, electric power, general engineering and metals. Buccaneer S Mk Power plant: two Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan engines in) spread; m (19 ft 11 in) folded Span: 13 4 m (44 ft 6 158m (51 ft 10 in) folded Length: 19-3 m (63 ft 5 in) spread; Height: 4-95 m (16 ft 3 in) Gross wing area: 478 m 2 (515 ft 2 ) Aspect ratio: 3-76 Normal crew: pilot and observer Typical war loads: Martel Bullpup or AS 30 air-to-ground missiles on wing pylons; 68 mm or 2 in rocket pods on wing pylons; 4 x 450 kg (10001b) bombs in bomb bay, 3 x 450 kg (1000 lb) bombs on each of four wing pylons; day/night photo reconnaissance pack. Total war load 7250 kg (16 000 lb) Weight and performance: details not released but speed is high subsonic Range at max all-up weight: an unrefuelled non-stop flight of 3700 km (2300 miles) including a low-level attack has been announced by the Royal Navy (Buccaneer S Mk 2) Max endurance: a non-stop flight of nine hours with two in-flight refuellings has been announced by the South African Air Force (Buccaneer S Mk 50) 2 low-level strike aircraft The Buccaneer Power Harrier GR Mk 1 V/STOL is in production for the Royal Air Force one Rolls-Royce plant: Bristol Pegasus 101 vectored-thrust turbofan engine fighter Max static thrust: 8620 kg (1 9 000 lb) Span: 7-70 m (25 ft 3 in) Length: 14-12 m (46 ft 4 in) Height: 3-35 m (11 ft) Gross wing area: 18-67 m 2 (201 ft 2 ) Normal crew: pilot 7260 kg (16 000 lb) max Weight: 5440 kg (12 000 lb) empty; hover; in excess of 9980 kg (22 000 lb) gross Speed: transonic (no details available) Ferry range: 3700 km (2000 nm) War load: in excess of 2268 kg (5000 lb) including two 30 mm Aden guns External fuel tanks: 455 (100 gal) combat; 1500 litres litres (330 gal) ferry The Harrier Power Hunter FGA plant: Static thrust: 9 and FR 10 operation with and in production for the Royal Air production for the United States Marine Corps in is Force and in one Rolls-Royce Avon 4540 kg (10 000 m (33 ft 8 in) Length: 1 3 98 m (45 ft 10i Height: 4-0 m (13 ft 2 in) Mk 207 turbojet engine 1b) Span: 10-26 in) Gross wing area: 32-42 m 2 (349 ft ) Normal crew: pilot Weight: 9980 kg (22 000 lb) gross Max speed: 0-95 Mach 2 Refurbished Hunters are HAWKER SIDDELEY AVIATION Richmond Road, Kingston upon Thames, Telephone: 01-546 7741 LIMITED Surrey, England Cables: Hawsidair Kingston upon Thames Telex: 23726 still in great demand throughout the world fe 349 Section 16: Aircraft and engines Able to operate from rough airfields, only simple maintenance and giving dependable service at compararequiring tively low cost, the HS 748 is ideal for military operation. The unobstructed layout of the main fuselage allows it to be quickly adapted from airborne stateroom to cargo transport. Internal starting and hydraulically operated airstairs can be provided. Combined with the high landing weight of 18 824 kg (41 500 lb) which enables the HS 748 to carry its own fuel for several short stages, the aircraft can operate independently of ground support. The Series 2A has a greater loadcarrying shorter capacity, requires a runway, has even more extended inspection periods (500 hours instead of 250 hours) and has a higher rate of climb than the original version. The Andover is the fully militarised version of the highly successful HS 748. While retaining full cabin pressurisation, the Andover has been adapted to transport relatively bulky and heavy loads and will accept floor loadings of up to 976 kg/m 2 (200 lb/ft 2 ). With a maximum all-up weight of 22 680 kg (50 000 lb), the Andover can lift a payload of up to 6800 kg (1 5 000 lb) with a take-off run of less than 400 (1300 The m ft). rear loading doors form a ramp which, coupled with the unique kneeling undercarriage, gives direct ground-loading access to the entire hold. A side door is also provided. Twin low-pressure tyres all round, a steerable nose wheel and other features enable the Andover to air use unprepared strips. The Argosy was designed primarily as cargo transport and is used by the RAF in the medium-range tactical support role. With its Rolamat cargo handling system, the full cargo of up to 13 tons can be loaded and unloaded in little more than ten a minutes. The cargo area is designed to take six 2-24 m standard military pallets 255 deck in), with cargo 88 the (108 being at normal truck height. At the same time, the aircraft has full pressurisation and air conditioning, enabling it to carry 84 men in high-density seating, or 54 paratroops with full kit. The four Rolls-Royce Dart engines have a time between overhaul of well over 2000 hours, enabling the Argosy to give sustained service over long periods. 350 Section 16: Aircraft and engines HS748, Andover, Argosy Transport and support aircraft These three movement aircraft in their many available versions completely meet the of personnel and stores in any modern fighting force. Power HS plant: need for the fast, safe and cost-effective two Rolls-Royce Dart RDa.7 Mk 532 engines 2230 each engine Effective shaft horsepower: 748 Series 2A feeder airliner 3002 m (98 ft 6 in) Length: 20-42 m (67 ft in) Height: 7-58 m (24 ft 10 in) Span: Gross wing area: 75-35 m Max wing kg/m 3 (54 9 loading: 267 Aspect ratio: 1 1 -967 3 (810 75 5 ft ) lb/ft*) Normal crew: pilot and co-pilot 58 (high-density) plus Passenger accommodation: 48 (typical) 9-54 m 3 (337 ft 3 ) cargo capacity 1-92 X 2-46 m = 54-86 m* Cargo hold (freight version): 14-30 (46 ft 6 in x 6 ft 4 in x 8 ft 1 in ^ 1936 ft 3 ) Max all-up weight: 20 183 kg (44 495 lb) - Max payload: 5300 kg (11 700 lb) 453 km/h at 4600 m (245 knots at 15 000 ft) ISA 1650 km (890 nm) with 4540 kg (10 000 lb) payload Take-off balanced field length (at max AUW): 1230 m (4050 ft) Landing distance from 1 5 m (50 ft); 1010 m (3310 ft) Typical cruise: Typical range: Power two Rolls-Royce Dart RDa.12 engines 3245 each engine plant: Effective shaft horsepower: Andover C Mk 1 Span: 29-95 m (98 ft 3 in) Length: 23-77 m (78 ft in) Height: 9 17 m (30 ft 1 in) Gross wing area: 77-2 m 3 (831 military transport Max wing loading: Aspect ratio: 1 Normal crew: 1 -4 ft 3 ) 2938 kg/m 3 (60-1 lb/ft 3 ) -61 pilot and co-pilot (radio operator/navigator optional) Typical loads: 56-58 troops, 40 paratroops 24 stretcher cases with nursing team, vehicles, 6963 kg (15 350 lb) freight Cargo hold: 14-11 x 1 91 » 2-47 m (46 ft 3 in 6 ft 3 in x 8 ft 1 in) Max all-up weight: 22 680 kg (50 000 lb) Typical cruise: 416 km/h at 6100 m (225 knots at 20 000 ft) ISA Range at max all-up weight: 1850 km (1000 nm). 5% reserve Max endurance: 7 5 hours Mk Power plant: four Rolls-Royce Dart RDa.8 Effective shaft horsepower: 2680 each engine Argosy Mk 101 engines Span: 3505 m (115 ft in) Length over nose radome: 27-13 m (89 ft in) Height: 8 23 m (27 ft in) 2 Gross wing area: 135-45 m (1458 ft') Max wing loading: 351 kg/m (720 lb/ft') Aspect ratio: 907 Normal crew: pilot, co-pilot, navigator, flight engineer Cargo hold: 14-27 2 59 2 64 m (46 ft 10 in 8 ft 6 in x 8 ft 8 in) Typical loads: palletised freight, AFVs, 54 paratroops, 69 troops, 48 stretcher cases with nursing team Max all-up weight: 47 610 kg (105 000 lb) Typical cruise: 433 km/h at 6100 m (234 knots at 20 000 ft) ISA Range at max all-up weight: 5230 km (2830 nm), 13% reserve Max endurance: 10 hours 660 military transport : < HAWKER SIDDELEY AVIATION Richmond Road, Kingston upon Thames, Telephone: 01-546 7741 LIMITED Surrey, England Cables: Hawsidair Kingston upon Thames Telex: 23726 fe 351 "<6: Section Aircraft and engines The Nimrod is the world's first jetpowered maritime reconnaissance aircraft and and some utilises of the airframe design developed detail for the Comet 4C The four Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan powerplants give good specific fuel consumption and enable long-range civil airliner. In the low-level missions to be flown. patrol phase at average search weights loiter time can be extended by shutting down two engines without sacrificing safety. of the Nimrod renders it with the rapidly changing tactical pattern of naval warfare involving modern high-speed submarine and surface The spacious cabin accomvessels. modates all the electronic equipment and operators required to meet naval reconnaissance requirements. A wide range of stores can be carried in the large fuselage The high speed ideal for dealing weapons bay and missiles can be carried on wing pylons. The Shackleton is a mid-wing mono- designed for long-range antisubmarine and reconnaissance patrols under all climatic conditions. Normally a plane crew ten of is personnel can be carried but additional accommodated without difficulty. Equipped with the latest search equipment and powerful offensive armament, Shackleton can also carry a large and varied load of detection equipment and anti-submarine weapons. Particular attention has been paid to requirements which demand long periods of operation at low altitude and low speed, and interiors have been furnished and equipped to meet stringent specifica- the tions Crew comfort is of the highest and includes such items as a full air-conditioning system, galley and wardroom. standard I -/"-! IB The HS 125 transport aircraft sixis to in twelve-seat with service jet a world's air forces. A navigational trainer version known as the Dominie is also in service with the RAF. The HS 125 offers high speed, flexibility and reliability in service with low operating costs, simple maintenance and the ability to operate from unpaved strips. In the crew trainer version the large cabin provides ample space for up to four number of the a wide range of electronic equipment, which enables instructors to give weapon system and navigation training under realistic operational conditions students and The wide operating capability of the renders it suitable for many other including advanced pilot trainer, roles, mobile headquarters, personnel transport, casualty evacuation, radar cali- HS 125 bration, photographic reconnaissance and courier services. The Rolls-Royce Bristol Viper gasturbine engines of the HS 125 have over 1A million flying hours under all conditions and have proved to be reliable in service. Section 16: Aircraft and engines HS 125 Nimrod, Shackleton, for reconnaissance, patrol and training economy in operation are the outstanding features of these aircraft— essential reconnaissance and long-range patrol work, undei all types of conditions anywhere in the world. Dependability, endurance and qualities for Nimrod all MR 1 maritime reconnaissance Power plant: four Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan engines Span: 34 99 m (114 ft 10 in) Length: 38 63 m (126 ft 9 in) Height: 904 m (29 ft 8 in) Normal crew: 1 jet No further details released Power Shackleton MR 3 long-range patrol aircraft plant: four Effective Rolls-Royce Griffon piston engines two Rolls-Royce Bristol Viper turbojet engines shaft horsepower: 2450 each Griffon engine 1 1 34 kg (2500 lb) each Viper engine Span: 36-52 m (119 ft 10 in) Length: 28-19 m (92 ft 6 in) Height: 7-11 m (23 ft 4 in) Normal crew: 10 Weight (empty) 26 220 kg (57 800 lb) Weight (loaded): 45 400 kg (100 000 lb) Service ceiling: 5850 m (19 200 ft) Cruising speed: 405 km/h (220 knots) Thrust: : Armament: two nose-mounted 20 mm guns, full range of anti-submarine warfare weapons Power HS Thrust: 125 jet transport and navigation trainer two Rolls-Royce Bristol Viper 522 engines 1525 kg (3360 lb) each engine plant: Span: 14-32 m (47 ft in) Length: 14-42 m (47 ft 5 in) Height: 503 m (16 ft 6 in) Gross wing area: 32-8 m- (353 Max wing loading: ft 2 ) 314 kg/m- (65-9 lb/ft 2 ) Aspect ratio: 6-25 Normal crew of navigation trainer: pilot, instructor plus Max all-up weight: 10 569 kg (23 300 lb) Max landing weight: 9072 kg (20 000 lb) Max zero fuel weight: 6441 kg (14 200 lb) Typical cruise: Range at max 817 km/h Richmond Road, Kingston upon Thames, Telephone: 01-546 7741 LIMITED Surrey, England Cables: Hawsidair Kingston upon Thames Telex: 23726 9449 m (441 knots at 2697 km (1455 nm) 31 3 or 4 students 000 ft) ISA all-up weight: Max endurance: 4-33 HAWKER SIDDELEY AVIATION at 2, hours with 20% reserves ^ 353 Section 16: Aircraft and engines The Vampire T1 1 all-purpose jet trainer was developed from the Vampire singleseat and fighter two-seat the night fighter. The object behind the design was to provide the widest variation of training duties, while retaining the simplicity and good handling characteristics of the original. Powered engine, variety of four 20 by a Goblin 3 turbo-jet Vampire T1 1 can carry a underwing stores together with the mm cannon mounted within the fuselage. More than 800 Vampire trainers were and saw service with the Royal Air Force and some twenty other air forces. built The Venom FB4 single-seat fighter development of Vampire and a Powered by a earlier Venom aircraft. Ghost 103 turbo-jet engine, the FB4 possessed characteristics which enabled it was the double role of ground-attack and high-altitude interception, by virtue of its moderate wing loading, low all-up weight, high degree of manoeuvrability and an outstanding rate of climb. More than 1143 Venoms were built and to fulfil fighter saw service with many air forces in all parts of the world. The Venom was also available in NF3 form as an all-weather interceptor designed meet the demand for a high-perforwith modern fighter equipped search and interception radar, capable of operating in all weather conditions by day or night. With power-operated controls both versions have excellent manoeuvrability characteristics at all heights and moderate landing speeds thus ensuring flexibility airfields of limited of operation from to mance dimensions. The Sea Vixen FAW 2 is an all-weather weapon system carrying a crew of two in a pressurised cabin. It is powered by two Avon Mk 208 turbo-jet engines developing 10 200 kg (22 500 lb) combined static thrust at sea level. In addition to a wide variety of external stores, including guided weapons (Red Top and/or Firestreak), rockets and bombs the Sea Vixen can carry drop tanks, a photographic reconnaissance pod, flares or a Palouste starter. The numerous operational load con- make figurations versatile. It is the aircraft extremely potent all-weather intersea/ground-attack aircraft a ceptor and with an excellent performance when used in the photographic reconnaissance role. The Sea Vixen FAW 2 can be used for flight refuelling as a receiver or as a tanker and its ability to carry a Palouste starter facilitates ferrying and rapid operational readiness after redeployment 154 Section 16: Aircraft and engines Vampire, Venom, Vixen reconnaissance and trainer aircraft strike, These aircraft of proven performance constitute an effective striking and local reconnaissance force, while providing and crew under operating environments typical of aerial warfare. ideal training facilities for pilots Power Rolls-Royce plant: Vampire T11 jet trainer Span: 11-58 m (38 ft Length: 10-49 m (34 A Height: Bristol 1565 kg (3450 Static thrust: 200 m (6 ft (DH) Goblin 35 jet engine lb) in) 5 in) ft 7 in) Gross wing area: 24 25 m- (261 ft 2 ) Thickness/chord ratio: 14% Normal crew: two Max all-up weight: 6170 kg (13 610 lb) Zero-fuel weight: 3815 kg (8410 lb) Fuel capacity (internal): 1500 litres (330 gal) Max wing loading: 254-85 kg/m 2 (52-2 lb/ft') Max level speed at sea level: 844 km/h (456 knots) 0-71 Mach Max permissible level speed: 870 km /h (470 knots) Still-air range at sea level: 480 km (260 nm) from internal fuel Still-air range internal 12 200 at m (40 000 ft): 1020 km (550 nm) from fuel Endurance at sea level: 1 -80 hours from internal fuel Typical war load: two 20 cannon plus 8 rocket projectiles and two 227 kg (500 lb) bombs, or two 454 kg (1000 lb) bombs, or two 454-litre (100-gal) drop tanks mm Power Venom FB4 ground-attack Rolls-Royce plant: Bristol 2200 kg (4850 Static thrust: fighter (DH) Ghost 103 turbo-jet engine lb) m (41 ft 9 in) with tip tanks Length: 1006 m (33 ft in) Height: 200 m (6 ft 7 in) Gross wing area: 25-92 m 2 (279 ft 2 ) Thickness/chord ratio: 10% Normal crew: pilot All-up weight without external equipment: 5450 kg (12 040 lb) All-up weight with tip tanks: 6100 kg (13 450 lb) Wing loading: 269-51 kg/m 2 (55 2 lb/ft 2 ) 0-79 Mach Max level speed at sea level: 965 km/h (523 knots) Still-air range at sea level: 500 km (270 nm) with 1514 litres (333 gal) Span: 12-72 fuel Still-air litres m range at 12 200 (333 gal) fuel (40 000 ft): 1460 km (790 nm) with 1514 mm cannon (fixed) plus two 454 kg (1 000 lb) two 227 kg (500 lb) bombs plus 8 rocket projectiles, or two 364-litre (80-gal) drop tanks on pylons Typical war load: four 20 bombs, Power Sea Vixen FAW or two Rolls-Royce Avon 208 turbo-jet engines 5100 kg (11 250 lb) each engine 5-24 m (50 ft in), wings open; 6-78 m (22 ft 3 in), wings folded plant: Static thrust: 2 all-weather fighter Span: 1 Length: Height: 1 6-33 m 350 m (53 (1 1 ft ft 7 in), overall: 6 in) to 1 top of 5.30 tail; m (50 ft 21 in), nose folded 5-66 m (18 ft 7 in), wings vertical; 4-29 m (14 ft 11 J in), wings folded Gross wing area: 602 m 2 (648 ft 2 ) Sweep-back (} chord): 40 Aspect ratio: 3 86 Normal crew: pilot, observer Max all-up weight: 20 960 kg (45 1 23 lb) Max landing weight: 15 880kg (35 0001b) Zero-fuel weight: 14 380kg (31 715 1b) with 4 Red Top missies and two 900-litre (200-gal) drop tanks Typical cruise: 0-45 Mach at low level, 0-80 Mach at high altitude Ferry range: 2590 km (1400 nm) Typical war load: Hawker Siddeley Red Top or Firestreak guided missiles, high-explosive bombs and 24-cell rocket launchers HAWKER SIDDELEY AVIATION Richmond Road, Kingston upon Thames, Telephone: 01-546 7741 LIMITED Surrey, England Cables: Hawsidair Kingston upon Thames Tele*. 2372b f& 355 Section 16: Aircraft and engines Twin Tactical role This role requires flexibility of operation over a series of missions, ground attack, interdiction, armed reconnaissance, etc. and thus a high degree of interchangeability between range and payload. This in turn demands a large internal fuel volume and a maximum store station weight/capacity interchange. Performance in typical missions is as follows: Internal fuel External fuel Nautical Nautical km miles km miles Lo-Lo-Lo (radius) Hi-Lo-Hi (radius) Ferry range . . . 650 1250 with a take-off distance to normal take-off weight. — 15m 460 800 2450 850 1650 4500 350 675 — (50ft) of 716m (2350ft) at the Trainer role The Jaguar trainer meets the requirement to train pilots for the most advanced first-line aircraft with modern weapons at minimum has the capability to sustain supersonic flight for match the fuel and navigation management problems of the operational types. It also has the relevant weapon and system characteristics to meet the needs of all but the final phase of operational training. The missions which can be flown at high altitude vary from 3h subsonic to 1 Jh with high supersonic cruise, while at low 0-9. level the sortie duration is 1 £h including 20min at M cost. It significant periods to 30mm retained for all cannons are mounted in the fuselage. These are missions. Avionics As the environment in which tactical aeroplanes must operate becomes progressively more severe in terms of sophistication of ground defences, so it becomes increasingly necessary to ensure that none of the time spent at risk is wasted. Thus navigation and weapon delivery must both be upgraded. This in turn results in a greater dependence on avionics, and in an aeroplane which has minimum support every step must be taken to ensure that the necessary electronic aids are highly reliable and rugged. To meet this situation and to ensure that the navigation and attack system will continue to match the changing operational needs throughout the 1970s, the avionics system of the British 'S' and 'B' versions of Jaguar is based on an inertia platform and to be operated near the battlefields with digital computer. to accept changed The computer program can easily be new weapons and new operating conditions. Other versions are available, as developed for the French Air Force and French Navy, and these vary from the most simple All flight data standard to a high-quality doppler/gyro system. variants include Tacan radio navigation. Fatigue A fatigue Jaguar. life of 3000 flying hours is required of the single-seat the training version this requirement is increased to life In 6000h. Weapon carriage Jaguar can carry a maximum weapon load of 4540kg (10 0001b) on one fuselage and four underwing pylons. Weapons up to a unit weight of 900kg (20001b) can be carried. This allows the carriage of: Air-to-surface guided weapons such Martel A.R. 10001b bombs free-fall or retarded 470kg bombs free-fall or retarded 5001b bombs free-fall or retarded as AS. 30 and AS. 37 250kg bombs 2501b bombs 1 25kg bombs SNEB rocket launchers Flares Drop tanks Recce pods so on. Maintainability and reliability The basic target in this area is that no more than 10-5 manhours should be necessary per flying hour, assuming the aircraft flies five one-hour sorties daily. A maintainability group worked closely with the design staffs on the assessment of the maintenance process for Jaguar, and the result of the assessment has guided the choice and installation of all systems and equipment requiring frequent attention. The requirement here is twofold. If a failure is defined as a defect which causes the mission to be abandoned or curtailed, the failure rate must be not more than 51-3 failures per 1000 flying hours an MTBF (meantime between failures) of roughly 20h. Secondly, taking a defect as a malfunction requiring unscheduled servicing, the requirement here is that the defect rate must be not more than 300 defects per 1000 flying hours. — BAC and Breguet have also shown that Sidewinder, special extra-size fuselage recce and fuel pods, and mini-gun or Vulcan gun pods could be accommodated. Studies by Fatigue proving will be based on a sortie breakdown which defines the time spent in low-altitude subsonic flight, mediumaltitude flight, high-altitude supersonic flight, ferry flight, and Section 16: Aircraft and engines Jaguar tactical support and operational training aircraft Jaguar new twin-engined the is dual-role tactical support and high-performance trainer aircraft coming into service with the Royal Air Force in 1972, and the French Air Force in 1971. The French Navy will also have a tactical version with provision for carrier Initial orders have been received for 400 operation. aircraft — 200 for Britain The two basic roles and 200 make for France. similar demands; the only aircraft and the major difference between the tactical the provision of a second cockpit for the instructor in the trainer version. Jaguar's performance and equipment match the demands of the 1 970s. In particular the British navigation system is based on a digital computing system, so that changes in operation and weapons can be accommodated by changing the system programme. The flight test programme involving eight prototype aircraft is well under way. trainer is Main characteristics Long range Rugged structure Heavy weapon load (D (2) (3) Dispersed field operation Short take-off and landing (5) Supersonic capability at all altitudes (6) High manoeuvrability (7) Additional features are: Twin engines plus duplicated systems and armour protection as part of design for survival. A high degree of safety in the take-off and landing phase, particularly vital in the trainer role. A low gust response to provide an acceptable environment for the crew at high speed and low (4) The versions available and their equipment standards are as follows: Special-to-type No. of seats 1 Role "Tactical Version A Service features French Air Force Doppler/gyro platform navigation support system 'Tactical s Royal Air Force Inertial navigation/ attack system with head-up display support altitudes. 'Naval (27-86ft) Length: single seat 1 5 520m (50-91ft) two seat 16-420m (5387ft) Height 4.640m (15-22ft) Aspect ratio Naval undercarriage, catapult and arrester Navigation system as A' version gear. *AII three versions ; Trainer Ultimate load factor 12 Normal take-off weight 1 000kg (22 046lb) Maximum take-off weight 13 500kg (29 762lb) Weapon load 4500kg (10 0001b) Engine thrust: dry 2000kg (44001b) with reheat 3000kg (66001b) is French Navy have in-flight refuelling capability 300 Wing sweep 40 Jaguar M strike Wing span 8488m French Air Force Tacan/gyro platform navigation system Trainer Royal Air Force manufactured by the Societe Europeenne de Production de Avion Ecole de Combat et Appui Tactique (SEPECAT). Corporation and Breguet Aviation. Enquiries should be addressed to the Sales Director of: I a Inertial navigation attack system with head-up display company owned jointly by British Aircraft S.E.P.E.C.A.T. c/o British Aircraft Corporation Ltd Weybridge, Surrey, England Telephone: Weybridge 45522 Cables: Britair Weybridge Telex: 27111 357 Section 16: Aircraft and engines Skyvan's roomy fuselage and full-width rear loading door easily accommodate a wide range of military equipment including guns and vehicles with their crews Sixteen fully armed paratroopers can jump in sequence from the rear door sill. Skyvan can carry 22 equipped 358 soldiers Section 16: Aircraft and engines Sky van transport aircraft for personnel and equipment Skyvan is a sturdy, versatile aircraft which provides an economic answer to short-haul logistic problems and has already been adopted for service The military overseas. Designed primarily to meet the needs of developing which demand the ability to carry awkward, bulky loads while operating from primitive airfields, Skyvan is able to operate from short, unprepared countries, wide variety of military roles. As a troop transport Skyvan carries 22 equipped troops in forward-facing seats, assuming a weight of 102kg (225lb) per soldier. The rear door ensures that strips in a the troops can disembark with minimum delay. In the military mixed-load configuration the aircraft carries nine troops with a substantial freight load or a full freight load of 2265kg (50001b). The fuselage easily accommodates a wide range of military equipment guns and reconnaissance vehicles with their including crews. In the casualty evacuation role Skyvan carries up to 12 stretcher cases with two attendants. The 1 -98m (6ft 6in) headroom over the whole floor area simplifies the work of medical staff as well as providing added comfort for patients. Sixteen fully armed paratroopers can be carried and can jump very rapid sequence from the rear floor sill, controlled by one air dispatcher. The aircraft flies under full control down to indicated air speeds of 120 km/h (65kt). With roller conveyors and extractor parachute systems, palletised loads can also be airin dropped. With a fuselage cross-section -98m (6ft 6in) square, the Skyvan offers the 1 and 5-68m (18ft 7in) long, advantages of a very strong floor, unobstructed capacity and ease of loading. It is powered by two extremely reliable and versatile turboprops, Garrett AiResearch TPE 331 -201 engines flat rated at 71 5shp each, giving a take-off and landing ground run of less than 260m (850ft), up to 325 km/h (175 kt) cruise and excellent low-speed handling qualities. Skyvan sells at half the price of a helicopter of virtually the same load-carrying capacity and its operating costs are less than half, while its ability to operate from small, rough airstrips enables it to operate from most of the sites which helicopters can use. For military purposes the Skyvan can operate at weights up to 6120kg (13 5001b), with a 2265kg (50001b) payload under normal conditions, and 6580kg (14 5001b) with 2705kg (60001b) payload under controlled overload conditions. SHORT BROTHERS & HARLAND LIMITED Skyvan Division PO Box 241, Queen's Telephone: Belfast 58444 Island, Belfast, BT3 9DZ, Northern Cables: Aircraft Belfast Telex: 74688 Ireland 1967 1968 1969 1970 359 Section 16: Aircraft and engines world-wide commercial applications, the RollsRoyce Dart is in service with the Royal Air Force in the Hawker Siddeley Andover and Argosy transports; it also powers the More than 5000 Dart Breguet Alize anti-submarine aircraft. engines have been produced for twelve aircraft types, and later marks of the engine are still in full-scale production. The operational experience accumulated by this family of engines now totals more than 50 million hours In addition to its Since entering service in 1951 the Avon has powered military over the world. It has been manufactured in greater quantities than any other British gas turbine, and more than six million service hours have been accumulated in bomber, fighter, aircraft all and transport trainer power 27 aircraft. Military different types of aircraft manufactured under licence abroad. The Avon level is the BAC versions of the Avon throughout the world and are latest application of the Lightning supersonic interceptor, the maximum speed of which considerably exceeds Mach 2 The Spey is the second generation of Rolls-Royce turbofans to enter quantity production, and civil and military engines are being developed to an integrated programme. In addition to its com- Spey has been chosen for the McDonnell forthe Royal Air Force, the Buccaneer 2 and the Nimrod maritime reconnaissance aircraft. mercial applications, the Phantom strike fighters strike aircraft version of the engine, given the USAF designation TF 41 -A-1 being jointly developed and manufactured by Rolls-Royce and the Allison Division of General Motors One is 360 More powerful than the for airline operation. handling made transports, it Tyne was originally designed economy, nigh power and good Dart, the However, its ideally suited as a such as the Short powerplant Belfast. In 1964 for large military a European con- MAN sortium was formed, consisting of Hispano Suiza, Turbo, Fabrique Nationale and Rolls-Royce. This group of companies undertakes the joint manufacture of Tyne engines for the Transall C-160 transport and the Breguet Atlantic maritime reconnaissance aircraft for the French and German armed forces Rolls-Royce-Turbomeca Adour is a simple, two-shaft turbofan having an integral reheat unit of advanced design. The propulsion unit has been designed for the SEPECAT Jaguar supersonic trainer/strike aircraft and combines high performance Rollsat altitude with a good fuel consumption at low level. The Royce and Turbomeca have formed a joint company, RollsRoyce-Turbomeca Limited, for the development and manufacture of the Adour for the British and French governments under a 50:50 collaboration agreement Rolls-Royce has pioneered the design and development of a The RB 1 62 is a second-generation liftjet which is used in the German Do 31 V/STOL military transport and in the VAK 1 91 B tactical reconnaissance fighter. A version designated the RB 162-86 has been specified as a booster for the Trident 3B on order for British European Airways. It is on offer for other booster applications, for which its high thrust/ weight ratio makes it particularly suitable series of direct-lift engines. Section 16: Aircraft and engines Gas turbine engines for types of aircraft all Products of the Aero Engine Division of Rolls-Royce include turboprops, turbojets, turbofans and liftjets for a wide range of military aircraft. These engines range from the Dart turboprop and Avon turbojet both of which have been in service since the early 1 950s through the Spey turbofan to the lightweight RB 1 62 liftjet and the latest collaborative programmes on the Adour and TF 41 turbofans. The division has also pioneered the development of a family of three-shaft turbofans, including the Trent and RB 21 1 The Aero Engine Division has factories in the Midlands of England, in Scotland and several establishments at Barnoldswick, Sunderland and Dundonald in Northern Ireland. — — Specifications Dart RDa 12 Tyne 20 Power Performance Take-off (sea-level static ISA): Specific fuel consumption sea-level static ISA) kg cv/h lb tehp/h cv tehp 3290 3245 0708 0-317 with water Cruise at 61 00 300 knot: m (20 000 injection ft) 1642 0249 1620 556 Performance Take-off power: 61 00 tehp, maintained by water methanol injection up to ISA -228 C Basic features Compressor stages: six low-pressure, nine high-pressure Combustion system: tubo-annular, ten straight-flow combusion Turbine stages: three low-pressure, one high-pressure Reduction gear ratio: 0064:1 liners Basic features Weight Compressor: two-stage centrifugal Combustion system: seven straight-flow chambers Basic dry weight: Turbine: three-stage axial Reduction gear ratio: 00775:1 Dimensions Overall length: Weight Maximum 1006 kg (22181b) mm (108 7 in) mm (43-2 in) 2743 Carcase diameter: 1092 basic dry weight: 629 kg (1387 lb) Dimensions Length (without Diameter: 963 Avon jet pipe): mm Mk (37-9 2527 mm (99-49 in) in) 302 C Adour Performance Performance Take-off thrust (sea-level static ISA) 5480 kp (12 1001b) 7170kp (15 680 1b) Dry: With reheat: Take-off thrust (dry) more than 2000 kp (4400 lb) Take-off thrust (with reheat) more than 3000 kp (6600 : : lb) Basic features Basic features Compressor: 16-stage axial Combustion system: eight straight-flow interconnected Turbine: two-stage axial Exhaust system: By-pass ratio: 1 :1 Compressor stages: two low-pressure, five high-pressure Combustion system: fully annular Turbine stages: one high-pressure, one low-pressure liners fully variable afterburner Weight Weight Basic dry weight: approx 600 kg Basic dry weight (excluding reheat jet pipes): 1288 kg (2840 (1 320 lb) 1b) Dimensions Dimensions Overall length (excluding reheat jet pipes): Carcase diameter: 1118 (44 in) 5430 mm (138 Overall length: 2970 Intake diameter: 560 in) mm mm (11 7 in) (22 in) mm RB Spey Performance Minimum take-off thrust, sea-level Mk 202 5556 kp (12 2501b) Spey 62 (TF 41-A-1) 6463 kp (14 2501b) flat rated to 25 C reheat unlit 9306 kp (20 5151b) reheat static ISA: Basic features Compressor stages: Combustion system: low pressure, 12 high-pressure five tubo-annular, ten straightflow combustion liners lit three low-pressure -two intermediatepressure, 11 highpressure Tubo-annular, ten straight-flow combustion Two Turbine stages: high-pressure, two low-pressure Two 162-81 Performance Take-off thrust (sea-level static ISA): Normal rating including 8 per cent control bleed: 2718 kp (5992 lb) Contingency rating including 13 per cent control bleed: 2726 kp (60101b) Basic features Compressor stages: six Combustion system: annular chamber with Turbine stages: one 1 8 spray nozzles Weight Nominal weight of basic engine: 1 88-2 kg (41 5 lb) liners high-pressure two low-pressure Dimensions Overall length (fixed nozzle): Maximum diameter: 740 mm 1370 (29 mm (54 in) in) Weight Total dry weight: 1857 kg (4093 lb) 1452 kg (3201 lb) Dimensions Overall length: Intake internal diameter: 5204 mm (204-9 in) 826 mm (32-5 in) 2606 mm (102-6 in) 952 mm (37 5 in) ROLLS-ROYCE LIMITED Aero Engine Division PO Box 31, Derby, England Telephone: Derby 42424 Cables: Roycar Derby Telex: 37645 361 Section 16: Aircraft and engines Design of the Pegasus as the world's first vectored-thrust turbofan in 1956 and the engine was developed for the Hawker Siddeley P 1 1 27 strike aircraft. Now known as the Harrier, this aircraft entered service with the Royal Air Force in 1969 and has been ordered for service with the United States Marine Corps. The Pegasus is also installed in the German Dornier Do 31, the began first jet-sustained V/STOL transport aircraft. The essential feature of the Pegasus is the use of four directionally controllable world's thrust nozzles to 'vector' the thrust as required. Present versions 9 000 lb) thrust but development of a more powerful version of the engine, the Pegasus 11, is now fully funded by the British Government are rated at 861 8 kp M 45H turbofan of advanced design with modular conmaintenance and rapid inspection and replacement of components in situ. It is being developed jointly by the Bristol Engine Division of Rolls-Royce and the French The is a struction for ease of SNECMA. The engine first ran in January 1969 (following testing with a 'demonstrator' engine that first ran in June 1 966). By the time ARB and FAA approval is granted in 1972 the engine will have logged more than 4000 hours in the air on flight development and more than 4000 hours of bench running. First of the M 45H series powers the VFW 614 shorthaul airliner. Development plans show a thrust growth potential up to 4536 kg (10 000 1b) engine company, Since its initial conception in 1948 as a short-life expendable engine for the Jindivik pilotless target drone, the Viper turbojet has been developed into a highly successful engine for military and civil purposes with thrusts up to 1810 kg (4000 1b). The Viper has powered all marks of the BAC Jet Provost trainer and powers the new BAC 167 Strikemaster. The Viper is built under licence by Piaggio of Italy and the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation of Australia for the Macchi M B 326 trainer. With more than 1 l million hours of service flying now achieved, the Viper is in worldwide operation and powers the basic foreign 362 air forces trainers of 23 (1 The Olympus was the first British turbojet engine of the two-spool layout, which gives extreme flexibility and hence excellent handling characteristics. The engine first ran in 1950 and the Mk 101 of 4990 kg (11 000 lb) thrust entered service in the Avro Vulcan in 1956, followed by the Mk 201 in 1960 and the Mk301 in 1963. Morethan a million hours have been accumulated in service with the Vulcan. The latest supersonic versions of the Olympus are suitable for operation at speeds up to Mach 205 at ISA conditions. Olympus engines equipped with fully variable reheat have completed a considerable amount of running at static thrusts of the order of 1 7 240 kg (38 000 lb). The Olympus has also been developed for industrial and marine purposes Rolls-Royce's experience in the development and production of ramjets is unique in Europe, work on ramjets having been started The ramjet is a versatile propulsion unit suitable for a in 1949. variety of applications at speeds above Mach 1-5, including surface-to-air defence missiles, target drones and supersonic manned aircraft. The Thor shown at the left is the power unit of the BAC Bloodhound surface-to-air guided missile which is in service with the Royal Air Force and the air forces of Australia, Switzerland, Sweden and Singapore. The Odin is the propulsive unit of the Hawker Siddeley Sea Dart surface-to-air shipborne missile. The Sea Dart is launched by a solid-propellant rocket engine and is thereafter sustained in flight by the Odin Section 16: Aircraft and engines Gas turbine engines and ramjet engines The Bristol Engine Division of Rolls-Royce undertakes the design and manufacture of a range of gas turbine engines and ramjets. Among its major products are the Pegasus vectored-thrust turbofan and the M 45 turbofan (in collaboration with SNECMA of France). Well-established turbojets range from the Olympus family (of which the commercial Olympus 593 powers the Concorde supersonic airliner) to the much smaller Vipers. The division will also be responsible for the British share of the work on the RB 199 three-shaft turbofan for the European multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA). For more than twenty years the division has also been developing a series of ramjets. The Bristol Engine Division, with about 20 000 employees, has and also has factories at Coventry, England. headquarters its at Patchway, Bristol in England, Specifications Pegasus Pegasus 6 Mk 101 861 8 kp (19 000 1b) Performance Short-lift rating: Pegasus 11 Mk 103 9752 kp (21 500 lb) Basic Features (Pegasus 5) Fan: three-stage overhung, no inlet guide vanes Compressor: eight-stage axial Combustion system: annular Turbine stages: two high-pressure, two low-pressure (fan) Weight (Pegasus 5) 1261 kg (2780 Basic engine: Dimensions (Pegasus lb) 5) mm (98 84 in) mm (48 05 in) Flange-to-flange length: 2510 Diameter (intake flange) 1 220 : M 45H-01 Olympus 301 Performance Performance Take-off thrust (sea-level static ISA): 3520 kp (7760 Take-off thrust: 9072 kp (20 000 lb) consumption lb) at this rating: 0-81 5 kg/h/kp (0-81 5 Ib/h/lb) Specific fuel consumption at this rating: 0-45 kg/h/kp (0-45 Ib/h/lb) Specific fuel Basic features Basic features Compressor stages: six low-pressure, seven high-pressure Combustion system: annular with eight flame tubes Turbine stages: one high-pressure, one low-pressure Compressor: one fan stage coupled to five-stage intermediate-pressure; sevenstage high-pressure Combustion system: annular Turbine stages: one high-pressure three intermediate-pressure By-pass Weight ratio: 2-85:1 Dry: 1946 kg (42901b) Weight Basic engine: 673 kg (1483 lb) Dimensions Dimensions Length: 3255 (1280 in) Maximum diameter: 1 1 30 mm mm Overall length: 2600 Fan casing diameter: mm (102 4 909 mm (44-5 in) in) (35-8 in) Viper Thor Performance Type: Ramjet comprising a centrebody intake of the two-shock type followed by an annular diffuser leading to the combustion system. The parallel tailpipe terminates in a convergent/divergent final nozzle 600 Series 500 Series Take-off thrust 1524kp (33601b) 1814kp (4000 eight-stage axial annular vaporising single-stage eight-stage axial annular vaporising 345 kg (7601b) 345 kg (7601b) 1b) (early version) Basic features Compressor: Combustion system: Turbine: two-stage Weight Basic, dry: Dimensions Length (intake to exhaust flange): Maximum casing diameter: 1806 mm (71 -1 624 mm (24-55 in) in) 1806 mm (71 -1 624 mm (24-55 in) in) ROLLS-ROYCE LIMITED Bristol Engine Division PO Box 3, Filton, Bristol, Telephone: Bristol 693871 England Cables: Brisidair Bristol Telex: 44185 363 Section 16: Aircraft and engines The^RS 360, result of a 900 shp fully modular turboshaft engine, is the Rolls-Royce Small of gas turbine engines required to intensive and detailed studies by Engine Division into the field power the next generation of medium helicopters. A variant of Designed around a high-pressure ratio axial compressor of exceptionally small dimensions, the Gnome is a free-turbine turboshaft engine of 1 050-1 500 shp. Gnome engines power the Westland Whirlwind Mk 9, Mk 1 and Mk 1 2, the Westland Wessex Mk 2, Mk 5 and series 60, Westland Sea King, AgustaBell Twin 205 and 204B, Augusta 101G (prototype), and the Boeing-Vertol 107 HKP-4. Current engines are the Gnome H 1200 and H 1400. designated BS 360-07, has been selected to power 13 multi-purpose helicopter as the twin-engined Westland part of the Anglo-French helicopter programme. To produce a light, compact and reliable high-performance engine with good handling characteristics that meets military and civil requirements, full advantage has been taken of the extensive gas turbine experience in all divisions of Rolls-Royce this engine, WG Limited. A feature of the engine is the two-spool gas generator which gives a compression ratio of 12'>:1 with wide performance characteristics ensuring low specific fuel consumption and good handling qualities without sophisticated compressor variable geometry. This provides the basis for an engine with low overall operating cost. The incorporation of a modular concept enables major engine components to be replaced without recourse to special equipment or expertise, thus facilitating repair and maintenance in the field and simplifying support logistics by return of modules (instead of complete engines) to contractors for overhaul. The problem of sea-water corrosion has been largely overcome by the use of anti-corrosive materials in the compressors and the complete absence of magnesium from the engine. Developed Wessex 3 for the Royal Navy, helicopter, the Palouste originally Mk 1 for 8 trolley is the Westland a simple, ultra- self-contained air starter unit embodying the Rolls-Royce Palouste air-bleed gas turbine. Equipped for aerial transportation by helicopter and suitable for starting many types of aircraft, the Mk 18 trolley incorporates a detachable two-wheel undercarriage equipped with rubber suspension units, and two folding barrow-type handles for ground handling. The fuel tank capacity is sufficient for up to 15 main engine light, starts. The Nimbus robust turboshaft engine particularly currently in production are the Mk 1 03/503 for the Westland Wasp and the Mk 1 05/502 shp for Westland Scout helicopters with a five-minute rating of 71 at up to ISA - 25 C at sea level and a five-minute rating of 650 shp 30 C up to 2100 m (7000ft). at ISA is a small, suitable for helicopters. Nimbus engines By agreement between Allison Division General Motors Corporation and Rolls-Royce Limited, the Small Engine Division is the sole distributor of the Allison Model 250 Series engines for sale and support in the United Kingdom, Europe (excluding Italy), Scandinavia, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, South America, Near East, Middle East, India, Ceylon, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This power unit is used in the Agusta-Bell and Bell Jet Ranger, Hiller FH 1100, the Hughes 500 and the Fairchild the Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm BO 105 helicopter and fixedwing applications of the turboprop. 364 Section 16: Aircraft and engines Gas turbine engines Small units for aircraft and general purposes of Rolls-Royce Limited, with about 4200 employees, has the responsibility within Rolls-Royce for the design, development and production of all small gas turbines for use in helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, as airborne auxiliary power units, air starters and for other applications. In addition, the Division continues to overhaul and manufacture spare parts for the range of piston engines and gas turbines previously manufactured by the de Havilland and Blackburn engine companies; these comprise the Gipsy, Goblin, Ghost, Gyron Junior, Cirrus, and Bombardier engines. The Division has its headquarters at Leavesden, Hertfordshire, England, with test facilities and helicopter The Small Engine Division rotor rigs at Hatfield. Specifications RS360 Gnome H1400 Description Contingency rating: 900 shp Compressor LP spool: four-stage axial Combustion: reverse-flow annular Gas generator LP turbine: single-stage axial Gas generator HP turbine: single-stage axial Free power turbine: two-stage axial Modular construction shp 1 35 kg (300 mm (43 in) mm (22 in) Nimbus Mk Basic features lb) Max. basic dry weight: 153 kg (337 103 and Mk 103/503) 710 105/502) 685 193/503) 685 105/502) 0265 695 Length: 1392 Diameter: 574 Mk 18 Trolley Performance Max. air delivery 1 5A sea level: 0-9 kg/sec (2 lb/sec) Air delivery pressure ratio: 3-62:1 Air delivery temperature: 220X (428°F) Free turbine turboshaft helicopter engine Compressor: two-stage axial and single-stage centrifugal Combustion: Single annular chamber Gas generator turbine: two-stage axial power mm (54-8 in) mm (22-6 in) Palouste 0582 Basic features Free lb) Dimensions 105 Specific fuel consumption kg/cv/h cv Ib/shp/h 720 0-270 0-595 0-582 695 0265 shp (Mk (Mk (Mk (Mk 500 nominal rev/min Weight Performance Five-minute Five-minute One hour 1420 Free turbine turboshaft helicopter engine Compressor: ten-stage axial Combustion: single annular chamber Gas generator turbine: two-stage axial Free power turbine: single-stage axial; 19 Dimensions Length: 1092 Diameter: 558 cv 1521 1500 1400 Contingency Max. one hour Weight Max. basic dry weight: Specific fuel consumption Ib/shp/h kg/cv/h 0-607 0-272 0-610 0-273 Performance Weight Dry weight, fully equipped: 263 kg (579 lb) Weight, air-transportable pack: 216 kg (475 turbine: single-stage axial lb) Weight Dimensions Installed engine: Mk 103/503 304 Mk 105/502 297 kg (670 kg (655 Length: 1930 mm (6 ft 4 Width: 914 mm (3 ft) Height: 1118 mm (3 ft 8 lb) lb) Dimensions Length (air intake to exhaust duct): Width (across exhaust ducts): 933 Height (gearbox Allison sump 1872 mm to oil tank filler): mm (73-7 (38-7 in) 853 mm (33-6 in) Model 250 Turboprop Allison Total equiv 317 270 Take-off Max. cont. 400 346 Take-off Max. cont. hp power Prop speed rev/min Spec, fuel consumption kg/te cv/h Ib/tehp/h cv 321 te 281 334 285 2025 2025 0-300 274 303 0-670 0-678 405 418 362 324 367 2025 0-270 0-276 0-603 0-616 330 351 te cv shp C18 Take-off Max. cont. C20 Take-off Max. cont. Lightweight turboprop engine Compressor: six-stage axial, one stage centrifugal fall 77-6 kg (171 B17— 86-2 kg (190 405 351 6000 6000 0-282 0-288 0-630 0-645 Combustion: single chamber Gas producer turbine: two-stage Free turbine: two-stage axial Beta control C18— 64 kg (141 lb) C20— 70-3 kg (155 1b) lb) 1b) Dimensions — 274 Weight — B15 B1 7 400 346 cv 321 Basic features Weight — Length: 317 270 Lightweight turboshaft engine Compressor: six-stage axial, single stage centrifugal Combusion: single chamber Gas-producer turbine: two-stage axial Free power turbine: two-stage axial Controls: optional, two-lever incorporating Spec fuel consumption rev/min kg/cv/h Ib/shp/h 0-697 6000 0-312 0-706 6000 0-316 Output speed Racir faaturac B1 5 Model 250 Turboshaft Perfo rmance shp B17 in) in) Performance B15 in) Dimensions C18 Length: 1024 — 34 mm (44-6 in) Height: 572 mm (22-5 in) Width: 483 mm (19 in) Length: 1 1 38 mm (44-8 in) Height: 572 mm (22 5 in) Width: 483 mm (19 in) mm (40-3 in) mm (23-7 in) Width: 483 mm (19 in) C20 — Length: 1034 mm (40-7 in) Height: 589 mm (23-7 in) Width: 483 mm (19 in) 1 1 Height: 589 ROLLS-ROYCE LIMITED Small Engine Division Leavesden, Watford, WD2 Telephone: Garston 74000 7BZ, England Cables: Rollsed Watford Telex: 23206 365 Section 17 Helicopters and hovercraft 367 Section 17: Helicopters and hovercraft Wasp (left) Currently in service with the Royal Navy, as well as with four other leading navies of the world, the British-designed and built Wasp has proved to be a very capable helicopter for shipborne operation. Powered by a Mk 503 Rolls-Royce Nimbus gas turbine, this seat general-purpose helicopter has a specially designed undercarriage, incorporating fully castoring lockable wheels 5/6 allowing normal operation from small platforms on destroyers and frigates in adverse weather and sea conditions. Anticoning and anti-droop stops in the main rotor head facilitate starting and stopping in high winds. The Wasp also has facilities for the addition of a power hoist for rescue missions, and the rear seats and stretcher installations can be folded back to provide adequate freight stowage space. Sea King (right) The Sea King, the world's most advanced anti-submarine search and strike helicopter, is now in operational squadron service with the Royal Navy. This versatile and powerful long-range helicopter is fitted with two Rolls-Royce Gnome H 1400 gas turbine engines of 1500shp each. Its equipment includes the latest automatic flight control system and an integrated sonar- -^P te£f ^^ iw* f^ - - -"*iJ2B radar tactical display. Although the primary role of Sea King is all-weather antisubmarine operations from either ship or shore, it can be readily adapted to a number of secondary roles, including commando transport, air/sea rescue and mine sweeping. ; SA 330 (left) Currently being built by Westland Helicopters Limited and Societe Nationale Industrielle Aerospatiale, the SA 330 will be the new tactical helicopter for operation by the French Armed Forces and the Royal Air Force. The SA 330 is a twin-turbine aircraft with a four-bladed main rotor and a five-bladed tail rotor. It has all-terrain landing gear and easy accessibility for maintenance, facilitating a quick change of major components. It is capable of a number of operational roles, including troop transport (carrying 16 fully equipped troops), ambulance duties, search and rescue and freight transport. There is also a VIP transport version. SA 341 (right) is one of three helicopter types involved in the Anglo/ French helicopter co-operation agreement. Several hundreds of this helicopter are required for the British Army and the French Army and the production of these is being shared by both Westland Helicopters Limited and Societe Nationale Industrielle Aero- The SA 341 spatiale. An advanced general-purpose light helicopter, this five-seat machine is powered by a Turbomeca Astazou 3N turbine engine. The streamlined body gives it an extremely high operating speed, and ease of maintenance is one of the main design features. WG 13 (left) WG impression of the general-purpose version of the 13 for the British Army. This versatile helicopter will be able to accommodate 9 passengers plus a crew of two, or, alternatively, three standard stretchers with a medical attendant and one seated patient. Externally mounted armament can be carried, and a power hoist also installed for air/sea or mountain rescue operations. The British designed and developed 13 forms part of the Anglo/French co-operation agreement, which also covers the shared production of the SA 330 and SA 341 designed and developed by Sud Aviation of France. It is scheduled to enter service in the early 1970s. Artist's WG Wessex 50 (right) is the military counterpart of the civil Wessex 60 currently operating on oil rig support duties in many parts of the world. Powered by coupled 1350shp Rolls-Royce Gnome free turbines, the Wessex 50 is currently operating with the Royal Air Force as the Wessex Mk 2, and with the Royal Navy as the Mk 5. Operation with these two Services has taken this extremely versatile helicopter into mnny countries throughout the world, and the machine's ability to cope with the vastly differing terrains and climatic conditions has proved that the Wessex offers operational capabilities second to none. The Wessex 50 368 Section 17: Helicopters and hovercraft Helicopters and for military The current range Helicopters land civil duties of helicopters available from WestLtd together with those now in — development, and including the machines involved in the Anglo/French helicopter agreement will fill most — and military requirements in the Western world throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s. Particulars and general specifications of these aircraft are given civil here. Wasp Maximum Maximum Weight summary Manufacturer's basic weight 1672kg (36871b) Pilot 82kg (1801b) Disposable load 741kg (16331b) Maximum all-up weight 2495kg (55001b) Maximum fuel 563kg (12401b) range, standard fuel tankage 487km (263nm) 7.3m/sec (1440ft/min) Hovering ceiling out-of-ground effect 2682m (8800ft) Hovering ceiling in ground effect 3810m (12 500ft) rate of climb Dimensions Main rotor dia 9 83m (32ft 3in) (40ft 4in) Overall length 1 Tail rotor dia 2 29m (7ft 6in) Overall height 3 56m (11ft 8in) Wheel track 2-64m (8ft) 23m AUW Performance at 2500kg (55001b) in ISA conditions Maximum speed 194km/h (105 knots) Maximum cruising speed 178km/h (96 knots) Sea King Weight summary Maximum Manufacturer's basic weight 5520kg (12 1701b) Pilot plus two crew 272kg (6001b) Disposable load 3506kg (77301b) Maximum all-up weight 9299kg (20 5001b) Maximum fuel 2495kg (55001b) Carries range (standard fuel) 1120km (600nm) for 92km (50nm) radius 5-2m/sec (3000ft/min) 3200kg (70001b) payload Maximum rate of climb Dimensions Main rotor dia 1889m 1 (62ft) Overall length 22 1 5m (72ft 8in) Tail rotor dia 3-16m (10ft 4in) Overall height 5-1 3m (16ft 10in) Wheel track 3-96m (13ft) Overall width (with flotation gear) Performance at 9300kg (20 5001b) in ISA conditions Maximum speed 235km/h (123knots) Maximum cruising speed 211km/h (131 knots) 4-99m (16ft 4in) SA330 Overall dimensions (rotor turning) Weights 8m (59-6ft) Width 1500m (49-2ft) Height 5-1 2m (16 8ft) Empty weight (without operational equipment) 3290kg (72531b) Total weight 6400kg (14 11 Olb) Overall dimensions (blades folded) Power Length 14-80m (48-5ft) Two Width 3-50m (1 1 5ft) Heights 12m (16 8ft) Constructor Turbomeca Power rating (each) 1300hp Length 18 1 plant free-turbine engines Turmo III C.4 SA341 Weight summary Maximum gross weight 1600kg (35301b) Overload maximum gross weight 1700kg (37501b) Empty weight 800kg (17651b) Performance at 1600kg (35301b) Maximum range 690km (370nm) Maximum speed in excess of 140 WG AUW in ISA Dimensions Main rotor dia 10-5m (34ft 5|in) Overall length (with rotor turning) 1210m (39ft 8 fin) Ducted tail rotor dia 0-69m (2ft 3in) Overall height 2-96m (9ft S\\r\) Skid track 1 -93m (6ft 4in) Its typical uses include passenger transport, casualty evacuation, freight transport and reconnaissance duties conditions knots 13 Weight summary Empty weight 2347kg (51751b) Equipment, radios and miscellaneous 40kg (881b) Oil 16kg (36lb) Pilot 82kg (1801b) Full fuel 726kg (16001b) Single engine forward climb. Sea level (inter-contingency rating) 225m/min (740ft'min) Maximum range, standard fuel (no reserves) 870km (470nm) with reserves 1850km Auxiliary fuel take-off at 3860kg (85001b) Dimensions Main rotor dia 12-8m Payload 418kg (9211b) Take-off weight 3629kg (80001b) Performance at the Tail rotor dia normal all-up weight of 3630kg (80001b) and at ISA -20 C maximum sustained 160 knots Free air hover 3050m (10 000ft) Forward climb at sea level 810m/min (2650ft/min) (maximum continuous rating) Speed at sea level Level flight — fuel consumption, sea level — — (42ft) (7ft 3in) Overall length (rotor turning 15-2m (49ft 9in) Overall width (rotor turning) 128m (42ft) Maximum height (tail rotor turning) 3-7m (1 2ft) Overall length (blades folded) 12-8m (41ft 10 Jin) Skid undercarriage track 2m (6ft 8in) Power Two 0-845kg/km (3-45lb/nm) 2-2m (1000nm) plant Rolls-Royce BS. 360-07 free-turbine engines Wessex 50 Weight summary Manufacturer's basic weight with standard equipment 3674kg (81001b) Oil 33 5kg (741b) Crew 77kg (1701b) Disposable load 2389kg (52561b) All-up weight 6169kg (13 6001b) Maximum fuel 1125kg (24801b) Maximum Maximum cruising speed Dimensions Main rotor dia 17 AUW in Performance at 6170kg ( 13 6001b) Maximum speed 21 5km/h (1 1 6 knots) 1 93km/h (104 knots) range 537km (290nm) Best rate of climb at sea level 7-8m/sec (1540ft/min) Vertical rate of climb at sea level 3-1m/sec (620ft/min) 07m (56ft) Overall length 2003m (65ft 1 0Jin) Nose-to-tail rotor distance 1 5-1 8m (49ft 1 1 in) Overall height at main rotor 4-9m (1 6ft 2in) Wheel track 3 66m (12ft) ISA conditions WESTLAND HELICOPTERS LIMITED— a subsidiary of West/and Aircraft Limited Yeovil, Somerset, England Telephone: Yeovil 5222 Cables: Aircraft Telex Yeovil Telex: 46277 369 Section 17: Helicopters and hovercraft The general arrangement of the craft is for front-loading with the engine sited aft and the propeller mounted on a swivelling pylon. The control cabin is on top of the main cabin. The bow is fitted with a clamshell' door. The buoyancy tank, two main longitudinal walls either side of the central main cabin, superstructure and machinery and systems aft of the control cabin are common to the various versions of the craft. The forward superstructure is designed so that it can be adapted to the required variant with the minimum change. The fan intake, control cabin and other double-curvature surfaces are of glassreinforced plastics. Although new in design, the Wellington makes extensive use of components and constructional techniques employed on the Mountbatten. The engine, transmission gearboxes and propeller are identical with those of the larger craft. Directional control is achieved by the swivelling propeller pylon; the air-porting and skirtlift system are similar to that used on the Winchester and the Warden. Two small auxiliary power units provide supplies independent of the electrical main engine. Radar and other navigational aids enable the craft to operate effectively in 370 bad weather and at night. Section 17: Helicopters and hovercraft Wellington BH.7 logistics and fast attack hovercraft The Wellington (BH.7) Class Fast attack craft the fast attack craft. This craft features a modified bow to give optimum sea-keeping qualities. Various internal layouts can be adopted depending on service requirements and weapon fits and there is ample deck area for an operations room, crew quarters, galley, etc. Air conditioning is the first hovercraft to be designed from the outset as a naval vessel, combining a good payload or weapons system with real seakeeping ability and high performance. There are two basic types of the Wellington, the logistics craft and can be This type of craft has a large unobstructed centre cabin with access via a large 'clamshell' bow door. The centre cabin is designed to carry vehicles; troops and small stores are carried in side cabins. For logistic work, ancillary equipment and armament are kept to a minimum to give a greater payload capacity. However, lightweight armour can be fitted at the expense of payload, to protect vital areas such as the control cabin and engine. Typical loads are three i-ton trucks with 60 equipped troops, or six f-ton trucks, or two Scout cars, or 1 70 fully fitted for Armament Logistics craft use fits in tropical areas. are designed to suit individual customers requirements of studies include 20 the and specific current mm automatic turrets, surface-tosurface and surface-to-air short-range guided missiles with optical or television sighting and intermediate range surface-to-surface guided missiles with full fire-control radar giving a 'dark fire' and 'over the horizon' capability. Armour plating, radio and radar fits and fuel capacity are all compatible with the armament and envisaged role. equipped troops. Specification Power plant and systems Main engine: Rolls-Royce Marine Proteus at 3400 shp max continuous power Auxiliary power plant: two Rover 1S/90 gas turbines Dimensions Overall length: 23 52 m (77 ft 2 in) Overall beam: 1386 m (45 ft 6 in) Overall height on landing pads: 101 Hover height: 1 -6 m (5 ft 6 in) m (33 Fan: ft) BHC Propeller: 12-bladed, centrifugal, 3-5 m (1 1 ft 6 4-bladed, controllable pitch, 5-8 HSD in) dia m (19 ft) dia Performance normal gross weight, at 1 5 C speed: 65 knots (1 20 km/h) in calm water, no wind Rough water speed: 35-45 knots (65-85 km/h) in 1 -34 m (4 \ ft) seas, depending on heading and wave length Endurance: 8 hours at max continuous rating on 8 tons of fuel with 10% reserve at Max water Weights Normal gross weight: 45 tons Fuel load at 45 tons all-up weight: 9 tons Max fuel capacity 12 5 tons BRITISH East Cowes, Telephone: HOVERCRAFT CORPORATION Isle of Wight, England Cowes 4121 Cables: Brithover Cowes Telex: 86190 371 Section 17: Helicopters and hovercraft i*5v* 3H#*T^ A Winchester (SR.N6) Class craft of 200 Royal Corps of Transport Squadron. amphibious during beach attacks a assault exercises One of eight Winchesters now in service with the Imperial Iranian A squadron Navy Winchester Class craft which is in Royal Navy in the service with the Falkland Islands as a troop transport and communications 172 craft Section 17: Helicopters and hovercraft Winchester SR.N6 Class military hovercraft Since its introduction to commercial and military service 1965, the Winchester (SR.N6) Class hovercraft has logged more hours than all other types of hovercraft put together in operations in all parts of the world. This experience has played a significant part in the successful development of the Winchester as a fast, in dependable and versatile vehicle ideally suited for naval and other military duties. To date, these craft have entered fully operational service with the defence forces of four nations. Being fully amphibious, the Winchester can cross surf, beaches, marshes, swamps, scrubland, snow and ice without hindrance and is capable of establishing reliable lines of communications in areas denied to other forms of transport. At an all-up weight of 11 000 kg, the Winchester can be fitted with a wide variety of equipment for military duties. This equipment can include light defensive armament and armour, strengthened side decks to facilitate loading/unloading from ships, racks for carrying external loads, a roof hatch for crane loading, air conditioning or forced-draught ventilation and heating equipment and a wide array of sophisticated radio and navigation equipment. installations All ensure maximum have been carefully engineered to and reliability at sea level. efficiency Operational advantages The military effectiveness of the Winchester unique combination of High speed lies in its abilities: Design simplicity Amphibious capability Minimal crew requirements Proven reliability Role versatility Rugged structure Invulnerability Ease of deployment Endurance Specification Dimensions Propeller: Overall length: 14-76 m (48 ft 5 in) Overall beam: 701 (23 ft) Overall height on landing pads: 4-57 m (1 5 ft) Cabin size (length width): 6-62 X 2-34 m (21 ft 9 in v 7 Cabin headroom at centre line: 1 83 m (6 ft) Door aperture (height > width) 1 -75 0-99 m (5 ft 9 in < Skirt length: 1-22 m (4 ft) Lift m « : fan: Rotol 4-bladed, variable pitch 2-74 m (9 12-bladed, centrifugal 2-13 m (7 ft) dia Dowty BHC ft 8 in) Performance 3 ft 3 in) at normal gross weight at 15 C speed: 50 knots (92 km/h) on calm water, no wind, continuous Max water power rating Average service water speed: 30-35 knots (55-65 km/h) Power Max waters Endurance: plant and systems Gnome gas turbine continuous rating: 990 shp at 15C BRITISH East Cowes, Telephone: dia Normal fuel capacity: 1200 litres (265 gal) Additional fuel capacity: 900 litres (200 gal) Normal gross weight: 10-7 tons Engine: Rolls-Royce ft) 36 hours at max continuous power rating in sheltered coastal on 1200 litres (265 gal) fuel Long-range endurance: 5-7 hours with additional fuel HOVERCRAFT CORPORATION Isle of Wight, England Cowes 4121 Cables: Brithover Cowes Telex: 86190 373 Section 17: Helicopters and hovercraft An artist's impression of the VT1. The armament is variable, but this version shows a 40 mm gun forward and a 20 mm gun aft. It also shows as main armament four Sea-killer missiles, each with a range of 20 km and the hitting power of a six-inch shell. Control is by means of the Sea-hunter control system complete with its navigation radar is own radar. A separate also fitted Specification Length overall: 30 m (98-5 ft) Breadth overall: 16-3 m (53-5 ft) All-up weight: 1 00 tons Fuel and armament weight: 40 tons 60 tons Maximum speed: over 110 km/h (60 knots) Range: 750-1500 km (400-800 nm) according to — amount 374 of fuel carried Section 17: Helicopters and hovercraft Hovercraft Military version of Vosper Thornycroft VT1 The 80-ton semi-amphibious Vosper Thornycroft VT1 hovercraft design can be adapted to a military role. A higher performance will result from the installation of two Rolls-Royce Proteus gas turbines as the main propulsion machinery and two Rolls-Royce Darts asthe lift machinery, with a greater depth of skirt for improved sea-keeping ability. Propulsion can be by means of water jets contained in retractable skegs. The craft will have a speed of over 110km/h (60 knots). It will be able to operate in nominal water depths with some ability to clear obstacles such as logs, sandbars and submerged booms. 20 of The accommodation can provide for a crew of some officers and men and is generally similar to that a modern fast patrol boat, with ample space in the Underwater propulsion prevents the operation of the craft overland, but there are compensating advantages. The immersed skegs enable the craft to be accurately manoeuvred in cross winds and the absence of air propellers not only reduces the noise but also leaves the upper deck clear so that there is a good all-round view from the control cabin and wide arcs of fire for the weapons. A fairly considerable and widely varying armament load can be carried. That shown in the illustrations is a possible arrangement but other configurations are available to meet particular requirements. operations room and a separate cabin for the command- ing officer. VOSPER THORNYCROFT Shipbuilding Division Vosper House, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth, England Telex: 86115 Telephone: Cosham 79481 1966 1969 375 Section 17: Helicopters and hovercraft designs, develops and manufactures skirts and skirt systems under licence from Hovercraft Development Limited. Avon Hovercraft skirts and skirt systems Experience with coated fabrics, sophisticated manufacturing equipment, supported by extensive rubber and textile laboratories, ensure the technical ability to provide an advisory service on hovercraft skirt systems and hovercraft materials for particular Avon Rubber Co Ltd Bradford-on-Avon Wiltshire, 376 England Telephone: Bradford-on-Avon 2191 applications. A hovercraft projects group within the Avon Group of companies provides a technical advisory service on materials and skirt systems and maintains close liaison with all the major hovercraft manufacturers throughout the world. Cables: Industrial Bradford-on-Avon Telex: 44856 Section 18 Weapons and control systems for aircraft 377 * Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft Hunter T7 Sea Vixen Canberra Jet Provost Buccaneer Mk3 Westland Whirlwind Jaguar Harrier 68 mm rockets being fired from a Type M 155 rocket launcher on an RAF Phantom 1000 metres (1100 yards) from target in a 10" dive. All rockets clear the pod in 8 second Rocket launchers manufactured by Ltd in England Thomas French & Sons to Mafra designs (either 2-in or have been 378 fitted to all 68-mm) these aircraft Photos are the copyright of the Ministry of Defence Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft Airborne rocket launchers for air-to-ground attack Manufactured in England by Thomas French SA Engins Matra & Sons Ltd to original designs of Launcher No 6 for use with 2-in rockets Designed for use on helicopters and light aircraft to carry seven rockets which may be discharged singly or in ripple at 100 msec intervals Launcher No 7 for use with 2-in rockets Designed for multiple carriage on the wing stations to be compatible with the full flight envelope of most modern high-speed aircraft. The No 7 carries 36 missiles which can be fired in pairs or in ripple at 35 msec intervals M 1 55 for use with 68-mm rockets Manufactured by Thomas French & Sons Ltd from an original design by Engins Matra. Designed for training and operational use to carry eighteen SNEB 68-mm rockets which can be fired singly or in ripple at 33 msec Launcher, Type intervals M 1 55 rocket launcher being conveyed to aircraft. Each launcher carries eighteen SNEB 68-mm rockets Type THOMAS FRENCH & SONS 59 St James's Street, Telephone: 01-629 7101 LTD London SW1, England Cables: Rufflette London SW1 Telex: 25115 379 Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft Top left: twin release of bombs fighter during a low-level attack with retarder system from Star- on a Above: bomb with air-brake retarder showing fabric ribbons deployed Left: 38( Arming fork Base ring (steel forging) 4 Lanyard (retarder timer) Lanyard (arming fork lock) 5 Arm 6 7 Fin assembly (one-piece casting) Arming vane release mechanism 8 9 I I I Arming fork lock 13 1^ Securing pads 2 bomb Riveted joint (cone-to-fin assembly) Central cone (flared steel tube) Retarder arm Arm release hook Welded joint (cone-to-base 1 in the open position, tail fitted to US Mk 83 450kg (10001b) bomb on the centre-line station of an F 104G Starfighter Below: cut-away view of air-brake 1 tail No 117 installed 2 3 defended target ring) retarder tail unit Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft Bomb retarder air-brake The UK tail been demonstrated to meet requirements for safe and retarder system has and NATO military effective bombing in the low-level strike role. It is suitable for use with all current and projected aircraft (500capable of carrying bombs in the 230-450kg " 10001b) range (UK and US types, see table). The equipment designed for use in the low-level mode when attacking defended target areas where there is an operational requirement for delivering bombs at altitudes and speeds which offer the highest chances of defence penetration. Bomb retardation reduces the previously high risk of fragment damage to the aircraft to an insignificant level by ensuring a safe separation distance between aircraft and bomb at detonation. Only simple pilot-operated sighting equipment is is required. The system is incorporated in a new bomb tail unit with an air brake of composite design and a special environment-sensitive fuse. Construction of the tail is based on a rigid body attachment ring and centre cone enclosed by four rear-hinged skin sections which are supplemented by inter-connecting ribbon fabric to form a fast-acting and reliable air brake of consistent performance. The air-brake release has a timer-controlled function A second initiated by a lanyard at bomb release. 453kg (10001b) bombing unit for low-level unlocks a rear-mounted fuse arming vane which, in turn, permits the fuse to monitor the bomb retardation time function and to arm or sterilise the bomb, depending on correct or incorrect conditions of lanyard and operation. release a range of British bombs; use with bombs of US manufacture. The system is quantity produced and in general service with the Royal Air Force. Among the aircraft suitable for the use of retarded bomb techniques the following are typical examples: Canberra, Lightning, Hunter, Mirage, Jaguar, Vulcan, F104 Starfighter, F 86 Sabre, Phantom and Jet The tail variants is are designed to available fit for Provost. Bomb types UK Mk 2 Mk 6 Mk 6* Mk V Mk 9 Mk 10 Mk 11 Mk IV Mk 12* Mk 13-16 — kg 453 453 453 453 453 453 453 453 453 453 245 lb 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 540 us kg M M 227 453 227 453 340 64 65 Mk 82 Mk83 M 117 lb 500 1000 500 1000 750 1035mm bombs H Weight - 68kg Associated fuse 227kg is (5001b) fitted in rear fuse pocket bombs A Associated fuse is fitted in rear fuse Weight - 54kg pocket 1201b HUNTING ENGINEERING LIMITED Defence Sales Reddings Wood, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, England Telephone: Ampthill 3431 Cables: Huneng Ampthill Telex: 82105 381 Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft The armour-piercing rocket head weighing 1 -245 kg (275 lb) consists of a core of tungsten carbide around which is moulded a body of resin and aluminium powder which has a high penetration capacity. The target effectiveness in terms of hole and fragment damage is comparable with that of some shaped charges of larger diameter This head, designed for maximum blast and fragmentation effect, is a cylindrical light alloy case filled with high-explosive, detonated by a fuze No 942 screwed into its nose. The fuze incorporates a delay arming device to ensure that the rocket is at least 1 20 m (400 ft) from the aircraft before it is armed. The weight of the complete head is 1 475 kg (3 25 lb) Using the same light alloy case as the high-explosive head, the practice head is filled with an inert compound and has a nose plug to represent the fuze, the complete head weighing 1 475 kg exactly the same as the high-explosive head shown above. (3 25 lb) Attachment, as with all the rocket heads, is effected by a threaded spigot at the base of the heads — Left: 2-inch rocket with fins extended. The complete rocket the break at the middle indicates the omitted part is longer than shown here; The rocket motor shown at the left comprises four main components: the motor tube, the propellant charge, the igniter and the fin-venturi unit. A feature of the motor is the small ignition delay over the working temperature range, an essential feature when selected. A propellant charge, occupying most of the steel motor tube, has a starshaped hole through its entire length to permit a constant burning surface; its outer surface is inhibited by an ethyl-cellulose coating. Also the composition of the propellant is so designed that any variation in burning time in different temperature conditions is minimised. The igniter, placed immediately on the front end of the propellant charge, combines a 'radhaz' filter for protection against premature ignition by high-power radio and radar transmission. An obturator and a spacer ripple firing is placed over the igniter completes the assembly which is locked in the tube by a shell ring, sealed to prevent the escape of gas. The shell ring is threaded to accept the rocket head. The steel fin-venturi unit is screwed into the rear of the motor tube. Rectangular fins are provided on a collar at the rear of the unit and are normally restrained in the closed position by a strap until the rocket is loaded. When launched, the fins are opened about 1 metre in front of the launcher by springs and are then locked in the extended position. An end cap, crimped to the venturi of the rocket, provides a seal for the motor and the radhaz' protection disc. The end cap acts as a retention device for the rocket when loaded into a launcher. It also carries a firing socket which connects with a filter and the igniter. 382 Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft 2-inch rocket system for air-to-air and air-to-ground attack 2-inch rocket system, now in world-wide has been designed by the British Government Research and Development Establishments to provide the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force with a simple, low-cost, versatile system coupled with a highly effective attack capability. Having an operational speed range extending from hovering to supersonic flight, the system is readily adaptable to any fixed or rotating-wing aircraft, including those which may be subjected to catapult take-off and arrested landing The For these reasons and particularly because of its superior performance, the 2-inch rocket system is now being used as an effective weapon in the air-to-air role in addition to the conventional air-to-ground configuration. For example, the BAC Lightning employs two special 2-inch rocket pods constructed integral with the aircraft fuselage as its conventional weapon system, secondary to its guided missiles. Any conventional aircraft using a simple reflector or angular velocity gunsight can employ this modern technique by fitting 2-inch multiple launchers to the underwing pylons or strong points. Two standard launcher units (the No 6 for helicopters and light aircraft, and the No 7 for most other aircraft) are also available. British use, conditions. comparison with the complex precisionbuilt machine guns and cannon, are simple, easily maintained, virtually recoil-less and able to deliver, with accuracy, a warhead capable of much greater Rockets, in destruction. Rocket Dimension: A B C D 121 -90 cm (48 00 100 25 cm (39-40 88-90 cm (35 00 1700 cm (6-70 5-10 cm (200 E Weight 4 55 Weight 4 32 in) B in) in) in) in) C with HE head or practice head: kg (10 021b) with armour-piercing head: kg (9 521b) Launcher No T H 6 Dimension: F 130-65 G 28-85 H 64-40 J 31 57 K 31 75 cm cm cm cm cm 00 cm (51 (11 44 36 in) e$ in) (25-36 in) (12 43 in) (1 2 50 in) (loaded) L (16-15 in) (fired) 41 Weight, loaded: 49 45 kg (109 lb) Weight, fired: 17 69 kg (39 lb) Launcher No 7 Dimension. M 254 00 cm (10000 in) 46-87 cm (1806 in) 35-56 cm (14 00 in) O P 17-78 cm (7 00 in) Q 4-52 cm (1-78 in) R 132 80 cm (52-30 in) Weight, loaded: 260 37 kg (574 Weight, fired: 97 53 kg (21 5 lb) N lb) MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY Department EIR 2 Stuart House, 23-25 Soho Square, London W1, England Telephone: 01-437 9288 Cables: Mintec London Telex Telex: 22241 383 Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft The British Aircraft Corporation Jet Provost trainer aircraft is seen here equipped with 8 kg (4 lb) retarded practice bombs. Now in production for Royal Navy and Royal Air Force use, the main advantages of the bomb are: light weight combined with simplicity and low cost, a high degree of safety, and suitability for world-wide transportation storage and handling 1 take-off posture is equipped with a substantial increase in the operational range of this unique aircraft. Rolls-Royce fibre-reinforced composite tanks of varying capacities are standard equipment on this and many other Royal Air Force The Hawker Siddeley Harrier shown here 455-litre (100-gal) long-range fuel tanks and Royal Navy 384 strike aircraft in vertical which provide Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft Aircraft stores of fibre-reinforced Retarded practice composites bomb kg (4 lb) retarded practice bomb has been The 1 developed for the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force It consists of a nose and body for aircrew training. which house the striker, smoke and flash unit. It is suitable for flight carriage at speeds in excess of 1110 km/h (600 knots) at sea level and for release at heights down to 15 m (50 ft) with reserve strength for carriage and release at speeds up to 1480 km/h (800 knots) indicated air speed. The body is a finned giassfibre-reinforced plastics cylinder with an internal support diaphragm for the smoke and and a sliding drag-plate closure at the rear to actuate the arming mechanism. The smoke and flash unit is an aluminium alloy container with an internal pocket for the primer charge and a threaded orifice which accepts the main filling. The nose comprises a striker plate, striker assembly and 9-mm percussion cartridge with gunpowder A safety mechanism prevents bomb arming boost. Shear wires prevent the bomb from before release. -8 PERCUSSION CAP STRIKER PLATE .27 in (7 PRIMER GLASS CHARGE BODY functioning flash unit until it impacts. FIBRE 4.6 in (117 mm) DRAG PLATE AND ARMING WIRE mm) Long-range fuel tanks 340. 455, 682, 909, 1364 and 2273 litres (50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 500 gal). Rolls-Royce tanks are made in three parts: nose shell, centre section with attachment points, and tail and manufacturing methods were produce asbestos-reinforced phenolic fuel tanks. Their mechanical and aerodynamic performance has proved to be superior to that of equivalent metal tanks, due to the extremely accurate shell contour. Tanks are in current production for the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force, and are also manufactured under licence in various countries in Europe. The standard range of tanks so far in production or being developed have the following capacities: 227, Special design developed to 355 shell The centre section is a plain cylinder so that alternative capacities can be obtained by varying its length This considerably simplifies manufacture and storage. The illustration shows single-lug mounting but twinlug or special mountings can be fitted. mm (14 m) 3105 mm (12225 -+ in) -SMGLE-LUG SOLE PLATE MOUNTMG OVERALL ROLLS-ROYCE (COMPOSITE MATERIALS) LTD Avonmouth Road, Avonmouth, Telephone: Avonmouth 4821 Bristol, Cables: BS1 1 9DU, England Rolcom Avonmouth Telex: 44207 385 Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft Machine gun pod and HE bomb tail units SIDE PANEL SUSPENSION LUES TAIL FAIRING NOSE FAIRING SPENT CASE & LINK COMPARTMENT HINGED SIDE mm Machine Gun Pod is on helicopters to provide heavy suppressive fire and on the lighter fixed-wing fighters and reconnaissance aircraft for ground attack and counter-insurgency roles. The pod is also easily fitted emergency to comparable types of civil in aircraft. For carriage on helicopters, the centre section only of the pod may be used. On fixed-wing aircraft, the increased flying speed requires the addition of the nose and tail fairings. The pod is a self-contained unit and is fitted with attachments suitable for most aircraft suspension The Universal Twin 7-62 particularly suitable for use arrangements. The two guns are NATO-approved air versions of the standard FN.L7A1 machine gun and fire standard NATO 7-62 ammunition. Adjustments provide for individual harmonisation of each gun in elevation and azimuth. AMMUNITION PANEL CONTAINER Machine gun pod Specification Dimensions and weights Pod height: 464 mm (18-25 in) Pod width: 420 mm (16 54 in) Pod length: Helicopter version pod only: 670 mm (26-36 in) Helicopter version with guns: 1 053 mm (41 -45 in) Fixed-wing version faired: 1845 mm (72 63 in) Weight, with guns and ammunition: Helicopter version: 72 6 kg (1 60 lb) — — — Fixed-wing version: 830 kg (183 lb) Performance Rate of fire per gun: 850/950 rounds/minute Ammunition capacity: 500 rounds/gun Max carriage speed: 1 1 58 km/h (625 knots) mm HE bomb The tails tails for aircraft HE bombs shown have been developed and are of proved reliability and in fully extensive current Service use. The three standard bomb tails (Nos. 114, 107 and 1 00) are designed for use with 454 kg (1 000 lb) highexplosive bombs Mk 6, 9, 1 0, 1 1 1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 1 5, 1 6, 1 7, 18, and 19. (Tail No. 100 has retractable fins for use where carriage clearance is restricted.) The standard tail No. 116 is used with the 245 kg (540 lb) high-explosive bomb Mk 1 The four tails are provided with mechanisms which permit arming of the fuses or pistols fitted to the bombs only after the bombs are released from the aircraft. In addition provision is made for the optional fitting of one or other of two delayed arming devices which retard arming for 3 J and 8i seconds respectively after release. Full specifications are available on request. , . PORTSMOUTH AVIATION The Airport, Portsmouth, Telephone: Portsmouth 62251 386 LIMITED Hampshire, P03 5PF, England Cables: Portavia Portsmouth Telex: 86205 Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft Ammunition for Aden aircraft cannons Hispano Suiza produces the followammunition for Adentype aircraft cannon to meet in full ing types of the tactical requirements of modern forces. air Type Practice: HEP This is an inert practice shell which has the same ballistic properties as a live shell. Armour-piercing: Type APHEI A semi-armour-piercing incendiary with self-destruction, used as a general-purpose shell. shell High-explosive: Type HEI An incendiary explosive shell with self-destruction and great blast effect. Before A wide cube with 1 -metre sides welded from 1 mm thick steel sheet range of other ammuni- all types, as well as various guns, are made by this company; some guns are given tion of firing: target brief details of elsewhere full in this particulars Catalogue are available and on request. After firing: this is the destructive effect of Type HEI (UIA) ammunition Since 1939 the British Manufacture and Research Co Ltd has been the major supplier within the ammunition; further details are available from the company. 20 mm and 30 Details of HSS 831 L 30 mm ammunition are given elsewhere in this Catalogue. of A BRITISH UK of all types mm MEMBER OF THE MANUFACTURE AND RESEARCH CO LTD Springfield Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England Telephone: Grantham 2101 Cables: Marco Telex Grantham HISPANO SUIZA Telex: 37635 ARMAMENTS GROUP 387 Spctino 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft Type 1 ejector 21 X ERU release and rockets, one of MB single-cartridge unit a twin- bombs wide range made by for airborne Metals Ltd The Type F four-way auto-selector (far pulses in aircraft or weapon carriage systems. Internal wiring (left) is of the flexible film wire type left) distributes Electromechanical fusing units No 5 Mk 2 (far left) and No 4 Mk 1 (left) for fusing stores when dropped from weapon carrier printed circuit panel using film This panel forms part of the dash- Flexible wire. board control helicopter circuits of a Westland Weapons and Section 18: control systems for aircraft Weapon mountings for aircraft Airborne weapons carriage systems The 119 ERU is a twin-cartridge twin-ejector release a wide variety of stores including rocket launchers, 454 kg (1000 lb) ballistic and retarded bombs and any store in the 454 kg (1000 lb) nominal weight class up to 452 (18 in) diameter. The TER 119X consists of a main beam fitted with three 119 ERU units together with a built-in individualised electrical system. A 12-pin snatch-connector provides the complete input requirements from the unit. can carry It SNEB and LAU mm aircraft. incorporate rocket firing release of flares, nose (VT) and tail (electrical) fusing units and a stores-sensing switch to the basic equipment. The 1 21 X ERU is a single-cartridge twin-ejector release unit. It can carry a wide range of stores including SNEB and LAU rocket launchers, 454 kg (1000 lb) ballistic and retarded bombs and any store in the 454 kg (1000 lb) nominal weight class up to 452 (18 in) diameter. It is also supplied fitted to a main beam as described for the TER 1 1 9X mentioned above. Facilities exist to mm Stores distribution systems Type 'F auto-selectors may be used for distributing pulses around weapon carriage systems, or through the aircraft system. These designs are available for distributing pulses two, four or six ways, but other ways can be provided. The distributors may be of the type which, when supplied with a train of pulses, continues to distribute it round the system, constantly repeating the distribution pattern. Alternatively, they may be of the type which goes through one distribution sequence and then stops, irrespective of the number of additional pulses supplied to it. The basic auto-selector unit consists of a latching relay with a 5A switching capability, and an associated charging/discharge circuit which ensures that the relay is switched when the operating pulse is removed. The complete module is a welded assembly and the complete unit is encapsulated in a resin to produce a rugged construction. The auto-selector is made up from a number of basic units. Each unit is rigidly secured to a mounting and the wiring between the units formed by film system which ensures that the connections made between modules must always be identical and correct. This is achieved by fitting the printed circuit directly over the projecting wires to which it is connected. The No 5 Mk 2 fusing unit is an electromechanical device. It consists of a housing assembly, solenoid assembly, plunger and spring assembly and is used to fuse the stores when dropped from the weapon carrier. The fusing unit is electromechanically operated, and is used in conjunction with a fusing cable attached to the store. The weight of the fusing unit is 85 g (3 oz). It operates on a voltage of 21-29 V dc. The No 4 Mk 1 fusing unit is also electromechanically operated, but incorporates the fusing cable which is wire. This is is a flexible printed circuit automatically retracted after operation. RAF equipment on several bomb It is standard carriers. plate, Film wiring techniques Environmental approved test house The company has been the product leader in Europe during the past eight years for the design and manu- The company undertakes investigation and prooftesting of equipment for governments and other facture of flexible printed wiring. Applications assist contractors, industry. space and weight savings for aircraft wiring systems, lighting and power, instrument panels and black-box equipment. MB METALS Armament particularly relating to the aerospace LIMITED Division Victoria Road, Portslade, Sussex, Telephone: Brighton 46981 BN4 1YH, England Cables: Metals Portslade Telex: 87311 389 Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft The Miles electro-magnetic release unit EMRU No 20 Mk 4; the Mk 3 unit is dentical in design but has an actuator fitted Miles MAL 19 actuator for the Miles electro-magnetic weapon release unit A The armament electrical system test set in operation and ensures semi-automatic is a h.igh level of system reliability Weapons and Section 18: Weapon control systems for aircraft release and weapon system check-out equipment Release units The free-fall electro-magnetic release units (EMRU) developed by Miles are in service with both the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. All units, which operate from a nominal 24 V dc (18-28-5 V) supply, are interchangeable and employ the standard NATO 14-inch (355-6 mm) twin-hook suspension. They operate satisfactorily over the temperature range from -60 C to ^150 C and are designed for bomb bay or pylon-mounting, with safety and reliability as a prime requirement. The EMRUs No 20 Mk 1 and Mk 2 are basically Mk similar except that the bomb release safety lock 12 actuator. Miles with a separate the form of a Both units are designed to weapon under full service 1 is fitted (BRSL) MAL in 680 kg (1500 1b) manoeuvre conditions. EMRUs No 20 Mk 3 and carry a similar except that the Mk 4 are again basically 3 uses the Miles MAL 19 Mk BRSL. These units carry a are designed to a low weight, so that they are especially suitable for helicopter use. lightweight actuator as a 454 kg (1000 1b) weapon and Specification EMRU No 20 Dimensions: length 542-5 mm (21 -38 in); width 71 mm (2-8 in); depth 137-5 mm (5-42 in) Weight: EMRU No 20 Mk 2 80 kg (17-5 lb); EMRU No 20 Mk 4 4-5 kg (100 lb) Load:Mk1 and Mk 2, normal store 680 kg (1 500 lb), proof 1 5 420 kg (34 0001b) Mk 3 and Mk 4. normal store 454 kg (1 000 lb), proof 7550 kg (1 6 600 lb) 152-5 mm (600 in) Weight: 4-75 kg (10-5lb) Stroke: Actuator MAL 12 mm Dimensions: length 1800 Armament electrical (708 width 158-0 in); mm (6-22 in) depth of the modern aircraft of today are so complex that traditional means of checking circuitry are no longer either sufficiently accurate or sufficiently rapid to be acceptable. With this background, the armament electrical systems test set was designed as the first of a new generation of weapon test sets. With this set, one man is capable of checking a complete aircraft in just 25 in) mm length (200 92-5 mm (3-64 in); width 520 mm (206 in); depth in) Weight: 0-65 kg (1 -44 lb) Stroke: Mk 1 7-87 mm (0-31 in); Mk 2 16 5 mm (0-65 in) systems test set Weapon systems weapons system (1 MAL 19 Dimensions: 51 Actuator 320 mm over thirty minutes, including connecting-up time. The set is capable of quickly and accurately checking number of parameters simultaneously by storing information. The unit is portable and is provided with leads for connection to the appropriate points on the aircraft. It is operated from a remote control box, used by the operator sitting in the aircraft cockpit, and indicates the result in a pass/fail form. The system is semi-automatic in operation and indicates the location and nature of any fault. A self-check facility is provided. Due to the high level of checking, aircraft serviceability levels are improved by use of the unit. a large Specification Size: 395 395 K 436 Weight: 27-2 kg (60 mm lb) (15-5* 15-5 X 17 5 Circuits in) firing, jettison, operational sequence impedance, timing standing voltage, spurious pulse width earthing : Power supply: 115V. 400 Hz, 350 A Environment: -20 C to - 55C F checked: store release, fuzing, Measurements checked voltage, not including cables current, intervals, sequence, G MILES ENGINEERING LIMITED Riverbank Works, Old Shoreham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex, BN4 5FL, England Telephone: Shoreham-by-Sea 4511 Telex: 87466 391 Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft JgtfgRj Universal 1 2 3 4 weapon loader type R Detachable forks Removable bomb rollers Self-loading jib in stowed position Extensible chassis Transport trolley type 1 3 4 3/2 'E' equipment locking catch C-type hoist stowage brackets Raising and lowering gear Ancillary Hand brake lever 5 6 7 8 Towbar and towing eye Hoist winching bracket Ancillary equipment Chassis drawn in hooks and lowered positions restraining raised Section 18: Weapons and control systems for aircraft Servicing trolleys for weapons and equipment The Universal Weapon Loader Type 'R' has been designed to meet a requirement for a weapon loader capable of accommodating a wide range of airborne weapons and stores and of loading these on to aircraft. Under maximum load conditions the loader achieves a strength factor of 4 and can be elevated through the full lift of 184 cm (72-5 in) in less than 30 seconds, descent being controlled Power at a similar rate. elevation is provided by a detachable pack comprising a 3 bhp diesel engine driving a swashplate hydraulic pump. This is supplemented by a handpump which is for final positioning of the load The and can be used for emergency operation. incorporates fail-safe device which hydraulic system a functions immediately in the event of any failure. Adjustment of the pallet is provided in all planes and Largeeffected by manually operated controls. is section tyres are fitted to enable the loader to be used on seeded grass surfaces. The towbar incorporates a NATO standard eye. for Trolley Type 'E' provides local site-tosite transportation for mobile test and servicing trolleys on which aircraft radar and other ancillary units are mounted. The rear end of the trolley chassis may be lowered to the ground for loading and unloading. The trolley chassis of all-riveted light alloy box section construction is mounted on four independently sprung pneumatic-tyred wheels, the front two being fitted with internal expanding shoe-type brakes. The Transport loading and transport Weapon loader Specification Capacity dia of store: 76-2 cm (30 in) length of store: 431 8 cm (1 70 in) (any length subject to suitable stabilising) Max load of pallet: 1 1 34 kg (2500 lb) Max lead en forks: 660 kg (1 500 lb) Max Max Performance Lift: 184-2 Height Height Height Height cm (72 5 in) to top cf fork to top of fork — max: 1880 cm (74 — min: 3 8 cm in) (1 -5 in) to top of pallet to top of pallet — max: 208-3 cm (82 —min: cm 24-1 in) (9-5 in) General Unladen weight (including jib): 660 kg (15001b) Wheel base, short: 210 8 cm (83 in) Wheel base, standard: 271 -8 cm (107 in) Wheel base, extended: 2870 cm (113 in) Overall width: 99-1 cm (39 in) Max length (wheel base std ) exclusive of 182-9 towbar: 370 8 cm (146 in) 17 8 cm (18 Tyre size: 45-7 \ • cm (72 in) long detachable 7 in) Transport trolley Specification Length (including draw-bar) 403 cm (13 ft 2-5 Width: 122 cm (4 ft) Height (less winch brackets) 44 cm (1 ft 5 in) Tyre size: 76-2 > 355-6 mm (3 - 14 in) Max turning radius: 427 cm (14 ft) Unladen weight: 170 kg (375 lb) Max allowable loading: 313 kg (692 lb) Max towing speed: 80 km h (5 mph) : in) : Torpedo trolley CRADLE ADAPTORS FOR '33cm(13 in] DIAMETER STORES DETACHABLE PROTECTIVE COVER RESTRAINING FOR 42cm SADDLE ;i6 5in' DIAMETER STORES The Torpedo Trolley No. 2 is designed to provide a compact storage, transit and loading trolley for airborne weapons, suitable for use on board naval vessels. Loaded to its capacity of 295 kg (650 lb) it has been tested to factors of 4 vertically downwards, 1 -5 in the fore and aft and horizontal planes, and 6 in theslinging condition. 'Omniballs' on the underside of the trolley engage specially provided deck rails to which the trolley is Specification Capacity Max dia of store: 41 9 cm (16-5 in) Max length of store: 284-5 cm (1 1 2 Max weight of store: 294 8 kg (650 in) lb) General characteristics Unladen weight (trolley bare) 1 28 4 kg (283 lb) Height above ground max: 85-1 cm (33-5 in) Height above ground min (brake handles depressed and wheel retracted): 49-5 cm (1 9 5 in) Overall length (rear wheel normal) 31 0-2 cm (1 22-1 2 in) Overall length (rear wheel castored through 90 ): 307-3 cm (121 in) — — : : secured by clamps, which withstand vertical shock loads of 120g. The rear wheel is provided with a lockable castoring action; all wheels are adjustable In stowage the wheels are fully retracted clear of the deck. Individually operated fail-safe parking brakes are fitted to the two main wheels. Hoisting points are provided for winching up. vertically. PORTSMOUTH AVIATION The Airport, Portsmouth, Telephone: Portsmouth 62251 Overall width: 65-1 cm (25-63 in) Cradle and 'Omniball' centres: 90-2 cm (35-5 in) Turning radius: 2030 cm (80 in) approx Track of front wheels: 52 1 cm (20-5 in) Track of 'Omniballs': 34-3 cm (13-50 in) LIMITED Hampshire, P03 5PF, England Cables: Portavia Portsmouth Telex: 86205 393 Section 18: Weapons and 0^ c* Ekco tactical radar in control systems for aircraft 1969 403 Section 19 Aerial reconnaissance equipment 405 Section 19: Aerial reconnaissance equipment The three cameras described here series production for the in The F.126 and Royal Air Force. Phantom Nimrod, on are used F.1 35 are and Harrier aircraft. fitted to The R.128 is Nimrod. All three of extended cameras are the result development work and have been thoroughly tested in use under all conditions in all parts of the world. The F.126 large-format camera with four interchangeable and optional flight data recording input facility lenses, IMC, built-in heaters Above: mounted on a hood, the R.128 photographs the sweep of a CRT display on 35 mm film. Through a separate control box manual or automatic continuous recordings can be made Left: a typical pair of stereo photographs taken with the F.1 35 shown above these photographs. Designed for high-speed low-level operations, photography down to 30 m (1 00 ft) is possible by virtue of high shutter speeds and IMC. It can be used at night with electronic flash Section 19: Aerial reconnaissance equipment Reconnaissance cameras High-speed stereo, large-format and radar recording F. 126 The F.126 daylight large-format reconnaissance camera is a with interchangeable lenses from 150 to 900 focal length. The film is clamped during exposure by an assembly moving at IMC (image-movement compensation) speed. Each picture is numbered on exposure. A closed-loop high-accuracy auto-iris system ensures correct exposure of films within the NATO groups The lenses of longer focal length are automatically 2 to 7. mm focused for Optional shutter, is built in for mm 4C6 mm -'•' O f altitude. synchronised from the camera flight data recording, use D Thermostatically controlled heaters are low ambient temperatures. in f5-6, 20 : ; 1 50 mm f5-6, 74 300 mm f4-5, 41 900 mm fo 3. 1 5 (angle of view is edge 1-2 or 4 milliseconds Shutter: focal plane, i A also available. : Lens: interchangeable 600 I ; to edge) 279 mm SQUAlfe automatic, closed loop, four-cell averaging; accuracy — 1/3f stop Data: picture numbering, optional 64-dot data panel, shutter-synchronised IMC: automatic from velocity and height data or manual; range 0005 to 0-3 radians per second Ground overlap: 60% Format: 228 228 Exposures: 320 per load Film load: 75 m of 240-mm film, NATO groups 2 to 7 Radio suppression: to British Standard 2G-100, Parts 2 and 3 Power: camera alone: 28 V dc 5 A (1 5 A peak) Heaters: camera 4 < 25 W; lens cone 8 X 25 thermostatically controlled Supply: 115 V, 400 Hz FIXING Iris: FULLY OPEN mm W— CENTRES _£-.: r : :-_ _e 914 609 30S 52 - mm mm mm ' .c- _- LENGTH H 798 798 472 3 B mm mm mm mm .'.£ ;— " * 6&2kg 6S3 kg * WITH CASSETTES BUT WITHOUT FILM 55-3 kg 49 9 kg F. 135 The F.135 is a day/twilight/night stereo reconnaissance camera. intended for high-speed very low-altitude duties between 30 m and 300 m, for example Mach 1 at 50 m. This role calls for a high picture repetition rate, a fast shutter speed, a very responsive automatic control of exposure level and very accurate high-speed image movement compensation. When allied with colour in stereo the intelligence gathering capability of the F.1 35 camera is unquestioned. Any F.135 camera can be used as a master camera to synchronise several slave cameras. The light cell system automatically controls iris and shutter speed. Thermostatically controlled heaters are built in for use in low ambient temperatures. It is mm Lens: 38 f4-5 wide-angle 74 edge to edge Shutter: electrically operated between-lens type day: automatic control 1-4 milliseconds night: constant 4 msec, with a triggering pulse for initiating the flash during the shutter-open period Iris: automatic, open loop, accuracy = 1/3f stop Data: 64 dot binary code system, shutter-synchronised IMC: automatic from velocity and height data or manual; range 0-1 to 5 rad/sec Ground overlap: 50/50 mode 50%; ripple mode 10% Format: 57 \ 57 in pairs Exposures: 500 2 per load Film load: 30 of 1 26-mm film, NATO groups 2 to 7 Radio suppression: to British Standard 2G-100. Parts 2 and 3 Power: camera alone: 28 V dc 5 A (1 5 A peak) Heaters: camera 50 W; magazine 50 28 V dc or 1 1 5 V 400 Hz mm m AUTO-IRIS LIGHT SENSING CELL TWIN ZEISS BIOGON 38mmX/"4 5 W— Weight: 12-25 kg without film R. 128 The R.1 28 recording camera screen and is control or automatically. gives 500 frames. The camera length is 2-5 kg. f22 is used to record is fitted A mounted on full full hood over the radar manual standard 35 mm film loading a or sector scans from a mm focal with an Angenieux lens of 185 Its weight, complete with film, aperture adjustable. The camera is daylight-loaded by cassette. Frame number and time are automatically recorded on each exposure, plus information on an insertable reusable 'write-on' data panel. 6- - O? AERONAUTICAL & GENERAL INSTRUMENTS LTD 40 Purley Way, Croydon, CR9 3BH, England Telephone: 01-684 3211 Cables: Instradio Croydon Telex: 262960 407 Section 19: Aerial reconnaissance equipment Phantom aircraft with EMI reconnaissance pod attached Specification Radar A Q-band Fit high-resolution radar is employed. after end. The latter contains two cathode ray tubes for recording the radar returns, while between them is a data matrix for recording data from the navigational equipment in the aircraft. The displays from these form a straight line, by means of an optical system, and a film is drawn across the displays at a rate proportional to the speed of the aircraft. The marks shown on all three displays are thus transferred to the film. Two range scales are provided. map is displayed on one the radar On the lower scale CRT and shows the ground on either side of the aircraft, but only echoes of targets moving with respect to the ground (MTI) are shown on the other tube. On the upper scale, MTI is not shown and one CRT shows the radar map to port of the aircraft while the other side map. shows the starboard follows that when on the lower scale the film the radar map and the MTI picture with a series of dots between them which represent the inserted navigational information in binary code. On the upper scale the film shows only the radar map and the navigational information. It will day and night use, The wave guides and are contained in the walls of the pod. The transmitter / receiver is mounted near the fore end of the pod and the mapping recorder, which is by far the largest unit in the system, near the aerials are slotted for low-altitude 1 show Infra-red line scan This equipment comprises a receiver and a mapping recorder. Fit 2 for high-altitude use, Fit 3 for and oblique use. Cameras used are manufactured by Aeronautical and General Instruments Ltd, and W. Vinten Ltd Data converter The purpose of this equipment is to supply navigational data to the recording sensors (radar, line scan and cameras). obtained in analogue form from the Ferranti inertial navigation system and from the STC altimeter. The data are digitised and fed to the records made by the sensors on receipt of a suitable signal demand pulse. The annotation on to the recording media is made in binary code by solid-state light These are gallium phosphide diode lamps sources. arranged to form a 64-bit matrix. Data are The data converter also computes the parameter for image motion compensation within the recording sensors, using ground speed and radio altitude data. V/H Another function of the data converter is to compute elapsed distance by integrating ground speed with respect to time and thus to generate the signal demand pulse mentioned above. This is so arranged that the navigational information is placed on the records at set distance intervals. Thus on the radar record the navigational data appear every one nautical mile, while on the line scan record they appear every \ and 4 miles. kept small by the use of advanced elecsuch as integrated circuits, multi-layer printed circuit boards and sub-miniature wire-wrapped connectors. The unit is tronic concepts Cameras Three different purposes: 4C8 fits are provided for the following A high degree of reliability is obtained. Section 19: Aerial reconnaissance equipment Reconnaissance pod for aircraft As far mounting as British military aircraft are concerned, general practice to fit aerial it is pod which mounted pallet which is below the aircraft, or to fit it into a pack or can be mounted instead of bombs in the bomb bay or Whichever method is inside the aircraft itself. employed, the aim is to achieve simplicity in mounting so that the entire reconnaissance system can be attached or detached from the host aircraft in less than an hour. Typical pod A typical reconnaissance pod, such as that shown diagrammatically below, was designed for the F4M Phantom aircraft. The aircraft with the pod mounted below it is shown in the illustration on the opposite page. This pod contains the following equipment: Passive infra-red line scan equipment and a recorder, reconnaissance equipment either in a separate external (a) (b) (c) Day and night cameras (up can be (d) A (e) A data fitted, to eight cameras as required) radar recorder on which radar returns are recorded, and converter for converting navigational data aircraft's navigational instruments and to feed them to the radar recorder, line scan recorder and cameras. from the All the equipment listed is available mounted within the pod, as a complete reconnaissance system. The individual items of equipment can, however, also be supplied separately. For instance, studies have been carried out on the engineering work required to fit the radar equipment into pods of other sizes. At present, a separate special pod infra-red line-scan equipment only to is house the under also development. Sideways-looking radar CAMERAS POWER SUPPLY RADAR MODULATOR RADAR TRANSMITTER RECEIVER & DATA CONVERTER ANCILLIARY UNITS PASSIVE INFRA-RED RECEIVERS RECORDER CAMERAS INFRA-RED Diagrammatic layout of equipment pod, which is in POWER SUPPLY the a self-contained unit ready for EMI reconnaissance mounting on aircraft EMI ELECTRONICS LIMITED C3rf* Military Division Hayes, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01 -573 3888 Cables: Emidata London Telex: 22417 1968 409 Section 19: Aerial reconnaissance equipment -w /' /-^ w-V I* S, -* T> ^ Si ® •\> Type 591 camera Type 590 camera Type 360 camera with 536 automatic exposure control Type 650 film processor Type 652 interpretation table Universal reconnaissance W. pod Section 19: Aerial reconnaissance equipment Reconnaissance equipment for aerial photography and ground support Type 590 camera This camera is the most advanced of its kind obtainable today. Exposure is fully automatically controlled. The 15 frames/second speed and image motion compensation facility are extremely accurate and are computercontrolled. The 590 has the ability to change from day night operation so to that reconnaissance can continue uninterruptedly. The magazine contains film adequate for 900 exposures. Specification Framing rate 15 frames/sec Frame size: 57 mm 57 mm Exposure time: 1 /4000 and 1 /5000 sec 70 mm double-perforated Magazine: 60 m capacity Film size: at 1 5 frames sec to British Standard Shutter: day focal plane, endless blind: night Heater: 100 W, thermostat control Power: 28 V dc to 1 1 5 V ac 400 Hz compur 2696:1936 type, capping shutter Type 360 camera with 536 AEC The Type 360 camera designed for low-level highspeed reconnaissance and is currently in use by air forces throughout the world with complete success. The Type 536 AEC (automatic exposure control) may be used on all standard Vinten cameras and offers accurate, automatic high-speed compensation of lens apertures. The 536 AEC may be fitted with lenses up to 305 mm (12 in) focal length. is Specification Framing rate: 4 and 8 frames/sec Exposure time: 1/1000 and 1/2000 at 4 and 8 frames/sec Magazine: Displacement type, 30 metres capacity Film size: 70 mm double perforation to British Standard 2696:1936 Image size: 55-5 mm and 57 mm Heater: 100 thermostat control (ON at C, OFF at 20 C) Power 25 to 29 V dc. Motor 3 5 to 4-4 A Environment: To British Standard 2G 100 W Type 591 camera The Type 591 is camera suitable primarily a general-purpose day/night for high-speed low-altitude low-light reconnaissance sorties, using cartridge or electronic night illuminant. The versatility of the camera is extended by incorporating image motion compensation and an inter-lens shutter for use when the ambient light level is poor. The Type 591 is also normally fitted with an automatic exposure control lens cone. flash as the Type 650 film processor The Type 650 is a high-speed compact processor capable of being mounted in a small military vehicle. The unit processes two strands of 70 mm or 1 27 mm wide film simultaneously at speeds up to 10 7 m/min (35 ft/min). Within two minutes clean and scratch-free film is made strand of 241 available mm wide for film interpretation. A Specification Framing rate: 10 frames/sec 57-1 5 mm Frame size: 55-5 mm Exposure time: 1 /1 00 and 1 /200 sec Film size: 70 mm double perforation to British Standard 2696 Magazine: displacement type. 30 m or 60 m capacity Shutter: between-lens Heater: 200 1 936 W thermostat control Power: 25-29 V dc. Motors 4 A Specification Weight: 177 kg (391 lb) Power: 5 KVA at 240 V ac. 50 Hz 1 dry compartment Processing speed: Variable up to 10-66 m/min (35 ft/min) Processing data: Dependent on film and developer 12 071 m (45 47 28 in) Dimensions: 1-14 Compartments: 8 wet tanks, • • • single can also be processed. Type 652 interpretation table Any width Specification Weight: 250 kg (550 is Light source: Fully variable Film drives: Fully variable up to 30 5 m min (100 ft/min) 106 m (24 41 | in) Viewing area: 0-6 of film can be viewed on this table. The film driven in either direction by variable-speed motors over an illuminated table. To aid viewing, travelling microscopes/stereoscopes may be used. Information may, if required, be relayed via a mensuration unit to a computer (as illustrated) thus saving even more time in assessing Universal target Dimensions: 2 1 lb) 74 > 76 m (82J 29 • 30 in) data. reconnaissance pod A universal photo reconnaissance pod is available from Vinten, containing a fan of five low-level cameras giving complete horizon-to-horizon coverage. If required, a fan of cameras suitable for medium to high- reconnaissance can be fitted. A pod can be known attachment; special attachments can be produced on request. altitude Specification Length: 2-4 m (94i in) Diameter: 456 m (18 in) Weight fully equipped: 114 kg (251 lb) Speed capability: Supersonic Acceleration: 5 g Mounting: Fuselage centre-line or under-wing pylon supplied with any W VINTEN LIMITED testy Aviation Equipment Division Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England Telephone: Bury St Edmunds 21 21 Cables: Vintacinni Bury St Edmunds Telex: 81 1 76 Vinten 1967 411 Section 19: Aerial reconnaissance equipment The Williamson F134 hand-held air camera presents no installation problems, either structural or electrical. The 70mm can be processed on normal portable equipment film The F49 Mk IV image quality and air survey camera has location standards fully matching those of established aerial survey cameras. It is designed for use with first-order plotting When F96 cameras are mounted in banks reconnaissance, each camera is directed at a different angle to "he ground, with its picture area slightly overlapping that of its neighbour for Ml high-altitude machines Section 19: Aerial reconnaissance equipment Cameras for reconnaissance and air The Williamson F134 air camera is in service with the the latest marine reconnaissance aircraft, and is in fact the first camera specifically designed for this particular function. It is hand-held and spring-operated, and incorporates a unique rotary focal-plane shutter permitting image stopping speeds Twelve photographs can be taken in of 1/1500sec. rapid succession at one winding, and with detachable Royal Air Force in magazines one hundred 56 56mm (2^ <2|in) photographs can be taken either in black-and-white or in By taking full advantage of the scaled-down colour. air cameras, optimum picture Spring operation means that the camera can be used more or less in any aircraft with sufficient stowage space, so that even helicopters or light aircraft can be adapted for reconnaissance work at very little notice. The F96 camera is the standard high-altitude day reconnaissance camera of the Royal Air Force. It is techniques of definition ensured. is large designed for mounting as one of a bank of cameras but may also be used singly. The camera is built on the sub-unit principle and is operated by a combination of electrical and mechanical specifically interlocks. It has a selection of interchangeable lenses surveys and magazines and incorporates the system known as Image Movement Compensation (IMC) which is essential in aircraft flying at high speeds or at low altitudes. automatic with remote or remote IMC control and remote automatic exposure, (or manual) iris selection. The Williamson F49 Mk IV air survey camera is designed for use with first-order plotting machines. The The camera is fully new 152mm (6in) f/5-6 Wray survey lens gives high resolution with minimal distortion and greatly improved marginal illumination, and is fully corrected to permit maximum use of colour and infra-red photography without any shift in focus. Aperture and shutter speeds are remotely controlled exposure is by a Williamson Intervalometer, supplying an electrical pulse to the camera at a minimum five-second time interval. and The camera's high resolution permits operation at increased altitude and, accordingly, a reduction in the number of exposures required. Since radial distortion any subsequent mapping from the photography entails minimal ground control. virtually eliminated, is Specification altitude corridor, normally between 12 200m (55 000ft) Climatic conditions: to the appropriate specifications for airborne equipment issued by the Ministry of Technology F134 hand-held camera Format: 56mm < 56mm (2 optimum performance within any J in 2 Jin) on 70mm wide (40 000ft) and 16 film Magazine: 7-6m (25ft) 100 exposures — Lenses: interchangeable 100mm (4in) f/1 -8, 300mm (12in) f/4 Filter: minus blue Shutter speeds: 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/1500sec Weights: fully loaded with 100mm lens -55kg (1 2 lib) 300mm lens = (131b) supplies: model selected dependent on Camera functions within specification when subject Electrical 5-9kg ; F96 camera wide F49 228mm -228mm (9in X 9in) with instrument strip on 240mm (9}in) wide - A member Mk Format: film Interchangeable lenses: 1219mm (48in) f/8 telephoto, 914mm (36in) f/6-3 telephoto, 610mm (24in) f/6-3, 305mm (12in) f/4-5, 152mm (6in) f/5-6 Fitted with minus blue filter Interchangeable magazines: 305m (1000ft), 152m (500ft) and 76m (250ft) capacities for film wound on international standard spools Shutter: focal plane self-capping interchangeable blinds with speeds of 1/500, 1/250, 1/125sec. Facility for halving the shutter speed remotely is provided Minimum exposure interval: 1 -8sec Image movement compensation speeds: to 51mm (0 to 2in) per second Aperture control: manual or remote Camera record: (1) Master counter records number of pulses to installation; (2) Individual camera counter records number of camera exposures Temperature range: within specified accuracy between and 30 r C, will function between -20 C and 70 C 50 C; will not be deranged between -40C and Operating altitude: the camera optical system may be focused to provide of the Negretti & aircraft to electric normal aircraft supply. voltage fluctuations Weight: varies from 76kg (48in) lens to Format: 800m 40kg for for 305m (1681b for 1000ft) magazine with 1219mm 76m (89lb for 250ft) magazine with 1 52mm (6in) lens IV camera 228mm > 228mm (9in X 9in) with instrument strip on 240mm (9iin) film Instruments: counter, master counter, data tablet Register glass: Reseau glass consisting of 1cm spaced crosses accurately positioned so that the maximum error of each cross from its true position in a grid is 0-005mm. The Reseau glass is calibrated to give the true position of each cross to an accuracy of J 0001 Shutter: Williamson continuously rotating between-lens shutter having remotely selected shutter speeds of 1/250, 1/350, 1/500, 1/750 and 1/1000sec Magazine: 76m (250ft) for 300 exposures Lens: 152mm (6in) f/5-6 Wray survey lens supplied with full calibration data. Fully corrected for colour photography Filter: minus blue Iris: remotely selected aperatures of f/22. f/16, f/11, f/8 and f/5-6 Electrical supply: 28V dc Temperature range: 5 C to 25 C Weight: fully loaded 75kg (1651b) mm - Zambra Group WILLIAMSON MANUFACTURING CO LTD Hawthorn Road, London NW10, England Telephone: 01-459 0073 Cables: Kinetogram London NW10 Telex: 25842 WILLIAMSON 413 Section 19: Aerial reconnaissance equipment Infra-red Linescan for aerial reconnaissance and survey Hawker Siddeley Dynamics has been involved in the design, development and production of infra-red devices infra-red of air-to-air homing missiles and a comprehensive range of single and generations since 1950. This experience in advanced infra-red and electronic technology is multi-beam fuzes have been developed. now being applied to Linescan. Two Linescan is an airborne reconnaissance Infra-red equipment. It detects, and records on photographic film, minute variations in infra-red radiation. Since all objects emit infra-red radiation according to their absolute temperature and emissivity, a comprehensive thermal picture of terrain overflown is obtained. Radiation occurs at all times, making day and night artificial possible without the use of operation Linescan complements conventional illuminants. photography by providing information that cannot be obtained by conventional cameras. The Type 201 equipment is designed for use in helicopters, light aircraft, surveillance drones and the relatively slow-flying aircraft used in aerial survey work. The scanner has a field of view of 60 across track either side of the vertical. This gives a coverage of just over 1 000 m for an aircraft flying at 300 m. The along-track coverage is a function of the amount of The magazine film carried and the operating height. At an holds 4-9 m (16 ft) of standard 70 mm film. altitude of 300 m (1 000 ft) this provides for an alongMagazines are track coverage of 64 km (40 miles). interchangeable and can be easily detached without removing Linescan from the aircraft. A self-test facility which checks all major components for correct functioning prior to operation is incorporated Type 401, on the other hand, is equipment for nearsonic reconnaissance missions at very low level. Compatibility with high-performance aircraft is met by robust construction, the introduction of highpressure air cooling for the detector, and greatly increased film capacity. To cater for the high velocityto-height ratio (V/H), a multichannel detector and electronic system is employed. This ensures that a high resolution is maintained over the performance range. workload is minimised by automatic control of film and scanner speed for V/H, and by roll stabilisation which permits high angles of bank without loss Flight navigation data is of continuity on the film recorded on the film automatically. The Type 601 is intended for a wide range of military This singleand commercial survey applications. channel set with its cooling pack weighs only 16 kg (30 lb). It carries 24 m (80 ft) of 70 mm film, giving an along-track coverage of 1250 km (780 miles) at an altitude of 1250 m or 250 km (156 miles) at 250 m. Mm Above: examples of imagery Pilot Specification Type 201 Dimensions: 264 330 Weight 11 6 kg (25 lb) 318 Resolution: 15 milliradians Sensitivity: < 25 C mm (10 4 -13 Spectral response: 8-14 microns 15 Velocity-to-height ratio (V/H): Along-track coverage: 60 km (40 miles) Across-track coverage: 120 Cooling endurance: 30 min Power requirements: 6 A at 28 V dc Film capacity: 4 9 m (1 6 ft) 12 5 in) 75 radian sec 300 m (1000 at ft) HAWKER SIDDELEY DYNAMICS Manor Road, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, Telephone: Hatfield 62300 - Telex: 22324 England LIMITED Below: Linescan Type 201 Section 20 Aircraft equipment and instruments 415 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Power controls and transport for strike aircraft and helicopters Power-assisted actuation of the control surfaces of strike modern This aircraft addition to minimising the pilot effort required to manoeuvre highspeed aircraft, power-assistance also facilitates automatic stabilisation of the aircraft. Fairey Hydraulics powered control systems have been fitted to many military aircraft since the first control units flew in 1945. These aircraft include the Hawker Siddeley Hunter, English Electric Canberra and Westland Belvedere. Currently Fairey is supplying the power controls for the following European military aircraft: Hawker Siddeley Harrier, Breguet/BAC Jaguar, Fiat military aircraft is essential. In G222, Westland WG13. The company is concerned with proposals for the advanced power-control system for the Panavia 200 multi-role combat aircraft. The Fairey power control system for the Jaguar G91Y, Fiat also closely INPUT. PILOT'S AC PICK- OFF fighter is typical of the company's products. power-controlled on all three axes without manual reversion. Auto-stabilisation is available acting on the yaw and pitch axes and, when selected at high speed, frees the pilot from the need for constant minor corrections to attitude; it also makes the is fully aircraft a more stable weapons platform. Changes in the aircraft's attitude are sensed by its inertial platform and corrections are fed to the power controls in the form of electrical signals. A key factor of the power controls is the way in which a wide range of system components has been combined in single integrated actuator packages. This produces a simple system with a minimum of pipework and wiring, a single access door for each power control unit, faster trouble shooting and low battle vulnerability. LOW -FREQUENCY BLOCKING PLUNGER AUTO- CONTROL ELECTRICAL VALVE CONNECTOR VALVE PACKAGE SIGNAL TORQUE SHAFT MAIN PRESSURE AUTO -STAB JACK OUTPUT POSITION •Jaguar tailplane i'i6 power control FEEDBACK LINK FEEDBACK SERVO VALVE MODULATORS Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Hydraulic for aircraft filters and ground use Based on more than 20 years' experience, the Fairey Hydraulics range of aircraft hydraulic system filters has a combination of housings and filter media capable of meeting the most exacting demands of modern military aircraft. Filtration is a specialist branch of aircraft engineering which has a considerable effect on an aircraft's economy and reliability in service. The need for adequate filtration extends to the ground rigs used to service hydraulic equipment and a range of filters available for this purpose. The increasing complexity hydraulic systems used in armoured fighting vehicles and other military equipment is providing a new range of applications for Fairey's service- proved filtration is against substances formed by decomposition of fluid. Fairey's choice of filter media covers the requirements of the five principal filter locations: 1. Fine filtration down to 15 micron in the highpressure delivery line immediately downstream of the pump for general system protection. 2. Tubular or disc-type filters in the 75 to 200 micron range at the inlet to each critical component as a protection against gross contamination. 3. Ultra-fine filtration, to 3 micron and better, in the of the equipment. The 4. 5. which are particularly in need of protection are hydraulic pumps, powered flying controls (especially the servo valves), selector valves and actuators. They need protection against manufacturing debris, parts introduced contaminant, generated contaminant, contaminant resulting from break-up of a component and main return line for maximum system cleanliness. Standard filtration to 45 micron in the drain line of constant-pressure pumps. Coarse strainers in the pump 1 00 to 200 micron — — suction line to protectthe pumpagainst large particles. These micron ratings are typical values. Full technical data sheets, the publication Filtration for Aircraft Hydraulics and information on fluid evaluation services are available from Fairey Hydraulics Ltd. Will Low-pressure two-stage filter. absolute, secondary stage rating: flight refuelling target Insert filter Primary stage rating: 3 micron 15 micron absolute. Fitted to Hydraulic pump case drain filter fitted with detection system, as fitted to the BAC 1-11 magnetic chip winch system elements used to protect individual components High-pressure T-type filter as fitted to the BAC 1 -1 FAIREY HYDRAULICS LIMITED Cranford Lane, Heston, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01 -573 7777 Cables: Airily Hounslow Telex: 22230 417 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Contents transmagnetic Tank level indicator relief mitter pressurevalve Single motonsed plug-in valve SuT. Jet pump ~) mm Non-return valve 418 Engine fuel ano oil-drain valve used on RB211 engine Refuelling valve Mk 48 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Fuel systems and associated equipment FR has desystems and components for military From closed-circuit veloped both fuel and civil aircraft. in-flight refuelling, The company's design experience of 30 years is backed by extensive research and test facilities. The Buccaneer test rig and development fuel test house shown left are indicative of the specialised nature of the work being undertaken in fluid system problems. The FR range covers most types of precision com- — solenoid valves, motorised ponents for fluid control and manual control valves, float switches, level indicators, contents transmitters, vent valves, jet pumps, pressure controllers, pipe couplings and fuelling Standard differential principle. of operation are by solenoid valves, or floatoperated sensor valves. Control valves of the spherical plug type (manual and motorised) also cover these applications as well as low-pressure engine feed, based on the pressure methods APU feed, fire shut off, etc. of these designs provide for fully submerged or plug-in application, fail-safe open or closed functioning, electrical indication of flow or no flow, Variants manual overide and pre-check A pumps facility. also available suitable for inter-tank transfer, reduction of unusable fuel and other range of purposes. jet is The bleed from a conventional fuel boost pump Refuelling manufactures a wide range of control valves for refuel, defuel, jettison and transfer usually offers a convenient pressure source but any other pressure source can be used. Flight Refuelling's jet pumps are light in weight, simple in construction and contain no moving parts. Float valves Fluid couplings. Flight Vent, relief, air/no fuel, fuel/no air and overflow This range of valves has been designed to prevent fuel entering the vent system or air entering the fluid system. They are available in top, side and bottom-mounted variants and can have electrical indication of correct functioning. measurement Float switches The FR range of float-operated liquid level switches employs encapsulated reed switches or microswitches for high- and low-level indication and is suitable for operating electrically actuated componentsand indicator systems. The switches are light simple suitable for tank-mounting. light, in construction, and Nonreturn valves The wide range of non-return valves covers all known aircraft fuels and fluids and can accommodate any type of pipe connection. Both in-line and hinged flap designs are available with both rubber/metal and metal/metal sealing Contents transmitters Again using encapsulated reed switches, these float- operated contents transmitters offer progressive indicaon remote indicators or on conventional voltmeters or ratiometers suitably graduated. tion features. Special requirements such as pressure relief, constant pressure or constant flow characteristics are possible with the basic design parameters. Magnetic level indicators are dripless type tank-mounted dip-sticks for tank contents ground checks without risk of spillage. These Pipe couplings A complete range of flexible pipe couplings is produced and pipe-to-component connection. for pipe-to-pipe Stainless steel lightweight shields are available increase the fire resistance of the couplings. to FLIGHT REFUELLING LIMITED Wimborne, Dorset, England Telephone: Wimborne 2121 Cables: Refuelling Wimborne Telex: 41247 419 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments A Victor tanker aircraft refuelling two Lightning fighters simul- taneously A in flight Harrier fighter being refuelled in flight by a Victor tanker aircraft Two views of Wessex a helicopter being refuelled in the air at sea by HMS Yarmouth An Army Scout helicopter being on the ground with its refuelled rotors turning Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Refuelling systems for aircraft and helicopters was formed in 1934 by Sir Alan develop the techniques of refuelling aircraft in flight and today the company's probe-and-drogue system of in-flight refuelling is in service with the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, the Royal Australian Navy and the South African Air Force and is also used by the US Navy, US Marines, US Air Force, the French Navy and French Air Force and other military services. More recently FR, with the backing of extensive research and test facilities, has developed and perfected its system of refuelling helicopters on the ground or in flight and with full with or without rotors turning Flight Refuelling Ltd Cobham to — — — fail-safe protection against error or accident. In naval use, helicopters can be refuelled ship-to-air without landing, though the same refuelling equipment can be used for smaller helicopters which can land on deck. Flight Refuelling helicopter refuelling equipment is supplied to the Royal Navy, the French Navy, the Royal Swedish Navy and the South African Defence Force, and several other navies are negotiating for its purchase. Well-proven system This navy helicopter refuelling system from ships is service-proven over a number of years. Refuelling has taken place under turbulent wind conditions in excess of Beaufort wind scale Force 8 and at night, in addition to normal day operations. Full safety measures The FR helicopter refuelling systems meet all hazards, and the safety systems operate whether or not the pilot is in Here are the principal features of the control. safety system: 1) FR emergency break units are fitted at the top and bottom ends of the refuelling hose. There are guards against hazard should the helicopter have to break away in an emergency. 2) There is matically 3) no when spillage — the tank refuelling is filled stops auto- to capacity. An automatic safety device of the 'dead man's handle'-type gives fail-safe break-away in an emergency. The helicopter can take off in any direction, without need to advise the ground crew. 4) There is safe venting of fuel vapour. FLIGHT REFUELLING LIMITED Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 2BJ, England Telephone: Wimborne 2121 Cables: Refuelling Wimborne Telex: 41247 421 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Fuel pump Flame tube Fuel flow regulator Hydraulic intake control Turbine-driven CF pump Fueldraulic nozzle control pump Transistorised amplifier Radial piston hydraulic pump Jet pipe casing Nozzle control ram Jet pipe Variable-intake ram Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Fuel systems and combustion and hydraulic systems research, design, development and manufacture, Lucas Gas Turbine Equipment Limited provides a service to the aircraft industries of the world which is truly unique. Lucas has been in the forefront of the evolution of the sophisticated modern aircraft, producing fuel metering systems, combustion systems (using precision fabrications) reheat, nozzle, reverse thrust and intake controls for aircraft gas turbine engines and hydraulic systems for airframes to meet the most exacting requirements, all with total product support. Aircraft gas turbine engine fuel pumps, fuel systems, control equipment and aircraft hydraulic systems are developed and supplied from the Lucas factories. An illustration of our involvement can be gauged by the example that over 35 000 engine fuel metering sets have accumulated a total in excess of 100 million In flying hours. The the fuel control system 'nervous system' is, — which in fact, the interprets newly developed heat-resistant vital link and the pilot's both research and development, the laboratories continue to remain in the forefront of advanced combustion equipment evolution with examples of more advanced thinking and design. Detailed information on these facilities is covered in supplementary brochures on manufacturing, research and development; the brochures are available on request. demand for engine power in terms of precise physical quantities of fuel for the required engine response, having computed the effects of environmental influences, altitude, temperature, etc. This imposes a special responsibility on the manufacturer. From 1941, In combustion research we engineer, organise and administer design and development of combustion equipment for the latest engines in both supersonic and ultra-lightweight fields. Together with many other projects, very small annular combustion chambers have been designed for gas turbine starters and auxiliary power units. To meet the demands on the combustion system for supersonic engines, yet still retaining high combustion efficiencies over a wide range of operating conditions, exceptional light-up performance and an acceptable life of components operating at considerably elevated temperatures have greatly increased the The severity of the problems normally encountered. thermal and vibratory stresses in the flame tube have also increased as the result of the high pressures and temperatures involved and it has been necessary to introduce new concepts of flame tube construction Lucas has understood and discharged these to adapt alloys. In responsibilities with distinction. Engine fuel systems With the newer engines and especially the advanced technology versions employing the third generation design flow control, the combined acceleration and scheduling control unit employs simple non-dimensional parameters for engine control, applicable at any altitude or temperature condition of the engine. Designed for ready adaptation for various aircraft applications, the acceleration control steady-running requirements are met by direct mechanical methods of Continuously rotating ported sleeve valves achieve a considerable reduction in hysteresis when the valve ports open or close and by omitting small control orifices the system is less susceptible to operation. contaminated fuel. As an alternative to the variable-stroke piston pump and for engines requiring a simple high-speed pump, gear-type units are available. Combustion systems Combustion systems created by precision fabrication can be divided into three main categories, the components of which are welded and/or brazed on assembly. These are (a) details from sheet metal; (b) a combination of sheet metal and machined details; and (c) machined details only. Long experience has shown that it is only by meticulous care, beginning with the selection of the raw material itself, that assemblies of high technical quality and accuracy can be consistently produced. Hydraulic systems Some 27 years' experience ment and manufacture in the design, develop- systems for aircraft gas turbine engines is the background from which special-purpose aircraft hydraulic systems using fuel as the hydraulic medium have been developed. A demand for a hydraulic duty of this type, which is known of high-pressure fuel as a fueldraulic system, arises when And experience must be universal throughout design, planning, project development, process control this and inspection. Our engineering capabilities are such that undertake we can responsibility for the manufacture, build and test of complete major engine assemblies such as Spey reheat jet pipes. the All the sheetmetal components, pipework hydraulic jacks are of Lucas manufacture. and circumstances result in its incorporation in the main hydraulic system. By using high-pressure fuel as the hydraulic medium, the necessity for installing a completely separate system, including storage tank, coolers, boosters, etc, is obviated. certain LUCAS GAS TURBINE EQUIPMENT LIMITED Shaftmoor Lane, Birmingham 28, England Telephone: 021-777 3232 Cables: Luset Birmingham Telex: 338781 LUCAS 1966 1967 1969 423 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments The new GQ Unicross supply-dropping may be considered expendable but can be used many times parachute, The new c hnish ill GQ synthetic Air Force QF/QD seat-type parachute assembly already ordered by the which Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Parachutes for all purposes RFD-GQ Limited offers an exceptionally wide range of parachutes for both civilian and military use, for the safe dropping of personnel as well as supplies. Each parachute assembly is designed to give optimum service under specific conditions of use. is approved by the British Ministry of Technology for the design of all types of parachute, all of which are developed in the light of actual field experience in many parts of the world. GQ Personnel parachutes The new GQ 6-7 m (22 ft) shaped diameter, Supply-dropping parachutes Six overseas forces have ordered the new GQ Unicross expendable/optionally re-usable supply-dropping parachute assembly which is undergoing trials with British static line- operated fully steerable parachute will be in service with British troops this year. It was developed in conjunction with the British Ministry of Technology and its design permits, for the first time, paratroops and para-medic teams to avoid ground obstacles as they land. The new parachute also uses a new three-point hook and D-ring fastening harness incorporating special shoulder release fittings. These allow the canopy to be collapsed immediately on landing so that the paratrooper is not dragged along prior to releasing his harness. Special D-rings are also fitted to the harness attaching the reserve parachute and the CSPEP (carry straps, personal equipment parachutist). Both these items are products. Another new product is the synthetic QF/QD seat-type parachute assembly, which was developed from the seat-type Mk 10 assembly. This new parachute has been ordered by the Finnish Air Force. Synthetic materials replace canvas and flax used for the Mk 10 and the harness has been re-designed to permit fitment of the latest Capewell '1 h shot' shoulder canopy releases. These releases permit the airman to shed his harness quickly, because the canopy can be collapsed immediately on landing. The advantages of this new parachute, compared with the Mk 10, are: 1 because of the use of synthetic materials throughout, the equipment has a much longer useful life 2 the equipment is more comfortable to wear because the harness can be adjusted more easily divestment is quick and simple by merely releasing 3 the snap hooks 4 even if the parachutist is injured he can activate the Capewell shoulder canopy release to prevent being dragged along after landing 5 the materials are impervious to bacteria and fungal attack, do not rot after immersion in water forces. method The of canopy available offer a cheap lowering vital supplies. The load range of six sizes of the six canopies is: 22-6-68 kg (50-1 50 lb) 22-6-1 36 kg (50-300 lb) 68-277 kg (150-500 lb) 317-5-681 kg (700-1 500 lb) 681-1044 kg (1500-2300 lb) 453-1 1 35 kg (1 000-2500 lb) The canopies are made from polypropylene and are cheap enough to be expendable. They can also be used many times and any damaged components are replaceable without sewing. They are sufficiently waterproof to be used as covers. The new parachutes described here are supplemen- for GQ GQ GQ utility supplydropping parachutes. With their viscose rayon canopies they are capable of landing loads from 45 kg (100 lb) for the 4-3 m (14 ft) assembly, to 1180 kg (26001b) for the 18-3 m (60 ft) assembly. With the GQ 20-1 m (66 ft) supply-dropping parachute assembly in its single and cluster versions capable of lowering loads of up to 2040 kg (4500 lb) per canopy, our claim is 'GQ parachutes can lower any known load from any tary to the well-established range of known aircraft'. RFD-GQ LIMITED Godalming, Surrey, England Telephone: Godalming 4122 Cables: Airships Godalming Telex: 85233 425 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Automatic release for parachutes The Hitefinder automatic parachute release Type D/1 Mk 2 is designed to open a free-fall parachute in the event of the user failing to pull the ripcord handle at or above the minimum safe opening height. Pre-setting of the Hitefinder to operate at a selected height is a straightforward operation requiring the adjustment of one dial graduated in millibars. The presetting operation is done in conjunction with a special calculator provided with the instrument and the only information required by the user is the ground level pressure prevailing at the DZ (dropping zone). Having registered the DZ pressure reading on the calculator, the pressure equivalent to the required parachute opening height can be quickly determined, without further adjustment of the calculator, and set up on the dial of the Hitefinder. Before jumping, the parachutist withdraws an arming pin, either manually or by static line, to enable the Hitefinder to operate at the pre-set pressure. The operating sequence is initiated during descent by an aneroid capsule which progressively contracts because of increasing atmospheric pressure. At a specific height above the operating height the aneroid capsule collapses to a point where a time delay mechanism powered by a compression spring is freed. At the termination of the time delay, the compression spring is released to provide the motive power by which means the rip pins are withdrawn and the parachute is opened. The time delay is provided to ensure that when a jump is made at or below the height at which the Hitefinder is set to operate, the parachutist is well clear of the aircraft before the canopy deploys. The Hitefinder can also be embodied in non-man-carrying parachute systems and is particularly ideal for use where delayed opening of a canopy at a specific height above ground level is required. Specification Weight and dimensions Limits of accuracy Every Hitefinder is extensively tested under laboratory conditions to ensure that each instrument gives a standard of accuracy within the following range: 15m (50ft) Repeatability: Total weight: 680 g (24 oz) Total volume: 270 cm' (1 6 5 in 3 ) (7-5 in) Overall length: 1 90 Overall width: 76 in) (3 Overall depth: 38 (1 -5 in) Length of case: mm mm mm 100 mm (4 C to -10 C -30 C in) Operating range The Hitefinder can be adjusted by the user to effect deployment of a parachute above any DZ situated between 213 m (700 ft) below sea level and 4270 m (1 4 000 ft) above sea level (ICAN Standard Atmosphere conditions prevailing) Time delay A choice of fixed time delay periods of from 30 to 600 sec is available If instruments can be re-calibrated to alternative settings by the manufacturer. IRVING AIR CHUTE OF GB LIMITED Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England 426 C: - 45 m Cables: Irvin Letchworth Telex: 82198 (150 ft) 60 m (200 ft) 90 m (300 ft) to 60 m (200 ft) 5 g acceleration in any altitude: 1 5 g acceleration in any altitude: j 90 m (300 ft) 40 C: 70 C: _ Due head of a falling and actual atmospheric pressure values However, over 1 50 kinetheodolite these limits are liable to some variation monitored descents have shown the variations to be small and well within the to the indeterminate position of the true static pressure body and differences required, Telephone: 6262 30 to limits of in theoretical absolute safety. Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Special aircraft equipment heat exchangers, flexible tanks, radomes Heat exchangers Marston Excelsior Limited is Europe's leading supplier exchangers for all aircraft applications. The company has designed and manufactured units for almost all British-built aircraft for many years as well as for aircraft built in other countries. Heat exchangers in current production include units for the Hawker Siddeley Harrier and Nimrod, McDonnell Phantom and of heat BAC/Breguet Jaguar. Applications for which heat exchangers have been supplied include units for air-cooled and fuel-cooled the engine oil coolers, air/fuel heaters, water steam heat exchangers for cabin air/air air air/ conditioning, air/air units for pilots' ventilated suits, oil/air fusl coolers for hydraulic services, and gearbox oil and oil/ coolers, evaporators and condensers for refrigeration packs, as air/water glycol and air/oil heat well as air/air exchangers for the temperature control of airborne — radar and electronic equipment. Units are made from aluminium alloys, stainless steel and nickel alloys, and are of both tubular and secondary surface brazed construction. Flexible tanks Marston Excelsior manufactures flexible tanks from a variety of specially developed materials for particular applications in aircraft and missiles, including tanks for hydrocarbon fuels, methanol/water and high-test peroxide (HTP), drinking water and waste water. Materials include nitrile compounds for fuel and oils, Viton elastomer for HTP and for hydrocarbon fuels at high temperatures, and butyl and natural rubber for are reinforced with terylene special fuel barrier layers are incorporated within the composite material. r Operating temperatures range from -40 C to -r200 C. Self-sealing systems effective against small arms fire water. up to materials All and fabrics I in in some cases (12-77 Tanks are specifications. Radomes, mm) made calibre can be incorporated. to and British American MIL aerial covers, aerial reflectors Marston produces a variety of aircraft components associated with airborne radar equipment. Made from reinforced plastics materials, these include radomes, aerial covers and windows, and aerial reflectors. In most cases the material used consists of woven glass fibre impregnated with polyester or epoxy resins moulded into a shaped laminate or sandwich of high strength/weight ratio with outstanding dielectric properties. Sandwich cores of glass or aluminium honeycomb or foamed materials can be incorporated. When required radomes are built which incorporate a de-icing system. Marston Excelsior Limited carries full approval of the British Ministry of Defence for the design, production, inspection and testing of heat exchangers, flexible tanks and radomes. A subs/diary of Imperial Metal Industries Ltd MARSTON EXCELSIOR LIMITED Wobaston Road, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton, WV10 Staffordshire, 6QJ, England Telephone: Fordhouses 3361 Cables: Marex Wolverhampton Telex Telex: 33211 Marston 427 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Flight instruments for types of aircraft all and horizon gyro Artificial horizon Type FH.14 and horizon gyro Type FH.15 are self-contained, electrically operated gyros operating from a 1 1 5V, 400Hz, single-phase or 3-phase supply. The artificial horizon FH.1 4 provides information of the movements of an aircraft, in pitch and roll, by means of a spherical presentation. The horizon gyro FH.15, which is otherwise identical with the FH.14, differs only in that, in addition, it is equipped with toroidal potentiometers on the pitch and roll axes. Aircraft attitude is displayed by the position of a two-colour spherically shaped drum relative to a fixed symbol in the centre of the instrument glass. The division of the colours blue sky/black ground extending across the face of the instrument represents the true horizon. The drum carries a perspective display in the 'ground area' in one design, the length of the pitch reference lines increasing with pitch angle. Thus, at extreme pitch attitudes, when the horizon reference line may be out of sight, the pitch reference lines define the roll plane. A roll indicator is incorporated in either the top or bottom half of the presentation. Electrical means are used to erect, and maintain erect, the gyroscope to the vertical. The pitch-bank system of monitoring during turns is incorporated. Arrangements are also made whereby the operation of an external push switch increases the erection rate to approximately 30 times its normal value. Operation of this switch in unaccelerated flight erects the gyro rapidly to the vertical position from any attitude. The instruments are fitted with a combined power failure/gimbal centring device, and have provision for integral The Ferranti artificial horizon vertical — — lighting. Specification Life: unrestricted 300m (60 000ft) Temperature range: -35 C to 55C (no derangement between -40 C and Altitude: up to 18 70°C) Vibration: withstands vibration conditions detailed in BS.2G.100. Part 2. Clause 2.6, Grade C2. and Clause 21 8. Table 2, Grade C2, under anti-vibration mounted conditions (rigid mounting conditions to be declared) satisfactorily in conditions of repeated variations of air pressure, temperature and humidity and resistance to fungus growth as specified in BS-2G.1 00, Part 2, Clause 208, Climatic Class 1 with functioning test B carried out at -40 C Climatic: functions , Radio interference: meets the requirements of BS.2G.100, Part2. Clause 225 interference: compass safe distance to be measured as defined Compass in BS.2G.100. Part Clause 227, and declared 2, Rigidity of fixing: capable of withstanding (without breaking loose) an acceleration of 25g applied in the fore-and-aft direction Acceleration: the instruments satisfy the requirements of BS.2G.100 Part 2 Clause 219a. Table 3, Class 2B(ii). Grade C and Clause 21 9B. Table 4- Acceleration Class Interchangeability for II crash-landing complete instruments are mechanically and functionally : interchangeable Electrical connections: via a 12-pin connector attached to customer requirements a cable to suit Electrical supplies: (a) 115V ^5%V, 400Hz 5%Hz single-phase or 3-phase for the gyro wheel (b) 28V dc (nominal) or 30V, 400Hz single-phase (max) for the potentiometers, the voltage limits being in accordance with BS.2G.100, Part 3 (c) 2-7V ac for lighting (when required) Power consumption: starting cycle 40W 35W (max) (max); fast erection conditions Overall dimensions: (3in ARINC 266mm (8 8in) long (max); normal conditions 101 mm 14W (3 97 in) across diagonals case) Weight: 2-27kg (5lb) The Ferranti FH.14 artificial horizon is a self-contained electrically operated vertical gyro maximum Single-axis accelerometer The single-axis accelerometer Type FA. force-feedback torque-restrained pendulous device capable of sensing a wide range of acceleration with extreme accuracy. Additional units in this series are manufactured to provide a lower restoring-coil impedance for operation with microcircuit amplifiers. Ferranti Series is a Specification: Overall dimensions: 508mm (2in) 254mm (1 in) dia Weight: 72g (2Joz) Restoring-coil impedance: 207$'} ^.5% 20kHz Pick-off excitation: 4V. Pick-off null voltage: 1 mV Pick-off phase shift: 50" (max) = 5' lead Ferranti single-axis 2-4mV/min/V measurement: — 20g Pick-off scale factor: Range of Scale factor: 5mA/g Scale factor temperature effect: Bias: Bias temperature effect: 0-02 428 0005%/ C (max) 3 / 10~ 4 g (max) c x 10-'g/ C (max) ^5^^ accelermometer Type FA. 2 is capable of sensing a wide range of acceleration with extreme accuracy Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Autostabiliser for helicopters The Ferranti helicopter autostabiliser — Type FAS. 2 can be — control axes yaw, pitch or roll to provide a helicopter with a 'hands-off operational The self-contained capability even while hovering. system comprises an amplifier and an extensible link servo actuator for each axis that requires stabilisation. A rate gyro senses the deviations of the helicopter from its instantaneous attitude. The rate gyro signal is processed by a small computer which produces a servo actuator output to apply corrective control action. Servo actuator position and velocity are fed back and summed with the gyro signal to close and stabilise the control loop. The actuator is positioned between the pilot's control column or pedal and the controlled aerodynamic used in Ferranti any or all helicopter Type autostabiliser FAS. 2 can be used in any or all control axes providing a complete 'hands-off capability even while hovering surface or rotor. This arrangement allows the applied control deflections to be limited to those required for stabilisation, normally 10 to 20% of the maximum displacement, and no restriction on the manoeuvring of the helicopter is involved. Thus the natural 'feel' or response of the helicopter, as far as the pilot is concerned, is not materially affected but the operational capabilities of the helicopter are increased and the instrument flight capabilities are enhanced. Arrangements can be included in the autostabiliser for the necessary coupling between roll and yaw channels to produce co-ordinated turns during manoeuvres and, if required, the autostabiliser can be used as an autopilot with simple hold facilities for heading, height or speed. Weight and dimensions Weight: single-axis installation 1 -4-1 -8kg (3-4lb); three-axes system 4-1- 5-4kg (9-1 2lb) (depending on servo size) Size: gyro amplifier unit (single axis) 2in); servo — 102mm X 1 02mm 51 mm. (4in x 4in x to suitinstallation Additional weight for autopilot as little as 2-3kg (5lb) FERRANTI LIMITED Aircraft South Equipment Department Hill Park, East Hampstead, Bracknell, Berkshire, England Telephone: Bracknell 4202 Telex: 84117 FERRANTI 429 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Flight instruments for RAI 3 an is amplifiers offering and military aircraft 83mm (3270m) with repeater attitude roll and civil integral 360deg of remote servo freedom in pitch. Sperry 6000 Series airborne data acquisition system This system is particularly suitable for accident and flight profile/mission recording in military aircraft. It includes a digital wire recorder. The utilisation of solid-state micrologic techniques enables the measurement and code conversion circuits to be accommodated within the recorder case. AD 4 is a 100mm similar to the Weight: 7 5kg (161b 12oz) Dimensions: 16 34 17cm (6-2 Duration of recording: 1 5 or 30h Power requirements: 1 1 5V 400Hz 0-5% of full scale Resolution: 1 in 256 Capacity: 46 channels Sampling rate: 46 channels/sec Accuracy: in 1 1 6-7in) 2W | Protection: to the survival requirements of accident recorders in military aircraft Playback is available in one of the following forms: binary trace; analogue trace; decimal display; punched paper tape (4in) attitude director RAI 3 13 presentation, but with conventional cross-pointer director wires superimposed on the instrument face. Presentation of flight-path vector information or airspeed error is also available. STEVI STEVI (Sperry Turbine Engine Vibration Indicator) is a 51mm (2 in) panel- mounted instrument which provides early warning of excessive engine vibration from engine-mounted vibration pick-ups. High frequency is indicated continuously, low frequency is shown when the low filter HAI 4 a is 100mm (4in) heading and with integral servo conventional pitch and roll information with compass heading. A heading select facility for autopilot operation'is included. attitude indicator amplifiers, showing button is pressed. An auxiliary unit can be used to monitor the low filter separately and continuously. A variant of STEVI (illustrated) uses a solid-state piezo-electric accelerometer as the basic engine transducer. Outputs for recording are provided. SPERRY FLIGHT SYSTEMS DIVISION Sperry Rand Limited Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1QL, England Telephone: Bracknell 3222 Cables: Spenflite Bracknell Telex: nrl 84129 430 i Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Gyro instruments for military and civil navigation Compass systems Sperry manufactures a complete range of compass systems for conventional and rotary-winged aircraft, including: CL11 a high-performance system giving a free drift rate of better than 1 degree per hour. Variants of this system are fitted to a wide range of military and civil aircraft including the Hawker Siddeley Nimrod, Hawker Siddeley Dominie, Fiat G91 and Westland C2G SGP-500 Series platform C2J The Sperry SGP-500 is a small, low-cost, lightweight, Rotorace twin gyro system consisting of a gyro reference unit (GRU), an electronic unit (EU) and control panel, providing highly accurate and reliable outputs of heading and local vertical. It is based on the design and manufacturing techniques embodied in the development and production of a family of platforms (TGP) for aircraft that include Lightning Mks 3, 5 and 6, Mirage 111-0 and 4A, Buccaneer 2S Mk 50 and Mk 2, and Vulcan B2. Wessex, Sea King, and WG13 helicopters, a lightweight standby system currently used in the Lockheed F104G and Hawker Siddeley Harrier aircraft. Similar to the C2G but having multiple heading outputs, the C2J comprises a magnetic detector, a compass controller and a gyro amplifier master unit (shown below). This system is specifically designed for use in highperformance aircraft, and is specified for the British versions of the Jaguar. VGL-200 vertical gyro vertical gyro VGL-200 is a compact lightweight providing an accurate vertical reference, using synchros to transmit pitch and roll attitude information. A liquid-level/ torque motor erection system is employed and provision is made for initial fast erection to eliminate the need for a mechanical caging system. The gyro element has freedom in pitch of _ 85 deg and full freedom in roll. It has a free drift rate (with the erection system cut off) of less than 1 5 deg/h. The erection rate is approximately 2-25 deg/min and the gyro element settles to define the gravity vertical to within 025 deg. The Sperry TGL-100 transfer gyro unit The TGL-100 transfer gyro system is a new portable lightweight instrument designed to align rapidly and accurately aircraft heading references to a known heading [before aircraft take-off. The instrument is equally suitable for both land- and carrierbased aircraft. The time required for aligning each aircraft system is 1 5 sec, while the azimuth accuracy is better than 0-1 deg rms. Transfer gyros have been sold to the air forces of France, Germany, Australia, South Africa and Italy. SPERRY FLIGHT SYSTEMS DIVISION Sperry Rand Limited Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 Telephone: Bracknell 3222 1 QL, England Cables: Speriflite Bracknell Telex: ~M7 84129 431 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments In-flight data recorder for mission analysis The M15 computer use as a in-flight magnetic tape data recorder tape, the tape reels being and other data acquisition (centre) cheek-mounted for with input compactness. modules (left Construction is right). The recorder uses standard ruggedised to render the unit suitable for and crash recorder Mission analysis Marconi Space and Defence Systems Limited has unique experience in in-flight data acquisition and handling, being responsible for the Nimrod mission analysis recording and the prototype Concorde accident recording systems. The M15 instrumentation recording system is the most sophisticated in-flight magnetic tape recording facility for mission analysis available today. It provides long duration operation and large data capacity in a small volume with the high accuracy and versatility of a laboratory recorder in a compact ruggedised form. The high standard of performance is maintained under Instrumentation extreme environmental conditions. recording systems for any of the following applications can be engineered: Mission analysis, airborne data acquisition, data format conversion, engine health monitoring, accident recording, ground replay and translation, and automatic data recording. A GEC-Marconi Electronics Company MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD Instrumentation Group Chobham Road, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey, England. Telephone: Camberley 63311 432 Cables: Elliotauto Camberley Telex: 85289 Aeronautical charts and flight data services The specialist staff of International Aeradio Ltd has met the chart and flight data requirements of all types of air operations for more years than any other organisation in the world. The high quality and accuracy of its products derives from many years of practical experience and from continuous close contact with operating personnel in all branches of aviation both civil and military in the UK and abroad. The service is unique, being not merely the initial provision of flight documentation but its regular systematic up-dating. The first annual subscription includes the initial supply of complete flight documentation for the territory defined by the subscriber, and thereafter all revised and reprinted charts and flight data are posted weekly. The detail appearing on International Aeradio charts is shown on the reverse side of this sheet. Supplementary publications give navigational aid and communications listings, air traffic control regulations and much other data necessary for flight planning and in-flight reference. Part of a specimen page from a supplement is reproduced below. four years the company has been actively engaged in the production of another series of maps for microfilming in connection with a moving-map display for installation in the new generation of aircraft now being manufactured and delivered., The company leads the world in this new method of displaying to aircrews the information they currently obtain from paper maps and charts. Operators whoare contemplating usingthis advanced equipment should write to the Company's Aerad Flight Documentation and Printing Division for details. For many years the company has also printed other specialised air navigation charts and undertakes all kinds of printing for the aviation industry. For the last INTERNATIONAL AERADIO LTD Aerad Flight & Documentation Printing Division Hayes Road, Southall, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01-574 2411 : Name, Location Indicator and Co-ordinates Milan (Linate) MET 4526N 0917E 0917E Milan Volmet Frecj. NOB Emis./Pwr. or Rng 4 Met. Information Aet 126-6 Zurich Met 127-2 Geneva Met 126-8 Rome 1260 1270 Aet H24 Aet H24 Ae H24 Ae F H24 H24 APP Milan Arrivals/D'tor 3001' 132722 118-8 H24. Twr 1181 H24 Ground 121-8 VDF Linate Linate Linate Hmr LIN 1LS LIN (36) . . t 5559 8828-5 NDB 1 H24 Com. Innsbruck Shannon Aeradio TWR 452 IN Ident. or Callsign Fac. LIMM Telex: 241 14 Cables Aerad Southall >22-10, 123-5' 121-5E' . Com. Com. Com. Com. . .. . nO-22 118-4 118-8' 121-5E' H24 386 Al/25 nm 110-3/3350 (2-75=) H24 H24 MM 'O/R. .. 'O/R. .. 5-37 nmtoRIW 36. B.B. not usable. 5-4 nm. 0-55 nm. .. .. Linate GCA 119-25 119 4 1181 118-8 123-5 121-5E Milan (Malpensa) LIMC SRE Linate MET Zurich Met 127-2 Rome 1260 Geneva Met 126-8 Innsbruck 1270 SRE )H+10{AeF),H-t H24. OM GCA Malpensa, Linate, Turii Ciampino, Geneva, Zurh IMC & 01 R 30 mins. IMC & O/R 30 mins. 1231 121-5E Aet H24 Ae t H24 Aet H24 Ae F H24 . . . . . . . . . Com. Com. Com. Com. Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Landing aids for airborne and ground use Radio altimeters STC is a leader in the field of radio altimetry. Equipments have been supplied to the Blind Land Experimental Unit of the British Royal Aircraft Establishment for the all-weather landing programme and more recently for use in the BEA Trident and BOAC VC.10 autoland systems. The STR.70-P/3, latest in the range of STC radio altimeters, is a microminiaturised equipment for use in all military roles including terrain following, automatic landing, low approach, helicopter autohover, lowlevel strike and many other flight control systems. Technical data Height range: 0-1 520 Accuracy: -3% or - (500-5000 m 1 (0-5000 ft) (3 ft) 0-150 m m (0-500 ft); - 5% 150-1520 m ft) Outputs: log/linear or to suit applications Tracking rate of time constant: 100 —25ms Transmitter frequency: 4300 5 MHz Power supply: 1 1 5 V ac 5 Hz 55 5% 400 Hz — — — VA nominal Major specifications: AVP24; DEF5000; MIL-E-5272; MIL-1-6181; BS 2 G100 STR.70-P radio altimeter as supplied for Phantom aircraft DEM33 Instrument landing system The STAN. 37/38/39 is a fully solid-state instrument landing system designed to meet all ICAO facility performance categories. Lower category configurations can be upgraded to a higher category by the addition of standard units with minimum interruption of service. Technical data Meets full ICAO requirements Fully dualised equipment Various aerial configurations to meet site difficulties Fully transistorised Available in pan-climatic containers STAN. 37 instrument landing system localiser aerial array Precision approach radar The SLA.3-C is the latest STC precision approach radar equipment providing clear and unambiguous information to enable the final approach of high-speed jet aircraft to be monitored. It embodies many new features and refinements resulting in an equipment whose performance surpasses the parameters laid down by ICAO. Technical data Fully dualised equipment Pan-climatic operation Turntable building to serve different runway approaches Range 30 km (14 nm) for small jet aircraft head-on * SLA.3-C precision approach radar runway turntable building An associate of ITT STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES LTD Radio Products Group Oakleigh Road, New Telephone: 01 -368 1 Southgate, London N11, England 200 Telex: 261 91 STC 433 Section 20: Aircraft equipment and instruments Rubber components for aircraft and development produces moulded components and rubber-to-metal bondings for a Avon specialises in the design of rubber products for aircraft and variety of aircraft applications. Avon also manufactures specialised parts erosion sheeting, as well as products. many special-purpose in sophisticated polymers and polyurethane. Among the products made are engine transit mountings, Avon Rubber Co Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, England 434 aircraft hose and polyurethane anti- Ltd Telephone: Bradford-on-Avon 2191 Cables: Industrial Bradford-on-Avon Telex: 44856 Section 21 Airfield equipment and services 435 Section 21 : Airfield equipment and services Curran mobile engine run-up stand with a Rolls-Royce Spey engine mounted on it. Stands can be supplied to suit any engine and tailored to meet exact customer needs. After being brought into service they remain readily adaptable to cater for changing engine requirements in the future. A complete installation comprises services trailer, propulsion unit test stand, holdback frame, engine adaptor sets, intake guard, fuel tank and inter-connecting services \ The stand requires only a suitable hardstanding with ground ring bolts for anchoring the hold-back frame. Its mobility enables it to be moved easily from one location to another and set up quickly with minimum site preparation. Advice and guidance on associated de-tuning arrangements, where required, are available 436 Section 21 : equipment and services Airfield Mobile engine run-up stand for quick, economical check-running of turbo-jets It is generally more expedient to remove a defective or suspect engine from an aircraft than to attempt to This usually means the costly return rectify it in situ. of the engine to the manufacturers or to an overhaul base, when often the fault proves to be of a minor controlled from, and its performance control room in the sound-proofed and air-conditioned services trailer. The trailer also houses the main elements of the fuel, electrical and air systems. An observation window allows the engine to be viewed nature, easily rectified. during testing. The mobile engine run-up stand provides a simple and economical means of check-running such engines, enabling adjustments to be made and minor defects rectified quickly and efficiently. It reproduces as closely as possible the conditions under which the Positioned in front of the engine, the intake guard it against ingesting foreign matter. The fuel tank shown holds 4550 litres (1 OOOgal) and has an associated gauging system which registers its contents in the control room. engine runs in the aircraft, with aircraft type instruments for using standard and controls and with provision aircraft test sets. Mounting the engine on the propulsion unit test stand, complete with intake and exhaust systems, is easily and quickly achieved. As the stand is mobile this can be done at any convenient location (workshops, At the testing site, the hangar, at the aircraft, etc). stand is simply secured to the pre-anchored hold-back frame and all necessary interconnections rapidly made. The engine registered is in a protects The services trailer and the propulsion unit test stand are each fitted with a sprung chassis on pneumatically Parking and over-run brakes are intyred wheels. corporated. The fuel tank is free-standing and easily lifted and carried away. All other items are also readily transportable. While the equipment does not feature thrust measuring capacity in its basic form, this can be included when required. Key to main components —Services 2 — Propulsion trailer 1 unit test stand 3 4 — Hold-back frame — guard Intake — 5 Fuel tank Principal dimensions A— 9-22m (30ft 3in) B— 5-94m (19ft 6in) C— 2-59m (8ft 6in) D— 98m (6ft 6in) 1 E— 2-29m F— 5-34m G — 9-1 (7ft 6in) (17ft 6in) 4m (30ft) radius H— 2-1 9m (6ft 2in) K—3-57m (lift 9in) Aero-engine test equipment The mobile engine run-up stand hensive series of facilities is one manufactured of a compre- for testing all types of aero-engine from piston to the latest turbojet models. furnish further backed by tion JOHN CURRAN LIMITED GPO Box 72, Curran Road, Cardiff, CF1 1TE, Telephone: Cardiff 20641 Cables: Narruc Cardiff and John Curran details. a highly With would be pleased years of to experience, competent team of design, produc- installation engineers, the firm is well placed to give expert advice and Wales Ltd welcomes aspect of aero-engine testing, enquiries on any including test house layout and design of ancillary services. 437 Section 21 : Airfield equipment and services TRANSITION BAR DZUS FASTENER BRACKETS \ CROSS" LEVELLING ADJUSTER ELEVATION ADJUSTER FILTER ASSEI LAMP ASSEMBLY -SLIT 1 CROSS LEVELLING ADJUSTER BASE OPTICAL BENCH FRAME Visual approach slope indicator, with adjustable feet for accurate lining Diagram of visual approach slope indicator, showing internal design up Typical Atlas flameproof fitting suitable for use in explosive atmospheres ;nn^ %^^ ... *^,' Runway fitting, showing base, light unit and cover Atlantic 3 fluorescent light fitting Haline tungsten halogen floodlights, showing and 300 units 2000 W, 1500W, 750/1 000 438 W W (left to right) Sunflood 500 W tungsten halogen floodlight Section 21 Lighting for airfields, : Airfield equipment and services equipment aprons and buildings Thorn Lighting Limited manufactures a wide range of equipment suitable for all lighting purposes. Featured here is a selection of fittings designed for, or specially suitable for airfields and associated buildings and areas. Exploded view of runway fitting; Runway see also opposite page fittings These fittings are designed to meet the ICAO requirements and consist of three die-castings in LM6 aluminium: base, light unit and cover. All screws, bolts, nuts, etc., are of stainless steel. The castings are 6-6 A anodised finished against corrosion. A 200 tungsten-halogen lamp is used which has a 600-hour W B life Dimensions: Diameter 295 mm (1 1 -614 in) Depth below runway surface 64 Projection 17 mm (067 in) C D of units: 1 2 in full 36 in) F B Top C D Upper gasket E Lower gasket F Lighting unit, containing lamp lenses and plug-in lead Main housing. The external castellations grip the runway surfacing compound and help to hold the housing firmly in position. 1 1 window Ring 0-240 fitting at the left bolts plate for the lighting unit floodlights of heat-resistant glass as 500/1 500 W units at W units at 240 V only. Various available are V, or as 2000 mounting accessories are available. Farnborough, England. Sunflood 500 set of lamps: 3 per unit, (2-520 The exploded view of the runway shows: A The cast steel cover with fixing Visual approach slope indicator The Thornray VASI is based in every principle on equipment designed and developed at the Royal No No mm E G Aircraft Establishment at at full intensity. W tungsten halogen floodlight This is a general-purpose open floodlight for outdoor area lighting. The body is pressure die-cast in LM6-M aluminium in a full set Lamp: 200 W, 30 V, 6-6 A or 1 2 V. 1 6-6 A; 1 000 hours nominal life Power: 7-2 kW max lamp load Intensity: 60 000 candelas white, 15 000 candelas red sector Brilliancy control: 3 stages 100%, 30% or to user requirements Range: 7-2 km (4-5 miles) by day, 24 km (15 miles) or more by night Angle of approach path: 2°—4JC Depth of approach path: from 7-6 m (25 ft) to 1 5-2 m (50 ft) as required 0-406 m (57 Unit dimensions: 1 -45 1 -45 57 16 in) Weight of unit: 46 kg (80 lb) measuring 203 165 102 mm (8x6J 4 in). The complete fitting weighs only 0-9 kg (2 lb). The lamp is a 500 tungsten-halogen unit. A range of mounting spigots and brackets is available. alloy, W Finish: exterior aviation yellow; interior matt black Temperature range: operates between -20 C and 50 C Flameproof fitting addition to being certified as suitable for use in all Division 1 areas having flammable atmospheres falling within the General Industrial Groups 2 and 3, this fitting is also dust-tight and rainproof. It may be used in areas containing explosive dusts or on oil-loading Haline tungsten halogen floodlights family of floodlights— 500/750/1000/1 500/ In This 2000 W— is suitable for area lighting, buildings, pre- any purpose wide horizontal beam spread and accurate cincts, stadia, vehicle parks, forecourts or where a jetties beam control are required. The one-piece reflector/body unit of extruded aluminium gives rigidity and accuracy for best and most consistent optical performance. The end plates, back support, knuckle joint and cool wiring box are in diecast LM6 aluminium alloy. The heat sinks are leveroperated and must be engaged before the fitting can be closed. Re-lamping access is via the hinged silicone rubber-gasketed front frame with toggle catches. These vertical and similar outdoor locations. Atlantic 3 fluorescent fitting The Atlantic 3 range of fluorescent fittings is not only elegant and efficient, but also most economical. With its vitreous enamel reflector the Atlantic 3 batten, which is 1 -8 m (6 ft) long, gives efficient service in hangars or stores with maximum economy owing to the 6-ft 85 high-efficiency circuit used. W THORN LIGHTING LIMITED Airfield Lighting Division Thorn House, Upper Saint Martin's Lane, London, Telephone: 01-836 2444 Cables: Eleclampo London WC2H WC2 1968 9BR, England Telex: 21521 THORN To Atlas Lighting Ltd 439 Section 21 Airfield : equipment and services Landing mats and pads for aircraft and helicopters Aircraft landing mats (ALM) The purpose ALM of the is to provide quickly a surface most medium passenger-carrying aircraft and most freight aricraft. It is not suitable for high-speed military aircraft. The effectiveness of the mat depends on the firmness of the ground under it. suitable for Specification Material: Lightweight extruded aluminium alloy BA25-TF conBritish Standard 1476:HE 30-TF having a minimum tensile strength of 295 hbar (301 kg/mm-; 42 800 lb/in-). forming to of an ALM depend on the type prevailing weather conditions. and on the of 1 220 m For a C1 30 aircraft in variable crosswinds a mat of 30 5 4000 ft) would be required. (100 ft Dimensions: The dimensions using aircraft it When laying an aircraft landing mat (ALM) approximately 23 2 m (250 ft-) per man-ho unskilled labour can be maintained laying rate of J A C130 area is aircraft visible coming in the LI I for completely in to land on the ALM. A servicing foreground. Sand-bags provide side restraint Aircraft forward operating pads (FOP) FOP provides a heat- and erosion-resistant surface for both jet VTOL aircraft and helicopters, where repeated take-offs and landings could destroy the ground surface. The effects of ground erosion from jet blasts or heavy down-draughts can cause dust and grit to be thrown up and sucked into the air intake with harmful results. FOP can also be used for short takeoff/landing aircraft (STOL); forthis purpose six pads are laid together. The Specification Material : As for the ALM. 15m Dimensions: A standard FOP (50 long six 50 ft) consists of a nominal 15 area of individual interlocking panels 2-75 m 25 m (98 in) wide. When used by pads used form an area 91 5 15m (300 STOL 50 (9 aircraft ft). ft) the Harrier aircraft on a forward operating pad (FOP) laid on top of a rubber membrane; the membrane is required in very wet or very dusty conditions The special aluminium alloy section used for the ALM and FOP was developed by the British Ministry Defence in collaboration with The British Aluminium Company Limited which holds the sales rights THE BRITISH ALUMINIUM COMPANY LTD London SW1 England Britalumm London SW1 Telex: 22756 Norfolk House, St James's Square, Telephone: 01-839 8888 440 Cables: , of Section 21 Airfield for Airfield : equipment and services membranes temporary runways and helicopter pads membranes have been developed by Greengate ground which is strong enough to aircraft, helicopters and hovercraft. The membranes Airfield & Irwell to protect bear obviate the softening effect of rain and inhibit the formation of dust during helicopter and hovercraft operations. Strong enough to allow the use of storeshandling and service vehicles, the surface is lightweight and durable under all storage conditions. Each mem84ft) square brane comprises a 256 (84 of nylon fabric coated on each side with Neoprene. A single sheet can be easily hand-laid by twenty men in twenty minutes. 256m Two grades of membrane are available: PSN 1 which designed for helicopter and hovercraft pads and the taxiways, aprons and spin-up areas of runways, and PSN 3 which is used for the sections of runways subjected to braking. PSN 1 membrane has a perimeter flap which forms a soil-filled packet for ground anchorage during helicopter operations. PSN 3 can be coated with an anti-skid resin paint to allow safe operation under all weather conditions. Membranes can be supplied complete with anchor pins and adhesive lor joining sheets and effecting field repairs. is Apart from ensuring safe operation under all weather conditions, the use of Greengate & Irwell membranes minimises dust damage to engines and camouflages the airstrip under dry conditions. A member of the Slater, Walker Specification PSN PSN 3 Tensile strength Weight 7-4 kg/mm (400 lb/in) 17-8 kg/mm (1000 lb/in) 1 59kg/m- (17-5oz/yd-) 09 kg/m- (32 oz/yd ; ) Group GREENGATE & IRWELL RUBBER CO LTD Coated Fabrics Division Greengate, Manchester, Lancashire, Telephone: 061-834 5652 1 M60 3EA, England Cables: Para Manchester 5 Telex: 66762 E <$> 1969 441 Section 21 : Airfield equipment and services Cloud base recorder system for airfields or meteorological stations This system, approved by the British Meteorological Office, consists of three units: a transmitter, a receiver, and a recorder, and is designed to record continuously on a chart the height of the cloud base. The system operates on the triangulation principle in which the transmitter scanner emits a modulated light beam. The receiver, vertically aligned and tuned to the light beam modulation frequency, feeds the cloud signal to a phase-sensing circuit in the recorder. The recorder contains a chart mechanism, in which the pen is deflected in synchronism with the transmitter scanner motion. Transmitter The transmitter mm unit contains a 406 (16 in) parabolic searchlight mirror producing a beam of 2 divergence, with a 200 quartz iodine projector lamp as the light source. Under normal operating conditions the minimum lamp life is 800 hours. A revolving shutter disc, driven by a synchronous motor, is placed between the lamp and the mirror to modulate the light at a constant frequency of 900 Hz. A photocell picks up from the mirror a 900 Hz reference signal which is amplified and fed to the recorder. The searchlight assembly is pivoted so that the beam scans in elevation through an arc from 8 to 85 and back to 8 The time taken for a complete W The . cycle is transmitter unit fully is weather- proofed and air-conditioned one minute. A magslip torque transmitter, driven from the searchlight shaft, communicates the angular position of the searchlight to a magslip torque receiver in the recorder. Receiver The reflected cloud signal is detected by a photocell positioned at the focal point of a 406 mm (16 in) vertically directed parabolic mirror. The photocell output 900 Hz. fed to the input of the receiver signal amplifier, tuned to signal amplifier output is fed to the recorder unit Each time the searchlight beam reaches its lowest elevation, a horizontal path beam is reflected into the receiver optical system to provide a monitor signal, which is also fed to the recorder. A directional baffle is mounted above the photocell to ensure that only light from directly above is collected by the mirror within a cone of is The acceptance of 2 The receiver unit is fully weatherproofed and includes solar radiation shielding . Recorder normally located in the airfield control tower, or in the meteoroand presents a continuous recording of the cloud base height in the vicinity of the airport. The recording unit accepts both the receiver output signal and the transmitter reference signal. Co-incidence of these two signals in the sensing circuit generates an output signal which causes the pen to mark the paper. The monitor signal also produces a record to indicate that the equipment is operating when cloud is not present, and is also used as an The recorder indication of visibility. ing for both the This unit is logical building, unit provides above remote switch- units Specification Power source: 200-250 V ac 50 Hz single-phase Max consumption from mains: transmitter 800 VA; receiver 200 VA; recorder 125 VA Cloud base: limits of measurement on a 106 m (350 ft): base line are 15-1200 m (50-4000 ft) Transmitter light source: 24 V, 200 tungsten filament, quartz iodine lamp mm W Chart width: 76 (3 in) Chart speed: 76 mm/h (3 in/h) Chart duration: 7 days recording without replacement Scanning period: -91m (70 lb) Dimensions: 1000 15 Haddenham 30m m 1270 • 14 transmitter 965 mm 1220 50 (40 • 889 965 mm (48 38 in); recorder 610 • • • 35 • 381 38 in); receiver 356 mm (24 • in) AIRTECH Haddenham, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England Cables: Airtech minute/cycle (making two measurements) 15m AIRTECH LIMITED Telephone: Haddenham 422 1 Overall instrumental accuracy of height indicated on chart: ±2-1 m (7 ft) at (30ft) at 150m (500ft) height; = (50ft) height: (4000 ft) height (100 ft) at 1200 Weights: transmitter 145 kg (320 lb); receiver 145 kg (320 lb); recorder 32 kg Telex: 83223 442 . Section 21 Airfield : equipment and services Servicing trolleys systems for aircraft hydraulic range of HML servicing trolleys has evolved by gradual development through military and industrial demand. The experience gained, for example, in building hydraulic test rigs for the Concorde airliner, the VC10 and Jumbo jets on the civilian side, the Jaguar and the Harrier on the military, is of benefit in the design and construction of test apparatus for the The current armed services. obvious that no single piece of hydraulic test equipment is suitable for all operational situations. The availability of a wide range of equipment is both sensible and practical. The trolleys shown here are a selection from the HML range. This company also specialises in customIt is built test rigs for every hydraulic testing application. HTD The 108 and HTE 109 108 is diesel-powered, 109 the Primarily for large aircraft with a return 7 kgf/cm 2 0-55 3500 (30-100 litres/min lbf/in-), (0-24 gal/min Dimensions: Mk 1 at of 0-1 09 litres/min 200-3500 1 -83 lbf/in 1 07 supplies at 20014-246 kgf/cm 2 6 3-5 14-246 kgf/cm- one 32 Provides either two (0-1 2 gal/min lbf/in'-). at powered. pressurised to 2at 2 ). m (105 ft). Minirig Compact, lightweight hand-trolley powered by motor, supplies up to 4-5 litres/min electric (1 or electrically line gal/min at 4000 petrol at engine or 280 kgf/cm 2 lbf/in 2 ). HTE 120 A versatile, inexpensive, lightweight trolley for smaller aircraft. Output 0-36 litres/min lbf/in at 210 kgf/cm 2 (0-8 gal/min at 3000 2 ). Dimensions: 1 -4 076 10m (4-6x2-5 3-20 ft). Hydraulic and electric generator packs for electric or hydraulic power. Turbine: highly mobile, very compact and simple to operate. Built-in acceleration and temperature limiters and overspeed protection device. Variable speed control optional. Can run on Powered by gas turbine various aviation fuels. Consumption about 61 kg/h (135 Ib/h). Electric pack: three versions are available at 225, 30 and 40kVA, giving 11 5/200 V, 400 Hz. kgf/cm 2 (1 6 gal/ Hydraulic pack: delivers 73 litres/min at 21 operating Maximum continuous preesure min at 3000 lbf/in-). 350 kgf/cm- (5000 HML St. lbf/in 5 ). HTE 125 A compact, 40 hp electrically-powered servicing trolley delivering up to 73 litres/min at 210 kgf/cm 2 (16 gal/min at 3000 lbf/in 2 ). Dimensions: 2 4-1 1 25 1 05 m (65 35 ft). (ENGINEERING) LIMITED John's Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01-560 3011 Telex: 933887 GEOft^ 443 Section 21 : Airfield equipment and services Staging and docking system maintenance for aircraft The unique 'Hi-Way' unit form aluminium staging system made by Martin-Thomas Limited is being utilised by many air forces and service organisations throughout the world. Lightweight, heavy-duty components enable large structures to be dismantled and stowed in transport aircraft for air Kits of components transportation to new locations. Overhaul and major maintenance docking Designed for full coverage of all areas on the aircraft simultaneously, i.e. fulllength nose-to-tail fuselage dock, complete wing coverage, engine docks, tail docks, etc. All this mobile docking incorporates facilities for functioning of control surfaces, power plant removal, and opening of all access panels. The docking can be designed for any aircraft, whether on wheels or on jacks. staging capable of being constructed in many different configurations to give access to all areas on an aircraft. Quick and safe erection are ensured by the patented 'Hi-Way' snap-action hook, which enables vertical frames to be joined together without the use of nuts or bolts. Few tools, if any, are required to assemble the are equipment. Stagings and docks are fabricated from non-corrosive 50mm (2in) outside diameter aluminium alloy tubing (HE30WP, HV30WP, HT30WP) and castings (LM8) conforming to British Standards BS1139, Section 7. Minor maintenance stagings Individual mobile runabout stagings may be used to cater for various important areas on any aircraft, and can also be manufactured to allow for towing on aircraft dispersal areas. Fli-Way airportable kits These kits are supplied as light-weight units for use on large or small aircraft, and one kit is capable of being successfully used on many areas of a number of different aircraft types A typical kit which could be used on large aircraft such as the VC10 or Hercules C130 would weigh approximately 363kg (800lb) and have a cubic capacity of approximately 6-65m (235ft ). 3 J Servicing steps and towers A full range of servicing steps, both standard aircraft maintenance entry type and special light aluminium folding steps, are produced. The aluminium folding steps can be purchased in kit form for assembly by the customer. Hawker Siddeley Argosy aircraft major servicing dock comprising lightweight 'Hi-Way' stagings covering all areas on the aircraft mim -JL Typical selection of 'Hi-Way' aluminium staging components, being one of the range of standard kits of parts used in the construction of aircraft docking. This particular kit is utilised as a Fli-Way airportable staging for servicing, maintenance or salvage of strike or small Many different configurations may be conaircraft. structed from this kit British Aircraft Corporation VC1 MARTIN-THOMAS LIMITED Aviation Division South Way, Walworth Telephone: Andover 4014 444 Andover, Hampshire, England Cables: Hiway Andover Telex: 47277 Industrial Estate, aircraft tail, engine and wing docks Section 21 Airfield equipment and services equipment Airfield for aircraft : and cargo handling Airtugs The Mercury latest in MD 400/500 (left) is the long line of Mercury aircraft a Capable of a tractive towing tractors. effort from 1 8 1 40 to 22 680kg (40 00050 0001b) drawbar pull, these airtugs are intended to meet the needs of the largest military and civil jet transport aircraft. Features include four-wheel drive, fourwheel powered steering, 75kV ground power (within the body of the and automatic transmission, exceptional driver comfort and visibility. Elevated cab, radio communication system, unit vehicle) searchlights, etc. are optional extras. Industrial tractors and trucks MD Mercury Airtug 300 (above) is designed to provide 13 600kg (30 0001b) draw-bar pull. It is of proven performance and is operating throughout the world. Features include spacious driver compartment for driver plus three crew, allround visibility, big, remote 'V diesel engine for low noise level, torque converter, power shift transmission, thermoMercury MD20 30 with draw-bar up to 1360kg (30001b) pull static cooling, full power Mercury Airtug MD steering, etc. Mercury MD40/60 with draw-bar pul up to 2720kg (60001b) 100/130 (above) from 4500 to 5900kg (10 00013 0001b) draw-bar pull, dependent on the ballast weights fitted. Models MD 40/60 and MD 20/30 give draw-bar pulls from 900-5900kg (2000-1 3 000lb). All these Mercury Airtugs have been proven over many years in a wide variety of airfield ground-handling operations, from medium-sized aircraft to trains of gives baggage can move up to 10-ton wagons Mercury Shuntug fifteen A member trailers. Mercury T3 truck can carry 2720kg (60001b) of the Dennis Group of Companies MERCURY AIRFIELD Woodbridge Works, EQUIPMENT LTD Mercury Guildford, Surrey, England Telephone: Guildford 71271 Cables: Mercury Guildford MD200 of with draw-bar pull 9070kg (20 0001b) Telex: 85211 445 Section 21 : Airfield equipment and services Aircraft refuellers of large capacity and high flow rates Gloster Saro's wide experience in the design, development and manufacture of aircraft fuellers has made them first choice by the world's leading oil companies. Produced in lightweight aluminium alloy, these units have considerable anti-corrosion and anti-condensation properties which increase their operating life and reduce maintenance costs to a minimum. They can also be fitted with a wide range of safety devices. Gloster fuellers are already in service at the major The airports in 30 countries throughout the world. current range of equipment is designed to meet the exacting demands of the new generation of 'jumbo' and supersonic aircraft of the 1970s. Gloster Hydrant dispenser Gloster air transportable fueller This 13 640 litre unit (shown above) was produced in co-operation with the British Ministry of Technology to meet the demand for a low-profile, lightweight fueller which is air-transportable. Fuelling is achieved either by the pressure underwing method or the open-line refuelling system. The Gloster Jumbo jet fueller This articulated unit (not illustrated) is the largest fueller in the Gloster range, having a capacity of 80 1 00 litres in a single unit. With a fuelling rate of 4550 litres (1000 gal) per minute it can meet all known aircraft requirements. The fueller can be fitted on a wide range of chassis and the rear bogie can incorporate selfsteering facilities for high manoeuvrability. A member of the Available in a range of sizes giving fuelling rates of up to 4550 litres (1000 gal) per minute, and mounted on a rigid, articulated or drawbar trailer chassis, the dispenser (shown above) is designed to service the larger 'jumbo' size aircraft of the 1970s. The Gloster Hydrant dispenser method of fuelling reduces airfield vehicle congestion with its attendant danger of damage. Gloster Somerset Mark III fueller Designed for mounting on a wide range of vehicle chassis and constructed of lightweight aluminium alloy, the fueller has a capacity of 1 8 1 80 litres with a pressurised fuel delivery capacity of 3860 litres per minute. The Somerset can be equipped Coupled to a specially constructed the unit has a total combined capacity litres. Hawker Siddeley Group Vehicle Division GL3 4AD, England Hucclecote. Gloucester, Telephone: Gloucester 67^' 1 Cables; Glosaro Gloucester Teiex: for open-line fuelling in addition to the pressurised system. GLOSTER SARO LIMITED 446 aircraft 43134 1^ range of of trailers. up to 62 300 Section 21 : equipment and services Airfield Beaver Leyland haulage chassis for airfield refuellers The Leyland Beaver is a rugged 4x2 m chassis available with 5-33 and 4-1 1 (210 and 162 in) wheelbase lengths, powered by the Leyland 680 sixcylinder engine. Drive is through a single dry plate clutch to a constant- forward and Overdrive and crawler gears are optional. Air brakes are standard and steering is hydraulipower-assisted. The drawbar cally mesh gearbox with one reverse five speed. is of chassisless construction, giving a low weight/payload ratio and is mounted on two single axles. An trailer engine-driven pumpdelivers fuel under pressure at a rate of 2730 litres (600 gal) per minute. Specification Engine Leyland 680 six-cylinder high-performance diesel BS AU141 rating: 200 bhp at 2200 rev/min Maximum torque: 72-6 kgf m (525 Ibf ft) at 1400 rev/min Clutch 413 Single dry plate mm (16-25 in) dia Gearbox Leyland five-speed constant-mesh wide-ratio heavyduty Ratios: 5th 1:1, 4th 1-69:1, 3rd 2-755:1, 2nd 4-613:1, 1st7-243:1 Reverse: 6-50:1 overdrive and crawler gears optional ; Suspension Symmetrical semi-elliptic leaf springs with hydraulic telescopic double-acting shock absorbers (front only) Tyres 1 1 000 x 20 in 200 X 20 in specially marked for airfield radial ply use only LEYLAND MOTORS LIMITED BHITIBH Military Sales Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London, Telephone: 01 -499 6050 Cables: Leymotors W1 London W1 Telex , England Telex: 22498 LIYLAND 447 Section 22 Guided weapons and equipment 449 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Each launcher is Vigilant on traversable launcher. capable of mounting and successively firing two missiles. The second of two targets separated by 45 is engaged within five seconds of the first being destroyed Above: Below: Vigilant 450 firing from a Ferret scout car Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Vigilant man-portable anti-tank wire-guided missile — the most is a wire-guided anti-tank missile man-portable weapon of its type. It is lethal against the heaviest battle tank, and is instantly ready A gyroas no field assembly or tests are required. stabilised control system gives Vigilant a very high hit ratio, even at difficult short ranges and allows a good separation between operator and weapon. Its easy-tolearn control system also reduces training costs. Vigilant can be carried into action by paratroopers Vigilant lethal who can engage in attack within 30sec of landing, deployed in scant natural cover and free from counter fire. Equally well, Vigilant's small size and weight make its installation on light fighting vehicles simple and effective. service with the British Army, both with the Infantry and the Royal Armoured Corps, Vigilant has also been supplied to the defence forces of Finland, Kuwait, Libya and Saudi Arabia. In Performance Listed below are the basic requirements of a modern anti-tank guided weapons system, and against each requirement standing performance of Vigilant is clearly evident from this juxtaposition. is shown Basic requirement: Vigilant capability: Lethality Will destroy the heaviest battle tank Velocity control ensures a high hit rate Accuracy the capability of Vigilant. The out- system man-portable guided missile system Will kill out to 1 375m (1 500yd) Trainees score hits at 200m (220yd) — 35 in azimuth — 10 in elevation Built into the Reliability Small size and low weight Good maximum range Good minimum range Only Good azimuth coverage Good elevation coverage truly ; ; Separation capability Controller can be concealed up to 63m (70yd) is no smoke or flame and the system is Concealment Immunity to counter measures away from the weapon. There immune to electronic counter measures Ease of use and training With training any soldier can effectively use the weapon system. No specia Semi-automatic Easily incorporated skills facility Ease of installation High in are required The weapon system is extremely flexible Immediately ready for use Well proven Can be used in all climates As normal gun ammunition Extremely high Well proven vehicles rate of fire All-weather and night operation capability Pan-climatic operation Storage and maintenance Cost effectiveness Easily introduced into service Vigilant firing from a BRITISH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LIMITED Guided Weapons Division Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Telephone: Stevenage 2422 Hertfordshire, England Cables: Britair Stevenage Telex: in its applications ground launcher A 82125 451 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment of Rapier makes it readily transportable by conventional transport, on trailers, halftracked vehicles or tracked armoured vehicles; it is equally suitable for transport in aircraft. At the same The lightweight design time, its construction is sufficiently robust to ensure that it is fully capable of withstanding the stresses This, combined with built-in of its operational role. reliability, results in minimum maintenance requirements, thus reducing cost and increasing operational effectiveness. One of the most important requirements of modern weapons systems is their capability for operation by a minimum number of personnel. Hence, rapid deployment in action and extreme simplicity of operation are two of the special features of the system, which is operated in action by only one man. For deployment and reloading, a minimum detachment of three men is required, all of whom act as relief operators. highly In operation, the system incorporates a efficient search radar which employs a vertical fanshaped beam to scan continuously a volume of space Any target is automatically about the horizon. detected and interrogated and, if no friendly IFF response is received, an alarm is sounded to alert the operator. At the same time, the optical head of the tracker and the missile launcher are automatically aligned on the target. The operator will see the target in the optical sight and will switch to manual tracking of the target. On receiving a signal from the computer Capable of completely independent action, and suitable for use in sophisticated integrated systems, Rapier combines all the advantages of high mobility, faster reaction time, great accuracy and supersonic speed. Thus it is one of the best means of defence against the elements of a surprise attack. Rapier can effectively combat low-level air strikes from tree top height, yet it is also able to engage accurately aircraft flying at several thousand metres. Versatile in application, it provides a protective cover against supersonic as well as subsonic aircraft 452 is engageable, the operator fires a missile to track the target, this continued tracking ensuring that the missile is automatically directed to impact at the point of his aim. Rear-mounted flares on the missile are seen in the tracking head. Any deviation of the missile from the sight line to the target is measured and processed by that the target and continues the computer to produce missile commands which are transmitted to the missile by a command link to maintain the missile on a collision heading with the target. Practical experience with the joystick control and optical system of Rapier, against difficult manoeuvring targets, has confirmed an extremely high order of smooth and accurate tracking. 'Blind-fire' capability British Aircraft Corporation Ltd and GEC- Elliott Space and Weapon Systems Ltd are now developing a new radar tracking system for Rapier, to allow targets to be engaged in darkness and poor visibility. The new tracking system will be available as an add-on feature to the standard Rapier production equipment, both optical and radar guidance thus being available. Full mobility and air-portability are being maintained. In cost effectiveness terms this latest development of the Rapier system will be far in advance of any known world competitor. Feasibility and project studies and trials of the new system have already been completed. Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Rapier low-level anti-aircraft guided missile Rapier is the most important tactical anti-aircraft guided weapon system in production today. It was developed to satisfy a Ministry of Defence requirement for a low-cost system with sufficient flexibility in its operational capability to be effective against low-level attacking supersonic and manoeuvring aircraft. Currently in production for the British Army and for the Royai Air Force, Rapier will also form part of the British Aircraft Corporation Air Defence System for overseas customers. H 3 Missile Span Length Diameter 38cm (15in) 224cm (88in) 12-7cm Power Fire unit Length Height Width 394cm 213cm 181cm Length Height Width (155in) (84in) (71 -5in) Towing Length Height Width Weight BRITISH AIRCRAFT vehicle, tracker and missiles Way, Stevenage, Telephone: Stevenage 2422 Length Height Width (183cm Width CORPORATION LIMITED Hertfordshire, England Telex: 122cm (48in) 157cm (62in) 60cm (24in) and power unit Length Height (202in) (78in) (65-5in) 2676kg (59001b) Cables: Britair Stevenage Tracker unit 81cm (32in) 100cm (40in) 76cm (30in) Fire 513cm 193cm 165cm Guided Weapons Division Six Hills (5in) 394cm 213cm (155in) (84in) (72in) with radome lowered) 181cm (71 -5in) A 82125 453 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment I Thunderbird is fu ly mobile and air-transportable 1k 454 ^^Bl " ——- r5fl ^1 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Thunderbird medium- to high-level anti-aircraft guided missile Thunderbird is the most versatile anti-aircraft guided weapons system in the world today. It is lethally effective against supersonic air attacks and is unique in its flexibility and its capability for rapid deployment. Thunderbird is fully mobile, designed to withstand rigorous cross-country travel, and is also light enough to make it suitable for transport by air. Part of Thunderbird's flexibility lies in the fact that it is capable of fulfilling a wide variety of operational roles. has its own tactical radar and can serve as an It autonomous firing unit in the field as readily as it can be integrated into a full-scale area defence system. Hence, defend large strategic targets, be re-deployed it can rapidly to provide a defensive umbrella for beach landing or support a fast-moving front line. For maximum mobility, the system has been designed to have the same ruggedness as the most mobile army equipment, and the number of special design features make it easily adaptable for any method of transportation, including aircraft and standard railway trucks. All electronic and mechanical components of Thunderbird have been subjected to the most stringent environmental tests, to ensure that they satisfy the high reliability standards which were laid down for the Special encapsulation techniques have also system. been incorporated to enable all Thunderbird compon- Missile shadow camera during outlined on a target —taken by the missile ents to withstand extreme climatic conditions to meet operational requirements in any part of the world. Economy of manpower, so essential in modern defensive warfare, was another important design consideration for the system. In action, Thunderbird can be operated by a small number of regimental soldiers. Because of its high reliability, Thunderbird makes possible an effective saving in technically skilled perThe repair philosophy is one of repair-bysonnel. replacement, and the construction of the missile is such that the main assemblies can be quickly and easily repaired or replaced under field maintenance conditions. Diagnostic facilities are incorporated in the ground equipment to assist in the easy replacement of components on equipment Even the first Thunderbirds of the Royal Regiment of proved the unquestionable lethality of the system; later, more highly developed Thunderbirds have fully utilised recent important progress in the state of the defence art. Artillery Today Thunderbird the chosen major anti-aircraft Army, has seen service with the defence forces of Saudi Arabia and has been selected for overseas customers as part of the British Aircraft Corporation Air Defence System. weapon is for the British Missile taken by the target camera during the same trial trials BRITISH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LIMITED Guided Weapons Division Six Hills in action. Way, Stevenage, Telephone: Stevenage 2422 Hertfordshire, England Cables: Britair Stevenage Telex: A 82125 455 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment The FV438 Swingfire vehicle 456 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Swingfire short- and long-range anti-tank wire-guided missile Swingfire is a long-range wire-controlled anti-tank guided weapon system, easy to install in all types of fighting vehicles. It is automatically programmed on to the operator's line of sight, both in elevation and azimuth, allowing targets to be engaged from behind cover. This provides lightly armoured fighting vehicles with an outstanding lethality against heaviest armour. Swingfire has separation capability and can be fired and Swingfire fired from a FV438 some distance away from the launch vehicle. Due to its low launch acceleration and jetavator, it has a good short-range performance with an exceptionally wide cover. Swingfire has been designed and developed to be as robust as ordinary ammunition and requires no testing in the field. It full operational service with the British is in controlled by an operator Army. vehicle The Swingfire pallet, which enables the system to be operated from the ground under cover, also allows ready mounting on all types of vehicles, such as the longwheelbase Land Rover and the Saracen armoured personnel carrier with the top removed BRITISH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LIMITED Guided Weapons Division Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Telephone: Stevenage 2422 Cables: Britair Stevenage A irnn Hertfordshire, England Telex: 82125 457 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Top ad is a second-generation air-to-air guided weapon, developed out of the experience gained with Firestreak, and incorporating many of the scientific improvements in missile technology which came about during Firestreak development. Red Top is capable of all-round' attack and has enhanced altitude, speed, and range capabilities. The basic design concept of Firestreak has been proved sound by rigorous testing and extensive trials under service conditions. Red Top, therefore, retains the configuration of four fixed wings and four moving rear control surfaces, with the design being further optimised to give operation over a very wide altitude and speed range. The infra-red guidance system has been further developed to allow target interception from virtually any "op direction. Both complex and simple fire control systems can b.e supplied Hawker Siddeley Dynamics for use in conjunction with Red Top. The Red Top weapon system has been designed primarily as an integral part of the sophisticated United Kingdom defence system. However, the operational flexibility given by its all-round attack capability allows easy adaptation to suit the requirements of any defence environment. by Mart el MARTEL — which — TELevision a is is derived from generation new Missile Anti-Radar air-to-ground and precision strike missile, jointly designed and manufactured by des Engins Matra in France, and Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Limited in the United Kingdom, to meet the operational require- tactical SA ments It is of the the first new element two countries. missile to offer real stand-off capability, giving and rendering the launching There are two versions of Martel: an anti-radar version having an all-weather attack capability and an ability to operate against multiple targets, and a television version which flies towards the target area automatically, the final impact on the target being effected by the weapons operator. Both missiles are designed to function in an ECM (elecuonic counter-measure) environment. The Martel weapon support facilities can cope with either version, all aircraft-installed equipment being fitted on a rolechange basis. The missile itself is interchangeable to suit a of surprise in attack aircraft far less vulnerable. mission requirements. Martel is projected as the air-to-ground armament on several aircraft types. Other major companies associated with Martel are the Marconi Company, who provide the TV and radio link equipment which forms part of the guidance system in the television version, and Electronique Marcel Dassault who provide a part of the guidance system in the anti-radar version K* 1 *m^H ^BL-L-^^p Writ '^^s^l ^^BrC Taildog An advanced new air-to-air weapon designed for close combat. the dogfight the high manoeuvres of both target and fighter create a situation which cannot be met by existing air-to-air In weapons and one in which guns rapidly lose their capability. The Taildog design ensures that it can operate down to a very short minimum range even with the target manoeuvring to its design limits. At the same time the maximum range is comparable to that of existing air-to-air sweapons. Taildog uses an infra-red guidance system which is considered optimum in the close-combat situation. It achieves its high manoeuvre performance by the use of a new and unique navigation principle and a propulsion system employing thrust vector control. Taildog is capable of installation on many types of aircraft, from the unsophisticated to the most complex, without requiring modifications to the aircraft structure. This is achieved by installing essential services in the missile launcher rather than in the aircraft 458 itself. za .T^^St^^M Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Guided missiles Red Top, Martel, Sea Dart and Ikara Sea Dart The advent of aircraft capable of speeds in excess of Mach 2 and the introduction of surface and air-launched missiles with a longrange stand-off capability posed a threat which required an area-defence missile system of very advanced technology to answer it. The answer is Sea Dart, the most advanced shipborne weapon the world today. Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Limited was responsible for the co-ordination of the design and development of Sea Dart and is the prime contractor for overseas sales. Other companies which form the Sea Dart consortium are: Vickers (Engineering Group) Ltd GEC/AEI Ltd The Sperry Gyroscope Division of EMI Electronics Ltd Sperry Rand Ltd Rolls-Royce Ltd Plessey Radar Ltd IMI Ltd system in Ferranti Ltd third-generation weapon. Sea Dart incorporates many new notably the semi-active homing head which enables a proportional navigation law to be used, and the ramjet engine which provides high sustained speed throughout the extensive propulsion envelope. In its surface-to-air role the very small miss-distances achieved by Sea Dart during trials against manoeuvring targets at high or very low level prove that in operational use Sea Dart will achieve A missile concepts, outstanding lethality. Sea Dart in a surface-to-surface engagement can only be described as devastating. Sea Dart is already being installed in the Type 82 destroyer Bristol; it is also the choice of main armament for the Royal Navy's new Type 42 destroyers. System flexibility will also enable Sea Dart to be fitted in quite small frigates. computer from the ship's sonar and other sources of information on the submarine's position. The guidance system ensures that the missile proceeds along its correct flight path to the dropping point, and can if necessary guide the missile to an up-dated dropping position, derived from target information fed into the computer after missile launch. Ikara After release from the Ikara missile, the special anti-submarine torpedo releases a parachute which controls its descent to the sea, where it relocates the target submarine and carries out a The effect of HMS capabilities of modern submarines are continually increasing. To meet this threat, surface ships must have long-range detection equipment linked to a weapon system capable of quick reaction and able to hit the enemy at long range before he can make his attack. To be effective, the system must be capable of day and night operation, regardless of the weather conditions, and possess high reliability with the minimum of maintenance. To meet these exacting requirements the Australian Department of Supply and Department of the Navy have designed and developed the Ikara longrange anti-submarine weapon system. This highly effective system is already at sea in ships of the Royal Australian Navy, and further units of the Australian fleet are being fitted with it. In addition Ikara will shortly enter service in the Royal Navy in HMS Bristol, and selected frigates will be retro-fitted with the system modified to meet the special requirements of the Royal Navy. Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Limited has an agreement with the The endurance, speed and diving homing attack. System capability capable of attacking enemy submarines out to the maximum range of the ship's sonar regardless of the weather conditions. In addition, an Ikara attack can be carried out on information received from another ship, or a helicopter equipped with dunking sonar. In this case target information is passed to the firing ship's computer, and an attack is carried out in the normal manner, even though the firing ship itself is not in contact with the target. This mode of operating has been successfully proved in trials and considerably enhances the potential of Ikara. Ikara is Australian Department of Supply to act as representatives in the sale and installation of Ikara throughout Europe and selected overseas countries, and is able to advise on all aspects of the system. Hawker Siddeley Dynamics also provides a management service to the Ministry of Defence (Navy) to facilitate control In addition, and co-ordination of the RN Ikara programme. Hawker Siddeley Dynamics has been selected to lead the firms which will provide industrial support for the system once Royal Navy service. it is accepted into The Ikara system The concept of Ikara is the employment of a guided missile to deliver a homing torpedo to the target submarine. The missile is launched from a surface ship which uses a computer to work out the torpedo dropping position, from information fed into the HAWKER SIDDELEY DYNAMICS Manor Road, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, Telephone: Hatfield 62300 Telex: England 22324 LIMITED 1^ 459 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Seacat is in world-wide service as a closerange ship-to-air guided missile for antiaircraft defence and is installed in more ships than any other weapon of its kind. It can also be used against surface targets. It Britain's export best-seller is among weapons. Standard equipment with the Royal Navy, it has also been ordered by 14 overseas countries. Further orders are being negotiated. Seacat is simple, versatile and inexpensive. Its simplicity and accuracy are the result of the command-link guidance system on which it is based. An aimer tracks the launched missile through binoculars and by means of a thumb joy- guided stick issues radio it commands which steer to the target. Its remarkable versatility enables the missile to be used with virtually control system, and integrated with a stallations it any radar has already been number of director in- used by overseas navies. An automatic TV 'gathering' and control system for Seacat is now in production. Blowpipe is a one-man supersonic antisystem based, like Shorts' Seacat and Tigercat, on the command-link guidance system. Its light weight gives it great mobility. It can be carried by aircraft paratrooper, fired from the shoulder and airdropped in a multi-round pack. The complete system comprises only the missile itself, the canister which serves both as transport and launching platform, and the aiming unit attached to the canister, which contains all the ground equipment. The complete weapon system including one Blowpipe round weighs less than 18 kg (40 lb). The missile can be fired from the ground or from a vehicle and can be readied for action in 10 seconds. Marine applications of Blowpipe are being developed and an a air-launched role is proposed. As with Seacat and Tigercat an optical sight and thumb joystick are used to guide the missile to 46C its target. Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Seacat, Tigercat, Blowpipe guided missile systems is in Tigercat, a ground-to-air version of Seacat, service with the RAF Regiment, the Imperial Iranian Air Force, the Jordanian Army and three other overseas It customers. employs the command-link guidance system perfected for Seacat and can be operated independently or combined with an existing gunnery system. Basic equipment carried on Rovers or similar vehicles. is two trailers towed by One of these carries three-round launcher, the other supports the aimer with his optical sight and launcher control gear. The missile is identical with Seacat and its development and production have been speeded by Shorts' years of experience with the naval weapon. An airlaunched version, Hellcat, to be fired from helicopters Land the at surface targets, is now offered. Details of the Hellcat system are available on request. SHORT BROTHERS & HARLAND LIMITED Missile <8> Systems Division Montgomery Road, Castlereagh, Telephone: Belfast 59271 Belfast, BT6 9HN, Northern Cables: Predivis Belfast Telex: 74688 Ireland 1L 1967 1968 1969 1970 461 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Above: Submarine application, showing the SLAM launcher on its mast emerging from its pressure vessel. The associated controls are manned by two operators. SLAM may also be controlled by the Vickers TIOS system where fitted Below: Preliminary prototype 462 firing of SLAM mounted on Blowpipe its trials missile from the vehicle Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment SLAM submarine or surface-launched SLAM is being developed by Vickers to meet the need on submarines and light surface craft for an effective close-range armament against other surface vessels and helicopters. The system uses the Blowpipe missile, currently being developed by Short Brothers & Harland Ltd for the British armed services. The system has been designed initially to match the Oberon-class submarine which, like many submarines today, undertakes operational roles where a surface attack capability would be valuable. SLAM enables submarine attack the to shallow-draft craft such as fast patrol boats as well as hovercraft and helicopters. Also, selective ships. A ment craft punishment may be inflicted system needs. Fitment on surface craft will be possible without most cases. Submarine control-room equipment consists of missiles and launcher display panels, power supplies and control units for the television and launcher servo- significant modification in control systems. Built-in test facilities are provided to enable routine servicing and rapid system checks to be carried out without the need for specialist personnel. Provision can be made for storing re-loads, their quantity and location depending on customer require- ments. on merchant Operation and simulation SLAM also under developfor hovercraft, fast patrol boats, and other coastal For system operation and control two operators are A launcher operator controls the launcher used. whose armament system by means of a dual-motion controller which enables him to maintain the target in the screen centre, while the second operator selects, fires and tracks the surface version of System is is limited. installation The prototype system is currently undergoing trials, first on a land vehicle, then at sea. The launcher assembly shown carries six Blowpipe missiles clustered around a central electronics enclosure which contains part of the missile control equipment, television camera and gyro sub-system for launcher stabilisation. The missiles and their associated canisters form part of the standard Blowpipe system which has been developed by Short Brothers & Harland Ltd. SLAM can be fitted in new construction submarines or retrospectively, without major re-working. A rapidversion is also available to meet particular operational fit A air missile hovercraft version of SLAM is under development, with missile to the target. Target acquisition is accomplished by means of the search periscope, the launcher being automatically aligned with the target in azimuth. On the prototype SLAM trials vehicle, missile firings can besimulated in conjunction with realtargettracking and control of the launcher. Video-tape playback facilities are installed. Operators are trained on the prototype vehicle prior to carrying out full system trials of SLAM. Extra facilities such as simulation of own-ship movement and synthetically generated targets will be included later. installation planned for 1 972 Specification (Submarine-launched version) Environment: Wind up 37 km/h (20 knots) Wave impingement up to 1 220 kg/m 2 (250 lb/ft 2 ) Temperature 0°C to 55 C Water pressure, without pressure vessel protection 7000 kg/m- (10 lb/in Sea state up to State 4 Shock: designed to meet shock levels laid down by the British Ministry of Defence (Navy) to 2 ) Vibration: designed to Ship motion: roll rates meet Defence Specification DEF 133 Section N2 up to ±10° in 6 sec Tracking rate: 10°/sec Slewing rate: 40°/sec Training angle: —440° Elevation angle: -10 : to -90° Accuracy: spatial pointing accuracy of ±1° VICKERS SHIPBUILDING GROUP Barrow Shipbuilding Works PO Box 6, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 20351 Telex: Barrow 6571 Cables: Vicarmsea Barrow-in-Furness viCKers 463 Section 22: Guided 464 weapons and equipment Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Guided missile launchers for Sea Dart and Seawolf Vickers has been associated with armaments since the and over this period, many designs (both naval and field equipment) have been developed, turn of the century manufactured and proven in service. In recent years, great technological advances have been made in armaments resulting in the sophisticated weaponry of today, with tracking and sighting performed by radar and guided missile launchers replacing the heavy gun. We are in the forefront of modern naval armament design and construction, both for individual units and complete systems. Current projects include the Sea Dart and Seawolf launching systems, and the Vickers Vickers launcher for Sea Dart Vickers has designed and produced the launcher for the Hawker Siddeley Sea Dart guided missile, the gear for handling missiles in the missile magazine and for loading them on to the launcher. All this equipment is fully automatic, an essential feature if the weapon system is to be installed in small ships whose available accommodation limits the size of crew which can be carried. Automatic action is desirable also to give a high rate of fire to meet a heavy scale of attack. The magazine equipment is so arranged that any selected missile can be loaded on to the launcher and, if not fired, can be returned to the magazine. Automatic gear is also fitted for striking down new missiles into the magazine so that replenishment at sea can be achieved. SLAM launching system for submarines and small surface craft (described elsewhere in this Catalogue). addition to the mechanical, hydraulic and In pneumatic installations in these weapons systems, we also design and manufacture much of the electrical equipment used, including cabinets and control panels. Design facilities are supported by experienced engineers and drawing office personnel for the preparation of manufacturing information and test documentation. Testing of components and complete weapon systems, with follow-up installation on board ship and setting to work, are some of the many services we have to offer. Vickers launcher for Seawolf The British Aircraft Corporation's Seawolf is an allweather surface-to-air guided missile for self-defence of ships against missile and aircraft attack by day or night. The Vickers launcher which preloaded unit in periods against the for Seawolf is a lightweight missiles are protected for long severe conditions of a naval environment. The launcher is suitable for all variants of the Seawolf guided weapon system, while in the longer term it can replace the Seacat launcher in ships already fitted with this system. VICKERS LIMITED Barrow Engineering Works PO Box 12, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 3366 Telex: 6597 Cables: Vickerseng Barrow-in-Furness vicKers 465 Section 22: Guided weapons and equipment Weapon electronic systems guidance, safety and arming, fusing Weapon guidance Since 1950, when it was responsible for providing the guidance and test systems for the Royal Navy's Seaslug 1 and Seaslug 2 ship-to-air missile, the company has been active in the design, development and production of the guidance, fire control and test electronics for guided weapons. It is at present engaged on a considerable number of research and development contracts related to guidance problems and is also carrying out special studies into new weapon systems. In this area, it is able to work in association with other companies within the GEC-Marconi Electronics Group to provide complete missile guidance and control, drawing on Marconi Radar Systems Limited for target and tactical control radars, and on illumination Marconi- Elliott Avionic Systems Limited for electrooptical systems for and will be detonated at the required time and place by an appropriate type of fuse. Safety-and-arming systems have been supplied for a wide range of guided weapons. Investigations into the most advanced techniques and the evaluation of prototypes in both on-ground and flight trials are continually in progress. Fusing systems, employing radio and mechanical techniques, are being provided for a number of weapons. Recent activities include the development of a proximity fuse utilising capacitive techniques. automatic gathering and guidance. Sea Dart The Sea Dart missile, for which the company has designed and is providing the sophisticated guidance system, meets the threat to naval vessels of all forms of attack from the air that can be foreseen throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Its purpose is the interception of high- and low-level bombers, fighters, air- and surfacelaunched missiles, all capable of high speed and fast evasive manoeuvres. It is also designed to be effective against enemy surface units. Differential tracking radar A tracking radar has been designed to extend the capability of the BAC Rapier low-level air defence missile system. Rapier uses optical guidance, and the addition of the radar provides a blindfire capability, so that targets may be engaged during darkness and in Full mobility and air-transportability poor visibility. characteristics are maintained. Missile development The company is in a position to undertake the research and development of an air-to-air missile and to take part in joint ventures with European missile contractors. has particularly powerful capabilities tion of radar-guided weapons. It in \ Sea Dart in action the simula- Automatic test equipment test equipment, which is a fundamental requirement in the exacting field of missile production, has been provided for the Seaslug 1, Seaslug 2 The automatic test and Sea Dart guided missiles. equipment for the Sea Vixen airborne interception radar has been in production for a number of years, and the company has also been responsible for the test instrumentation and fire control systems for the Polaris missile. Automatic Explosive systems A safety-and-arming system ensures that the missile is armed only when on course for the target warhead A GEC-Marconi Electronics Rapier in tactical Company MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD Headquarters The Grove, Warren Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01-954 2311 466 Telegrams: Electronics Stanmore Telex: 22616 position Section 23 Air defence and air traffic radars 467 Section 23: Air defence and SSR 700 aerial on air traffic radars test rig SSR 2700 SSR 2100 SSR 1600 SSR 2900 SSR 1520 SSR 2900 — exploded view J 4 300000 •\ * 1 1 i _ s • « » t • •• * CRM 468 511 and CRM 533 CRM 555 CRM 544 i * j, Section 23: Air defence and air traffic radars Secondary surveillance radar for air traffic control and defence A wide range of secondary surveillance radars (SSR), identification friend-or-foe radars (IFF), transponders and equipment of many types is available from Cossor Electronics Limited. Brief details of some of the most important equipments are given here; full particulars are available from Cossor. test IFF/SSR surface equipment SSR 700 Interrogator: meets ICAO Annexe 10 Civil/military modes: triple sector and requirements. mode Solid-state transmitter/receiver Inetgral threepulse SLS aerials available for mounting on suitable primary radars or, mounted on its own turning gear, for 'slaved' or autonomous operation. In quantity production. Customers include British Ministry of Technology, SHAPE Technical Centre, civil aviation authorities in Norway, Sweden and Austria. aerial interlace. employing integrated circuit techniques. SSR 750 Interrogator: based on the SSR 700, but with additional facilities for air defence stations. Large order in production for British air defence radar systems. IFF 800 Interrogator: incorporates many basic SSR 700 sub-units but packaged for shipborne use. Ordered in large quantities by the British, New Zealand and SSR 700 Indian Navies. systems IFF for missile IFF for Thunderbird: designed to meet the British Army requirements for range, ruggedness and reliability in the Thunderbird system. IFF for Rapier: ruggedised equipment designed Airborne SSR 1600: civil to SSR transistorised equipment designed to major British airlines and the Royal Air Force. 2100: the world's first micro-miniaturised airline transponder. This equipment employs silicon integrated circuit techniques. The total weight of transponder and control unit is 2-565 kg (5-7 lb). This model has been sold in quantity to British European Airways and to the Government. 2700: designed to ARINC 572 and includes integrity monitoring and antenna isolation. Weight British SSR 4-5 kg (10 lb). rotate with the search IFF for Blowpipe: and acquisition radar. equipment employs the this latest micro-miniaturisation techniques to achieve an all-up weight of 2025 kg (4-5 lb). transponders ARINC532D. The first transponder offered with guaranteed mean time between faults. Supplied in largequantity to the transmitter/receivers on final inspection Will shortly be in production. SSR 1500/1520: transponder with high-performance modes. Operates -125 C and up to 30 000 m the standard transponder used Transistorised civil and military between -55 C and (100 000 ft). This is by British and several overseas military services. SSR 2900: advanced micro-miniaturisation techniques are employed. The transponder and control unit are integrated into a single package, thereby eliminating interconnecting cableforms, simplifying cockpit installation and further enhancing reliability. SSR 3000: similar to SSR 2900 but has a separate control unit for use when the transponder cannot be accommodated in the cockpit. Avionics test equipment CRM 544: an all-solid-state, waterproof transponder equipment. Standard equipment for many major airlines and military services. CRM 555: transistorised, battery-operated equipment for accurate checking of airborne systems from the flight deck. The CRM 555 checks the localiser, glide path, VOR and marker receivers and the auto-pilot ramp test airlines. It has sold especially well in the CRM USA 558: a complementary development of the 555. The high accuracy and stability makes the CRM CRM 588 eminently suitable for testing ILS systems to lower weather minima/autoland requirements. The CRM 588 is now in production and the first orders are already in execution. CRM 511 : a high-accuracy equipmentfor maintenance of the airborne systems for ILS and production testing marker, ILS localiser, ILS glidepath and CRM VOR. 533: an advanced equipment designed for use conjunction with CRM 511 for testing airborne systems. The CRM 533 is about to enter production. in COSSOR ELECTRONICS LIMITED Avionics and Surface Electronics Division The Pinnacles, Harlow, Telephone: Harlow 26862 Essex, England Cables: Cossor Harlow Telex: 81228 COSSOR 469 Section 23: Air defence and Above: The 40 series Below: 10 cm Above: 10 cm static 10 cm air traffic radars stacked -beam volumetric radar transportabla surveillance equipment ready height- Above: 23 cm Above: for Aerial system of Type S 247 surveillance radar towing Above: 5 5 cm transportable heightfinder deployed transportable surveillance aerial deployed finder aerial aerial Below: display position in a Below: section of manual operations cabin :' VJ^Vj^JA 470 v a data-processing cabin Section 23: Air defence and air traffic radars Air defence radar S600 series, 40 series and digital simulators Radar Systems Limited embraces the full radar system capability of Marconi, Elliott and AEI in defence, air traffic control and shipborne defence applications. The range of systems includes every air type of equipment in the radar field: primary and secondary radar heads from large stacked-beam 3-D Marconi radars through air-transportable and mobile systems to a S600 series air-defence radar The S600 series is a family of compatible radar units which can be built up to form various systems capable of meeting almost any defence or air traffic control requirement. The modular design concept of a range of radar equipment provides a much higher degree of flexibility and cost-effectiveness than has previously been possible. Special emphasis has been placed on reliability, compactness and ease of operation, setting new standards The S600 in these areas. was evolved following an intensive series of radar developments and assessment of operational requirements for the next decade. The overriding design considerations are: Suitability to both static and transportable roles Good height accuracy Intrinsic simplicity Minimum antenna area study Frequency flexibility Excellent clutter suppression. The modular concept of the S600 series is ideally suited to the requirements of modern defence forces. For air defence applications there is a range of separate surveillance and heightfinding radars which together with display and data-handling elements provide basic sub-systems which are capable of operating in complete isolation and, when the situation demands, can also be combined to form, or reinforce, an air defence system. These systems, ranging from simple basic facilities to complex networks, can be readily extended as required and the individual elements can be rearranged into different configurations without any loss of compatibility. Air defence applications of the S600 series include, early warning and air surveillance, gap filling, ground controlled interception (GCI), coast watching, weapon control (SAM) and military air traffic control. The use of modular construction and the high degree of standardisation throughout the S600 series has minimised the overall capital cost of establishing a radar system to meet individual requirements and the overall cost-effectiveness is unequalled when a comparison is made of providing and sustaining, in the long term, the system to meet a particular requirement. The mobility of the transportable elements offers complete freedom in the choice of operational sites with the ability to redeploy rapidly to meet changing tactical situations. The transportable elements comprise aerial assemblies, which fold easily and quickly for transportation, and standard cabins, housing transmitter/receivers, display, data-handling and com- munications equipment, which can be lifted by helicopter, carried in transport aircraft such as the C130 or towed by a light vehicle such as a Land Rover. For static installations there is a complete range of one-man-pack radar weighing a few pounds. which can be mounted on either gantries or The electronics units are the same as those used transportable systems and their compactness leads aerials plinths. for space savings. An S600 static system is highly adaptable in that basic systems can be extended quite readily to take advantage of frequency diversity and to improve range performance. The strength of the S600 concept lies in the interchangeability of each and compatibility of all elements, which makes it possible to start with the nucleus of a simple radar and built up to whatever configuration is required. The standardisation of main components simplifies the problem of support in the form of spares and maintenance. to great In the transportable role, there is the added facility deployed to meet particular contingencies. It is possible to build up the control facilities in a tactical situation from the simplest surveillance component up to the full strike and interof all, or part, being cept or control facility which will operate when supporting services and communications have been built up. Basic elements of the S600 series include: 10 and 23 cm transportable/static surveillance aerials 10 and 23 cm static surveillance aerials 5-5 cm 10 cm transportable/static heightfinder aerial static heightfinder aerial Electronics cabins for transportable/static surveillance radars Electronics cabins for transportable/static heightfinder radars Manual operations cabins for transportable/static radar systems Computer-assisted operations cabins for transportable/static radar systems Data-processing cabins for transportable/static radar systems Accessories for transportable/static radar systems including power plant, mounting pallets, air-conditioning units and running gear Transmitter/receivers, signal processing systems, radar displays, data displays, real-time computers, video radar links and communications systems map generators, 40 series radar The 40 series radar, an advanced volumetric radar employing the stacked-beam principle, has been designed to meet the needs of the most modern air defence systems. It provides coverage from near ground-level to over 30 500 m (100 500 ft) in all weather conditions. Digital radar simulators Marconi Radar Systems Limited has complete systems capability in the field of simulation. It is practical and economical to employ simulation techniques to 80 per cent of training requirements, for either individual units or defence systems at national level. Simulation also provides an excellent method of assessing equipment efficiency and cost-effectiveness. satisfy A GEC-Marconi Electronics Company MARCONI RADAR SYSTEMS LIMITED Crompton Works, Chelmsford, Telephone: Chelmsford 67111 Essex, England Cables: Marstor Chelmsford Telex: 99108 471 Section 23: Air defence and air traffic radars The Plessey AR-5 air defence radar combines a range of up to 550 km for long-range surveillance with exceptional discrimination at short ranges The AR-1 is designed for general-purpose air surveillance to a range of 1 50 km. The equipment is ideal for fighter recovery and gapf ill ing roles in addition to which its outstandingly good lowlevel cover suits it for low-level surveillance and missile target acquisition The high-power S-band Plessey HF-200 height-finding radar offers high accuracy over long ranges. AR-5 and can be Surveillance of the local area and high-accuracy approach control compact Plessey ACR-430, making it ideal for smaller airfields are provided by the very 47: It is compatible with the integrated with other radar systems Section 23: Air defence and air traffic radars Air defence radar for surveillance and control Plessey Type AR-1 The Plessey AR-1 is a highly versatile medium-range surveillance radar, with coverage of over 1 50 km on Canberra aircraft and providing outstandingly good low cover. The equipment, over 100 of which have air now been radar sold, is a dual diversity 650 is available with full eccm and kW S-band (electronic counter counter measures) signal processing facilities. The equipment has been ordered by, or is in use with, some 16 armed services for such diverse roles as fighter recovery, surveillance element of ground control approach, forward low-level surveillance, range surcoastal veillance, surveillance and missile target acquisition. The naval version of AR-1, the AWS-1, is in wideair warning and target use as a shipborne spread acquisition radar. Versatility of operation, Plessey Type AR-5 The Plessey AR-5 is pre-designed installation, low-cost defence radar with coverage extending a relatively ease of maintenance and low capital cost coupled with excellent operational performance and high reliability have contributed to the success of the AR-1 which is available in both static and mobile configurations. simple, long-range air up to 550 km. The equipment, operating on 23 cm (L-band), employs 2 transmitters in dual frequency diversity and has full eccm performance. Solid-state techniques are used throughout within a framework of accepted and well-proved radar techniques. Accuracy and discrimination exceed the requirements for GCI (ground control interception) purposes, and data rates up to 1 5 rev/min can be provided. The AR-5, which has been ordered by the British and many overseas governments, can be supplied with data handling systems of any desired capacity or complexity. MW Specification Radiation frequency: are available. Plessey Type ACR-430 The Plessey ACR-430 is a low-cost, high-performance precision azimuth approach facilities and local area surveillance for fighter recovery radar providing both and GCA purposes at advanced air bases and airfields where costly complex GCA systems are not called for. Operating on 3 cm (X-band), the ACR-430 combines high discrimination and resolution with small aerial dimensions. The duplicated electronic equipment uses solid-state techniques throughout. Plessey air in the band 2750-3050 MHz Aperture: horizontal 488 cm (16 ft), vertical 198 cm (6\ ft) Horizontal beam width: 1-5" to half-power points Rotation rate: 15 rev/min clockwise Transmitter magnetron peak power: 650 kW nominal per transmitter (2) Pulse length: 1 microsecond Pulse recurrence frequency: 700 pulses per second Receiver noise factor: not worse than 6 dB Intermediate frequency: 30 MHz Displays: two fixed-coil units standard, up to two more optional Presentation: plan position display with one interscan line Data presented: radar video, range markers and interscan line; video map and IFF/SSR optional Range scales: 12-5, 25, 50 and 1 00 nm (23. 45 90 and 1 80 km) Specification Radiation frequencies: frequencies in selectable band 1250-1365 MHz Polarisation: variable from linear through elliptical to circular Aerial gain: 36 dB relative to isotropic radiator width: horizontal 1 -2', vertical 3-5° shaped to 40 Rotation rate: single or dual speed in range 4-1 5 rev/min Transmitter magnetron (tunable) power output: 2 peak Pulse length: 20 usee min, 50 usee max Pulse recurrence frequency: 250/sec min, 750/sec max Receiver noise factor: 3-5 dB Intermediate frequency: 30 MHz, crystal-controlled AFC Characteristics: linear, log, Dicke-fix, log pulse length discriminator gated by Dicke-fix Moving target indicator: digital 3-pulse, double cancellation with velocity Beam MW feedback Cancellation: rack 41 -5 dB Sub-clutter visibility: up to 30 dB, dependent on selected parameter Video integration: Plessey HF-200 The Plessey HF-200 is a high power (2-5 MW) S-band heightfinding radar providing high accuracy and high data rate. The equipment is the ideal complement to the AR-5 air defence radar and is in widespread use with the British and overseas governments. Both nutation and slewing are hydraulically controlled and the vertical angle of sweep is automatically coupled with the operating range selected. These features provide maximum accuracy and data rate. Azication programming and volumetric scan facilities two spot frequencies Polarisation: variable from linear through elliptical to circular Aerial gain: 31 dB relative to isotropic radiator digital The equipment has full eccm signal processing and can be integrated into any radar system. facilities Specification Polarisation: variable from linear through elliptical to circular beamwidth: < 50 minutes of arc at -3 dB points Horizontal beamwidth: 2-5° ±0-5° at -3 dB points Gain: ^-40 dB re isotropic radiator 33° Maximum nodding angle: -3° to Nodding rate: 20 sweeps/min for max nod angle (36°); Vertical ; 60 sweeps/min for : min nod angle (8 ) Variation of nodding angle: automatically as a function of range, giving an increased data rate on long-range targets Max slewing speed: 6 rev/min in either direction Specification range: 32 nm (60 km) Horizontal beamwidth: not greater than 0-65 surveillance 2-5 shaped to cosecant 2 25 Vertical beamwidth: control 2-5 Pulse length: 0-5 u.S 1 000 pps: 0-1 nS 1 800 pps Range resolution: 20 metres short pulse; 80 metres long pulse Range accuracy: 1% of maximum range selected Receiver noise factor: better than 10 dB Tuning: automatic frequency control and manual Characteristics: linear, logarithmic, wideband limiting, fast time constant Maximum , switchable with each output 20 or 40 rev/min selected at the control panel Aerial tilt: to 18 aajustable from radar control panel Aerial rotation rate: defence systems and naval radars are described elsewhere in this Catalogue PLESSEY RADAR LIMITED yUrWW] Addlestone, Weybridge, Surrey, England Telephone: Weybridge 47282 Cables: Plessrad Weybridge Telex: 262329 <$> 1969 473 Section 23: Air defence and air traffic radars Above: Plessey air-portable control and reporting unit munications, comprising display radar, com- and data-handling provides surveillance of air computer-controlled fighter and facilities. It space, surface-to-air missile interception Below: An air-portable tactical air control and data-handling sub-system. display Operating with a variety of radar sensors, it provides simultaneous fighter and surfaceto-air 474 missile interception facilities Section 23: Air defence and air traffic radars Air defence systems Radar display and data handling Plessey Radar Limited has nearly 20 years' experience the design, manufacture and installation of radar systems, civil and military, from single units to complete in and strategic complexes. The company accepts full responsibility tactical production of defence systems from initial for the feasibility trials and comprehensive post-design Such systems may include primary and secondary radar, displays and computers. Where Primary and to correlate the two. returns and SSR 'fruit' is rejected before signals are transmitted from the radar head over narrow-band links (telephone cables) to the operations room. Plessey Radar plot extraction systems are compatible with a wide range of surveillance radars. automatically 'clutter' studies to final services. collaboration is required with suppliers of associated equipment the company undertakes overall system management. The company employs an engineering team of over 300 people. Their specific expertise in data-handling systems, digital computer hardware and programming techniques, combined with wide experience of operarequirements, has won for Plessey Radar contracts with British and overseas governments for military air defence and air traffic control systems, including the NATO Nadge project and the United Kingdom Linesman system where the company was responsible for design, development and programming of the computer complex. It comprises a number of Plessey XL Series computers, together with a fast central storage equipment, magnetic drum and tape storage, all interconnected by a data highway system. Plessey Radar has also been retained as consultant on air defence problems. Equipment manufactured by Plessey Radar for military and civil systems includes: tional Secondary radar (IFF) Plessey Radar secondary radar systems consist of a modular equipments ranging from antenna to displays which can be installed to meet individual system requirements and offer the choice of manual series of or automatic decoding. Mk 8 radar displays stringent operational demands of military authorities throughout the world, the Mk 8 autonomous viewing display is available with a 30 cm (12-inch) or 40 cm (16-inch) cathode-ray tube or horizontally mounted 55 cm (22-inch) conference display. They To meet the may be used in various roles such as: Conventional radar display Bright-viewing display Labelled radar display Synthetic radar display Tabular display The Mk 8 display is compatible with most radar sensors. Touchwire displays Touchwires provide semi-interactive a silent, unambiguous, man-computer commu- simple, device for nications. A transparent overlay is moulded to fit any CRT Metallic touchwires, positioned ergonomically to suit the application of the particular display, are embedded in the overlay. The touchwires are individually labelled on the CRT by the computer and the operator makes his selection by touching the appropriate wire. Touch-sensing elements detect the wire touched and provide a unique binary code to the display. computer. Touchwires are air traffic operation with government and in the United Kingdom and in control agencies abroad. Primary and secondary radar plot extractors This equipment has been developed to process all types of primary radar signals, to decode SSR signals Scan converter systems Scan conversion enables under controllers to view displays controlled daylight. Radar returns are shown at a high brightness level without normal after-glow essential for the maximum utilisation of secondary radar data. Plessey 8 displays are available as bright-viewing displays. fading, Mk Minicom Minicom is a radio and intercom control system which provides a reliable and flexible control system for the complex communication systems required by multiple radar sites and operations rooms. The system is completely self-contained and allows overall control of HF, VHF and UHF radio and landline communication. Plessey Mk 8 40 cm (16-inch) modular radar display unit shown in an autonomous configuration PLESSEY RADAR LIMITED yi/WtW| Addlestone, Weybridge, Surrey, England Telephone Weybridge 47282 Cables: Plessrad Weybridge Telex: 262329 & 1969 475 B Section 24 Radio transmitters and receivers 477 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers 7-5 GHz radio- transmission equipment comprising duplicated transmitter/ receivers and modulator/ demodulators. The rack illustrated also includes a supervisory system to monitor the performance of the complete link m ,.'...> A .ii.i- suite of carrier-multiplex equipment racks ttttttttttv. Will..: Ill 11 ©:i 9" : A rack of telegraph equipment. The equipment practice used, designated CASE, allows a wide range of equipment configuration within the one rack. This particular rack includes both 24 VFT and 6 VFT + speech telegraph equipments in addition to a test shelf and a patch panel to permit continuous monitoring of transmission mi" 478 <{•{•'•• 600/1200 baud data modem Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers systems Fixed-link for telephony, telegraphy and video communications GEC telecommunications systems for the transmission of telephony, telegraphy and video are used by the Ministry of Defence in the UK and by defence organisations in many other countries for fixed communication links. A complete service is available including planning, surveying, installation, and maintenance. Carrier multiplex equipment up to 2700 individual speech-bandwidth channels into an FDM (frequency-division multiplex) baseband for application to line, cable, or radio bearers. Many alternative operating arrangements are possible: for example, duplicated or non-duplicated carrier- and pilot-generating equipment can be supplied for any of the systems; synchronising, group- and supergroupreference pilots can be provided; signalling can be inband or outband; power supplies can be ac or dc. translates Telegraph equipment Up to 24 duplex VFT (voice-frequency telegraph) channels can be provided over a single four- wire 300 3400 Hz speech channel and the composite signal is suitable for transmission over physical circuits, carrier systems or radio links. Transmission speed is 50 baud and the equipment is arranged for double-current working. The 24 VFT channels are spaced at 120 Hz intervals in the speech band. The frequency shift is ±30 Hz per channel. An alternative arrangement provides up to six duplex 50 baud VFT channels, plus a restricted-bandwidth speech circuit, over a single four-wire 300 to 3400 Hz speech channel; the equipment can be arranged for either double- or single-current working. The six VFT channels are spaced at 1 20 Hz intervals at the high-frequency end of the speech band; the upper limit of the speech circuit is restricted to 2300 Hz. Speech circuit Telephony baseband Suitable bearer capacity 5 12 24 60 300 600 960 1800 2700 300 Hz to 24 kHz 6-54 kHz 6-54 and 60-108 kHz 12-252 or 60-300 kHz 60-1 300 kHz 60-2540 kHz 60-4028 or 31 6-41 88 kHz 31 2-8204 kHz 31 2-1 2 336 kHz Radio Line or radio Line or radio Radio Radio Radio Radio or coax cable Radio Coax cable 600/1200 baud data modem equipment converts data-pulse information into voice-frequency Speech input: —4 dBr nominal, 600 '.1 balanced Speech output: - 4 dBr nominal, 600 Q balanced Output to bearer (nominal): up to 60 circuits, -35 dBr; up to 960 circuits, -45 dBr; above 960 circuits, -37 dBr (radio) or —45 dBr (coax cable); 75 n unbalanced Input from bearer (nominal) up to 60 circuits, -30 dBr; 300 circuits, -1 5 dBr; up to 960 circuits, -20 dBr; above 960 circuits. -28 dBr (radio) or -25 dBr (coax cable); 75 CI unbalanced : GHz microwave radio transmission system medium-distance trunk routes. Each radio bearer can carry up to 300 speech channels. The system is extremely compact: a single rack contains duplicated transmitter/receivers and modulator/demodulators together with subtrafficband supervisory equipment and the SHF (super-high frequency) waveguide combining equipment. This completely semiconductored equipment, with its inherent reliability, minimum maintenance and low power consumption, is particularly useful where access to remote stations is difficult. 7 5 is ideal for signals for transmission over a two-wire telephone connexion. Received signals are re-converted into data format. Two switch-selected speeds of operation are provided: up to 600 bauds and up to 1 200 bauds. Each modem is equipped with one modulatorand one demodulator; either or both may be for 600/1 200 baud operation. 75 baud operation is used for return supervisory and control data. A pair of modems can operate over switched networks or leased connexions. Junction-radio systems operate in the UHF band and can provide five or twelve telephone circuits over routes where it is not economic to provide landlines or high-capacity microwave systems. The separation between stations may be up to 65 km (40 miles). Several radio hops may be used in tandem, the limit being imposed by the maximum acceptable noise. Operating frequencies: 7-425-7-725 GHz Transmitter output (at rack monitor points): 200 mW nominal Baseband capacity: up to 300 circuits (300-3400 Hz) Baseband frequency range: 60-1 300 kHz plus 300 Hz to 24 kHz or 54 kHz serviceband Power supply: 24 V dc, nominal; ac operation can be arranged (20A in); depth 445 Dimensions: height 2286 (7 ft 6 in); width 520 (17* in) The following table lists the range of microwave radio transmission systems: mm mm mm Telephony capacity 1800 960 960 300 925-6 425 GHz 6-425-7-110 GHz 7-425-7-725 GHz Can be extended 60-2792 kHz 60-2792 kHz 300-8248 kHz 60-4287 kHz 60-4287 kHz 60-1 300 kHz 600* 600* 1 7-1 9 GHz 1-9-2 3 GHz 3 79-4-2 GHz 5 Frequency limits of baseband channel Radio bearer frequency range to 960 MHz MHz 9023 MHz 8-5 MHz 8-5 MHz 8-5 8 5 4 6 and 4-9 kHz of The Genera/ Electric W mm (17lin) Lincompex Pilot frequencies circuits for short-haul applications A Management Company Operating frequencies: 445-500 MHz Minimum RF channel spacing: 5-circuit, 200 kHz; 12-circuit. 500 kHz Transmitter output power: 1 nominal Receiver noise factor: 4-7 dB Power supply: normally 24 V dc; ac or 50 V dc operation can be arranged Dimensions: height 915 mm (36 in); width 520 mm (20lin); depth 445 Co Ltd brings the quality of HF radio-telephone circuits up to line-transmission standards. It reduces even syllabic variations in speech level to give an output of sensibly constant amplitude for transmission over the link. Speech amplitude information is contained in a separate frequency-modulated tone transmitted with the compressed speech over a 3-1 kHz channel. of England GEC-AEI TELECOMMUNICATIONS LIMITED Transmission Division PO Box 53, Coventry, CV3 Telephone: Coventry 52152 1 HJ, England Cables: Springjack Coventry Telex: 31361 479 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers The MEL C11(SSB) HF current Army for station radio is the the British types of vehicle equipment of use in all The UKVRC 321 HF receiver/transmitter. The new HF vehicle set for the British Army The 1013 roles 480 100W for linear use with HF amplifier packsets Type in BA vehicle Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers HF Mobile equipment radio and portable use for vehicles C11 (SSB) station radio Features Produced to the exacting requirements of the British Army, the C1 1 (SSB) is one of their current HF 100 Hz steps over the narrow telegraph all frequencies synthesised from one reference oscillator, with a warm-up time of less than 90 sec; wide use of micro-miniaturisation and integrated circuits to reduce size, weight and power consumption, and to ensure high reliability; operation from any battery at 20-32 V, with up to 7 V peak-to-peak ripple, up to ± 600 V transients, and surges up to — 1 00 V; power consumption of only 25 on receive, and 1 20 on transmit to provide 40 peak envelope power output; sub-unit construction with in-built equipments. Military role This transitorised radio system for a mobile military role and battalion as a fixed levels. station for is designed specifically use at division, brigade The equipment may also be used system. The complete equipment which comprises transmitter, receiver, aerial tuning unit and ac or dc supply unit, is small enough to installation into a variety of military type vehicles. The performance of the equipment will ensure satisfactory voice, morse or teleprinter (with adaptor) communication up to distances of at least facilitate Digital frequency selection band 1-5 to band facility; 299999MHz; in built-in W W test with for facilities direct connection 'B'-type W maintenance; audio gear and rapid for provision of compatibility harness. 1000 km. Operation The C1 1 (SSB) system covers an HF frequency range of 2-16 MHz, provides for the selection of any one of 14 000 different frequency channels, and has a power output of 120 peak envelope power. The equipment may be operated from a 20-32 V dc supply, or from 100-125, 200-250 V ac, 45-65 Hz via the ac power supply unit. The C1 1 (SSB) is of compact and rugged design with easy access for maintenance provided by W 100 the extensive use of plug-in sub-assemblies. UKVRC HF combat 321 UKVRC radio is the new British vehicle set. It provides communication facilities over long and short links for infantry, armoured or soft-skin vehicles, gun and missile batteries, beach landing and parachute units The 321 receiver/transmitter Army 'Clansman' HF and ground-to-air The UKVRC transmitter and links. 321 a consists of a manual RT 321 or remotely operated receiver/ antenna simpler to operate, more reliable, more efficient, smaller and lighter than the sets which it replaces, in addition to providing increased protection against mutual and hostile interference. tuning unit. It is Military roles Manor Royal, Crawley, Sussex, England Telephone: Crawley 28787 Telex: 87267 W linear amplifier Type BA 1013 This wideband untuned solid-state amplifier is intended as an add-on unit to a low-power transmitter/receiver, for example a packset, whose transmitter output power is not less than 5 peak envelope power. W Operation The amplifier may be operated from any 20-32 V dc supply without any change of tap settings or other adjustments. The power supply is self-contained and provides a supplementary output of 20 at 24 V dc for W the operation at specified temperatures THE MEL EQUIPMENT COMPANY LIMITED Defence Systems Division — Vehicular battalion company. Vehicular division and brigade SSB command set. Vehicular HF SSB receiver/transmitter for regimental roles, particularly armoured cars/tanks, etc. Lightweight SSB receiver/ transmitter for formation and rear link use in early stages of air-transported operations. an associated packset. duty cycles is continuous Operation of between -20X and in — 55 ambient C. ©oo 481 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Above left: drives, installed 7', kW MST in a transmitter and transportable con- tainer Above right: A station installed self-contained wireless 1 -ton truck on a Right: Tropospheric scatter exciter equip ment Above: Mobile in a transportable shelter military stations awaiting delivery Below: MARS message switching in- stallation Right: 1 2 8 m (42ft) diameter space munications antenna 482 com Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Military radio Complete range for systems communications networks in the provision of military communications systems has led to the developof large-scale transportable HF systems employing the well-known Marconi self-tuning (MST) system, such as that supplied to SHAPE, and compact self-contained transportable HF wireless stations, which have been sold in large numbers to British and overseas armed forces. Marconi's long and wide experience ment Marconi transportable transportable MST Marconi MST systems systems comprise the following equipment: MST transmitting, receiving and systems control containers Air-conditioned, robust containers suitable for loading on vehicles, ships, etc, requiring the minimum of site preparation Containers for 11 or 1 transmitter with comprehensive synthesiser drive assemblies Transmitter site control containers with line patching Complete kW Transportable and monitoring equipment suitable for controlling complete site of ten or more transmitters Receiver containers and receiver site control cona HF more dual diversity isb receivers with line-patching and monitoring equipment incorporating fsk adapters range of transportable short or long-range logperiodic aerials; monopoles and dipoles can be provided as necessary. tainers for four or A kW wireless stations entirely self-contained mobile communications station for isb, ssb, fsk with full operational facilities. The equipment is installed in a transportable shelter and can be mounted on a 1 -ton truck. It These are provides reliable communications by ground-wave up 112 km (70 miles) over average rolling countryside with a choice of four or six operational spot frequencies or with a synthesised drive. Operation is rapid and simple. Remote control of the equipment in all services can be provided. to Transportable tropospheric scatter communications systems Transportable tropospheric scatter systems for operation over distances up to 480 km (300 miles) in rugged air-conditioned shelters can be engineered to meet specific requirements. They are available for 1 GHz, 2 GHz and 5 GHz operation. Because they are easily transportable their Military automatic redeployment presents no problems. The circuitry is solid-state throughout and power outputs of 100 W, 1 kW or 10 kW are available, with 3 m, 4-5 m or 9 m (10 ft, 15 ft or 30 ft) aerials. Operation can be in quadruple or dual diversity mode. message switching systems The Marconi Automatic Relay System (MARS) has been designed using the very latest techniques in digital communication to provide automatic relay of messages in a telecommunications network, according MARS to any prescribed procedure and formats. systems have been ordered for the British Ministry of Defence (Army) and for NATO. The outstanding features of the equipment are: manual intervention or Fully automatic operation papertape is unnecessary for normal message flow High reliability, attained by advanced design concepts through the use of micro-electronics and high- — Military space components quality — — — of control, MARS being specifically designed to require no special operating skills. Simplicity communications earth station Marconi has been involved in space communication many years and in 1965 was awarded a major contract by the Ministry of Defence to design and manufacture three air-transportable military earth stations for use in a joint Anglo-American project. Three years later, one of the most valuable space 2-8 m (42 ft) diameter fixed design. This fully steerable aerial has a quasi-parabolic reflector of high profile accuracy with a Cassegrain sub-reflector and a four-horn feed system. The station employs duplicated uncooled parametric amplifiers, duplicate 20 kW 8 GHz transmitters and provides a dual path transmission for digital and FM signals. The 'alt-az' mount is suitable for tracking both synchronous the supply of a complete station of a terminal contracts ever placed outside the USA was awarded to Marconi by the British Ministry of Techcovered the modification of two of the nology. It original stations which were operating overseas, and and medium-altitude Electronics 1 new Marconi for A GEC-Marconi — operation Continuous operation uninterrupted is guaranteed by parallel operation Flexibility programmed computers ensure complete flexibility of message-handling techniques Adaptability MARS deals with mixed traffic speeds, precedence levels and formats High speed the equipment is capable of handling messages at the rate of at least 5 per second satellites. Company MARCONI COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LIMITED Radio Communications Division mffarcomj Marconi House, Chelmsford, Essex, England Telephone: Chelmsford 53221 Cables: Expanse Chelmsford Telex Telex: 99201 1966 1967 1968 1969 483 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers A complete ATES (air-transportable earth m (21 ft) diameter dish antenna and three control cabins station) with 6 4 Dual VHF Clansman communications system installed in a Chieftain tank 434 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Communications systems for all armed services Air-transportable earth station (ATES) This consists of a 6-4 m (21 ft) diameter dish antenna with transmitter and receiver units mounted immediately below it on the same pedestal. The antenna is of cassegrain design incorporating high-efficiency main and sub-reflector profiles and a five-horn monopulse feed. The water-glycol-cooled transmitter employs a klystron power amplifier and has an output of 5 kW. The parametric receiver amplifier is cooled by liquid nitrogen. Three air-conditioned cabins are provided; for operational purposes they are mounted in line, the centre cabin affording an entrance porch, the other two cabins housing the radio equipment and the modem and channelling equipment respectively. The whole station can be broken down into packages of 1800 kg (4000 lb) each or two Hercules less aircraft. and can be air-transported by desired each station package If can form Provided with the station a helicopter lift. are standard four-wheeled mobilisers on which the station packages can be mounted for towed transport over land. Each mobiliser is equipped with brakes and lights and with a hydraulic jack for mounting and demounting the packages, which can be achieved by two men. The station can be erected in four hours by six men and, when operating, a watch crew of only two men is required. The station is designed to provide secure communications the Skynet system in a fixed role at Bahrain, at Gan and in the UK. It can also be deployed to meet emergency requirements. facilities for Shipborne communications terminal (SCOT) This consists of an antenna system in which a 1 07 m (3 j ft) diameter dish antenna is mounted on each side of the ship's mast. The antennae are each housed in a double-skinned radome and are made independent of ship motion by a rate gyro stabilisation unit. All active communications equipment is housed in a prefabricated and unmanned engineering cabin at upper deck level and connected to the antennae by a low-loss waveguide run. This arrangement affords high reliability and renders all elements of the system readily accessible for maintenance purposes. All essential operational controls are located at a control console LOW LOSS WAVEGUIDE FEEDER the ship's main communications office. From this position an operator is able to switch on the transmitter, to acquire the satellite, to select the appropriate receive frequency and to monitor equipment operation. The station is designed for installation in warships in down to and including the frigate classes and its function is to provide secure communication between ships at sea and certain selected shore terminals in the Skynet system. Military communications Early work on digital speech systems has been so successful that the company has supplied practically every piece of equipment of this type in use by the British armed forces, and new developments represent an important part of its activities. It has participated in the system studies for the Hobart and Mallard comprehensive military tactical communication systems, and is currently taking part in the phase 2 work for Mallard. It has been responsible for the development of the VHF/FM radio-telephone set for Clansman, the most technologically advanced range of HF and VHF net radios in the world. The VHF/FM set is numerically the largest single item in the range and is for use as a single or multi-set installation in armoured and soft-skin vehicles. Important work has been done on experimental pseudo-noise, spread-spectrum and range-measuring equipments for the Skynet military satellite communication system. Other current projects cover a very wide range of advanced techniques, including those for voice-compression, digital speech and its modulation, detection and reconstitution, analogue/digital and digital/analogue conversion, and the multiplexing of speech and data. In all this work, the widest possible use is being made most modern techniques of microminiaturisation the interests of reliability and equipment packaging. of the in A GEC- Marconi Electronics Company MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD Headquarters The Grove, Warren Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01 -954 231 1 Telegrams: Electronics Stanmore Telex: 2261 485 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers The Plessey PVT 350 10 kW HF transmitter Containerised systems is a simple and robust yet versatile station With the ever-increasing requirement for highly mobile kW rating, Plessey has designed stations of from 1 to 1 pletely automatic tuning and can be maintained by unskilled personnel. Frequency ranges are from 2 and up to 280 000 channels are available at to 30 containerised stations that are readily transportable by land, sea or air. The ability to provide this facility is enhanced by the design of the transmitters and their ancillary equipment. These equipments utilise solid-state techniques, com- 100 Hz spacing. The modulation flexibility of these equipments is such that all modes in general use can Full remote control be readily accommodated. facilities, together with receiving equipment and a wide range of antennae are available. 486 MHz MHz Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers HF radio transmitter Point-to-point/ground-to-air station PVT 350 10 kW HF transmitter Main characteristics The PVT 350 is a 10 kW self-tuned transmitter which covers the band from 2 M Hz to 30 M Hz and is intended for point-to-point and ground-to-air operation in fixed station service or in an air-transportable role. The transmitter has been designed for low operational cost, high reliability and flexibility for system planning. It is suitable for operation in A1 A2, A3A, A3B, A3H, A3J, A7A, A7J, A9B, F1, F4 and F6 modes and the overall bandwidth of 6 kHz permits multi-channel speech and telegraph transmissions. Frequency changes are accomplished in less than 30 seconds. , Completely automatic tuning facilities, coupled with a high degree of reliability, render the equipment eminently suitable for operation by unskilled personnel, and provision is made within the transmitter for the inclusion of full remote control. With the exception of the final two stages, solid-state techniques are used throughout. The PVT 360 transmitter comprises a PV 652A drive unit, a PV 340 linear amplifier equipment to allow the same high standard of frequency stability to be maintained throughout the system. Remote control of all functions, including frequency The selection, is available as an optional feature. remote control encoder is situated at the control centre and duplicates the set of transmitter drive unit controls. Spare capacity is provided for the control of ancillary equipment. The modulation flexibility of the transmitter coupled with the ability to select frequencies rapidly equip it admirably for a standby role with minimum redundancy. Reduced system cost Many built-in system facilities are included in the basic equipment. These include 100 kHz outlets, spare remote control functions and supply voltage stabilisation which lead to a significant reduction of system costs. and an PV 650 remote-control system. The transmitter can be operated either locally, with extended control up to 200 metres (630 ft), or remotely, using a single telephone channel transmitted over a cable or radio link. optional Reliability With the exception of the final two power amplifier stages, semiconductors are used throughout the equipment. addition to discrete transistors, extensive use has digital and linear silicon integrated circuits in all parts of the equipment. Wideband techniques are used wherever possible to avoid the use of moving parts normally associated with tuning; only the grid and anode of the final power stage are tuned. Automatic operation eliminates the human element from routine changes of transmitter frequency or mode. In been made of Systems compatibility Linear amplification is used, allowing a wide choice of modulation. A synthesiser provides free choice of operating frequency in 100 Hz steps with finger-tip control. Two spare outlets at 100 kHz, derived from the master oscillator, are provided for use with ancillary Specification Audio input Frequency band: 200 Hz to 6000 Hz or 200 Hz to 3200 Hz Modulated input Environment Frequency: 100 kHz Temperature 95% at 40 Output kW peak envelope power or average 1 Frequency range: 2 MHz to 29-999 MHz in 100 Hz increments (280 000 channels) Cooling Channel spacing 380 V Power output: 100 Hz 10~ 8 per 24 hours within 30 days, ageing: better than 1 continuous operation. Forced 0C to — 55 C. Altitude: C at up sea to level. 2480 m Relative humidity: up to (8000 ft) air Power supply to 440 V = 10%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 5%, 3-phase ac Power consumption Modulation A1 A2, A3A, A3B, A3H, A3J, A7A, A7B, A7J, A9B, F1 F4 and F6 can be transmitted when a modulated tone is available , , Frequency stability Warm-up from 0C: 1 10 6 per hour after 5 min. Short-term variation due to permitted temperature and power supply changes: 1 Long-term 10 -8 after 24 hours operation. 1 With 10 kW peak envelope power output single tone: 27-5 kVA, 0-86 power factor. Two-tone 21 -6 kVA, 086 power factor Dimensions Height: 1766 mm (5 ft 6 in) excluding cooling fan and ducting Width: 1295 mm (4 ft 3 in; Depth: 991 mm (3 ft 3 in) Weight: 1000 kg (22001b) THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics Group Vicarage Lane, llford, Telephone: 01 -478 3040 Essex, England Telex: 23166 y/Www| 1969 487 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers The Electronics Plessey Company Group of The has established a world-wide reputation for research, design, development and manufacture of military UHF, VHF and UHF/ VHF equipment. Many thousands of equipments have been produced to meet the demands of the armed forces of more than 20 countries. The Group has the unique distinction of being the largest producer of military equipmentin Europe andthe prime sourceof UHF, VHFand UHF/ VHF transmitter/receivers British Above: The Plessey PTR 171 A naval transmitter has a frequency range from 225 to 400 receiver MHz. Output 16 W The Plessey B.47 Right: VHF is transmitter receiver, designed mainly in fighting for use vehicles Below: The Plessey C.42 VHF transmitter receiver for military vehicles, with integral facility 433 crew intercom armed services. for the Radio transmitters and receivers Section 24: UHF and VHF for PTR services and purposes all 171 A transmitter receiver The PTR 171 A is an extremely compact 1750 channel transmitter receiver covering the frequency band from 225 to 399-9 MHz. The equipment, which is of modular construction, is operated from a control unit which can be situated up to 90 m (300 ft) away from the transmitter receiver. The power supply unit (PSU), which is mounted beneath the transmitter/receiver, serves as a junction box for all interconnections between units. Cooling of the equipment is by a blower situated in the PSU, which circulates airvia a filter through thedoublewalled heat exchanger case of the sealed transmitter/ directly receiver unit. Any frequency is systems radio in the range from 225 to 3999 MHz seconds from the megahertz- calibrated control unit, which can be preset or manually selected. A special test set is available which enables the complete installation to be checked by semi-skilled personnel. Specification W RF power output: 16 nominal Transmitter input impedance: 82 ohms Transmitter sidetone: With the receiver set to 500 audio output a signal-tonoise ratio of at least 8 dB is obtained with an open-circuit RF input voltage mW of 5 u.V modulated at 30% by 1 000 Hz Receiver output impedance: Loudspeaker 600 ohms, telemicrophone 300 ohms plus 2 outputs of 3 into 300 ohms each Audio output: Greater than 2 Auxiliary output impedance: 20 000 ohms resistive Receiver selectivity: 6 dB down not less than 90 kHz total, 60 dB down not more than 200 kHz total Power supplies: Single-phase ac 50-60 Hz 105 120 V, 210/240 V 350 VA Power consumption: Receive: Transmit: 500 VA W available within six B.47 VHF transmitter receiver The B.47 is a short-range frequency-modulated VHF transmitter receiver designed for operation in armoured and other military vehicles. It provides simplex RT operation on any one of 181 available channels which are spaced at 100 kHz intervals throughout the frequency band from 38 to 56 MHz. A crystal calibrator incorporated to facilitate accurate tuning. transmitter output power is 0-5 minimum and provides an operational range of approximately 8 km (5 miles) using a standard 2-44 m (8 ft) rod aerial. The B.47 consists of a combined transmitterreceiver and power supply unit with a separate aerial tuning unit. Tuning of the transmitter receiver is very simple as the RF oscillator stages of the transmitteris W The receiver are ganged and may be set up by adjustment C.42 VHF transmitter receiver The C.42 is a frequency-modulated VHF transmitter/ receiver designed for operation in armoured and other military vehicles. It provides 481 separate speech channels, spaced 50 kHz apart, in the band from 36 to 60 MHz. An integral amplifier provides intercommunication between members of the vehicle crew. Automatic or manual re-broadcast facilities are also mW Channel change: 500 of a single The knob on the VA front panel. superheterodyne unit providing an audio output preset to 1 50 mW. This enables up to three sets of 150-ohm headphones to be used. receiver is a single The transmitter is extremely stable and contains automatic modulation control circuits, which limit the = 15kHz carrier deviation to up a to 200 mV from a 300-ohm microphone inputs source. The B.47 can be supplied for operation from either 12V dc or a 24V dc source, as alternative power sub-units are available for each of these voltages. There is provision for automatic and manual re-broadcast, either way, through another B.47 or a C.42 or B.48 using a Type A control harness. supply the zero position on a centre-zero tuning meter. These features obviate the need for 'netting'. A fully transistorised power supply unit for operation on 24 V dc is available, reducing weight by 4-5 kg (10 lb). Specification Electrical included. The complete C.42 consists of three main units: the transmitter receiver, the power supply unit, and the aerial tuning unit, each in a fully sealed light alloy case. Servicing is simplified by modular construction. There are two RF output levels, low power (0-25 min.) for short-range working and high power (1 6 W) which enables a range of 16-24 km (10-15 miles) to be covered when using a 2-44 m (8 ft) whip aerial. Ranges in excess of 32 km (20 miles) can be obtained by mounting this aerial on an 8 m (27 ft) mast. Built-in crystal calibrators enable any frequency, selected on the filmscale, to be accurately calibrated. Correct tuning to the exact frequency is indicated by W Frequency stability: (a) 12-3 Hz per MHz per C 50 Hz per MHz per ± 10% change : in supply voltage Frequency range: 36-60 MHz continuously tunable Power output: High > 1 6 W, Low 25-0-75 Frequency setting accuracy: 0005% Receiver sensitivity: 1 ;xV for 10 dB quieting throughout band Selectivity: At -3 dB 1 6 5-1 9 kHz. at -60 dB 55 kHz max Second channel rejection: > 70 dB Intercom, amplifier: Output 250 max into 30 ohm load, input 75 mV nominal for 250 output Power supply unit: 12 V dc and 24 V dc vibrator or 24 V dc transistor (b) W mW mW Mechanical 14 216 355 361 mm (8i 20 4 kg (45 lb) Power supply unit: 216 203 361 mm (8i X 8X 14J Transmitter/receiver: • • (30 Finish: llford, Telephone: 01-478 3040 Essex, England Telex: 23166 in), 14Jm). weight weight 136 kg Drab olive green, black knobs, white enqraving, red dial and indicator lights Group Vicarage Lane, • lb) THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics for yli/wvw\ & 1969 489 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers 12 H The Plessey UK PRC 320 high-frequency single sideband manpack station radio mounted on carrying harness. The unit can also be mounted in armoured fighting vehicles and light aircraft The Plessey PR1552 LF/MF/HF receiver specially designed for military use under the most arduous conditions 490 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers HF radio sets Manpack and vehicle-mounted equipment Station radio UK/PRC 320 This HF SSB manpack station radio is the most represents advanced manpack of its type in the world. It an entirely new concept in HF SSB manpacks, and provides a complete communications system. In the design of a manpack a factor of major importance is the total weight and in this respect the The transmitter/receiver weighs set is outstanding. 4-5 kg (10 lb) and a lightweight station with a 24 W/h battery weighs as little as 6-8 kg (1 5 lb). It is therefore light to wear and permits the full use of weapons. The transmitter/receiver is of rugged construction, very reliable and meets the rigorous requirements of DEF 133. In the transmitter/receiver a fully synthesised frequency control system is employed using the Plessey microminiature synthesiser. The frequency range is from 2 to 29-999 MHz and the unit has been Full designed to provide SSB communication. facilities are available also, together with wide-band and narrow-band (300 Hz) capability. Channel spacing is 1 00 Hz, giving nearly 280 000 channels over the full frequency range. The unit employs a highly sensitive receiver with a noise figure of 9dB, and a transmitter which gives 30 peak envelope power output. Speech processing and automatic level controls ensure that the mean Under normal power output is always optimised. conditions and with 2-4 m (8 ft) whip aerials the set achieves reliable ground communication at ranges in AM CW W PR 1552 LFMF HF are of the Plessey PR 1552 and ease of operation, stability and wide frequency precise tuning combined with high range. The PR 1552 is a ruggedised LF/MF/HF communications receiver specifically designed for military use. Maximum reliability has been the first considera- end the latest developments in solidModular have been incorporated. of servicing permit ease employed to is construction and a strengthened chassis/panel assembly has been designed to withstand the military environment. Fast two-knob tuning covers the range from 1 5 kHz to tion and to this state circuitry MHz. Crystal calibration points are provided at 100 Hz intervals and interpolation between these points gives better than 100 Hz resolution. Oscillator design ensures stability better than 5 Hz short-term, and better than 100 Hz long-term. High resetting accuracy, 30-1 minimum day and night. The UK/PRC 320 is a versatile equipment and its role is not confined to manpack usage. A harness adaptor is available which permits the equipment to be used in A further example of its versatility fighting vehicles. is shown by the fact that the equipment can be successfully used light aircraft. in Specification Frequency range: 2 to 29-999 MHz Channel spacing: 100 Hz Operation modes: SSB, AM, CW wide, CW narrow Frequency stability: Less than 1 part in 10* all causes for six months Battery: 24 V, 75 W/h, giving 12 hours' operation (assuming transmitter/ receiver duty cycle 1 9) : Transmitter Minimum power output: 30 AM, 22-5 pep. SSB, 7-5 Spurious outputs: at least 40 dB below wanted output W W W CW Receiver 20 dB S/N ratio) 1 -7 u.V SSB, 7-5 kHz SSB, 6 kHz AM, 300 Hz CW narrow Sensitivity (o/c levels for Selectivity: 2-9 Image : 55 dB; rejection: better than IF rejection: better u.V AM, 0-6 u.V CW than 60 dB Mechanical Weight (excluding battery) 4-5 kg (101b) : (including battery, carrier, audio gear and antenna) Dimensions (excluding battery): 31-75 20-96 X : less than 8 89 cm 9 kg (20 lb) (12-5 x 8-25 X 3-5 in) 8-89 cm (18 > 8-25 x 3-5 in) 20-96 (including battery): 45-72 Reliability: approximately 1000 h mean time between faults under the most arduous field conditions • • receiver The outstanding features receiver excess of 48 km (30 miles) by day and night. Sky wave range is in excess of 450 km (300 miles) by intermodulation, cross modulation and spur- ious radiation are outstanding characteristics of this Specification Frequency coverage: 15 kHz to 30-1 MHz, continuous tuning Modes of reception: CW (A1), MCW (A2), DSB (A3, A3H), USB LSB (A3A A3J, A3H), FM, PhM and FSK Frequency stability: After 5-hour warm-up in steady ambient not more than 30 Hz drift Temperature co-efficient: approx 30 Hz per C Frequency change due to 10% input supply variation: not more than 2 Hz Selectivity: 6 Filter 150 300 Hz Hz 14 kHz 3 5 kHz 60 dB point point kHz > 150 > 300 < < > < 5-5 kHz kHz < < 120 kHz < 120 kHz 180 kHz 360 kHz kHz > > 120 kHz > 60 dB Hz Hz 1-4 kHz 3-5 kHz 60 1-8 Shape Symmetrical 30 kHz •• SSB mechanical filter 30 kHz; shape factor 1-8:1 dB 0-5 u.V emf; CW 20 dB 0-5 u.V emf; AM 1 dB 2-5 u.V emf Sensitivity: SSB 1 Deviation for FM, FSK shift: 6-5 MHz max, 100 Hz to 900 Hz with keying speeds up to 120 bauds Power requirements: 100 V to 125 V, or 200 V to 250V ac 48 to 420 Hz V to 1 5 V or 1 9 V to 30 V dc positive or negative earth at 24 V dc. 40 VA at 50 Hz Power consumption: 20 50 C, 95% RH; storage -40 C to Environment: Operation -20 C to 70 C. Complies with Crown Agents' Specification 118:1 963 Dimensions, including Creeth case: 520 267 500 mm (20 1 1 X 19f in) Weight: 29 kg (65 lb) receiver. single-phase or (2) (1) 1 W : - ^ THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics Group Vicarage Lane, llford, Telephone: 01 -478 3040 Essex, England Telex: 231 66 19C9 491 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers The PTR 377 transmitter/receiver (left) The modules are is of modular design. mounted directly on to the external case of the equipment which carries the cooling The homing, data and guard fins. receiver modules can be removed if they not required without impairing the operation of the equipment. The control unit is shown at the right A determining factor in the design of this system has been simplicity of usage All coupled with speed of operation. operating facilities for the PTR 377 are available to the pilot by use of a unit. This cockpit-mounted control control unit provides remote selection of the mode of operation of the transmitter/ A receiver, and of channel frequency. memory system is incorporated so that 17 channels can be preset, and there is a transmitter/receiver test facility are PTR 446 The lightweight turised transponder with As a result its extensive of microminiacontrol unit. use of silicon integrated circuits, the size of this equip- ment has been reduced by a factor of six as compared with existing equipment, while reliability has been increased. The PTR 446 is suited ideally for the identification copters in of light response and heliground-based aircraft to radar interrogation Ground-based equipment interrogator, with of the common Plessey decoder, passive decoder and active decoder (left) transmitter/receiver (right). The built-in self-test facility indicates failure when transmitted power or receiver sensitivity falls below preset level and Utt 492 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Miniature UHF/VHF radio transmitter/receivers, transponders and interrogators PTR 377 airborne transmitter/receiver is a combined UHF/VHF general-purpose The PTR 377 airborne advanced design operating over the 100-156 MHz and 225-400 MHz bands. The system provides for RT communication on AM. data transmission on fsk, homing in azimuth on both UHF and VHF together with tone transmission for direction finding and emergency purposes. Channel spacing is at 100 kHz for data, 25 or 50 kHz preset or switchable for RT. Any one of the 9240 channels can be selected directly on the remote control unit by means of decade selection knobs. Alternatively, single-switch selection of 19 preset channels anywhere in the range is provided. Two of the frequencies would be the international distress frequencies of 121-5 MHz and 243 MHz, which can be monitored constantly. A completely independent 'guard' receiver is incorporated in the equipment together with self-test facilities. Intercommunication facilities are available between crew members, together with transmitter/receiver of extremely an airborne receiver. capability using an identical transmitter/ optional remote frequency-readout facility is relay An available to the pilot by a small cockpit-mounted unit. is is With the exception of the UHF power amplifier the equipment all solid-state and has no moving parts. Solid-state switching employed together with digital frequency synthesis, single crystal reference oscillator, receiver tuning using varactors, IF by crystal filter and transfluxor magnetic store for the selectivity PTR 446 All crystal-controlled UHF 225-399 95 MHz; VHF 100-1 56 MHz any one of the 9240 available channels Preset channels: Any 19 withintheUHF/VHF bands Channel spacing: 100 kHz for data, 50 kHz or 25 kHz preset or switchable Frequency range: Manual for control: Direct selection of RT W W power: UHF 20 minimum; VHF 10 minimum Modulation: AM, A2 or A3; FM 20 kHz deviation up to 5 kilobaud data speeds Frequency accuracy: Maximum error, after 90 sec warm-up less than 7-5 kHz; after 5 min warm-up less than 2-5 kHz into 50 ohms with RF input of 3 ptV Audio output: Not less than 150 Carrier mW modulated 30% at 1000 Hz Sensitivity: 10 dB (S N)N output for an input signal of 3 u.V emf modulated 30% at 1000 Hz Radio relay operation: Available between UHF/UHF. UHF/VHF or VHF/VHF Aerial matching: Separate wideband aerials for UHF and VHF with nominal impedance of 50 ohms Microphone input: Suitable for both low or high level, with or without polarising - current supplies: 28 Power V dc nominal or 400 Hz 3-phase W receive, 400 W transmit Consumption: 140 test facilities: Confidence check on receiver power, modulation depth Temperature range: -55C to — 70 C Altitude: 30 500 m (1 00 000 ft) approximately Built-in sensitivity, transmitter = lightweight IFF transponder The PTR 446 microminiaturised transponder is one of a new generation of specially developed IFF/SSR airborne transponders aircraft for identification in ground radar response to interrogation. Alternative military versions of the transponder include higher power equipments covering continuously at 30 500 m modes, and an ability to operate (100 000 ft) and 90 C ambient. An outstanding feature of this transponder is its small size and low weight, and it is therefore suited ideally for installation in helicopters and light aircraft. Substantial numbers have been ordered by the British Ministry of Technology. The PTR 446 consists of a transmitter/receiver and a control unit. The decoder, encoder and associated switches are located in the control unit thus substantially reducing the weight of connecting cables. The operational capability of this equipment covers the selection of any two modes for 1 2, 3A and B; mode C all , facility is also provided. Interrogators A series of microminiaturised interrogators has been designed ground and shipborne use. Integrated circuit techniques are employed resulting in high efficiency, increased reliability, and in a considerable reduction in both weight and size. The equipment is designed to interrogate on modes 1, 2, 3 A, B, C and D from an internal encoder. Modes are selected by the control unit, or the modulator can be triggered by an external pulse train. Passive and active decoding is to customers' require- for frequencies are derived from a single highly source. The resultant frequency stability over the temperature range from -55 C to ^70 C permits operation on 25 kHz channel spacing up to 400 MHz. preset channels. stable air, ments. The bulky and temperature-dependent delay lines used for encoding and decoding in current interrogators are replaced in this equipment by silicon integrated circuits using digital shift register techniques. The use of these techniques ensures that the accuracy of pulse spacing from the encoder, and pulseposition acceptance of the decoder, are mode-dependent only on the frequency stability of a crystal-controlled clock pulse generator. manual check Self-test facilities are incorporated to provide a on receiver sensitivity, transmitter mode performance on power, modes and code performance on a special additional test facility indicates the faulty unit. all test code; an W Transmitter power output: 500 peak pulse Pulse rate: 1 200, 1 5 pulse replies per second Triggering sensitivity (min): -72 to 80 dBm. 20 MHz off tune are ignored Signals more than -22 dBm and Environmental characteristics 10 700 m (35 000 ft) Altitude: Vibration: BS 2G Temperature unit: -35 100, Part 2, Clause 218, Grade B range: Transmitter- Receiver unit: -35"C X to - to - 70'C; contro 55 C Dimensions and weights Transmitter-receiver unit: 127 1 67 kg (3 lb 11 oz) Control unit: 57 x 146 X 102 x 57 x 248 mm (21 mm (5 X 51 X 4 x 1\ X 9| in); weight in); weight 48 kg (17 oz) Power requirements Power supply: dc input 24 Power consumption: 45W to 29 V (BS 2G 100) Interrogator transmitter Frequency: 1030 MHz ± 0-5 MHz Power output: nominal 5 kW, capablj of operation up to 10 Max duty cycle: 0-135% Pulse length: 0-8 microsec ± 0-1 microsec kW Encoder/decoder can be supplied to customer's requirements Interrogator receiver Facilities Frequency: 1090 MHz -81 dBm for tangential noise conditions Sensitivity: Synamic range: 60 dB IF amplifier: 60 kHz logarithmic IF bandwidth: 1 1 MHz at 3 dB points Video output: 0-75 V minimum Pulse rejection: pulses with a width not compatible with IFF signals are rejected Environments Temperature range: airborne T/R -55 C to 70 C; ground T/R -10 C to C - 55 C Dimensionsand weight Airborne T/R: size J ATR. 1 1 -3 kg (25 lb) Control unit: 95 - 146 x54 (375 » 5-75 2-125 in). 0-9 kg (2 lb) Encoder/decoder: size \ ATR, 5-3 kg (12 lb) Ground T/R: 432 « 275 * 212 mm (17 10-8 8-33 in), 19-7 kg (43-5 lb) Ground decoders: 381 < 153x1 53 (15-6-6in), common decoder 7-5 kg (16-5 lb), passive decoder 9-2 kg (20-3 lb), active decoder 6-2kg (13-6 lb) mm mm THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics Group Vicarage Lane, llford, elephone: 01-478 3040 Essex, England Telex: 23166 yUrWW] <8> 1969 493 Radio transmitters and receivers 'on 24: The Racal RA.1220 is the latest in the RA.1217, RA.1218 series of solid-state Modular in communications receivers. construction, it is fully transistorised and incorporates electronic frequency measure- The ment with an eight-digit display. RA.1220 provides phase-locked operation, with 1 in 7 1 stability, or free-tuning Suitable for mobile or portable operation, the Racal RA.329B is a fully transistorised, high-stability receiver housed in a military provides for It waterproof Creeth case. fsk, tsk, reception ssb, in FM, the 1 PhM, dsb and to 30 MHz CW frequency range The illustration shows a typical Racal transportable military receiving communications system. The frequency range is Suitable for dsb, ssb, isb, 1 to 30 MHz. and fsk operation, the entire CW, MCW system is designed specifications 494 to rigid military Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Radio equipment static, transportable, and mobile RA1220 transistorised HF communications receiver The RA.1 220, the latest in the Racal RA.1 21 7, RA.1 21 series of communication receivers, covers the 1 to 30 MHz frequency range and combines the proven merit of the Wadley drift-cancelling system with the Racalok phase-locked frequency stabiliser. Incorporating a digital frequency counter with a built-in frequency standard, it provides a frequency stability to ±1 part in 10\ While in operation Racalok allows the user to lock the receiver to any frequency within the operating range in discrete steps of 100 Hz, or to interpolate over ±100 Hz intervals. When Racalok is switched out of circuit, conventional free tuning over the full frequency range is available. The latest electronic counting techniques, employed in using silicon integrated circuits, are the measurement and eight-digit in-line display of frequency to Demodulation ±1 Hz. facilities are provided for ssb (upper or lower sideband), cw, dsb, and mew. available for reception. RA329B isb, fsk, military Adaptors are Sensitivity (tuned input SSB and CW: mode): typical 1 [j-V emf 15dB for signal-to-noise ratio in 3 kHz bandwidth DSB and MCW (30% modulated at 400 Hz): typical 3 u.V emf for 15dB in 3 kHz bandwidth SSB filter characteristics: typical response: 3 dB points at 400 Hz and 3000 Hz; 60 dB points at -400 Hz and 3800 Hz. Carrier rejection: -25 dB. Unwanted sideband rejection: -60 dB Cross-modulation: for a wanted signal level up to 1 mV and with appropriate use of the antenna attenuator, an interfering signal 20 kHz removed and modulated 30% at a level of 45 dB above that of the wanted signal will, in signal-to-noise ratio general, produce cross-modulation of less than 3% Intermodulation: to produce an equivalent 1 ij-V input, the level of two equal unwanted signals greater than 10% removed from the wanted frequency will be typically 80 dB above 1 jiV in the tuned input mode Blocking: for levels of wanted signal up to 1 mV and with appropriate use of the attenuator, an interfering signal 20 kHz removed will be 56 dB above the level of the wanted signal to reduce its output by 3 dB Power supplies: 100-125 V or 200-250 V 45-400 Hz single-phase ac Dimensions: 1 35 x 483 x 483 mm Weight: 22 9 kg Environmental conditions: operation -5 C to 50"C; storage -40C to — 70 C C VLF/LF/MF and panoramic HF communications Designed for military use, the portable, fully RA.329B transistorised is a high-stability receiver compact, receiver covering the 1 to 30 MHz frequency range. In service with British forces, the RA.329B is capable of demodulating telegraph signals with frequency shifts between 85 Hz and 850 Hz and operating speeds of up to 150 bauds. Operation is also possible in tsk, ssb, AM, CW, FM or PhM with adaptors and ancillary units permitting frequency extension down to 3 kHz, isb, operation and synthesiser control. The equipment is ruggedly constructed, and suitable for use in severe environments. Plug-in modules are used extensively to facilitate maintenance. Military communications This IkW communication system Specification Tuning: digital presentation in units of 200 Hz 1 kHz with interpolation calibration at intervals Calibration accuracy: better than r point Frequency stability: after 1 kHz referred to nearest 1 00 kHz calibration two hours from switch-on: ± 50 Hz over an eight-hour period Sensitivity: CW/SSB: (30% modulated Selectivity: IF 1. 13 kHz 2. 3 kHz 3. 1 4. Power 1 at plV (emf) for 400 Hz) 3 bandwidths : sxV 15dB signal-to-noise ratio; MCW/DSB (emf) for 1 5 dB signal-to-noise ratio of: kHz 0-2 kHz supply: 1 00-1 25/200-250 V ac, 45-400 Hz 9-30 V dc Dimensions: in transit case 270 500 495 mm Weight: including transit case with lid 40 kg (90 lb) approx system is an example of the systems planned, designed and manufactured by Racal. These are assembled from existing units of the Racal range, to provide systems tailored to customer's requirements, having transmitter powers from one to all possible modes of operation being Receiving equipment is also provided by the standard Racal range, including adaptors for extension of frequency range to cover 3 kHz to 30 MHz, for panoramic or diversity reception. Terminal equipment, data modems and signal-conditioning equipment can Units are suitable for inclusion in be incorporated. simplex or duplex, static, transportable, or mobile ten kilowatts, available. installations. Specification Complete remote control of all facilities or of selected facilities is available with or without revertive check. A comprehensive range of antennas and ancillaries is available, enabling manual, automatic and/or remote control facilities to be included in the selected antenna system, which can be designed and supplied to suit any particular requirement. Systems have already been supplied in quantity to the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, and to the armed forces of many other countries and organisations, including NATO, Canada, Finland, Eire, Malaysia, Portugal, Turkey and the USA. Many of these have been mobile or transportable systems, generally of output. 7/1 OkW Racal can also supply HF/DF systems, multiplefrequency monitoring systems, and many other specialised communication systems for military use. Where non-standard units are required by the system envisaged, special units can be designed and manufactured. Other communication products of Racal Complete communication systems; communications receivers for all modes of operation; transmitters, linear amplifiers and exciters; full range of adaptors and ancillaries; remote control systems; radio-telephones; antenna systems; telegraph and telephone terminal equipment; portable transmitter/receivers and manpack equipment; specialised electronic systems; selective calling and privacy systems; frequency synthesisers; wideband matching transformers. Data transmission and processing; high-speed data transmission systems; high-speed tape recording systems. RACAL-BCC LIMITED Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, England Telephone: Bracknell 3244 Cables: Racal Bracknell Telex; 84166 RACAL 495 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers ^l light.veight TRA.6929 'Minical' provides high reliability in ssb manpack communications under the most severe operational conditions The The TRA.906 'Squadcal' operating in world-wide use and can be found and aircraft, as well as in the manpack is in vehicles, ships role TRA.922 'Corneal' equipment fitted in a Ferret scout car Below: the 6000 channel TRA.921 'Syncal' front panel layout makes for extremely simple and rapid operation 496 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Radio equipment Man-portable equipment for 'Minical' HF ssb manpack transceiver The Racal TRA.6929 Minical six-channel ssb manpack :^ o + i^r* q ^^^ JX ITICaTIOn OpeC designed to meet both military and para-miiitary requirements. It covers the frequency range from 2 to 9 MHz, with a radiated output of 1 p.e.p. The lightweight Minical is completely sealed, giving extremely reliable performance under the most severe conditions. Simplicity of operation not only allows for rapid change of frequency etc, but also permits unskilled personnel to learn to use the set effectively. A wide range of accessories is available, all interchangeable with other Racal-BCC manpacks, keeping logistic support requirements for this and other Racal-BCC based systems at a minimum, with consequent savings is Power output: W in overall W p.e.p. 1 Frequency range: 2 to 9 Number MHz of channels: six Antennas: 1 -8 m (6 ft) overall whip or dipole (using coaxial adaptor) Antenna matching: single control using internal ATU AF output Sensitivity: 1 mV for 1 5 dB signal-to-noise for 1 Intermodulation distortion: -25 dB relative to 1 pep. output Power consumption, ssb speech: 1 50 mA at 1 2 V for 1 pep. output Sealing sealed and fitted with a desiccator. Battery container removable without breaking main seal Dimensions (with battery case): 190 x 760 ^ 210 mm (7-5 x 3 x 8-25 in) Weight: basic unit 1 2 kg (2-75 lb) complete manpack with handset, antennas batteries and haversack 36 kg (8 lb) mW W W : operating costs. Squadcal' lightweight transistorised HF, ssb Developed to meet world-wide military requirements for a low-cost, light and reliable ssb HF manpack, the Squadcal TRA.906 is a fully-transistorised, HF, ssb equipment with 29 crystal-controlled channels in the 2 to 7 The use field MHz frequency range. has had outstanding TRA.906 world-wide operation in large numbers in more than 60 countries. With controls kept to a minimum (for instance a single control changes frequency) operating parameters may be changed in a matter of seconds. The wide range of accessories available allows operation in vehicles, ships and aircraft or as fixed station. success and is in manpack Specification Power output: 5 W p.e.p. Frequency range: 2 to 7 MHz Number of channels: 29 Antennas: whip, dipole. end-fed wire or long wire Antenna matching: single control using internal ATU mW 1 mV for 1 5 dB signal-to-noise for 1 AF output Intermodulation distortion: -25 dB relative to 5 p.e.p. output Power consumption, ssb speech: 550 mA at 1 8 V Sealing: sealed and fitted with desiccator. Battery container removable without breaking main seal Dimensions: 312 x 111 -394 (1 2 25 x 4-35 x 15-5 in) Weight: operational manpack 82 kg (1 8 lb) Sensitivity: W mm 'Corneal' crystal-controlled HF ssb manpack The TRA.922 is a highly stable, dustproof, waterproof and immersible manpack providing 49 crystal-con- Specification channels in the 2 to 8 MHz range, with extremely reliable performance under rigorous environmental and operational conditions. It can operate ssb on either side-band, with AM and facilities also available. The built-in antenna tuning unit matches transmitter and receiver to whip, ong wire or dipole antennas. trolled CW Power output: 20 W p.e.p. Frequency range: 2 to 8 Number Antennas: 2-4 m (8 MHz 49 of channels: ft) whip, long wire or dipole Antenna tuning: single control using mV internal ATU mW AF output Intermodulation distortion: -25 dB relative to 20 p.e.p. output Power consumption, ssb speech: 1 -5 A for ssb average speech Sealing: sealed and fitted with a desiccator. Battery container removable without breaking main seal (12-25 x 4-35 x 1 5 5 in) Dimensions: 312 x 111 x 394 Weight: basic unit 4-1 kg (9-25 lb), complete manpack with handset, antennas batteries and haversack 9-8 kg (21 -5 lb) Sensitivity: 1 for 1 5 dB signal-to-noise for 2 W mm Syncal' synthesiser-controlled HF, ssb Fully-transistorised, the TRA.921 Syncal manpack provides 6000 channels at 1 kHz spacing between 2 and 8 MHz, using simple frequency-setting and mode controls. is It a low-cost, lightweight equipment developed for military requirements, providing extremely under the most severe conditions. The Racal-BCC wide range of ancillaries, interchangeable with those for other Racal-BCC manpacks, permits operation in vehicles and boats as well as in fixedreliable operation station roles. Specification W Power output: 20 pep. Frequency range: 2 to 8 MHz Number 6000 mm Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, England Cables: Racal Bracknell Telex: ATU mV AF output Intermodulation distortion: -25 dB relative to 20 p.e.p. output Power consumption, ssb speech: 1 -5 A Sealing: sealed and fitted with desiccator. Battery container removable without breaking main seal 4-35 x 15-5 in) 394 Dimensions: 312-111 (1 2-25 Weight: operational manpack 100 kg (22-25 lb) RACAL-BCC LIMITED Telephone: Bracknell 3244 of channels: Antennas: whip, dipole or long wire Antenna matching: single control using internal Sensitivity: 1 mV for 1 5 dB signal-to-noise for 1 84166 W - RACAL 497 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers UK/PRC350 The UK/PRC350 is a very small, lightweight VHF/FM military manpack which can operate on any one of 840 channels, spaced at 25 kHz, over the 36 to 57 MHz range. With 2 p.e.p. transmitter output it has a reliable ground-wave range of 5 km and, as with all Clansman equipment, can operate over the temperature range from -40 to - 50 C W The SR A14 as a permanent installation. The adaptor unit on which the set is mounted incorporates a transistorised converter supplied from the vehicle battery, eliminating the need for the normal set batteries The BCC34 is radio available undoubtedly the most advanced HF ssb combat anywhere maximum in the world. It is all-solid-state design, under the most rigorous climatic and combat conditions. Frequency selection is rapid, with a built-in synthesiser forming the nucleus of the frequency selection system. Versatile in application, the BCC34 can work in the cramped environment of a fighting vehicle as effectively as it can operate as a manpack or in a static role. ensuring 198 reliability Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Lightweight manpacks also suitable for semi-static duties Clansman VHF SR A14 The SR A14 a fully-transistorised high-power packset in service with the British Army, the Royal Navy and the armed forces of 1 5 other nations. is FM manpacks is a new system of battle-zone communication infantrymen, armoured vehicles, gun and missile batteries, beach landings, parachute drops and ground Clansman for The two Clansman VHF manpacks UK/ are the most advanced in the world. These fully synthesised equipments, each smaller and lighter than other manpacks of comparable power, are designed to meet the needs of The SR A1 4, known to the Royal Navy as Type 635/2, provides PhM, and facilities and has a ground range of some 40 km (25 miles). Used as a fixed station working into a wire aerial, the standard manpack can be used to communicate over distances of air hundreds of the highly mobile troops of the CW AM miles. The SR A14 complies with DEF 133 L3 and is engineered to provide reliable communication under the most adverse environmental or combat conditions. A low-powered version is available known as the BCC30 LP with a range of about 13 km (8 miles) between man-carried sets. links. PRC350 and UK/PRC351 /352 1 970s. The UK/PRC350 and UK/PRC351/2 offer an integrated VHF system for forward-area communications for service anywhere in the world. High reliability is coupled with simple operation. The small number of thumb enables personnel to operate the equipment. controls designed for use by a gloved virtually unskilled Flexibility Although the equipments described are basically manpacks they are both extremely versatile. A wide range of accessories, enables them to be used as semi-static ground stations, vehicle installations, or shipborne equipment. Additional facilities are available for remote aerial siting, remote control, and completely self-supporting ground stations using hand-operated or petrol-driven generators. Specifications SR A14 General Type of operation: single-frequency simplex voice and Modulation: amplitude and phase Frequency range: 2-8 MHz Weight: PRC351, 5-5 kg (121b): PRC352, 8 kg (181b): includes ancillaries for normal station; additional battery adds 1 -8 kg (4 lb) W RF output: PRC351 4 W, PRC352 10 Receiver sensitivity: 1 [/.V emf for 10 dB signal-to-noise Power supply: 24 V secondary batteries CW 1 8 crystal-controlled plus full free tuning supplies: 12V nickel-cadmium rechargeable batteries Battery life: receive 85 h, transmitter high power 6 h Common Channels: Power Weight: SR A14 16-4 kg (36 BCC30LP lb); 10-7 kg (23 lb) ! Transmitter RF power output (PhM and CW): SR A14: 20-30 W; BCC30LP: 1 -5-3-0 W 0-5 kHz over full Frequency stability: drift does not exceed -2-9 kHz and Receiver drift does not exceed -1 kHz and 3 kHz over full temper- kHz at -65 dB (max) dB (min) Sensitivity: for 14 dB minimum signal-to-noise ratio at 30% modulation depth: 4[xV (emf) on PhM, 6-3 ptV (emf) on AM and 2 u.V (emf) on CW 3 kHz at -6 1 UK/PRC350 Operation: narrow-band FM - 5 kHz deviation Frequency range: 36 to 57 MHz, 840 channels, 25 kHz spacing Frequency stability: better than 5 in 10* RF output: 2 Receiver sensitivity: 1 [iV emf for 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio Facilities: remote operation, whisper facility, battery extension connector for arctic conditions Power supply: 15 V primary or secondary batteries (9x5x2{in) 2-7 kg (6 lb) including battery Size/weight: W 23x12x6cm UK/PRC351/352 Optional accessories BCC13 Mk 2 hand generator, BCC51 BCC541 1 00 1 7-5 m (24 1 -5 to 30 MHz Number of channels: 285 000 in 100 Hz steps Modes of operation: single-frequency simplex, usb or Isb at customer's choice, compatible AM, CW (wide or narrow band) fsk available with additiona equipment Frequency stability: 1 ppm -20 C to 55 C, 2 ppm -20 C to -40 C Weight: complete manpack station 10 kg (22 lb) Temperature range: -40 C to 55 C Antenna matching and tuning unit, manpack: built-in fully-automatic antenna tuning unit. Vehicle: separate, fully-automatic antenna tuning units available Battery life (24 V 35 Ah nickel-cadmium): 15 h at a 1-9 transmit/receive : duty cycle Transmitter Power output: high-power 25 pep., low-power 2W pep. [Note: pep. output available by using BCC541 linear amplifier) Intermodulation products: -25 dB (standard two-tone test) Spurious emissions: -40 dB relative to p.e.p. Carrier suppression: -40 dB relative to p.e.p. Unwanted sideband suppression: -40 dB relative to pep. W 100W Receiver Operation: narrow-band FM : 5 kHz deviation Frequency range: 30 to 76 MHz, 1840 channels, 25 kHz spacing Frequency stability: 5 parts in 10" Facilities: local, remote, re-broadcast and intercom, operation, whisper facility Size: 41 X 23 X 1 1 cm (1 6 J X 9 J X 4i in) including batteries, and set carrier (includes power amplifier for PRC 352) supplies, -• BCC34 Frequency range: temperature range - -40 C to 55 C plus a temperature due to effects of solar radiation. Sealed for pan-climatic conditions Whisper facility: modulation sensitivity increased by 20 bB, AF output reduced by 20 dB Spurious suppression: J>40 dB relative to carrier AF output/response: 10mW for 5 kHz deviation; level to 6 dB 300 Hz to 3 kHz referred to 1 kHz Squelch: automatic squelch provided, operating on 6 dB quieting signal rise SR A14: 412 x114 x293 mm (16Jx4J x 11 I in) BCC30LP: 278 X 1 14 x 293 mm (11 x4ix 11 J in) 52 C plus 100%rh Operating temperature range: -31 to Selectivity: characteristics PRC350/351/352 Climatic performance: working temperature Overall dimensions: Frequency stability: ature range ratio ft) BCC21 petrol generator, BCC501 battery lightweight aerial mast, BCC51 3 remote control W linear amplifier for emf for 20 dB signal-to-noise ratio; AM 10jxV emf for 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio Selectivity: ssb/CW wide 6 dB points 300 Hz and 2700 Hz; AM 6 dB bandwidth 1 2 kHz; CW narrow 6 dB bandwidth 400 Hz Image rejection: 70 dB Sensitivity: ssb 2 ixV IF rejection. charger for 12V/24V supplies, BCC503 battery charger for 110V/250V remote aerial tuning unit, vehicle installation kits (temporary and permanent) kit, BCC34. RACAL-BCC LIMITED Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, England Telephone: Bracknell 3244 -60 dB Cables: Racal Bracknell Telex: 84166 RACAL 499 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers MITRE (Miniature Individual Transmitter/Receiver is a pocket-sized unit with a slide-on rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery giving 10-13 hours' continuous use under typical conditions. It is so light that, when fitted in its harness, it can be worn for long periods without discomfort, leaving both hands free for other tasks. It can also be worn undetected in the pocket for security operations. The communicator has four preselected crystalcontrolled channels suitablefor single- ortwo-frequency simplex operation. Versions suitable for 12-5, 20, 25 Equipment) k 50 kHz channel spacings are available. The unit designed with automatic squelching of unwanted channel noise so that the receiver is silent until the incoming signal is received. The signal level can be set and monitored without constant adjustment by a friction-damped volume control. Servicing of the equipment is facilitated by the single-piece cover which, when removed, gives access or is 8 Fully transistorised module construction ensures ease of service. Two standard harnesses are available one light- to all parts of the unit. — weight Terylene, the other all-leather. These harnesses have a dipole antenna concealed in the shoulder strap although special types can be made to suit ^k\ customers' individual requirements. Battery chargers can be supplied with either twoor twelve-way quick-slide charging positions. The batteries can be completely recharged in 14 hours but overnight recharging is sufficient after a normal day's usage. In addition to the standard clip-on loudspeaker/ microphone with press-to-talk switch a wide range of accessories can be provided to meet individual requireThese include boom, throat and miniature ments. microphones, with earpiece or heavy-duty headset. i The PRC-316 was designed and developed by the Signals Research and Development Establishment as a highly reliable transmitter/receiver for long-range Because the set will often be used under arduous conditions by non-skilled operators, equipment operation has been kept to its simplest form and component parts of the basic station kit have been kept to a bare minimum. The unit is designed primarily for skywave CW communications over distances of hundreds of miles and AM voice communications over shorter distances. It has been specified for use with the UK Armed The equipment carries its own sealed Services. primary battery which plugs into a compartment beneath the set. An integral morse key is provided. The equipment is rugged, fully water-, dust- and shock-proof and operates under extremes of climate Ancillary and arduous environmental conditions. equipment includes two insulated antenna wires wound on reels together with their throwing cords and a singletransducer headset which incorporates a pressel switch so that it can be used as a microphone for voice communications. The basic station kit complete with carrying bag and battery weighs less than 4 kg (9 lb). The two antenna wires may be laid on top of small bushes and together form a half-wave dipole with patrol operations. centre of the two legs. If the placed very high, a coupler unit and antenna is to be coaxial down-lead can be used. Calibration markers on the antenna wires allow precise matching to channel frequency. The transceiver is fitted with output meter and tuning control. To enable the unit to be used for static duties, it can also be operated from a secondary battery. A battery adaptor, lead and headset with boom This facility makes the microphone are available. RT-316 one of the most versatile sets now available. the - 500 I RT-316 at the Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Telecommunications Compact two-way equipment VHF two-way pocket phone Specification FM simplex, single- or two-frequency MHz or 145-174 MHz 2-5 kHz; 25 Channel separation: 1 25 kHz deviation 50 kHz deviation -15 kHz Service: e«AN«ei. Frequency: 68-100 von** | —i - \ Finn :Z2 kHz deviation - 5 kHz; Channels: 4 Antenna: common Tx/Rx wire dipole Power supply: 12-4 V nickel-cadmium battery, rechargeable Endurance (typical) 1 0-1 3 h at 5% transmit, 20% receive. 75% standby Controls: channel/off. Volume. Press-to-talk (on microphone) Weight: Tx/Rx unit 275 g (9-7 oz); Battery 210 g (7 5 oz) : LU o > < a. > 132 5 A LU (J LU DC cc LU rr- mm in Transmitter Power output: 0-5 < Frequency ^ 2 3 01 LU I- W in 50Q. 68-100 MHz; stability: carrier -10 C frequency to -40 is 04 W in 50Q, 145-175 MHz —2 kHz of nominal value within Spurious emissions: to relevant specification Modulation characteristic: — 6 dB/octave from 300 Hz DQ from C to 3 kHz CO Receiver < 20 dB quieting 5 dB for 1 \i.\l emf Selectivity: to relevant specification Sensitivity: oc 11r *32 mm* Uin 1 nV emf Signal-to-noise 95 mm 3f in 25 mm „ HF 1 Frequency stability: 0002% from -10 C to — 40 C Spurious responses: at least 60 dB down on carrier Squelch: set to open at 08 ytV emf Audio response: -6 dB/octave from approx 300 Hz to 3 kHz mW Audio output: 100 Lightweight for ratio: max patrol transceiver Specification Frequency range: 2-7 No of channels: MHz 45 (9 groups of 5 channels spaced at 1-25 kHz within each group) Type of communication: CW narrow band. 300 Hz bandwidth CW wide band, 6 kHz bandwidth R/T, AM, 6 kHz bandwidth ^„o vP2 OiJ Range: O' CW: 320 km (200 miles) typical R/T: 100 km (60 miles) typical Both distances can be greatly exceeded, dependent on siting and propagating conditions 257mm W Transmitter power output: 4 10iin (peak) Battery (primary): Type: various Voltage: 12 V Life: 1 2-30 h dependent on battery type and at a transmit/receive ratio of Antenna: i-wave dipole, centre-fed wire 1 17 mm 41 in 1 :9 aerial Dimensions (including battery): Length: 257 mm (10i in) Width: 95 mm (3i in) Depth: 117 mm (4| in) Weight: Transceiver: 2-3 kg (5 lb) 424 g (15 oz) each (complete with reel and throwing cord) 226 g (8oz) (primary): 680-900 g (1 \-2 lb) dependent on type Antenna (2-off): Headset (single Battery unit): Temperature range: BATTERY Operating: -10 C to — 55 Storage: —40C to — 65 C Altitude: 3000 m (10 000 Relative humidity: C ft) 100% up to ; 35 C RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LIMITED Broadcast Division Watton Road, Ware, Telephone: Ware 3939 Hertfordshire, England Cables: Rank Ware Telex: 81415 501 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers GR479B vehicle or transportable 100 W SSB station, complete with aerial coupling unit. No output tuning or loading is required in this all-solid-state equipment, which uses frequency synthesis to provide 9999 channels between 2 and 12 MHz. The equipment can be supplied with a special container to enable the station to be dropped by parachute manhandled out or of a helicopter all-solid-state GR345 manpack provides an output of 1 5 p.e.p., and uses frequency synthesis to provide 10 000 channels in 1 kHz steps from 2 to 1 2 MHz. and Services: SSB, The W AM The GR345 manpack CW is in service with Royal Marine Commando units on combined operations 502 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Radio equipment static, transportable and mobile GR479 100 W peak envelope power SSB/DSB/CW station Available several in versions, this all-solid-state station is ideal for use in frequency-synthesised vehicles, for by the RAF. which role one version has been adopted also particularly suitable for service in small naval craft and armoured fighting vehicles, or it can be readily transported by light aircraft and can be supplied It in is a container suitable for dropping by Specification Frequency range 2-12 MHz in 1 kHz Power output SSB (A3J): 100Wp.e.p. DSB (A2. A3): 25 W carrier (100% mod) CW parachute. The GR479 covers the 2-12 MHz range by frequency synthesis in 1 kHz steps, selected by four direct-reading decade switches. The aperiodic linear power amplifier carries no tuning or loading controls; steps (A1): 100W Receive sensitivity Signal-to-noise ratio of not less than 1 dB for a 1 jzV SSB input signal Power supply 24 V dc (direct from vehicle supply) A power unit is available for ac operation adjustment of the aerial coupling unit for maximum indication on its meter is all that is required to ensure maximum power output to the aerial, while damage cannot be caused by mismatch or even by an open- or short-circuit at the aerial socket. Front-end protection 50 V and switched on or up to is is effective off. provided against inputs of whether the equipment is This protects the station against powerful signals from nearby transmitters. GR345 15 W peak envelope power SSB AM CW This lightweight manpack incorporates a frequency synthesiser which generates 10 000 channels in 1 kHz steps from 2 to 1 2 MHz and permits rapid, direct setting of frequency by four decade switches. In addition to operating on SSB, the GR345 affords instant selection of double-sideband AM, making the manpack immediately compatible with other sets AM CW irrespective of their frequency stability. service is also provided, and a full range of accessories covers all operational needs. manpack Specification Frequency range 2-12 MHz in 1 kHz steps Modes of operation A1 (A2J): CW telegraphy (keyed-tone SSB fully suppressed carrier) A3: AM telephony (full carrier, plus upper and lower sidebands) A3J: SSB telephony (upper sideband, fully suppressed carrier) Power output (transmitter) A1 (A2J): greater than 12 carrier A3: 3 75 W A3J not : less than 1 2 W W p.e.p. Power supply 1 2 V dc rechargeable and non-spillable battery or vehicle supply Other Redifon communications products and civil communications systems from VLF to HF; a full range of transmitters, receivers, transmitter drive and terminal equipment; naval radio teleprinter systems; HF and UHF manpacks; non-directional MF radio-beacons; Omega receivers; error detection and correction devices. Military units REDIFON LIMITED Communications Division Broomhill Road, London SW1 Telephone: 01-874 7281 Telex: 264029 A Member Company 8, of the Rediffusion Organisation England Cables: Redifon London Telex REDIfON 503 Mention 24: Radio transmitters and receivers mm The Redifon R550 all-solid-state MF/HF communications receiver with VFO/frequency-synthesis tuning. Operates on CW, DSB, SSB (USB and LSB) with optional add-on units for ISB and for switch selection of full synthesis. 200 kHz —30 MHz The TT20 converts a received radio teletype signal, comprising either a twotone frequency exchange signal or a frequency-shift keyed tone, to a 1 kHz on/off keyed tone or a keyed low-level dc (6-0-6 V) which after further conversion may be used 504 to drive a teleprinter Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Radio equipment for naval and military communications R550 all-solid-state MF/HF communications receiver with VFO/frequency-synthesis tuning The R550 provides unbroken coverage from 200 kHz 30 MHz by frequency synthesis in 100kHz steps followed by VFO tuning over a 100 kHz band, with a resolution of 10 Hz and fully digital presentation. An optional add-on unit completes the synthesis down to 100 Hz steps, permitting instant selection of VFO or Specification to full synthesis. This flexibility of tuning, together with a dynamic range of over 120dB and unique inter- coupled age systems, plus exceptionally good blocking and cross- modulation characteristics, is of particular importance to services in which it is necessary to search congested bands or operate in the presence of very strong adjacent the front end withstands 30 V aerial emf and signals is protected against damage by higher voltages. — Sensitivity On SSB, (above 1 1 input emf for better than 17 dB signal-to-noise ratio. On CW MHz), 0-5 jxV input emf for better than 21 dB signal-to-noise ratio u.V Frequency stability Short term (30 min): 6 Hz warm-up. Long term (8 h): at -1 200 kHz to - 14 Hz at 30 MHz after 2-hour 2 Hz at 200 kHz to _ 20 Hz at 30 MHz, after 3-hour warm-up Selectivity 3dB bandwidths (selectable): CW 200 Hz, MCW. DSB 1 SSB 3 ISB 2 1 kHz. 3 kHz kHz, 3 kHz. 6 kHz, 12 kHz kHz (6 kHz to order) 3 kHz (2 X 6 kHz to order) Noise factor dB Typically 5 Cross modulation For a wanted signal up to 1 mV, and without need for an aerial attenuator, an 20 kHz removed (30% mod) and 60 dB above wanted general produce cross modulation < 3% interfering signal signal will in Blocking For wanted signal fering signal 20 its up to 1 mV, without need for an aerial attenuator, an interkHz removed must be 75 dB above wanted signal to reduce output by 3 dB Power supplies 100/1 25 V 200/250 V 47/63 Hz. emergency supply It is possible to operate from a 24 V dc Dimensions 127 x483 x380 mm (5 19 15 in) Weight 17 kg (35 lb) Construction Modular to simplify servicing. Designed to British Defence Specification DEF.133, Class L1, and to meet the vibration test specified in Class L2 (Clauses 8.1A and 8 2A) TT20 VF telegraph terminal unit for teleprinter installations Specially designed for the Royal Navy, the TT20 is an interface equipment for use in ship-borne or shorebased teleprinter terminal installations operating over an HF or UHF radio system. VF receivers for simultaneous It incorporates twin and independent operation, with a common power supply. Each receiver forms part of a single teleprinter channel and accepts either a keyed two-tone frequency exchange, or narrow-band frequency-shift telegraph signal which it converts to a 1 kHz tone (or, for certain applications, to a low-level dc signal). After further conversion this signal is used to drive a teleprinter. The TT20, which is part of a full range of Redifon terminal equipment for use in naval RATT systems, complies with climatic and durability standards laid down for ship-borne equipment in British Ministry of Defence Specification DEF.133. Specification Signal input Any two tones from the following series: (255 170n) Hz. where n=1, 16 42-5 Hz or 2) FSK modulation of any one of the tones in (1); deviation -25 Hz 3) Two tones, one 700 Hz, the other either 500 Hz or 1000 Hz 1) 2, 3 Signal output 1) On/off keyed. 2-6 V (maximum) 1000 Hz Tone on/off 6-0-6 V dc (into line). 2) not less than 60 k<2 load) ratio 1 20 Hz (into 600< > balanced dB Input impedance 600 n ± 1 0%. balanced Power supply 1 00/1 25 V or 200/250 V. 50/60 Hz, single-phase Other Redifon communications products Military and civil communications systems from VLF to HF; a full range of transmitters, receivers, transmitter drive units and terminal equipment; naval radio teleprinter systems; HF and UHF manpacks; non-directional radio-beacons; Omega receivers; error detection and correction devices. MF REDIFON LIMITED A Member Company of the Rediffusion Organisation Communications Division Broomhill Road, London Telephone: 01-874 7281 SW18, England Cables: Redifon London Telex Telex: 264029 REDIFON 505 Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Javal radio for shipborne systems and shore station use Marconi's comprehensive range of ssb/isb naval communications equipment meets all present and foreseeable requirements for voice and high-speed telegraphy. The whole range conforms to Royal Navy standards for shock, vibration and climatic conditions and it has been NATO codified by the British Ministry of Defence. It is widely used by the Royal Navy and in the modernisation of more than ten other navies. The equipment has been designed for the greatest provide maximum flexibility of installation and to power at the transmitting aerials. Provision is made operating facilities to be extended to any position via the ship's control system. Marconi Communication Systems Limited has a complete range of communications equipment available shore stations; shipborne, mobile and static space communications; airborne communications, and digital transmission equipment. for In addition the company is ableto assist ments and shipbuilders with the planning, and tuning of complete ship installations. naval depart- fitting, testing for LF/HF Broadcast -100 W HF Ship/Ship Tactical HF transmitter H1030 HF Ship/Shore An all solid-state transmitter with digital 1 Hz-step read-out and self-contained master oscillator with a stability of requirements. HF SSB Ground/Air/Ship Meets full military Services A1. A2H. A3A, A3B, A3J. 1 part in : 1 Ship/ Air U ?-*gIlO;*?j HF communications receiver H2310 • -••M Tuning accuracy to within 1 Hz with long-term Frequency range 10 kHz to frequency stability. 30 MHz and suitable for most operating modes. Good rf and if selectivity. The H1030 can be mounted on top of H2310 for compact • • : ay o o siting. ••• v . ~:» ' • • • • • • a| ,«iO» * x» » *f *1 mm »Sfi « m ° • ~——~_ W ISB receiver N2020 500 Suitable for telegraphy or telephony reception in the MF and HF bands. Will accept CW, dsb, ssb, isb and fsk. Frequency synthesiser operates from highstability external 1 MHz standard. Operates without transmitted pilot tone. Air-cooled, embodying frequency synthesiser primary drive and an intelligence drive system covering whole MF/HF maritime frequency range. No tuning required. Services: or telegraphy; dsb or ssb/isb telephone; fsk telegraphy. broadband ISB transmitter NT204 CW MARCONI COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LTD Radio Communications Division Marconi House, Chelmsford, Essex, England Telephone: Chelmsford 53221 506 Cables: Expanse Chelmsford Telex: 99201 MCW kW broadband linear RF amplifier IMT203 and IMT203/1 No tuning required and ideal for unattended opera1 with provision for remote control Frequency coverage: 1-5-24 MHz (NT203) or 240 kHz-24 tion, MHz (NT203/1). Section 24: Radio transmitters and receivers Radio transmitter kW 1 HF general-purpose unit The PVT650 is a general-purpose 1 kW self-tuned which covers the frequency range from 2 MHz to 30 MHz. It is intended for point-to-point, transmitter ground-to-air, high-speed mobile operations or in an air-transportable role in either a civil communications or environment. The transmitter has been designed to provide low operational cost, high reliability and flexibility for system planning. It is suitable for multi-mode operation, and the overall bandwidth of 6 kHz permits multichannel speech and telegraph transmissions. Frequency changes are accomplished in less than 30 seconds. Completely automatic tuning facilities, coupled with a high degree of reliability, render the equipment eminently suitable for operation by unskilled personnel, and provision is made within the transmitter for the inclusion of full remote control. With the exception of the final stage, solid-state techniques are used. The PVT650 transmitter comprises a PV652 drive unit, a PV651 linear amplifier and an optional PV653 remote-control system. The transmitter can be operated either locally, with extended control up to 200 m (630 ft), or remotely using a single telephone channel via a cable or radio circuit. Spare capacity is provided for the control of ancillary equipment. The PV652 drive unit can be mounted with the transmitter or it can be rack-mounted elsewhere. a military : Many built-in system facilities in the basic equipment cost include 100 kHz outlets, spare remote-control functions and supply voltage stabilisation. The radio-frequency output amplifier and its associated power supply unit employ evaporative cooling. An inert fluorocarbon liquid is used to transport surplus heat from the components to an air-cooled heat exchanger. This technique, which is exclusive to Plessey, has minimised the physical size and weight of the equipment, enhances reliability and provides maximum long-term economy in operation. It has enabled Plessey to develop a full specification transmitter within a volume of approximately 0-1 68 m 3 (6 3 ft ). Specification Noise and hum: -50 dB relative to pep. C: Frequency stability: warm-up from 1 10 . -' per hour after 15 min Audio input Other characteristics Frequency band: 200 Hz to 600 Hz or 200 Hz to 3200 Hz Impedance level: 600 ohms balanced (nominal) Audio Input level: -20 dBm to 10dBm Tuning, automatic, 30 sec maximum Keying speed on F1 1 20 bauds (maximum 400 bauds) Telegraph input level: 6 V-0-6 V. 80 V-0-80 V single'double current Environment: the equipment is sealed and generally meets the requirements 55 C of DEF 133L3. Operating temperature: C to Cooling: LDE internal built-in forced-air heat exchanger and fan Modulated input W Level: 10 m pep. Impedance: 75 ohms unbalanced Frequency: 100 kHz Bandwidth: up to 6 kHz : between drive unit and input to the amplifier: 100 mW pep. 5% Power supply: 220 V to 250 V z 6% single-phase ac. 50 to 60 Hz Power consumption: 3-6 kVA at 85 power factor for full output, single tone Extended control: up to 200 m (656 ft) with 1 2-wire cable Remote control: all functions displayed and controlled over a telephone channel Interface level ; Output kW mean range: 2 MHz Power output: Frequency 1 (cw and fsk). 1 kW pep. (isb ssb) to 29 9999 MHz in 100 Hz increments (280 003 channels) or radio link Channel spacing: 100 Hz Transmitter bandwidth: up to 6 kHz within 2 dB Dimensions mm Modulation A1, A2, A3A. A3B. A3H, A3J. A7A. A7B, A7J, A9B. F1, F4 and F6 can be transmitted when a modulated tone is available. Facilities are available to accept an externally modulated 1 00 kHz input Harmonic and spurious radiation: better than -43 dB relative to fundamental Intermodulation products: better than -40 dB re two equal test tones Output load impedance: 50 ohms nominal unbalanced Maximum load VSWR for full output: not exceeding 3:1 Linear amplifiers: 432 738 470 508 Drive unit: 420 1 52 (161 Remote control encoders: 432 89 mm • Monitor unit: 432 178 • 178 mm • (17 6 305 (17 • • 33 18Ain) 20 in) mm 7 (17 7 in) 3j 12 in) Weights Linear amplifier: 172 kg (380 lb) Drive unit: 19 kg (45 lb) Remote Monitor control encoder: 7 kg (15 lb) unit: 4 kg (10 lb) THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics Group Vicarage Lane, llford, Telephone: 01-478 3040 Essex, England Telex: 23166 yirVWWJ «8> 1969 507 Section 2*: Radio transmitters and receivers Radio-telephone for vehicles Pye Westminster universal radio-telephone This modern frequency-modulated or amplitudemodulated equipment is weatherproof and extremely rugged. It can be operated in either the single- or two-frequency simplex mode on up to ten adjacent 25 kHz or 50 kHz channels in the frequency range PYE TELECOMMUNICATIONS LIMITED Newmarket Road, Cambridge, CB5 8PD, England Telephone: Cambridge 61222 503 Telex: 81166 from 25 MHz to 174 MHz. The RF output is 12 to 1 5 W. It is suitable for use in all types of military vehicles including lorries, cars, Land Rovers, guncarriers and motorcycles. It can be mounted internally or externally. & 1966 Section 25 Other communications and electronic equipment 509 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment General-purpose handset Hand microphone and headset assembly 510 Field telephone Boom microphone and receiver assembly Nylon handset Noise-excluding headset Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Audio ancillaries handsets, headsets and microphones S G Brown Ltd has, from the inception of the company in 1910, worked closely with the British defence forces in supplying telephone headsets and acoustic devices. The first item we ever supplied was the famous Type A' headset; so successful was this headset that it remained in service for a period covering thirty years, which speaks well for our design and manufacturing capability. Throughout the period 1 91 to the present S G Brown has worked closely with the defence forces throughout the world and kept abreast of all developments involving acoustic devices. The items illustrated in this Catalogue are only representative of our complete range of equipment, details of which will be supplied gladly on request. General-purpose handset Hand-held waterproof microphone Designed for use by operators wearing steel helmet (Mk 4), under conditions outlined in Joint Services Specification K1147. Insets EM1 and EM2 microphone or receiver. Carbon microphone tight No 1. Field telephone handset Distance telephone-toFor use over any two-wire system. telephone in excess of 1 9 km (12 miles). Completely self-contained. Built-in line amplifier, call tone generator and battery. Lightweight. High-impact nylon housing. Shockproof and waterinsets available: noise-cancelling, moving-coil, electromagnetic and carbon. Flexible support series of shockproof, flexible microphone housings. The head is designed to accept various types of insets, including noise- A cancelling. Envoy headset Highest Nylon handset acoustic performance and utmost comfort. moving-coil; microphone: moving-coil noiseApplications include air traffic control and language quality Insets, receivers: Very tough, lightweight and ideally suitable for use with all types Design permits easy replacement of the of mobile equipment. lead Press-to-talk facility also available. and component parts at field servicing level. Insets as general-purpose handset above. cancelling. laboratory use. Headset tester shown below, is simple to read, with go-no-go test the following functions: continuity, response levels and distortion. Control unit approximately 410 210 262 This tester, Hand microphone and headset assembly One of a series of tank commander's head and breast factured by Browns. Available with design and junction box facilities. Boom microphone and many variations facilities for sets manu- in electrical receiver assembly Can be worn beneath most types Unit remains fully operational despite extreme conditions of temperature, driving rain, salty spray and dust. Many optional alternatives, such as earpads, insets, cables, junction boxes, etc. of steel helmet. Noise-excluding headset Fully weatherproofed. Liquid-filled circumaural seals and foam polyurethane earpads combine to give excellent rejection of high ambient noise. Microphone noise-cancelling. Built-in transistor amplifier and battery version available. mm (16£x8ix10^in). head approximately 230 180 x 150mm (9 X7x6in). The tester offers first and second-line test facilities for use by headset users and/or service engineers. Artificial First-line testing facilities: Receiver operation: Left and right-hand receivers check independently with aural tones 2) Microphone operation using the spoken word with visual indication that correct output levels are obtained. Second-line testing facilities using the artificial head and a 1) go-no-go visual indication of acceptability are as follows: microphone and receivers at 1 kHz measurements on microphone and receivers 1) Sensitivity of 2) Distortion 1 kHz with A Hawker S G BROWN LIMITED Communication Division King George's Avenue, Watford, Hertfordshire, England Telephone: Watford 23301 Cables: Radiolink Watford Telex: 23412 at visual indication of percentage distortion. Siddeley Company f& 511 Sect'on 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Tone generator W691 Amplifier Type S 6 I A692 BROWN U* WATFOHO —— I naauauo ^F Audio balance unit nvio HV10 fmL /^ T691 Amspeaker Type L693 "vhr VHM m f^t nm i m t \ fmr^ y NAVI R VHFI vhfi mm % * %In Hf VOL VHF2 VHFI- nri v*™« ^^_ atc m« J ^ 2 /-HF2 \aof ^ 2 % «^n Station box Loudspeaker L692 in B692 Station box B691 Loudspeaker L691 Mounting tray M691 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Intercom equipment for military and aircraft civil S G Brown's avionic audio integrating and intercom equipment is designed as an extremely lightweight series of units which can be built into almost any form of aircraft audio system to meet the needs of all types of military and civil aircraft, from light spotter aeroplanes to the larger rotary and fixed-wing types. Special-to-type systems are built if required; the company also manufactures special-to-type controllers. The following describes the principal units in the standard system. Audio balance unit T691 Mounting tray M691 This unit enables the aircraft audio signals from any installation to be precisely balanced in level before being fed into any audio integrating system. Housed in the standard case 86 48 27 This mounting tray for use with any unit using the It is standard avionics miniature package box. particularly suited for use where a quick-release fixing is required. and its weight is 64 grammes. Its size is 1 1 35 X 55 mm the unit weighs 98 grammes and fixing slots. three 60 easily is stowed by way is a miniature S G Brown mm of the mm Amspeaker Type L693 mm Station box B691 diameter loudspeaker conThis unit comprises a small 105 ii n a sman case logeiner with an integral power amplifier. The amplifier provides loudspeaker drive, priority and muting circuits. The unit is ideally suited for installations in cockSilicon-integrated circuits pits and small aircraft cabins. and weight enable the unit size to be kept to 1 40 x 1 1 4 X 52 A highly versatile station box designed to meet the wide range of intercom and audio selection requirements met in helicopter, executive, military and other aircraft audio integration applications. The station box provides for incompatibilities between various microphone and transmitter types by means of integrated adaptation circuits. 65 is size Its is mm integral silicon- its only 47 mm high by to mm deep on standard RTCA/ARINC Dzus fixings. The weight 512 grammes. The front panel colour, engraving and lighting 420 grammes. A volume the unit. can be accessible on the front of Alternatively, an on/off switch or pre-set level control control is fitted. are to user's choice. Power audio output capable of driving This amplifier provides a aircraft cockpit and/or cabin loudspeaker installations of varying impedances. The unit is small and easily stowed. Three 60 fixing slots are provided for mounting, and RTCA/ARINC — 67 65 mm on W amplifier with up by operating units in parallel or 86 x 48 x 27 mm and it weighs 1 60 grammes. built in stereo. Its size mm is 1 05 mm diameter by 42 mm deep. Its weight Screw terminals are provided on both units Amplifier Type A691 service. This amplifier has been designed to meet the aircraft requirements for intercom, audio isolation, microphone amplification, telephone and general audio applications in conjunction with electro- connected has been designed to meet the requirement for air-crew station: warning, cautionary and advisory signals in fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, and as such conforms to ASCC/AIR STD10/30C The The unit has unit source into the impedance has been so chosen that when headset a A Hawker S G BROWN LIMITED Communications Division King George's Avenue, Watford, Telephone: Watford 23301 Hertfordshire, England Cables: Radiolink Watford Telex: circuit the normal received audio Packaged in a small case 86 48 x 27 mm the unit may be mounted anywhere in the aircraft where conditions permit. Its weight is 1 08 grammes. When activated by a sensing switch the unit gives audio warning of dangerous temperature rise, pressure change, attitude, auto-pilot failure or any other desired condition. signals are not degraded. microphone headsets and systems. employs silicon -integrated circuitry and is containstandard case 86 48 27 mm and weighs 140 grammes. unit is provided with three 60 mm fixing slots permitting choice of fixings which facilitates easy stowage in the aircraft. (1.3.65). been designed to operate directly into the user's headset, thus avoiding the use of non-essential electronics such as station box audio mixing/isolation circuits although, if desired, the warning-tone audio can be routed as an audio amplifier The 5 grammes. ease of installa- is 1 1 for Tone generator W691 Tone generator Type W691 magnetic in a pro- larger L691 unit employs an inverted magnet type of construction, enabling the overall depth to be kept to 40 mm; and its weight is 51 5 grammes. its diameter is 1 68 The L692 is of conventional construction but measuring only inputs priority tion. ed is chassis form. Amplifier Type A692 This amplifier has been designed to meet the aircraft requirements for intercom, audio isolation, microphone amplification, telephone and general audio applications in conjunction with carbon (or simulated carbon) microphone headsets and systems. The amplifier employs integrated circuitry and is contained in a standard small case approximately 86 48 27 mm and it weighs 160 grammes. The unit is provided with three 60mm fixing slots permitting a choice of fixings which facilitates easy stowage in the aircraft. The mute switching mm mm The suitable for any aircraft up to feeder-liner size. Larger installations may be 48 X 27 aircraft Dzus. an extremely small 15 86 loudspeakers with the size and capability to satisfy most loudspeaker installation requirements. Both units are moving-coil direct-radiation, cone loudspeakers standard in is Priority or is Two Passenger address amplifier A695 This weighs 140 grammes. size Loudspeakers L691 and L692 Airborne voice recorder outputs are also provided. Front panel colour, engraving, and lighting are to user's choice. 620 grammes, dimensions it its vided with the various inputs. mitter types. Weight amplifier A693 5W Station box B692 A station box with an increased number of facilities compared with the smaller B691 unit. The extra facilities enable it to meet the audio control requirements of large aircraft in both civil and military roles. The internal integrated circuitry provides, in addition to telephone outputs from the isolation amplifier, all necessary matching between differing microphone and trans- 23412 Siddeley Company f& 513 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment EVik 21 multipulse receiver Marine automatic plotter Type 350 Hi-Fix survey receiver Minidec receiver Mk 19 receiver and associated displays 2 t 0|| ^C Loran C/A ADL 21 readout unit Type 1833 and CRT unit Type 1832 Loran C/A unit 514 ADL 21 Type 1831 receiver Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Navigation system Decca Navigator equipment for all services navigation aid for ships, aircraft and land vehicles. Established for nearly 25 years, it operates at all altitudes down to ground level and at distances up to several hundred miles. now recognised as the standard for marine is It navigation and its potential for aviation is universally Over 14 500 vessels and 3500 aircraft, accepted. including helicopters, are fitted with Decca equipment. The system's mode of operation is by a chain of ground-based transmitters emitting continuous lowfrequency signals which follow the earth's contours, creating a fixed hyperbolic pattern. Each hyperbola represents positions of zero phase difference between a slave and master transmitter, so that all users share a common reference. This is of particular importance in such operations as search and rescue, naval manoeuvres, and minesweeping. The hyperbolic grid can be overprinted on standard charts. In aircraft, because of the higher speeds involved, information is presented on a moving-chart pictorial display providing a continuous record of position and track. A short-range derivative, Hi-Fix, uses mobile transmitters and has a base-line accuracy of one metre, making it ideal for hydrographic survey work. Maximum operating range of Hi-Fix over sea is up to 320 km For marine and airborne duties not (200 miles). requiring the operating range of Hi-Fix a compact solid-state version, Sea-Fix, is available, with an operating range of 32 km (20 miles) over sea water. Mk Minidec receiver The Decca Navigator, a highly accurate radio position fixing system, serves as a common 21 multipulse receiver This self-contained solid-state unit operates in conjunction with the Decca Navigator system to provide highly accurate radio position fixing of vessels of all types and classes. It provides for all 63 Decca main chain frequencies plus an additional setting for special applications. It employs the multipulse technique for accurate lane identification even at ranges beyond the present Ministry of Transport approved limit of 445 km (240 nm). The equipment includes replaceable plug-in circuit boards, combined Decometer and Lane Identification display and an in-line digital readout giving the lane value to the nearest tenth. A range of built-in power units permits operation from 12, 24, 32, 110 and 220 V dc and from 80-260 V ac at 40-400 Hz. Power consumption is minimal. Designed for use by infantry, Minidec brings ground troops into the same navigational grid as their supporting aircraft. This self-contained robust receiver operates up to 480 km (300 miles) from the master station. Mk 19 military Decca navigator receiver which can operate from any Decca chain either existing or planned. Operating in two modes, the Mk 1 9 provides the pilot with a flight log pictorial display, and the navigator with a meter display. Other operational features include zone identification, automatic lane setting, and a 'run/fix' facility which simplifies and relaxes the process of changing charts. A solid-state airborne unit Marine automatic plotter Type 350 Loran C A conjunction with a Decca Navigator Mk 21 marine receiver, the Type 350 track plotter produces a continuous pictorial record of a ship's position. Positional information from the receiver is fed into a servo amplifier which controls the A Operating pen on chart movement. The equipment has particular application to navigation hydrographic surveying, minesweeping and rescue work. in fishing operations, Hi-Fix survey system 21 Doppler 70 series A and dredgers have proved the Hi-Fix both accuracy and flexibility. Based on the lightweight navigation radar of solid-state construction which provides outputs of velocity, along and across heading, to a navigational computer. The V STOL version. Type 71, also provides vertical velocity. Installations in hovercraft, survey vessels mobile survey system unrivalled in Decca Navigator principle, Hi-Fix provides position references accurate to within 1 metre on the master slave baseline and outputs for both track plotter and autopilot ADL low-cost highly accurate long-range navigation system; its airborne receiver can track automatically and continuously very weak signals. Typical fix accuracies are 180 m (200 yd) for Loran C and 915 m (1000 yd) for Loran A. Ranges over sea-water are for Loran C ground-waves 2220 km (1200 nm) and sky-waves 3700-5500 km (2000-3000 nm), and for Loran A groundwaves 1300 km (700 nm) and sky-waves 2800 km (1500 nm). in facilities. Doppler 70 Series Omnitrac A general purpose navigational computer capable of accepting information from Hyperbolic, VOR DME, Doppler, inertial and air data DR sources and processing it to provide automatic navigation, pictorial display, autopilot coupling and many other facilities including flight profile. Aircraft position and track are displayed on the automatic Mk 6A display Roller Mk map 5 head. Omnitrac Omnitrac Mk2B digital computer Electronics of antenna Hover meter THE DECCA NAVIGATOR COMPANY LTD Decca House, 9 Albert Embankment, London SE1, England Telephone: 01-735 8111 Cables: Decnav London SE1 Telex: 23588 515 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment TEST TEST EQUIP. EQUIP. TEST EQUIP. V FT DIVERSITY B RECEIVERS ALTERNATIVE Telegraph Automatic Routing Equipment DIVERSITY A FROM V FT V FT : Voice Frequency Telegraph EQUIP. I! 5= : Error Detection and Correction TARE: EQUIP. MA N EDC N> E Di il DIVERSITY A DIVERSITY B V FT EQUIP. j_ AUDIO MONITOR Z z < ENG'ING T P SELECTION CONSOLE TYPICAL COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL CENTRE EQUIPMENT— RECEIVE PATH SCHEMATIC This photograph shows a typical layout for the system control console. The console and its associated apparatus racks enable the selection of any audio or dc circuit at line or internal levels. The dc circuits may be selected automatically by keyswitches on the console. The line chosen may then be connected, dependent on the type of information it carries, to one or more of the following test instruments: telegraph distortion measuring set, telegraph distortion unit, tone monitoring amplifier, dc voltmeter. The telegraph distortion measuring set and the telegraph distortion unit are used together to analyse dc telegraph signals. The distortion level is measured with the TDMS, while the TDU assists in locating the cause of distortion. The voltmeter is used to check line voltages on dc telegraph circuits. The tone monitoring amplifier enables audio circuits to be monitored and is connected manually at the line or internal jackfields. Supply and fuse facilities in the equipment are monitored by a relay set, and lamp indication is given on the left-hand side of the central part of the console. An alarm bell is fitted inside the console to enable aural indication to be given of any failure. In this particular system monitoring teleprinters and channel switching units have been incorporated at either end of the main console. 516 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Control systems for large communications centres Force commanders with adequately planned and equipped radio communications systems can only issue information and orders with the certainty that forces will react to them if the communications links are effective. Even with the most modern radio systems, man has not completely overcome the effects of variations in the ionosphere, nor can any defence communications system operate on the assumption that no link in the network can fail. National defence arms now adopt the concept of a communications control system to detect and diagnose any abnormality in the communications system and to provide the means to restore full facilities, usually by rerouting or bringing reserve equipment into service. International Aeradio Limited, using operational and technical expertise gained in providing communications requirements for the world's airlines over nearly a quarter of a century, has been concerned with the design, development and production of such communications control systems for the British Navy, Army and Royal Air Force over the last decade. Specification General Each communications station utilises radio transmitters and receivers which themselves act as bearers for modulated signals. These comprise a number of voice channels and a larger number of telegraph channels, all of which may be processed by cryptographic means prior to transmission and after reception to minimise their use by an intercepting agency. The control system comprises units which enable the technical operators to locate abnormalities and to take remedial action. All incoming paths from the receiver station to the control centre and all outgoing paths to the transmitter station from the control centre, as well as the alternative routes between the centre, the receiver and transmitter sites, are routed via U-link panels in line-patching jackfields. All lines from telegraphy machinery, or associated cryptographic machinery, and all lines to terminal equipment are routed via jack panels in channel-patching jackfields. Between the control centre and the local transmitter and receiver sites, an internal liaison system of telegraphic communication is provided. Between the control centre and the and receiver sites, an external liaison system communication is provided using the engineering distant transmitter of telegraphic channels on the radio system. The heart of the control centre is the technical monitoring used to assess the quality of any line passing through the system. The selected line can be routed by uniselectors and relays unit, equipment mounted in the unit for aural and qualitative The unit can also contain circuit alarms and an alarm panel providing visual indication of fuse or power supply failure. All monitoring, testing and ancillary equipment is housed in one control console, which forms the nerve centre of the system. to test setting. Line-patching jackfield Each standard U-link panel consists of two rows of 32 U-links, and from six to 1 1 panels can be housed in a standard 1 -83 m Space at the top of each (6 ft) fully enclosed steel cabinet. cabinet is provided for test equipment, typically a line level measuring set and an audio oscillator for line characteristic measurement and fault location. Monitoring teleprinter jackfield Jack panels and cabinets are similar to those of the channelpatching jackfield. All send and receive lines within the system are routed via this jackfield so that any number of telegraph channels can be monitored. Additionally, two full duplex teleprinters are connected for the engineering of single channel FSK (frequency Control console The following units form the main control console: Internal liaison system: This is a local system and has only a three-position switch at the control centre to make calls to, or receive calls from, the transmitter and receiver sites. External liaison system: This is intended for communication with any of the distant stations and has therefore a more sophisticated Calling of a distant station is initiated by keycalling system. switch operation. Test and monitoring system: An extremely comprehensive test and monitoring system has been designed. It consists of threebay housings with selection keys, monitoring equipment for dc and audio lines, and an internal telephone system. The three-bay housings, known as the technical monitoring unit, are used to assess the quality of any line passing through the system. A comprehensive system of check-back lamps is used to indicate that the selection equipment has operated correctly. The technical monitoring unit also contains an alarm panel which, by means of lamps, provides circuit alarms and indicates fuse or power supply failure. The telephone switchboard is used for communication with external and internal subscribers using the system. Channel switching controls: These form part of the main control equipment and are situated on the outer ends of the control console. Each unit contains 18 channel switching strips and is capable of controlling three SSB circuits. Each channel switching strip contains keys, lamps, and relays for the control of: Reception of a particular channel of either red or yellow system (b) In the case of non-reception on both red and yellow, the routing of a holding mark battery to the terminal equipment (c) Transmission of mark, test calls, or traffic on the red or yellow systems simultaneously or independently (a) Channel-patching jackfield The standard jack panels for 80-0-80 V dc working consist of two rows of 20 jacks; for low-level 6-0-6 V dc working, one row of 20 jacks. Space at the top of each cabinet is provided for test equipment. Space lower down can be utilised by a cord shelf fitted with 12 double-ended fully retractable cords. Loose patch cords can be provided if preferred. Under normal operating conditions the face of the jackfield is clear of jack cords and only under fault conditions would patch cords be used for patching out faulty terminal equipment or outgoing lines. shift key) circuits. (d) Calling of the traffic hall operator to indicate circuit availability The strip indicates: Distortion on the receive side when exceeding a predetermined amount (b) Reception of a corrupt message by the traffic hall operator (c) Distortion on the send side when exceeding a predetermined amount (d) State of security of both the send and receive sides. The top half of each strip is associated with the receive side of channel and the lower half with the send side. (a) a INTERNATIONAL AERADIO LIMITED Aeradio House, Hayes Road, Southall, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01 -574 241 1 Cables: Intaerio Southall Telex: 241 14 517 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Above: At their Data Centre at Woolwich, England, the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers use an ICL 1904 computer for the recording and analysis of repair, modification and performance of all types of military equipment all over the world. Higher productivity from technical manpower, better management of military equipment, more accurate forecasting of spare parts requirements, and design improvements including greater reliability and ease of maintenance are the four main objectives; all can lead to useful savings in costs. These machines are also used for specific research and development work, and can exchange data with other ICL computers working within the British Ministry of Defence. Below: Over 250 000 items are held in this store at No. 16 Maintenance Unit, RAF Stafford, England. Records and accounts are held on an ICL 1 903 machine, one of the four used by RAF equipment supply depots. Each of these computers makes use of a number of remote teletyprinters, enabling the system to take account of events as they occur. For example, a keyboard operator notifies the computer of incoming goods from the point of receipt within seconds information is printed out on the same teletyprinter — giving the exact location for storage. All users of ICL package, SCAN, 1900 computers have ready-made program This analyses the basis of these analyses, and computes re-order points, allowing supply sources to reduce stock holding to a minimum level and to reduce the number of demand patterns, forecasts stock-out situations. >18 a available without extra charge. demand on Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Electronic for all computers defence purposes International Computers Limited is the largest European organisation in the commercial and scientific computer fields, with an annual turnover exceeding £115 million. ICL conducts marketing operations in 70 countries and exports one-third of its output. It offers multi-purpose computers, ranging in value from £35 000 to several million Sterling, which welcome comparison with any in the world. In addition to the 1900 Series computers described below, ICL also manufactures the powerful System 4 range of computers, which have a powerful real-time approximately capability. ICL makes not only the hardware (computers and computer equipment) but also the software, or programs, many of which are provided as a free service. Two of the most widely used items are FIND, an information retrieval system, and SCAN, a stock control system. Multi-purpose computers The contribution of multi-purpose computers, such as those manufactured by ICL, depends on their power, equipment, and the nature of the programs written for them. ICL currently offers a wide range of peripheral equipment to enable users to exploit the computing capability of ICL computers to the fullest extent. their peripheral The 1900 Series Main characteristics This is a versatile range of computer systems, from the small to the very large. Some 2000 have been delivered or are on order. An important feature of the series is hardware and software compatibility which allows processors and peripherals to be changed develop the total system without wasting the user's original investment in equipment or programs. Hardware compatibility is achieved through a 'standard interface' and software compatibility through a standard instruction set and an operating system design philosophy which allows programs written for one system to be run on another of sufficient capacity. This feature provides a back-up facility of great importance in defence. Because the central processor in a modern system works much faster than the peripheral units, the 1900 Series adopts the principles of simultaneity (whereby the processor can continue work while peripherals carry out their task) and multi-programming (whereby most processors in the range can work on a number of programs at the same time). ICL computers have proven remote communications ability; equipment is available to give full unit by unit to data transmission in defence ICL has provided most of the computers used for administrative and scientific training purposes by the British armed forces, who have used them for many years and are turning to them more and more. The armed services have for many years been among the most enterprising and efficient computer users in the United Kingdom in exploiting the advantages of computers over conventional systems. In the last decade the use of computers throughout the defence function has grown enormously and the range of applications has been considerably increased. Some defence functions could not be carried out at all without computers. Early warning systems, for example, could not exist without them. Similarly detailed simulation exercises, such as war games, and large-scale projects, such as equipment reliability studies or information retrieval systems, all require computers to store and collate large quantities of information compactly and reliably. Other functions, such as standard costing, stock control, and manpower planning, can be performed without computers but the computer can pay immense dividends in improved efficiency and reduced costs. A brochure is available on the use of ICL computers in four broadly defined areas of the defence function: weaponsand equipment, personneltraining and deployment, logistic support, and the use of management information for tactical, strategic and policy decisions. Speeds range from the 1901 A which adds two seven-digit numbers in 28-5 microseconds and multipliesin 1 00 microseconds, to the 1 906A which adds in 0-9 microseconds and multiplies in 1 -5 microseconds. Salient features of design simultaneity and multi-programming mentioned above, the 1900 Series uses a word format of 25 In addition to compatibility, binary digits. This helps to reconcile speed of processing, and circuitry, maximum simplicity of utilisation of store. Comparison The 1900 Series is broadly comparable in performance and price with anything available elsewhere. There is a full range of peripheral equipment, including visual display units, graph plotters, document readers and mass file storage. Programs may be written in COBOL, FORTRAN, or ALGOL, or a special 1 900 language. An extensive range of program packages is available. Design/development/production state The 1900 Series has been proved experience all five in years' operating over the world. facilities. 1900 computers made today use integrated circuits which give increased reliability and processing power. All Computers Delivery is from just under a year to a year and a half depending on the size of the system. Performance Core store capacities range from 4096 to 4 word holding 25 binary digits. Delivery 1 94 304 words, each Order of cost From £30 000 to over £1 |m depending on the size of the system. INTERNATIONAL COMPUTERS LIMITED Defence Area House, Southampton Row, London Telephone: 01-405 7866 Victoria WC1, England 519 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment TDMS.80 telegraph distortion measuring set This unit, companion to the telegraph signal generator type TSG.40, is a compact, lightweight portable equipment for measuring telegraph distortion on signals using 7 to 13 element codes over the range from 25 to 330 bauds. Incoming signal transitions produce bright-ups on a 6 cm cathode ray tube. The raster displayed on a 10 produces a line or trace for each element of the unit code selected, thus enabling the individual character elements to be measured on the scale calibrated for early and late distortion over the range to 50 percent. A X5 switch permits the range to be percent. A continuous or free-run single to 1 set to trace is also provided to facilitate speed measurement and the assessment of isochronous distortion. The input circuit is fully isolated from chassis and suitable for the shunt measurement of polar and neutral signals over the range 3 to 200 V. Facilities are also provided for use on neutral series circuits over the current range 1 to 1 00 mA. The design is based on integrated circuits and utilises raster discrete components as The TDMS.80 is appropriate. available in a portable case or, in association with the TSG.40, can be rack-mounted 482 (19 in) international standard racking. TSG.40 telegraph signal generator This unit, companion unit to the telegraph distortion measuring set TDMS.80, is a compact, lightweight, portable equipment providing a wide range of accurately generated test signals to International Alphabets No 2 and No 5 for the testing of telegraph and data systems, machines and associated equipment. TSG.40 functions over the range 25 to 330 bauds. Facilities are provided for introducting start element or bias distortion by means of a continuously variable control calibrated to 50 percent distortion. Three electronically generated test messages together with a single repeated character set by front panel controls are provided for both the five- and eight-level codes. A serial output signal is provided by an electronic relay suitable for both polar and neutral operation. A parallel output signal is available from a socket at the rear of the equipment, at logic level. An internal signalling supply can be provided. Equipment design is based on integrated circuits and utilises discrete components as appropriate. a portable case, The TSG.40 is available in or, in association with the TDMS.80, can be rack-mounted in 482 (19 in) international standard racking. mm in mm Specification Specification Operational data Operational parameters and physical data to match those of TDSM.80, except weight: 8-8 kg (19-5 lb) Code: CCITT No 2 and No 5; 1 unit start element; 1, 1 J and 2 unit stop element Output signals: steady mark; steady space; reversals (1 :1 ); CCITT No 2: 96-character Fox test; 32-character RY test; 8-character Q95 CCITT No 5: 96-character Fox test; 32-character U test; 8-character Q95 Repeat characters set by keys Internal signalling supply: -6V, ±30V, ±80 V Operation: continuous or pulse release (6-200 V) Input: electronic, isolated from chassis Shunt monitoring (polar or neutral) 1 00 kilohm impedance, 3-200 Series monitoring (neutral): 10-1 00 Display: 10^6 cm CRT with raster Display range: 50% or 10% full scale, calibrated in 1% or 0-2% : mA Display accuracy: 1% Operation: start-stop or isochronous Signalling speed range: 25-330 bauds continuously variable Signalling speed accuracy: -* 1% overall, resolution 003 baud Unit code, range: 7-13 units in one-unit increments Physical data Power supply: 92-1 32 V Environment, operation: Dimensions: 216 x 221 Weight: 9-5 kg (21 lb) or 1 85-265 V. 50-60 Hz, 45 55 C, storage -10 to to (8-5 X 8-7-16 in) 406 mm VA ^70 & C V range Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Telegraphy equipment Operational aids TAA.70 tape reading and automatic addressing equipment This is a desk-mounting unit for reading punched paper tape and automatically generating a series of characters It comto precede and to follow tape transmission. prises two electro-mechanical tape readers and an electronic telegraph character generator operating to 5-unit CCITT No 2 alphabet, over the range 45 to 1 30 bauds in either free-run or pulse-release mode. When a punched paper tape is loaded into either reader a serial telegraph signal will be transmitted to line, comprising a start signal, a number of preset characters, circuit or channel identity and transmission serial number (SOM) the characters on the tape and an optional further set of end-of-message characters. The two readers operate independently or alternately so that, if tape is loaded into the second reader, trans- mission from it will follow automatically, being preceded by the start signal and SOM format. An electronically generated cancel-transmission text is provided under operator control. A break-transmission pushbutton stops the transmission at the end of the character being sent. When released, transmission restarts at the next character. Facilities are provided for generating a test message for circuit testing. The equipment allows considerable flexibility in the make-up of the automatically generated sequences. It also includes facilities for remote control of certain functions. The design is based on solid-state integrated circuits and discrete components. The tape readers and the serial number coders are electro-mechanical. Specification Operating data Speed: three spot speeds 50, 75. 100 bauds Range: 45-130 bauds Fine speed control: —5% Code: CCITT No 2; 1 -unit start: 1,11, 2-unit stop Output signal: isolated electronic relay. = 6 V to CCITT V 24 Operation: continuous or pulse-release (6-200 V) Physical data Power supply: 92-1 32 and/or 1 85-265 V Environment: operation to - 55C. storage -10 to Dimensions: 241 178 * 482 mm (9-5 » 7 > 19 in) Weight: 104 kg (231 lb) 70C • THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Automation and Transmission Divisions Sopers Lane, Poole, Dorset, England Telephone: Poole 5161 Telex: 41272 yWw] <®> 521 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Left: The Type 1100 radio relay equipment is a solid-state modular construction unit designed with due consideration of CCIR and other specifications, and is suitable for handling traffic on 1 2, 24 or 36 telephone channels Above: The self-contained units of this Plessey C50 mobile UHF radio relay equipment can be arranged in any preferred con figuration to suit the available space Left: The A7E secrecy equipment unit for ensuring full is a one hundred scrambling patterns can be cards 522 compact self-contained Over by means of code security of telephone conversations. set Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Speech and data for radio and telephone networks Type 1100 radio relay equipment This equipment has been designed to operate in the frequency band from 404 to 470 MHz (which can be extended to 1427-1535 MHz by using additional units) with 12, 24 or 36 telephone channels frequency division multiplexed into a traffic baseband from 6 kHz to 180 kHz. The engineer's order wire occupies the baseband below 6 kHz. Angle modulation (F3) is used and receiver and transmitter frequencies are preset to customer requirements. An antenna filter is included which can be connected as a diplexer or as a separate filter. wide range of military applicaand spur routes, tions including short-haul toll emergency services, remote control and telemetry links, pipeline systems, power transmission systems and railway systems, data transmission and VF The Type 1 1 links 00 has a telegraphy. The equipment can be used as C50 mobile UHF radio a repeater station, in relay 2-channel equipment is available for mobile system may be used with a 6-channel PCM equipment. The transmitter radiates either a minimum of 10 in the standard form or more than 200 in the high-power version, thus permitting communications over both line-of-sight and near line-of-sight paths as required. 1 stations. Alternatively, the W it is of the fully demodulating type. An outstanding feature of the equipment is the built-in metering facility which provides monitoring of all important circuit conditions. Space diversity and frequency diversity versions of the system can be provided. Specification Frequency range: 404-470 MHz (1427-1535 MHz using alternative units) Traffic baseband: 6-180 kHz Engineer order wire and supervisory baseband: 300 Hz-6 kHz Input level from multiplex equipment: -45 dBm nominal at 75 ohm unbalanced Output level to multiplex equipment: -15 dBm nominal at 75 ohm unbalanced Transmitter output power: at 450 MHz, 1 3 at 1500 MHz Deviation per channel: — 35 kHz Frequency stability: Better than 0003% over whole temperature range Antenna impedance: 50 ohm nominal unbalanced Ambient temperature range: -25 C to - 60 C Relative humidity: Up to 95% from C to 30 C Power requirement: 24 V (21 -5-28 V) positive earth at 2 A Dimensions: 483 v 533 x 254 mm (19 21 10 in), free-standing or 483 mm (19 in) rack mounting Weight: Approx 27 kg (60 lb) W W equipment This equipment has been designed for the British Army to provide reliable radio communication links to carry multi-channel voice and teleprinter circuits. It is now in service, following rigorous field trials over the most rugged terrain. The C50, when used with the PG 342 digital frequency synthesiser, operates on any radio channel in the band from 225 to 400 MHz and provides baseband capability for up to 24 channels using FDM ancillary equipment. In certain circumstances 24-channel equipment can be provided for fixed stations, and 6- or which case W Principal characteristics include full duplex operation using easily erected cross-polarised log-periodic antenna systems; simplified controls and procedures station set-up in less than 15 minutes; quick channel selection through either a six-crystal turret or a digital frequency synthesiser, an engineering permitting channel; unit construction for simplified maintenance and servicing; robust design for mounting in either 483 racks or transportable cases; (19 in) satisfactory communication over circuits of 65-80 km (40-50 mile) paths with a typical loss of 160 dB, or over shorter paths when advantage is taken of natural camouflage or where there is obstruction. The equipment conforms to the appropriate section of the British Defence Specification DEF 133. Variations to cabin layout may be made, as no rigid adherence is necessary to any particular arrangement. mm Type A7E secrecy equipment The Type A7E secrecy equipment has been developed for use where security of telephone conversations is essential. It is based on the five-band 'scrambler' device employed for many years on long-distance radio links. The use of transistors and other modern components now enables such units to be manufactured in a compact form. The equipment is designed to operate with normal telephone instruments and uses a speech band from 250 to 3000 Hz. This band isdivided intofivesub-bands of 550 Hz each, which are modulated, filtered and reassembled in some other sequence for transmission to the distant equipment. This 'scrambled' speech band is not intelligible to anyone intercepting it en route, even if the necessary technical equipment is available, unless the combination of inversions and trans- employed at the time is known. Over a hundred such combinations are possible and the change from one to another can be made at any time by substitution of the code card at each station. The equipment consists of two main sections, the translating equipment which converts each sub-band to and from its allotted position in the frequency spectrum, and the frequency generating chain which lations being produces the various frequencies used in the modulation processes. A simple switch enables the secrecy equipment to be brought into service or taken out of service by agreement at any time. This switch is located adjacent to the user's telephone instrument. The equipment is fully transistorised, operates from ac mains and is mounted in a small sheet-metal cabinet. THE PLESSEY COMPANY LIMITED Electronics Group llford, Essex, England Telephone: 01 -478 3040 Telex: 231 66 Vicarage Lane, 2 ft 101 in) clear opening. • UJ 2 SO *s^ * "" // •0 w ID 60 z O 40 1 1 1 * wooden „ l00 / O The door can be left- or right-hand hinged Ventilation: by reversible-flow variable-speed 299 mm (9 in) dia fans internally mounted in conjunction with special Attenuvent units Airconditioning: external or internal units can be incorporated Floor: lino tiled I20 over shielding o. Ul 20 z o IO kHi lOOkHi I MHz lOMHi IOO MHi I GHi lOGHi FREQUENCY Construction: internal bolting Range: various sizes, details on request BELLING AND LEE LIMITED Radio Frequency Interference Division Great Cambridge Road, Enfield, Middlesex, England Cables: Radiobel Enfield Telephone: 01-363 5393 Telex: 263265 © 529 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Miniature recorder Airborne tape cassette record/replay equipment Type 1200 voice recorder the Type 1200 voice recorder/ reproducer expressly for mounting in the cockpit of the Harrier, but it is now also installed in the Buccaneer and Jaguar, and other advanced military aricraft. This recorder has been so miniaturised that the complete recorder fits into the space previously occupied by the recorder control panel. It is hardmounted in the cockpit within easy reach of the pilot or other crew member, who can change the cassette in flight if necessary. When connected to the aircraft central communications system, it provides facilities for recording and replaying intelligible speech under the most severe environmental conditions envisaged for fighter-reconnaissance aircraft. The ability to replay in the air enables the aircrew to edit the recording, replay air traffic instructions, and listen to instructions previously recorded on the ground, such as sealed flight directions and check lists. It is also possible to transmit a recording from the aircraft by replaying the record with the R/T transmit button pressed. All controls are mounted on the small top panel and consist of a joystick for 'On', 'Off, 'Rewind' and 'Fast Forward' and a separate switch for 'Record/Replay'. A three-figure digital indicator is visible through a Davall developed window on the right of the panel; this returns to zero each time the Philips cassette is removed. The panel is illuminated internally by a separately switched 28 V supply, so that the panel is illuminated even though the recorder may be switched off. The recorder incorporates an automatic start when switched to Record': it is actuated by an incoming audio signal and switches off automatically at a preset time after the cessation of signals; both the start level and the over-run time may be adjusted by preset controls. This automatic switching of the recorder gives maximum economy in the use of tape since there is almost no blank tape, which in turn means economy of time during replay. With a continuously running tape there are often long periods of silence between recorded messages. The Type 1200 recorder/reproducer uses standard commercial Philips cassettes. Playback may take place on the Type 1 200 or on any low-cost commercial recorder utilising the Philips cassette system. Special models of the Type 1200 recorder have been produced with data recording facilities in addition to voice. Variations of the design can be produced to meet customers' individual requirements. Actual size of complete recorder Specification Size: 14-7 43 cm (panel) hard-mounted, Weight: 1 -36 kg (3 lb) Fixing: 1 6 8 cm deep (58 1-7 • 6-6 in) to Arinc specification Colour: matt black Power supply: 28 V dc Power consumption: 1 BS 2 G1 00 W max to P.3 Connector: Hellermann Deutsch, Type SLPT-OOE-14-1 9P Tape cassette: Philips compact type C 60 (30 min per track, two-track system), C 90 (45 min per track) and C.1 20 (60 min per track), metal cassette available A member S replay' switch Recorder control: recorder is automatically started by audio input and stops after and time delay adjusted by a preselected silence time. Input trigger level preset controls Monitor: side-tone generated when recording ceases break (photo-electric detector) at end of the Bent/ma Group DAVALL & SONS LIMITED Wadsworth Road, Greenford, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01-998 1011 530 Tape speed: 48 mm/sec (1 I in/sec) Tape indicator: digital counter indicates tape used, automatically reset when cassette is removed Controls: joy-stick for on', off', 'rewind' and 'fast wind'. Separate 'record/ Cables: Davall Greenford DAVALL of tape or on tape Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment Recording equipment and data on magnetic tape for voice Series VII 34-channel communications recorder This twin-bay all-solid-state communications recorder high packing density with time injection by maximum security clock' need for Morse knowledge, and gives maximum tape economy, recording for up to 12 hours per tape spool. A complete set of record and monitor electronics is supplied to each tape transport, with automatic changeover on the occurrence of a fault. A pilot tone at 3500 Hz is recorded on each channel, and these are monitored sequentially each 2-5 seconds for recording Full use is made of integrated fault or deterioration. circuits, no relays being used, and brushless motors are used. The design life of the equipment is ten years, offers of recordings, eliminating the and reliable recordings will life, on a 24-hour 'speaking be obtained throughout 3 3 --: • jWaHBjssy ••. i 20 kilohms unbalanced, approximately 600 ohms balanced Signal-to-noise ratio: greater than 40 dB Cross talk: >—40 dB related to normal signal level Distortion: < 1% at full rated output o o Wow and flutter: 1% at 0-5-200 Hz Recording time: 8 h 32 min on double-play tape, 1 2 h 45 min on triple-play tape Power supplies: Environment: C 1 C 00-250 V 50 ^50 C up to or 60 Hz, to 90% 1 50 VA rh T5000 incremental magnetic recording systems The T5000 recording system has been designed to ful- the need for data recording in an IBM /Industry format, and to give the maximum of flexibility with the minimum of superfluous logic. The tape transports are built to computer tape-handler standards; high reliability and long life are guaranteed by solid-state modular construction combined with maximum use of integrated circuits. The T5000 may be used as an intermediate store between data source and computer, or as a computer- fil is ideally suited for a wide range of data-logging and wherever large amounts of raw or processed data must be stored temporarily or permanently. backing store. applications It in Specification Format: 7 or 9 track Packing density: 200, 556 or 800 binary digits per in (bpi) Feed modes: incremental on command or 95-25 cm (37-5 in) per sec continuous Increment rate: 0-300 characters/sec at 200 and 556 bpi 0-500 characters/sec at 800 bpi (up to 1 200 characters/sec to special order) Start time: 2 msec at 95-25 cm/sec IRG generation: 37 msec including writing LCR Operating temperature: to 50"C Relative humidity: 85% maximum Dimensions: 77 x 49 x 43 cm (301 x 191 x 161 in) Weight: 80 kg (170 lb) approximately OX - RACAL-THERMIONIC LIMITED Hythe, Southampton, Hampshire, England Telephone: Hythe 3265 Cables: Technico Hythe Telex: 47600 RACAL 531 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment lagnetic tape recorders incremental/continuous, read/write digital, These machines are compact, inexpensive and highly reliable, and are being increasingly used on military projects. The tape transport and head are mounted on a heavy machined casting. Stainless steel ball bearing tape guides (sealed for life) and three heavy-duty hightorque printed motors are used, the latter requiring no lubrication. The buffers are so designed that alignment or re-adjustment is not required. Maintenance is simplified by clean layout and the absence of terminal strips; all sub-assemblies are interconnected by heavy-duty connectors and electronic circuit modules are on plug-in cards. There are two basic units: the MTD 10 000 can operate continuously or incrementally, while the MTD 10 500 is a continuously operating model. Both are available as 7 or 9 track machines and as read-only, write-only or read/write versions. Specification MTD MTD 10 000 Recording speeds: 0-1000 steps/sec 320 bits/cm (800 b/in), (optionally 0-6000 steps/sec) incremental; 10-95 cm/sec (4-37-5 in/sec), (conditionally 10-190 cm/sec) bi-directional, max data rate 30 000 characters/sec (up to 60 000 characters/sec conditional) in continuous mode at Reading speeds: as recording in continuous mode No. of tracks: 7 (IBM 729 Series spacing) or 9 ASC 11 (IBM 2400 Series spacing) Heads: 2 heads standard for read/write (dual-gap head optional) Recording densities: 320, 220 or 80 bits/cm (800, 556 or 200 bits/in) 7 and 9 track (NRZl) time: less than (0-5 in) Tape: 1 2-7 Rewind mm 1 -5 min, capstan-controlled, for 360 m (1 200 ft) computer tape 217 or 266 mm (8 5 or 10-5 in) dia. IBM hub Dimensions: 483 • 308 31 1 mm (19-121*131 n) with 216 mm reels. 484 621 * 311 mm (19 * 24J x 13J in) with 266 mm reels Weight: 34 5 kg (76 lb) with 21 6 mm reels, 68 kg (1 50 lb) with 266 mm reels Temperature range, operating: 0C to 5-95% RH 55 Power: 1 05-250 V 5%. 47-64 Hz (400 Hz optional), consumption 1 50 VA quiescent, 750 VA (266 mm reels) max Input: DTL input gates (0 to - 0-5 V true, - 3-5 to 8 V false), inverted logic available; commands: 6 or 8 lines data, parity, general reset, forward reverse, Reels: C | write disable, tape Output: logic mark gap, inter-block gap, erase (optional) DTL power gates (0 to available; commands: 6 0-5 V true, 3-5 to 5 5 V false), inverted or 8 lines data, recorder pulse, read data clock, - - gap in progress, buffer busy, all-zero inputs, echo parity (optional); status: write ring present, write enabled, ready, beginning of tape, end of tape, tape not tensioned Controls: on/off, load forward, rewind, ready, tape mark gap (remotely controllable, except on/off) Parity check: line signal from data source or integrally generated (standard), true echo parity (optional) Error check facility: longitudinal redundancy check character on all models (cyclic redundancy check character optional on 9-track models) Also available: write-only and read-only models 10 500 speeds: 10-95 cm/sec (4-37-5 in/sec bi-directional, conditional 90 cm/sec (75 in/sec), optionally down to 2-5 cm/sec (1 in/sec); stop and start within one inter-block gap at 95 cm/sec, stop or start within one interblock gap at 1 90 cm/sec Instantaneous speed variation: less than 3% Long-term speed variation: less than - 1% No of tracks: 7 or 9, computer-compatible spacing Heads: 2 heads standard for read/write (dual-gap head optional) Recording densities: 320, 220 or 80 bits/cm (800. 556 or 200 bits/in) Start and stop time: less than 20 msec for any speed between 10 and 95 cm/sec Turn-around time: 100msec at 95 cm/sec (500 msec at 190cm/sec); no delay below 63 cm/sec (25 in/sec) Rewind time: less than 2 min standard for 360 m (1 200 ft) tape Tape: 1 2 7 mm (05 in) computer tape Reels: 216 or 266 mm (8-5 or 10-5 in) dia, IBM hub Dimensions: 483 308 31 1 mm (19 12 13 in) with 216 mm reels. 484 621 311 mm (19 131 in) with 266 mm reels 24 J Weight: 34-5 kg (76 lb) with 21 6 mm reels, 68 kg (1 50 lb) with 266 mm reels Temperature range, operating: 55 C, 5-95% RH C to Power: 105-250V 5%, 47-64 Hz (400 Hz optional), consumption 1 50 VA quiescent, 750 VA (266 mm reels) max Transport up to 1 | J 0-5 V true, -35 to 8 V false), inverted logic or 8 lines data, parity, write data clock, write disable, general reset, rewind, forward, reverse, go/stop, write enable, disable manual controls, select line, enable longitudinal and/or cyclic redundancy check Imput: DTL available; input gates (0 to commands: 6 parity, read data clock, echo parity (optional); status: write ring present, write enabled, beginning of tape, end of tape, tape not Output: 6 or 8 lines data, tensioned Controls: on/off, load, rewind (local or remote) Error check facilities: longitudinal redundancy cyclic redundancy check character (optional) Also available: write-only and read-only models RECORDING DESIGNS LIMITED Blackwater Station Estate, Telephone; Camberley 24? 532 r 1 . Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey, England Telex: 85272 J < check character (standard), E3 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment communications Aircraft Airborne and ground equipment Aircraft aerials many years STC has been engaged For Notch aerial w system AN. 13 ^35 1 tactical l 11! w air navigation (TACAN) systems, telemetry, UHF, VHF and UHF/VHF communications equipment and radio —— HF the design and manufacture of aerials for all types of aircraft, civil, The STC aircraft military, subsonic and supersonic. aerial consultancy service advises aircraft manufacturers and operators on aerial siting and installation. The range of aerials available includes units for air traffic control (ATC), distance measuring equipment (DME) and equipment for identification of friend or foe (IFF), instrument landing systems (ILS) glide slope determination, ILS/VOR, suppressed HF notch equipment, £u-3* in altimeters. Aerials are type-tested in accordance with the environmental requirements of specifications AVP.24, K.114, and BS 2G.100. as supplied for the Hawker Siddeley Harrier Ground-to-air communications DU.8-Series transmitters DU.8 transmitters are crystal-controlled amplitudemodulated single-frequency VHF and UHF equipments primarily intended for ground-to-air Technical data DU 8-A 10W, 100-156 DU.8-B 70 W, 100-156 DU.8-D 90 W, 225-400 MHz MHz MHz communication. fully transistorised conductor-cooled output valves conductor-cooled output valves RX.25 Series receivers The RX.25 series sistorised receivers air MHz MHz Fully transistorised, transmitter {left) and RX.25-A VHF amplitude-modulated fully trandesigned primarily for ground-to- communications. Technical data RX.25-A 100-156 RX.25-B 225-400 DU.8-B VHF is wide range of ancillary units available receiver (right) Ground direction finder direction finder is a new solidUHF operation. It has been designed to give maximum suppression of site errors due to wave scattering obstacles. The SGDF.10-A ground state unit for VHF and Technical data — no moving parts Frequency coverage 100-156 MHz; 225-400 Fully transistorised MHz 1-10 operational positions 1-10 operational frequencies SGDF.10-A VHF/UHF An direction finder associate of ITT STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES LTD Radio Products Group Oakleigh Road, Telephone: 01 -368 New 1 200 Southgate, London, N11, England Telex: 261 91 2 STC 533 Section 25: Other communications and electronic equipment ileccmmunication headsets with boom-mounted microphones lightweight headsets for airborne, seagoing and ground control communications. Airlite 62: already adopted as standard equipment by over fifty major airlines and armed services, is available with a choice of carbon or moving-coil (mc) microphones, with or without the exclusive quick-attachment points for the Airmed range of oxygen masks with chain toggle harness suspension Airtite Airlite 70: available with mc differential electro-magnetic (em) pressure microphones varying impedance. or of As an alternative to the carbon microphone a miniature thin-film amplifier may be fitted for use in coniunction with mc or em microphones to provide high-quality transmission through equipment designed for carbon microphones. Airmed Ltd Edinburgh Way Harlow, Essex. England Ferrograph magnetic tape audio recording equipment Cables: Airmed Harlow Telephone: Harlow 24331 The Series Y range of professional magnetic tape recorders, specially designed for sound and instrumentation recording, are available in singleand two-channel form, both recording in the mm half-track mode on 6-35 (J-inch) tape; a fulltrack model, trie Y715H, is also available. Recording speeds of 33, 19, 9-5, 4-75 and 2 38 cm/sec (15, 7i, 3f, 1 | and ft in/sec) are available Telex: 81338 various combinations Ferrograph recorders are widely used by military and civil authorities in many parts of the world for recording voice transmissions and audio signals. The Y Series may be operated either in the horizontal or vertical position, free-standing or mounted in standard 482 (1 9-inch) racks. The recorders are housed in robust metal cabinets in mm The Ferrograph Company Ltd The Hyde, Edgware Road, Colindale, London NW9, England Thyristor The U1 1 88/x range Telephone: 01-205 2241 of thyristors is designed for Cables: Britferro London use radar pulse modulators and similar applications where high-current amplitude, short-duration pulses are required or where there is a large ratio of peakin for pulse modulator and similar applications to-mean current. The high peak-to-mean current 534 Telephone: 01-837 6432 A respectively. which may Maximum repetitive 1200A/ns. Typical current from 400 V into 300 A is 300 ns, with G capability is l 0-1 u-S rise di/dt rise time = A 4 at time. Voltage-blocking ratio be catered for is shown by the maximum repetitive peak current and mean ratings which are 1000 A Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co Ltd 82 York Way, King's Cross London N1 England and 30 NW9 capability in both directions and the forward breakover voltage ratings and the transient reverse voltage rating have the same value. Voltage classifications are available up to 600 V. Cables: Westinghouse London N1 Telex: 261629 Section 26 Training equipment 535 e eet!on 56: Training equipment Receiving installation RMDI indicator ^MMR , (i 1 and 2 (all types) AMDI ll • • $" " IMO*C.V_>i UNIT TYTC KttM. WKCC Telemetry receiver, data processors IH li HI v M ^5P^ °" indicator Target installation (RMDI) E245 Detector/Electronics 265 536 installation in nose unit, tip of Stiletto target telemetry aerial drone E265 Detector/Electronic units ^— Section 26: Training equipment Miss-distance systems guided weapons and projectiles for The Ekco MDI (miss-distance indication) systems were developed to measure and indicate the miss-distance of guided missiles and projectiles fired against all types of practice targets. There are two basic Ekco MDI systems: High-accuracy radioactive system E245 (RMDI) for missiles The advantages of the Ekco RMDI system are: This system measures, at the target, the electromagnetic Specialist interpretation of photographs is not power from a small radioactive source fitted to the and gives missile The RMDI system has a standard range of 0-1 5 (0-50 ft), but equipment with a range of 0-30 (0-1 00 ft) can be supplied to special order. The E265 with fitting in a is very a required, radar and as with kine-theodolite systems. Results are available immediately, giving lower training cost and more confidence to operators. a distance readout. modular version of the RMDI compact detector/electronics m m The equipment mobile All units are simple to maintain. The Ekco system is far less competitive systems. system unit for supersonic targets. is expensive than Acoustic system E246 (AMDI) for shells ADMI Ekco MDI systems were developed in association with the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, England, and after extensive flight trials are now specified for service with the British armed services. Ekco Avionics is responsible for marketing these in systems which have been developed by Ekco Instru- This system measures amplitude of the shock wave generated by the shell and counts the number of shots passing through defined zones around the target. The system is fully proven in operational conditions. system has an overall range of 0-30 m three zones of 0-7-5 m, 7 5-1 5 m and 15-30m (0-25 ft, 25-50 ft and 50-1 00 ft). Both systems are available for towed, drone and The (0-1 00 ft) missile targets. System principles: RMDI ments Ltd. Other Ekco and Pye products are described elsewhere in this Catalogue. with towed target EKCO AVIONICS A Division of Pye Telecommunications Ltd Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6PW, England Telephone: Southend-on-Sea 49491 Cables: Ekco Southend Telex: 99167 537 Section 26: Training equipment Fighter controllers, radar simulation, synthetic, clutter, E/W, intercept raw, profiles Missile controllers, radar simulation, raw, synthetic, clutter. E/W Anti-submarine helicopters, mental simulation, sonar environ- raw, noise, synthetic plot Tactical trainers, all-purpose cubicles command training, tactical sensor ranges, probability, plot display background synthetics Submarine trainers, environmental sim- ulation, attack periscope, optical/electronic sonar simulation Weapon mediate displays 538 control, torpedo control, impost-firing analysis on tabular Section 26: Training equipment Trainers and simulators based on microminiature Why digital computers trainers? Real exercises cannot be staged very frequently. They are expensive and require a massive effort in planning and organisation. It is sometimes impossible to provide air, surface and subsurface forces of the required type or number, and the presence of unwelcome observers at every big exercise precludes realistic training in aspects such as electronic warfare. For these and other reasons there is a requirement for shore trainers which enable exercises and tactical investigations to be carried out, particularly in those areas which present special difficulties in real exercises. Finally, trainers can provide facilities for immediate post exercise analysis, so that lessons can be appreciated while the experience is still fresh. Why digital? each of these types of trainer the system must be based on a versatile, and often powerful, computing system. the past analogue machines have been used, but systems based on analogue computing power require a unique channel for each track and in a practical system this can vary from 1 5 to 150 channels. Analogue systems are therefore expensive and, since each channel requires extensive re-adjustment in changing from exercise to exercise, they are time-consuming to set up. They also present a formidable maintenance load. Ferranti trainers are therefore based on advanced microminiature digital computers and associated equipment taken from the standard Ferranti range. In In Action speed tactical trainers Action speed tactical trainers are used for the teaching of tactics at command team level. typically comprises a number of students rooms or cubicles which can from excercise to exercise represent any kind of seaborne, airborne or subsurface vehicle, and a monitor room from which the exercise is and development An ASTT controlled. The students' and monitors' rooms are displays normally giving simplified equipped with CRT plan and tabular information, and with communications facilities. Students' rooms also have standard control facilities by which the movement, sensors and weapons of the vehicle represented are controlled. Monitors are equipped with special controls by which the performance of vehicles represented by cubicles can be altered, for example to simulate the result of damage assigned after a simulated engagement, and by which other parameters relevant to the conduct of the exercise can be varied. Post-exercise analysis facilities are also provided. Helicopter anti-submarine trainers These are used for the training of helicopter sonar operators and observers. They involve the realistic environmental simulation of the appropriate helicopter compartments, fitted with sonar, radar and navigation equipments, and the generation of realistic information as presented by these equipments. Multi-helicopter trainers, enabling joint exercises to be carried out, are available. Missile controller trainers The purpose of missile controller trainers is to provide missile controllers with a simulated environment representative of the normal method of presentation of information and of the usual communications and conSuch simulators can involve the generation of 'raw radar' displays and the realistic simulation of electronic warfare effects. trol facilities. Fighter controller trainers Fighter controller and air provided. These trainers traffic controller trainers are demand the realistic simula- background air situations including the generaraw radar echoes for typically 10 to 80 aircraft, together with clutter and other effects, and the provision of displays and controls representative of those used in tion of tion of real control rooms. Exercises are controlled by a number of monitors who are responsible for the pilot responses for aircraft under control. Submarine crew trainers Multiple submarine trainers are available which provide facilities for individual crew training in sonar and/or torpedo fire control operations and have facilities for tactical training in which the crews may partake in joint exercises. These trainers involve the realistic simulation of surface vessels as seen through each submarine periscope. This is achieved by advanced computer-controlled television techniques. ASW command ASW command and operator trainers and operator trainers are used for the training in anti-submarine warfare of sonar operators and command teams of one ship, or of more ships in co-ordinated exercises. Such trainers involve the realistic simulation of facilities in sonar control rooms and operations rooms, and the provision of instructor/ monitor facilities. FERRANTI LIMITED Government Contracts Department Hollinwood, Lancashire, England Telephone: 061-681 2000 Telex: 66342 FERRANTI 539 r„-+; r»?5; Training equipment FR Rushton/Hayes target and winch pack fitted to RAF Canberra TT 18 FR Rushton automatic long-tow winch with twin high-speed sleeve target dispenser and exchanger unit enables Canberra TT18 to provide a target for small arms firing practice Three types of target on servicing trolley. Sectioned unit shows miss distance indicator, flares and parachute canister FR Rushton/Hayt; on to launcher of FR Four infra-red flares 540 being recovered .shton winch ..^t fired FR Rushton/Hayes target in salvo from Section 26: Training equipment Target systems for Flight gunnery and missile training Refuelling Ltd is a leader in the design and manufacture of complete target systems. FR was selected by the British Government to develop the U1 5, U1 6 and U21 Meteor Drone pilotless aircraft to meet the firing practice Fifteen years ago, FR Rushton and Hayes targets 1963, FR acquired the right to manufacture under Hayes TA7, which continues to be the standard towed target of the US Navy, US Air Force and US Marines. From it, FR developed the FR Rushton target system re-engineered to the requirements of the British Services and to incorporate fully automatic tow reels with tow lengths of up to 1 8 200m (60 000ft). The standard system consists of winch, launcher, In most wire, radio versatile, command ranging in link and the of the Britsih armed forces for air-to-air and ground-to-air missile and gunnery training. Since then 240 of these aircraft have been delivered and they are still in production. without alteration, it can also accommodate a pack containing two standard sleeve targets. The entire range of target practice requirements can accordingly be met. that, licence the tow demands targets. character from a It is simple practice towed target to a sophisticated weapons testing unit, complete with flare firing, command radio circuit, braking parachute and Luneberg lenses to provide maximum radar reflectivity. The miss distance indicator (acoustic or scintillating) gives immediate read-out either in the towing aircraft or on the ground. Different types of flare provide the source for infra-red and light or smoke for visual tracking. Up to eight flares can be mounted for selective firing in singles, multiples or salvo, to gain maximum firing practice time per sortie. Applications The standard FR Rushton target system, including winch and targets, has been specifically developed for firing on by the following weapons: Air-to-air guided weapons: Firestreak Red Top Sidewinder 1A and IC Sparrow AIM 7 E Surface-to-air guided weapons: Rapier Seacat Sea Dart Seaslug Tigercat Air-to-air unguided rockets: small calibre Anti-aircraft gunnery systems: all calibres from 20mm FR Rushton winches Versatility The winch is powered by a three-bladed ram-air turbine. The winch pack can be supplied with its own The FR Rushton and Hayes retractable launcher or with a fairlead used in conjunction with a separate pylon launcher. A single switch controls the whole operation from the time the target is deployed until it is retracted into the launcher. Pay-out and wind-in speeds of up to 1 050m (3500ft) per minute are achieved. The standard winch drum can hold enough cable for towing the target at distances of up to 18 200m (60 000ft) or about 1 8km (11 \ miles) behind the towing aircraft. For tow lengths of over 6000m (20 000ft), stepped cables are used. The capstan design enables maximum cable tension on the drum to be limited to 35kg (77lb), so that risk of cable damage due to untidy layering is avoided. Service life of tow lines is thus greatly enhanced. The winch can deploy the Rushton target between sea level and 15 000m (50 000ft) at speeds ranging from 1 80 knots to Mach 1 -7, dependent on altitude and length of tow. Another important feature of the Rushton winch is upwards targets are currently service with the following aircraft: in Canberra TT 18 F4 Phantom F8U Crusader F1 00 Super Sabre F101 Voodoo Design studies have been completed for the system to be attached to the following aircraft types: Buccaneer N. American Bronco OV 1 Meteor TT 20 BQM34 Ryan/Firebee SAAB 105 XT Gannet Lightning Macchi Mirage MB III 326 Sabre F 86 Sea Hawk Starfighter F 1 04 Venom Flight Refuelling target systems, as well as other FR products, have been evaluated, tested and selected use by the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, the Navy, the US Air Force, the US Marines and Aeronavale Francaise. Full technical and operational details of target systems and components are available. for US FLIGHT REFUELLING LIMITED Wimborne, Dorset. BH21 2BJ, England Telephone: Wimborne 2121 Cables: Refuelling Wimborne Telex: 41247 541 I 26: Training equipment The CTTE can be installed in a standard indoor range provided that certain modifications are followed in accordance with safety requirements. In many cases, indoor ranges may already in- corporate side and roof baffles to prevent ricochet, but additional features are necessary to present the equipment in the most advantageous form. The range should be a minimum of 6m wide by 15m (50ft) long. In those indoor ranges where such that a bullet absorber is not already incorporated, it is necessary to install such an arrangement at the end of the range. Around the perimeter of the screen is attached fabric masking which is designed to prevent any scattered light from the flood lamps of the screen unit from being deflected towards the firing point, and thus reducing the intensity of the picture projected. The firing point for small arms weapons is usually 10m (33ft) (20ft) firing exercises are Screen front view (left) and rear view lights, paper and drive (right) showing flood- FILM GUIDE ROLLER unit. Anti-tank weapons can be fired from this mounted on wheels, alongside the platform. Wall from the screen point or, baffling is if required to catch stray bullets outside the target area of the screen. PROJECTOR FILM LOOP MAGAZINE CONSOLES. MIRROR ASSEMBLY ASSESSMENT HOLD I 542 LEVELLING F^ET OQJECTOR VOLTAGE CONTROL Section 26: Training equipment Cine target range for infantry training RFD Cine Target Training Equipment a considerable saving in costs (b) With the ever-present demand in a for the training of troops to maintain a condition of preparedtimes, the question of costs and battle modern army ness at all training areas becomes a continual problem. A substitute for field exercises is therefore necessary to enable troops in training to ditions of Such combat should aim at providing realistic of this system of training are: (a) manpower and conditions or the availability of equipment, combat techniques over a wide field of defensive and offensive roles. The latest development in weapon training equipment produced by RFDGQ is the Cine Target Training Equipment (CTTE) which has been designed to provide indoor range training for small arms and anti-tank weapons. Developed in conjunction with the Small Arms Wing of the School of Infantry, the equipment provides a means of presenting moving targets in field conditions. This is achieved by a programme of films starting with basic techniques and ending with advanced marks- Some advantages required, through a 24-hour period, irrespective of weather situations. in manship. if mm high-velocity ammunition up to 9 calibre can be used, (d) the equipment allows training to be carried out (c) experience the environmental con- a substitute training can be achieved by ammunition the use of sub-calibre the ability to train personnel in firing at a moving training programme has been filmed, it available indefinitely either in a continuous loop or spool form. With the CTTE, filmed sequences of actual battle conditions likely to be experienced are exhibited to the personnel under training and the targets displayed, infantry and/or armoured vehicles, are presented in the correct tactical form and size for the given range. Defensive or offensive exercises can therefore be depicted on film under a variety of territorial conditions. When the CTTE is used for training with anti-tank weapons, sub-calibre devices can be fired instead of full calibre practice rounds. By this means, gun crews are also able to carry out normal field manning and maintain the 'feel' of the weapon. once the (e) is target, BULLET PROOF BARRIER X3CCQ. O 6m "REFLECTIVE SURFACE i4lOii<) ( XDO Screen unit i$S ::::;;; i;::;;:;^::;:;;;:;;;:::;:;:;;;;;;;:;::^ jjiiniiii, jjiiHS Specification ni Tin 65m x 2-26m (18ft 6in x 7ft 2in) and provides a 27m x 1-52m (14ft x 5ft). Bullet-proof protection consists Measures 5 4 ply PAPER SCREEN (FRONT) and 3mm (Jin) mild steel plate. Eight castors, screen area of of 25mm (1 in) mounted under the end units, give mobility SCREEN MASKING (BOTH SIDES) Paper screen lateral movement: 2 rolls special Duplex fine-grain papers, white blue. 45m (50yd) rolls, 1 -8m (6ft) wide Vertical movement: 3 rolls black paper comprising on 0-9m two 1 -8m (6ft) and one 45m (50yd) rolls. Paper drives: fractional hp motors and dc electro-mechanical clutch systems Paper travel recording: electro-mechanical with calibration chart for lateral (3ft), all movement of paper, Shot hole illumination: Power supply showing reserve six floodlamps, for screen: single-phase, 1 50W each, at rear of screen 240V, 50Hz, 15A Projector 16mm portable projector with automatic quick-stop for holding single frames. Lens, standard 50mm (2in) with anamorphic lens attachment. Lamp, 115V, 1200W output. Operational hour meter recorder Console An electronic unit which carries mirror attachment, solenoid-operated, with control for simulating trajectory angle up to 4 deg 42min; flight time delay system of 0-3-99sec in steps of 001 sec. Automatic stop control for projector. Microphone (acoustic detector) to activate stop mechanism sequence. Plugs, sockets, etc. for electrics are on rear panel. Separate power supply required, single-phase, 240V, 50Hz, 1 5A INSTRUCTORS CONTROL Assessment time control Automatic at 4sec with re-start and overriding manual hold switch Pedestal unit A PROJECTOR I PEDEST". metal-framed cabinet to carry console and projector. Levelling feet give correct alignment of picture on screen. Also fitted with mounting brackets to hold the film loop magazine MAINS RFD-GQ LIMITED Godalming, Surrey, England Telephone: Godalming 4122 Cables: Airships Godalming Telex: 85233 543 Section ?(?: Training equipment edo exercise head 3sing of the torpedo exercise head UK Mk 1 for lightweight torpedoes houses an electronics chassis mounting various transducers and electronic equipment, together with an RDL Series 600 magnetic tape system and battery power supply. Nineteen channels of data in both FM and digital form are recorded. A pressure manifold is attached to the casing and mounts three pressure switches and a depth-sensing, pressure-actuated potentiometer. A squib-released, spring-ejected lead dump is housed within the casing. On release of the lead dump, positive buoyancy returns the torpedo to the surface. Once surfaced, a beeper unit generates signals which aid in locating the torpedo. Programmed relay logic initiates action which ensures recovery in the event of critical malfunctioning, as well as after a satisfactory run. A comprehensive calibration/replay system provides all power supplies required by the torpedo head, together with signal sources simulating parameters prevailing in the torpedo afterbody under operational conditions. Lish Above: Electronics chassis of torpedo exercise head UK It is self-contained and connected by means of unitors Mk Below: Head casing of torpedo head with electronics chassis ready for mounting situ, Top: Tape cassette (greatly enlarged) for use in RDL Series 600 recording system. The cassette can be inserted and removed through the beeper aperture in the head casing Below: Calibration replay analysis equipment 1. in Section 26: Training equipment Deep mobile target Underwater free-running vehicle The Deep Mobile Target (DMT) is being developed by Recording Designs Limited for the British Ministry of Defence in collaboration with the Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment at Portland, Dorset, England. It may be used for the evaluation of torpedoes in both active and passive modes, and for the vital task of aiding the sonar training of personnel and the evaluation of sonar equipment. The target is fully instrumented and entirely selfcontained with the capability of simulating the dynamic and acoustic characteristics of current submarines. The main purpose of the mobile target, therefore, is to play the role of a target submarine without the cost and hazards involved in using a submarine for this service. Consideration was given during the development of the to meet the future requirement of a fleet DMT target and in consequence it SAT transducers 1 2 Flux gates 3 Echo repeat transducers 4 Magnetic tape recorder 5 Echo repeat 6 Synchronised acoustic transmitter (SAT) 7 Battery (silver zinc 4 30 V) is being designed and engineered to full inter-service standards. Reliability and maintainability have been factors of prime importance in its development and its flexibility has been greatly enhanced by the facilities which are being built into the mobile target, such as the future needs of new torpedo homing frequencies or different sonarfrequency outputs. One of the most important facilities in the DMT is the miss distance indicator system which enables the final weapon attack phase of approximately 106 m (350 ft) to be computed and recorded within the vehicle itself, thus aiding torpedo proofing and evaluation trials. A system, called the torpedo information processor, has been developed by Recording Designs Limited for reducing/computing and displaying visually all the information recorded on ths magnetic tape recorder within the deep mobile target. 8 Sonar transducers 9 Pressure switches 10 Speed-change switch 11 Steering electronics (power stages) 1 2 Steering controls 16 17 18 19 20 13 Propellers 14 Rudder 15 Concentric propeller shafts Programmer 22 MDI transducers 23 Lead dump Contra-rotating motor Beeper Pendulum unit and accelerometer Control system electronics Miss-distance indicator (MDI) 21 RECORDING DESIGNS LIMITED Blackwater Station Estate, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey, England Telephone: Camberley 24622 Telex: 85272 545 t\nn •'K- Trnining equipment This Phantom flight simulator is one of the most sophisticated military flight simulators in the world. One has been ordered by the Royal Navy, four by the Royal Air Force. It is mounted on a three-axis motion system. The visual system includes a model of an airfield area, another of a weapon training area, and a third of an area for navigation exercises. This simulator also has a radar landmass attachment which permits realistic simulation of the mapping radar presentation in the navigator's cockpit /l- fc-i&i'V *> k Will .s> This simulator of a County Class destroyer main control room console has been used for training students on flashing up routines and general engine room management. Simulation covers fuel management, boiler control, steam raising and steam turbine Rigid terrain Model visual flight system, showing and camera gantry and starboard sections. Ancillaries such as bearing temperatures, and engine telegraphs are also simulated control, both for port electrical supplies Above: Redifon 101 instrument flight trainer Lockheed C-130E flight simulator is a fully digital mounted on a three-axis motion system and is Left: this flight simulator RAAF base in NSW, Australia. It is used for training normal and emergency procedures. A novel feature is the simulation of an electrical fault whereby the flight deck is completely filled with smoke. The equipment was flown in two RAAF C-1 30 aircraft to Australia and was fully operational within eight weeks of shipment from the factory in England installed at a flight crews in all Section 26: Training equipment Flight simulators and trainers of types all The economic and practical operational pressures resulting from the use of large subsonic and supersonic aircraft has transformed the flight simulator into a primary rather than a secondary training aid. The need to regard the flight simulator as an essential part of flying training instead of a useful adjunct has necessitated a considerable extension to the scope of simulation, its accuracy and realism. The introduction of digital techniques, high-performance multi-axis motion systems, the Redifon visual flight Military simulators — United Kingdom half are for military aircraft. Quantity 1 Transaal C160 2 2 8 CHSS-2 helicopter 3 Comet 4 Argosy Meteor Hunter Aermacchi 1 Lightning 1 4 Javelin 6 3 2 Gnat Gannet Scimitar 1 1 2 1 1 1 Northrop F5 1 2 are listed — Overseas Aircraft type 1 Phantom Some examples below: 3 5 1 4 Buccaneer Wessex flight simulation, has supplied some 200 simulators throughout the world, of which nearly visual Buccaneer Agusta Bell 204B helicopter Lockheed C130 Canadair CC106 VC-10 HS Nimrod Mk Mk Mk of flight Military simulators Quantity Aircraft type Lightning Lightning Lightning Comet 2 system has permitted the flight simulator to meet a constant growth of diverse requirements. Redifon, the largest manufacturer of flight simulators in Europe and second in the world, as well as being the established leader in the rapidly expanding field 5 6 MB326 3 Sabre Canberra Hunter 101 instrument 15 1 3 flight trainer 8 2 helicopter 1 Valiant 3 Vulcan 4 Victor 2 101 instrument flight trainer 1 The Redifon 2000 cessing in digital many Redifon computer which handles the data prosimulators and trainers Other simulators manufactures Redifon digital and analogue flight kinds, including type trainers and procedure trainers, as well as closed-circuit colour television visual systems, marine radar simulators, action speed tactical teachers and weapons trainers, ship's control room and submarine simulators, anti- simulators of all submarine tactical simulators, vehicle-driving and other simulators for specialised purposes. trainers, Computers As an essential part of its simulators and trainers, Redifon also designs and manufactures its own digital and analogue computers and interface equipment, and computer-based data preparation systems. The Redifon 2000 general-purpose digital computer, as incorporated in both military and civil flight simulators, is a fast, high-performance machine designed for and real-time applications. The computer features a one-microsecond memory cycle, uses integrated circuits extensively and all semiconductors are silicon for reliability. It has a very powerful instruction repertoire including indexing and indirect addressing, hardware multiply and divide, flexible single-bit and half-length word operation. A software package is provided complete with assembler, diagnostics and utility programmes. Peripherals include an IBM Selectric typewriter, 300 characters per second paper-tape reader and a 110 characters per second paper-tape punch as standard equipment. scientific REDIFON LIMITED Flight Simulation Mzrketing Unit Broomhill Road, London Telephone: 01 -874 7281 SW Telex: 18, England 264029 REDIFON 1966 1970 547 Section 26: Training equipment An instructor and a group of students at A student from controller, on the PAR. A the Women's Royal Air Diagrammatic representation of an the Royal Air Force Central Air Traffic Control School, working together Solartron basic trainer simulating precision approach radar on (PAR) (WRAF) Force simulator a for training elementary and advanced communications, radar and acting as final approach a Solartron air traffic control simulator, adjusting the elevation servo for simulated aircraft is shown at air electronics trainer (a flight electronics officers), suitable for air instruction Student the in electrical ECM air in systems, MH one of the life-like cubicles of electronics trainer about four miles from touchdown ma Above left: tion video SY2046 Solartron map at RAF high-resolu- station Benson, with optical system withdrawn to show twin optical channels allowing choice between two map plates at each display position Above RAF setting Left: right: approach control room at The display range station Benson. is 30nm. video map at displayed range of 75nm Right: centre of range of 548 7inm same map at displayed Section 26: Training equipment Simulators and video for air traffic control Solartron air traffic maps and defence control simulators the field of ground-to-air simulation equipment, Solartron has paid particular attention to the needs of air traffic control training, in both the military and civil spheres. The latest comprehensive range of equipments cover both radar and non-radar aspects. Although Solartron simulators comprise a wide variety of types for diverse applications, they are designed mainly to provide, on radar or other display equipment, a synthetic version of the appropriate data. These may include, for example, radar echoes from fully controllable aircraft or other targets, permanent echoes from geographical features, weather effects and operational and control data. Operationally, the purpose of these equipments is to provide a synthetic but essentially realistic means of training and evaluation for radar operators, operational teams, controllers and other key personnel. The pictures opposite show some of the 1 3 Solartron simulators in use at the RAF Central Air Traffic Control School, Shawbury. Each of the advanced trainers at the school is designed to simulate fully the approach In control environment with both surveillance radar and precision approach radar (PAR). Commutated aerial direction finding (CADF) and secondary surveillance radar (SSR) simulators are also included. Solartron special flight trainers the air electronics trainer (a flight simulator for electronics officers) ten students, each seated in a separate cubicle representing the air electronics cabin in an aircraft, receive elementary and advanced training in the operation of electrical systems, communications, radar and electronic counter measures equipment. An exercise would cover aircraft preparation procedures, engine starting, pre-flight checks, and takeoff. During the following airborne phase a realistic radar picture of the area below, ECM, communications and electrical systems simulation are provided, with a In air programme of pre-computed equipment failures. instructors guide the students through exercise and act as pilots when required. Four the Solartron ground control interception simulators Radar simulators in the defence field cover the full range of operation from early warning to fighter recovery. Student controllers and trackers work with radar displays similar to those used operationally, backed by marking and handover facilities. Simulation of stacked-beam and height-finder radars can be provided together with the effects of electronic countermeasures (ECM) and electronic counter-counter measures (ECCM). Solartron high-resolution video maps A video map is a means of displaying topographical and other static information in relation to a radar picture. Its operational usefulness depends on the extent to which detail can be displayed (resolution) and the ability to maintain a precise relationship between radar and video map pictures (accuracy). The Solartron high-resolution video map achieves a standard of resolution and accuracy which permits an entirely new approach to the operational use of video maps. The two reproductions of a plan position indicator (PPI) display at the bottom of the opposite page show clearly the amount of information which can be included on the video map plate without taxing the resolution of the equipment. Both show the same plate, but the one at the right shows a central portion only at a magnification of 10. Typical accuracy in relation to an extended runway centre-line at six miles from touchdown is better than 50m (1 50ft) left or right. These high-resolution video maps have been responsible for a quiet revolution in the techniques of radar control in which range and bearing data have been largely superseded by positional references. In systems using digital techniques it is possible to provide considerable numbers of preprogrammed targets and to preserve a precise record of each exercise. In the smaller digital simulators video tape recording is used both to supplement the threat and to record results. The same video mapping, permanent echo and weather generation facilities are available for GCI simulators as for ATC equipments. In larger air traffic control they contribute to air safety by significantly reducing the risks of accidental penetration of controlled airspace. All Royal Air Force stations included in the current ATC radar equipment programme have Solartron highresolution video maps. Single and dual-optic video map equipments are A available in double or single-bay configurations. smaller, more compact version, designed to permit transportation and operation from a road trailer, is also available. Video maps are now available in a transportable designed for trailer-mounting as part of a mobile radar installation. They can operate without change of plate in an area having a radius equal to half the operational range of the radar. version Solartron radar video tape recorders Video tape recorders are supplied as separate items as well as forming part of simulator equipment. Using tape decks designed to TV Raster standards, they can record the video from a radar or a simulator together with a related audio channel. THE SOLARTRON ELECTRONIC GROUP LIMITED Farnborough, Hampshire, England Telephone: Farnborough 44433 Cables: Solartron Farnborough Telex: 85245 549 Section 26: Training equipment Top: view of the control console of the Solartron sonar trainer supplied to the Royal Norwegian Navy (photo by courtesy of the editor of 'Vi Menn') Above: interior of the mobi'a Solartron marine radar simulator, which is housed in the trailers shown in the inset (right) 550 Section 26: Training equipment Simulators and trainers for naval and marine use The Solartron Electronic Group manufacture a complete range of simulators and trainers for naval and marine These fall naturally into the following different use. types. Operations trainer This system uses digital computation and provides a number of radar-carrying ships, targets and a realistic coastline to those under training. Its main purpose is to train operators and plotters in their basic skills and to weld them into a complete operations room team. If there are sufficient radar-carrying ships and targets in this type of trainer, all can also be used for tactical training of the Command. Examples are the Redpole trainer shown here, with six radar-carrying shipsand 30 targets, Dryad, and the £2m combined action installed at information and tactical trainer ordered for the Royal Australian Navy. HMS Action speed tactical trainer In its purest form the action speed tactical trainer is designed exclusively for training the Command in tactics. The designs are nowadays based entirely on digital techniques (although Solartron have installed advanced analogue systems). Two simulators of this type have been installed recently, one of them for the Turkish Navy. Sonar and gunnery system trainers At present it is still less expensive to use analogue computing methods for these types of trainer and, to obtain the accuracy required when there is a wide range ratio from many thousands down to a few hundred yards, servo-resolver techniques are employed. Solartron has supplied an advanced sonar system trainer to the Royal Norwegian Navy and gunnery system trainers to the Royal Swedish Navy. Of the latter, several are transportable so that they can be carried from ship to ship and connected to the ship's gunnery system for training in the operators' ship. Marine radar simulator standard digital equipment to meet the British Ministry of Transport Specification for use in civilian navigation schools and is available in standard form with one, two or three radar-carrying ships, a number of targets and realistic coastline. It can be readily adapted for naval use by the inclusion of target speeds to coverthedifferent ranges required byships. helicopters and aircraft. A simulator of this type has been installed This is General view of 'Redpole'action speed tactical trainer installation, with provision for six radar-carrying ships and 30 targets a the Royal Australian Navy and two have been supplied to the Royal Navy, each with one own ship and for These eight targets for helicopter direction training. simulators have been built in trailers as shown opposite and can be easily moved to wherever the training is required, such as to a jetty alongside a ship. THE SOLARTRON ELECTRONIC GROUP LIMITED Farnborough, Hampshire, England Telephone: Farnborough 44433 Cables: Solartron Farnborough Telex: 85245 551 v ion 26 Training equipment |pinnnn!i®| -< .•••0 9 % The • instructor's remote control unit (above) be located outside the operations room is compact and can The helicopter pilot's control panel (below) can also be remotely mounted, with the pilot receiving instructions from the operations room The main electronics cabinet of the Thorn Bendix shipborne Housed in a anti-submarine simulator and command trainer. standard waterproof rack, the cabinet can be located in any convenient position, depending on ship's layout 552 Section 26: Training equipment Anti-submarine trainer Shipborne simulator for command The purpose of the trainer is to provide exercises in anti-submarine warfare action for the whole command team of a ship at sea without a real target submarine being present and without actual launching of weapons. The training covers the sonar attacks at long and short range and provides an automatic analysis of the results of such attacks. The trainer consists of an analogue computer which simulates the movement of a submarine, a torpedo fired from the submarine and a helicopter. All ranges and bearings are relative to the surface ship which carries the trainer; inputs are also fed into the computer relating to its own speed and course. The movements of the submarine, helicopter and torpedo are under the control of appropriate instructors and can be driven along required courses only in a realistic manner at pre-determined maximum speeds, turning and dive rates. The computer generates the appropriate sonar echoes and hydrophone effect from the simulated submarine and torpedo in accordance with range, Instructor's remote control unit At the start of an exercise the instructor sets up the initial conditions, range, bearing and depth of the submarine at a predetermined range and bearing from the ship. This is normally effected from the main computer cabinet sited in the sonar control room. Helicopter simulator The helicopter director officer is provided with a marker on his radar display which represents the helicopter and he can carry out an attack and drop a weapon on the target by means of his control unit. training bearing, aspect and depth. Additional variable parameters such as sea state and layer depth can be selected directly by the instructor. The sonar echoes and hydrophone effect are fed into the existing sonar sets on board the surface ship which are operating normally and in consequence are providing authentic background signals. Separate control units are provided for the instructor These control units may be and helicopter pilot. positioned in the operations room away from the computer. The instructor may also fire a torpedo at a selected speed, on a free or guided course at the ship. The helicopter pilot may attack the submarine and drop a weapon on it. At the end of an exercise the computer can be frozen and a full analysis is available of the result. A co-ordinate plotter is also provided which gives an overall record of the courses of the submarine, torpedo and helicopter throughout the exercise. Thereafter the instructor controls the exercise from a remote position in the operations room. When control is gained by the sonar operators, the command team is brought into the exercise and normal operations room procedures are carried out computer. The data can be frozen at explosion time and are presented to the instructor in terms of error relative to the range has reduced sufficiently the surface ship can also carry out a mortar attack and feed explosion data in the weapon analyser in the main target position. The instructor may also fire a torpedo on a free flight or guided course. Analysis of the result of the attack is available on the XY plotter. Main features of the trainer Provides maximum realism and genuine. When 1 ) training at the minimum the most effective cost. Provides training for the whole command team of a ship at sea. 3) A complete exercise can be carried out without the need for live submarines, torpedoes or a helicopter. 4) The trainer is completely flexible and can be adapted to work with any sonar set. 5) Complete realism is achieved since the trainer is located on board ship and all background effects are 2) 6) The trainer can simulate the most advanced submarine manoeuvres including high speeds and deep dives which are often difficult to organise with a live target. 7) Full analysis is available from the trainer on the results of an exercise. 8) Manufacture of the equipment is to the highest standards and integrated circuit techniques are used for maximum reliability. THORN BENDIX LIMITED Industrial Electronics Division Beech Avenue, New Basford, Nottingham, Telephone: Nottingham 76123 Telex: 37142 NG7 Bendfx 7JJ, England THORN 553 Section 26: Training equipment -ke*' simulators ival for action and engine room training Action information trainer This action information simulation system enables two frigate destroyer command teams to be trained simultaneously but independently. The total exercise area 1850 km) and is 1000 nautical miles square (1850 environmental conditions such as wind and tide apply Naval manoeuvring room training simulator This system provides for complete simulation of the engine room and propulsion system operation of a submarine. All instrumentation is faithfully reproduced A GEC-Marconi Electronics over the complete playing area. The trainer comprises the necessary equipment to simulate two 'own ship' models, together with independently controlled surface, aircraft, helicopter and sonar targets. A convoy configuration is also available. and the arrangement of consoles provides a realistic impression, complete with shipborne noises, of a manoeuvring room with the hull skin removed. The controller's view of the equipment is shown below. Company MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD Trainer and Simulator Division Chobham Road, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey, England Telephone: Camberley 6331 554 1 Cables: Elliotauto'Camberley Telex: 85289 Section 26: Training equipment Flight simulators for crew and technical support Maritime aircrew trainer At the present time the company producing is a training number of maritime crew trainers for the Coastal Group of the Royal Air Force Strike Command. These trainers will provide realistic and comprehensive training facilities crews of the are able to use for Nimrod all MR Mk 1 aircraft. their operational The crew equipments, in a realistic setting, controlled by the instructors using an Full radar, sonar, Elliott 4130 computer system. electronic counter communications, measures, tactical navigation simulation is and provided. Procedural trainers Procedural techniques are an essentially practical approach to the training and exercising of operators and technicians. This is accomplished by repeating sequences of operations until the trainee reacts automatically to all circumstances that can be met in real life. Each trainer provides full-scale simulation of the control station panels and is equipped with all the controls and instruments of the systems being studied. Extensions of procedural trainers are available by the addition of visual displays. This allows the trainee to have both theoretical and practical coverage of the system. Typical configuration of a procedural trainer suitable for training aircrews and technicians Visual display trainers Visual display trainers comprise modular displays for classroom use, providing a schematic of the system under study. They are animated by various methods, including the use of multi-colour illumination. trainers illustrate the operation of the system in all The modes possible in real life. An exact replica of the system control panel being studied enables the pupil to operate the trainer as if it was the real system. The pupil's actions trigger displays representative of the reaction A GEC-Marconi Electronics of the components to the controls. Malfunctions can be fed in at any time by the instructor using fault switches. The use of these switches raises an immediate demand for diagnostic and corrective action to be taken by the pupil. A trainer of this type assists the instructor to It also provides accelerate the learning process. student exercise in handling drills and fault diagnosis. It is a suitable medium for training both operators and maintenance crews. Company MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD Trainer and Simulator Chobham Road, Division Frimley, Camberley, Surrey, England Telephone: Camberley 63311 Cables: Elliotauto Camberley Telex: 85289 555 T3 o "> TO ID JQ -a a. ID o c o ">- mm min E to a> DC ra a> a o o > rev/ ~ -~ E a c (A 3 a. Li. mm kg/cm 2 (lb/in S E -*** o If UJ ^ O O m/sec kg mm mm mm (lb) (in) (in) (in) (ft/min) a> (in) (in) 67-31 (2-65) 63-5 1005 12-7 45-36 (2-5) (143) (2500) (100) ) a c M £ E 2 *- £,« 1 o > > _ AFF Gaso. 25 6000 4 In 2 2 line i "15 > O . 470 457 584 (18-5) (18) (23) 470 457 584 (18-5) (18) (23) 635 508 609 (24-5) (20) (24) 508 609 (20) (24) 760 635 710 (30) (24-5) (28) 760 660 710 (30) (26) (28) | AFFD BFF BFFD CFF Diesel Gaso. Diesel Gaso. 12 50 27 100 6000 6000 6000 6000 4 " 4 n 4 n Vee 4 2 4 4 8 2 2 2 2 90° CFFD Diesel 54 6000 Vee 4 8 2 90° 67-31 (2-65) 63 5 5-41 12-7 45-36 (2-5) (71) (2500) (100) 67-31 (2-65) 63-5 1005 12-7 68 (2-5) (143) (2500) (150) 67-31 (2-65) 63-5 5-41 635 (71) 12 7 (2500) 68 (2-5) (150) (24-5) 67-31 (2-65) 63-5 1005 127 (2-5) (143) (2500) 67-31 635 5-41 127 (2-65) (2-5) (71) (2500) ! I 113-4 (250) 113-4 (250) : COVENTRY CLIMAX ENGINES LTD Military Sales Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: Leymotors W1 , London W1 Telex England Telex: 22498 LEVLANO 561 Section 2 Internal combustion engines H30 engine .^L^?* Maximum bhp 37-5 Speed 3000 rev/min Engine form In-line, 2 or 4-stroke 2 No 3 of cylinders mm (2-166 in) 69-85 mm (2-75 in) 55 Cylinder bore Piston stroke Full-load bmep 5-76 kg/cm 2 (82 maximum Piston speed at Engine weight opposed pistons ( without g rev/min sar) 70m/sec (1375ft/min) 226-8 kg (500 Overall length 851 Overall width 503 Overall height 819 mm mm mm lb/in-) lb) (335 in) (19-8 in) (32 25 in) FWMD engine Maximum bhp 20 Speed 5000 rev/mm Engine form In-line 2 or 4-stroke 4 No of cylinders 4 Valves per cylinder 2 Cylinder bore 64-3 Piston stroke 57-2 Full-load 562 (2-53 in) (225 in) 4-92 kg/cm- (70 bmep Piston speed at mm mm maximum rev/min lb/in-) 11-44 m/sec (2-25ft/min) Engine weight (without gear) 72-6 kg (160 Overall length 623 mm(24-5 Overall width 508 Overall height 610 mm mm (20 1b) in) in) (24in) Section 27: Internal combustion engines Small military engines and diesel multi-fuel H30 multi-fuel engine The H30 was designed by Sir W G Armstrong Whitworth & Co conjunction with Coventry Climax Engines Ltd, who have been responsible for its development and production with the British Ministry of Defence, who laid down the basic specification and multi-fuel requirements of the engine. (Engineers) Ltd, in essential losses. This, tank which Chieftain employs unit in a main power unit an auxiliary power unit for the Chieftain tank it is asked to provide 30 bhp for a limited period at a crankshaft The engine is, however, capable of speed of 2000 rev/min. satisfactory running at 3000 rev/min, giving higher outputs. powers the starter of the In its role as Construction The engine is extremely well balanced and those out-of-balance forces caused by phasing produce no serious problem even in the higher speed ranges. The inherent advantages of piston phasing enable the fuel to be burned at constant or near-constant volume for part of the cycle, thus helping the engine to accommodate the ignition delay of low-octane fuels A further inherent advantage when compared with the valve-in-head engines (where limitations are imposed by the mechanics of the valve gear) is the high rate of exhaust port opening and closing so FWMD power induced by the good combustion on light fuels. The H30 has been designed so as to reduce heat losses to a minimum. A metered supply of lubricating oil can be sprayed into the cylinder and on to the liner walls during engine cranking, thus sealing air leakage past the piston and resulting in starting at temperatures of C, within reasonable cranking time. starting at temperatures below 0C, a Start Pilot ether For primer is provided. motor for the Mk 1 A engine is of the and engages directly with the gear ring mounted Provision on the exhaust flywheel. The starter ratio is 8-2 to 1 is being made for starting the engine by directly hand-cranking the exhaust crankshaft. The hydraulic pump for powering the Leyland L60 main engine starter is driven, when required, from the exhaust crankshaft by a sleeve mechanism which couples It is controlled from the driver's the crankshaft to the pump. compartment and is locked to prevent inadvertent engagement The 24 V electric starter oil-sealed type . when the engine is running. Vehicle development suggested that the H30 engine should be lowered within the hull of the tank, and this has been accomplished by removing the underslung oil tank of the Mk 1 A and by repositioning the Roots-type blower. Greater flexibility is therefore provided in the gear-drive from the air crankshaft to the blower which runs at 1 .81 8 times crankshaft speed. high-speed diesel engine been developed from the well-known which are employed in the famous Godiva fire pumps. Automotive versions of these engines have gained outstanding prominence in motor racing. Weighing only 68-4 kg (1 58 lb) in bare form, the new 750 cm four-cylinder diesel engine has already been used to power a portable fire pump with an output of 796 litre/min at 7 kg/cm(175gal/min at 100 lb/in 2 ); having an overall weight of only 145 kg (320 lb) it is easily handled by two men. This rate of swirl Startability Leyland L60 multi-fuel engine as its main power unit. In this form the H30 drives a Rotax generator-alternator at 4000 rev mm, producing 1 kW dc and 1 5 kW ac It also drives on selection, and at the engine crankshaft speed of 2000 rev/min, an hydraulic pump which the coupled with the high tangentially directed air-ports, assists the opposed-piston engine to obtain Auxiliary set for the Chieftain tank The engine was primarily designed as the auxiliary power an efficient high-speed two-stroke cycle engine. for The combustion chamber is formed almost entirely between the two well-insulated pistons and is compact, with minimum heat unit Coventry Climax has FW series of petrol engines 1 Construction LM8 aluminium alloy is employed for the cylinder block, cylinder high rate of heat dissipation. To overcome this difficulty the unit fitted with a Start Pilot capsule, facilitating cold-weather starts. The problem of metering and injecting the extremely small quantities of fuel required by cylinders of less than 188 cm 3 capacity has been successfully overcome. The unit is equipped with a CAV DPA distributor-type pump. Nozzles of the standard pintle type are employed, although advantage could be taken of smaller nozzles if they became available. is Performance and operation achieving the unit's favourable not the light-alloy construction, but the ability to operate at high crankshaft speeds. Whereas the engine is rated to produce 20 bhp at 5000 rev/min running on gasoil, power-to-weight Commonality with petrol engine The crankcase scantlings of the petrol version on which the FWMD is based are more than adequate for the combustion head and sump in the interests of weight reduction. Although aluminium construction is entirely satisfactory with regard to crankcase rigidity it can create starting difficulties owing to the The most important it has been operated experimentally at 6000 rev/min, developing 25 bhp. The engine operates successfully both on part load throughout the speed range and on full load at around maximum rev/min. Operating on gasoil with a high sulphur content does not create cold corrosion problems because the running temperature of the oil and coolant (about 80 C) is quickly attained. factor in ratio is pressures of the diesel cycle by virtue of the petrol unit's high bmep and operating speed. Overhead camshaft for valve operation offers reliability and long life under peak load conditions, as proven by the performance of petrol-driven versions of this engine, which in automotive form have been uprated to develop 65 bhp at 8000 rev/min. A unit of this type was fitted to the Lotus that won the Index of Performance at Le Mans in 1957. Detailed features of the unit that are common with those of the petrol engine include aluminium pistons with two compression rings and one oil-control ring above the gudgeon pin (the crowns of the diesel engine pistons are cut away to accommodate valve openings) and slip-fit cast-iron liners. The three-bearing crankshaft is fully counterbalanced. The oil pump is driven by a spur gear from the front end of the crankshaft and separate tensioncontrolled chain drives are provided for the camshaft and injection pump. Big-end and main bearings are of the Glacier tinaluminium or Vandervell VP2 type and the valve inserts are of austenitic iron. COVENTRY CLIMAX ENGINES LIMITED BRITISH Military Sales Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1, England Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: Leymotors London W1 Telex Telex: 22498 LEYLAND 563 Section ->l\ Internal combustion engines Foden Type FD.6 Mk 6 marine generating 84 kW output. Dry weight is 1450 kg (3200 1b) set with ^t_ FD.6 Mk 6 propulsion engine as fitted Royal Navy 866 kg (1 91 starting gear survey lb) and boats. is fitted ) in weighs with handIt FD.6 Mk 7 radiator-cooled emergency power generating set of 120 kW capacity. Weight is 1967 kg (4340 1b) FD.12 Mk 7 propulsion engine used as cruising engine in combined diesel-andgas (CODAG) 2087 kg (4600 >64 installations. lb) Weight is Section 27: Internal combustion engines Diesel engines for marine propulsion, power and industry Foden diesel engines within the power range from 84 to 440 bhp are used throughout the world for marine propulsion, electric power generating and Crankshaft This is a nickel steel forging industrial duties. Fuel injection system engines in this range have the same bore and 1 20 mm) and major components are interstroke (92 changeable. This offers obvious advantages in spares back-up when these engines are used as defence equipment. The Mk 6 engines are mechanically blown twostroke cycle, manufactured in 4, 6 and 12-cylinder The Mk 7 engines, in 6 and 12-cylinder sizes, sizes. are exhaust turbo-charged. These engines have a service life at full power of 10 000 hours between overhauls and, due to weight saving by the use of light alloy castings and small size resulting from the two-stroke cycle of operation, their weight/bhp and size/bhp ratios are outstandingly low. These features are further advantages when used as naval defence equipment because they facilitate refitby-replacement procedures. Design features are as follows: A Crankcase An aluminium conditions. All wet alloy casting, fitted with liners. pump lift all over. with hydraulic governor and excess used, with injectors are carried fuel fuel return pumps. is Fuel the cylinder heads so that they disturbing other fittings and for fuel leaks to contaminate the in may be removed without it impossible is lubricating oil. Lubrication Fully automatic with full-flow filtration. The oil cooler situated in the fresh water cooling system, so that the water thermostats also control the lubricating oil is temperature. Cooling Marine engines are heat-exchanger cooled with a centrifugal fresh-water pump and a displacement type sea-water pump. Industrial and harbour duty engines are radiator-cooled. Both types of cooling systems are designed to conform with the most severe tropical centrifugally Starting loads are carried on steel through-bolts which form the cylinder head holdingdown bolts at the top end and the main bearing studs at the bottom end. cast unit fuel injection machined All firing All All engines are fitted with a 24 V dc starter system. engines can start at -7 C (20 F) without starting aids. Hand-starting consisting gear, equipment and cranking handle, 4 and 6-cylinder engines. Bearings Aluminium-tin shell-type main and big-end bearings. of is decompression on all available Engine ratings Cylinder heads A separate cylinder head accordance with the requirements of Standard BS649:1958. All ratings are in is used Type for each cylinder. British Marine propulsion — shaft hp Continuous 12 hour Intermittent 1800 rev/min 2000 rev/min 2000 rev/min 81 90 136 100 150 213 300 427 FD.4 Mk 6 FD.6 Mk 6 FD.6 Mk7 FD.12 Mk6 FD.12 Mk7 122 182 244 364 — 271 — Generator 1 — kW 50 Hz or dc 500 rev/min 60 Hz or dc 1800 rev/min 48 56 84 125 168 250 71 100 143 200 FODENS LIMITED Marine Department Elworth Works, Sandbach, Cheshire, England Telephone: Sandbach 3244 Cables: Fodenway Sandbach Telex: 36163 565 Section 27: Internal combustion engines The Leyland L.60 standard form multi-fuel engine The Leyland L.60 engine as a power pack use in fighting vehicles. The radiators are hinged and can be swung up to give access to the engine auxiliaries for ooc Section 27: Internal combustion engines Multi-fuel engine Leyland L.60 700 bhp Conforming to specifications laid down by the British Fighting Vehicle Research and Development Establishment, the Leyland L.60 engine is designed to run satisfactorily on a wide range of fuels and consumes a higher proportion of the hydrocarbons available in crude oil than possible with is current designs of piston engines. Even when running on lower grade petroleum fuels, the Leyland L.60 engine is comparatively quiet, starts Research and easily and has a high power output. development work on the L.60 engine was initially undertaken by Leyland Motors Ltd to produce a reliable power unit to meet the rapidly increasing demands for an engine suitable for use in various — l . It has the advantage also application, especially in those territories where, for economic or geographical reasons, it is essential to have a power unit which can be run spheres of military operation. of limited industrial on whatever fuel is in plentiful supply at any one moment. A power rating as high as 700 bhp can be achieved for certain duties. Despite the compact envelope dimensions of the sufficient drives and power take-off points have been provided to enable a range of auxiliaries to be fitted which make the unit suitable for use in varied engine, applications. The engine has been accepted powers the Chieftain vehicles and for use in military battle tank. jain (103 55 mm ) 1 — « i T _ »'Jf| ;3*n f-= co= m 2 2 -«§§»- ji _j Design details The L.60 water-cooled six-cylinder engine with wet cylinder liners in a monobloc casting combining crankcases and cylinder block. A twin crankshaft layout has been adopted using conventional connecting rods for each piston. The upper (exhaust) crankshaft is coupled to the lower by a train of gears. The starter ring and output shaft are driven from one of the intermediate gears is a vertical in this train. A Rootes-type positive-displacement triple-lobe scavenge blower is driven from an auxiliary gear train at the front on the engine which also drives the lubricating oil pumps and generator. From the blower inlet air enters a large air manifold and passes through the cylinder inlet ports which are arranged to give a pronounced swirl to the ingoing charge. The engine port timing is designed to allow the charge air to scavenge exhaust gases from the cylinders before the exhaust ports are covered by the upper pistons on their compression stroke. An in-line 1 2-element fuel injection pump and hydraulic speed governor are driven from the auxiliary gear train, feeding two injector nozzles in each cylinder. One set of nozzles provides injection in advance of main fuel injection to assist combustion propagation. The works on the dry sump principle with circulated round the engine by a gear type pump lubrication system lubricating oil and returned to a storage tank by a separate scavenge pump from the engine sump. The circuit incorporates triple cloth element filters, a centrifugal filter and a heat exchanger. Each piston is a two-piece unit comprising a high grade heatresisting steel crown spigoted to the cast iron piston body. Both crankshafts are forged from chrome-molybdenum and hardened by nitriding. The cooling system is pressurised. A heavy-duty starter motor is fitted. A wide range of optional equipment is available. are Specification No of cylinders: 6 Bore X stroke: 117-5 1 46 Cubic capacity: 1 9 litres (1 • mm (4-625 60 in 3 ) Max horsepower rating: 700 bhp Max torque (net): 218kgf m (1 580 Compression ratio: 16-75 to 1 • 5-75 in) 1 Ibf ft) at 1400rev/min Firing order: 1, 6, 2, 4, 3, 5 Rotation: counter-clockwise viewed from flywheel Crankshaft speed: 2100rev/min Output speed: 2625 rev/min Idling speed: 400 rev/min Weight (including starter and generator): 1928 kg (4250 LEYLAND MOTORS LIMITED lb) BBITISM Military Sales Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1 England Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: Leymotors London W1 Telex Telex: 22498 , LEVLANO 567 7 7: en Internal combustion engines Perkins range of industrial engines 4.99 DETAILS 1.0 4.107 4.108 3.152 D3.152 4.203 (1) (I) (1) (1) (1) (1) 4.236 4.248 4.270 6.354 T6.354 (1) (1) () (1) (1) *_ ^ j ^^^i " B^-""T j 'T? * 1200rev/min 1 500 1800 ' iBHlK^S^r* ,J i ^S^^^^KL- Continuous gross bhp at — n ^» ^^^^^^ t_^BB ^^Hkt , Mc"g n^x, _ ^| ^tW-^11 ^ 1 *wi 1 51**^ Ti ^r — -^^m ^w *. ^^^ - - < — — — 22 5 22 5 30 18 21-5 19 23 5 26 5 29 5 19 28 28-5 24 32 5 27 35 30 37 33 36 39 37 43-5 47 50 2000 2250 2400 3000 Max 24 27 29 34 38 48 56 41 59 39 46 53 61 64 69 57 — 51 65 — 54 66 77 83 90 31 31 5 36 38 39 41 43 43 47 60 78 3000 3000 2400 2500 2400 2500 82 2500 62 3000 10 1 73 150 330 109 11-1 208 80 150 330 15 5 112 15-7 79 150 330 113 204 450 150 236 520 26 7 193 265 585 28 202 265 585 26 3 190 89 105 113 117 intermittent gross bhp at rev/min Max torque kgf m Ibf ft Dry weight (bare) kg lb 204 450 2000 327 722 110 2500 135 2250 36 6 272 375 825 49 4 356 408 900 Perkins range of transport engines DETAILS k3^ "m |JB fe \^s» |v ^ Gross bhp rev/min 4.154 (V) 4.203 (V) 4.236 (V) 6.354 (V) 52 62/70 3000/ 3600 63 80 2600 2800 120 2800 gross torque V8.510 (V) 109 15 6 206 267 36 lb ft 79 at rev/min 2000 113 2000 149 1350 193 1400 260 1400 150/170 2000/ 2800 52 3 378 1600 150 330 195 430 216 477 263 580 380 836 607 1340 4000 at Max ' 4.108 (V) m kgf Dry weight, bare engine with but without starter motor flywheel and flywheel housing kg dynamo lb Perkins range of agricultural engines DETAILS D3.152 (TA) 4.107 4.154 4.248 4.270 6.354 (TA) D4.203 (TA) 4.236 (TA) (TA) (TA) (TA) (TA) 21/47 22 41 38/62 29 62 36 78 37/82 36/62 51/ 1000/ 2000 110 1000/ 2500 2250 163 200/ 2500 T6.354 V8.510 (TA) (TA) L M v \ >fe v ; * - \ \ ^83 TVf" L Hps \^ y^tj ^Pi^^ f Gross bhp at i ) / Max torque Ibf at m kgf ft rev/min Dry weight kg (bare) lb 000 2500 80/ 1500/ 1800/ 1000/ 1000/ 3000 3000 2300 2500 169 10 9 15-6 22 2 26 7 37 6 49-4 52 3 79 1900 113 161 2000 1300 193 1400 28 202 1400 263 122 1300 190 1000 272 1400 356 1600 378 1600 204 450 150 330 195 430 236 520 265 585 265 585 303 680 375 825 408 900 607 1340 1000/ 2500 rev/min 120/ 135 1800/ 1 1 1 Perkins range of marine engines DETAILS Shp at rev/min 6.354 T6.354 P3.152 4.107 4.108 4.236 H6.354 (M) (M) (M) (M) HT6.354 (M) V8.510 (M) 21/33 1200/ 2000 25 '47 2000/ 36 72 1200/ 52/115 1200/ 2800 106 145 1800/ 78/160 4000 26'49 2000' 4000 2400 2800 455 1002 224 495 229 505 452 996 580/600 1280/ 1320 659 '676 1450/ 1490 910 2000 2500 (M) 1200/ Dry weight (installed) kg lb 568 Section 27: Internal combustion engines Diesel engines multi-purpose power units Perkins Diesel Engines Limited is a worldwide leader the manufacture of high-speed diesel engines. in Production facilities operate in twelve countries, while two major plants, a modern research and development complex and international headquarters, are at Peterborough in England. The Perkins engine range covers outputs of from 18bhp to 185bhp and includes three, four, and six-cylinder in-line and eight-cylinder 'V configurations. All engines are of the four-cycle, liquid-cooled and direct-injection type, except those operating above 3000rev/min where indirect injection is used. Gasoline versions of some engines are available. Specifications can be varied to meet the special requirements of altitude or climate with provision for flameproofing (nonelectric starting), power-takeoff points and instru- mentation. PERKINS ENGINES LIMITED Peterborough, PE1 5NA, England Tel: Peterborough 67474 Cables: Perkoil Peterborough Telex Telex: 32132 569 Section 27: Internal combustion engines A Petter test rig. PJ4 45 bhp air-cooled diesel powering a hydraulic The equipment is standard test gear used by Royal Naval Air Stations Left: A Petter oil-fired heater. A Petter AB1 5 bhp air-cooled diesel engine powering an The engine can be used in sub-zero temperatures AA1 3 bhp air-cooled an induced-flow water 570 pump in diesel engine used to power service with the Royal Navy Section 27: Internal combustion engines Diesel engines for general applications of the engines can be mada available with reverse rotation and up to eight methods of starting. A world-wide network of agents with spares and service facilities is maintained by the Petter Service Division in over 1 56 countries. Spare parts for obsolete models are readily available, as are factory-trained service engineers to assist Petter agents and users wherever and water-cooled diesel engines 45 bhp at speeds from 1000 to 3600 rev/min. They are used throughout the world to power auxiliary power units, water pumps, compressors, hoists, conveyors, loaders and other 'offhighway' equipment. Their simple design and robust construction coupled The majority with their versatility of drive make them ideal power units for use by armed forces. A wide range of variants has been developed to suit specialised applications. they Petter industrial range from AM, 15 air to be. illustrations of engines below show only a small selection from the Petter range. BA1. 6-75-100 bhp AC1. 4-2-6-5 bhp AB1 2-3-50 bhp 1-5-3-5 bhp may The rf**ys BA2, 13-5-200 bhp PH1 2. 4-0-16-4 bhp PJ1/2W, 50-22 PJ1/2, 50-22-5 bhp 5 bhp PJ3/4. 150-45 bhp A Hawker PETTERS LIMITED Staines, Middlesex, England Telephone: Staines 51333 Cables: Diesel Staines Telex Telex: PAZ1, 1-5-30 bhp PH1/2W, 4-0-16-4 bhp 23871 PJ3/4W, 150-45 bhp Siddeley Company f& 571 Section 27: Internal combustion engines Top: Rolls-Royce B60 six-cylinder petrol engine Centre: Rolls-Royce B81 eight-cylinder petrol engine Bottom: Rolls-Royce K60 multi-fuel engine Rolls-Royce B-range petrol engines are four, six and eightpower requirements of between 80 and 235bhp. Production is currently concentrated on the six and eight-cylinder versions and it is a feature of the range that several major components such as pistons, connecting rods, valve gear and bearings are common to different models. B-range petrol engines were adopted as the standard power units for all the British Army's wheeled combat vehicles in 1 948. They are also in service with 27 overseas governments. The major applications are the Daimler Ferret scout car (130bhp B60), Alvis Saladin armoured car (1 60bhp B80), Alvis Saracen armoured personnel carrier (160bhp B80), Alvis Stalwart high mobility load carrier (220bhp B81 ), and the West German HS30 armoured personnel carrier (235bhp B81 ). In addition B-range engines are widely used in a number of different types of general-purpose vehicle, and emergency vehicles such as airfield crash tenders (Atkinson, Thornycroft, and Alvis Salamander) and fire appliances (Dennis, ERF) where excellent performance and reliability are cylinder jn-line units meeting essential requirements. The Rolls- Royce K60 is an advanced multi-fuel engine designed occupy no more space than the most powerful of the B-range series. As a result, it is remarkably compact and light. The K60 is a 6-57 litre six-cylinder, opposed-piston, compression-ignition unit developing powers up to 220bhp at 3750 output shaft rev/min. It is capable of operation on MT80 combat to petrol, Avtur, Avtag, or No 1 diesel fuel. Rolls-Royce produce the K60 and equipment (steering unit its associated transmission and licence-built Allison TX200 autothe British FV430 range of armoured matic transmission) for tracked vehicles. The engine also in is full production for the Swedish S tank. Turbocharged diesel versions of the K60 have been developed and several 275bhp K60T engines are in service. More than 500bhp has been obtained from turbocharged and intercooled K60TC engines under experimental conditions. This and the studies into multi-fuel and diesel versions of rotary piston engines exemplify the advanced research and development work undertaken by Rolls-Royce Number Cubic capacity Comp. cm Rolls-Royce B60 6 4260 260 6-4 130 4000 209 Rolls-Royce B61 6 4887 298 7-25 168 4000 Rolls-Royce B80 8 5670 346 6-4 160 Rolls-Royce B81 8 6522 398 6-4 Rolls-Royce B81 8 6522 398 8 6522 398 Rolls-Royce K60 6 6570 401 Rolls-Royce K60T 6 6570 401 B81SV . . the military engine Maximum Maximum power of cylinders Rolls-Royce in field. Net dry weight torque ratio 3 in 3 bhp rev/min m rev/min kg 29 2500 372 820 268 37 2250 369 815 3750 280 39 2250 454 1000 195 3750 328 45 2200 458 1010 6-5 220 4000 330 46 2750 458 1010 7-25 235 4000 358 50 2500 458 1010 220 3750' 360 50 2150- 749 1650 275 3750- 425 58 2625* 816 1800 :1 Ibf ft kgf lb eff. 158 eff. I 'Output shaft rev/min 572 15-8 Section 27: Internal combustion engines High-performance engines for military combat vehicles Rolls-Royce has been associated with military combat vehicles for more than 60 years and during that time has become a leading specialist in the design, development and manufacture of military engines. Today, the company offers a range of power units which have been specifically designed for military All have excellent power-to-weight and power-to-bulk ratios. All have the ability vehicle applications. to operate at maximum power for long periods in a wide range of climatic conditions with the minimum of All offer very high standards of reliability. All can be readily adapted to meet almost any specific attention. installational requirement. Rolls-Royce B60 25-4 r - - 37-6 In : ~ 5E ? :n :- Rolls-Royce B81 6 6 cm 47 7 Rolls-Royce K60 121 2 25.8 in cm n 65 5cm ROLLS-ROYCE LIMITED Motor Car Division Crewe, Cheshire, England Telephone: Crewe 55155 Cables: Roycru Crewe Telex: 36121 573 portion 27: internal combustion engines * Top: A Thornycroft tractor unit Rolls-Royce Centre: tank transporter powered by an eight-cylinder C range diesel engine 100-foot Libyan built by John Thornycroft & Co Ltd and powered by three Rolls-Royce 'D' range engines each customs of Arrakib, patrol a vessel I 580 bhp Bottom: Scammell wreck recovery vehicle a six-cylinder Rolls-Royce diesel engine with 574 Section 27: Internal combustion engines Diesel engines compressors, etc for vehicles, boats, generators, Rolls-Royce diesel engines operate in 115 countries throughout the world. The Oil Engine Division's products include diesel engines in various ranges producing from 100 to 750 brake horsepower, marine diesel generating sets from 70-440 kW and industrial shunting locomotives from 30-75 tons weight. Diesel engines Four ranges of diesel engines are produced by the company, the SF65C, C and Eagle ranges of 130 mm (5i in) bore and 152 mm (6 in) stroke and the D range of 168 mm (6Mn) bore and Engines can be cooled by 184 mm (7\ in) stroke. Industrial radiator or heat exchanger, normally aspirated or turbocharged and are available to suit automotive, earthmoving, industrial, marine and rail traction applications. Marine diesel generating sets Rolls-Royce engines are used in many auxiliary generating sets in service throughout the world. Their reliability has been proved many years' service. Locomotives Rolls-Royce manufactures over of locomotives, the four ranges Vanguard, Sentinel, Steelman and Yorkshire. and auto motive en gines min Width Height Weight 1514 752 (59-63) (29-62) 1101 (43-35) (2460) Model bhp SF65CN 105 1200 to to 190 2100 117 1200 to to 210 2100 143 1200 to to 253 2100 165 1200 1560 858 1295 1185 to to (61-43) (33-80) (50-97) (2613) 300 2100 219 1200 1797 836 1252 1470 to to (70-74) (33-30) (49-30) (3242) 400 2100 C6NFL SF65CT C6TFL C8TFL rev NOTE Dimensions and grammes. in Length 1449 (5707) 1511 (59-50) 740 785 1133 (29-12) (31-30) (2499) 762 (3000) weights are given Figures in 1116 in 1224 1265 (48-20) (2788) millimetres and kilo- brackets are the equivalent measurements Model DV8N DV8T DV8TCA Eagle 205 (truck ratings) Eagle 220 (truck ratings) Eagle 260 (truck ratings) inches and pounds respectively. * Includes radiator. Eagle 300 These are standard engine powers but for certain military requirements different ratings may be agreed according to (truck ratings) Length Width Height 1200 1802 3493 (70-95) 1533 (6035) 1605 to (63-20) (7700) Weight bhp rev min 296 to 470 1800 377 1200 1927 1533 1716 3565 to to (75-90) (60-35) (67-55) (7860) 582 1800 485 1200 to to 750 1800 127 1200 to to 205 2100 138 1200 1571 to to (61-85) 220 2100 167 1200 1562 778-5 1200 1162 to to (61-50) (3065) (47-25) (2562) 260 2100 189 1200 1562 778-5 1200 1162 to to (61-50) (30-65) (47-25) (2562) 300 2100 * * * 2743 (10800) * 1699 2053 4853 (66 90) (80-80) (10700) 1571 (61-85) 778-5 (30-65) 1200 (4725) 1111 (2450) 1200 1111 (2450) 778-5 (30-65) (47-25) application. Marine eng ines Width Weight Model bhp rev/min SF65CNM 104 1200 1495 930 1192 1242 to to (58-88) (36-62) (46-95) (2738) 190 2100 117 1200 1564 842 1147 1503 to to (61-58) (33-17) (45-17) (3313) 210 2100 141 1200 1723 1043 1229 1524 to to (67-80) (41-10) (48-40) (3360) 255 2100 179 1200 1564 882 1136 1524 to to (61-58) (34 75) (44-73) (3360) 310 2000 252 1200 1881 873 1217 1747 to (7408) (34-40) (47-93) (3852) C6NFLM SF65CTM C6TFLM C8TFLM to DV8NM DV8TM DV8TCWM Length Height Rolls-Royce C8TFL automotive diesel engine 410 2000 290 1200 1803 1509 1586 3538 to to (71 00) (59-37) (62-45) (7800) 455 1800 370 1200 1803 1509 1622 3810 to to (71 00) (59-37) (62-45) (8400) 546 1800 450 1200 1803 1509 1622 3900 to to (71 00) (59-37) (62-45) (8600) 685 1800 Rolls-Royce ROLLS-ROYCE LIMITED Oil DV8TCWM ROLLS ROLLS-ROYCE Engine Division Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England Telephone: Shrewsbury 52262 Cables: Roycar Shrewsbury Telex: 35171 ROYCE marine diesel engine | DIESELS 575 »>t;n 27: Internal .rial ii combustion engines & Company Limited, with 50 years' the design and development of diesels, manufacture air-cooled and water-cooled engines within the range from 1 -5 to 1 02 hp Diesel enginedriven generating sets from 1-75 to 75 kVA. in single- and three-phase ac, are also built and R and A Lister experience ine diesel engines in supplied for base load and standby duties. diesel engines for propulsion R A Lister & Co Ltd Dursley. Gloucestershire. 576 GL11 4HS England Telephone: Dursley 2371 and Marine from 3 to company, 8500 bhp Lister are marketed by a subsidiary Blackstone Mirrlees Marine. Lister engines are giving reliable and efficient service in a wide variety of applications throughout the world. They are supported by a first-class aftersales and spares service, provided by a network of distributors and associated companies overseas. auxiliary duties Cables: Machinery Dursley Telex: 431 56 28 Power Section generating equipment 577 ^o*ion 28: Power generating equipment 4-5 kVA, 50 Hz set These sets have been designed mobile sources of power for use in provide highly areas where trans- to They are light enough to be portation is difficult. easily positioned within the working area by using the integral carrying handles, while the strong tubular steel frame, within which all the components are shock-mounted, ensures that the sets can withstand the severe loadings which may be experienced in transportation by road or air. The performance of both sets is controlled to a closer tolerance than is usual in such lightweight generators and their reliability has been proved endurance, climatic and transportation 5 kVA, 400 Hz set 578 in trials. extensive The very exacting requirements which these sets have to fulfil have been fully met without complex design features In and this has reduced maintenance to a minimum addition the JLO L372 engine used in both sets is a very simple power unit which has a long record of excellent performance. Each set, in its particular field, provides the optimum of reliability, mobility, efficiency and maintainability and the increasing variety of applications for which they have been specified indicates the high level of user confidence which has been established. combination Section 28: Power generating equipment Power generating sets Lightweight portable units kVA, 400 Hz set was originally designed 4 5 kVA, 50 Hz set 5 general-purpose set which may be used as a power source for mobile workshops, lighting, communications, etc. It consists of a JLO L372 manually started two-stroke petrol engine, close-coupled to a two-pole alternator with a self-exciting rotating armature. The set produces its rated power up to an This set This a is equivalent of 1500 m (5000 ft) temperature range from -18X to + 55 climatic conditions. within altitude C under the all to provide a light- weight power source for a wide range of 400 Hz power tools for use in remote areas and in emergency conditions such as disaster areas. The qualities necessary for successful operation in such conditions for example mobility, reliability and robustness make it highly suitable for other applications which similarly require readily available power, particularly since it can be transported by the smallest helicoper or road vehicle. The generator consists of a JLO L372 manually started two-stroke petrol engine, close-coupled to a 14-pole, three-phase alternator with self-exciting rotating field. Voltage regulation is by a static exciter. The set is designed to operate within the temperature range from -25 C to + 52 C underall climatic conditions Examples of tools which are used with this set are: — — Medium Rock Light hammer hammer demolition hammer breaker drill Blower Chain saw saw Circular Drills up to 19 mm (j in) dia Grinder Specification Output Output Voltage: 240 V Voltage: 208 V Frequency: 50 Hz Power: 4-5 kVA at 0-8 to 1 power factor Frequency: 400 Hz Power: 5 kVA at 0-8 to power 1 factor Regulation Voltage: i 6% Regulation ±2i% Frequency: ±2J% Voltage: Frequency: -_' 3-5% Instruments Instruments Voltmeter, frequency meter, ammeter, hours-run meter Fuel: 25:1 petrol/oil mixture Fuel capacity: 31 8 litres (7 gal) Fuel consumption: approx 4 litres/h; (088 gal/h) at full load Endurance: 8 h at full load Sockets 2—25 A; 2—1 3 A; 1 A Frequency meter: hours-run meter Fuel: 25:1 petrol/oil mixture Fuel capacity: 9 litres (2 gal) Fuel consumption: approx 4 litres/h; (0-88 gal/h) Endurance: 2-25 h at full load Sockets 1 —25 A; 1 —1 6 A —5 : 1 at full load : J -CDin) (25 Weight 1 52 kg (335 Weight 106 kg (233 lb) lb) m 0-63 99 m (39 085 m (335 in) in) 047 m (18-5 in) r*~ AIR-LOG LIMITED North Lane, Aldershot, Hampshire, England Telephone: Aldershot 2441 1 Cables: Airlogco Aldershot 579 c„~*;. - 7p; Power generating equipment The Dale Shield 40 kVA lightweight generating plant is completely self-contained and airportable; it can be started within minutes of being landed The Dale 400 Hz generating plant is a rugged self-contained unit for powering military equipment anywhere 58C The Dale 2 kW battery charger can be carried and operated anywhere, is selfcontained and of rugged construction Power generating equipment Section 28: Power plants Portable and transportable units The Dale Shield range of diesel and petrol-engined powered generating equipment, covers a wide variety of portable and transportable units, which can be engineered to suitthe power requirements of any particular military communications or radar system. Three main types are illustrated with brief specifications, which may be considered typical of the basic details. The range can be extended or modified to suit particular requirements. Plant outputs are determined application in respect of voltage and frequency. Special cold-starting aids enable the plants to be started under any climatic conditions. The Dale Shield range of portable units includes lightweight helicopter-transportable air-cooled units, kVA on site. Canopies are specially designed arrival to give free access to and yet equipment to for strength parts of the all maintenance in the field, while robust conand careful design reduce the need for such maintenance to a minimum. Portable lightweight 50, 60, 400 Hz sets and battery- facilitate by customers' requirements, each plant being engineered to suit the individual 40 together with skid-mounted sets, totally enclosed in weather protection canopies, providing a complete packaged unit, in which are housed all the necessary accessories such as control panel, fuel tank, etc, to enable the set to be brought into instant operation on struction charging sets are also described below. A full range of Dale mobile power generating plant, complete with canopies and mounted on two- and four-wheel trailers, is described on the following pages. lightweight unit This Dale lightweight generating plant has an output of 40 kVA, 36 kW at 41 5/240 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz under the following site conditions: from 30 C to — 55C 2546 mm ambient and at altitudes of up to 3600 m (8000 ft) above sea level (other standard voltages and frequencies are available). The plant is completely selfcontained and incorporates lifting facilities suitable for helicopter and aircraft transportation. The engine is air-cooled, and the generator is designed to have a low harmonic content and to comply fully with all national specifications. The switchboard is fully instrumented. The unit is designed to synchronise with similar units. It has been designed to fill a particular requirement and is not an adaptation from standard equipment. The equipment is in continuous production for defence E E CM to in applications. 400 Hz generating plant High-frequency units are built to meet specific requirements and are usually fitted with high-speed aircooled gasolene engines of a popular make, modified to meet industrial conditions, such as close-range governors and flanges to connect to the generator. Units are under development with petrol injection for higher output but still retaining approximately the same weight. The generators fitted are of a type specially designed for the application. The control panel is fully instrumented and fitted with all instructions. The unit is designed to meet arduous conditions. 686 mm (27.00 2 in) kW battery chargers kW output at 24/32 V; 2/1 5 V. They are designed from standard commercial units but fitted into a rugged carrying frame. Suitable for base camp operations and maintenance, usually fitted with popular air-cooled gasolene engines of high quality easily transportable These units are built up to 2 smaller units are available at 1 — by hand. DALE ELECTRIC OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD Electricity Buildings, Telephone: Filey 201 1 Filey, Yorkshire, England Cables: Dalectric Filey Telex 521 63 DALE 581 Section 28: Power generating equipment Dale 275 kVA mounted on a power generating set four-wheeled military-type trailer 1 5 kVA high-speed power generating mounted on two-wheeled trailer Dale set Dale 10kVA trailer-mounted dual power generating set with two engines arranged to alternate in continuous duty 582 Section 28: Power generating equipment Mobile power plants Trailer-mounted diesel units Dale mobile generating plants for military use are specially designed to give a continuously satisfactory performance under the arduous conditions experienced in military and other service arenas. In the civilian field, Dale mobile generating equipment has earned for itself a reputation for quality and reliability of performance, won by producing equipment in close liaison with the engineers of electricity authorities, who required mobile units for emergency standby duties, and with telecommunications equipment companies requiring mobile power units, for communications and radar equipments. The same forethought has been given to the design of the Dale Shield range of military power generating equipment. Leading authorities in this field have been consulted and, where practical, their ideas and requirements have been incorporated in the design. Throughout every stage of their manufacture, the plants are built by fully qualified enginears, using the finest materials and component accessories available in Britain today. Finally, they are subjected to an exhaustive testing of the engine, generator and control gear, working together as a single unit, to ensure that the complete equipment, including the trailer, meet the required specifications. The Dale Shield range mobile units include heavyduty trailer-mounted water-cooled sets, purpose-built plants incorporating detachable running gear, and conventional two-wheel military trailer sets. A comprehensive range of Dale lightweight portable diesel and petrol engine-powered generating sets, including battery-charging equipment is described in the preceding pages. kVA four-wheeled trailer-mounted sets These units are fitted with a heavy-duty radiator-cooled diesel engine, which are monobloc-coupled to the alternator, having a standard voltage and frequency. The generator is designed to have a low harmonic content and is suitable for operating defence radar equipment. The engine can operate under arduous conditions from -30 C to - 55 C ambient and at altitudes up to 3600 m (8000 ft) above sea level. The plant is absolutely complete with fully instrumented control fuel panel, full instructions, two methods of starting electric and hydraulic tank, batteries and silencer. The complete unit is enclosed in a weatherproof rustproof canopy with convenient access doors. The complete unit is mounted on anti-vibration mountings on a heavy rugged four-wheeled military-type trailer. The trailer is fitted with Ackerman steering and has a two-line compressed-air braking system. Turntable steering can be offered as an alternative. The trailer also incorporates stabilising jacks with elephant feet fitted at each corner. A NATO towing hitch is fitted. The generating set itself is fitted with lifting bollards so that, if required, it can be removed from the trailer as a complete unit and can be left on the site. The 27-5 with lifting As usual with Dale equipment, personnel who mm 4928 mm — — trailer itself is also fitted 1257 bollards for easy cranage. has been designed use this type of equipment. it in conjunction with the 15 kVA high-speed trailer-mounted sets These units are smaller than the 27-5 kVA counterpart, and are fitted with either water-cooled or air-cooled diesel engines. The units are built on two-wheeled chassis with over-run brakes and front jockey wheel. They are capable of being towed at high speed in all conditions. Stabilising jacks are also fitted and sand tyres may be fitted as an optional extra. The units are capable of operating in any part of the world under the most arduous conditions. Colour schemes are to the clients' requirements. (139.5 10 kVA trailer-mounted in) dual sets These units are specifically designed to meet the requirements of a defence system employing generating sets on a continuous automatic cycle. They are normally built up to 1 kVA at any standard voltage and frequency. They comprise of two generating sets mounted in one trailer. The engines are normally of the air-cooled type capable of starting under most conditions: they are arranged to be fully automatic by way of duty cycling: No 1 unit runs for a prescribed time and 5 minutes before this time has expired No. 2 unit starts and, provided it functions properly, the supply changes over automatically with minimum delay. No 1 set continues to run for a few minutes and then close down, ready for the next sequence of operation. If one unit should fail through lack of oil or high temperature, the other set starts up, takes over the load immediately and submits a warning. Long-running lubricating facilities are available. The control panel, which controls both sets, is fully instrumented and automatic. All protection devices are fitted. The trailer is of the high-speed type and is fitted to meet international regulations as far as braking and lighting are concerned. A large fuel tank is mounted into the trailer, with filling facilities, both automatic and manual A spare wheel is 1791 i T^ mm 3054 mm ^ 4845 mm (193 75 in) fitted. in situations which demand this type of equipment and, like the whole of the Dale Shield range of power plants, are designed especially to meet the arduous conditions to which they have to be subjected because of their application. These units have been developed DALE ELECTRIC OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD Electricity Buildings, Filey, Yorkshire, Telephone: Filey 2011 Cables: Dalectric England Filey Telex: 52163 DALE 583 tCtion 28: Power generating equipment CONTROL PANEL GENERATOR OUTPUT SOCKETS The Rotax Special Products Group 400Hz generating system provides a mobile power source for the operation of a wide range of equipment and can be installed on most vehicles employed by the armed services. In a typical system, the generator is mounted on a chassis cross member beneath the vehicle floor and is driven from the engine via a power take-off adaptor. As the freight space, ground clearance and manoeuvrability of the vehicle are unaffected, it can transport both men and tools to any site within its designed cross-country capability. Similarly, the generator and its associated control and protection equipment will operate under any environmental in which the vehicle may be employed. When the generator is not required the vehicle may be or climatic condition operated in its normal role. The generating set is simple to use and can operate at full power within one minute of the vehicle coming to rest by engaging the power take-off and setting the engine governor A three-position switch on the control panel is operated to connect the supply to the outlet sockets mounted control. at the rear of the vehicle. Applications Mobile workshop: Welding shears, unit, drills, grinders, cutting: Chain saw, Crash rescue: Power of 584 The following tools can be operated simultaneously: three chain saws; five portable saws; Construction: Rock drill, breaker hammer, immersible pumps, concrete vibrators Wood nibblers, hacksaw circular floodlighting, saw portable saws; one chain saw and three two chain saws and two hand grinders; seven rock breakers; portable saws; three five earth borers; three immersible pumps; two welding sets; ten concrete vibrators. Cutting discs, shears, nibbler supplies: Communications, operation and check-out radar and instrument systems. Many permutations of the above, including a large number of smaller tools, ie hand drills, shears, etc. are also possible. Section 28: Power generating equipment 15kVA generating system for power take-off vehicle installation The Rotax Special Products Group (formerly English Electric) vehicle-mounted generating system isapproved by The Rover Co Ltd for use on the Land Rover. It can be installed on any vehicle which has power take-off facilities. When installed, the system does not in any way affect the freight space, ground clearance or manoeuvrability of the host vehicle. The result is a mobile power source which can transport both men and tools to any within the vehicle's original design capability. The system is designed for the use of high-frequency, high-power tools and can be fully operational within one minute of the vehicle coming to rest. It is simple to use and should not require maintenance during the useful life of the vehicle. site > Specification Output: 15kVA 200V to four 1 6A (1 1 5V outlet sockets to earth) 3-phase 400Hz mounted at at 0-8pf lagging supplied the rear of the vehicle Generator: Two-stage brushless air-cooled ROTAX LIMITED Special Products Group self-excited generator Control: Voltage regulator, semi-conductor type mounted on the generator control panel on the vehicle dash — Phoenix Works, Bradford Aircraft 3, Equipment Division Yorkshire, England Telephone: Bradford 65271 Protection: Thermal overload Installation kit Cables: Rodynalite Bradford Telex Telex: 51336 circuit breaker Earth leakage trip circuit in control panel leakage to earth occurs and servicing: The system can be of parts using tools available in in socket assembly- life if one day from a Generator and regulator installed in any garage. should not require servicing during useful outlet removes generator excitation of vehicle 585 Section 28: Power generating equipment A 1000kW powered by A stand-by a generating set Paxman Ventura engine example of a 'no-break' altermanufactured by the Paxman Engine Division. The unit is powered by a typical nator set 12-cylinder RPH engine running rev/min and produces 350kW " V at R A Paxman 1 A 2-cylinder generating set powered by a YHX engine producing 450kW mains-failure powered by producing 1 1 automatic start set Paxman engine OOkW. The set is shown here a 12-cylinder trailer-mounted for transport, clearly trating its compact design 585 1500 illus- Section 28: Power generating equipment Power generating sets Stationary diesel units The Paxman range of diesel engines for shore-based requirements includes the 178mm (7in) bore range (RPH and YH) and Ventura engines with outputs ranging from 100 to 2035bhp (1 00-1440kW). Stationary generating sets are designed for instant use as base-load generating plants or for automatic standby duties in the event of mains supply or grid The sets incorporate vee-form diesels of failure. Paxman design, combining the advantages of accessibility, ease of maintenance and minimum weight; they are convenient for installation in restricted compartments. Details of skid- and able mobile all and trailer-mounted transport- diesel generating are sets given elsewhere this in volume. Soundproof hoods and resilient supplied where noise or vibrations adjacent Fully mountings can be may interfere with activities. automated controls are available, including engine-protection devices. Remote controls obviate the necessity of attendants. full-time Mains-failure, automatic start and 'no-break' sets are widely employed to ensure continuity of supply, particularly in operations rooms, communication centres and for airfield lighting. Special governors are available for sets requiring very accurate speed control. Typical outputs, dimensions and weights 1500 1200 1000 1000 1200 1E 00 Approx wght Ove rail dimensions Standby rating rev min Continuous rating rev min Width Len( ,th Dry Engine app. bhp 4RPH 4RPHX 4RPHC 6RPH 6RPHX 6RPHC 8RPH 8RPHX 8RPHC 160 203 250 274 304 375 366 406 500 562 610 750 900 1050 550 700 750 925 1150 1400 1530 1850 12RPH 12RPHX 12RPHC 12YHX 12YHC 6YJX 6YJC 8YJX 8YJC 12YJX 12YJC 16YJX 16YJC Standby rating is the Continuous rating Weights are for is app. kW bhp 110 138 171 188 209 260 255 284 348 393 423 517 630 735 380 485 520 640 810 985 1080 1310 power the 153 192 248 240 288 371 320 384 496 480 576 743 806 900 500 600 670 800 1000 1200 1350 1600 kW 101 130 167 162 197 255 218 264 342 330 398 512 555 625 345 414 465 555 700 845 952 1135 app. bhp 133 173 232 200 260 348 267 346 464 400 520 696 700 800 450 525 600 700 900 1050 1200 1400 kW 88 117 156 135 178 240 180 238 324 276 358 480 482 555 310 363 415 485 630 742 850 985 176 223 275 301 334 413 403 447 550 618 670 825 990 1160 605 770 825 1018 1265 1540 1683 2035 available from the engine for intermittent power kW bhp kW 121 168 111 154 188 207 222 286 211 143 184 178 217 280 240 290 376 363 438 563 559 700 380 455 512 610 770 930 1047 1250 281 312 383 432 465 570 693 815 418 534 572 705 891 1084 1188 1440 app. app. app. bhp 273 264 317 409 352 422 546 528 634 820 803 1000 550 660 737 880 1100 1320 1485 1760 bhp 146 190 256 220 286 383 294 381 511 440 572 766 715 800 494 578 660 770 990 1155 1320 1540 kW 97 127 171 149 196 264 198 262 356 303 374 528 495 610 341 400 456 534 693 816 930 1084 mm 1245 1270 1270 1475 1525 1525 1780 1855 1855 2310 2540 2540 2540 2540 1625 1625 1700 1700 2060 2060 2590 2590 in 49 50 50 58 60 60 70 73 73 91 100 100 100 100 64 64 67 67 81 81 102 102 mm 1295 1320 1295 1295 1400 1450 1295 1400 1450 1295 1500 1500 1570 1570 1420 1420 1345 1345 1345 1345 1345 1345 in 51 52 51 51 55 57 51 55 57 51 59 59 62 62 56 56 53 53 53 53 53 53 kg 2260 2330 2370 2790 2840 2880 3290 3380 3420 4540 4630 4700 4980 5060 3660 3750 4250 4360 5180 5460 6950 7220 lb 5000 5120 5220 6150 6270 6370 7250 7430 7530 10 000 10 200 10 350 10 970 11 150 8050 8275 9350 9600 11 400 12 025 15 300 15 900 and standby duty available for base load duty engines with flywheel, electric starting equipment and filters These outputs are applicable to engines operating in ambient air temperatures not exceeding 29C (Types RPH, RPHX, YHX, YJX), or with the temperature of the water supply to the air intercoolers not exceeding 24=C or4VC air-to-air cooling (Types RPHC, YHC and YJC), and at altitudes up to 150m (500ft) A Management Company of English Electric Diesels Ltd RUSTON PAXMAN DIESELS LIMITED Vulcan Works, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire, England Telephone: Newton-le-Willows 5151 Telex: 62366 «8> 1968 1969 537 or 23: Power generating equipment Top: powered engine, a starting by Paxman 12 YHX a 410kW remote set supplied or automatic quantity to the in Ministry of Defence (Air) Centre: a 620kVA mobile generating set a Paxman 12-cylinder YHX powered by engine Bottom: 200kW a trailer-mounted self-contained dual-frequency powered by engine 583 a Paxman alternator 8-cylinder set RPHX r Section 28: Power generating equipment Power generating sets Transportable and mobile diesel units can be covered by a single unit with the minimum of The compact dimensions and controlled weight of the Paxman range of diesel engines make this machinery delay. Generators of both 50 and 60Hz can be supplied matched to the engine to meet most requirements. These machines can be of the conventional brushless or statically excited types with varying degrees of voltage and frequency control and of either single or two-bearing type. All equipments supplied comply with BS 261 3:1 957 as standard, but could be supplied to Lloyds Rules, ASA Standards or other international power mobile generating plant, the range covering a power output of 1 00-1 800kVA. For more than 25 years the Paxman Engine Division has been engaged in the design and manufacture of transportable and mobile generating sets to meet the ideally suited to demand standby equipment. Skidmounted sets complete with totally enclosing canopy can be provided as self-contained 'packaged' units requiring virtually no site preparation or lengthy installaincreasing for Where registration societies' regulations. is Stationary and 'no-break' sets can also be provided required, self-contained trailer-mounted sets capable and these are covered on a separate page within this volume. Marine auxiliary generating sets manufactured by the Paxman Engine Division appear under the specific classification in this volume. tion procedures. the ultimate portability in and immediate operation can be supplied. With this equipment wide areas of potential power loss or sites remote from normal power supplies of transportation to site Typical outputs, dimensions and weights Continuous rating rev min 1000 1200 1500 Standby rating rev/ min 1200 1500 Approx wght Overall dimensions 1000 Width Length Dry Engine app. app. kW bhp 4RPH 4RPHX 160 203 250 274 304 375 366 406 500 562 610 750 900 1050 550 700 750 925 1150 1400 1530 1850 4RPHC 6RPH 6RPHX 6RPHC 8RPH 8RPHX 8RPHC 12RPH 12RPHX 12RPHC 12YHX 12YHC 6YJX 6YJC 8YJX 8YJC 12YJX 12YJC 16YJX 16YJC Standby rating is the Continuous rating Weights are for is bhp 153 192 248 240 288 110 138 171 188 209 260 255 284 348 393 423 517 630 735 380 485 520 640 810 985 1080 1310 power the 371 320 384 496 480 576 743 806 900 500 600 670 800 1000 1200 1350 1600 kW 101 130 167 162 197 255 218 264 342 330 398 512 555 625 345 414 465 555 700 845 952 1135 app. bhp kW 133 173 232 200 260 348 267 346 464 400 520 696 700 800 450 525 600 700 900 1050 1200 1400 88 117 156 135 178 240 180 238 324 276 358 480 482 555 310 363 415 485 630 742 850 985 app. kW bhp 176 223 275 301 334 413 403 447 550 618 670 825 990 1160 605 770 825 1018 1265 1540 1683 2035 available from the engine for intermittent power kW 121 168 111 154 188 207 222 286 211 143 184 178 217 280 240 290 376 363 438 563 559 700 380 455 512 610 770 930 1047 1250 281 312 383 432 465 570 693 815 418 534 572 705 891 1084 1188 1440 app. app. bhp 273 264 317 409 352 422 546 528 634 820 803 1000 550 660 737 880 1100 1320 1485 1760 bhp 146 190 256 220 286 383 294 381 511 440 572 766 715 880 494 578 660 770 990 1155 1320 1540 kW 97 127 171 149 196 264 198 262 356 303 374 528 495 610 341 400 456 534 693 816 930 1084 mm 1245 1270 1270 1475 1525 1225 1780 1855 1855 2310 2540 2540 2540 2540 1625 1625 1700 1700 2060 2060 2590 2590 in 49 50 50 58 60 60 70 73 73 91 100 100 100 100 64 64 67 67 81 81 102 102 mm 1295 1320 1295 1295 1400 1450 1295 1400 1450 1295 1500 1500 1570 1570 1420 1420 1345 1345 1345 1345 1345 1345 in 51 52 51 51 55 57 51 55 57 51 59 59 62 62 56 56 53 53 53 53 53 53 kg 2260 2330 2370 2790 2840 2880 3290 3380 3420 4540 4630 4700 4980 5060 3660 3750 4250 4360 5180 5460 6950 7220 lb 5000 5120 5225 6170 6270 6350 7230 7453 7000 10 000 10 200 10 350 10 970 11 150 8050 8275 9350 9600 11 400 12 025 15 300 15 900 and standby duty available for base-load duty engines with flywheel, electric starting equipment and These outputs are applicable to engines operating of the water supply to the air intercoolers not A Management Company in ambient air filters temperatures not exceeding 29 C exceeding 24X, 41"C air-to-air cooling in the in the case of Types case of Types RPH, RPHX, YHX, YJX, or with the temperature ,YJC, and at altitudes up to 150m (500ft) RPHC ,YHC of English Electric Diesels Ltd RUSTON PAXMAN DIESELS LIMITED Vulcan Works, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire, England Telephone: Newton-le-Willows 5151 Telex: 62366 <8> 1968 1969 589 — Power generating equipment Section 28: cj* as turbines and other uses for generating sets Auto Diesels Braby Limited has been engaged for many years in the production and development of gas turbinepowered equipment. Extensive development work has been undertaken in various turbine applications and the present Stad turbine, of which over 200 are in service today as air-bleed units for starting jet aircraft, has now been adapted for shaft power applications. Specification Type: Stad IS 250 gas turbine Design: single-shaft, single-stage turbine with centrifugal compressor, radial inflow turbine, twin combustion chambers : at turbine speed of 25 000 rev/min: 250 shp at 1 5 C and 1 03 kgf/cm (14-7 IbVin"). Ignition 3000 rev/min: starting completed at 1 2 000 rev/min. Gearbox output speeds 1 500. 1 800. 3000. 3600 4250 rev/min. Other speeds up to 8000 rev/min according to requirements. Direction of rotation facing Exhaust temperadrive-shaft: anti-clockwise. Air flow 2-54 kg/sec (5 6 lb sec) Compressor ratio 37 :1 ture maximum 650 C Rated output: at . Fuels: JP1 JP3. JP4, MIL-G-5572 kerosene diesel, natural gas Lub/oil: SAE 10 or SAE 20 Fuel consumption: see fuel consumption curve Permissible inclinations: 20 , Dry weight: 272 kg (600 lb) including gearbox Principal dimensions 1 220 mm (48 in) length, 965 mm (38 in) width. mm 838 (33 height in) Effects of installation variables temperature and altitude Air intake Air intake Specific fuel consumption shaft and exhaust outlet pressures horsepower ".-100 260 Sso Gv6' -; i i i 240 - 200Cft - 220 . 4000 1 1 400 99 £ V ^ 1 w !\ ft /, r ! 1 ! :::: 200 w vml - Oy. c ^ - Q. • !«. E h, - .'j. 180 i i A^ W • u r i -160 -100 Q. 2 |l40 ( 4 b 1 8 Inches water o l 12 - 4 : 2 . - 100 16 gauge 120 140 Power output 160 180 200 220 240 Ishpl :: r $ O MOO : -30 2 () -10 Temperature 4 : 30 10 : •: : : 50 70 90 i: .: 110 F 250 shp applications Air compressor sets Stad IS 250 turbine directly coupled to compressor carriage. Specially Typical output set at7-7kgf/cm J (110 BroomWade mounted on trailer under40 m 3 /min (1400 ftVmin) Ibf/in 1 ) Pumping sets Typical pumping sets available with Stad IS 250 prime mover as Output 1 1 365 litres/min (2500gal/min) at 7 kgf/cm ! (100 lbf/in = ) at 70 m (231 ft) head: 19 775 litres/min (4350 gal/min) at 4-6 kgf/cm* (65 lbf/in ! ) at 46 m (1 50 ft) head Alternator sets Skid-mounted typical application shows 200 kVA three-phase 50 Hz 60 Hz and 400 Hz also available. Suitable for aircraft ground power units. DC turbine, manufactured at the Uxbridge Works in the A250 and also used for air-bleed applications delivering air up to 72 6 kg/min : : at 2 8 kglf/cm (40lbf/in ) and at normal temperature, and pressure Note: the Stad unit. voltages available according to requirement A260 form, is (160lb/min conditions AUTO DIESELS BRABY LIMITED Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, England ~%l9Dhone: Uxbridge 38262 S90 Cables: Courteous Uxbridge Telex: 263835 iEABT Section 28: Small gas turbines, turbo-compressors, turbo-generator sets, de-icers, turbo-fans David Budworth Ltd Kings Quay Street, Harwich, Essex, England The Budworth Puffin gas turbine is a lightweight unit for use as turbo-compressor, pure jet engine, turbo-fan unit and for driving ground and other equipments through reduction gearing. It is also available as a turbo-prop engine and de-icing unit. The single-stage, single-side centrifugal compressor driven by two axial turbine wheels delivers 90 kgf (200 Ibf) static thrust; with a free turbine up Telephone; Harwich 3116 Power generating equipment 250 hp is provided to drive a centrifugal compressor with an output of 1 -27 kg/sec (2-8 lb/sec) of air at 2 6 kgf/cm 2 (2i atm). Weighing approx 45 kg (1 00 lb), multiple units on a common gearbox are available. The turbo-fan unit gives 270 kg (600 lb) static thrust; the de-icer provides 0-9 kg/sec (2 lb/sec) of air at 600 C. A slightly larger turbine the Blowfly (400 hp), is also available. to Cables: Budworth Harwich 591 Section 29 Rescue equipment 593 S«u--+ion 29 r Rescue equipment ?sufort inflatable lifejackets: are light in weight, 3 re designed compact in folding, and do not inconvenience the wearer in his duties; for a specific function; wearer inclined backwards at approximately 45 deg, with his mouth well clear of the water; wearer when jumping or parachuting into water; (4) (5) are designed to carry a wide range of location aids (pyrotechnic flares, fluorescine sea markers, heliographs, radio location aids whistle, etc) which can be fitted to customer's requirements; (6) can be fitted with oral inflation; manual or water-activated compressed gas inflation; or in the case of aircrew lifejackets, with ejector seat static line inflation (without fouling the parachute harness). v are self-righting 3) do not and float the ride over the head, or injure the Army Aircrew lifejackets Suitable for subsonic aircraft, the and alternative forms its are fitted The aids. Mk 4A Mk4B,4C, 6and7 with different rescue location Mk 8 is an integral part of an underwater ejection escape carrier-based aircraft. Approved system for supersonic aircraft, the Mk 9B shown below, as well as Mk 10, 11,12 and 14 have been ejection-tested at 1200km/h (650 knots) ground level, without sustaining damage. The Mk 10, and 12 secure an integral personal 11 parachute harness and man-mounted for oxygen regulator. Mk 9B Aircrew (22C/2774) With lifejackets a buoyancy of 37 kg (80 lb) the shown below enables a trooper to reach land complete with weapons, ammunition and equipment. can be inflated during descent, and It parachutist's lifejacket discarded in 5 seconds. A variation designed for assault troops is suitable for longer periods of wear, allows greater freedom of movement and can be discarded while running. The canoeist's and does compatible diver's lifejacket not hinder paddling and is with breathing equipment. For over-water engineering and pioneer work, the engineer's lifejacket is light and comfortable, allows freedom of movement, and is abrasion- and flame-resistant. The engineer's inherently buoyant aid is manufactured from closed-cell expanded foam contained in a fabric cover and so withstands heavy wear and rough treatment. Naval lifejackets The Pattern 5580 shown below is an inexpensive general-purpose lifejacket, with oral inflation only. Normally worn in a pouch around the waist, the inflatable stole may be easily donned in times of danger In its Mk 10 Naval form CO.,- inflation is Folded fitted. into a the Mk 9 Naval personnel working pouch when lifejacket is deflated worn by in dangerous positions which require unrestricted mobility, such refuelling at sea. Inflation can automatic on immersion, or manual. as be Passenger lifejackets For transport of troops and families by air, passenger lifejackets for constant wear and seat or rack stowage are manufactured for adults and children, including the baby's floating survival cot. Parachutist's (22C/2343) Naval (Pattern 5580) Beaufort protective and survival clothing: has been designed and developed in co-operation with the appropriate government, military authorities and test establishments; provides a very wide range of protection against the hazards or discomforts encountered in specialised military operations; (3) ensures minimum bulk and weight, maximum strength, and ease and speed of donning; (4) integrates with any other specialised clothing as seen below left, to ensure optimum operational efficiency. (1 ) (2) Aircrew pressure clothing Pressure protective suits, for altitudes up to 36 500 m (1 20 000 ft) may be separate garments or combined with anti-g and air-ventilated protection (right) in any combin- ation for different operational roles. Combined suits reduce dressing weight and discomfort; the g section raises g resistance by about 2g. A wide variety of extremely light time, anti-g suits Coverall, Mk high-altitude, anti-g, 2 (22C/1300204-13) 594 ventilated is available. They are capable of raising g-tolerance by up to 2g. Inflation hoses can be fitted in any position to suit aircraft A supplies. assembly typica integrated aircrew equipment Section 29: Rescue equipment Survival equipment and boats Lifejackets, clothing, liferafts Beaufort inflatable liferafts: provide the specific answer to an operational requirement. There is no such thing as a 'universal' liferaft. For example, the problems of escape and survival are different when abandoning a ditched jet aircraft or a stranded hovercraft; (2) are made from coated fabrics produced in our own mill under the strictest supervision, many formulated by our own laboratories; (3) are packed in either glass-reinforced plastic containers or proofed valises, which adequately protect the liferaft in the various types of stowage location available; (4) are provided with an emergency pack, selected by the user to meet the survival needs of the various climatic and geographical conditions of operation; (5) are backed by over 100 service stations in 37 countries. (1) Naval liferafts Based on the 1960 SOLAS requirements, Beaufort Naval Liferafts Types X (right), Q and R have been adopted by navies throughout the world in preference to out-dated anomalous designs. The liferafts can be modified to suit the specific requirements of operational equipment. Hovercraft liferaft Because of the high passenger/crew ratio, hovercraft require the minimum of crew time during an emergency. The Hovercraft Liferaft Type H.30 (right) is automatically inflated after manual ejection, and the wide, straight entrances allow rapid and easy boarding. The rigid container is designed for open-deck stowage on high-speed craft. liferafts Aircraft liferafts from one-man to 25-man sizes, aircraft liferafts are designed for minimum weight and packed bulk compatible with flotation and survival characteristics for the climatic conditions of operations. Pack designs are available to suit any aircraft stowage. Naval liferaft Type X Varying Hovercraft liferafts Thermal controlled clothing Suits are available to cool or heat the wearer in either hot or cold ambient temperatures, or to combat the excessive heat load of other essential protective clothing. Either air conditioning or liquid conditioning, depending on operating conditions and supplies, is available. Liquid-conditioned suits utilise smaller pipe bores and have minimum power requirements. Portable conditioning units are available. Immersion and exposure suits By keeping survivors dry and reducing body heat losses, the survival period in climates where exposure can be fatal is extended. A wide range of suits is manufactured in various materials and designs to meet the operational requirements in the air, on sea and on land. The Mk 10 Immersion Coverall (right) is a typical example. A special case is the Submarine Escape and Immersion Equipment (SEIE, far right), which is suitable for escape from depths down to 150 m (500 ft) and provides prolonged exposure protection on the surface. BEAUFORT (AIR-SEA) Mk 10 Coverall, Immersion SEIE EQUIPMENT LTD Beaufort Road, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England Telephone: 051-652-2667 Telex: 62478 By <«/V«< H M. Q«tti EllMtrtl '/ Supphtn cf Lift Sa>i*t Eq>*P"-t*t 595 . ...,,-»« Rescue equipment 29: IARBE equipment JXdIUIJ ^^•uc BE. 355 Compact Beacon BE. 361 Personal Locator Beacon (above) is for civil (above) aviation and private but is Survival designed primarily airline operations, liferaft designed to be life jacket or mounted, and provision is made is to use the inflation of these items to also of great interest to private and yachtsmen who may operate in areas where a simple but sure survival radio is of the utmost importance. The battery and transmitter are clipped together as one unit and the only action and switch on the beacon automatically. The beacon and battery are stowed in a cassette, and the release the aerial fliers aerial is mounted separately BE. 346 Self-buoyant Automatic Radio Distress Beacon (above, left) transmits simultaneously on the two international distress frequencies. Designed for civil airline use, it operates once ejected the sea. The water-soluble band retaining the aerial and stabilisers entirely automatically into dissolves within five minutes, allowing the aerial to spring erect and switching on the transmitter. When in the sea the BE. 346 may be attached to the survival required by the survivor is to extend the aerial which automatically operates the transmitter 9m (30ft) of nylon towline with a 272kg (600lb) breaking strain. handle can be fitted dinghy by "* y m A BE. 310 Survival Beacon with Speech MTTE IT OtT basically the same as BE. 361 but has the additional facility of speech. This enables the survivor to assist in his own rescue, as well as permitting the relative luxury of being able to talk with the rescue party. The equipment comprises three units: transmitter/ receiver, microphone/aerial unit and battery pack (left) is 114 WRTS 4US.*» si* :ih I— 1 H - o VHF rejector unit Rejector Unit VHF No. 3 is designed to reduce the mutual interference between VHF transmitter/ receivers. Input/output impedance is 70C1. The unit contains a tuneable filter network over the frequency band 23-60MHz. When correctly tuned, the unit will attenuate the unwanted signal by not less than 20dB. The total insertion loss when the unit is correctly tuned is not greater than 2dB in these conditions, and not greater than 06dB when the unit is switched out. The equipment, when mounted on suitable shock mounts, is capable of being operated in armoured and unarmoured vehicles and of withstanding normal forward area rough usage. It is capable of operating at heights up to 3000m (10000ft) and of transportation by air in unpressurised aircraft at altitudes up to 7600m (25000ft). It is sufficiently robust to withstand dropping by parachute using standard equipment. The unit is contained in a sealed aluminium box, approximately 178 / 115 a 115mm high (7 4£ x« 4£in high), and its weight is about 2 8kg (6 ilb) • 596 A BE. 321 Equipment Recovery Beacon (above, right) has been developed to fill the growing need for a reliable locator beacon for the quick recovery of crash recorders, practice missile warheads, meteorological balloons, marker buoys similar equipment. Completely automatic, it operates on predetermined frequencies in the VHF/UHF wavebands and Section 29: Rescue equipment Rescue equipment Search and rescue beacons From the intense development, of course, continues unceasingly but the latest SARBE models are of such sophistication and range that new advancements are likely to be more apparent to the 'boffin' than the 'man in the drink'. The present range of SARBE beacons is around 320km (200 miles) to an aircraft at 9000m (30000ft). Although human survival is unquestionably the more dramatic aspect, SARBE locator beacons are proving invaluable in the recovery of crash recorders, practice space missiles, meteorological balloons and other objects that are sent into the sea and the immediate recovery of which is imperative. Special SARBE equipment is also in use in marker buoys and similar navigational aids. early days of the 'conquest of the air' intense research has been applied to crash rescue and Burndept Electronics (ER) Ltd has played a leading part in this work. Search and rescue beacon equipment (SARBE) was Burndept's answer to the early optical devices (smoke, flares, etc.) whose effectiveness was severely limited in range and, in any case, quite useless in conditions of poor visibility. By the miniaturisation of radio components Burndept was able to produce a battery-operated radio transmitter operating on a distress frequency. Once the practicability of the equipment had been established and proved there was continuous development which produced ever more compact and more efficient equipment. This Technical data BE. 310 or 121 243 Carrier frequency BE.346 121-5 and -5M Hz, 250mW mean during pulse, 400mW peak Power output, with nominal input 250mW mean at 3000m Beacon mode: 60 nautical miles Speech mode: 10 nautical miles (10000ft) Self-erecting steel tape Aerial each BE.321 BE.361 1215MHz, 243 or 1215MHz, 243 crystal controlled crystal controlled crystal controlled 100mW 200mW 250mW mean during pulse, 400mW peak 250mW mean during pulse, 400mW peak 60 nautical miles 60 No aerial fitted, but has mean, peak or 1215MHz, peak 60 nautical miles 50 Self-erecting single Telescopic element Modulation characteristics at frequency, 400mW Range, sea-to-air 243MHz simultaneously, crystal controlled crystal controlled BE. 355 | nautical miles nautical miles Self-erecting steel tape 50 11 output socket vertical Amplitude modulated not less than 85% by audio frequency of Amplitude modulated 1020Hz -250Hz 1020Hz ±250Hz BE.361 /A: A2 with carrier and modulation S£.310/O: A2 with carrier and modulation BE.321 1 A: A2 with and modulation keyed pulse duration 0-75sec 'on', 3-0sec 'off. BE.321 ID: A2 with carrier and modulation 0-75sec 'on', 3-0sec 'off. BE.361 /D: A2 with carrier and modulation keyed, pulse duration keyed, pulse duration keyed, pulse duration Amplitude modulated Beacon mode not less Swept tone modulation 2-3Hz at a rate of Swept tone modulation 2-3Hz at a rate of than 60% by audio frequency of 1020Hz not less than 85% by audio frequency of ±250Hz Emission characteristics A2 BE. 310/A: carrier A2 with —continuous carrier A2 — continuous carrier and modulation carrier keyed, pulse duration 0-75sec 'on', 3-0sec 'off. 1 Associated battery Osec 'on', Osec 'off 1 G 1420 G 1437 Mercury-zinc, 13'4V Mercury-zinc. 13.4V Mercury-zinc, 13.4V BE. 310/ A: 75h storage BE.310/D: 32h 48h, 0-50 C Environmental conditions at 1 Osec 'off ; 1 Osec 'on'. 1 Osec 'off G 1339/6 Mercury-zinc, 13-4V BE.361 /A: 75b BE.361 ID: 32h 0-50 C 0-50'C 31mm 108x44x 38mm 108 x 44 Jin) (4ix1|x1iin) (4jx1ix1jin) at 0-50 C 0-55°C 'on', BE.321 1 A: 75h BE.321 ID: 32h Standard: 48h 0"C Osec G 1339 G 1339 Battery endurance at 4°C after 1 keyed, pulse duration C Size overall: 124x90x31 mm (41 x3| X Jin) Beacon 1 660 v 127mm (26 X 5in dia) 145 x 100 x (5Jx3| x 1 including battery including standard dia x38mm battery Speech 150 unit x73 x30mm (5j x 2j x 133 v 65 x Battery 1 192 x 35 x 34mm (5^x2^x1 133 x 65 x (5£ JSin) x2H 47mm (58 x1|x1Iin) 34mm 133 x1 &jn) (5 x65 x34mm x2H x1 « in) &in) A Weight: Beacon Both units, 780g (27-5oz) 5-3kg (11751b) 850g (30oz) including battery including standard 226g (8oz) 483g (17oz) 653g (23oz) 653g (23oz) Burndept Stanag 3281 battery Battery 653g (23oz) Design specification Stanag 3281 Eurocae MPS1/WG4/ 65MOACAP Burndept 208-1- 10ICAOannex 10 I BURNDEPT ELECTRONICS (ER) LTD St Fidelis Road, Erith, Kent, England Telephone: Erith 39121 Cables: Electronics Erith Telex: 21246 597 Section 29: Rescue equipment Dropping swift aid to survivors in open boats, liferafts or in the water. Various combinations are available for fitting to bomb bays of long-range aircraft or for simple manual ejection from cabin doors Other RFD-GQ products for rescue or work fire fighting Raft Type In F' Bikini construction the RFD-GQ Bikini comprises four independent buoyancy tubes which are inflated from two built-in gas cylinders. The buoyancy tubes are constructed of tough three-ply fabric, heavily rubber-proofed and resistant to rot and abrasion. basically the Bikini carries lightweight fire pumps and is normally used to raise water to main feed In its fire-fighting role three pipelines, propelled or as pump an independent selfalong the water's for fires edge Inflatable Z-boat Tough, stable and readily manoeuvrable under most conditions, the Z-boat is The PB-16 three sizes. of the type in use with the National Life-boat Institution for available in illustrated is Royal inshore rescue work By appomtm«n( la Her Majesty Quern E1ii*bMh ^ Vv £* 598 If rnanufM lurtn of InUaublt Boat* RFD-GQ Limned, Godjlming Section 29: Rescue equipment Air-sea rescue apparatus for swift aid to survivors RFD-GQ air-sea rescue apparatus (Lindholme Mk3 dropping gear) forms a vital part of the rescue services of many nations. by aircraft, this apparatus comprehensive aid to survivors. It supplies a canopied liferaft with exposure protection, food and equipment allowing survivors to remain survival relatively comfortable and safe until rescued. Stowed inside or outside the fuselage, or in the bomb bay of the Intended for dropping offers the standard apparatus consists of three rigid containers connected by means of a 584-5 m (600-yd) aircraft, buoyant line. The customary procedure is to drop a marking smoke float (which also acts as a wind- down-wind of the survivors (still conthe containers across their path and drop nected) at timed intervals. On striking the water the liferaft inflates within 20 to 30 seconds. Acting as sea anchors, the drogues retard the drift of containers and liferaft container can be varied, as can the scale of direction indicator), run supplies. SURVIVORS SMOKE FLOAT DIRECTION OF WIND SUPPLY CONTAINER MS9. DINGHY SUPPLY CONTAINER KNOT The apparatus comprises a nine-man inflatable liferaft in container weighing 56-69 kg (125 1b) and two linked supplies containers each weighing 3085 kg (68 1b). The normal contents of a supplies container KNOT \ 180m BUOYANT ROPE NO.1 NO NO. 2 ^ DIRECTION OF AIRCRAFT RUN are as follows: Five 6-pint de-salting water carriers; five sea-water apparatus; two packs of cigarettes; two cup/ one first-aid kit; one heliograph; one Zermopak hotbag; one ground/air emergency-code label; three tins of condensed milk; one sea-survival pamphlet; one pack of playing cards; three emergency rations; two balers; • 180 MAX (1 3 *290MAX Dropping speed 260 km/h (140 knots) at 48 m 60 ft). Limits may vary with speed and height inflatable casualty sleeping bags; five distress signals, day and night; four cans of water; one plastics air-crew whistle. RFD-GQ LIMITED Godalming, Surrey, England Telephone: Godalming 4122 Cables: Airships Godalming Telex: 85233 599 Section 30 Pyrotechnics 601 Section 30: Pyrotechnics The Proteus Series hand-held rocket has no tapes that require removing Turning the twist grip breaks the bottom seal and dislodges the sealing disc at the top Firing the rocket is achieved by simply pulling the twist grip gently — down convenient Left: the Pen Series a miniaturised range of signalling equipment 602 Section 30: Pyrotechnics Hand-held rockets and flares for signalling Common Proteus Series rockets The development of the Proteus Series of hand-held rockets has been specifically aimed at simplifying the firing sequence for this type of equipment. It has been achieved by dispensing with the use of tapes and introducing a twist-grip sleeve which requires only a turn and pull for firing. This system allows the rockets be brought rapidly into use while being firmly held with both hands. The design also gives the equipment the ability to withstand a wide range of environmental conditions. The rocket launch tube is of thick-walled aluminium the surface of which is treated to give protection It is sealed at the top by a disc against corrosion. fitted with an O-ring, and at the bottom by a compressed butyl rubber gasket. Turning the twist grip breaks the lower seal and moves the rocket upwards by means of a cam. This upward movement dislodges the sealing disc at the top. A stop prevents the twist grip being rotated through more than f turn. At this point the twist grip is pulled down to a second stop and the rocket discharges with negligible recoil. The rocket body is of extruded aluminium alloy. The motor uses a plastic propellant which has British Government approval; it burns with a non-luminousgas flame and leaves no spark trail. Ignition, which occurs when the twist grip is pulled down, is instantaneous to and is produced by means rocket occurs. is held within its of an uncocked launch tube striker. until The ignition The standard Proteus rocket is 26-7 cm (10-5 in) long, but to meet special service requirements there is a shorter version of 24-1 cm (9-5 in) having a payload of illuminating or coloured flares. Whatever their payload, all Proteus rockets are of the same basic design and construction. Except for the parachute-illuminating role the rockets be fired at or near the vertical. offers a cm-340 g (12oz); 26-7 cm- 400 g (14oz) Height, fired vertically: Common 365 m (1 200 ft) designed environmental conditions Temperature range: storage -40 to 90 C: operation -25 C to Water immersion test: 3-16kgf/cm-' (45 lbf/in 2 for 1 h Vacuum test: 0-625 atmospheres Drop test: from 1 -83 m (6 ft) on either end of C to 70 C 70 C ) Illuminating parachute flare The flare is supported by a nylon parachute of large diameter which minimises the swing and gives a slow rate of descent. Range to burst (approx at 45 QE) 300 m (330 yd) Height of burst (approx at 45 QE) 1 80-21 m (600-700 ft) Burning time: 24-1 cm type 30 sec: 26-7 cm type 40 sec Candle power: 100 000 : — — : Other parachute flares These signals are similar to the illuminating rocket but carry payloads which are flares. They are normally fired vertically and parachute-supported red or green burst at 365 m (1200 ft). Smoke streamer When fired vertically, the rocket about 61 m (200 365 m (1200 ft). ft) begins to emit smoke (yellow or orange) at this until just after the top of its flight at and continues Multistar These rockets carry up to four stars, in red, green or white, and are used for signalling purposes. Maroon The rocket at carries an explosive charge which produces a report that can be heard distances of several kilometres. Target-marking parachute rocket This rocket is used for location or target marking and for gunnery practice. It ejects a large-diameter fluorescent orange parachute which has a very low rate of descent. Radar-reflecting rocket A radar-reflecting device is ejected from this rocket and provides a suitable target for all types of radar transmission. When the rocket is fired vertically the target is ejected at about 365 (1 200 ft) and then descends slowly m would normally Pensmoke Pen Series signalling equipment The Pen Series of equipment characteristics Length: 24-1 cm (9-5 in) or 26-7 cm (105 in) Diameter: 4-1 cm (1 -625 in) Weight (approx, depending on payload}: 24-1 convenient and miniaturised version of pyrotechnic signals to meet many service needs. To operate, it is only necessary to screw the required signal into the pen gun, then pull back and release the trigger. Although originally developed to meet the need for compact distress aids for aircraft, its small size makes it ideal for many other uses, particularly by ground troops. The Pensmoke gives out 1 a dense cloud of smoke (normally orange) for approx 8 sec. Penflare The Penflare about 20 sec is at the 1 5 same size as the Pensmoke. 000 candle power. It has a red flare that burns for Penrocket The Penrocket is percussion-ejected from its case before the motor ignites and to over 305 m (1000 ft) when fired vertically. The payload can be single or multistars of any colour, a smoke trace, a smoke puff or a star and smoke. carries it Ministars There are two types, each having a colour range of red, white or green. In one type the star is ejected to a mean height of 61 m (200 ft) and burns for at least 5 sec, in the other to over 91 m (300 ft) and burns for at least 5 sec above 61 m (200 ft). Candle powers: Red and White 7500 Green 5500 — — Minismoke The Minismoke trace over most is of identical in size with the Ministar but emits a coloured smoke its trajectory. Smoke colours are orange, red, yellow, green or blue. PAINS-WESSEX LIMITED High Post, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England Telephone: Middle Woodford 282 Cables: Painwessex Salisbury 603 Section 30: Pyrotechnics Above: Manoverboard marker provides signal by day or night Left: Manoverboard marker attached a to lifebuoy Right: the Pen Series of distress signalling equipment Below left: the Lifeline 274 metres (300 yards) fires a line up to ' Below centre: the Frogman's underwater distress signal -y 604 Section 30: Pyrotechnics Distress signals Rockets, flares and markers Manoverboard marker Manoverboard marker Series 2 When a provides a distress signal by day or night. marker is with the Manoverboard attached, lifebuoy, thrown into the sea, a large volume of orange smoke is emitted for 1 5-1 8 minutes and water activated batteries light two lamps, each of which gives a light output of 2 candela for over 45 minutes. The Manoverboard marker is made to withstand all weather conditions and The Pains-Wessex Pen Series distress signals The Pen Series is a convenient miniaturised version ot the normal range of distress signalling equipment and is particularly suitable for use by aircraft and helicopters. To operate, it is only necessary to screw the required signal into a Pen gun, then pull back and release the trigger. The range of signals includes: is completely safe to operate on oil or petrol-covered water. It is used by the Royal Navy, approved by the British Board of Trade and complies with the SOLAS Convention. Ministar There are two types, both of which eject red stars of 7500 candle power. In one type the star is ejected to a mean height of 60 m (200 ft) and burns for at least 5 seconds, in the other to over 90 m (300 ft) and burns for at least 5 seconds above 60 m (200 ft). Buoysmoke The Buoysmoke is a daytime distress signal which, except that it has no lamps, overboard marker. is the same as the Man- Mini 2 Star Two red stars are ejected to a (200 ft) and each burns for height of 60 m over 5 seconds with a minimum candle power of 7500. Coastal smoke The coastal smoke signal is another variation of the It Manoverboard marker, designed for small ships. generates smoke for about 7 minutes. One version of the coastal smoke signal emits smoke only, another 2-candela lamp of the type used on the one Manoverboard marker. carries sea, the signal 8 km can be seen by (5 miles) distance in a helicopter from nearly clear weather. Penflare is the same size as the red flare that burns for about 20 The Penflare Linethrowers Both the Lifeline and Fisherman linethrowers are preloaded with a rocket and rot-proof line in a watertight case. Aiming and firing are easy and accurate. The maximum ranges are: Lifeline: 274 m (300 yd) Fisherman: 220 m (240 yd) Frogman distress Pensmoke The Pensmoke gives out a dense cloud of orange smoke for approximately 18 seconds. Used from a liferaft at Pensmoke and has a seconds at 15 000 candle power. Penrocket The Penrocket before the is percussion-ejected motor ignites to carry it from to its case over 300 m (1000 ft) when fired vertically. It then ejects two red which burn for 14 seconds. stars signal This device is designed to enable a diver to give a signal to the surface from depths down to 30 m (1 00 ft). Before releasing the signal to float to the surface, the only operation required is to twist it free of its harness. When it reaches the surface the signal ignites a red flare that burns for 20 seconds. Marine distress signals The Pains-Wessex range of marine distress equipment is wide and includes parachute comprehensive. It rockets, smoke signals and flares as well as variety of kits which contain a selection of these. Approvals by the British Board of Trade and British Air Registration Board have been obtained where required. Special signals for demonstrations and practice are also available. PAINS-WESSEX LIMITED High Post, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England Telephone: Middle Woodford 282 Cables: Painwessex Salisbury 605 Tien 30: Pyrotechnics Above: bird-scaring cartridges with Very pistol showing the special liner Right: hydrographic signal — tidal-flow marker Right centre: parachutist's smoke tracer being used by the Falcons, the RAF parachute display team Below: Oystersmoke marine marker can be dropped from a helicopter Below 606 right: Very pistol and cartridges Section 30: Pyrotechnics Signal cartridges Smoke and noise generators Bird-scaring cartridges The Pains-Wessex bird-scaring cartridges are used for driving birds from aircraft runways. They are filled in 12-bore cardboard cases, varnished for protection, and fired from a Very pistol fitted with a special liner. The cartridge ejects a projectile that emits a yellow trace before detonating in the air at the end of its flight. The (100-160 yd). It is used by range is about 90-150 UK forces at home and abroad. m Hydrographic signal tidal-flow marker was specially designed to minimise the effects which wind and sea may have on (0-8 in). It is it by giving it a freeboard of only 2 cm This white smoke generators which are fired electrically at pre-set intervals and burn for about 1 j minutes. A version for use at night carries an ionised xenon flashing light that has a light output of normally fitted with dropped from 300 at 60 knots. I smoke from 3600 m (12 000 seconds they emit smoke for ft). After a delay of 3 45 seconds. by a helicopter travelling is used for the cases of the 1-5-in Very cartridges and either aluminium or cardboard for the cases of the 1 -in cartridges. These are filled to give a standard colour range of white, green and red, or a smoke puff. Firesmoke The Firesmoke smoke for use exercises. off a It signal produces in fighting fire of non-toxic a white and damage control burns for approximately good volume 1 ] minutes giving smoke. Thunderflash A wide range of Thunderflash cm (5 in) devices to 24-1 cm varying in (9-5 in) give detonations from 100-150 decibels at 6-1 metres (20 ft). The larger types incorporate handles and breakoff strikers and caps which coverthe igniter composition. Fumite insecticidal smoke generators These consist of aluminium canisters filled with a nonexplosive, non-flaming composition which, after igni- Oystersmoke tion The Oystersmoke particles. is designed to be dropped into the sea by a helicopter for marking a position or giving wind direction. The signal gives off a large volume of grey/ white coloured smoke for 15-20 minutes. It can be ft) Aluminium length from 12-7 Parachutist's smoke tracer These smoke tracers are for use in free-fall displays by parachutists. They can be operated mechanically or electrically and give orange, yellow, green or blue 000 (1 Very cartridges 1 1 50 000 candela. m a match, liberate clouds of insecticide Suitable for messes, living areas and storehouses. The insecticides kill cockroaches, fleas, and insects in stored products. The generators are easily carried and can be operated by unskilled personnel. with PAINS-WESSEX LIMITED High Post, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England Telephone: Middle Woodford 282 Cables: Painwessex Salisbury 607 «<»-rt?on 30: Pyrotechnics Schermuly Icarus rockets SPK* Whatever their payload, all Schermuly hand-held Icarus rockets are of the same basic design and construction. This includes a corrosion-resistant cylindrical discharger enclosing a seamless aluminium rocket with drum-type stabiliser, an ejection charge and a trigger-operated ignition device. All, Icarus rockets are designed to withstand rough treatment and the most 608 severe climatic including water. multiples of 1 2 conditions, several hours total immersion in Standard packing is in a stout, waterproof polythene container with screw-top lid. Intensified climatic cycling shows that packed in this in way a minimum shelf life of five years may be expected. The rockets have a length of 266mm (10-5in) a diameter of 44-5mm (1-8in) and weigh 365g (13oz). Section 30: Pyrotechnics Pyrotechnic devices Rocket illuminators, flares and signals Schermuly was founded in 1897 by merchant seaman William Schermuly, the inventor of the first pistolprojected line-thrower. During the Second World War the company was responsible for designing and producing a large pro- portion of the new and advanced pyrotechnic devices used by the Allied forces. Schermuly now supplies service pyrotechnics to the and Commonwealth naval, military and air services and to those in some 30 countries overseas. British Hand-fired illuminating rocket Para L3A1 This rocket, designed to Ministry of Defence requirements, is able to illuminate man-sized targets in silhouette at ranges between 90 and 365m (100 and 400yd), making possible accurate small arms fire at those ranges. Slow spinning of the rocket ensures consistency in flight path, so that the flare may be accurately placed, and variations in elevation to suit the terrain are VW V V B 1-5 INCH BAND (3cm) practicable. Features specific to the illuminator are as follows: TO FIRE. Cone hand, arro* with the other cogger (ever ** Ground range 275-365m (300—400yd), dependent on elevation at launch Illumination more than 80 000 candle power Burning time more than 30sec Average descent rate 4-75m/sec (15ift/sec) thumb or fingers : I I ' {-••-con will be with little or no '«: Hand-held rocket flares and signals Apart from their payloads these parachute-type red, green and orange hand-fired distress signal rockets are identical to the illuminating rocket. Features common to these three types are as follows: Height at which flare is released (fired vertically) 412m (1350ft). Average descent rate Flare data Burning time, sec Illumination, candle 6-4m/sec (21 ft/sec) Red Green 40 35 35 000 12 000 Orange 40 40 000 power Other hand-held Icarus °Q«KWG. 4i SURBE' rocket signals the following signals are designed to be fired vertically or near vertically, and to eject their payloads at a height of 41 2m (1 350ft) All Multi-star signals these rockets can carry up to four (a) burning time, (b) in red, stars of 8-10sec green or white. Smoke streamer this rocket ejects a free-falling generator which pro- duces a vertical column of bright orange smoke, ground level. down to (c) Radar reflective signals These Schermuly-Chemring rockets produce a recloud which can be accurately detected by radar. The payload comprises packs of tuned dipoles flective varying in quantity according to the operating frequency and the particular application. The dipoles can be cut to resonate at frequencies in X, C or S bands as desired, and the size and duration of the echo obtained can be predetermined by a suitable choice of material. (d) Maroon This rocket ejects an explosive cartridge, producing a report which can be heard several miles away. (e) Parachute target Spra Works, Newdigate, Dorking, Surrey, England coloured 0-32m 2 (3ift ) parachute which has a very slow falling rate. It is used for the plotting of wind velocity and for Telephone: Newdigate 331 gunnery SCHERMULY LIMITED Cables: Schermuly Dorking Surrey This rocket ejects a brightly 2 practice. 609 Portion 30: Pyrotechnics EURE RECONhMSSfcHCE SPRA Above: Helicopter flares, showing method mounting on undercarriage Above right: Helicopter flares of mounted on dischargers Right: Miniflare with eight-cartridge container and (inset) Below Mk 4, shown in firing position Red two-star showing compact size right: distress signal Below: Firing the red night flare of the day and night distress signal No. 1 Mk 1 610 8-66 3« HI Section 30: Pyrotechnics Pyrotechnic devices and distress signals Aircraft flares The equipment described below is designed and manufactured by Schermuly and fully meets the stringent Buoyant requirements specified by the Ministry of Defence. is freely available commercially. Cartridge (RAF It Smoke Yellow 1^ in 12D/1382) ref. This cartridge ejects a payload which emits bright yellow smoke. The cartridge is fired from a standard uminators (airborne) 38mm These long-burning, high-power flares for helicopters and light aircraft may be used for general illumination purposes, emergency landings at night or night reconnaissance. Available as standard equipment on Westland helicopters, they are in regular use on NATO, British and Commonwealth service machines as well as civil aircraft. The flare units are mounted in multiples of two on dischargers attached either to the fuselage or to a member of the undercarriage. The flares are designed for electrical ignition and are fitted with wire bridge igniters requiring high electrical energy levels for operation, thus ensuring complete safety against inadvertent by induced currents. Both the 54-5mm and 762mm (2-15 and 3in) flare units described below can be mounted on the same standard dischargers and with both units the parachute flares are ejected at least 1 5m (50ft) from the aircraft firing before they are ignited. Characteristics British Service Reference Average illumination, candle power Burning time, min Average descent rate, m/sec (ft/sec) Flare, Flare, Helicopter. Helicopter, Ground 3 in Illuminating, Reconnaissance, No. \,Mk\ No. 1,Mk2 RN. 365379 RAF.12D/1428 180 000 2 2-7 (9) 2 3 (7-5) Size: mm (in) mm (in) Length, Diameter, Weight, g (oz) impulse kg/sec (lb/sec) 435 (17 1) 435 (17 signal pistol, and is used from heli- terrain. An commercially under identical cartridge isavailable the description 'Cartridge, Wind iin, 1 Indicating'. Leading data Diameter 39-1 mm (1 -54in) Length 158mm (6^in) Weight 170g (6oz) Delay time 8-10sec Burning time 20-25sec Day and Night Distress Signal No. 1 Mk 1 (RAF ref. 12D/1276) This combined smoke and flare signal is made to Ministry of Defence specification and is NATO approved. One end generates dense red/orange smoke and the other end houses a red flare. Each portion is independently operated by a percussion igniter, and the signal is completely waterproof. Leading data 300 000 n (1 iin) copters and light aircraft to indicate wind direction and for height judgement. It is buoyant, so can be used over water as well as land, including snow-covered 1 54-5 (2-15) 1260 (47) 76-2 (30) 2-15 (4-7) 3-58 (7-9) Length 133mm (5jin) Diameter 38mm (1 iin) Weight 205g (7Joz) Smoke burning time 18sec Flare burning time 20sec Flare light output 1 8 000 candle power 2720 (96) Firing reaction Red 2-Star Distress Signal Mk 4 Miniflare A complete Miniflare kit consists of a projector and eight cartridges stowed in an easily opened plastic 1 pack measuring only 1 52 63 2h < fin) (6 and weighing 255g (9oz). The flares are suitable for medium-range signalling purposes and for distress signalling. A special feature is the ease with which the This signal is designed and constructed to military standards, and consists of an extruded aluminium case with threaded cap which contains two red stars which are ejected at intervals after operation of the percussion ignition system. flares Leading data only Length 124mm (4 lin) Diameter 28-6mm (1 |in) Weight 155g (5ioz) Flare burning time 6-7sec Light output 7000 candle power Height of ejection 61m (200ft) : : 9mm can be removed from the package and fired from the pen-sized, spring-loaded projector, with one hand if necessary. Features of the flares are as follows: Colours red, green and white/illuminating Burning time 6-7sec Height of trajectory 91m (300ft) SCHERMULY LIMITED Spra Works, Newdigate, Dorking, Surrey, England Telephone: Newdigate 331 Cables: Schermuly Dorking Surrey 611 Pyrotechnics 30: 26 5mm (1 in) signal pistol with aluminium-cased cartridges to produce red. green or 6-8sec at a Smoke puff signal cartridges with suitable 1 i in signal pistol. The white smoke puff cartridge is shorter; the longer cartridge produces a brown smoke puff illuminating/yellow flares for height of almost 1 00m (300ft) n/wc imr C f/KlOT TJt flf ,o ^A2 •67 1 V The anti-riot /64 Paper-cased anti-riot cartridge L2A2 also contains CS irritant, but is fired from a standard 38mm signal pistol. (1 iin) hand grenade L1A2, conthrown by taining the irritant CS, can be hand or launched from discharger. CS is a modified smoke effective yet safe Aluminium-cased cartridges (L3A1) are designed for use in riot guns and produces no lasting effects It is to be noted that jurioustothe person 612 similar but all if in — — including riot control equipment can be inconfined spaces. Appropriate precautions should therefore be taken. smoke-producing elements used Section 30: Pyrotechnics Pyrotechnic devices and for signalling Signalling control riot equipment in and 1 hin These newly developed aluminium-cased cartridges are of a quality comparable to that of cartridges made for the British Government. These are two sizes: the 26-5mm (1 in) cartridge can be fired from a standard 1 in or a calibre 4 signal pistol; the 38mm (1 £in) cartridge from a 38mm (1Ain) signal pistol. The Signal cartridges, 265mm cartridge 87-6mm (3-45in) long. is 1 55mm (2-165in) long, the 38mm cartridge is Features Colours: red, green, illuminating/yellow Burning time: 6-8sec Trajectory height: 91m (300ft) Pack: 26 5mm cartridges in units of 10 cartridges in units of 50 per colour Smoke per colour, Ignition is by percussion igniter and delay fuse blue smoke. which allows them to be tossed down-wind before smoke generation starts. Features 92mm (2k v3|in) Dimensions: 54mm dia Burning time: 10-25sec Delay time: 2-3Asec Weight: 185g (6ioz) approx Packed in units of 30 per colour 38mm puff signal cartridges Both the 38mm 1418) and the (1 Ain) 38mm brown smoke puff Mk 4T (RAF ref 12D/ (Hin) white smoke puff Mk 4T signal of paper-cased type and made to Ministry of Defence specification. They produce a report and a ball of smoke at a height of at least 30m (100ft), for signalling or for measuring wind velocity. White Brown Features 97-8(3 85) Length mm(in) 160(6-3) 39-1(1-54) 39-1(1-54) Dia mm(in) 120 (4 J) Weight g(oz) 227(8) cartridges are Smoke grenades These are designed for ground-to-air signalling and for ground marking. They produce a dense cloud of red, green, yellow or Riot control equipment Schermuly manufactures under licence the British Government anti-riot stores that generate clouds of smoke, containing the irritant CS. Compared with the hitherto more widely used tear gas CN (CAP), CS is effective at much lower concentrations and results in less severe after-effects. The equipment is designed to function with no risk of fragmentation, and with minimal fire risk. The Anti-riot The first 1 hin cartridges of these cartridges L2A2 and L3A primarily for firing from standard and the second 38mm signal (1 iin) pistols, an aluminium-cased store carrying a larger payload designed for firing from all types of anti-riot gun. L2A2 L3A1 Cartridge (paper) Range (lobbed) (aluminium) (75-1 00yd) (Bin) square group) Delay time, sec Burning time, sec Length, mm (in) (in) Cartridge 119m 69-91 (1 30yd) approx. (45yd) 50m Range (aimed 20cm mm 2-3 5-25 107 (4-2) 2-3 5-25 122 (4-82) 39-1 (1-54) 38-71 stepped to 39-57 (1-524-1-558) Weight, g (oz) Packaging of from exposure to removal humane means from the CS pass off within a few contaminated These devices are capable of being stored where in providing area, law breakers. of controlling rioters or for many years any- the world, with a high probability of satisfactory func- tioning. hand grenade L1A2 This store can either be thrown by hand or launched from a modified smoke discharger on armoured cars. is Features Diameter, minutes Anti-riot paper-cased store designed a is effects resulting 135 (4 J) 200 seven per sealed six tins per (7) Features Range about 32m (35yd) when thrown, 64-1 10m (70-1 20yd) when fired from discharger Burning time 1 0-40sec Delay time 2-3sec Length 140mm (5 Ain) Diameter 63-5mm (2Ain) Weight 454g (16oz) Packaging 10 per ammunition box, Hand-held irritant generator n ammunition box, C364 is designed primarily as a training aid. It produces comparatively low concentration of smoke for 3A-5i minutes, permitting respirator training under realistic conditions. The composition is contained within a cylinder 425mm long by 25-4mm ( 1 in dia, fitted with a handle. ( 1 6 i n ) Initiation is by means of a friction igniter stored within the a ) handle. Irritant SCHERMULY LIMITED smoke pellet for respirator testing As the name implies these pellets are used They are ignited by means of respirators. Spra Works, Newdigate, Dorking, Surrey, England Telephone: Newdigate 331 Cables: Schermuly Dorking Surrey L1A1 This generator i t M104 or in for testing the a fit of match fuse singly multiples as required. They weigh 1 g (1 /30oz) and burn for 8-25 sec. 613 Ssction 30: Pyrotechnics Reconnaissance flare for fixed-wing aircraft Developed meet the Royal Air Force requirement for an air-dropped both reconnaissance and battlefield parachute illumination purposes, the 127-mm (5-inch) reconnaissance flare has superseded all other aircraft flares by virtue of its advanced design and superior performance. Pre-flight preparation is kept to a minimum, requiring only a circuitcheck to flare that is suitable for and fuze setting. The aluminium hardware ensures a long storage life and high tolerance of severe physical and environmental conditions. Major components are self-contained and sealed. The 127-mm (5-inch) reconnaissance flare is made safe in storage, A model handling and use by virtue of the inherent safety devices. suitable for release from helicopters may be available shortly. alloy Specification EJECTION UNIT — Safety features Integral radio-frequency attenuator Fail-safe fuze-arming system IN TAIL CAP —AUXILIARY DROGUE PARACHUTE -. CANOPY PAC< Parachute deployment delay Carriage Subsonic: light series carrier (e g Mk 15) Supersonic: ML light stores carrier No 100 Performance ATTENUATOR Burning time: 3-25-3-5 min Light intensity: 1 000 000 candela minimum Parachute system Twin, 3-35 m (11ft) dia canopy parachutes, mainly in nylon, pressure-packed, fitted with drogue auxiliary Dimensions C -"E mm (36 in) mm (7 in) 27 mm (5 in) Overall length: 914 Overall diameter: 178 Body diameter: 1 Weight: 16 33 kg (36 lb) FUZE Ho <>S0 Operational delays Fuze setting tolerance: 8-60 sec Parachute deployment and arming delay: 3 5 sec Rate of descent 305 m/min (1000ft/min) Flare burning: 183 m/min (600ft/min) Unlit: Wallop Industries Limited has been concerned with the development and manufacture of a wide range of sophisticated pyrotechnic devices for defence, space and industrial projects for over twenty years. The company has available research, development and design facilities, as well as production plant able to undertake quantity and batch manufacture of pyrotechnic devices, also the production of models and prototypes. In addition to the 127-mm (5-inch) reconnaissance production items include missile tracking flares, highaccuracy delay elements, rocket ignition systems, pyromechanical actuators and other devices. A company brochure is available on request. flare, current WALLOP INDUSTRIES LIMITED Middle Wallop, Stockbridge, Hampshire, England Telephone: Wallop 456 614 Telex: 47692 Section 31 Fire fighting equipment 615 Section 31 Fire fighting : equipment pumps are manufactured by Coventry Climax Engines Ltd, a firm which has over 60 years' experience engine manufacture. A range of fast-into-action fire pumps second to none has been produced since 1937. For many years, these portable vehicle-mounted and trailer fire pumps have been specified as standard equipment oy British military and civil fire services. They are also in use by many overseas forces. iva fire UMP Multi- pressure mounted fire two-stage vehicleThis unique pump. pump provides: operating pressures to 42-2 kg/cm 2 (600 lb/in 2 ); low pressure outputs up to 4500 litres/ up min (1000 gal/min); low pump speeds to give long seal and bearing life; low power requirements capable of being met by the smallest engines used in fire appliance chassis; facility to function on low and high pressure simultaneously; compact dimensions; simple operating technique and reliability. FWMP A portable centrifugal single-stage self-contained pump, completely and exceptionally fuelled, the light. pump weighs Fully only 113 kg (250 lb) and can be easily On certain carried by two men. models of portable pumps full electric starting is instantaneous service. 1 c 6 available for Section 31 Fire fighting equipment pumps Fire and vehicle-mounted portable, trailer Portable : pumps Easily handled by two men, Godiva portable fire pumps are the complete answer where water is needed quickly in positions inaccessible to a fire tender. Powered by race-proved Coventry Climax overhead camshaft engines and constructed in corrosion-resistant light alloy, Godiva pumps are available with outputs up to 2273 litres/min (500 gal/min) and pressures up to 1 76 kg/cm 2 (250 Output Type Engine Operational 7 kg/cm 2 (100 at weight lb/in-) gal/min litres/mm lb/in 2 ). kg lb FWMP Petrol 1136 250 113-4 250 FWHP Petrol 386 85 at 250 lb/in 2 113-4 250 17-6 kg/cm 2 at FWP Petrol 1364 300 165-5 365 FWBP Petrol 2273 500 215-4 475 FWMDP Diesel 796 175 145-1 320 Vehicle-mounted pumps vehicle-mounted pumps includes models suitable for any make of fire appliance chassis and amidships mounting. Deliveries go up to 5455 litres/min (1 200 gal/min) and a multi-pressure available which operates on a hose reel system at 42-2 kg/cm 2 (600 lb/in 2 ). The Godiva range of for front, rear or version is Where mounted Type UMP multi-pressure Performance Low-pressure stage: 2270, 3410 and Rear or amidships 4550 litres/min at and 1000 gal/min kg/cm 2 (500, 750 2 at 100 lb/in ) 7 > .• High-pressure stage: 1 92 litres/min at 42-2 kg/cm 2 (45 gal/min at 600 lb/in 2 ) UFP up to 5455 litres/min and up to 15-5 kg/cm 2 (1200 gal/min and 220 lb/in Rear or amidships range Deliveries l J»-' v^ -^—^.^~ pressures : ) UHP dual-pressure 3409 litres'min at 7 kg/cm 2 and 227 litres/min at 31 -6 kg/cm 2 (750 gal/min Rear or amidships at100 FWPS Rear or amidships on Ib/in 2 and50 gal/minat450lb/in) 364 litres min at 100 lb/in-) 1 at 7 kg/cm 2 (300 gal/min r light vehicles ACP Trailer Front of 2273 appliance min litres/min at 100 at 7 kg/cm 2 (500 gal/ lb/in 2 ) pumps Godiva trailer-mounted pumps are available in two sizes, with a performance up to 2273 litres/min (500 gal/min) at 7 kg/cm 2 (100 lb/in 2 ). Bonneted, and with their own wheels, they are mounted on trailers which also hold suction and delivery hose and equipment. Any car or light vehicle can tow the loaded trailer without difficulty. ^dttdaik Type 7 | Dry weight Output at kg/cm 2 (100 lb/in 2 ) Engine litres/min gal/min kg lb TFW Petrol 1364 300 454 1000 TFWB Petrol 2273 500 463 1020 b^jFi** — **jV» * r i COVENTRY CLIMAX ENGINES LTD BPITIBM Military Sales Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: Leymotors London W1 W1, England Telex Telex: 22498 LEVLAMD 617 Section 31 : Fire fighting equipment Firewire Triple FD continuous resetting detector Single-point resetting detector switches Fire extinguishers 6I8 Section 31 Fire-protection for : Fire fighting equipment equipment automatic and manual operation Firewire Triple FD continuous resetting detector Designed to detect and give warning of fire or overheat Firewire Triple FD system employs continuous-type detectors, is resetting and is unique in that it discriminates between a true warning conditions, the Graviner and a system fault. Experience has shown that the principal cause of false warnings is damage usually the result of maltreatment during maintenance to the sensing eleEmploying completely new principle of ments. a operation, the Firewire Triple FD system will not signal — — if a short circuit occurs as a result of element or a fault in the wiring between the element loop and the control unit. An extensive range of sensing elements and control units is available to enable the system to be engineered specifically to suit the requirements of virtually any known application, and in particular to cater for any current or future type of aircraft, ship, fighting vehicle a warning damage or hovercraft. Single-point resetting detector switches These unit-type, thermally operated, resetting fire and overheat detector switches are approved for use in potential fire zones and are currently fitted as standard equipment to a wide range of aircraft, diesel-engined locomotives, ships, fighting vehicles and hovercraft. The temperature-sensitive element comprises an alloy-steel barrel with a high coefficient of expansion, bow assembly of low expansion on which are mounted two electrical Expansion of the barrel due to rise in containing a spring coefficient contacts. temperature progressively relaxes the compressive force on the bows until, at the preset operating temperature, the electrical contacts close. A return to normal temperatures reopens the contacts and automatically resets the switch. These robust switches can withstand high ambient temperatures and severe environmental conditions, and a comprehensive series of switches is available to cover a wide range of operating temperatures. Fire extinguishers An extensive range of Graviner fire extinguishers is to cover all known applications. These extend from simple hand-operated types to those designed for either semior fully automatic systems. Automatic extinguishers can be supplied in a comprehensive range of either copper or steel containers and with either single or dual operating heads, the latter permitting a reserve 'two-shot' available capability. Of the many extinguishing agents available, bromochlorodifluoromethane (BCF) is the one most fre- quently recommended because of its remarkable extinguishing efficiency plus its low toxicity. It is approved by the British ARB as a replacement for methylbromide (MB), although the latter is still generally approved for use in automatic extinguishers for military aircraft. Extinguishers filled with alternative extinguishing agents, such as chlorobromomethane (CB), bromotrifluoromethane (BTM) and dibromodifluoromethane (DDM), can also be supplied to meet special risks or specific applications. GRAVINER (COLNBROOK) LIMITED Poyle Mill Works, Colnbrook, Slough, Buckinghamshire, England Telephone: Colnbrook 3245 Cables: Crashfires Colnbrook Telex: 84124 Q f^a^tj^eR ONE OF THE HMMNSON GROUP OF COMPANIES 619 ion 31 : Fire fighting equipment Fire-fighting vehicles Pyrene airfield crash-fire trucks, similar to the type illustrated, are built on Thornycroft TMA/300 Nubian Major chassis and powered by Cummins V8/300 compression ignition (diesel) engines developing 300 bhp gross at 3000 rev/min. (1400 gal) water tank pumped through an automatically compensating aspirated foam system. These crash trucks can be supplied with a variety of ancillary equipment and are designed to take on additional supplies of water and foam compound without breaking the continuity of foam production, the Designed and built by the Pyrene Company, these vehicles have a foam output of 32 000-36 000 litres/min (7-8000 gal/min) through a large output monitor (turret) and four 44 mm (1 | in) hand lines with FB10X branchpipes supplied from a foam compound tank of 909 litres (200 gal) capacity and a 6360 litre discharge rate being sustained as long as these supplies can be maintained. Foam can also be generated while the vehicles are on the move. Pyrene manufactures a range of fire fighting vehicles foam truck and trailer compact fire-fighting unit consists of a truck mounted on a Land Rover 277 cm (1 09 in) wheelbase 4 4 chassis and a Scottorn Bushmaster driven-axle trailer (both of which are described in detail elsewhere in this Catalogue). The unit therefore has effectively The output is up to 1 1 365 litres/min (2500 gal/min) foam through two Pyrene 8/16 foam branchpipes, induced by a variable round-the-pump inductor. The single divided tank holds 227 litres (50 gal) water and 145 litres (32 gaH foam liquid. The trailer tank contains an additional 832 litres (183 gal) water. The unit carries a crew of three and includes provision for general and ancillary equipment. Fire crash This six-wheel traction difficult terrain. 620 and outstanding traction over on a variety of chassis, suitable for all fire fighting media. of Section 31 : Fire fighting equipment Fire-fighting vehicles and fire-fighting equipment Fire-chopper units These compact units can be conveyed to the scene of an outbreak of fire either by helicopter or by a small Land Rover-type of vehicle. The unit, charged with either 90 kg or 1 36 kg (200 lb or 300 lb) of dry powder, discharging through a 23 m (75 ft) length of hose, has primarily been designed to operate at crash fires that may take place outside the limits of an airfield where very rough terrain may be inaccessible to other methods of transport. For transportation by air, the two white nylon slings (seen lying across the hose) are hooked on to a cable which is winched from the helicopter. The unit can then be turned over on to its side and the two 'wheels' enable it to be rolled along the ground. BCF hand fire extinguisher This powerful 1 -4 kg (3 lb) BCF fire extinguisher was developed by Pyrene for the British Army to MVEE Specification 1285 (NATO stock No: 4210-99-8814724.) BCF is non-damaging, non-conductive, completely effective on all types of fire, serviceable from -45° to +75 C C. The extinguisher itself is completely sealed and expendable. Pyrene also designed and produced the fixed installations for engine compartment protection in British fighting vehicles. SF20 This with is trolley a mobile fires fire extinguisher unit designed to cope spillage, especially on resulting from fuel aprons. It has an output of 73 litres/min gal/min). The entire contents can be discharged in (1 6 74 seconds at a pressure of 10-5 kgf/cm 2 (150 lbf/in 2 ), giving a jet length of 1 2 m (40 ft). The unit has a capacity of 91 litres (20 gal) solution at 6 percent concentration of 'light water' or Pyrene Plus F fluoroprotein foam. The unit runs on 400-mm (16-inch) rubber-tyred wheels. The stub axles and transporting handles are welded to the container shell to save the weight of a separate chassis. airfield THE PYRENE COMPANY LIMITED Pyrene House, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, England Telephone: Sunbury-on-Thames 85588 Telex: Pyrene 261402 6?1 Section 31 : Fire fighting equipment Fire protection Vehicles, installations, equipment Emergency vehicles We design and build emergency fire fighting vehicles of all kinds for military and civil use. These appliances are designed to carry media generally water, foam and either carbon appropriate to the risks involved dioxide or dry powder. The machine illustrated is based on the Thornycroft Nubian Major chassis with two driven rear axles and power-assisted steering. In the crew cab are pneumatically operated remote controls for all main valves governing water and the special Merryweather Selectamatic foamJsystem. — Fire protection installations Merryweather supplies specialist equipment for the protection of buildings and plant of all kinds. In addition they plan complete fire protection services and carry out all installation work. Such installations include fire alarms, sprinklers and water spray, carbon dioxide and dry powder systems for the protection of special risks such as radio stations, generating plant, laboratories, computer rooms, Fire-fighting etc. equipment Merryweather manufactures a very wide range of portable equipment, including hand and mobile fire extinguishers, to cover all classes of risk. The company also makes fixed and swinging nose reels, and all brigade equipment including hose, branch pipes and special nozzles. At right: a Merryweather extinguisher carrying 'Fireball' 150 1b mobile of dry powder A member of the Tecalemit Group of Companies MERRYWEATHER & SONS LIMITED Greenwich High Road, London SE10, England Telephone: 01 -692 622 1 01 6 Cables: Merywether London SE1 to By Appointment Her Majesty the Queen Fire Engineers Merryweather AND SONS LIMITED Section 31 Fire fighting : equipment Nubian Major airfield fire crash tender The Thornycroft Nubian Major 6 6 chassis has been designed and developed entirely as an aircraft fire crash tender. It is not a commercial vehicle variant. Consequently, the ability to meet the most basic and import- and ant requirements of an aircraft fire crash tender have been catered for at the design stage, without subsequent compromise or modification. Experience gained over 20 years of aircraft fire crash tender manufacture has been used to produce a chassis with outstanding cross-country performance, high speeds and rapid acceleration. Well-tried and highly speed epicyclic gearbox allow gear changes to be made under full power, with no loss of speed or traction. The maximum speed of 100km/h (62 mph) can thus be used to full advantage. The power take-off is designed so that it can be engaged both while the vehicle is in motion and when stationary, the vehicle can therefore move around an incident and maintain a continuous foam discharge. developed components are used to ensure reliability readily available spare parts. The Cummins V8 diesel engine produces 300 bhp at 3000 rev/min, giving a power-to-weight ratio of 1 5 bhp per ton. A 457 mm (1 8 in) fluid clutch and five- Specification Engine A naturally aspirated eight-cylinder engine, producing 300 bhp gross, at a governed speed of 3000 rev/min. The two banks of four cylinders are in a 90 degree vee' configuration, with a bore and stroke of 1 39 7 104 8 m- diesel. - in) giving a cubic capacity of 12 86 litres (785 in 3 ). Clutch A 457 mm (1 8 in) dia fluid clutch is fitted. This is a combination of an hydraulic coupling and a centrifugal friction clutch, and uses features of both. The fluid coupling provides a perfectly smooth take-up from rest, while at higher speeds the centrifugal clutch provides a positive drive with no loss of power. Main gearbox The semi-automatic main gearbox is mounted as an integral unit with the engine and provides five forward speeds and one reverse. An air-operated control is used to select the gears, an indicator is provided to show which gear is in use and a built-in inhibitor unit protects the engine from damage through overrevving during downward changes Gear changes are made under full power (hot shift) with no loss of speed and consequent risk of bogging down in soft ground. Ratios: 1st 7 25.1. 2nd 4-28:1, 3rd 2-43:1, 4th 1-59:1, 5th 1:1 Reverse 5 97:1 Transfer gearbox The transfer gearbox is a two-speed spur gear unit of constant-mesh type with sliding dog change. Engagement of front-wheel drive is independent of normal gear selection and may be used with either ratio. Gear or power-drive selection is not affected by wind-up in the lower shaft. Gear changes in the transfer box can only be carried out when stationary High gear emergency conditions of an exceptional nature. Ratios are 1:1 and 1-62:1 in Cummins V8-300 is suitable for all cross-country operation. Low gear is only required Brakes Split-system air-operated spring brakes are fitted as standard, providing both service and secondary systems. The foot operates the brakes on all wheels. The secondary or parking brake control lever, which is mounted on the steering column, actuates the spring brake chambers on the rear bogie only and is capable of holding the vehicle fully laden at 21 tons on a 1 in 4 gradient. Compressed air for braking is supplied by an engine-mounted and enginedriven compressor with a nominal output of 0-340 mVmin (12 ftVmin). Electrical system is provided by a 24 V negative earth 178 (7 in) dia alternator of output. The batteries have a capacity of 165 Ah. The output from the alternator, even at low speeds, is sufficient to supply all lighting, radio and ancillary equipment. mm Power 1 440 W Power take-off (optional) The power take-off is usually mounted on the top of the main gearbox and is driven by the gearbox input shaft. Engagement is by a lever in the cab working through a synchromesh unit The power take-off may be engaged while the vehicle is stationary or in motion and is capable of transmitting 150 bhp at 3000 rev/min continuously. Wheels and tyres Two-piece divided disc wheels with 1400 20 in 20-ply cross-country tyres are standard. 1 5 00 20 in 20-ply tyres can be supplied as alternative equipment • if required. TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT (THORNYCROFT) LTD Military Sales Divisiqn Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1, England Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: Leymotors London W1 Telex Telex: 22498 LEYLANO 623 Section 32 Materials handling equipment 625 Section 32: Materials handling equipment 10-ton rough-terrain crane, designed specially for use Army, can operate in climatic conditions from C to — 52"C, and at altitudes up to 5000 ft, without modifica's e The Smith L2625 truck crane offers ease It works of operation and maintenance. maximum road speed fast and travels fast is nearly 50 km/h (30 mph) — 526 British Section 32: Materials handling equipment Heavy-duty cranes and for military industrial uses Smith's 10-ton rough-terrain crane Specification Specially developed to meet the rigorous requirements of the British Army, this crane offers strength and reliability in the most severe conditions. It is principally designed for general field service such as bridging and As the crane is waterproofed for stores handling. wading in sea water up to 1 -85 (6 ft 6 in) deep, with a 0-625 m (2 ft 6 in) wave and spray allowance, it can also be used as a beach crane in ship-to-shore operations. It converts swiftly and compactly for fast convenient road travel. Upper machinery Power: transmitted up the centre unit to drive 4 hydraulic pumps one for each motion Max hoist speed: 30 m/min (100ft/min) on 3 falls, 23 m/min (75ft/min) on 4 falls Slewing speed: 4 rev/min Telescopic jib. luffing speed: m Max gradient: 1 in full range in 24 sec under load 2^ Safe working loads: 1 tons at 3-35 m (1 1 7 tons at 4-27 m (14 4 tons at 5-80 m (1 9 1 1 tons at 9-46 m (31 ft ft) ft ft in) radius on 4 radius on 3 falls 3 in) radius on 3 3 in) radius on 3 3 falls of rope of rope falls of rope falls of rope Crane carrier Engine: Rolls-Royce C8 NFL, 250 bhp at 21 00 rev/min Gearbox: Clark 'Power-Shift' type R-600-FS Overall dimensions in road travel condition: Width 3 060 m (10 ft 6 in), height 3-400 m (11ft 11 in), length 8540 m (28 ft 2 in), wheel base 4-280 m (14ft 6 in) Max road speed: 56 km/h (35 mph) 8 59 95 m roll m (28ft 2 (3 rad Overall width 3 20 Smith's L2625 truck crane Another crane from the famous Smith m (10 ft m m (10ft 5 Power unit: Perkins 6/354 6-cylinder diesel engine Transmission: via gearbox and 'Triplex' roller chain totally enclosed, running Cab: 260° all-round vision m (2 ft 6 THOMAS SMITH & SONS Rodley, Leeds, Telephone: Pudsey 2844. in oil Crane carrier Engine: AEC model AV691 capacity, delivering Gearbox: AEC 6-cylinder diesel engine of 11-3 192 bhp at litres (690 in 3 ) 200 rev/min five-speed constant-mesh type with built-in two-speed auxiliary unit Truck frame: heavily reinforced welded steel construction Weight of crane: 29-5 tons approx fully rigged with 7-62 m (25 Max road speed: 48 km/h (30 mph) m (39 ft 4j ft) basic boom in) in) 0-76 PO Box BR5, in Upper machinery 12 04 18m 6 Specification range, which is currently doing arduous duty for the British armed forces. Like all Smith's cranes and excavators, it combines ruggedness and dependability with precise, accurate lifting control. The crane is fully slewing and has a basic boom length of 7-6 (25 ft), extending to a maximum of 38 Maximum load on a single rope is 4-3 (1 25 ft). tons. Maximum lifting capacity is 25 tons. 3 in) in) Wheelbase 4-88 m (1 6 ft in) (RODLEY) LIMITED LS13 2TG, England Telegrams: Smith Rodley Telex Telex: 55105 627 Section 32: Materials handling equipment iSSSp^ The Climax 50-DA diesel-powered many and varied duties, handling a fork lift truck shown above variety of commodities. carriage back-rest extension, lighting equipment and rear is is fitted to this truck are or cushion tyres; the pneumatic tyres are called for when working if surfaces are uneven, loose or wet, but working on good dry surfaces cushion tyres (with their lower rate of wear) are ideal. the table for petrol and LP gas trucks on the right, please note that trucks with the suffixes PC and PA are petrol-powered, GC and GA are LP gas-powered. In The largest range. one 628 Defence for overhead guard and canopy, of a large fleet supplied to the British Ministry of view mirrors important to note that the Climax range includes diesel, petrol and liquefied petroleum-gaspowered models, the correct power unit therefore being available for any particular application to give maximum efficiency and operating economy. Many variations of the basic specification are available. For example, Climax mechanical trucks are produced in alternative versions having pneumatic It electric, one Optional equipment and the smallest Above is of the larger 20-PA in the Climax mechanical truck 907 kg capacity and to the left is trucks which have capacities up to 8165 kg a of Section 32: Materials handling equipment Mechanical fork for use on land and on board ship Diesel Min Capacity at 610 (24 Model L^ trucks lift 20-DC 20-DA tyres 907 kg 2000 lb Cushion 907 kg 40-DA 50- DA 60- DC 60- DA 70-DC 70-DA/S Transmission D Pneumatic 3302 130 D Pneumatic lb 1814 kg 4000 lb Cushion 1814 kg 4000 lb Pneumatic 2268 kg 5000 lb Pneumatic 2722 kg 6000 lb Cushion 2722 kg 6000 lb Pneumatic 3175 kg 7000 lb Cushion 3175 kg 7000 lb Pneumatic D D, or D. or in 3302 130 Q mm 3302 130 3302 130 Q or mm in in 3302 130 O mm in 3302 130 mm radius 1676 m 20/6 66 in 75} mm in 1676 66 in 3404 134 mm 1341 mm in 721 in 3505 mm 138in 1867 731 in mm 1943 76* in in 3804 mm 149|in in mm 3854 3810 150 in 21 mm 151 J in mm 86 mm in 1 Q (single 18 2997 118 161J mm 3861 mm in mm mm mm in mm mm in 2311 mm 91 in in mm 2210 87 mm 2337 4401 mm 1731 'n 261 6 mm 2349 921 in 2642 104 in 92 in mm in mm 82 fin mm in mm 95im mm 2438 96 in (laden) mm 965 38 in 106/ 42 in 965 33 1099 431 1187 46? 1079 421 m/min 3'3 60 ft/min 1 m/min 6-8 14 5 km/h mph 9 17 km/h 10 5 mph 12 9 km/h 8 mph km/h 16-1 mph 10 12-9 km/h mph 8 mm 29 m/min 95 ft/min 19-2 km/h 27-4 m/min 19 2 km/h 12 mph in mm 90 ft/min in mm 183 m/min 60 ft/min in mm 1168 46 in mm 1270 mm 50 1 speed (laden); 55 ft/min in in 60 ft/min mm in 1091 m/min 18-3 Travel in 50 2781 70 ft/min mm 1270 981 m/min 21 -3 mm 2756 mm 108* in 2502 70ft/min mm in m/min 21 -3 in 39 in 2375 93J 2419 width 991 mm 2134 84 speed 39 mm 2102 Overall 991 mm 80: in 4121 mm 162] in mm in I Lift in 2076 75J 21 34 in 2159 85 152in in 34 84 2184 in Q 3302 mm 4096 mm 2997 mm 3277 129 3505 138 mm Overall length less forks Turning 3277 mm 129in 130in or 90 stackinqt 3302 mm 130in D Cushion lb 1361 kg for lift 3302 130 D aisle width Standard height* lb 1361 kg 3000 IGD of centres 3000 IGDFA Type in) 2000 IGDF mm mm m/min 21 -4 70 ft/min mm 1 m/min 8 3 60 ft/min 1 98 m/min 65 ft/min in 12 mph 14-5 km/h 9-5 mph 19-4 km/h 1 mph 2-1 14 5 km/h 9 5 mph 19-4 km/h I mph 2-1 (front) 70-DA/T 3175 kg 7000 lb Pneumatic O or Q 2997 mm 118 (twin in mm 103m 2908 mm 114* in 1676 mm 1168 66 mm 19 8 m/min 65 ft/min 18-8 km/h in mm 1 8 3 m/min 60 ft/min 14-5 km/h 18-3 m/min 18-8 km/h 11 -75 mph front) 80-DC O mm 3629 kg 8000 lb Cushion 3629 kg 8000 lb Pneumatic 100-DA 4536 kg 10 000 lb Pneumatic 20-DA 5443 kg 12 000 1b Pneumatic Q 3658 144in 150- DA 6804 kg 15 0001b Pneumatic Q 3658 144 8165 kg 18 000 1b Pneumatic 907 kg 2000 lb Cushion 20-GC 20-PA 20-GA 2000 IGPF IGPF(LPG) 3000 80- DA 1 180-DA 20- PC IGPFA IGPFA 907 kg 1 or Q Q Cushion D D D or Q lb 1361 kg Pneumatic D or 18 3658 144 Q Pneumatic 18 2997 1 lb 1361 kg 3000 2997 Q lb in . mm in mm in I 4013 158 4426 mm 174} in 4826 190 mm 4928 194 mm 5817 229 in in mm in 3048 120 mm 3124 mm in 5842 mm 230 in 3302 mm 130in 3277 129 in mm 3277 129 in mm mm 3302 130 in 3802 130 in 3404 134 in mm 3505 mm 3302 130 mm 138m in 123 in 3658 mm 144in mm ! mm mm 1676 66 in mm 3327 mm 1803 in mm in 154.'. in mm in mm 66 in 1841 721 in 1867 731 15J 1 in 3924 1676 mm 2934 46 in 1803 mm 676 66 1041 3245 mm 127Jin mm 3912 154 1 2654 mm mm in 131 mm 160J in mm 4108 161 2134 801 2102 82J 2388 94 mm 991 39 in mm 991 in mm in mm in 60 ft/min mm 21 -4 mm mm 70 ft/min mm in 965 38 in mm mm 22 mph 35-2 km/h 22 mph 32 km/h 20 mph 76 ft/min 232 m/min 76 ft/min 21 3 m/min 70 ft/min in 39 75 mph II 35-2 km/h 70 ft/min in mm m/min mph 9 5 23-2 m/min in mm m/min 21 -4 71 in 2286 90 i in 2076 75J 2076 75| mm in 71 in in 4083 in 21 -3 m/min 70 ft/min 18-3 m/min 60 ft/min 18-3 m/min 1067 42 in 965 38 in 16-8 m/min 55 ft/min 106/ 42 mm 1 in 60 ft/min 37-7 km/h 23*4 mph 14-5 km/h 9 mph 17 km/h 10 5 mph 12 9 km/h 8 mph 16-1 10 km/h mph (LPG) IGP IGP(LPG) 1814 kg 4000 lb Cushion IGPA IGPA 1814 kg 4000 lb Pneumatic 60- PA 60-GA 2722 kg 6000 lb Pneumatic 70-PA/S 70-GA/S 3175 kg 7000 lb Pneumatic D or Q 3302 mm 3505 mm 1943 mm 2134 mm D orQ 138in 761 3785 mm 149in 2096 in mm 4096 mm 2311 130 in 3302 130 3302 130 in 2997 mm mm 821 84 in mm 2362 93 in in mm in mm 6-8 m/min 55 ft/min 12-9 km/h 8 mph 19-3 km/h 12 mph (LPG) or Q OorQ (single 161 i in mm 2756 mm 1081 in 1270 2781 mm 1091 in 1270 4121 mm 1621 in 2337 2616 mm 103in 2908 mm 2934 18 in 299/ 118 in 4401 mm 173J in 2997 118 mm 4426 in 1 mm 91 in 92 in 50 mm in mm 21 -4 m/min 70 ft/min 50 in 19 8 m/min 65 ft/min 676 66 mm 19-8 m/min in 676 66 in 19-4 km/h 12 1 mph 19-4 km/h 18-8 km/h 11-75 mph 1 2-1 mph front) 70-PA/T 70-GA/T 3175 kg 7000 lb Pneumatic PA 80-GA 3629 kg 8000 lb Pneumatic 100- PA 4536 kg 10 0001b Pneumatic Q 3658 144 5443 kg 12 000 1b Pneumatic Q 3658 144 Oor Q (twin mm 1141 mm 1 in 65 ft/min front) 80- 100-GA 120- PA 120-GA * Alternative lift t With mm 1 21 9 heights available on request (48 in) cube load t Oor Q mm in mm in 1741 4826 190 4928 194 mm in mm 2642 104 in mm in 3048 120 in mm 3124 mm in 123 in With clutch and manual gearbox; speeds with torque converter approx. 5% lower COVENTRY CLIMAX ENGINES LIMITED Military Sales Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1, England Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: Leymotors London W1 Telex Telex: 22498 1 151 mm in 3245 mm 127J in 3327 mm 131 in 1 1803 mm mm 71 in 1803 mm 71 in 18-3 m/min 60 ft/min 21 -4 m/min 70 ft/min 21 -4 m/min 70 ft/min 18-8 km/h 11 -75 mph 35-2 km/h 22 mph 35 2 km/h 22 mph ft D -Dry clutch and manual gearbox ^Oil-cooled clutch and manual gearbox Q = Torque converter BRITISH LEVLANO 629 Section 32: Materials handling equipment The Climax 50-EC electric fork lift truck shown above the most widely used fork trucks in the range is fitted with the Fitted with standard forks, the trucks are versatile 'maids of all work', able to lift, transport and stack most types of material which, in a highly organised storage and handling system, are usually borne on pallets or stillages for ease of movement and optimum use of available storage space. Alternatively, the trucks can be fitted with a wide variety of attachments for carrying out specialised tasks, or for handling goods which cannot easily be palletised. Examples of such attachments range from a simple rigid crane interchangeable with the standard forks to sophisticated devices such as semi-automatic ladles for molten metal, or hydraulically operated retractable overhead cranes. The power availability of electric, diesel, petrol or LPG of great importance, correct choice of power unit being vital for maximum efficiency and operating is economy. can be said that battery-electric trucks are particularly suited to indoor work, on good surfaces or on short runs; diesel trucks are suited to outdoor work or longer runs. Features of the Climax range include: good accessi- 620 Briefly, it new Climax SCR bility for '72 electronic control system, and is one of ease of servicing, interchangeability of com- ponent parts between the various models, long wheelbase for lower tyre wear and light steering, and built international standards (FEM, ITA, to recognised BITA). As will Climax SCR '72 stepless be seen from the tables opposite, most with the new Climax electronic control system, giving smooth electric trucks are fitted acceleration, great economy and easy maintenance, and faster lift and reliability, travel speeds. A heavy-duty traction motor drives the truck through bevel and spur gearing. A plug-and-socket arrangement facilitates recharging. Alternatively, the battery may be quickly removed and replaced by a charged spare battery. Climax fork lift trucks are in widespread use by government departments, nationalised industries and port authorities throughout the world, in regular supply to the British armed services since 1946 and service with the armed forces of Canada and in Denmark. Section 32: Materials handling equipment Electric fork on land and on board ship for use In trucks lift 1946 Coventry Climax Engines Ltd pioneered fork (24 load centres, each model being available with a variety of optional equipment, in) wide and since then the company's in lift trucks range has been extended to include over 50 different models, covering battery-electric, diesal, patrol and Britain, On these two pages, details are given of the electric range, including reach trucks and tractors. On the following two pages, mechanically powered models liquefied-petroleum-gas-powered versions with capafrom 900-81 65 kg (2000-1 8 000 lb) at 61 mm are detailed. cities Electric fork trucks Minimum Capacity at 610 Control lift system height" 907 kg J 2000 Ibt Cushion Contactors '36 V 3302 907 kg 2000 lb Cushion Contactors 3302 130 mm 907 kg 2000 lb Cushion 907 kg 2000 lb Pneumatic 1134 kg 2500 lb Cushion 1361 kg Cushion Model in) IGEU20 IGEU24 •20-EC - width Standard Type of tyres (24 Overall length aisle mm for SCR 36 V Turning stackingf mm radius 2762 mm 108J in" 1448 2965 mm 116J "n 1486 in 58J in 3302 130 mm 2997 mm in 1473 58 in 3302 130 mm mm 1 130m 36 V 90 : in 18 1 mm 57 Overall speed speed forks width (laden) (laden) 1600 mm 63 in mm mm Travel Lift less in 838 mm 33 in 9-8 mm 9-8 in 32 ft/min 1638 mm 64Jin 838 33 mm 838 33 in 965 38 in 1638 mm 64iin 838 33 in mm 991 mm 1588 62i in 1740 68J in mm m/min 32ft/min m/min km/h 7-6 mph 4-75 7 6 km/h 4-75 mph 13-4 m/min 9-7 44 ft/min 6 km/h mph • IGETA 25-EC 30-EC 3000 IGEFA 36 V lb 40- EC IGEA 1814 kg 4000 lb Pneumatic 2268kg Cushion 60-EC 70-EC 80-EC 3302 130 36 V Cushion 5000 3302 130 DVD Pneumatic lb 1814 kg 4000 lb 50- EC SCR 72 V - DVD Cushion 3175 kg 7000 lb Cushion 3629 kg 8000 lb Cushion mm in mm 3175 125 in mm 3023 1632 64 V in mm 1753 3353 132 in 3391 mm 133i in mm 72 V 3302 130 in 3505 138 in mm 3670 mm SCR 3302 72 V 130 SCR 2997 72 V 1 SCR 18 2997 72 V 1 18 mm 3150 mm 124in in 3571 141 mm 1473 mm in in 19 in SCR 575 62 58 1 . 3302 130 36 V 2722 kg 6000 lb mm in 3302 mm 130in SCR 72 V lb in 3302 mm 130in SCR 36 V 1361 kg 3000 DVD in mm 71 1943 76J mm 2019 794 in 3708 mm 146in 2057 mm mm 2261 89 in in mm 1067 42 in mm 2159 85 in 1067 42 in 1968 771 J in 39 in mm 1994 78i 1816mm in 3912 154 in mm mm 1924mm 144J mm 1797 70| in 75J in in 69 mm mm 2070 2422 mm 1067 42 81 in mm 88* in 2286 90 in 1080 42J mm 1191 2470 mm 97iin mm in mm 13-4 m/min 44 ft/min 12-8 m/min mm km/h 16-8 m/min 11 -3 km/h 60 ft/min 7 10-7 m/min 35 ft/min in mm 18-3 1 1 mm mm 1191 46; in mm m/min 9-8 m/min 10-5 km/h 6-5 mph 11 -3 7 11 -3 km/h 7 mph 11 -3 11 -3 60 ft/min 7 1 km/h mph 18-3 m/min 48 ft/min km/h mph 7 14-6 m/min mph mph 65 ft/min in in 2-2 40 ft/min in 46s m/min 60 ft/min in mm 10-5 km/h 6-5 mph 8-8 5-5 42 ft/min in 1194 mm 47 in in 81 Jin mm mm km/h mph 10-5 km/h 6-5 mph 3-7 m/min 10-5 km/h 6-5 mph 45 ft/min 45-RT reach truck r - Minimum Capacity at 610 mm Type (24 in) centres o 2041 kg 4500 TE lb Standard of Control tyres system Duthane front Cushion rear 36 V height* 3302 130 mm in Overall length width for lift SCR aisle 90° stacking"'" 2533 99 mm in Turning less Overall speed Trave speed radius forks width (laden) (laden) 1896 mm 74 i in 1207 mm 47J in 1803 mm 71 in L, ! 1 12 2 m/min 40 ft/min 8 4 km/h 5-25 mph electric tractor (1 Towing Towing capacity capacity (continuous)) 5 min rating) Type of tyres Control Turning Overall length (over towing Overall speed system radius coupling) width (unladen) 1168 mm 46 in 20-9 km/h Travel I 25-4 tonnes 25 tons at 6-4 at 4 km/h mph 10-2 tonnes 10 tons " Cushion or pneumatic DVD 72 V 2007 79 mm 2073 mm 81 sin in 13mph heights available on request (48 in) cube load (20 in) centres j At 508 "With 1 01 6 (40 in) cube load * t Alternative With 1 21 9 lift mm mm mm COVENTRY CLIMAX ENGINES LTD Military Sales Division Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1, England Telephone: 01-499 6050 Cables: Leymotors London W1 Telex Telex: 22498 LEYLAND 631 Section 32: Materials handling equipment Henley fork lift trucks range in capacity from 1800 kg (4000 1b) 30 tons and are popular in many parts of the world for a wide variety of military and commercial handling tasks to 632 Section 32: Materials handling equipment Fork trucks lift and for military industrial Fork lift trucks are rated for capacity at 610 mm (24 in) from the front face of the fork and are expected to comply with British Standard 3726 which lays out four stability tests to ensure safe rated capacities. The latest addition to the Henley range is the Hawk series, made in three sizes of 1800, 2270 and 2720 kg (4000, 5000 and 6000 lb) capacity. The Henley Hawk chassis is fabricated from steel use plate, the hollow vertical portion of the U-section being utilised as tanks for 41 litres (9 gal) fuel, 68 litres (1 5 gal) hydraulic oil for the main system and 4-5 litres (1 gal) for steering, and for tucking away components such as the battery. The latter is carried on a hinged panel which can be swung out revealing the battery, rectifiers and control apparatus for the alternator. flow from pusher fan Air HOLLOW CHASSIS MEMBERS ENCLOSE ANCILLARY SERVICES Counterweight designed with low centre of and also to duct the expelled hot air ^ gravity Specification Engine Chassis Perkins 4-203 4-cylinder diesel engine complete with 12 equipment, developing 60 bhp at 2400 rev/min. Hydraulic lift and V electrical starting tilt Self-centring balanced valves under the control of the operator diverts the flow of oil produced by a vane-type hydraulic pump into the tilt or mast cylinders. A relief valve, set to 1 34 kgf/cm 2 to prevent overloading. A (1 900 lbf/in 2 ), is incorporated into the system damage to the full-flow micronic filter prevents Monocoque box and system components full chassis of fabricated steel plate, giving tremendous strength protection to components. Integral fuel tanks Load guard Heavy steel tubing load guard do not restrict visibility converter with a torque multiplication of 2-8:1 transmits torque to constant-mesh gears for forward and reverse travel. The transmission has a locking device to prevent the direction of travel being changed at too high speed and a creep valve for vehicle inching control. Oil from the torque converter is pumped through a finned radiator to ensure adequate cooling Steer-axle heavy-duty deflector plate on Spheralastik bushes provides movement for stability over uneven ground A to prevent Controls Two-pedal movement control in normal automotive position. All control levers are within easy reach of the driver's right hand. The full instrumentation panel ensures early fault detection. The seat position is selected to give the driver greater all-round visibility sufficient wheel Maintenance The lightweight Steering The rear wheels are steered by the action of an hydraulic ram connected to track rods operating on stub axles which pivot on king pins. Movement of the steering wheel actuates a small hydraulic pump which controls the flow from a separate pump with twin front supports which Radiator and oil cooler Radiators and oil cooler are flexibly mounted on rubber bushes fractures due to excessive vibration Transmission A single-stage torque steering fitted as standard, into a steer cylinder easily glassfibre-reinforced plastics and quickly removed. The whole engine and maintenance. Check points are is engine cowl clips on and is accessible for quick adjustment readily accessible. The two hydraulic pumps ensure efficient operation of all hydraulic functions at all engine speeds, resulting in finger-light steering. High-quality valves ensure precise control of hydraulic functions HENLEY FORKLIFT COMPANY LIMITED Newbridge Road Industrial Estate, Pontllanfraith, Blackwood, Monmouthshire, NP2 2XF, Wales Telephone: Blackwood 2671 Telex: 49655 633 : 11 1 Section 32: Materials handling equipment Model Range Width Outer turning Capacity, at load centre of 90 C o n CO c stacking aisle (plus load length) radius CD C c CD ~o CD Cj c mm lb Q in O) CD c "5 CD F c CO o CO c o o «j £ o 3 ^ 5 O c CO (A Q> O 0- u CD CD o 0. _l LU 0- cn kg CD C c o 'c "co C CO o o O) »* Q. •D -C 0! Q. CD 3 CO k- CO co Dc CL C CD CO CD CD CD CD LU (/) LL 1- Electric trucks SpaceSaver (cushion-tyred) I i | Challenger (pneumatictyred) Reach truck L20B L25B L30B L35B L40C L50C L60D L70D L80D 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 E30A E4QA 1 500 2Q00 R25B R35C R45C 1200 1800 2310 Diesel, petrol or SpaceSaver (cushion-tyred) Challenger (pneumatictyred) 500 50Q 500 500 500 , ' , I I I ! 3000 400Q 1475 1550 1600 1725 1805 1805 2070 2070 2260 24 24 24 24 .24 24 24 24 24 , 24 24 , 1?55 1980 1800 1865 1930 2085 2160 2160 2465 2465 2630 58 61 63 68 71 71 81 1 8W 89 | 731 76 82 85 85 97 97 103 5 21 50 I 2420 84| 95 54| 613 65f 1650 2300 2400 65 90 i 94 i 621 75 78 5 80 84J 86 3 2500 3500 4500 24 24 1390 1570 1670 2000 2500 3000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 10 000 12 500 15 000 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 1590 1650 1700 1820 1885 1945 2145 2185 2300 2515 2495 2585 101 J 1905 1995 2050 2140 2205 2260 2535 2575 2690 2945 2970 3060 20 71 | 6g 78 S20A S25A S30A S30C S40C S50C S60B S70B S80B S100B S125A S150A 1000 1250 1500 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 5700 6850 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 H20E H25E H30E H30F H40F H50F H60F H60C 1000 1250 1500 1500 2000 2500 3000 3000 3500 4000 5000 5900 6850 6850 7500 8250 9100 10 250 11 400 13 600 18 000 19 900 20 900 23 800 28 100 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 750 750 1220 1220 1220 2000 2500 3000 3000 4000 5000 6000 6000 7000 8000 11 000 13 000 15 000 15 000 16 500 18 000 20 000 22 500 25 000 30 000 36 000 40 000 46 000 52 000 62 000 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 36 36 48 48 48 1725 1725 1820 2120 2120 2205 2310 2440 2440 2700 3215 3265 3355 3685 3685 3685 3720 4110 4165 4650 5540 5540 5945 5995 6580 68 68 713 83 5 83 5 86 3 90; 96 96 107 1265 128 5 132 145 145 145 146} 1613 164 183 218 218 234 236 259 2080 2080 2205 2570 2570 2615 2780 2980 2980 3260 3785 3835 3940 4335 4335 4335 4370 4790 4870 5400 6555 6555 7010 7040 7620 3000 4000 5750 6850 7500 8250 500 500 600 600 600 600 6000 8000 12 500 15 000 16 500 18 000 24 24 24 24 24 24 3930 4320 3685 3685 4190 4190 154 3 170 145 145 165 165 4540 4955 4510 4510 4990 4990 H110F H130F H150F H150E H165E H180E H200ES H225E H250E H300A H360B H400B H460B H520B H620B 634 | 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 ' LP gas trucks H70C H80C Pioneer (rough terrain) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 P60A P80A P125A P150A P165A P180A ! 65 67 713 741 761 84 86 901 99 981 89 99 i 1012 105; 116 117 1205 82 82 86; 101 I 1011 104 5 1093 117! 1171 128 149 1 151 ! i 155 1705 1705 170 5 172 1885 1913 212 5 258 258 276 277 300 178, 195 177J 1775. 1965 1965 : :! • • • • Section 32: Materials handling equipment trucks Lift for every application From trucks have in the handling, transport a truly extensive range, Hyster proved their lift advanced design and dependability military field. supply and Utilised general for stores movement of military goods, trucks' efficiency and ruggedness are proved daily in widely differing locations. Over 200 Hyster lift trucks are presently in use with the British armed forces. Hyster lift Some Hyster and Hyster-Ransomes features are: Dreyfuss functional design giving comfort and visibility for the driver Instant access for servicing Single-lever for lift and tilt Single pedal control for direction and acceleration Robust unitised frame Fast lift speeds Short turning radius Choice of power options (diesel, petrol, LP-gas or battery power) Wide capacity range from 500 kg to 28 000 kg (1000-62 000 lb). trucks are grouped in four ranges: 1. The SpaceSaver Range trucks have cushion tyres and are available with load capacities from 1000 kg to 6850 kg (2000-1 5 000 lb). 2. The Challenger Range trucks have pneumatic tyres and are available with load capacities of from 1000 kg Hyster lift 28 000 kg (2000-62 000 lb). 3. The Pioneer Range are heavy-duty rough-terrain trucks with high ground clearance and fitted with grader or high-flotation tyres. Models are available with capacities from 3000 kg to 8250 kg (6000-18 000 lb). 4. The Hyster-Ransomes battery-powered lift trucks and reach trucks cover the range from 500 kg to 4000 kg (1000-8000 lb) capacity. Above: the Hyster-Ransomes R45C reach truck has a capacity of 2310 kg at 500 mm load centre (4500 lb at 24 in load centre). It incorporates important innovations which directly and measurably influence performance and productivity. The large-diameter drive wheels, situated in the reach legs, are independently driven and the highly sophisticated Solectronic solid-state system controls traction and hydraulics with complete precision. The faster smoother operation; maximum traction under all conditions; outstanding manoeuvrability and effortless steering; result: instant positive response to The powerful Hyster Challenger H50F has a capacity of 2500 kg at 500 mm load centre (5000 1b at 24 in load centre). Here in service with the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, it is equipped with a rugged 71 SAE hp Perkins diesel engine and powershift transmission with the exclusive Monotrol pedal control system The Hyster Challenger H200ES has a capacity of 9100 kg 600 mm load centre (20 000 lb at 24 in load centre). This one is being operated by the Royal Naval Armament Depot. For its capacity it has an extremely short turning radius and is ideally suited to heavy-duty applications where manoeuvring space is at a premium HYSTER LIMITED Turriff Building, at Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, England HYSTER Telephone: 01-568 9292 635 Section 32: Materials handling equipment Narrow aisle trucks (1) Electronic or contactor control (2) Narrow systems (4) aisle operation Special side-seated driving position High stacking (5) 800-2040 kg (6) capacities Five basic models (7) Optional extras (3) (1 760-4500 lb) Transporters (2) Pedestrian or rider-controlled Electronic or contactor control (3) Amazing manoeuvrability (4) Six basic models 1360-2950 kg (3000-6500 capacities Stillage or pallet versions Optional extras (1 ) systems (5) (6) (7) 636 lb) Section 32: Materials handling equipment Trucks and transporting for lifting Typical specification Model FRER 7 Capacity 2040 kg (4500 mm Load centre 61 lb) (24 mm in) A1 Overall length A2 Rear to face of forks 1118 C1 Turning radius 1778 El H1 H2 LI 1918 (75 1 in) mm (44 in) mm (70 in) Power unit width 01 6 mm (40 in) Height of mast lowered 2108 mm (83 in) Height of std. triple 4430 mm (1 74 in), Reach travel 870 mm (34J in) 1 max 7620 lift 80 Travel speed unladen Lift speed unladen Battery voltage/Ah Service weight Max (300 in) km/h (50 mph) 5-2-1 8 3 1 mm m/min (50-60 ft/min) 24/754 3062 kg (6750 lb) gradient laden 1:10 (minimum theoretical) Typical specification Model POEP Capacity 1 2 360 kg (3000 lb) or 2040 kg (4500 lb) A2 A3 Rear to face of battery 451 CI mm (46j in) or 1228 mm (48f in) mm (282 in) Width over forks 559 mm (22 in) or 686 mm (27 in) Overall height 1435 mm (56i in) Height of forks lowered 82 mm (31 in) Height of 152 mm (6 in) E1 E2 F1 H1 H2 Fork length 914 mm (36 mm (1 7f in) or 489 mm (1 9J in) in) Turning radius 1190 Overall width 731 lift Travel speed laden 4 8 Battery voltage/Ah 1 km/h (3 6/1 67 or Service weight 525 kg (1157 Max gradient laden 1 : 8 or 1 : 1 mph) or 40 km/h (2-5 mph) 6/222 lb) or 584 kg (1287 lb) 1 LANSING BAGNALL LIMITED Kingsclere Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Telephone: Basingstoke 3131 Cables: Bagnallic Basingstoke Telex: 85120 (minimum theoretical) 637 c °c*ion 32: Materials handling equipment Counterbalance fork lift trucks (above) (1) Includes the most advanced fork truck range in the world Towtractors (below) (2) Electronic control system (2) (3) 680-2720 kg (4) capacity Eleven basic models (1 (5) Cushion (6) Versatile (7) Optional extras 638 500-6000 lb) pneumatic tyres and economical or (1) (3) Electronic control systems Three models: TOER 4-2 227 kg (500 lb) capacity 318 kg (700 lb) capacity 454 kg (1000 1b) capacity Rear battery model TOER 8 Low battery profile TOER 8 1134 kg (2500 1b) capacity Section 32: Materials handling equipment Trucks and transporting for lifting Typical specification Model FOER 9/60 Capacity 2720 kg (6000 Load centre 610 mm 1b) (24 in) A1 Overall length to heel of forks C1 Turning radius 2032 mm (80 2362 mm E1 Power chassis width 1142 G2 Centre of axle to heel of forks 419 HI Height of mast lowered 2108 H2 Height of lift mm 3048 (1 20 Lift (45 mm (93 in) in) mm (83 (16 J in) in) in) km/h Travel speed unladen 12-1 mm in) (7-5 mph) speed unladen 35 cm/sec (70 ft/min) 72/484 Battery voltage/Ah Service weight Max 4672 kg (10 300 gradient laden 1 lb) : {minimum thtorrlical) Typical specification Model TOER 4 Max drawbar Sustained pull 2 318 kg (700 DBP 95 kg (210 mm (63| in) mm (58 in) Underclearance 127 mm (5 in) Overall width 914 mm (36 in) Overall height 68 mm (46 in) Height of towing bracket 387 mm A1 Overall length C1 Turning radius 1473 D1 E1 F1 K3 lb) lb) 1619 1 1 Travel speed unladen 12-9 Front (steer) wheel size 406 Rear (drive) wheel size 406 Battery voltage/Ah 5i in) mm (16 in) dia mm (16 in) dia x 102 x 102 mm mm (4 in) (4 in) 48/145 Service weight 726 kg (1600 Max (1 km/h (80 mph) gradient unladen 1 : lb) 5 LANSING BAGNALL LIMITED Kingsclere Road Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Telephone: Basingstoke 3131 Cables: Bagnallic Basingstoke Telex: 85120 C1 639 Section 32: Materials handling equipment In industrial storage areas space premium and the ground Industry-derived fork lift is is at a usually paved. trucks therefore have a short overall length and high weight to balance the load. The same balancing moment can be achieved with a much lower total weight by extending the length. In the open terrain in which field equipment operates space is usually plentiful whereas mobility depends on low specific weight. The Eager Beaver is the first materials handling vehicle to be designed with this basic fact in mind. The Eager Beaver fork lift tractor is a significant contribution to airborne operations and to logistic practice in general. The top illustration shows the simple fabricated chassis, high ground clearance, excellent access to engine and lifting mechanism and the simple arrangement of the four-wheel drive and steering mechanism. The illustration left shows the offset single-beam mast and offset driving seat. This not only affords an unobstructed view of load and road to the driver, but allows the mast to be folded back for air transportation or high-speed travel on roads. 640 Section 32: Materials handling equipment Eager Beaver rough-terrain fork terrain, tractor tractor was specifically for the handling of military loads in difficult The Eager Beaver designed lift fork Despite lift including soft sand, deep mud and all uneven Air-portability was an important design resulting in the low profile and light weight parameter, of the unit without sacrifice in load-carrying capacity. surfaces. To cope with rough conditions, the 78 hp Perkins engine delivers power to all four wheels, each equipped 20 Michelin XL tyre with with a high-flotation 11 Air-dropped pallets aggressive cross-country tread. previously written off can now be recovered with ease as a routine operation. The truck has outstanding handling performance ensured by major advances in fork lift truck design. The combination of the single-beam mast and the driver's seat located to one side of the vehicle gives the operator a full view of the load and forks. load capacity of its 1820 kg (4000 1b), the 2657 kg (6100 lb) and has such a few adjustments it can fit aircraft. Andover snugly into the The vehicle's low total weight and powerful engine give excellent acceleration and a top speed of over will be a pace-setter in the It 64 km/h (40mph). convoy and allows a rapid switch of handling resources. To simplify distribution problems at the airhead, truck weighs only low overall profile that with 5-ton air-portable cargo trailer (ACT 5) singly or in a pair. An aircraft can now be swiftly unloaded on to the trailers, leaving it free to depart while the loaded trailers are towed to the stores The trailer has been designed to be dismantled area. into a compact package so that it can be carried in Eager Beaver can pull the smallest transport the aircraft. MAX SICE SHIFT MOVEMENT Specification Engine: Perkins 4-236. four-cylinder diesel Power output: 78 bhp at 2500 rev/min Clutch: 330 (13 in) Borg & Beck dry clutch Gearbox: Bedford RL. 4 forward. 1 reverse speed Aux gearbox: Thornycroft combined speed-change and 2/4-wheel drive Axles: Bedford RL steer-drive, front and rear Tyres: Michelin XL 11 00x20, inflated to 1 -76 kg/cm : (25 lb/in') front, 1 05 kg/cm ! (15 lb/in') rear Brakes: four-wheel hydraulic main brakes, mechanical transmission disc parking brake Steering: hydraulic power-steering on 2 or 4 wheels with Orbitrol control valve Electrical system: 24 V negative earth two batteries 1 2 V, 100 Ah each. 15 A mm alternator, electric starter, all lamps width: 1854 mm (73 — lowered, mast 2388 mm (94 — mast folded back D— 1829 mm (72 mast — Max 3708 mm (146 — Height hook: 3250 mm 28 with 07-75 2737 mm G — Max 25 length 20 mm H— min 787 mm max; 533 mm — Spread 52 mm J — Side 82 70 mm (3-25 2-75 K — Fork and 1550 mm L— M —Wheelbase: 2540 mm (100 15-17 B C E F I in) Overall Overall operational height: in), forks in), Overall air-portable height: in), fully raised height: in), forks inverted to (1 in) lift of forks: (1 in) (44-1 Effective of forks: 1 1 of forks: (31 in) (21 in) shift of forks: 1 (6 in) in) section: rear: Track, front (61 in) • in) Turning pump vertical circle: 9-19m two-wheel steering m (47 ft 10 in); four-wheel steering delivering 82 litres/min (18gal/min) at 7124 kgf/cm ! (2500 lbf/in ! ) and 16 litres/min (3-5 gal/min) at 3700kgf/cm ! (1300 lbf/in : ). preferentially to steering Weight, unladen, air-portable: 2560 kg (6083 1b), of which 1230 kg (2709 1b) on front axle and 1530 kg (3374 lb) on rear axle Chassis: lightweight space frame fabricated in high-tensile steel rectangular tube to British Standard 4360:1 968 Seat: waterproof, padded, fully adjustable Load capacity: 1814 kg (4000 1b) Laden lift speed: 24-38 m/min (90 ft/min) Speeds: forward 64 km/h (40 mph) on road, up to 24 km/h (15 mph) on rough Dimensions terrain, reverse 11 km/h (6-7 Gradability laden: 1 in 2-5 Hydraulics: gear-driven gear A — Overall length: 5500 mm (21 3-75 in) (30ft 2in) Load centre: 610 mm (24 in) Mast tilt: forward 13 backward 20" operational, 60 : , : for air-portability Performance Fording depth: 760 mm (30 in) mph) without preparation MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Director of Sales (Army) St Christopher House, Southwark Street, London SE1, England Telephone: 01-928 7999 641 Action 32: Materials handling equipment Above: Wessex ET 500 battery-electric 642 tractor Below: Wessex 3-ton capacity trailer Section 32: Materials handling equipment Tractors, trucks, trailers for handling military stores Wessex Industries has been a supplier to the British Ministry of Defence for many years now. Each year new models, all built to Ministry specifications, are added to the range available. Broadly, the range consists of lift trucks, reach trucks, platform trucks, tractors and trailers. (8ft) to The trailers vary in length from 7-32 (24 ft) and in width from 1 -22 m (4 ft) to 1 -83 They are fitted with hardwood or (6 ft). chequerplate platforms. The trailer shown at the left is the Wessex 3-ton capacity trailer with hardwood platform, measuring 3-96 1 -22 4 ft). It is fitted with solid rubber (1 3 anti-static tyres and has a hydraulic braking system 244m m m m on wheels. The range of tractors includes the Wessex ET 500, shown at the top left, which has a sustained pulling power of 227 kg (500 lb) and a maximum draw bar pull of 1180 kg (2,600 lb). is a It battery-electric, open-sided model, fitted with windscreen and electric wiper and clear pvc side curtains. Accessories include all side and tail lights, headlamps and pneumatic tyres. an extensive range of lift trucks, with mast lifts of 366, 3 96 and 4-27 m (12, 13 and 14 ft), with mast closed heights of 2-13, 2-29 and 2-44 m Lastly, there (7, is 7|and Most 8ft). of these trucks have standard accessories of spotlamps and pneumatic tyres and laden speeds of 8 to 9 km/h (5 to 5i mph). side lights, The lift tail lights, truck shown at the right is the Wessex FE 50-24 battery-electric lift truck with a three-stage mast assembly. It incorporates a device which automatically weighs the load on the forks. The truck is also fitted with power-assisted steering, side and tail lights, direction indicators, twin spotlamps, and a side-shift mechanism on the forks. Lift height is 396 m (1 3 ft) overall and closed mast height is 2 23 m (7 ft 4 in). Many variatons are available and detailed literature will be supplied on request. Wessex FE 50-24 battery-electric lift truck WESSEX INDUSTRIES LIMITED Market Street, Poole, Dorset, Telephone: Poole 2626 England Cables: Industries Poole ill, 643 Section 32: Materials handling equipment Fork lift trucks with capacities from 140 kg to 1360 kg (300-3000 lb) in the field of mechanical handling equipment, Hestair Sherpa is regarded as specialist in the production of light and medium-range fork lift trucks and precision range of lifting equipment suitable for the very widest range of handling applications. For lifting and shifting, Hestair Sherpa fork lift trucks efficiently save time, hydraulic lifting tables. No other manufacturer supplies such an extensive money and space. 1000 Series: Sherpa Peg Micro 1. six full-scale lift compact battery-electric fork truck models Illustrated: Capacity 1010 kg at 500 mm (2240 lb at 20 in) Length (without forks) only 1 328 mm (52} in) Width 916 mm (36 in) Heights of lift to 4800 mm (1 89 in) Lowered heights 1 800 (70 in) Weight from 1 580 kg (3480 lb) Telescopic models available double or triple all with full free lift mm — 4. 600 Series eight power-propelled battery -electric models 400 Series two hand-propelled models with electrohydraulic power lift for the larger pallets Illustrated: Illustrated: Illustrated: 2. 300 Series 3. 49 manual and electro-hydraulic power-lift 300 Model Capacity 360 kg at 400 mm (800 lb Length 1257 mm (491 in) Width 771 mm (28 in) Height collapsed 1905 mm (75 in) Height extended 2032 mm (80 in) Length of forks 762 mm (30 in) Lift height 1 524 mm (60 in) at 16 in) 460 Model Capacity 500 kg Height of lift Length 1613 1 at 61 524 mm mm (60 (1 1 00 in) mm (635 in) mm (32 in) Height collapsed 930 mm (76 in) Height extended 956 mm (77 in) Length of forks 01 6 mm (40 in) Width 825 J 1 1 1 Model 480 (telescopic type 2692 mm (106 in) lifting to lb at 24 in) fork lift truck models 610 Model Capacity 1010 kg at 500 Lift height 1 524 mm (60 mm (2240 lb at 20 in) in) mm Fork lowered height 89 (3J in) Fork adjustment (outside) 261/533 Fork length 914 (36 in) Width 685 (27 in) Length 1829 (72 in) Telescopic models are available (with full free lift) mm mm (8J-21 in) mm mm lifting to 5. lift 3658 mm (144 in) Lifting tables Precision-built mobile or static models with 4502270 kg (1 000-5000 lb) capacities and lift heights from 1065 to 2000 (42-79 in) Many variants are available, both of the manual and mains-electric type mm 6. New mm aero truck 5 Speeds ground servicing (particularly wheel changing) on large aircraft and wheeled vehicles. Incorporating the Sherpa Handraulic lifting system, it has a 270 kg (600 lb) load capacity and is available with interchangeable attachments. HESTAIR SHERPA LIMITED Southall Lane, Hounslow, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01-573 3844 644 Cables: Hestairco Hounslow Section 32: Materials handling equipment Avon designs and manufactures Pneumatic and solid tyres Avon Rubber Co Melksham, a range of industrial both solid and pneumatic, to the exacting specifications of truck manufacturers and users Avon Cushion' tyres offer exceptionally low Avothane' rolling resistance and greater resilience. solid tyres and Armadillo' pneumatic tyres have been designed for fork-lift handling equipment to give long, trouble-free service under arduous conditions. tyres, Avon military Cling' solid tyres supply depots and were developed for use under wet conditions, particularly where slopes or steep ramps have to be negotiated safely. Avon solid tyres can be made in special compounds such as anti-static, electrically conducting to BS.2050. also anti-chip, oil-resisting and wet-grip (Cling). for industrial Ltd Wiltshire. England Telephone: Melksham 3101 Iron Fairy mobile hydraulic cranes fast, Cables: Rubber Melksham There are seven different hydraulic cranes in the Iron Fairy range. They lift up to 10 tons and have jib lengths from 6-4 to 24-4 metres. Their jib telescoping, slewing are all and 360 derricking, hoisting They are fully equipped for road travel hydraulic. at up to 48 km/h and one 10 ton model for up to 74 km/h. British Hoist and Crane Co Ltd Compton, Newbury, Berkshire, England Telex 44142 The cranes are ready for immediate operation and are fast, smooth, and precise. Their compactness and manoeuvrability enable them to work in confined workshops as well as in open areas. They are robust, suitable for all climates and are used world-wide by industry and government departments. Many are in service with the British Army, Navy and Air Force The Telephone: Compton 301 Cables: Brithoist Compton Newbury Telex: 84358 645 Section 33 Storage equipment 647 Section 33: Storage equipment Injection-moulded ammunition conin high-density polythene tainers two closed-end type ammunition containers shown at the left are moulded together as a paired unit by means of integral lateral supporting struts. Lugs to which the harness is attached are also an integral part of the mouldings. The carrying harness is of PVC-coated glass fibre The Ammunition containers made laminate kraft polythene kraft Spec. LI of to 0226 The illustration shows two open-ended securely held ammunition containers together by means of suitable cradling and a carrying harness 648 assembly Section 33: Storage equipment Ammunition containers and for storage transit Hunt Ltd are leading manufacturers of an extensive range of packaging products and have been contractors to the British Government for over 25 Chiltern years. In addition to and injection-moulded containers designed needs of customers' products tailored to the precise company can supply protective and flexible packaging in paper, fabric, film or foils. Complete harnesses for transporting packaged items can also be supplied to specific requirements and enquiries on packaging problems of all kinds are welcomed by the the company. Ammunition containers Open or closed-end types of containers for ammunition packaging can be supplied manufactured from kraft/polythene/kraft laminations to Specification L10226. The manufacturing range covers diameters from 12-7mm to 152-4mm (iin to 6in). The containers are available to any length requirements, together with internal fittings necessary to ensure protection in transit. Open-end transit tubes of all types are made to the same to suit individual specification. Injection-moulded containers Flexible packaging low-density polythene, polypropylene or PVC. Complete service from design to finished containers. Moulding range from 57-6g to 1 -84kg (2oz-64oz) Sheets, bags, liners and pouches can be supplied in polythene, PVC and anti-static film. Specialists for the supply of ethylvinyl-acetate co-polymer film (carbon-filled or unfilled) Available in high-density polythene, Webbings Protective packaging materials PVC-covered glass cut lengths or in fibre webbing can be supplied in random and the form of complete harness assemblies A wide range of protective packagings, coated or laminated from paper, fabric and foils are available in reels, sheets or pouches CHILTERN HUNT LIMITED Belswain Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England Telephones: Hemel Hempstead 51 51 1 and King's Langley 3264 Cables: Chiltern Hemel Hempstead 649 Section 33: Storage equipment BKn^WM Hawker 1. Hunter aircraft protected by Driclad 2. Tanks protected by Driclad in stage one readiness in Europe 3. Shelter constructed from Driclad used to protect ammunition, explosives, hospital supplies, rations, etc 4. An EMI oscilloscope in Driclad, ready for instant use 5. Aero-engine protection by Driclad 6. Hawk missiles protected by Driclad as supplied to NATO forces Three ****«,** 650 Section 33: Storage equipment Operational storage equipment Protective system for valuable is the result of many years of applied research into the causes of corrosion and deterioration of equipment during storage and transit. The study of conventional methods of achieving protection against damage caused by the presence of humidity, chemical gases, salt-laden air, sand, dust, fungus and insect attack has resulted in the development of an entirely new method of protection. It is based on the enclosure of valuable equipment in dry air contained within a flexible plastics cover. The cover is reusable and provides an effective barrier to the transmission of moisture and water vapour under The Driclad system extreme conditions of climate, temperature and humithe same time, it gives full protection against physical and biological hazards. It enables equipment to be transported, left or stored in the open or in non-air-conditioned structures anywhere in the world. Maintenance requirements are reduced to almost nothing with the use of the Driclad system and protection against deterioration from rust and the effects of sand is complete. No special preparation is required, and equipment is ready for operational use at all times. dity; at other Driclad protection ensures: Specification 1. 2. Components The Driclad system or arctic material. 3. is An available in a temperate/tropical 4. used for 5. anti-static material is equipment containing propellant, where accumulation of 'static' is 6. unacceptable. Reduced maintenance costs Reduced replacement costs Reduced repair costs Reduced manpower requirements Complete protection from deterioration Equipment maintained original in condition indefinitely. For one tank park in the British Army only two men look after 80 tanks and keep them at permanent operational readiness. Closure The Drilok closure, having the same properties as the Driclad material, consists of two interlocking plastics extrusions which are attached to the material by welding. The closure can be of a predetermined length, or it can be joined to itself to form an endless run, or it can be T-junctioned at right angles. The Driclad system consists 1. of: Sand and moisture-proof cover with a special closure 2. 3. A A dehumidifying chemical or machine humidity indicator Each cover: re-usable 1 Is 2. 3. Can be opened and closed simply Does not require technical skill to use 4. Will last anything 5. Will enclose from five to ten years equipment of any shape DRICLAD LIMITED Staplehurst Road, Sittingbourne, Kent, England Telephone: Sittingbourne 4422 Telex: 96180 Cables: Expac Sittingbourne A member of the Export Packing Service group of companies 651 Section 33: Storage equipment Special storage equipment and armament packs Flexible reservoirs Portolite tanks Marston Portolite tanks are flexible liquid containers, made from fabric-reinforced rubber materials, which make the storage of liquids possible anywhere there is area of ground. These tanks are particularly useful for the storage of petrol or kerosene on temporary airstrips or forward landing areas for VTOL aircraft. When not in use a Portolite tank can be rolled up into a small bundle and stored or transported as required. Portolite tanks are made in capacities from 2270 to a 1 flat 36 400 to 1 used for (500 to 30 000 gal). Tanks from 2270 (500 to 3000 gal) capacity can also be the transport of liquids on lorries or rolling litres 3 640 litres stock. The external surface of the tanks has a high degree of resistance to abrasion, ozone, sunlight and petroleum. The material has a tensile strength of 70 kg per 1 cm (400 lb per 1 in) wide strip ten times the load applied to the largest tank made. Standard capacities (gal): 500, 750, 1100, 1350, 1600, — 1 800, 2000, 3000, 5000, Dimensions of a 3-4 Folded 4 Full 30 000 8-2 1 1 0-76 -8 000, 20 000 and 30 000. 1 V"*"*. gal tank: m 0-76 (44 m 27 ft (1 3 ft 6 ft 30 in ft) 30 in) Armament packs Marston Excelsior Limited has full engineering facilities for the manufacture of special armament packs involving fabrication in reinforced plastics, reinforced rubber and aluminium alloys. We can supply to specific designs robust, lightweight packs made from reinforced plastics and aluminium which incorporate reinforced rubber sealing covers for the environmental protection of the equipment. With many years of experience in the field of reinforced plastics fabrication, Marston Excelsior is well versed in the latest production techniques with facilities for the spray deposition of resin/glass fibre laminate, matched die moulding, vacuum bag forming and press moulding. A rocket motor case Another facet of Marston Excelsior's production the flexible container facility built up over many years for the manufacture of flexible fuel tanks for aircraft. The specialised knowledge and involved in skills this type of work are ideally suited to the production of the reinforced rubber covers necessary for some packs. Coupled with metal fabrication and general engineering workshops these special facilities enable Marston capabilities to produce is in quantity, under one roof, packs combining materials and manufacturing widely different techniques. Flexible sealing covers A subsidiary of Imperial Metal Industries Ltd MARSTON EXCELSIOR LIMITED Wobaston Road, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton, WV10 Telephone: Fordhouses 3361 652 Staffordshire, 6QJ, England Cables: Marex Wolverhampton Telex Telex: 33211 Marston Section 33: Storage equipment Desiccants Scrbsil brand silica gel is a basic desiccant capable of adsorbing at least 27 percent of moisture at 50 percent relative humidity and 25 C and is manufactured and tested to conform to all British Government and British Standard Specifications. Its function as a protection aid against moisture and corrosion in the packaging of electronic, optical and military equipment has been established over Joseph Crosfield ft Sons Ltd PO Box 26 Warrington Lancashire England Telephone: Warrington 31 21 The product is available in permeable bags and sachets ranging from 10g to 101b which are overpacked in con\ eniently sized tins and drums Official release procedures as laid down by the various inspection authorities are complied with and appropriate certificates are issued when the years. required. Cables: Crosfields Warrington Telex: 627067 653 Section 34 Test equipment 655 Section 34: Test equipment fhe automatic test equipments (ATE) shown here are from the Elliott :-ev9n Seventy Series, the latest of the automatic check-out and test systems which the Automatic Test Equipment Division has now been designing and producing for well over ten years. The Seven Seventy Series of ATE is suitable for testing military, naval and airborne equipment. Installation can be static or mobile, as shown here. Brief technical details shown are overleaf. Air Force application A current example of the Seven Seventy Series of equipment designed for depot and workshop use Nimrod multi-system ATE is the shown here. RAF for the It is being supplied to testing LF instruments and control systems at second line servicing level Navy application The equipment illustrated is one of the ATEs supplied to the United States Navy and United States Air Force in quantity for use at field and intermediate of the A7D/E level on Corsair II system a aircraft. These are single-system automatic test equipments which also serve as repair benches Army Mobile application test stations such as the one illustrated are the latest addition to Seven Seventy Series and comply with the British Army General Staff Requirement for a the multi-system highly mobile matic test equipment 656 auto- Section 34: Test equipment Automatic test equipment and for military industrial use Depot and workshop-type ATE Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) Both single-system and multi-system ATEs are used in depots and workshops depending on the throughput and other oper- carries out a series of tests rapidly ating A and economic factors. current example of this type multi-system ATE shown at the of equipment is the Nimrod left. A more restricted example is Factory Automatic Test Equipment (FATE) used in the production testing of a single electronic system and its cards and modules. This type of equipment is highly cost-effective where the throughput is large and/or complex. is equipment which and automatically accordance with a predetermined test program. ATE is mainly used to test electronic systems and equipmentduringthe production and in-service phases. Using suitable transducers, other types of equipment (such as electromechanical, optical, pneumatic and combinations of these with electronics) can also be tested. ATE is particularly cost-effective when used for the rapid testing of complex equipment, or large numbers of the same or similar equipments, also where a shortage With ATE only a small of skilled manpower exists. in number of skilled — engineers is required to prepare the test programs the ATE operator need only be semi-skilled. The main advantages of ATE are its speed and integrity of operation, so that the introduction of ATE results in: reduced testing time, reduced skilled manpower requirements, increased efficiency and decreased cost of test and repair, Field-type ATE Equipments of this type are single-system test equipments which also serve as repair benches. They are built to MIL Specifications to meet a field or shipborne environment, are air-transportable and represent a highly cost-effective type of system test and repair facility. By restricting the capability to a single system they can be designed, built and introduced more rapidly than multi-system equipments and are representative of the latest trend in military aircraft testing. confidence levels established quickly and accurately, money saved through above actions. However, the introduction of ATE involves much more than the selection of suitable equipment. It is a complex activity since the design of the ATE and its economic operation are influenced by many external factors presenting an involved management problem. Consequently a high degree of co-operation between customer and vendor is required to provide the most cost-effective operational and technical solution. The Elliott Automatic Test Equipment Division has over a decade, during which period the Division has developed a series of automatic been producing ATEs for check-out and test systems for a variety of applications. Elliott Seven Seventy Series represents the current range of ATEs designed for use by the armed services and industry. The Mobile-type A ATE from dc to microwave has been achieved with a reduced quantity of hardware by making increased use of the powerful computing facility included in the equipment. The equipment can withstand a severe environment, is highly mobile and represents a major breakthrough in 'battle-field' testing and maintenance of electronic equipment. Equipment of this type can also be used dismounted in a screened shelter or be installed in a larger electronics repair vehicle to provide improved operating conditions. testing capability A member of GEC Marconi Electronics ELLIOTT FLIGHT General The equipment illustrated overleaf UHF communications test system. A general-purpose VHF/ simple extension enables this equipment to test ILS/VOR Many ATEs can be assembled from the the Seven Seventy Series to test all forms of equipment (including radio-frequency equipment), special range of units electronic capability in pneumatic equipment, optical equipment and electromechanical equipment. Radio-frequency and special ATEs are designed to meet conditions found in depots, workshops, field and mobile use. Ltd AUTOMATION LIMITED ELLIOTT Rochester, Kent, England Medway 44400 a and other navigational equipment. Automatic Test Equipment Division Telephone: is Cables: Elliotauto Rochester Telex: 96333 <%> 1968 1969 1970 657 Section 34: Test equipment r he Seven Seventy Series ATE is suitable for checking out land, sea and eouipment and systems of all types. Typical applications for use in workshops, depots, in the field and of the mobile type are described on air the previous two pages. The following are the leading features of the Seven Seventy Series: Features All Seven Seventy Series ATEs include: A general-purpose digital computer. A computer appropriate to the application selected from the Marconi- Elliott range; however, a computer outside this range can be used if this is desirable for logistic is or other reasons. A wide measurement and bility stimulus capa- to the level of accuracy required. Use of the computer enables capability of the required a wide test accuracy and calibrated at the interface to the tester to be provided with the minimum of hardware. A range of input, output and control arrangements consistent with the test (or test and repair) application and level of operator Controls are simple and ergonomically designed. Input is by keyboard or typewriter and output by display, typewriter, line skill. printer analysis. solid-state or punch-out or for computer cathode-ray-tube displays with full alpha- Numicators, numeric presentation, or film display assist the operator. A connection system applicable to the equipment(s) under test (EUT). Reliable switching (relay and solid-state) and patched coupling units provide an economic EUT interface, appropriate to the present and future test function. A Testers are designed for field or mobile design to withstand the environment encountered accordance with US MIL Spec. British Defence Spec. 133, normal workshops use. roles in in service. 21200D and or for A self-check, self-test and calibration A design to These automatic facilities are provided at various levels to enable the customer's maintainability requirements to be met. facility. facilitate extension or modifi- cation of application. The system concept is flexible and permits changes and additions in the application ATE to be made economically with minimum disruption. of the : m n\'h w> i i Typical control and display unit 658 Alpha-numeric and film display unit Section 34: Test equipment Automatic test equipment The Seven Seventy Series System capability fully The various possible versions of the Seven Series of automatic test equipment (ATE) are of testing electronic equipment operating in quency range from dc to microwave. They Seventy capable developed stimuli and measurement of Increased use of the computer with appropriate software programs to modify a basic stimulus unit, or to determine the accuracy and range of measurement, enables the measurement and stimulus requirements to be exactly met with the minimum of hardware. This reduction in hardware is leading to equipment getting smaller, costing less, becoming more reliable and easier to modify or extend, as the latter usually only requires minor software revision or addition. The Seven Seventy Series is taking full advantage of these new techniques as they are developed. the freare also capable of testing digital, pneumatic, electromechanical and optical systems and combinations of these with electronics. The depth of testing inherent in the system ranges from 'Go/No Go' to full diagnostic. The testing capability and accuracy provided in any one ATE is dependent on many factors but especially on the measurement and stimulus facilities incorporated. The Seven Seventy Series includes a wide range of 3050 mm 120m 610mm units different levels of accuracy. 864 mm 24 n O D CZ3 C3 CD O OC3C3C3C2 i/=-^\ ixq^g-o o I O O O is iiniiin c c o OOOC3C3C CDCDC3 CD — — CDCDCD O — ri" f i^-J-r r r. r rf O [ O O i f S c 1 loo ° o £ OO ™» o 1 ° ol ....... I|=H3 10 C C ,• • • O • •« • loo I EZ! General-purpose Management i' 1 c o« UHF/VHF/HF communications equipment ATE capability The design of any automatic test equipment is dependent on many technical, operational and economic factors. To obtain a cost-effective solution a balance must be struck between capital cost and the cost of introduction, maintenance and possible future extension. The choice of whether to use multi-system or singlesystem testing, what computer to use, what operator/ test station interface and what interface between test station and equipment under test to provide, all require detailed consideration in relation to the application and associated operational requirements. The Automatic Test Equipment Division of Elliott Flight Automation Ltd, as experienced system managers on many forms of automation, are well qualified to advise on these aspects. The Seven Seventy Series includes suitable hardware to implement recommendations made, and appropriate software is provided, preferably in association with the customer. The following information is required to enable basic proposals to be prepared: Fullest details of equipment to be tested Environmental, operational and administrative conditions Quantities involved and rate of throughput Present method of test (if any) Extent of intended local participation Anticipated expenditure on purchase and introduction of A member of GEC Marconi Electronics Ltd ELLIOTT FLIGHT AUTOMATION LIMITED ATE. A* ELLIOTT Automatic Test Equipment Division Rochester, Kent, England Telephone: Medway 44400 Cables: Elliotauto Rochester Telex: 96333 1968 1969 1970 659 >~+'on 34: Test equipment Imacon ultra-high-speed the ,mera is, a compact self-contained unit deally suited for the recording of highspeed events in general and of projectile performance in particular Left top: Ballistic-synchro record of -22 round 150 mm from muzzle of Velocity is 311 m/sec (1 030 ft/sec) calibre rifle. Ballistic-synchro Left centre: 303 calibre round, taken of SLE rifle. velocity to be 1 m record of from muzzle The record shows projectile 552-9 m/sec (181 4 ft/sec) bottom: Ballistic-synchro record of 84-9 mm shot, taken 10 m from muzzle. Shot velocity is 1061 6 m/sec (3483 ft/sec) Left 30 Below: framing mode record of 84 9 mm shot, showing the shot to have a velocity of 10610 m/sec (3481 ft/sec). Taken at Imacon framing speed of 1 10 5 images/sec 660 Section 34: Test equipment Ultra-high-speed camera for projectile and explosives research Imacon isan ultra-high-speed cameraspeciallydesigned subjects, photographic examination of the active behaviour of projectiles and explosives. It may be used to take sequences of individual 'framing' pictures or large single pictures by the 'streak' or 'ballistic-synchro' results in a for all with the one instrument. The framing mode sequence of separate images recorded on one sheet of film at rates of up to twenty million per second. The ballistic-synchro mode produces one large single picture. To change from one mode to another merely involves interchanging simple lowcost plug-in modules. methods. Advantages Operation Imacon is an electro-optical device that does not use cine film and has no moving mechanical or optical components. It therefore has a high degree of reliability Basically, the system converts an image formed by a conventional lens into an electron beam image, which, on striking a phosphor screen, recreates a light image that can then be recorded on film. During the electron beam phase the image can be electronically shuttered and freedom from wear and breakdown. Each photographic record is made on a single Polaroid print, running costs are less than one per cent of the costs of film camera methods and results are accessible only 10 seconds at very fast rates or streaked after firing. at The ballistic-synchro photographic technique is an means of acquiring data of in-flight appearance of artillery, rocket and small arms projectiles. Indeed, it is the only practical method of high-definition reflectedlight photography of rounds in flight. Clear evidence is given of gun barrel damage, shown by related markings on the surface of the round. Also, simultaneous measurement of all relevant parameters of interest, such as velocity, spin and flight angle can be made by this method. Before the Imacon camera became available, ballistic-synchro technique had been confined to studies of relatively large-calibre ammunition because of the limitations of the 16 mm or 35 mm high-speed cine cameras which had to be employed. The use of such cameras also required provision of attendant film processing facilities, additional personnel and long delays while the films were processed. The long lengths of film required were expensive. The Imacon camera overcomes all these disadvantages. In the framing mode of operation it provides the most advanced possible means of studying projectile impact and penetration phenomena, fragmentation, explosive detonations and other related method is used for ballistic-synchro where the beam is swept across the screen speed proportional to that of the projectile. The of view of the camera is deliberately restricted so at any one moment in time, it sees only a thin The elegant across the phosphor screen any desired speed. latter recording, at a field that, perpendicular to of the complete length of the projectile is recorded as it passes across this line. Thus, the image of the nose is recorded before the image of the base, the time difference being that taken by the projectile to pass through its own length. Direct measurement along the pre-calibrated time axis enables velocity measurements to be made to a high degree of accuracy; means are provided for easy recalibration checks. Gun barrel damage can be determined by the nature of the marks on the projectile and spin rate by the angle of the markings as they appear on the photograph; pitch and yaw are also readily meavertical its line line across the of flight. projectile, The photograph sured. Experience on British and other ranges confirms the extraordinary usefulness and versatility of this instrument and the remarkable savings in range time and cost made possible by its use. Specification Dimensions Framing mode mm mm mm Length: 980 Width: 254 Height: 380 Weight: 27 kg Electrical Power supply: T or 1 1 Consumption: 50 10' to 2 Speeds: from 1 10 images per second, variable by interchanging low-cost plug-in modules Number of images per picture: variable from 6 to 20 by preset and panel controls Image size: 15 mm 8 images 15 10 images 15-10 mm 14 images 15\6 mm 1 6 images 15-6 mm 20 images 15-5 mm W Ballistic-synchro 250 V ac. 50-60 Hz mode mm Picture size: 70-18 Velocity adjustment: by ten-turn potentiometer with three-decade digital dial, to match any projectile velocity and calibre Lens focal length: 1 8-560 mm, longer focal lengths to special order JOHN HADLAND Newhouse Trigger input: typically 25 V positive into 50 ohms Camera backs: for Polaroid roll film and sheet film or for conventional negative materials (Photographic Instrumentation) LTD Laboratories, Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England Telephone: Hemel Hempstead 2303. Cables: Johhadland London Telex: 82344 661 Action 34: Test Field test console, equipment mobile installation The field test console can check a radio equipment by using a programmed test sequence; some of the tests available 1 are: Voltage measurements 2 Current measurements 3 Transmitter radiated frequency and frequency accuracy 4 Transmitter modulation sensitivity 5 Transmitter modulation response 6 Transmitter RF power output 7 Transmit/receive delay 8 AF sidetone while transmitting 9 Transmitter intermodulation products on SSB mode 10 Transmitter squelch tone 11 Receiver signal-to-noise ratio 12 Receiver 13 Field test console, workshop installation AF output power Receiver limiting on 14 Receiver FM AGC 15 Receiver bandwidth One of the electro-mechanical interfaces used with the test console 662 Section 34: Test equipment console Field test Clansman for communications system radio of six radio sets in the Clansman system is replacing at least twenty-four separate equipments now in use with infantry, armoured vehicles, gun and missile batteries, ground-to-air links, beach landing and parachute troops. The quick and reliable testing in the field of all its units was part of the design concept of the Clansman system. The Clansman field test console, designed to meet the stringent specifications of the British Ministry of Defence, is capable of testing and diagnosing faults in the whole range of Clansman radio equipment. The test console has been chosen by the British Army to support their Clansman equipment both in the field and at base. It is normally installed in the screened test enclosure which forms part of a mobile electrical The family However, it could be used in any no highly specialised facilities are required. The equipment is completely automatic and is operated by pre-punched 8-hole tape; it comprises a central control section and a number of peripheral units. These units, which supply stimuli and measurement facilities, are carefully selected test instruments. They may be used manually for diagnosis, either vehicle. repair location as MAN information. While under test the radio is coupled to the console through an electro-mechanical interface which provides the required electrical connections and the correct mechanical operation of the radio controls. A specially designed interface is provided for each type of radio in the Clansman series. During testing it is coupled to the automatically selects the required knob on the radio for any particular test. This function is carried out at high speed, cutting the test time to a minimum. radio and positions it PAINTER CONTROL ": The installed or removed from the test console. system has been so designed that modifications and technological innovations may be added in the future. The test procedures are programmed on the tapes which accompany the console and ensure very rapid testing with the minimum of operator skill or knowThis reduces operator error and clearly gives ledge. an indication of a Go or No-Go status of the set being tested. All test results can be printed out, enabling trend analysis of radio component failures to be made. Modifications to the sets, or changes in operator usage instructions, can be made authoritatively from such AND DMA LOGIC CONTROL ROOTING DATA DISPLAY PTE READW DI&TAL DIGITAL METER : VOLT WORD STORES CONTROL SIGNAL t RF/AC/DC ANALOGUE SIGNAL STIMULI »-. 5UENO METER PI ELECTRICAL INTERFACE w EQUIPMENT MECHANICAL UNOER TEST INTERFACE Basic block diagram of the Clansman field test console. The is crystal-clocked TTL logic, employs a 16-bit instruction word, with a maximum word rate of 1 5 per second. Full manual control of the machine can be selected at any time control system Specification 1 Voltage measurements AC 8 AF sidetone while transmitting Frequency range: 30 Hz to 50 kHz AF signal sensitivity: 10u.V rms and dc 4-digit plus over-range display Voltage range: 0-1000 V in 6 ranges Frequency range: 30 Hz to 1 50 kHz Sensitivity: 2 1 y.Vdc, 10u.Vac 9 Transmitter intermodulation products Selective measurements over the range 1-120 Current measurements 10 mVfsd Dynamic range: 70 dB Sensitivity: 3 Transmitter radiated frequency and frequency accuracy Frequency range: 1 Hz to 1 20 M Hz extendable to 500 M Hz 8-digit resolution 50 mV on SSB MHz 10 Transmitter squelch tone Frequency range from 10 Hz with measurement stability _ 2 parts in 10* sensitivity Stability -2 parts in 10* 11 Up Receiver signal-to-noise ratio 1 00 dB signal plus noise /noise to 4 Transmitter modulation sensitivity AM/FM 12 Receiver AF output power Range 1 00 [»W to 25 W, 1 Hz to 50 kHz capability Modulating signal range: 0-8 V emf 5 Transmitter modulation response 13 Receiver limiting on FM AF measurement to Jr 0-1% accuracy Modulation frequency, range: 0-100 kHz 6 Transmitter RF power output Power range: 100 mW to 100 W, for frequencies 7 Transmit receive delay Range: 100 ms to 100 s up to 500 MHz 14 receiver AGC AF measurement to j_0-1% accuracy 15 Receiver bandwidth Accurate broad and narrow-band selectivity measurements HONEYWELL LIMITED Test Systems Division Eaton Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England Telephone: Hemel Hempstead 2141 Cables: Honeywell Hemel Hempstead Telex: 82165 da Honeywell <§> 663 Section 34: Test equipment Left: This robust digital frequency meter has been chosen for use in an automatic test equipment role in the 'Clansman' communications systems, and is eminently suited as a standard military test instrument for use between 10 Hz and 125 MHz, extendable to 500 MHz using the type 802 M frequency converter. The latched eight-digit display has a transfer time of only 25 msec allowing 25 Hz flutter to be indicated Above: The active probe Type 81 9 increases the signal of the 801 M frequency meter to sensitivity mV over the frequency range from 10 Hz to 125 MHz. All-solid-state. Power obtained from 801 M meter. Input impedance 1 Megohm in parallel with 5 6pF. digital 1 MA259G precision frequency standard is stable to within 5 in 10 10 per day. Ruggedly designed for military use, it has three outputs at 1 MHz, 5MHz, and 100kHz. There is automatic changeover to the internal battery supply in the event of The Racal mains failure This modulation meter made by the Airmec Division has a comprehensive and FM specification, and is suitable for both laboratory and workshop use in Service environments. The builtin FM calibrator eliminates the need for external sources of standard deviation when calibrating. The wide frequency range and modulation range make this a versatile instrument, and accuracy is fully up to the requirements of military users AM 664 Section 34: Test equipment Test instruments communications equipment for 801 M This 1 digital 25 frequency meter MHz directly gated been equipment specifically frequency meter has use in an automatic test a military environment, being fully designed role in (NATO Code digital for remotely programmable, robustly constructed, and having an environmental performance complying with Category 3 of DEF 133. An overspill indicator lamp is fitted, to supplement the eight-digit numerical display, and the input sensitivity of 10 mV can be increased to using the type 819 active probe, which is an 1 mV optional extra. This instrument provides a resolution of 1 Hz in 1 second, and the inbuilt frequency standard has a stability of better than 2 parts in 10 per day. A four-line 1-2-4-8 binary-coded decimal output is provided as a standard feature. 6625-99-199-7709) Specification Frequency range: 10 Hz to 125 MHz sensitivity: 10 mV (1 mV with Type 819 probe) impedance 1 megohm/1 5 pF. With active probe Type 81 9 sensitivity increased to 1 mV over entire frequency range Timebase stability: better than 2 in 107day, 3 in 10' for 6% supply variation 5 in 10 10 /1°C Input 8-digit inline, display time equals gate-time approximately, transfer time 25 msec Overspill panel lamp fitted Self-check facility: operates all circuits except pre-amplifier Dimensions: 127 438 466 17* x 19j in) (5j Weight: 12-8 kg (28-5 lb) Categorised in Common Range Electrical Test Equipment List as CT 574/3 Display: mm !) MA259G The and MA precision frequency standard (NATO 259G meets the demands for higher accuracy reliability of frequency munications systems, complex comtracking and navigation centres and standards stability in satellite applications, in calibration laboratories. It withstands the stringent environmental conditions of military applications in semi-mobile use. Day-to-day stability is better than 5 parts in 10 10 and , performance is almost unaffected by normal changes in ambient temperature, power supply, or loading conditions. A power unit and a re-chargeable battery supply are included. If the mains supplies fail, automatic changeover to battery supply occurs, maintaining operation for ten hours. All semi-conductors are silicon, and fail-safe frequency dividers are a feature of the design, providing optimum reliability. standard unit in the Royal Navy. AM FM modulation meter type 409 It ( is Specification Output frequencies: 5 MHz, 1 MHz, 100 kHz Output level: 1 V rms into 50 !> Frequency stability: 24 h 5 in 10 ln 1 sec 4 in 10"' rms Load (changed 20%) 2 in 10" Input (changed 20%) 2 in 10'" Ambient temp, changed 35 C from 25 C Power supplies: 1 05/1 25/230 V ac 48/400 Hz Dimensions: 180 483 438 mm (7 19x17 in) Weight: 9 kg (20 lb) approx. complete This economically priced modulation meter provides AM AM and FM measurement from 3 to 1500 MHz, measurement from 0-100 percent and FM measurement from to 600 kHz. Three AM ranges with full-scale deflections of 0, 30, and 100 percent ensure high accuracy of measurement, even at low modulation levels. There is a built-in switchable noise filter, especially for narrow-deviation FM. The calibrator incorporated for FM, high sensitivity, simple operating procedures and robust design make this instrument ideal for workshop use. Duke Street, Telex: 10" Specification Frequency range: 3-1500 MHz from 7 mV to 100 mV, 3 MHz to 1200 MHz FM measurement: deviation 0-600 kHz in 6 ranges Inherent noise: noise filter in', deviation due to noise 46 dB below 3 kHz, over Sensitivity: 300 Hz to 3 kHz AM measurement: 0% to 100% in 3 ranges, 3 to 1200 MHz Mean carrier: changes in level measured with accuracy 1% Maximum input: 10 V FM, 700 mV AM Accuracy: FM 5% fsd 1 Hz to 50 kHz deviation. AM 3% fsd, 30 Hz to 5 kHz, fsd to 20 kHz Monitor outputs: LF 10 Hz to 50 kHz and IF 1 MHz available on front panel Power supplies: 1 00-250 V 50 to 60 Hz, 1 20 VA Dimensions: 431 321 279 mm (17 x 12| X 11 in) Weight: 14 kg (31 lb) approximately Windsor, Berkshire, England Cables: Racal Windsor in Code 6625-99-199-3370) RACAL INSTRUMENTS LIMITED Telephone: Windsor 69811 5 a IMato circuit Code 5820-99-948-8560) 847013 5% RACAL 665 Section 34: Test equipment Type dc LM 1420.2BM (CT plus wide-band 469) mean ac sensing digital voltmeter LM 1604 dual ramp integrating dc digital voltmeter with plug-in ac capability Type Type LM 1867 digital voltmeter precision dc Type JX 1606 mechanical ence synchroniser refer- for use with the type JM 1 600 digital transfer function analyser Type JM 1860 1861 digital correlator, comprising type LF JM 1861 pseudo random binary sequence generator and type JM 1860 time domain analyser 666 Section 34: Test equipment instruments Digital for voltage Type measurement and dynamic LM 1420.2BM voltmeter (CT 469) are provided by two ac/dc AC versions of the basic Solartron type LM 1420.2 digital voltmeter. Type LM 1420.2BA provides dc, true rms measuring facilities and mean ac measurement, while type LM 1420.2BM a higher accuracy wide-band mean ac sensing is version providing ac and dc measurement facilities at only a small increase Type LM in is digital fitted. Type LM is Accuracy: 05% dc, 0.1% ac Frequency ranges: 10Hz to 50kHz Sensitivity: 2 5i.lV to a precision This is JM a 1000V dc, 1 OlaV to 500V ac to 50 C Operating temperature: Mounting: bench or 19-in rack type Specification dc measurement with ac capability using plug-in unit Ranges: 19-999mV to 1000V full scale in 6 ranges Facilities: Sensitivity: 1uV Accuracy: 005% Input current: < 10 "A of full s;ale; 0005% I of reading Operating temperature: to 50 C Noise rejection: < 1r/.V error from 500V noise dc digital Specification Ranges: 1 00000 to 1000 00/ dc full scale in four ranges, with over-ranging to 101 999 digits Accuracy: ^0001% of full scale; ^ 0003% of reading; -lOiiV Output: available in parallel BCD form with polarity and range information. Increased power from optional plug-in fan-out unit Operating temperature: 5 to 45 C Mounting: bench or rack type : BCS Type dc and mean ac sensing on ac and dc Input: isolated 1867 voltmeter voltmeter using the welltried potentiometric technique to provide high accuracy, high sensitivity and a fast conversion rate. The instrument is typically suited to standards room, laboratory or production line measurements, or may be incorporated in data handling systems. This Facilities: 1604 voltmeter dual-ramp integrating dc a Specification cost over the basic instrument. voltmeter with an ac measurement capability using the type EX1 605 plug-in unit. The standard fan-out unit enables the ranges to be selected remotely by three BCD inputs; it also enables the plug-in unit to be controlled when This analysis certificate available 1600 analyser digital transfer function analyser designed measuring the dynamic performance and behaviour of systems and components. The use of digital techniques ensures optimum stability, accuracy and resolution of measurement, particularly at low frequencies, and facilitates the incorporation of the equipment into automatic check-out and test systems. The instrument comprises a function generator as a source of excitation to the system under test, and a digital correlator which computes dynamic response for display by an in-line digital read-out. specifically for Specification Frequency range: 000001 -1 59-9Hz Frequency accuracy: 005% of setting Input: fully floating and isolated from unit under test Digital display: cartesion, polar or log polar Remote programming and recording facilities: provided by optional add-on units Type JX 1606 synchroniser This instrument is used transfer analyser type conjunction with the digital JM1600 (above) to enable measurements of frequency response to be made on units and systems with their own source of excitation. When used with the type JX 1606, the type JM 1600 maintains its full measuring accuracy, harmonic and noise rejection properties and read-out and recording in Specification Frequency range: 000160-1 59Hz Harmonic analysis: 1 to 10 Automatic frequency and place locking: within 2 cycles of external signal Accuracy: fundamental as for JM 1600, harmonics 2% Interface: fully floating and isolated Optional facilities: provision for multi-channel and on-line dynamic behaviour recording and analysis with magnetic tape systems facilities. Type J M 1860/1861 correlator LF correlator comprising two units, a pseudo random binary generator type JM 1861 and a time domain analyser type 1860. They are available separately for individual application; any generator can be operated with any time domain analyser to form a correlator. An optional plug-in filter unit type JX 1 862 is available when the wave form from the generator is required to provide a power spectrum with a sharp This is a digital cut-off at a defined frequency. Specification 1861 Frequency range: 001 JM -1 MHz Clock: crystal controlled or external Output: - 10V peak adjustable by switch and potentiometer Delay: up to 999 clock periods, automatic sweep delay, multi-level signals JM1860 Bandwidth: 10kHz Measurement accuracy: 1% 1% of full-scale deflection Combination: computes one point at a time Delay set: manual, automatic sweep or external, by BCD commands: automatic operation of printer and plotter THE SOLARTRON ELECTRONIC GROUP LIMITED Farnborough, Hampshire, England Telephone; Farnborough 44433 Cables; Solartron Farnborough Telex: 85245 667 SeGtion 34: Test equipment Test instruments and electronic equipment for electrical Multi-range test set No Precision Avometer 1 Mk The tester measurement This new Avometer has received British approval to Ministry of Defence Specification DEF. 155. Specification Ranges: dc 3 V-3000 V 50 u.A-10 ac 3 V-3000 V 100 mA-10 A Resistance: 0-20 A megohm 1% Accuracy: dc voltage and current: fsd (except 3kV) ac voltage and current: 4% at mid-scale Resistance: 25% 2 fsd dc ranges: 20 000 ohm/V (50 y.A ac ranges: 1000 ohm/V (1 range upwards 1 90 1 20 Dimensions: 21 Weight: 3-6 kg (8 lb) approx mA mm NATO ref self-contained portable preinstrument is an accurate, local reference or transfer standard for ac/dc voltage and current measurements. No: fsd) fsd) on 100 V characteristics. Specification • i 7J 4 ; in) 6625-99-105-7049 Avometer Model 12S Safety test set This instrument has been designed for testing modern vehicle electrical A equipment. Specification Ranges: dc 3 6 V-36 V 3 6 A and 36 A (180 A and 360 A with external shunt) ac 9 V-360 V resistance 0-10 000 ohm Accuracy: 1% fsd dc voltage and dc current: 2-25% fsd ac voltage (25-2000 Hz): Resistance: 3% at mid-scale Collector current: Base current: 0-1 1 2 V and stabilised to A max 1 mA max : indication ;jA) 1 Diodes: Forward volt drop: 5 V and voltage: 2 '. 7 \ V fsd with forward 00 V 1 at 3 mA, to 1 000 110, 120, 200, 220 and 240 V 6% 50-500 Hz 24 Dimensions: 38 13 cm (15 Weight: 9-5 kg (21 lb) NATO ref No: 6625-99-519-4000 Valve tester 456 -5 (tA Mains supply: 1 to 1 mA diode current 0-500 Breakdown V at 200 | to continuously variable (first completely sealed batteryoperated instrument. Its primary purpose is testing the firing lines of guided missile systems, to ensure that they are free from voltages which could fire the igniters before the missile is connected to the 9-5 5 in) CT 160 This instrument can check almost any standard receiving or small transmitting valve. Specification Voltage range: 1st indication 10mV (up to approx 8 kHz) in) Resistance range: 0-1 ohm to 10 megohm in four ranges Input impedance: 100 kilohm from dc to over 2 5 kHz Power supply: 2 Mercury safety cells 1 -35 V each Temperature range: Useful operation from -30 C 70 C to NATO -*" voltage: Collector firing lines. Sensitivity: dc voltage range: 200 ohm/V (5 mA fsd) ac voltage range: 90 ohm/V (11 mA fsd) 9', Dimensions: 245 235 114 mm (9j 5} Weight: 3-6 kg (8 lb) NATO ref No: 6625-99-109-3126 XT Transistors: u.A-50 mA hfe: 50 to 1500 fsd in 4 ranges Leakage current lcEO 10 ranges 0-400 Specification Ranges: dc 1 -5 V-1 500 V 1 5 mA 1 5 A ac 3 V-1500 V 3 mA-15 A Accuracy: dc voltage ranges 0-3% fsd 5% fsd dc current ranges ac voltage and current ranges: 0-75% fsd up to 1 kHz • (8 accurate of transistor and diode cision stable 666-7 ohm/V dc 333 ohm/Vac (75 V up) 1 96 mm (14 Dimensions: 365 31 7 in) approx Weight: 9 9 kg (21 lb 12 oz) approx NATO ref No: 6625-99-104-5783 537 provides This Sensitivity: Sensitivity: CT Transistor test set 2 ref No: 6625-99-109-8622 -«• Specification Anode voltage: 20 to 400 V in 1 1 fixed steps Screen voltage: 20 to 300 V in 1 1 fixed steps Grid voltage: to -40 V continuously variable Heater voltage: 0-625 V to 117 V in two sections Anode current: 100 to mA Mutual 20 conductance: to directly on meter scale mA/V indicated Grid current: to 100 nA Rectifying valves and signal diodes: Load currents of 1, 5, 15. 30. 60 and 120 mA. The condition of the valve is indicated on a good/replace scale Mains input: 105-120 V and 1 75-250 V 50-500 Hz Dimensions: 390 267 255 mm 10 in) Weight: 10 kg (22 lb) NATO ref No: 6625-99-943-2419 • 1 AVO LIMITED Avocet House, Dover, Kent, England Telephone: Dover 2626 668 Cables: Avocet Dover Telex: 96283 (15), 101 Section 34: Test equipment Custom-built hydraulics for equipment and systems testing Adaptations and originals There are many situations in which standard hydraulic equipment cannot be adapted to suit special requirements. Some of the equipment, for example, used in the testing of hydraulic systems and equipment in military vehicles, has itself to be highly mobile. While the simple mounting of static equipment on to a trolley would seem to be an obvious answer, it is not always a simple or a practical proposition. packs. A machine mounting in concrete, instance, would present problems if simply trans- It is often the same with power designed for permanent, for static ferred to a trolley for the sake of mobility. Typical equipment Among Test Purpose-built equipment The practical and sensible answer is to use equipment designed and built specifically for the job in hand. The HML Engineering Company specialises in hydraulic equipment built to individual specifications. HML produces special equipment for the armed services, the aerospace industryand leading industrial companies. hydraulic test equipment is in current use on the Jaguar tactical support aircraft, and on the Harrier, and in civil aviation on the Concorde, VC10 and 747 HML Jumbo Jet. the custom-built hydraulic equipment which HML Engineering are: may be commissioned from rigs, mobile and static, for systems in land vehicles, aircraft, naval vessels and hydraulic installations Benches for the testing of hydraulic components Hydraulic ring-main installations and control consoles Hydraulic ram- and pump-test rigs Power units for operating storage and other systems Electrical and hydraulic power packs Hydraulic converters High-pressure hydraulic pumping units. ^"""^SEi HBE 112 hydraulic test bench with a capacity of 36 litres/min This component test bench is a medium-sized, electrically powered unit providing a controlled and filtered (8gal/min). supply of HML ENGINEERING 1 from to 350 kg/cm 2 (0 to 5000 lb/in 2 ) LIMITED St John's Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01 -560 301 fluid Telex: 933887 «0Eft^ 669 Section 34: Teat equipment Endoscopes for visual inspection in confined spaces Detailed inspection of materials, components and processes within spaces so confined that direct visual inspection is not possible is provided by the Endoprobe range of optical inspection instruments. They consist high-intensity light source, a glass fibre light guide to direct the light to the area under inspection, and of a probe-type optical system for of essentially a viewing. The probe or 'telescope' is only a few millimetres in diameter and up to 1 -5 m (58 in) long; it can easily be inserted through any existing hole into enclosed units, components and complex wiring or past delicate 3 Above: Endoprobe, showing portable light fibre light guide and three viewing probes unit, cable-type glass Below: Using an Endoprobe to check the installation of an turbine in situ on a Concorde Olympus 593 gas into Optical systems are available to give a broad or narrow angle of view in all directions, including backwards. The probe includes fibre light guides (terminating at the objective lens) which project light from the 1 50 projector-type lamp in a separate portable case on to the viewed area. The effective light output is intricate assemblies. W 80 W, which is more than adequate not only for easy viewing, but also for photography and closed-circuit television; coupling adaptors between probe and photocamera or TV camera are available. Endoprobes are used by all British armed services, military and civil research establishments and industrial firms of every kind. Among the uses to which Endoprobes are being put are the inspection of boiler tubes and boiler shells, cylinders and crank cases of internal combustion engines, steam and gas turbines, cooling systems, hydraulic valves, gun barrels and breeches, air frames and aircraft control linkages, checking welds inside pressure vessels, chemical and nuclear plant, metallurgical and accident investigation and a variety of other applications. By virtue of the fact that the light projected on to the of the fibre light guide is area from the end viewed completely 'cold' it is possible to inspect fuel tanks and similar hazardous areas without risk of explosion. The remotely located light source is fed at 21 \ V from The transformer input may be a mains transformer. from any ac mains source, depending on specification. Probes are fitted as standard with (6 ft) long plug-in cables for connection to the light unit; this cable carries the light guide fibres. Longer cables can be supplied if required and if some slight loss in effective light output is acceptable. 18m Specification Telescope Length 24-5-1 50 cm (9-58 in) standard, special lengths on request Diameter: for forward, lateral and fore-oblique viewing 8 or 5-5 mm; : >• • • • •*• • • for mm; special diameters on request Optics: precision lenses giving 55°, 60° or 70- angle of view in forward, lateral and fore-oblique direction; 45° in retroview. Special narrow-angle (telephoto) lenses available on request. All lens systems are of fixed-focus type rearward viewing 7 • ensuring depth of field from 4 mm to infinity Light unit Light source: 150W air-cooled standard projector lamp operating off 21 5 V built-in transformer fed INSPECTION INSTRUMENTS (NDT) LTD 10-12 Emerald Street, Telephone: 01-242 6105 670 London WC1, England Cables: Maygain London W from any mains supply cold light at end of glass fibre light guide coaxial with telescope; light angle adjusted to correspond to angle of view Dimensions: 30-5 x 15-2x1 8-4 cm (12x6x7iin) Weight: 5i kg (121b) Light output: 80 Accessories Instrument carrying case, camera adaptor Section 34: Test equipment Inspection equipment for workshop and field use Richmond Electronics has specialised in the manufacture and servicing of electrical, electro-mechanical and electronic instruments and equipment for use in ships and aircraft, both for the British Government and for manufacturers. In addition to research, design and manufacturing facilities for the company's own range of products, Richmond Electronics operates an inspection organisation fully approved by the British Ministry of Technology, the DirectorGeneral of Inspection and the Air Registration Board. The two products shown here were specially developed to assist and speed up inspection of components and equipment to the highest standards. High-frequency eddy-current crack detectors This detector was developed to locate minute cracks It was a small hand-held probe coil. in metal parts. on the part to tested, the coil induces placed be When eddy currents in the metal. The eddy currents in turn react on the coil. Discontinuities, no matter how fine, disturb the reaction. The disturbance is proportional to the depth of the defect. Cracks can be located even under oxide or paint Different probes are available for ferrous, nonfilms. ferrous and low-conductivity metals such as austenitic stainless steels. The shape of probes can be adapted the work, but standard probes cope with the majority of tasks, including blind bores and holes. The unit is of the mains/battery type: when plugged into the mains supply the cadmium nickel cells are automatically recharged. The overall dimensions are 320 210 240 (12* 8* • 9i in) and the weight is 6-35 kg (13 lb). to mm The Richmond eddy-current flaw detector Rotary indexing and tilt table Mk 3 A range of precision rotary indexing and tilting tables available for measuring and graduating angular is position in two planes, for checking the performance of gyroscope equipment of all types, for testing accelerometers in specified planes and for similar duties. load capacity and in mechanical design details arising from differences in rotation in azimuth size, but all models have full 360 and 135 (from -45 through vertical to —90") in Accuracy is to 1 minute of arc, read off a scale tilt. engraved on the collar of the handwheel used to The tilt axis drive the worm-and-wheel mechanism. mechanism has an additional protractor and vernier scale reading to 1 minute of arc, which is unaffected by any wear which may develop in the worm-and- The tables differ only in their : wheel drive. polar axis tables designed available are The especially for rapid testing of gyro equipment. rotary platen is set to a fixed inclination corresponding Rotation is by to the latitude of any point on earth. electric motor, normal speed being one revolution in Also 2 hours 24 minutes. A spring-loaded Rotating and tilt table Mk through 3 360 for clutch allows manual setting-up purposes. rotation addition to the equipment briefly described here, Richmond Electronics also manufactures comprehensive gyro test tables, angle and torque testing equipment, laboratory standards and similar test equipment. Battery In test equipment is described elsewhere in this Catalogue. RICHMOND ELECTRONICS (MARKYATE) LTD Hicks Road, Markyate, St Albans, Hertfordshire, England Telephone: Markyate 761 671 Section 34: Test equipment Oscilloscopes for base and use field Type 647A (military version Type CT 536A) This is a compact, high-performance instrument capable of accurate measurements over an ambient temperature ran«je from -30 C to 65 C. Accuracy is even better in normal ambient temperatures ranging from C to —40 C. This oscilloscope offers bandwidth from dc to 100 MHz with or without probes when used with the Type 1 0A2A dual-trace plug-in unit. Triggering over the entire 100-MHz bandwidth is possible with a type 1 1 B2A sweep-delay time-base unit. An accelerating potential of 14 kV provides a small, bright CRT spot with corresponding high writing speed. An internal 60 X 100 mm graticule with variable illumination offers parallax-free measurements. A quick-change line-voltage selector permits simple and convenient adaptation to six different line-voltage ranges. Type 422 The Type 422 is a portable dc to 15 MHz dual-trace oscilloscope that combines small size and light weight with the ability to make precise waveform measurements. It weighs less than 10 kg (22 lb) and is ruggedly constructed to withstand shock, vibration, and other extremes of environment. Solid-state design, using input circuitry, provides minimum No longer need measurements be compromised due to adverse field conditions; the Type 422 brings the precision of the laboratory to the field. Two models are available: one operates on ac, the other on ac or dc, with an optional battery pack providing up to five hours' operating time for completely portable operation. field-effect transistor drift and (FET) fast stabilisation time. Type 453 The Type 453 is a portable, wide-band, dual-trace oscilloscope designed to withstand rough transport and other environmental extremes. Bandwidth is dc to 50 MHz (with or without supplied probes). Probes are miniaturised for easy access to dense circuitry. The sharply-focused, bright trace provides a high-definition display compatible with the wide-band capabilities of the Type 453. FET inputs, provides low drift and fast Mechanical design features include plug-in transistors (for ease of maintenance), a front-panel cover (for use in transit or storage) with storage space for accessory items, and a carrying handle which can be rotated to several positions as a tilt-stand or for convenient carrying. Solid-state design, with stabilisation time. Type 454 This oscilloscope offers convenient measurement of fast-rise pulses and high-frequency signals previously beyond the capability of most conventional real-time oscilloscopes. Rise time is 2-4 ns, bandwidth is 150 MHz, with or without probe. The two channels of the Type 454 provide cascaded singletrace displays at 1 mV/div, as well as X-Y displays to 5 mV/div. The dual-trace vertical system displays either channel separately, adds channels algebraically, alternates between channels, or chops between channels at a 1 -MHz rate. A time-base system with calibrated sweep delay permits highly magnified displays of small portions of undelayed sweeps, accurate measurement of waveform time jitter, precise time measurements, and many other types of measurement. The Type 454 is mechanically designed to withstand environmental extremes and rough handling in transit. Plug-in transistors provide ease of maintenance. to Type R454 (the rack-mounted version) is Type 454 but is mechanically designed slide-out tracks in electrically identical to mount on tilting a standard 19-in rack. TEKTRONIX LIMITED PO Box 36, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands Telephone: Guernsey 23411 672 Telex: 41193 HS it. H5u3K Qftr jfe. e t~,a£ . :l * - 7^\" ^^^ Hrrv 676 irtJB . - ' JTJ Kjy^HI M»: rffffVj 'o'iUoBB H**-' ML- ^fi : .*' * EfcwW' EaAt; LUttkLj. •*- »\im '.' | . • . ^J *M s9 ^r ji ' 4} * gm ^ ^ d| *T H^^^^^^^^B Section 35: Medical supplies and equipment Radiation monitors for medicine, research and health control Nuclear Enterprises Limited manufactures a very wide range of monitors for measuring radioactivity in man and environment. This activity may have been induced deliberately for diagnostic and medical research purposes, may result from accidental exposure to radioisotopes or radioactive fall out, or may occur naturally. Brief descriptions are given of three categories of monitors to illustrate the scope of the range. Many of the larger systems, however, are constructed to meet particular monitoring requirements after consultation with the in his company's systems specialists. Whole-body monitors These monitors consist of a shielded detector unit and an electronic control unit for scanning and recordFive basic systems are offered: ing of information. NE8102 four-crystal scanning counter, and NE8103 large single-crystal counter for general medical diagnostic and research purposes and for reactor and accelerator personnel monitoring; NE8107 4- plastic scintillator counter (the patient is completely surrounded Scinticamera NE by the detector) for natural K 4 " determination, and the lower-cost NE8108 and NE8109 'shadow shield' monitors with minimal shielding for medical diagnostic work where the highest Old steel sensitivity is not essential. (pre-1945), free of internal fission product is used for shielding rooms and all materials used in monitors are carefully selected for low background radioactivity. See illustration opposite. activity, 8251 This equipment is used for examining the distribution of radioisotope-labelled compounds in the kidneys, brain, thyroid, liver, and other organs and glands of the body. It is simple to operate and photographs can be taken from any angle. Results are obtained in less than two minutes with a Polaroid camera. Automatic dynamic sequences of pictures can be taken with frame speeds up to three pictures per second. Computers and other data analysis systems are available as shown opposite, bottom left. Health physics instruments This extensive range includes: hand and clothing monitors, dose ratemeters, portable contamination monitors and neutron dose rate monitors. Three 0075 neutron monitor The 0075 neutron monitor 0030 beta-gamma doserate meter light-weight, selfcan be held in one hand), is a contained, portable (it battery-operated instrument designed to measure neutron dose equivalent rate over a wide range of neutron energies while having a negligible response to gamma radiation. Its monitors are described below. All were developed in co-operation with the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority at Harwell, England. gamma rejection ratio is 3000:1 up to at least 1 r/h for a photon energy of 100 keV. Readings are on a quasilogarithmic scale calibrated from 0-5 mrem/h to 1 rem/h better than This is a general-purpose doserate meter which gives reliable and accurate readings of beta and gamma radiation over a wide energy range It is light and portable and operates on a U2 flashlight battery. Its simple controls make it suitable for use in laboratory or factory. It incorporates a highstability thin-window ion chamber and is radiofrequency shielded for use with linear accelerators and betatrons. Its range is 1 mr/hto8r/h 2601 2602 gamma radiation monitors These are single-range portable instruments to measure radiation levels of the order of 5 //rad/h to 10mrad/h (2601). and 100 //rad/h to 200 mrad/h (2602). Fully transistorised, battery-operated and easy to operate and read, the instruments are particularly suited to radiation surveying and contamination monitoring in accordance with current ionising radiation requirements. They Geiger-Muller tube as detector, which is fitted with special correction filters so that doserate indication remains accurate within 20% over the energy range 45 keV to 30 MeV statutory have a NUCLEAR ENTERPRISES LIMITED Sighthill, Edinburgh, EH11 4EY, Scotland Telephone: 031 -443 4060 Cables: Nuclear Edinburgh Telex: 72333 9 1966 677 Section 35: Medical supplies and equipment The Williamson 900 film dryer is intended for use where film must be developed separately but where scratch-free dry films free from drying marks are required for immediate use. High-speed drying is by means of filtered hot air blown across both sides of the film in a specially contoured chamber The Williamson 90-second RP x-ray film processor develops, fixes, washes and dries film reliably, consistently, safely and fully automatically in a 90-second cycle. The unit is shown here in a typical installation with mixing valve, water shut-off valve and external bulk replenishment tanks 286 mm 21 6 (11} in) mm 113 178 The cost of the Williamson silver recovery unit is recouped in a few months' operation through the value of recovered silver. In addition, the useful life of the fixing bath is considerably extended. Extraction of silver also makes possible the use of replenishes, thus considerably reducing the cost of fixing. automatically Once switched [\l\to) 3-\8< T,(TI mm (7 in) on, the unit operates o The equipment described here is only part of the wide range of products made by Williamson Manufacturing Co reconnaissance cameras made by this company will be found described elsewhere in this Catalogue, while details of other products and advice on the equipment and organisation of medical, military and industrial photographic departments are available from Williamson. Ltd. 678 Some of the aerial Section 35: Medical supplies and equipment Film processing units for medical x-ray departments The smooth efficiency of x-ray departments is always important but at times of emergency it can be literally a matter life and death. Based on our experience of over 30 years in the design and manufacture of photographic cameras and equipment of all kinds, we have now developed a range of ancillary units which drastically reduce the time between exposure and availability for inspection of x-ray film. These and other units considerably increase the cost-effectiveness of of radiographic sections. 90-second RP x-ray film processor This unit has a standard dry-to-dry cycle (developing, fixing, washing and drying) of 90 seconds, but can be converted to a Using a minimum of water and 3A-minute cycle if required. power it can process up to 85 cut sheets of conventional 254 x The unit is self305 mm (10 12 in) x-ray film per hour. contained. CO Specification /0 Processing fme. dry-to-dry: 90 sec Processing rate (90-sec process): 24-3 m/h (80 ft/h) 305 1 2 in) or equivalent Output: 85 cut sheets of 254 (10 Film sizes: 100 (4 in) min length: 355 (14 in) max width Wash water flow rate: 6-75 litre/min (1 -5 gal/min) Power consumption: less than 1 5 A at 200-240 V. 50 Hz Integral replenishment: two 5-litre (1-1 gal) bottles mounted on top. sufficient for approx 100 cut sheets 254 - 305 External bulk replenishment: two separate 70-litre (15-gal) tanks sufficient to develop 1800. fix 1200 cut sheets 254 305 Accessories: automatic feeder unit, silver recovery unit (see below) Weight: 122 kg (270 lb) dry Dimensions: see sketch on right o mm mm 1 LO co mm mm 340 mm '(135 m) mm • %, °%A ~* *>J *>J Type 900 film dryer This bench-mounted unit was designed for the rapid, safe scratch-free drying of x-ray and other film. by the operator over the range from 11 per hour. The kW heater m to and Speed is adjustable 22 m (450-900 in) thermostatically controlled and heats the air which, after being filtered, is blown by a fan over both sides of the film to be dried. Design is aimed at greatest built-in simplicity of operation 1 is and maintenance Specification Design: unit construction, integral squeegee rollers Drying rate: 11 to 22 m (450-900 in) per hour Output: 45-90 cut sheets of 254 X 305 12 in) or equivalent (10 Film size: 100 (4 in) min length: 355 (14 in) max width Power consumption: 7 A at 200-240 V single-phase 50 Hz Heater: 1 kW, thermistor-controlled Weight: 60 kg (1301b) Dimensions: see sketch on right mm mm mm Williamson silver recovery unit Considerable amounts of silver are reduced out in 98 2 percent purity. The unit requires no operator. dimensions are shown in the diagram on the opposite page. The weight of the electrolytic operating unit is 8-2 kg (18 lb), that of the control unit6-8 kg (15 lb). Practical experience in hospitals, photo-reconnaissance and other photo-processing units, both military and commercial, has shown that the cost of the unit can be recovered within a few months of operation through the recovery of silver. hour of the fixing bath The busy processing departments. Silver recovery can greatly improve the cost-effectiveness of such departments through the recovery of silver and by extending the life of fixing baths. The Williamson silver recovery unit is a simple, compact and reliable electrolytic unit. The cathode takes the form of an impeller within the anode cage. This design permits the use of a 3-ampere current, which provides a recovery rate of up to 12 grammes per in A member of the Negretti & silver of overall Zambra Group WILLIAMSON MANUFACTURING CO LTD Hawthorn Road, London NW10, England Telephone: 01-459 0073 Cables: Kinetogram London NW10 Telex: 25842 WILLIAMSON 679 SJwtion 35: Medioal supplies and equipment Sterile surgical gloves for immediate theatre use Regent sterile surgical gloves are supplied powdered with absorbable dusting powder to British Pharmacopoeia specification ready for immediate theatre use and can be resterilised afterwards for ward use. Supplied in cartons containing 36 pairs of one size, the gloves are available in the following types and sizes: straight finger, brown, rough finish, sizes 5 9| inclusive Ho straight finger, brown, smooth finish, sizes 5 i to 9 3 inclusive curved finger, white, smooth finish, sizes 6 to 9 inclusive Regent gloves are produced from latex which provides much higher extensibility and lower modulus than are obtained with gum rubber. They are thin, to give maximum sensitivity, but have a tensile strength L more than sufficient for orthopaedic surgeons using heavy instruments. The gloves are packed in an inner wrapper and enclosed in an envelope made of polythene-coated bleached kraft paper, heat-sealed on all sides. Because a complete skin of polythene forms the inner face of the pack, it can be considered waterproof and the gloves remain sterile indefinitely provided the The outer envelope is simply pack is undamaged. peeled back to expose the inner sterile wrapper. Sterilisation is by gamma irradiation (cobalt 60: dose level 2-5 Mgrads). Batches of gloves are irradiated at units approved by the British Department of Health and certificates are issued at the irradiation unit confirming minimum dose of 2-5 Mgrads has been given. Additional information and samples of Regent gloves that a are available R INDUSTRIES LIMITED North Circular Road, Chingford, London E4, England Telephone: 01-527 2377 Cables: Lonrubmanf London E4 Telex: 21644 680 on request. Section 35: Medical supplies and equipment Plastics products and medical uses for surgical Portex Ltd, one of the world's largest manufacturers of medical and surgical products, now has more than 1400 different items in use in hospitals throughout the world. Of these, over a thousand are made by Portex, the remainder includes medical equipment such as the Cornercroft human isolator, Cardiff peritoneal dialysis machine and Selflex guide wires. Apart from the very wide ranges of tubing, connectors and adaptors, the majority of products is grouped in the various specialised fields of anaesthetics, cardiology, transfusion, gastroenterology and urology. A considerable number of new products has been added to these groups during the first six months of 1970, most of them for use in anaesthetics. All are manufactured from surgical quality non-toxic plastics. Of these new products one in particular has been designed and made in response to numerous requests for 15 endotracheal adaptors and a swivel con- Derbyshire oxygen chair for use in paediatrics. This chair affords continuous oxygen therapy for infants while they remain completely accessible for other forms of treatment, feeding and nursing. The nasal oxygen set is specially designed for patient's comfort, having adjustable nasal tips and harness. It has a connecting tube in length, fitted with a coned connector. The set, supplied sterile, is ideal for use in intensive 15m care units. suction tubes are now that the large quantities produced are offered at very low prices. Seven sizes are available, 37-0 long, with terminal or lateral eye and they are individually packed, sterilised and presented in cartons of one hundred. An endobronchial suction catheter Disposable endotracheal machine-made so mm manufactured from transparent non-toxic PVC has recommended also been added to this group of products. Since the introduction of the Bristol blood warmer, Portex has gone into production on an infusion coil standards for fittings on anaesthetic equipment, the set comprises 12 adaptors ranging from 2-5 to 11 -5 and the swivel connector which rotates through 360\ Use of this connector provides the advantages of considerable flexibility of positioning between patient and anaesthetic apparatus; it also allows suction to be effected without interruption to gas flow. The latest Portex products for use in oxygen therapy range from a simple nasal catheter (the Addis) made from soft translucent medical grade PVC, to the which offers exceptionally high flow rates at body temperatures. This was the outcome of considerable research into the thermal conductivity of plastics, which was found to be highest in polythene used for the manufacture of these coils. The new Portex auto-analysing tubing is made to the extremely high standards required of this product for work in hospital laboratories. A very soft PVC was specially formulated for the purpose since this plastics provides a definite flow rate within measurable limits. The tubing is marketed by Quickfit and Quartz. mm nector. Conforming to internationally mm mm PORTEX LIMITED PORTEX Hythe, Kent, England Telephone: Hythe 66863 Cables: Portex Hythe Telex Telex: 96165 <&> 1970 681 Section 35: Medical supplies and equipment Medical engineering Advanced systems of all kinds Vickers Medical Engineering is a division of Vickers Limited engaged on a continuing programme of research and development, ranging over all aspects of medical engineering. It has pioneered many new technologies and innovations. From infant incubators, oxygen therapy masks, oxygen tents, inflatable splints to the Multichannel 300 for mass body-fluid analysis, Vickers advanced engineering techniques offer the medical world systems and equipment designed to meet wideranging specialist needs in many fields. Five-nine nursing incubator and apnoea alarm Portable neonatal incubator Tissue and organ storage unit (THS/4) Laboratory automation with Multichannel 300 unit 'f ,0 .i dvt • 1ft *&5L* Coronary and intensive care with a hyperbaric oxygen bed Hospital design and engineering services VICKERS LIMITED Vickers Medical Engineering Basingstoke Works, Priestley Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Telephone: Basingstoke 5151 682 vicicers Section 35: Medical supplies and equipment General anaesthesia and oxygen therapy apparatus, flowmeters and regulators normally found Medrex anaesthetic head: a simple and versatile providing Halothane vaporisation by Particularly either patient's breath or fresh gases. suited to relatively short procedures economical anaesthesia efficient for sur- geries, casualty, etc. Marrett anaesthetic head: a compact and truly portable anaesthetic apparatus providing all facilities Airmed Ltd Edinburgh Way, Harlow, Essex England Cables: Airmed Harlow Telephone: Harlow 24331 Avon Medicals designs, manufactures and markets Disposable transfusion wide range and dialysis equipment and accessories Telex: 81338 Our disposable, single-use dialysis equipments arterial and venous blood lines for Kiil a include disposable, single-use transfusion equipment and accessories. Administration setsfor blood and solutions include standard pattern sets, paediatric burette sets, Y-type blood sets, venous pressure warning coils. Guest cannulae and ancillary equipment such as rotary blood pumps and bottle suspenders. of large anaesthetic machines. mobile cylinder stand with regulators, yokes and contents gauges to accommodate up to four cylinders. The Medrex head or separate flowmeters and vaporiser assembly may be attached to the universal mounting bar. Unit for oxygen therapy and aspiration; can be fitted to any cylinder stand or patient's recovery trolley. and offering dental in Universal stand: a apparatus plastics dialysers, special designs for patients using arterio- venous fistula coil dialysers and ancillary equipment such as heparin administration lines and pump inserts for introducing peristaltic pumps. All Avon Medicals products are totally pyrogen-free and individually packed. sterile, Avon Medicals — Avon Rubber Co Ltd 1649 Pershore Road, Stirchley, Birmingham 30 England and sterilisers, pressures up to 2-1 kgf/cm- (30 lbf/in-). Four standard sizes are available, all suitable for sterilising media, glass, porcelain or metal containers and other non-porous laboratory ware. The body of heavy gauge internally hand-tinned copper with gunmetal closure is encased in stainless steel for water horizontal cylindrical pattern autoclaves for working baths, stills Brown & Son (Alembic Works) 10-11 Lime Street, Telephone: 01-626 1801 wounded sterilisers at extra cost. for gloves and dressings are also available. Copper water stills provide standard BP or pyrogen-free distillate for medical and industrial use. Cables: Rawsonship M33 manual flushing handle also permits normal use. Integral design with robust and compact con- hygiene without help, thus providing privacy and saving attendants' time. On pressing a foot switch a nozzle advances and sprays water at body temperature while the pan is flushed. The nozzle then retracts, giving place to a flow of warm air for 2-3 minutes. A struction render the military hospitals. 3SS, England Decca Type 460 Automated Infusion Unit provides continuous monitoring and control of the drip rate of all standard disposable giving sets (including micro drips) at any desired rate between 4 and 60 drips per minute. It can be mounted on any infusion stand and does not occupy any additional space round the bed. It can operate on all infusion fluids whether opaque or translucent, including infusion unit Clos o Mat ideal for use in Telephone: 061-973 1234 The Automated London EC3 The Clos o Mat lavatory enables personnel with bandaged hands or without hands to attend to their personal and handicapped Clos o Mat (Great Britain) Ltd 2 Brooklands Road, Sale, Cheshire. gas and steam Rectangular models fitted to Ltd London EC3, England Automatic lavatory for heated vertical strength and cleanliness. Easily operated and Every electric model is fitted with maintained. Similar controls can be automatic cycle control. and Steam, electrically Avon Medicals Birmingham 30 Cables: Hospital and laboratory vacuum embedding gas Telephone: 021 -458 6324 blood, saline and drug solutions. Once set to the required drip rate the unit maintains this rate as long as required. Changing the drip rate (and operation in general) is very simple. Decca Radar Ltd Oecca House, 9 Albert Embankment, London SE1 Electro-medical equip- ment for physiotherapy; electro-surgical apparatus , England Telephone: 01 -735 81 1 Cables: Decradar London SE1 Telex: 28588 Equipment for physiotherapy including units for short-wave therapy, micro-wave therapy, ultrasonic therapy, muscle stimulation, infra-red lamps and paraffin wax baths. Surgical diathermy equipment ranges from large machines capable of any surgical technique to small units for dermatology, etc. for operating theatres Electro-Medical Supplies (Greenham) Ltd Wantage, Berkshire, England Telephone: Wantage 4291 Sutures, ligatures, catgut, silk and related surgical products Cables: Galfarad Wantage Europe's largest manufacturer of Ethicon is surgical sutures marketing a range of catgut, silk and related materials designed for the most advanced operative techniques and in a variety of gauges and Finished sutures, sterilised by Cobalt 60, are sealed in easily opened foil packets overwrapped and packed in a plastics box with colour-coded label to indicate the material from which the sutures types, including the modern man-made fibres. is Europe's premier surgical needle maker, swaging needles ranging from 6 to 110 mm, to all available materials. are Ethicon storage cabinet, thus simplifying suture storage. Ethicon also makes examination gloves, glove powder, scrub soap and related surgical products. made. Each box becomes a drawer in a compact Ethicon Ltd Sighthill, Edinburgh, Scotland Telephone: 031 -443 4050 Cables: Ligatures Edinburgh Joyce, Loebl offers a wide range of medical and laboratory instrumentation for research Laboratory industrial automation systems and routine analysis. Fully automated and mechanised systems are available for microbiological tests, enzvme rate analysis, flame photometry, folate activity, sequential solvent extraction, on-line colorimetry, particle size electrophoresis, etc. analysis, RNA Many methods Sample presentation by recorded plateaux, digital display and printout, punched card and tape, etc, is available according to instrument type and user requirement. fractionation, are available. Joyce. Loebl & Co Ltd Princesway, Team Valley, Gateshead, Co Durham, NE11 OUJ, England Telephone: Gateshead 877891 Cables: Jayell Gateshead Telex: 53257 683 Section 35: Medical supplies and equipment Morgan and Grundy, Europe's Hospital laboratory and dispensary furniture and fume extraction systems largest specialists in laboratory furniture and equipment, meets the needs of over 40 countries Hospitals and medical schools are offered a complete laboratory engineering service, backed by long experience of conditions throughout the world, including design, supply and installation, under a single comprehensive contract. Laboratory furniture in four modular systems. in wood or metal with work tops as required, gives the architect or user flexibility of choice. A wide range of fume cupboards satisfies every laboratory need, from simple types for medical schools to the most sophisticated for handling toxic or radioactive materials. Ovens, incubators, glassware and drying ovens each for glassware and samples are also available. Morgan and Grundy Ltd Cowley, Uxbridge, Middlesex, England Cables: Grundylab Uxbridge Telephone: Uxbridge 38551 and ward equipment 21126 Catalogues are sent on request by return airmail Nesbit-Evans specialises in the design, manufacture and supply of hospital and institutional beds, furniture and bedding. The company is a contractor to the British Ministry of Health and Ministry of Supply for hospital beds Priority is given to exports and a large proportion of the company's production goes to g'overnment and ministry hospitals of over- Hospital beds Telex: seas administrations. Nesbit-Evans Co Ltd Wednesbury, Staffordshire, England J ft Telephone: 021-556 1511 The Roehampton Cables: Hospitabed Wednesbury deaths and many more serious Risks are from burns every year. increased by the danger of infection and shock Thousands injuries pre-sterilised The Roehampton dressing (UK Patent No 1029210) reduces these risks. It can be applied or removed between the point burns dressing of accident and hospital. seconds, even by unskilled personnel, without causing further pain even on maior burns. in Price Brothers & Co The packs remain of result sterile until opened. Once applied, there is no risk of adherence for up to 24 hours. Dressings range from 76 « 38 (3 X 1 -5 in) for small wounds up to 61 (24 X 54 in) < 1 37 for full body Reviewed and accepted by the Ministry mm mm Defence (UK), Food and Drug Administration (USA), Department of Scientific Studies (Canada) and Army Medical Services (Australia). of Ltd Wellington, Somerset, England Telephone: Wellington 2216 Cables: Wool Wellington Thackray hospital equipment includes a comprehensive range of surgical instruments, specialist hospital furniture, surgical sundries and sterilising apparatus. These high-quality products have been designed and manufactured by Thackray for almost sixty years and are supplied to hospitals throughout Surgical instruments, hospital furniture and equipment the world. Chas F Thackray Ltd PO Box 171, Park Street, Leeds, LS1 1RQ, England and are available for many operative knee and hip prostheses are made in both stainless steel and titanium allowing the surgeon to use the implant of his choice. The world-famous Everest & Jennings folding tasks, while equipment bone plates, wheelchairs are Telex: sturdy in use. requirements. light SW3 England Telephone: 01-584 6416 in 55293 weight, yet strong and Models are available to meet all Zimmer walking aids and crutches inspire confidence and help re-train the disabled. They are constructed from durable aluminium tubing for strength and lightness. Please write for illustrated literature. Ltd 176/178 Brompton Road, London 684 rehabilitation. Instruments walking aids and Zimmer Orthopaedic Cables: Aseptic Leeds Zimmer Orthopaedic manufactures many specialised items for use in orthopaedic surgery, nursing Fracture equipment, folding wheelchairs, rehabilitation Telephone: Leeds 20085 Cables: Zimorpedic London SW3 Section 36 Field accommodation 685 Section 36: Field accommodation v^^T^W^B . . - ' • • *%&m& *• - ';^7^ * ~+•*tf\ - Above: camouflaged Ibis mobile laundry unit Right: one of the eight cubicles in an Ibis mobile shower unit Left: interior of 686 an Ibis mobile shower unit Section 36: Field accommodation Mobile laundry and ancillary units The Ibis laundry The following units are also available: 1 A 90 kg/h capacity laundry unit. With this mode generator is carried in the towing vehicle and can the mobile laundry unit is designed to provide troops in the field, civil engineering facilities for and disaster areas, and to supplement local resources wherever there is a temporary concentration The equipment fits compactly into a of population. strongly constructed trailer and includes all the machinery necessary for steam raising, water heating, laundry washing and drying. The trailer can be supplied with towing bar or as part of an articulated combine. The unit may also be used as a steam, hot water and power supply for ancillary mobile equipment, including shower units and bath houses. The trailer carries its own fuel, sufficient for a tenhour operational period and is dependent only on a sites, be skid-mounted. 2 A mobile shower unit with the same overall The dimensions and chassis as the laundry trailer. shower unit includes eight changing/shower cubicles and is supplied from the laundry trailer with hot and cold water through a master mixing valve. The weight of the shower unit is less than 4570 kg. 3 All trailers can be supplied with towing bar or as suitable fresh water source being available. This may be any natural feature such as a river or lake, or a town supply. Steam is provided by an oil-fired boiler with a capacity of 318 kg of steam per hour from and at This is used to supply hot water to the washing 1 00 C. machine and steam to the heating batteries of the part of an articulated vehicle. Specification specification is not mandatory and can be amended to towing vehicle, conditions or special requirements. Overall dimensions: height 3-5 m, length 8-375 m, width 2-29 m Total weight: not exceeding 1 600 kg Water supply required: 1818 litres per hour Chassis: four-wheel, turntable-steered with towing bar. All-welded construction in high-yield steel. Tubular steel axles with taper roller-bearing hubs Suspension: semi-elliptical, silico-manganese leaf springs. Stabilisers provided The following basic A 16|kVA diesel ac generator drying tumblers. provides electric power to drive the washing and drying machinery as well as supplying lighting, when required. The laundry equipment consists of a 22-kg capacity end-loading washing machine, a 10-kg capacity hydro-extractor and two 10-kg capacity drying tumblers. This arrangement is capable of processing a total of 45 kg dry weight per hour, depending on the suit the to block the springs during laundry operation 20. 3-piece. 8-stud centre five Sankey B6-5 HD Tyres: five 825 * 20, Dunlop. 14-ply rating Wheels: S-cam type on both axles, pneumatically operated with armoured Parking brake operation by connecting hoses and palm type couplings means of spring brake chambers Boiler: diesel-oil-fired with a 318 kg/h steam capacity from and at 100 C Generator: 16; kVA diesel engine-driven ac generator with all switch gear Calorifier: 455 litre storage type with a 1 360 litres/h output at 60 C Washing machine: 22-6 kg dry weight capacity. Fitted with manual controls kg dry weight capacity with a cylinder speed of 1 425 rev/min Hydro-extractor: 1 and a \ hp motor Drying tumblers: two 9 kg dry weight capacity. Steam-heated, with a J hp motor Brakes: degree of soiling. One side-wall of the trailer is divided longitudinally; the upper half can be swung outwards on site to form a canopy, while the bottom half can be swung down to rest on horizontal support beams to provide an extended working floor area. The rear bulkhead of the trailer is also divided in a similar manner. Fuel storage tank: 363 litres Water pump: 7800 to 25 200 litres/h against heads of 1 2/2 metres respectively. Fuel oil: gas-oil 34/45 sees Redwood No 1 at 100 F viscosity Arrangement of Ibis mobile laundry unit, with walls W IBIS ENGINEERS LIMITED PO Box 23, Ibis Works, Shap Road, Kendal, Westmorland, England Telephone: Kendal 22621 Cables: Ibis Kendal Telex Telex: nave Group of swung open ^Mk. ibis 6580 687 — Section 36: Field accommodation Accommodation mobile or permanent, plus furniture Lesser International manufactures and supplies a number of prefabricated building systems to military establishments for all purposes, in all climates. Details of just two are given below. Furnishing and equipping can also be supplied, as part of the contract or separately. Supalite This system provides single or multi-storey buildings based on 1 22 m (4 ft) wide insulated panels. It is eminently suitable for officers' bungalows, messes, barrack blocks or amenity buildings. Supalite is long established and is backed by Lesser's considerable international experience. Basically intended for structures of a permanent nature Supalite buildings can, however, be re-located with a high degree of recover- Mobile base of Supaskid units ability. Among the many organisations specifying Supalite the Defence Ministries of Muscat, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. are Supaskid range of mobile units all with a steel-framed chassis and skid runners for towing short distances. Unlike caravans, Supaskid units can be carried flat for easy transportation on a low loader and can be joined to form larger up to three at a time buildings. They can also be supplied with wheels for towing medium distances. Supaskid needs no foundations and can be erected ready for use in a matter of hours. Ruggedly built and finished to very high standards, Supaskids are shipped with furniture and Supaskid In contrast, is a — equipment for the knocked-down Self-contained air-conditioned Supaskid units stored in erected service units. Supaskid units are insulated and clad with aluminium. Air conditioning is generally supplied but the internal layouts and furnishing can be varied according to individual requirements. Standard sizes are 3 m (10 ft) wide by 7-3 m (24 ft) or 9-14 m (30 ft) long. By joining Supaskid units, buildings of 7-3 m (24 ft) or 9-14 m (30 ft) clear span and in any length ft) can be formed. in multiples of 3 m (1 All Furniture Furnishing can be simple or luxurious and covers the of requirements for kitchens, canteens, messes, offices, ablutions, barracks, libraries and whole range Most Typical officers' quarters of Supalite construction and equipment can be supplied ex-stock delivered anywhere in the world. bungalows. furniture istruction J E LESSER (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED JEL House, Staines Roaa, Hounslow, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01-570 7755 688 Cables: Jell Hounslow Telex: 936161 Section 36: Field accommodation Airportable cabins and trailer-type running gear Aircon Type 616 cabin The Aircon Type 616 is typical of the Airtech range of plastics cabins, all of which are designed to full The cabins are constructed from military standards. patented interlocking plastics sandwich panels bonded *7- together into a light alloy reinforcing frame. Various panel thicknesses are utilised to give best possible payload/weight ratio coupled with very good thermal insulation. Top lifting points are a standard feature on all cabins (eliminating the need for sling spreaders); lashing points are provided on the corner members. The leading dimensions are as follows: Width Length mm mm in Internal dimensions: 2381 93 External dimensions: 2565 101 Door opening size: 1651 Weight: 468 kg (1040 • 902 mm J Height mm in in 2070 81 i 1892 74* 2254 88| 2184 86 (65 ^351 in) lb) Payload: 1361 kg (3000 1b) Aircon Type 616 cabin which can be suitable for transportation in lifted by helicopter and is Beverley, Belfast and C.130 aircraft Airtech Mobilizer Airtech Mobilizer running gears transform a container or pallet into a fully mobile trailer with cross-country cabins accept the Mobilizer in The a matter of minutes with untrained personnel. Mobilizer's built-in hydraulic jacking system enables the load to be picked up from ground level without the aid of any other equipment. Once raised the jacking system is locked out mechanically for added safety and the combined unit is ready for towing like a trailer. All Mobilizers have brakes on all four wheels and a parking brake on the rear wheels. Braking systems can be either overrun hydraulic surge or air over hydraulic. Ackerman steering is standard on all models. Full trailer lighting can be provided to meet customers' requirements. Thefollowing are the leading dimensions: capability. All Airtech Payload: 2721 kg (6000 lb) full General view of unladen close-coupled Type A. 6000 Mobilizer cross-country rating Weight: 830 kg (18301b) Max road speed: 64 km/h (40 mph) Max. cross-country speed: 24 km/h Suspension: air Overall width: (1 5 mph) bag with independent hydraulic shock absorbers 2409 mm (98 in) Overall length (close-coupled with Ground clearance: 380 mm (15 in) Details of other cabins request. tow bar stowed) 3200 : mm (1 26 in) minimum and mobilizers are available on Integral hydraulic lifting and parking brake AIRTECH LIMITED Haddenham 422 Cables: Airtech Haddenham Payload location tines attachment retaining pin and AIRTECH Haddenham, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England Telephone: system Telex: 83223 689 3eet?on 36: Field accommodation Tents and equipment for personnel addition to the very wide range of modern tents and portable shelters to strict contract specifications, the In & Black Edgington group produces a comprehensive variety of textile equipment for the armed services. An active Product Development Department is and for the preparation of prototype equipment to suit particular overseas available for advice specialist field equipment produced by the group includes camp beds with or without nets, wood or metal camp and barrack folding furniture, officer's camp kits, ponchos and groundsheets, banderol beacons, flags and regimental colours, combat sleeping bags and a wide range of specialised high-performance synthetic and downfilled bags. Ancillary military safari requirements. ome typical tents as briefly specified below. A comprehensive catalogue is available on request Specifications Bivouac tent, mosquito and sandfly-proof Catalogue numbers JA5717'JA5718 Standard two-man shelters, fitted net curtains each end and sand pockets all round. Length 320 m including 1 06 m triangular extension, width 1 -90 m. weight 5 kg post shelter, general-purpose, Vocab J1/8340-99-1 35-1 424 Mk 3 65 m units. Basic Rigid self-supporting frame, extendable by 3 65 2 7 m high, weight 100 kg. ton trailer. Inner insulating linings for basic shelter shelter Packs on Land Rover or and extension units i 4 57 • E Portable shelter assembly F Vocab J1/JA 8521 Tubular framework with canvas covering, two double-bays each 6-1 X 5-5 m 2-75 m, each bay 2-60 m high at front and 1 83 m and one single bay 3 05 B Command Lightweight portable shelter Vocab J1 /8340/99/1 20/6736 Mobile high-wall accommodation 2 high at rear. Also assemblies (A) J1/JA13260 1 single bay. (B) J1/JA13265 double-bay. (C) J1/JA8518 2: single bays. (D) J1/JA8520 3: single Lightweight tubular frame shelter used either as free-standing unit or with Land Rover. Length 2-67 m, width 285 m. height at eaves 1 58 m. height at ridge 2 03 m, weight 39 kg : 1: bays, (E) J1/JA8536 4: double bays F Universal marquee tent Tent, general service, Mk 2 Vocab J1 ,'8340/99/942/4584 Tent with outer fly having fitted hoods each end to protect entrances Dimensions 4-27 2-20 m high, walls 0-75 m. Also Vocab J1 /8340/99/942/4583 4 27 2-45 2-20 m high, walls 075 m similar tent but dimensions 4-27 Vocab J1/8340/99-942-4589 etc Standard width 6 m and extendable • • BLACK & EDGINGTON LIMITED 690 Cables: Benedge Sidcup • By Appointment to HM The Queen Tent and Flag Makers Ruxley Corner Works, Sidcup, Kent, England. Telephone: 01-302 0211 -6m from 5-50 by additional sections of 2-75 m to any length both single and double-roof. Typical sizes, general-service single and double-roof 8 25 6 m. Operating double-roof 5 50 6 m Hospital double roof 1 1 00 6 m. Store single roof 13-75 6 m All with standardised walls 1 -65 m high standard Telex: 897371 Biack Ft Edgington Ltd Section 37 Uniforms and personal equipment 691 Section 37: Uniforms and personal equipment •VATERPROOF OUTER HOOD ALSO FORMING CARRYING CASE LIGHTWEIGHT HT NYLON QUICK RELEASE FASTENER (ZIP) FABRIC TOGGLES TO FACILITATE FOLDING AND ROLLING INSULATED HOOD LINER HOOD DETACHABLE LINER FOR EASE OF LAUNDERING. GREEN KNITTED NYLON INSULATED HOOD: FASTENERS FOR ATTACHING — SEPARATE WATERPROOF BIVOUAC OR PONCHO SEWN-IN GROUNDSHEET: WATERPROOF PU COATED NYLON LINER HOOD H T NYLON FABRIC 50/50 MIXTURE OF WATER FOWL DOWN AND FEATHERS WATERPROOF OUTER HOOD SEWN-IN GROUND SHEET:' WATERPROOF PU-COATED NYLON LINER CUT AWAY TO REVEAL INNER SURFACE OF BAG Top: Diagram showing the various parts of the sleeping bag. Above: Section showing its construction. Right: Rolled up like this, the sleeping bag is carried on top of the rucksack 47 CM (I8J4IN) 2+ CM (9^ IN) Left: Fighting order load-carrying harness. Below left and centre: Front and rear view of the rucksack; the rear view shows the carrying frame. Below right: Special carrying case for guided missile control unit 692 Section 37: Uniforms and personal equipment Personal equipment for military and civil forces Originating in the 1 930s as part of another organisation, the experience gained in World War 2 ments was further broadened by the Chelsea Quilt Company during the Korean War when of service requiremain it became a contractor to the British Ministry of Defence. Since then the company has held substantial Ministry of Defence and foreign government contracts and has built up a reputation for quality and prompt delivery. The Chelsea Quilt research and development section co-operates closely with British and overseas development establishments to develop the precise type of equipment required. A new modern factory at Barnstaple is well equipped and has substantial production capacity to deal with main contracts to the highest standards of inspection. Products currently include personal equipment, field sleeping gear, carrying cases and specialised protective outerwear for the British Ministry of Defence and foreign governments. Tenders from foreign governments are invited. Sleeping bag for combat and general service This bag is designed as a lightweight sleeping bag capable of rolling up to a small bulk for carriage on the man, and incorporates a quick-exit capability. It has been in service with the British Army since 1964. The outer material is a lightweight heat-calendered nylon fabric, and the insulating material is a 50 percent waterfowl down and 50 percent waterfowl feather mixture. A polyurethane-coated nylon fabric is used for the sewn-in groundsheet and outer hood. To maintain ventilation, the outer material is not waterproof, and when used in the open it is intended that it Personal load-carrying equipment The 'Fighting Order' load-carrying equipment is made to Ministry of Defence specifications. It enables the soldier to carry his minimum needs for combat and to perform his duties with maximum efficiency in temperate, tropical and cold weather environments. It comprises waist belt, yoke, ammunition pouches (right and left), water bottle carrier and haversack. (Other configurations can be supplied.) be used in conjunction with a poncho or bivouac There is a nylon quick-release slide fastener sheet. fitted for rapid exit. When rolled up, the sleeping bag fits into the outer hood and is secured by toggles and loops. The bag is available in two sizes: normal and long. A detachable easily laundered and quick-drying liner manufactured from nylon fabric is provided with the sleeping bag, and is fitted to the bag by means of nylon tapes and press fasteners. The weight of the bag is about 2-7 kg (6 lb). The use of nylon webbings and coated nylon fabric has reduced overall weight by almost 50% compared with cotton webbing equipment at present in service. The pouches, haversacks and water bottle carriers are all waterproof. The synthetic webbings absorb little or no water and make the equipment equally efficient in either wet or dry conditions. Rucksack The rucksack shown is to Ministry of Defence speciand is intended as a lightweight replacement for present rucksacks used on special operations. It is also intended to replace existing main packs carried by the combat soldier in the marching or existence role. It is manufactured of coated nylon fabric; nylon fication webbing pouches is are used for the straps and ties. Three the outside to provide quick all sewn on access to priority items. The rucksack can be carried with or without a manpack frame; when the frame is worn the top of it fits into a pocket on the rucksack and is secured at the base with nylon straps. Special carrying cases In addition to the normal combat load, the modern infantryman is required to carry certain specialist items of equipment. The research and development section of the company is experienced in producing both for the Ministry of Defence and for industry efficient carry- These include ing cases for all types of equipment. radio and associated equipment, support weapons, ammunition, and optical equipment, etc. They can be manufactured to individual customer requirements. Other products The introduction and webbings has proved so successful under all climatic conditions that the company is now engaged in the manufacture of valises, lightweight shelters, gun covers, vehicle tilts, paulins, hand luggage, quilted protective covers, collapsible water containers and similar items for many military, para-military and civil organisations in many parts of the world. of lightweight synthetic fabrics CHELSEA QUILT COMPANY LIMITED Riverside Works, Barnstaple, Devon, England Telephone: Barnstaple 72345 Telex: 46106 EiE 693 Section 37: Uniforms and personal equipment Serving members' uniforms for the Royal and Women's Royal Air Force (right) supplied by H Edgard Air Force (above) &• £94 Sons (London) Ltd Section 37: Uniforms and personal equipment Uniforms for all services The Edgard founded London in family 1850, in up a reputation for high-class tailoring including the tailoring of uniforms. During World tion, a built was which business, tailoring War new modern II, to ensure uninterrupted produc- factory was opened at Whitehaven Cumberland, where upwards of 75 000 high-quality uniforms are awarded now produced each after tender by the British Government. Today we can proudly claim ranks of the Royal Navy, the Force — both uniforms their Savile year under contracts that members Army and men and women — who the the Royal Air are issued with made by H Edgard & Sons (London) Whitehaven factory wear what Row in is Ltd, at virtually a uniform unrivalled for quality. Tenders from foreign Governments are invited. H EDGARD & SONS (LONDON) LTD PO Box 22, Whitehaven, Cumberland, England Telephone: Whitehaven 2441 695 Section 37: Uniforms and personal equipment 0f' The parachute to specification in Mk 1A helmet which is particularly popular with air forces using The British-built (RAF ref. DTD (RAF sizes 1253073) flying aircraft 11 helmet made 1258, is produced ref. 22C/1 253062- instructor's 22C/ 1253074-1253088) Mk 2A RAF Mk 3A RAF Mk 3B RAF ref. 22C/1 2531 28-1 2531 30 ref. 22C/2565-2567 22C/2568-2570 ref. > The Mk 3A flying helmet for use in helicopters and other fixed-seat aircraft not provided with oxygen equipment. The Mk 3B is identical except that it is fitted with attachments for an oxygen mask The The Mk 2A helmet is similar to the Mk 3B but is fitted with automatic visor for use in high-speed aircraft equipped with ejector seats and provides full protection under severe blast conditions. Each of these helmets is designed to be comfortable in wear over long periods 696 flying fire helmet personnel is protection for air- with an adjustable, removable head harness. The sliding visor is easily adjusted with the finger and thumb of one gloved hand, and the flameproof aluminised asbestos curtain gives added protection to neck, chest and field fire-fighting shoulders (RAF ref. 22G/1920) fitted Section 37: Uniforms and personal equipment Helmets flying, parachute instructor's and 40 years Helmets Ltd has devoted its ample resources to the study and development of protective equipment. This experience is built into all the items shown here. They are the result of intensive research and have been proven in use in many parts of and in all conditions. the world For over scientific — with minimum size and weight. A single miniature telephone of 30012 impedance feeds the signal via sounds tubes to acoustically designed ear capsules with fluid seals. The helmet is designed for use with hand, boom, or throat microphones. It is made in three sizes, each with all the necessary adjustments for exact individual Mk 1 A flying is aircraft. Anti-glare visor The anti-glare visor prises a centre rail 22C/1 646-7) and anti-glare screen of tint: light tint fitted to the Mk 1A helmet comattachment and mechanism (Ref a replaceable neutral-tinted acrylic available in two densities per cent transmission (Ref dark tint 12-15 per cent trans- which is 25-30 22C/1 648-9) and mission (Ref 22C/1 650-51). The latter is fitted The visor screen has a unless otherwise specified. straight lower edge which permits a clear view of the instruments. If more blast protection is required, an alternative visor screen (Mk 2B) should be specified, where the lower edge is shaped to fit closer to the face. The standard shape of screen is illustrated on the Mk 3A helmet and the modified Mk 2B shape is illustrated on the Mk 1 A helmet. Mk 3A fitting. helmet used throughout the world by air forces with British-built aircraft. The helmet is worn with an inner helmet (Type 'G'), which carries sound-absorbing telephone capsules and attachments for an oxygen mask. The Mk 1A helmet is available in five sizes, each with three fittings. The type 'G' helmet is made in The telephone receivers (Ref 10AH/19) four sizes. are normally fitted wired in parallel (cable harness Ref 10HA/13158) to give an impedance of 150Q. An alternative series-wired harness can be supplied to These harnesses tergive an impedance of 60012. (Ref 1 0H/9466652). minate with a NATO plug Extension cords are available for use in fixed-seat This protection fire flying helmet This helmet is for use by aircrew regularly concerned with low-altitude aircraft (including rotary wing aircraft) not provided with oxygen equipment. It embodies the centre rail attachment anti-glare visor with replaceable acrylic screen and carrying mechanism exactly as fitted on the Mk 1A helmet. The telephone equipment has particularly good signal-to-noise ratio Mk 3B flying helmet This helmet is identical with the Mk 3A, except that it is fitted with attachments for oxygen masks type P or Q. Mk 2A This is flying helmet similar to the Mk 3B but is fitted with an anti- glare/anti-blast visor designed for both manual and automatic operation. An acrylic screen forms both a blast and an anti-glare visor. Manual operation is by a side-pivoted semicircular bar which moves the screen into any selected position, the bar springing back on release to its starting position. The bar is so arranged that it is moved by the descent of the blind on ejection. Under ejection 'g' forces, the screen is locked down automatically. The standard telephone cable assembly terminates in a short central pigtail and a NATO-type plug (Ref 1 0H/9466652). The microphone plug is low down on the left cheek and accepts the standard socket (Ref 1 0H/1 4207); alternative wiring terminating in PL55 and PL68 plugs can be supplied. Helmets of the Mk 2 and Mk 3 series are supplied complete with stowage cases. Parachute instructor's helmet The outer shell is of moulded glass-fibre resinate, shock-absorbing lining and a nylon webbing cradle to minimise transmission of shock forces to the head and to distribute them over as large an area as possible. Provision is made for the outer layer of the necklet to be attached to the edge of the shell, to provide a smooth contour and to eliminate the possibility of snagging by the parachute cords. provided with a Fire protection helmet This helmet is designed as a fire proximity helmet providing complete protection for a minimum of three minutes when used in conjunction with the appropriate clothing. HELMETS LIMITED Wheathampstead, St Albans, Hertfordshire, England Telephone: Wheathampstead 2221 697 Section 37: Uniforms and personal equipment Lightweight body armour for infantry and security forces A reinforced plastics composite provides a lightweight armour for protecting infantry and security forces against small-arms fire. The armour is designed to permit the wearer to perform his duties with the minimum of restriction under all conditions. To provide additional comfort in wearing and to minimise the shock of impact to the body, a resilient lining is bonded to the inside face of each panel. Complete upper torso armour with pelvic protection. Similar armour can be provided for the back. The pelvic armour is detach- able. Weighing little more than 5 kg (1 1 lb), full torso armour can be worn without discomfort and minimal hindrance to all normal duties. The armour is held securely in place by adjustable straps; it can be put on and discarded in a matter of minutes, without help tools or special training Weights Full front (with detachable pelvic panel): 3-13 kg (6-876 Upper torso only: 20 kg (4-45 lb) Front and back (upper torso only): 403 kg (888 lb) Complete upper torso with pelvic protection: 5-145 kg lb) (1 1 326 lb) Helmet A lightweight helmet is now available weighing only 0-71 kg (25 oz) and offering protection against small-arms fire. Although not designed to meet the same threat as the body armour, the helmet is manufactured from the same materials, is lighter than a steel helmet and gives superior protection. Performance The body armour metres) shown will stop and contain multi-hit threats from the following weapons, fired from the range against each weapon: Metres 7-62 mm Mauser (-30cal) 9 mm M.39 round 9 mm MAC 9 mm PI Browning 2 74 Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic mm SL/MG MAT 49 mm Luger Parabellum 9 Walther 7-32 366 1-83 2-74 — 1 83 Revolver -Magnum Revolver 1-83 9-14 2-74 38 Winchester •44 Ruger-7 5-inch barrel Revolver-Magnum 3 66 3 66 •45 Colt Automatic 7-62 Avtomat/Kalashnikov 9 mm U2I 1 2-bore Shotgun FN 12-bore Federal 1 2-bore Remington Combat 9 Herstal' 357 Colt 38 Enfield — •38 Special Revolver- Magnum light 2-74 2-74 15 24 3-66 2-74 3-66 3-66 machine gun Light machine gun 2i inch No 6 shot both barrels • 25/1 2G BB shot 9-shot BB shot ROLLS-ROYCE (COMPOSITE MATERIALS) LTD Avonmouth Road, Avonmouth, Telephone: Avonmouth 4821 698 (in Bristol, Cables: BS11 9DU, England Rolcom Avonmouth Telex: 44207 This reinforced composite plastics helmet is much lighter than a steel helmet, yet offers superior protection against small arms fire and impact Section 37: Uniforms and personal equipment Rubber compounds Avon specialises in compounds for use in for for the the developmeni of rubber the manufacture of footwear armed services. also manufactures complete rubber footwear, including safety boots with internal steel toe-cap. as well as other protective footwear. Avon service footwear Avon Footwear Ltd Bridgend. Glamorgan, South Wales manpack frames Cloth for uniforms all range of about 50 standard types of rucksacks, haversacks and carrying-frames are in constant production, with design and development capacity to undertake projects of a special nature. Rucksacks made by Brown Best (the oldest specialist rucksack manufacturer in the UK) are in current use by units of the British armed services, including the Royal Marines. kinds Telephone: 01-703 8111 ful 44142 Brown Best rucksacks were used on the successascent of Everest and on numerous other expeditions all over the world and have always been most highly regarded for their careful design and high standard of both materials and workmanship. Natural and synthetic materials are available in khaki, jungle green, sand, white or camouflage, with frames in steel or alloy tube. We cloths armed Cables: Abri London SE1 are the manufacturers of the widest range of in the UK to meet the requirements of the services, police, fire and similar forces. All types of woollen, worsted and blended cloths are available, all in a wide range of colours, weights and qualities. Special cloths for tropical wear, ceremonial wear and for various kinds of protective clothing can also be supplied. A Telex: Ltd 102 Old Kent Road, London SE1, England of Cables: Rubber Bridgend A Rucksacks, haversacks, Brown Best & Co Telephone: Bridgend 3211 In addition, we also manufacture cloths for caps, helmets and other items of apparel, as well as trimming cloths and similar accessories. We also operate an advisory service based on many years of experience in the field of military clothing. To meet special requirements for specific uses and special-purpose uniforms, the services of a development department are available. W Hainsworth & Sons Ltd Spring Valley Mills, Farsley, Pudsey, Yorkshire, England Telephone: Pudsey 3091 Cables: Army Pudsey 699 Section 38 Advisory and supporting services 701 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Airwork Services Ltd, a member of the Air Holdings Group, one of the largest independent aviation groups in the world, has for many years provided a very wide range of support services and training facilities for a large number of defence forces and civil authorities of the world. in many parts Role role of the company provision of specialist qualified The major to meet the needs is the manpower of both military and civil organisations for training, operation, technical support and management of modern technical Technical and flying training We can organise and set up technical training establishments in overseas and staff, equipment and text books. We can prepare syllabi and ensure the maintenance of training standards. We can also advise on the size of buildings, classrooms, laboratories and training workshops. Complete training services in aviation and air defence subjects can be made available. Airwork Services Training of countries, providing instructors training aids, Scotland, established for over and aeronautical engineering training. Perth 30 in years, provides flying equipment. Specialist support in the following fields can be provided. Consultancy Complete surveys, evaluation of systems and equipment and the creation of supporting repair and maintenance organisations can be undertaken for a wide range of equipment. Advice can be given on the size and equipment of workshops, schools and buildings for special requirements; technical specifications for buildings can be provided. In addition to setting up repair and maintenance organisations for customers, technical training schemes for overseas clients within their own countries can also be prepared. Aircraft services Provision of operational and staff including military and civil pilots, navigators and signallers. Engineers and technicians for the maintenance maintenance of airframes, engines, instrumentation, electrical, electronics and hydraulics, armament and safety equipment. Specialist personnel are available for base workshops and associated support services. Airfield services Qualified personnel are available for the operation and maintenance of air traffic control systems, surveillance radar, communication systems, navigational aids, airfield approach aids, including ground control approach, precision approach radar, and instrument landing systems, as well as fire, crash and rescue services. Supplies and stores The company undertakes full responsibility for the setting up, organisation and day-to-day running of a complete stores and supply service; evaluation of spares; purchase and delivery of aircraft, radar, engines and components; packaging and despatch of equipment and stores by sea or air, including long-range ferrying of aircraft. 702 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Technical support and advice for military and civil authorities Radar Operation and maintenance personnel are available for: and civil surveillance radar; air defence control and reporting systems; auto-tracking radar; weapon system radar; satellite tracking and trainers; radar test and repair facilities, including test military calibration. Communications and maintenance of: air defence control and reporting networks; Specialists can be provided for operation tropospheric scatter systems; radio relay systems in the VHF, UHF and SHF bands; mobile radio stations; digital data links, including computers, coding, decoding and data storage equipment; supporting test and calibration facilities. Weapon systems Services for the following can be made available: surface-to-air guided weapon systems; air-to-air guided missiles; air-to-ground guided missiles; ground-to-ground missiles. Supporting services for the above, including: special handling and storage requirements; assembly and testing of missiles; on-site test and repair; base workshop test and repair. Vehicles We can provide maintenance and repair facilities for types of vehicles, including armoured fighting ai vehicles, logistic vehicles, earth-moving equipment and specialist vehicles. Complete technical support including training, field and base can be provided. workshop facilities Marine craft We can undertake maintenance and overhaul of propulsion and auxiliary equipment, navigation and depth-sounding equipment. A member of the Air Holdings Group AIRWORK SERVICES LIMITED Bournemouth (Hum) Airport, Christchurch, Telephone: Northbourne 2271 Hampshire, Cables: Airwork Xchurch Telex: BH23 6EB, England 41282 ® 703 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services The Daring Class destroyer BAP Palacios was one of two vessels recently refitted Government of Peru at the Birkenhead shiprepair yards of Cammell Laird ARV Nueva Venezuela. company Venezuela 704 Esparta Two experts extensively refitted and modernised for the Government of Venezuelan warships are refitting at Birkenhead and a team of was further is for the providing technical advice during the refit of a further vessel in Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Ship refitting for warships Cammell Laird has a proud history of refitting battle- ships, aircraft-carriers, cruisers, destroyers, frigates and naval auxiliaries for the Royal Navy and foreign navies. This work specialists is undertaken who at the Birkenhead are constantly kept up Works by to date with The company also provides, improved techniques. under technical aid contracts with foreign governments, on-site teams of highly experienced technicians to guide developing labour forces. Cammell Laird facilities at Birkenhead include twelve private dry docks, the two largest being 290 43 m 1 20 ft) the dry(950 x 1 40 ft) and 244 x 37 m (800 docks are well supported by ample cranage and a full ; range of auxiliary services. A 56 000 m 2 (14 acre) wet basin, with a 43 m (140 ft) entrance, providing 823 m (2700 ft) of quay space is also served by a wide range of facilities includ- 200-ton floating crane. the repair and modernisation of electronic equipment and weapon systems, Cammell Laird is supported respectively by the Plessey Company (Marine Systems Division) and A. Robinsons Ltd. This proven combined service by the three firms, each expert in its own field, is available from the initiation of a project up to the acceptance by the foreign Government of the warship on successful completion of post-refit sea trials. ing a For Above: one of the Cammell Laird machine shops showing some of the engineering facilities available for all types of marine refit work Below: part of the steel working area, where sections up 50 tons weight can be fabricated and handled to CAMMELL LAIRD (SHIPREPAIRERS) LTD Birkenhead, L41 5HG, England Telephone: 051-647 7060 Cables: Drydocks Birkenhead Telex: 627011 705 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services motorway planning and construction, including flyovers, underpasses, bridges and earthmoving work, carried out by Dowsett Engineering Construction Ltd Typical examples of 706 slip roads and all associated Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Construction services for defence, industrial The execution and of major civil engineering projects has now become so complex that very few firms command expert knowledge in all the fields involved. Dowsett Engineering Construction Limited (a member of the Dowsett Group) has specialised in this type of work, including preliminary surveys, overall design, detail design, specification, costing, construction and final commissioning. During the past 30 years the company has undertaken all classes of work for Government departments, public and local authorities, as well as private organisations. During this time it has engaged in a wide range of activities on a national scale, including the construction of trunk roads, bridges, railway modernisation schemes, heavy earthworks, pipelines, office blocks, hotels, multistorey car parks, industrial factories, piling and heavy foundations. When built Britain's first major motorway, the M1, was between London and Birmingham, the company was responsible for a substantial part of the earth- moving. Since that time it has developed to a high degree the skill and expertise required for road construction and has been responsible for a major portion of the the motorway network in Kingdom. These contracts have been advanced in the design of the carriageway Ministry of Transport's United particularly projects civil and bridge structures and in the standard of finish achieved. teams of men and large fleet of modern plant and equipment, the company is now recognised as one of the leading contractors employed by the Ministry of Transport on motorway and road construction throughout the United Kingdom. In addition to the company's civil engineering work, it also has an active building department; recent conWith its specialist tracts include a industrialists number and of large factories for private all of which have completed to very exacting stan- a luxurious hotel, been successfully dards. The projects which the company can tackle include complete naval bases, shipyards, docks, aerodromes and airfields, as well as defence works and fortifications both above and below ground, but also roads and housing complete with all mains services for employees or personnel engaged on the completed not only project. Work of this type can be carried out anywhere in the world, with due regard to local conditions and requirements, as well as local labour and materials. Work done includes structures in steel, prestressed and reinforced concrete and aluminium ranging from heavily reinforced defence structures to light-weight hangars. Small shipyard including dry docks, construction and repair shops planned and executed by Dowsett DOWSETT ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Bilton Hall, Harrogate, Yorkshire, Telephone: Harrogate 2664 England Cables: Dowsett Harrogate 707 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services "708 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Support training of personnel for advanced technology systems For the past six years HTS Management Consultants Limited has specialised in the field of manpower planning. At all levels, occupational training is an essential part of manpower planning techniques and it is in this field that HTS has built up its world-wide reputation. HTS provides management and supervisory courses, training in English language, scientific and technical subjects, conducts organisational analyses, and advises on all aspects of recruitment and selection procedures. HTS will also establish training schools specifically designed to meet client requirements. The company's aim provide a comprehensive range of services to satisfy all training requirements except those for more specific technical training which would normally be the responsibility of government or to is industry. Support training facilities offered by HTS can be divided into five broad activities: training consultancy, training courses, establishments overseas, student administration and residential accommodation. Training consultancy Training consultancy activities include the following: Specification of training objectives Design of training programmes to meet their objectives Specification of all equipment (both hardware and software), teaching staff requirements, classroom and facility design, location and administrative requirements of instructional techniques used in existing training programmes Design and conduct of trainee assessment and course evaluation procedures Assessment of individual aptitudes for trade and vocational training Recruitment and selection of associated training and administrative staff of the requisite calibre and experience Advice on the cost effectiveness of individual training programmes. Training courses The subjects in which HTS provides training may be categorised as follows: Basic and technical English language Physics and mathematics Applied sciences such as electronics and engineering Special technical courses on such subjects as statistics, store-keeping, stock control and accounting Trade training in such skills as workshop practice and operator training Management and supervisory training. MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 29 St James's Street, Telephone: 01 -839 2822 for the conduct of the training services outlined above, HTS undertakes to establish training schools overseas on behalf of clients. The following operations would normally form an package: Design and building (or modification of) training establishments to meet requirements Provision of instructional and administrative staff Specification and supply of all associated furniture and equipment Specification and supply of text books, instructional equipment such as language laboratories, audio-visual aids and teaching machines, and integral part of a total training associated software. Student administration For overseas students whether military or civilian requiring education in Great Britain, HTS undertakes the following activities: Review HTS Establishments overseas To provide the necessary facilities The placement of overseas students in British institutions of further education The planning and supervision of students' educational careers in the United Kingdom Arrangement of suitable accommodation Organisation of vacation courses Individual instruction Regular review and analysis of student progress Counselling of students on educational careers and on personal problems as appropriate Monitoring of expenditure on accommodation changes and educational fees Maintenance of all student records, test results, academic progress, movements, etc Arrangement with British companies for sandwich-course or other training. accommodation HTS owns three residential management Residential training within one hour of Central London. The Each centres are purpose-built to a high standard. centre can accommodate up to 28 persons. The centres may be used either for tailor-made management, supervisory and other advanced courses, or accommodation can be leased (full board included) to clients who wish to conduct courses of their own design. centres, all LTD London SW1, England Cables: Airtrain London SW1 709 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services International Aeradio Limited has air traffic controllers who is provided for both military and civil aircraft and this view shows the fire services at many places in the world, including Qatar where the complete airport operation is carried out under contract to the ruler HH Shaikh Ahmad bin Ali al-Thani IAL operates airport WmMT*wm*1'***f *ni*Wmiri8m l fell 710 |i _L f 1 some 1 000 000 square miles Bahrain a comprehensive service are responsible for the safety of aircraft in of airspace throughout the world. This includes aerodrome, approach, airway flight and radar control. In information centre at this airport Sophisticated communications systems are planned, installed and maintained by IAL throughout the world. This aerial system is in the Caribbean, on one of the world's busiest air traffic lanes Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Technical services and to military civil aviation Aeradio Limited operates at over 100 more than 50 countries and has established International stations in international a truly reputation for the provision of and economical technical services to both military and civil aviation. IAL offers the following services, individually or as a complete package, in connection with the construction, expansion or redevelopment of military aviation bases or civil airports wherever required: Planning from inception to completion of an airfield complex, whether for military, civil or joint use Systems engineering for military and civil radar and communications systems, with all necessary links to efficient adjacent agencies Construction of buildings for any purpose connected with aviation, from an air force operational complex to an airport terminal Control organisation, discrete defence force operational centres or civil air traffic control systems Most of the civil and military radar systems operated and maintained by IAL personnel Computers and computer technology for automated message handling, passenger and load control and in the Gulf are Personnel recruitment Stores and supply. military applications as required. Support services Advice on equipment IAL can provide at short notice any or all following the support services, calling as necessary of on its worldwide resources and experience: Installation, operation, and maintenance of all types of aviation technical equipment Aircraft maintenance IAL can advise on equipment requirements covering: Additionally, Aircraft Missiles Communications Radio and radar aids. Technical training Consultancy Air traffic control Air defence control and ground-controlled inter- ception Radio and radar aids to navigation Ground-to-air and point-to-point communications Base workshop facilities Fire, crash and rescue services Transport A Whirlwind helicopter undergoing overhaul workshop training in IAL has consortium arrangements with other specialists design and construction whereby a complete consultancy service can be offered in connection with any in the services, Far East. as well Inspection, as spare parts at an IAL military overhaul, repair and and supply services are available military or civil aviation project anywhere in the world. of this type has been carried out in Abu Dhabi, Baghdad, Bahrain, Bathurst, Benghazi, Doha, Dubai, Work Jeddah, Jordan, Nairobi, Singapore, and Tripoli. The IAL Schools in radio and air traffic control are well known throughout the world. Over 600 students of 40 different nationalities have undergone courses at the IAL School, Southall, Middlesex INTERNATIONAL AERADIO LIMITED Aeradio House, Hayes Road, Southall, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01-574 2411 Cables: Intaerio Southall Telex: 24114 711 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Millbank Technical Services undertakes the design and construction of workshops MTS undertakes the maintenance of all types of equipment, as well as the training of local personnel for maintenance and other duties V7 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Technical support services for military and civil authorities is an associate company as official agents, have for well over 130 years provided a wide range of services to governments all over the world. The company offers professional advice on naval and military projects and can enter into contracts to provide a whole range of services including repair, maintenance and training to ensure maximum efficiency and reliability. Training is carried out with the intention of providing the earliest possible hand-over to local personnel. The company, as part of the Crown Agents' organisalinks with the British Ministry of tion, has close Defence, and is therefore in a good position to provide all or any of the services set out below and in suitable cases can provide credit or extended payment facilities. Millbank Technical Services of the Crown Agents who, Naval and military consultancy services The company provides naval and military consultancy, The including surveys by professional specialists. evaluation of requirements and the preparation of plans for the development of support projects, particularly in relation to maintenance, repair, training and field support services. The evaluation of equipments Naval and military support is also carried out. programmes MTS undertakes the implementation and management of support programmes and the establishment of essential services, including the provision of operational and technical personnel, the maintenance of vehicles and other equipment and the establishment of field support services. Design and construction of bases The planning, design and construction of all types of bases including harbours, port installations, workshops, radio stations, administration buildings and schools are carried out. The supervision of constructmilitary ion and the selection, evaluation and equipment can also be undertaken. installation of Supplies and stores The scaling of requirements, the evaluation and purchase of equipment, progressing of orders, inspection and shipment of materials and equipment is undertaken. The establishment of stores organisations and the management of stores and supply services, complete with spares support programmes, can be provided. Language and technical training The establishment of defence training overseas, including the provision of instructors and staff, the preparation of syllabuses, the design and installation of training aids, the use of language laboratories, the establishment and management of technical training facilities can all be handled by MTS. The provision of training facilities in the United Kingdom, the selection of technical courses, and the supervision of students from other countries are also among the services offered. Financial services In suitable cases, extended terms are available through MTS in respect of construction, equipment and services. Millbank Technical Services undertakes the design, building and equipping of complete radio stations ready for immediate operation MILLBANK TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED Luke House, 4 Abbey Orchard Telephone: 01 -222 1 1 45 Street, Cables: Milltech London SW1, England London SW1 Telex: 91 5623 mTs 713 - Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Customer: ,-*- Customer Office of requirements Defence Sales Overseas customer spares depot > i\ Delivery s of spares i \ British i Army Ordnance depots i i i 1 i v_^ FVEOC Support co-ordination: 1 Staff training f 1 k ] \ 1 ' \ British Equipment Design information approving Information bulletins authority: Staff and operator training Fighting requirements information Spares scaling Director General Army Full technical *i ** J Workshop advice j Technical manuals Vehicles Feedback Commissioning Engineer Visits to Equipment British and from customer of Army experience etc Defects information ( — 1 Other services l ! i \ Design Co-ordina ing Military Vehicles link * r k ^ Quality Assurance Directorates: Vehicles and Engineering Weapons Materials . . . . 1 Equipment | Procurement Delivery of Engineering branches !! % !! equipment Establishment (MV EE) Above: Flow diagram showing the full extent of the involvement of all British Army technical and operational branches in the after-sales service rendered to users in of government-to-government purchases armoured fighting vehicles instruction. training aid is for gunnery Tank gunners are trained in a completely realistic This typical safety in perfect visit a gunnery situation and without need to range This spatially correct skeleton layout of the electrical equipment and circuits of a Chieftain tank is another example of the special aids available to train crews and technicians 7)\ Section 38: Advisory and supporting services After-sales service and engineer equipment for British military vehicles The purchase of military equipment is only the first unless the step towards an effective fighting force equipment is efficiently operated and maintained, it cannot be effective. The British Government, through the Ministry of Defence, therefore offers a compre- — hensive after-sale service in respect of military vehicles and engineer equipment purchased on a government- to-government basis. Continuing expert advice and support is available before, during and after delivery. The following summary highlights only the main services rendered: Following discussions in the UK or in the user's country, recommendations are made on adapting existing equipment to local conditions and specialised needs. 2) Technical literature is provided for the operation, maintenance and repair of equipment. 3) Special tools and equipment for base or field workshops can be supplied. 4) The type and quantity of spare parts and assemblies required for a given number of vehicles or equip1) ments under given conditions of usage can be based on practical experience in British service. Similarly, advice on maintenance schedules, services and facilities (including workshop equipment) can be given. 5) Training of crews, operators and maintenance established, technicians can be undertaken at British training centres in the UK or abroad, or advice on the establishment of training centres can be given. 6) An information service is available to provide users with details of any modification of equipment being carried out by the British armed forces to improve performance, reliability or safety in service. 7) If required, faults occurring in service can be investigated on the spot by British military experts and recommendations for repair and prevention 8) can be made. efficient spare parts supply for armoured fighting vehicles is maintained to ensure the uninterrupted An equipment at all times. The flow diagram on the opposite page shows clearly the complete involvement of Ministry of Defence research, production and spares provisioning organisations backed by British Army expertise in availability of A the MoD stores, holding more than 26 000 armoured fighting vehicle spares maintained at ample to meet any foreseeable demands from users small part of different items of levels Trained instructors and specialist technicians of all grades can give advice on training courses. Byarrangement, user's key personnel can also be trained at British establishments alongside British Army trainees. Spare parts service The full experience of the British Army of operating equipment in all parts of the world, and the spare parts and service organisation required to maintain it in a state of instant readiness, is available to users. In addition, spare parts can be purchased through Ministry of Defence channels, whose Sales Spares Depot provisions adequate stocks at all times to meet Parts required foreseeable demands from all users. from carry modifications introduced time to time to out are available at the same time as they are supplied to British Army units. all providing a continuous after-sales service to users of British equipment purchased on a government-togovernment basis. (In some cases the service can also be provided where equipment is purchased direct from manufacturers.) Training service One of the biggest advantages of sharing in the experience of the British Army through government-togovernment purchasing is that users have full access to the training methods and equipment worked out for the British armed forces. This includes syllabuses, audio-visual aids and training aids such as mock-ups, sectioned assemblies, ghosted hulls and skeleton layouts of electrical, hydraulic and other circuits. Information service Frequent bulletins inform users not only of modifications to equipment carried out, but also provide information on performance under various conditions, advice on maintenance and repair, details of malpractices to be guarded against, warning of operational hazards in different environments and other vital data. This type of information is derived from practical experience under active service conditions in all parts of the world, in all types of climate. In addition, expert advice is available at all times to meet specific technical or operational requirements and problems. Full details of these and other supplementary services are contained in a brochure called 'Guide to after-sales service for British military vehicles and engineer This brochure, as well as any further equipment'. information, is available from the British Ministry of Defence, at the address given below. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Director of Sales (Army) St Christopher House, Southwark Street, London SE1, England Telephone: 01-928 7999 715 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services I* V & & ^ ^N vS* IP 00^ &** Above are maintenance some typical examples of operating and training manuals produced by These manuals are in use with armed Planetron. forces in many parts of the world. The Planetron system of information presentation is based on the maximum use of clearly presented illustrations, with the minimum of explanatory text. The text may be in English, in any language required, or in both. Every manual is closely tailored to suit the specific purpose for which it is required and is prepared by Planetron staff who are experts in the subject covered as well as in the presentation of technical information In general 716 eTBO* Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Support documentation Operating, maintenance and training manuals The complexity increasing demands that modern of when such equipment is equipment supplied to the the information should be accompanied by all required for its operation and maintenance. Such information should be presented in a clear and concise manner, in the language and in the form best suited to the man who is required to absorb the user, it information. This is of particular equipment operators must be for military Information processing importance which in case of number of the large a trained. Manufacturers are rarely able to offer effective training manuals, because while they undoubtedly know all about their own equipment, they cannot be expected to be expert in modern training methods. Moreover, manufacturers rarely have competent translators for the many different languages in which an operating or training manual may be required. is a highly skilled job best left is arranged in logical, identi- minimum of supporting text. Presentation The information is presented with illustration and on the same page. Pages are bound at the top, so text that the simplified English text, reading from left to right, can be more easily matched by the translated version in a language using a different convention. Application The material The solution Planetron has formed a division to between information sequences according to function or practical use. The sequences are developed in a form whereby the information is primarily conveyed by illustration, fiable to the experts. manufacturer and fill this information Staffed by engineers, writers and experts in the presentation of information, and with a wide circle of translators, the company specialises in the production of technical publications for industry and the armed forces, on an gap All relevant with a The problem Translating processing, all selected information is validated by confirmation with the manufacturer. The whole of the material to be utilised will, by the use of the Planetron techniques, adequately fulfil the primary task, that is the presentation of easily assimilated information to the complete satisfaction of the user. user. international scale. The method adopted by Planetron is to break away from the conventional primary reliance on English text, by employing a technique whereby all essential information is interpreted and conveyed by the skilful use of illustrations. The small amount of supporting text that still has to be used is of the simplest possible nature, and the translated version, which is quite easily and cheaply obtained, is incorporated with the rest of the materials during production. is designed to be equally suitable for formal classroom instruction, or for workshop or 'on the job' training. The format and information content of each manual are such that after use in training it can continue to be used by personnel as reference material for the operation and maintenance of their equipment and systems. If a technical support service by British personnel is initially provided, the use of Planetron material will greatly assist progress towards the ultimate taking over of responsibility for the project by the local authority's personnel. These techniques are completely universal in their application with regard to subject matter and languages. Special attention has been devoted to the needs of military personnel. In this specific area they are at present being extensively and successfully used. Cost estimates Information gathering The information required for any specified purpose is obtained from detailed engineering studies of the equipment supported by information collected from the manufacturer's own technical records. Prior to Planetron can formulate proposals with cost estimates provision of material on the above lines in support of equipment or systems in any field of engineering. Estimates can be on a fixed or budget price basis, as required. for the PLANETRON (OPERATIONS) LIMITED 419 Richmond Road, St Margarets, Telephone: 01-892 8854 Twickenham, Middlesex, England P^\ KTTprrvDr\KT {^PliANETRON ^-^d' 717 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Procurement, acceptance tests, provisioning, maintenance and ing are available for all spare parts crew train- types of vehicles Technical and tactical training can be provided for operational crews and base personnel, using the latest training aids A typical spare parts store and maintenance workshop designed and completed by Technical Support and Services Limited -irsnnnssSP ^ 1 718 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Technical support for defence forces Defence departments throughout the world will be only too well aware that as defence equipment develops in it also becomes more complex, and that this fact could place a considerable strain on the technical resources of defence forces, particularly those which are relatively small and have to develop rapidly other and a capability in the latest defence techniques. Without specialist assistance a defence force might find it impossible to master comparatively new equipment such as high-performance armoured vehicles, radio-radar and electrical equipment. At the very least, re-equipment in these fields calls for an intensive training programme. This is necessarily a restricted and highly specialised activity and because of the discreet nature of this class of operation, it may not be commonly known that assistance is available through the medium of our organisation which has, over a period of many years, specialised in this type of work. Backed by our main organisation in Jersey, Channel Islands, we are in a unique position to offer a complete and comprehensive technical support service for British armoured vehicles and other military installations including radar and communications systems. efficiency, Design and layout of base workshops Introduction of overhaul systems and associated documentation Technical Support and Services Limited maintains its own design organisation with the capability of designing base overhaul workshops built to suit a defence department's vehicle overhaul requirements. Designs can include dimensionally positioning overhaul plant, equipment, tools, services, etc., applicable to the vehicles and to the level of repair required. We also provide advice for the introduction of overhaul systems and associated documentation for routing the vehicles or equipment being overhauled through their various stages on dismantling, inspection, reclamation, rebuild and testing. By this means the entire history, including modification standard of the overhauled equipment, is placed on record for future utilisation. Advice and supply on workshop and special equipment Spares provisioning We After some years' experience in this field, we have perfected continuous spares provisioning techniques. Our supply centre can advise on stock holdings, user scalings and the appropriate demand systems. This service can include the co-ordination of all the demands of the many manufacturers and suppliers normally involved, undertaking actual purchases, and supervising packing and delivery by the most suitable system for economy, having regard to the urgency of individual requirements. provide a special advisory service by which, at the invitation of an overseas government, we send a specialist team to evaluate and discuss a technical support project and submit complete and detailed proposals for consideration by the government concerned. Our organisation is offered as a complete military function, with full regard to service procedure. Following equipment selection by the defence department, we can, if necessary, act as technical agents and advise on modifications which might be required to standard equipment, providing acceptance and delivery facilities on behalf of the government. The range of equipment covered meets all the various needs of defence forces, including vehicles, communications, and armament, all with necessary support ground equipment, test equipment and spare parts. Training personnel Comprehensive training programmes for technical staff in the operation and maintenance of equipment can be provided at our technical training centre in Jersey. Crew training on vehicles can also undertake the complete operation and tactical training of drivers and crew members in their We own country. TECHNICAL SUPPORT & SERVICES LTD Route De La Haule, St Brelade, Jersey, Channel Islands Telephone: Jersey Central 25301 Cables: Avio Jersey Telex: 41161 719 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services S Y-ARD CONTRACTOR FEASIBILITY STUDY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS T AGE CLIENT REQUIREMENTS This diagram shows the various main stages and operations in the conception, design, construction and acceptance of a ship and the role played in all this work Stage 1 covers the basic by Y-ARD. design, stage 2 the detailed design work, stage 3 is the detailed costing to the point awarding contracts, and stage 4 of includes actual construction and final i 6 SKETCH DESIGN acceptance trials. Y-ARD services for any stage of this DISCUSSION COST ESTIMATE APPROVAL DETAILED DESIGN offers work its or for the entire project. This project flow chart is typical, but it can be amended as required to meet special circumstances. As can be seen below, operational advice and assistance are also available after commissioning of a ship, for as long as may be required. TANK TESTING TENDER SPECIFICATION ASSESSMENT APPROVAL CONTRACT SPECIFICATION 4 MAIN PLAN QUOTATIONS SELECTED BUILDER CONTRACT APPROVAL PROGRESS CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ACCEPTANCE TRIALS Strategic and economic studies studies start with an analysis of possible maritime threats and of the national resources available to meet them. The complete analysis leads to detailed costed programmes for the acquisition of equipment, and the recruitment and training of personnel. Strategic Similar projects in the non-military field include surveys and predictions of markets for ships and equipment, the optimisation of ship types for particular trades, and recommendations for improving cargo handling at ports. Operational advice and assistance Project planning and management This includes the overall control of a number of complex development projects, including the work of many Computer-based techniques, such sub-contractors. are used where appropriate. analysis, as network Y-ARD is prepared to act either as prime contractor with overall responsibility for the project, or as consultant acting on the purchaser's behalf. Maintenance and base facilities Studies are carried out on the bases equipment and organisations required to meet forecast operational and maintenance needs. Refit planning and configuration control The maintenance of complex modern warships absorbs an increasing proportion of their life. The problem of reducing the cost and time tor maintenance while increasing its effectiveness is tackled by: Precise identification of all equipment fitted Planning the maintenance in detail Minor modifications to ship design where these can have a large effect on maintenance time Increased productivity by using specialised teams and equipment in dockyards. Technical and operating handbooks Personnel having practical operational experience are Detailed studies are made of training requirements, including syllabi, timetables, and lists of training employed in writing operating handbooks for the Royal Navy and commercial organisations. The work includes systems descriptions, normal and emergency operating instructions. These handbooks are used at sea, for industrial plant operations and in training equipment required. establishments. Training 720 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Naval consultancy Design, strategic and marine services Y-ARD Limited tions in many is a marine consultancy, created in 1 946. It has since carried out numerous projects and investigadifferent fields not only for the Royal Navy, but also for Commonwealth, and other navies, the shipping and fishing industry and general industry, including the overall administration of large development projects involving the work of many different sub-contractors. The internal organisation of Y-ARD is flexible and, by developing only those resources appropriate to the task, NATO can control both large and complex projects and simple contracts at minimum cost to the client. The most upmanagement techniques are used. The possession of a large experienced design staff, backed by modern equipment (including an ICL 1903 digital computer and an AEL 680 analogue/hybrid computer), ensures that the consultancy service provided is sensible and practical. to-date Ship designs Ship design studies include designs for all types of naval vessels as well as for fleet auxiliaries, merchant ships, survey and research ships and fishing vessels of all types. The services offered include optimisation of ship type, detailed design and specification, analysis of tenders, approval of builders' drawings, inspection during building, and conduct of trials. Machinery design Y-ARD has carried out machinery studies on all types of vessels ranging from submarines to aircraft carriers and for all types of machinery, including steam turbine, diesel, gas turbine, turbo-electric, nuclear and com- bined plants. The organisation has been particularly involved with ships of the frigate and destroyer type and the machinery installation design of most of the post-war Royal Naval ships of those types has been carried out by Y-ARD under the direction of the Ministry of Defence (Navy). These include the Whitby U i=J3P Blackwood Class frigate County Class destroyer (COSAG), (steam General Purpose frigate (COSAG), Type 82 destroyer (COSAG), Improved Leander Class frigate (steam turbine), and Type 42 destroyer (COGOG), for which complete specifications and guidance drawings were prepared. The technical documentation, including guidance drawings, were prepared for the conversion Class frigate (steam turbine), turbine), of HMS Exmouth f^yLj^ DEVONSHIRE CLASS DESTROYER TYPE 42 DESTROYER 7_ to all-gas turbine propulsion. LEANDER CLASS FRIGATE _L- BLACKWOOD CLASS FRIGATE EXMOUTH CONVERSION FRIGATE TRIBAL CLASS FRIGATE ?^ 3 r* FAST FLEET REPLENISHMENT SHIP FEARLESS CLASS ASSAULT SHIP Y-ARD has also carried out machinery studies or the preparation of machinery specifications and guidance drawings or other major work on: Landing craft Minesweepers Logistic support ship Assault ship Fleet replenishment ship Depot ship Nuclear tanker Nuclear icebreaker Nuclear warships Frigates and destroyers Escort cruiser Aircraft carrier addition, work has been carried out on such detail projects as steam catapults and accumulators, total energy installations, gas turbine modules, pressure combustion boilers, machinery surveys, shore In boiler test facility, machinery test house, transmission system shore facility, machinery shore trials, shock and noise machinery mountings, machinery controls, ship and machinery dynamics, machinery handbooks, tender assessments, and ship maintenance and refit. In recent years there has been a major expansion in the size and scope of the organisation. Consultancy on an international scale is now offered on complete naval ship designs covering naval architecture, marine engineering, electrical and communication engineering and weapons engineering. The consultancy includes all or part of preliminary feasibility studies, deep feasibility studies, specifications and guidance drawings, and continuation services. Y-ARD LIMITED PO Box 4000, 1395 South Telephone: 041-959 1251 Street, Glasgow W4, Scotland Cables: Yard Glasgow Telex: 77380 VAnn 721 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services • strial power plants is offered which can assess clients' requireconsumption of all forms, and design energy ments integrated power plants to provide this and produce energy as and when required with maximum economy. Y-ARD's 20 years' experience of the design of power plants for ships is directly relevant to the problem 51 vice for of integrating the varied energy requirements of a factory, a hospital, or any other industrial undertaking. Y-ARD can act as consultants either for recommending the most efficient way of using existing plant, for extending the existing plant to meet future demands or for designing and installing a new plant. Model making Models, mockups and simulation, either on a full or reduced scale, are some of the most powerful tools available to assist people to comprehend complex problems, and are widely used in Y-ARD studies. are often particularly valuable for the communication of technical ideas to non-technical people, who They may be Y-ARD unfamiliar has mockups can its with the own model details makers, a problem. and full-scale of be built if required in the large machinery test shop. Models can be made either in rough form as working tools or to full demonstration also standard. '» 15 ,-n \ Scale models of gas turbine modules Merchant shipping group The following is an indication of some of the projects which have been carried out by the Y-ARD Merchant Shipping Group. (1) A comprehensive study into nuclear-powered ore carriers and nuclear-powered container ships (2) The design (3) Cargo-carrying container ship, pyrites carrier, bulk cargo carrier, container ships, advanced cargo liners, passenger/vehicle ferries, coastal cargo vessels, sludge vessels and dredgers of a nuclear-powered icebreaker, safety arrangements and the shore support required for the building, fitting out and operating of this ship (4) Marine biological research ships, seismographic research ships, and fisheries research vessels. Y-ARD has carried out economic studies related to ship operational cost data, modernisation and automation of ship repair yards, ship building cost estimates, market survey of shipping built world-wide, survey to predict future shipping trends and prediction on the demand for future types of ships, market surveys of marine equipment, and economic study of factory trawler ships. Y-ARD has undertaken studies relating to the fishing industry, including the examination of fishing gear equipment, evaluation of fish-finding methods and the handling and processing of catches which have included methods of chilling and freezing. MV 7?2 Maihar, Cunard-Brocklebank Line Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Naval consultancy Technical services Weapon and electric systems Y-ARD offers a complete weapons and communications system engineering service. The service embraces the selection, installation design, and post-design of all surfaceandoversurface weapons, fire-control radars and computers, surveillance and attack sonars with their associated weapons, surveillance radars, navigational aids, (1) The integration of the systems to meet a analysis threat by statistical methods and the assessment of the hitting and killing probability of the systems The comparison of competing weapon defined (2) communications, action information systems and warfare equipment. (3) electronic Special features of the service include: systems Periodic maintenance, testing and tuning of weapon and communications systems on a world-wide basis. Naval architecture A complete naval architecture service is provided, including survey of ships, inclining experiments, the estimation of static, dynamic and damaged stability, performance estimates, investigation of hull vibrations, Controls and simulation Y-ARD has wide experience in the design of automatic systems for equipment of all sorts, and a comprehensive knowledge of the equipment available both in the UK and elsewhere. Since Y-ARD is not tied to any particular manufacturer it can offer to clients an optimum overall system design using the best equipment available. The common factor to all work on control systems is the need to understand the basic mathematical control relationships. One of the most effective methods the design of represents the International Y-ARD systems, etc. Trawler Federation on the Consultative Organisation's stabilisation British Maritime panel on the stability of trawlers. simulation, and Y-ARD's EAL 680 computer has greatly recent purchase of an increased the complexity of systems which can be simulated. Complete systems can now be simulated, with actual control equipment attached to prove the effectiveness of the system before it is installed on the plant. Simulation is also a valuable technique on its own account, particularly for the investigation of problems which are too difficult, too dangerous or too expensive to solve by other means. is of achieving this Actual controls equipment for a ship is connected to a hybrid computer for testing to determine the correct controls settings. Acoustic studies Y-ARD's experience of the isolation of noise and vibration from ship's structure and the protection of estimates of vibration of shafting systems, structural equipment from underwater shock includes the devel- fatigue opment of novel types of vibration-isolating mountings, shaft couplings, pipe couplings, and shock-absorption Design services offered devices of high capacity. include the design of acoustic enclosures, theoretical Y-ARD LIMITED PO Box 4000, 1395 South Telephone: 041-959 1251 Street, Glasgow W4, Scotland Cables: Yard Glasgow Telex: 77380 stress analysis of components liable to damage by or shock, and the writing of specifications. Practical services include the survey and analysis of and airborne and structure-borne vibration, diagnostic investigations, and the development of various types of equipment. VARID 723 5eo*'on 38; Advisory and supporting services Technical documentation for the armed services IPL (Gardener) Ltd is a member company of the IPL group, one of the leading technical documentation organisations in the United Kingdom. The group provides a very wide range of technical information support services for government departments, defence authorities, industry and commerce. The company is a contractor to the British Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Technology, Department of Health and Social Security, and to Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO). Communication The problem Manufacturers invariably do not wish to become directly involved with the compilation and production of aftersales technical documentation such as operators handbooks, training manuals, illustrated spare parts NATO We for can undertake the typing of technical copy suitable codification, security printing, and visual training aids. reproduction, litho where justified including cold type-setting, required. Reproduction We also carry out reproduction by offset litho or other processes, suitable for short medium and long runs, as required. NATO Written material remains an essential element but an important ancillary activity is the preparation of slides, filmstrips, mimic diagrams together with programs for teaching machines and software for computers. The accelerating development of complex equipments for use by the armed services brings with it a really serious problem in training service personnel to use and service the equipment correctly. Most of the resources of modern communications techniques are required to provide a solution. catalogues, Typing and typesetting codification classifying and coding items of defence NATO classification and coding system carried out. are proficient in the use of various Identifying, supply to the is 'tools of We management' (H61 — Glossary of Terms, etc) determine item characteristic attributes necessary to eliminate duplicate stock holding and to ensure items of defence supply are allotted the correct required to RP/DP. Visual-aided technical training Modern complex equipment requires supporting technical documentation be presented simply but clearly, and in a form suitable for classroom presentation. Overhead projectors present the subject in a manner easily assimilated by the student and offers greater control over a lesson's progress. Greater visual impact single or multi-coloured. is provided by transparencies can provide single sets or runs of many thousands, This system is a plus paper print for student handout completely universal training aid both in subject content and (using translation overlays) language. — We The solution Many manufacturers now utilise the services of a specialising in technical documentation support services. Ours is a company staffed by engineers, authors, illustrators, NATO codifiers, with adequate translation facilities and with a print works capable of handling security work. company Technical authorship We can provide technical authorship dealing with every branch of mechanical and electronic engineering and with scientific development. Our service includes the study, planning, writing and supervision of publications giving operating and maintenance information reports; we can also prepare illustrated parts catalogues. I.P.L Vu-Graphics Technical illustrations Technical illustrating, comprising all kinds of line drawing, half-tone and retouching perspective exteriors and cutaway views, exploded drawings and simplified or schematic presentation of systems are all carried out by our illustrators. Circuit diagrams and component location diagrams can be prepared to meet the requirements of issued government and commercial specifications. Circuit, wiring IPL (GARDENER) LIMITED Government Marketing Division Codex House, Willow Grove, Chislehurst, Telephone: 01-467 5633 7?4 GROUP Kent, BR7 5DA, England OF COMPANIES Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Jane's yearbooks four international annual reports known and respected throughout the world not only by individual experts, but by professional naval, military and airforce personnel and government departments as well. All relevant information is presented in concise up-to-date form and the yearbooks are regarded as standard reference works on the present state of their respective fields by many authorities throughout the world. Entries in all four yearbooks quote standardised specifications and performance data; dimensions are in British and metric units. Most entries are illustrated. Jane's annual reports are Jane's All the World's Aircraft Regular contents are all continued in the 1 Jane's 969-70 The contents edition: DESCRIPTIVE SECTIONS three-view drawings, of current production in in many instances the aero-space industries: Aeroplane section: civil and military, including V/STOL Drones section: all powered but unmanned aircraft Gliders and sailplanes section: the products of 22 countries Space vehicles section: capsules and satellites with their rocket propulsion systems Rocket weapons section: specification of all types for all defence purposes : aero-engines all in current production turbine, piston or rocket New features introduced DIRECTORY SECTIONS first edition for 1 969-70 include: Weapon systems section: each system described and illus- trated as a whole, with operational procedures. Detailed specifications and illustrations of elements peculiar to one system, otherwise elements are cross-referenced to Elements section: guidance and surveillance elements, and other electronic equipment, propulsion units, sea-, air-, or land- borne vehicles, support equipment, each described and illustrated in sub-sections, and cross-referenced to weapon systems in which they are selectively used ANALYSIS SECTIONS Purpose analysis section: an extremely detailed series of indexes, with explanations, that classify the design, tactical and operational purpose of each element of each type and of each weapon system, so allowing comparative analysis with this issue: Aircraft accessory and equipment manufacturers section: address, products and national agents, with individual product cross-references Airports section: of the DESCRIPTIVE SECTIONS Complete specifications with photographs, and Aero-engines section Weapon Systems officials, major runway details, maintenance present and planned fleets: officials National and supra-national defence forces' equipment: command structures, quantitative data on their current equipment and location catalogues of service organisations Airline sections: branches and DESCRIPTIVE SECTIONS Aircraft radio and radar section: specifications and illustrations, listed under manufacturers Airport ground equipment: specifications, with photographs, of all types of ground equipment, manufacturers, addresses and branches Jane's Surface Skimmer Systems Jane's Fighting Ships Regular contents are continued in the 1969-70 The contents edition: DESCRIPTIVE SECTIONS National navy sections: 1 969-70 edition include: DESCRIPTIVE SECTIONS the 103 navies are presented in alphabetical sequence, more than 14 000 ships being set out, country by country, in order of purpose and size Each country's section commences with brief administrative details, a listing of the navy's strength and silhouette drawings of the principal ships This is followed by illustrated descriptions and specifications, category by category, of all the vessels in naval service from major warships right down to tugs Naval aircraft: all ship-borne aircraft and helicopter types are described with data, and illustrated with photos, and land-based naval reconnaissance aircraft are similarly described Ship-borne missiles: all types of naval missiles are described and illustrated, under operational-purpose classifications ANALYSIS SECTION Naval strength: comparative tables powers New features introduced in DIRECTORY SECTIONS of the for the principal naval Air-cushion vehicles: over 70 types or projected by over 40 manufacturers Full are now in production dozen countries. dimensions, operational descriptions, and performances are in a given Tracked ACVs: several countries the development of reported ACV trains taking place in is Air-riding materials-handling: a commercial by-product of Detailed specifications of apparatus with photos and drawings are included under two sections: 'Airassisted pallets, conveyors and applicators', and 'Air-assisted the ACV inventions. load carriers' Hydrofoils: both Service and commercial uses for hydrofoils tonnages are rapidly commanding sizable production by specialised shipbuilders. There are already 70 types in production in a dozen countries, with over 1000 hydrofoils in regular service in the USSR. Data are detailed, and include sea-state capabilities, and experience of operators of varying Power plant: specifications of all types of engines, marine or aero-industry derived, used in ACVs and hydrofoils this issue: Command structures: Naval staff lists, headquarters, dockyard, and support, and sea staff Naval who's who an attempt at abbreviated essential particulars : of senior naval personnel SURVEY SECTIONS Report of ACV development Report on hydrofoil development Technical glossary (illustrated) Design problem papers JANE'S YEARBOOKS BPC Publishing Limited 49 Poland Street, London, Telephone: 01 -437 0686 W1A Telex: 2LG, England 23451 725 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services ocumentation to ensure maximum utilisation of Users of defence equipment, particularly those at a distance from the factories of the manufacturers, need complete technical information to ensure that the equipment can be operated and maintained by their own personnel. This information takes the form of technical handbooks, drawings, operating and maintenance manuals, installation and commissioning specifications, spares catalogues, microfilm libraries, manuals and training aids, wall charts, etc. Such documentation is produced for the British armed services and may be available for other countries, training but documentation produced specially for the user's requirements is far more effective. This incorporates up-dating with technical modifications, so that docu- equipment mentation is entirely relevant to the equipment purIt takes into account aspects such as chased. local language, different technical symbols, methods of deployment, climatic conditions, maintenance facilities and available test equipment, spares policy, and the educational level of trainees. Lonsdale and Bartholomew Technical Ltd has 20 branches in the industrial centres of the UK for ease of liaison with manufacturers. It has already produced documentation and drawings for all types of defence equipment in use with the armed forces of Britain and many other countries. Information systems already in existence have been modified for the methods and organisation of new users. Typical applications Operating instructions produced equipment and organisation Maintenance instructions trouble-free operation of specifically to suit your particular clearly and precisely presented ensure equipment Training manuals and aids enable trainee operators and technicians to become proficient quickly Spares catalogues and schedules carefully prepared to assist the rapid procurement and supply of spares. NATO Codification of Spares and other items are included in these publications Among the technical services available, either separately or as part of complete documentation schemes, are the following: Technical authorship Technical writing Technical editing Illustrations of all types Design and detailed production drawings Spares scheduling NATO codification ComponenLspecification and advisory services Data processing Printing LONSDALE & BARTHOLOMEW TECHNICAL LTD 86-88 Edgware Road, London W2, England Telephone: 01-723 8001 726 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services Support services shipbuilding and naval service in Various support services are available to overseas countries purchasing or building warships such as the Type 42 destroyer. The need to ensure maximum operational availability and value for money over the whole of a ship's life has led to an increasingly close liaison between customer and shipbuilder over a widening area of activity. Technical aid The needs of overseas countries wishing to establish their own shipbuilding programmes can be handled by such as that established by Vickers in 1965 to guide the construction of three Leander Class frigates in India. Technical aid agreements typically include advice on shipyard layout and equipment, provision of ship drawings and documentation, procurement of equipment, planning, and assistance with setting-to-work. a technical aid organisation Operational training Crew training, carried out by the customer navy, is increasingly integrated with the ship construction and setting-to-work programme. This integration can be undertaken by Vickers covering areas such as: The first Type 42 destroyer (described elsewhere in this of a customer, (in co-ordination of training proconjunction with the British Ministry Defence as appropriate) Colloquial language training of An important feature of technical aid is the provision of technical and supervisory staff, and training of all levels of shipyard personnel. The latter includes onthe-job training and specialist courses in the UK, followed by training and supervision during construction in the customer's own shipyards. Technical aid agreements normally cover a wide range of services. In some cases, however, only one or two services may be required, such as quality control or equipment procurement. All the services may be made available overseas or within the UK to other shipbuilders. Lead yard services, similar to those provided on the Polaris submarine and Type 42 destroyer programmes, can also be provided in support of shipbuilding contracts external to Vickers. behalf and Definition gramme on Arrangement for training at British Ministry of Defence establishments, sub-contractors' works, and shipbuilders' works Training during installation and testing Other specialist services Other specialist services offered by Vickers include: Weapons systems consultancy and evaluation Weapons system tuning and test Maintenance, operating and training documen- Catalogue) tation and maintenance studies planning and documentation Reliability Refit built by Vickers will soon be in service with the Royal Navy VICKERS SHIPBUILDING GROUP Barrow Shipbuilding Works PO Box 6, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England Telephone: Barrow-in-Furness 20351 Telex: 6571 Cables: Vicarmsea Barrow-in-Furness vicKers 727 Section 38: Advisory and supporting services design, development and production of electrical and electronic equipment Erskine Laboratories Ltd Newby, Scarborough, Yorkshire, England Special-purpose mechanical and electro-mechanical We produce electronic test gear microwave components and equipment incorporating electrical and electronic wiring and assembly, semi-conductor and other circuitry, and sheet metal work; we also carry out general machine work, welding, brazing and processing to customers' requirements. For the above work the company has approval under the British Ministry of Technology Inspection Telephone: Scarborough 2433 Organisation (No. 60077). Standard commercial products include constantpotential battery chargers, timing delay units voltage and frequency-detection units, and surge indicators. Cables: Erskinlab Scalby company has for many years been a Ministry Defence contractor for varied types of equipments, including recorders, gunnery controls, handling gear, sonar devices, time clocks, test gear and similar items for which drawings and specifications Telex: 52562 we This for large contractors, of of the British Ministry of We (even which have the Defence full co-operation willing to consider the manufacture small quantities) of any equipment for drawings are available. are in are available. equipment In manufacturing srmilar units for recognised foreign governments and on a sub-contract basis Samuel Lee-Bapty Ltd Cow Telephone: Garston 73055 Lane, Garston, Watford, Hertfordshire, England Rocket motor systems, solid cast double base propellants Solid propellant rocket motors using cast double base propellants are designed, developed and Related produced to customers' requirements SRS is research and development is carried out fully equipped to carry out firing, environmental and mechanical tests on rocket motors from 5 in diameter. to 930 Rocket devices, such as igniters and thrust vector control systems, are also the subject of research and development Successful systems are in use in UK Rocket cases are designed and guided missiles developed using metal, glass-reinforced plastics and carbon fibre-reinforced plastics. mm mm Summerfield Research Station Imperial Metal Industries Ltd 728 Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England Telephone: Kidderminster 4061 Telex: 33527 Section 39 Other products and services 729 Section 39: Other products and services Automated fljw-detection plant installed Wellworthy Limited for the programming of pistons through one of the Ardrox 970 at processes Ardrox Speedspray electrostatic equipment application of fluorescent penetrants and dry powder developers to large aero engine components for the Ardrox foam cleaning equipment, utilising 6025. AF for aircraft surface cleaning 730 Section 39: Other products and services Chemicals and equipment for surface treatment, cleaning and flaw detection Ardrox Limited has manufactured specialised cleaning and flaw-detection materials and equipment for all branches of the British Ministry of Defence for many years, including proprietary products and compounds made to Government specifications. All are available in most countries through a network of associated companies, manufacturing licensees and agents. The services of our technical department are available to advise on the suitability of any particular process wherever special problems are likely to be encountered. The products described below represent some of the range available, together with the relevant specifications and NATO or British Government Stores reference numbers. Rust, scale, oxide and corrosion removers Preparations for the removal of rust, scale, oxide and other corrosion products are available for the dip-cleaning of all kinds of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ardrox 11 A: acid de-ruster used by Royal Stores Ref No 435389 Navy armament depots for de- rusting torpedoes Ardrox 185: approved to DTD/900/4559. Alkaline de-ruster used by Royal Navy aircraft repair yards and approved by aero engine manufacturers for the overhaul of gas turbine engines. Stores Ref No 0473-473005 Degreasing, decarbonising and Ardrox 1074: approved to DTD/900/4934. Acid etchant used by the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy Air Stations as pre-treatment for aluminium-skinned aircraft prior to painting. Stores Ref No 0473-6850-99-220-1932 (RN); 33C/2204099 (RAF) Ardrox 1854: liquid concentrate alkaline de-ruster used extensively British in Government dockyards for a variety of de-rusting, de-painting and degreasing tasks. Stores Ref. No 0473-220-1713 Ardrox 160: acid-based corrosion remover and brightener for copper-based alloys. Used extensively by British Government dockyards for cleaning pipework systems where a high standard of cleanliness is required. Stores Ref No 0474-220-1162. immersion-type paint removers A special range of solvents has been developed for the removal by dipping of all types of paint, grease, carbon and similar coatings and deposits from external and internal surfaces. Ardrox 607: approved to DTD.445A. Concentrated general-purpose solvent emulsifier used in British Government dockyards in dilution with kerosene as light-duty degreasant and by Royal Navy Air Stations for aircraft surface cleaning. Stores Ref No 0474-474006 Ardrox 610-C: heavy-duty concentrate degreasant used by British Government dockyards for IC engine overhaul. Stores Ref No 6850-99-220-2570 Ardrox 667: concentrated immersion-type British Government dockyards for and carbon remover used by combustion engine overhaul in paint internal combination with 610-C. Stores Ref No 0473-220-2779 Ardrox 960-T: approved to DEF.1451. Hot-bath immersion-type paint and carbon remover supplied to British Army units and British Government dockyards Stores Ref No 0474-6850-99-220-2315 Ardrox 6025. AF: approved to DTD 5507B. Supplied to the Royal Air Force. Royal Navy Air Stations, and Army Air Corps for aircraft surface cleaning. Used by British Government dockyards for cleaning of machinery and electrical equipment. Stores Ref Nos 5 gal 0474-220-4399; 40 gal 0474-220-4400 — — Application-type paint removers A special range of application-type solvents to strip paint surface coatings of all and types from structurestoo largeto be dipped. Ardrox 204: approved to DEF.1280B. Paint remover for epoxy-based paint schemes used by the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy Air Stations. Stores Ref No 5 gal— 33B-9429-260; 10 gal— 33B-220-1083 Ardrox 217: approved to DEF.1279. General-purpose paint remover supplied Government dockyards and 0473-4148; 5 gal— 0473-7972 to British British Army units. Stores Ref No 1 gal Ardrox 230: approved to DEF.1443. Special paint remover for use on polyester resin/glass laminates. Used by Royal Air Force. British Government dockyards and Royal Navy Air Stations. Stores Ref No 0442-923-1717 Protective and dewatering oils Ardrox preparations are available for the long-term or short-term protection of various types of equipment against corrosion attack by atmospheric moisture and seawater. Ardrox 31 conforms to DEF 2331 (PXI undyed). A lanolin-based protective : fluid for is use on all unpainted metal components where long-term indoor storage Ardrox 3961: conforms to PX24. Approval DEFSTAN 68-10/1. Moistuie- displacing fluid and temporary protective for electrical equipment, the compressor stages of gas turbine engines and all surfaces requiring thin-film protection against atmospheric and saltwater corrosion. Used by the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy Air Stations and British Army units. Stores Ref No 1 gal 34B/1480. required. Dye penetrant inspection processes Ardrox dye-penetrant processes meet the requirements of DTD. 929 and Ml L- 1-25351 C. A complete range of red, combined red-and-fluorescent, and fluorescent types are available, including All water rinsable and post-emulsifiable types. Ardrox 996 process: — red — — sensitivity. dye system also available aerosols. Stores Ref No 996- P Aerosols 4X-2420; 9PR551 Aerosols 4X-2421; 9D6 Aerosols— 4X-2422; Aerosol kit complete 4X-2419 high-sensitivity Ardrox 9VF1 process: combined high-sensitivity red and low-sensitivity fluorescent system specially developed for use on submarines and in other confined spaces. Also available in aerosols. Ardrox 970 group: includes various types of water-rinsable fluorescent penetrant systems, each having different responses to rinsing and levels of in — Flaw detection equipment Automated penetrant inspection Ardrox 985 group: includes various types of post-emulsified fluorescent penetrant systems each having different levels of sensitivity. continuous welds. Chosen by the British Ministry Defence (Navy) for use in dockyards and ships. of long runs of plant: for the accurate processing of small components such as turbine and compressor blades from gas turbine engines. Plants have been supplied to Royal Navy aircraft repair yards, aero-engine manufacturers, airline operators and component manufacturers in the motor industry. Amlec crack detector: eddy-current crack detector developed by the Admiralty Materials Laboratory for the high-speed checking of Magnetic particle inspection fluids A complete range of black, red and fluorescent magnetic particle is available. All Ardrox magnetic particle fluids conform to the requirements of British Standard 4069. Stores Ref No Ardrox 800/2 4A/2440. inspection inspection fluids — 4RDR0K ARDROX LIMITED Commerce Road, SURFACE TREATMENT CHEMICALS Brentford, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01 -560 5444 Cables: Ardrox Brentford Telex Telex: 23609 731 Section 39: Other products and services MOULDED BOLT-RINGS tfv^ A-Type (7901 series) A-Type (8018 series) ZLJ A-Type (double-flanged) A-Type (no-bolt) Installing a Hycatrol flexible tank SUPPORT METHOD MOULDED RUBBER CONNECTORS Sprmg-colleted stud (half-section) 71 65 series — Hycaflex 1 material is 7041 used hover- for craft skirts — Emergency 2 flotation gear to fitted helicopters — 18 3 (4 gal) litre water or — Board 4 approved 4 workboat — Automatic fitted in 6 — self-sealing m fuel (13 ft) 3 coupling the Sioux helicopter Effluent coupling for standard (4 in) aircraft connection 73: for drinking of Trade inflatable 5 Jernbags fuel 100 mm series metal dishing in Section 39: Other products and services Flexible assemblies for liquid storage and flotation laminated material specially designed laid down in the American Hycatrol tanks is Hycalam, The to meet the requirements and shock-resistance of Hycatrol flexibility fuel li This material (Civil). Ministry of Technology and the Air Registration Board. It has a very high tensile strength/weight ratio, high resistance to puncture and tear, excellent fuel-resistant properties and low permeability to all grades of is fully petroleum fuel. Hycalam f e. is available in single, two-ply or three-ply laminates. has excellent ozone-resistant properties and is now used for the fuel tanks in air cushion vehicles where high resistance to fatigue, shock and Self-sealing coverings corrosion is required. Many land vehicles are fitted with Hycatrol tanks and boat designers are also fitting this type of tank into power boats because of its ability to meet the severe conditions encountered at sea. Leading makes of Grand Prix and other racing cars have, for many seasons, been using Hycatrol fuel tanks owing to their high crash resistance and because they help to eliminate metal fatigue. Hycatrol and Hycalam tanks in military aircraft can be covered with a self-sealing material which minimises fuel leakage in the event of penetration by small shell fragmentsand by ball ammunition upto 1 2-8mm (0-5in) calibre. Two grades are available, FPT/442/LS, a lightweight covering giving protection from penetration up to 7-7mm (0-303in) and FPT/446/LS, a slightly heavier grade to prevent leakage after penetration of up to 12-8mm (0-5in). Both grades of covering are fully approved by the Ministry of Technology and are extensively used on aircraft of many different types. Hycalam tanks range of flexible tank materials latest addition to the and FAA.TSOapproved by the (Military) C.80 Hycatrol The MIL-T-6396 specifications tanks have, for many years, provided additional safety in both military and civil aircraft. These tanks are fully approved by the Ministry of Technology and are manufactured from a lightweight, high-strength, fuelresistant synthetic rubber, reinforced with nylon fabric. They can be tailored to fit compartments enabling all available space to be used and give many years of dependable a Hycaflex inflatables and associated products factured from a Neoprene/nylon/Neoprene material only 1 (0040 in) thick but able to withstand a considerable amount of hard usage. Development of a 4-9 m (16 ft) version is in hand. Among the smaller Hycaflex products are the 4-gal (1 8-litre) Jerribags for drinking water or fuel; these are Hycaflex is a range of strong but lightweight rubber/ fabric/rubber laminated material that is used for the manufacture of inflatable products. The thickness of the material, the type of fabric and the grade of rubber used is dependent on the application of the product. mm Hovercraft skirts and skirting materials Similar material craft skirts. All is used for the British made from manufacture of hover- blue British when empty. Fresh-water Jerribags are colour; the fuel quality ones are green. Another product is the rubber-bonded effluent coupling which was designed in conjunction with BOAC, for use on the standard 100 mm (4 in) dia effluent connections on aircraft. This ground equipment coupling is manufactured from stainless steel, reinforced externally with compression-moulded Neoprene rubber. workboats built to in aircraft. operations. boat is a 4 m (13 ft) inflatable workBoard of Trade approval, manu- FPT INDUSTRIES LIMITED The Airport, Portsmouth, Telephone: Portsmouth 62391 Hampshire, P03 5PE, England Cables: Fireproof Portsmouth rolled Associated with Hycatrol, Hycalam and Hycaflex products are other smaller but equally important goods. The automatic break-away coupling was specially designed for the fuel system of the Sioux helicopter as a safety device when the aircraft is on operational duties. The use of the coupling is not restricted to the Sioux but can be used in any fluid systems which are liable to sudden stresses or excessive axial loads. A variant of this coupling is used as a safety device in the oxygen supply line for pilots of military Flotation equipment Among the most important are the emergency flotation bags fitted to helicopters, especially those employed on air-sea operations. These lightweight inflatable bags are operated instantly either manually or automatically by saline switches. Helicopters are also fitted with inflatable pontoons which are fixed to the port and starboard undercarriage as the main landing gear. These pontoons can also be fitted on aircraft engaged on over-water nf latable and can be Associated equipment (10 to 150oz/yd 2 ). I light, fully flexible easy stowage Hovercraft Corporation craft and many others are fitted with Hycaflex skirts in thicknesses ranging from 0-254 to 0-381 mm (0010 to 0-1 50 in) and weights from 0-34 to 5-0 kg/m 3 The Hycaboat FT1 30 The up for toxic-free or fuel-resistant materials. Jerribags are Je\ex: 86106 m 733 Section 39: Other products and services Optical elements and optical equipment Above: Typical unmounted optical components, including lenses, prisms, gauges, scales and a laser rod (bottom) Left: A few of the scales and graticules made to suit special requirements Below: Type E pantometer for comparing the contour of precision components projected on to a screen with a tracing of the required contour magnified 10 Optical components of any kind (flats, lenses, prisms and compound elements) and of any optical material (glass, natural and fused quartz, synthetic and metal) can be made by Optical Measuring Tools Limited to an accuracy of 00002 mm (0 000001 in) and with angles correct to 1 second of arc. Highly skilled specialist staff and unique specialpurpose equipment housed in strictly temperaturecontrolled rooms are employed. A wide range of optical flats, dimensional and angular gauges are available as standard. Special types, as well as optical elements of all types, for sights, telescopes, view- and similar equipment can be made The company also offers an advisory and finders, navigating to order. computation service for the design of all types of optics and optical systems. Ruby and other crystals can be worked into rods for solid-state lasers and metal components can be polished to optical finish. The company also has a high-vacuum laboratory for surface-coated mirrors, anti-reflecting coatings, multi-layer films, electrically conducting coatings, neutral filters and similar work. OMT also specialises in the manufacture of graticules, scales, diffraction fact the gratings and moire fringe pairs. company has been appointed by the National Research Development Corporation as official In manufacturer of master linear and radial diffraction gratings for ultra-precision measurement and numerical control equipment. is also approved by the National Engineering Laboratory to make and supply dimensional standards and scales as masters to other manufacturers of measuring tools and equipment. also makes a In addition to optical elements, OMT OMT wide range of toolmakers' microscopes, optical comparators, precision projectors, measuring machines and optical dividing heads, rotary indexing tables (shown opposite) and projection-type pantometers, one of which is illustrated here. Other standard units magnirange from a bench pantometer with 30 fication on a 152 mm (6 in) dia screen to a universal magnification on to a projector with up to 100 40 in) screen. 1524 101 6 mm (60 734 Section 39: Other products and services Rotary indexing tables with manual and automatic drive angular positioning is one of the most exacting metrological tasks and Optical Measuring Tools Limited has specialised for many years in the design and manufacture of precision equipment for angular location in one plane or two planes simultaneously. With rotary tables up to 1067 (42 in) diameter, positional accuracy up to 4 0001 degree, 0003 degree and load capacity repeatability up to with optical or digital readout, with 2 tons, to up manual or power drive, with or without fully automatic tape control, the range is ideally suited for precision machining, graduating scales, inspection and test purposes of all kinds, including the calibration of Accurate mm gunnery scales. The units are so designed that no part of the body projects above the surface of the platen, thus enabling work considerably larger than the platen diameter to be mounted on the table. The working surface and base are piano-parallel to within 0005 mm (0 0002 in) on all models. The dual-purpose models have a second mounting surface at right angles to the base, thus enabling these tables to be used and both the horizontal in position. vertical remotely located digital Presetting drives and Equipment leadout units are available as standard. integration with computer-controlled suitable for systems can be made to suit special requirements. Above: ted Power-opera- rotary table adjustment in and planes optical with two with readout Left: Manually operated rotary table suitor able for vertical horizontal use, shown with remote here digital Max Scale Platen dia table load Width X Depth Height readout unit Weight c a 4— oo E E CO o o CD > -o Q <5 CD CD o o Read O 5 n DC E E £ c E c , H H H/V H/V H/V H H H/V H/V H D D D I I I I H D 12 16 M M M M 24 M/P 254 305 305 406 610 762 914 406 610 762 203 305 406 610 10 12 1067" 42" 30 36 P P 16 24 M M 30 P 8 12 16 24 A member P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M M M p.. p.. tH = Horizontal, V = Vertical, ttO =0ptical, D - Digital tttM = Manual, 30 sec 30 sec I sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec 2 sec (rotary) 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec '" 0-001 c = Inclinable = Power-operated 6 sec 6 sec — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - rV I — — — — — i i 30 sec(inclinable) ±00003°"" 4 4 — — 4 — — — i 1 i 4 .'. 181 181 181H 113V 800H 300V 800H 300V 1016 1016 800H 300V 800H 300V 909 200 H 100V 400H 250V 800H 300V 1500H 500V 909 400 400 400H 250V 362H 136V 362H 136V 2240 2240 362H 136V 362H 136V 2000 90H 45V 1 81 H 113V 362H 136V 686H 227V 2000 41-5 387 x 330 15ix13 48 419 < 330 1 6 x 1 91 6 406 406 16 x16 158 559 508 20 x20 7$ 622 24 1 \24'. 261 91 622 610 819 40 X32 91 1016 648 914 40 x36 91 1016 8\ 533 X 483 20.'. <19J 209 261 610 < 610 24 X24 9* 11 610 875 40 X35 1 020 > 67 324 22| X12J 8 565 181 8i 813x 483 32 X19 279 9i 1016 x 559 40 X22 21 1060 806 41 J x 31 J 1010 611 15 1 1 00 X 1075 44 x43 127 5 141 5 152 193 251 248 248 206 251 287 203 206 235 533 375 .'. ;:. • - .', "Also available with 762 and 914 mm (30 and 36 "Automatic drive ""Automatic drive positioning accuracy ""Accuracy of repeatability in) platen of The Newall Group da OPTICAL MEASURING TOOLS LIMITED Water- Ma -Trout Road, Helston, Cornwall, England Telephone: Helston 2366 Telex: 45295 91 106 200 350 575 1344 1428 460 575 1344 148 400 615 2210 1344 ^JMVm 55ir I ^ 1968 735 c -'» ; on ID: Other products and services The Richmond Electronics stant current battery charger self-charging all types three preset stages of Type 6 conis suitable for batteries The Richmond Electronics Type 2A battery capacity tester, suitable for batteries of any rated capacity. It discontinues discharge at any preset voltage level View of the Type 2A battery capacity tester removed from case, showing the extremely robust construction and compact design based on the use of transistorised circuits '36 in Section 39: Other products and services Battery equipment for charging and testing storage batteries force could exist without storage batteries to provide electric power for a wide range of the longest possible life and efficient service from batteries of all types, Richmond Electronics purposes. To ensure has designed and developed a range of battery chargers and capacity testers which are in many respects unique. Both the chargers and testers are of the universal kind, being suitable for both lead-acid and alkaline batteries. All units are fully transistorised and there are different models for fully automatic and manual operation. Design of the units is standardised to render them suitable for mounting in standard 483 (1 9 inch racks), or for use as free-standing equipment. No modern defence mm Battery chargers Many models are available to suit every One of the most widely used is the constant-current battery charger Type 6 shown on the opposite page. It has a charging rate of up to 30 A. The Type 6 charger is favoured where self-charging Operation is in three steps, each with its is essential. presetting timer. The first and second step own to 6 hours, the third from to 12 have a range from hours, so that a wide range of batteries can be catered for. The input may be 1 1 5 V 60Hz or 230 V 50 Hz, with to 36 V. the output variable from The unit measures 508 381 362 mm (20 x 15 34 kg (75 lb). x 14| in) and its weight is Another widely used model is the universal constant-current battery charger Type RE 5A (NATO ref. No. 6130-99-222-6573), which was specially different possible type of service. Battery capacity testers The battery capacity tester Type 2 is a universal transistorised unit designed to measure the capacity of all lead-acid and alkaline batteries ranging to 50 A. from to 36 V with a discharge current from The tester is suitable for use on batteries of rated capacities from one hour to ten hours. Mains input may be 115 V 60 Hz single-phase or fully W 230 V 50 Hz single-phase, consumption being 150 max. The overall accuracy is better than 2 percent. Capacity in is indicated by a four-digit counter directly percent. The Type 2 tester measures 534 x 482 x 432 mm developed for military applications. Charging current may be set from 05 A to 20 A and remains constant throughout the charging period. Output voltage is from 3 V to 36 V, from a 1 1 5 V 60 Hz or 230 V 50 Hz mains supply input. The circuit employs thyristor current control. Setting is by means of a knob on the front panel, the charging current being indicated on a standard 90 mm (3A in) dial-type ammeter graduated to 25 A. Charging time is indicated by a four-digit electro-magnetic counter actuated by a synchronous clock unit; indication is in units of one-tenth minute. The unit is available for standard 483 mm (19 in) rack-mounting or in a free-standing case. The dimensions of the case (including carrying handles) are 508 330 362 mm (20 < 13 x 14^ in). This charger demanding current and a is particularly suitable for applications high degree of accuracy in charging ultimate battery performance. (21 19£ x 17 in) including case and weighs about 32 kg (70 lb). The Type 3 tester is similar to the Type 2, but to achieve a considerable reduction in size (65 percent) and weight (64 percent) some limitation in range had been accepted. The Type 2 measures only 508 x 254 x 305 (20 x 10 x 12 in) and weighs only about 11 i kg (25 lb). The test voltage range is from to 30 V, discharge current from 10 A to 25 A. Mains power consumption is 1 00 (1 1 5 V 60 Hz or 230 V 50 Hz). The accuracy of better than 2 percent has, however, been retained, as has the four-digit counter and the suitability for all types of battery. mm W Other battery maintenance equipment is also available, as is a wide range of mechanical measuring and test for use in workshops and in the field; some of these items are described elsewhere in this Catalogue. equipment RICHMOND ELECTRONICS (MARKYATE) LTD Hicks Road, Markyate, St Albans, Hertfordshire, England Telephone: Markyate 761 737 Section 39: Other products and services Type AB2 up to set r.ying is a basic unit for 4-5m 3 /h ( 1 sup- 60ft 3 h ) of water. The equipment, complete with spares and accessories, is compact and readily transportable by a truck or similar vehicle sterilised filtered The Type AB3 set has been developed in conjunction with the British Ministry of Defence as a lightweight, air-portable equipment for military use with a capacity of up to 4-5m*/h (160ft 3 /h). Although similar to the AB2 it is built to a more exacting specification to allow the equipment to be dropped by parachute. The equipment, complete with stores and accessories, is contained within a 500kg (10cwt) two-wheeled trailer available as an optional extra J£« The Type 5B trailer-mounted unit is a completely self-contained plant capable of delivering up to 13-5m 3 /h (480ft 3 /h) of potable water. It is necessary merely to connect up the hoses for suction and delivery to make the equipment ready for use 738 The Type 6B trailer-mounted unit has been developed specifically to meet the requirements of the British Armed Forces. Also capable of delivering up to 13-5m 3 /h (480ft 3 /h) of potable water, it is mounted on a larger chassis than the Type 5B. A Stellar filter with a 75 percent increase in size over that used in Type 5B is utilised, providing longer filter cycles with reductions in running costs Section 39: Other products and services Water purifiers transportable and trailer-mounted equipment One of the most essential supplies for any fighting force anywhere in the world is drinking water, yet it constitutes one of the most difficult logistic problems. The ability to produce potable water on the spot from sources which would otherwise be unfit for drinking is a tremendous advantage, especially to highly mobile self-contained fighting units. The Stella-Meta range of water purification equip- ment has been specially designed for this purpose, with compactness and reliability as outstanding factors. In addition to their military role, Stella-Meta water purifying units are ideal for re-establishment of the emergencies such as earthquakes, fires and civil disturbances, in the course of which normal water supplies may be disrupted. safe supplies of drinking water in SPECIFICATIONS Type AB2 transportable water purification equipment Type AB3 air-portable water purification equipment Maximum Maximum 4-5m /h (160ft 3 /h) SW/7/AV, with filter area of 0-7m 3 rated capacity Filter Stellar Steriliser Clorocel SM/T/30 2 (7-5ft-) electrolytic sterilising unit rated capacity 4-5m 3 /h (160ft 3 /h) SW/7/AV, with Clorocel SM/T/30 area of 0-7m- (7-5ft 2 ) Filter Stellar filter Steriliser electrolytic sterilising unit Dimensions Dimensions Filter unit Filter unit 940 -610 -,470mm (37 <24 x18|in) Steriliser/Filtraider unit 965 560 660mm (38 x26in) Engine/pump/generator (38x22 - unit 965 560 610 610mm 24in) 470mm unit Steriliser/Filtraider 22 (37 520 -470 18i 26in) Engine/pump/generator unit 1065 x24 x 18iin) 660mm (20i x 660mm 635 (42<25x26in) Weights Filter unit Weights Filter unit 940 81 kg (1781b) 64kg (1411b) Engine/pump/generator unit 146kg (322lb) Steriliser/Filtraider unit 72kg (1591b) Steriliser/Filtraider unit 82kg (1811b) Engine/pump/generator unit 119kg (262lb) The Type AB2 equipment is supplied complete with interconnecting hose, spares, accessories and tools Trailer (supplied as extra) Type modified GS two-wheeled trailer with all-metal body empty 370kg (81 6lb) Total weight, equipment stowed 865kg (19071b) Overall size of trailer, equipment stowed 2750 '1 1280mm (9ft :4ft 6in :<4ft 2*in) Trailer weight, Type 5B trailer-mounted water purification equipment Maximum rated capacity 1 3-5m /h (480ft 3 /h) with filter area of 2m- (21 The Type AB3 equipment is supplied complete with interconnecting hose, spares, accessories, tools and resin-bonded glass fibre storage cases. The equipment is comprehensively catalogued to the NATO system of codification 3 SW/20/AV, -5ft-) SM/T/60 electrolytic sterilising unit The complete Type 5B water purification equipment, including engine and generator, is mounted in a four- Type 6B trailer-mounted water purification equipment wheeled trailer fitted with lockers, storage bins, and canvas top and side screens. The unit is supplied complete with spares, accessories and tools Maximum Filter Stellar 360 Steriliser Clorocel Dimensions ready for towing, 4570 (15ft 6ft 4iin 8ft 4in) Trailer, 1940 2540mm rated capacity 13-5m 3 /h (480ft 3 /h) SW/35/AV, with filter area of 3m (32ft 2 ) Steriliser Clorocel SM/T/60 electrolytic sterilising unit The complete Type 6B water purification equipment, together with engine and generator, is mounted on a 2 Filter Stellar 2-ton four-wheeled trailer fitted with lockers, storage It is supplied bins, and canvas top and side screens. complete with spares, accessories and tools. This equipment has been extensively catalogued to the NATO system of codification Dimensions Trailer, ready for towing, 7070 (23ft 2 fin x 7ft 11 in :9ft 2410 Uin) 2780mm STELLA-META FILTERS LIMITED Laverstoke Mill, Whitchurch, Hampshire, England Telephone: Whitchurch (Hants) 2360 Cables: Stellameta Whitchurch Hants Telex: 85145 739 Section 39: Other products and services "oday the various branches of the red forces possess some of most sophisticated equipment available to man. To maintain this equipment at its highest efficiency and the crew at their desired mental alertness, air conditioning and environmental control now are considered to be essential. Temperature Limited has designed, developed and manufactured environmental control equipment for the British Armed Forces for the past 20 years. This equipment is also used by a number of other governments, including those of Sweden, South India, Pakistan Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Temperature Limited's range of conditioners and conditioning plant spans all branches of the armed forces. Crown Copyright Naval units include the seawater cooled APW series of air conditioners for cabins and control rooms, and larger special plant for ammunition lockers, electronic equipment and dockyard installations. Temperature Limited has developed and manufactured a range of vehicle air conditioners and coolers, easily adaptable for many applications, especially technical vehicles, simulators, photo processing vehicles, radar systems, and mobile workshops. This range of air conditioners and coolers has been extensively used in the Bloodhound and Thunderbird defence systems and in mobile satellite tracking stations. Development above conTemperature Limited has carried out considerable development work on the environmental In addition to the ditioners, control of tracked vehicles, to meet the rigorous specifications demanded for the extremes of tropical and sub-zero conditions. Buildings Temperature Limited plant has been used in connection with a number of defence projects: for the air conditioning of living accommodation, working and recreational areas in Saudi Arabia; the conditioning of an ordnance factory in Pakistan; and underground tracking stations for the United States services in the UK. '40 Section 39: Other products and services Environmental control air conditioning to Ministry of Defence standards APW air conditioners for naval vessels A range of units for cabin, store room and control room use has been designed with sea-water cooled condensers. These compact units incorporate a hermetically sealed refrigeration system, filters and direction grilles. Installation kit and fixing brackets are provided. air SPECIFICATION MODEL ELECTRICAL COOUNC DUTY NUMBER SUPPLY • CONDENSER WATER FLOW AIR FLOW DIMENSIONScm m3/h ABC 220 375 686 2095 34 3 RATE btu/T> APW 20Q220V 7 7000 frigories/ri 1760 lphase50Hz 440V 9000 2260 3phase60Hz 440V APW 12 12000 3030 3phase60Hz 440V APW 24 20000 5050 3phase60Hz APW 9 HOTABT AIR TEST CONDITIONS 5cm. DIRECTIONAL GRILLE AIR * galrron litres,Trin fArnn 1 4 54 1 454 340 580 7112 273 356 1 4 54 380 645 7112 273 356 2 908 520 885 76 2 54 6 45 7 ON TO EVAPORATOR 26 6 CWFID.B 194'C(67"F)WB CONDENSER WATER INLET TEMPERATURE 23S'C(75-F) WALL OR BULKHEAD- Vehicle air conditioning hermetically sealed refrigeration system. The units are suitable for use in static applications or in military vehicles. Special fixing means for vehicle use are Lightweight air conditioners and liquid coolers are specially designed for pressurised vehicle and sterile air filtration systems, using alloy components and a provided. SPECIFICATION SELECTION OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES COOLING DUTY LIQUID 208 V 220 240V 380/4 40 V 3 phase 400 Hz 1 phase 50 Hz 3 phase 50/60 Hz 49rj(120FIDB 294C185TIWB outside 266*C(80FIDB 19 4C(67-F)WB inside 2268 frigories/h (9000 btu/h) Heating: if required 2520 kcal/h (10000 btu/ h) Indoor fan 595m3/h (350ft 3/min) Test condition COOLING DUTY DB Test condition^' 49 C Test conditionB' 2268 frigories/h (9 000 btu/h) 35"C(95F)DB outside 2646 frigories/h (10 500 btu/h) Liquid flow 11 i120'Fi outside , Weight: 59 kg 4 litres/min (2 5 gal/min) (130 lb) Multi-purpose air-cooled The AC52 environment. and is air conditioner any ranging from vehicles to computer rooms. The unit also has a hermetically sealed refrigeration system, stainless steel mesh air filters, suit applications unit provides control in almost easily It can be used with various controls adapted using standard kits to provide and fresh air control. This packaged unit heating, dehumidification, filtration, ducting, etc., to also available for liquid cooling. is SPECIFICATION SELECTION OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 208V 220, 240V 380/4 40 V COOLING DUTY 49TJn2CrF)DB 294"C(85T)WB outside 29-4"C(85T>DB228 C(73'F1WB inside 2520 frigories/h (10 000 btu/h) Test condition 3 phase 400 Hz 1 phase 50 Hz 3 phase 50/60 Hz , Heating: if Indoor fan LIQUID heote r, H required / COOLING DUTY required 1720 kcal/h (6826 btu/M 680m3/h (400ft3/mm) Test condition 49'C I120T) D B 2520 frigories/h - 29 4 C (10 (85"F) WB outside 000 btu/h) JllO.m atl.lna holw jflUljj W.ighl: 120 kg 1364 1b Liquid flow I 114 litres/min (2-5 gal/mm) Temperature Limited undertakes development work for the Ministry of Defence in all fields of environmental control, and manufactures to MOD specification shipboard air conditioners and coolers, vehicle air conditioning and multi-fuel heating equipment, pressurised vehicle and sterile air filtration systems, general-purpose conditioners and coolers to MOD standards, drinking water coolers, as well as central plant and room conditioners for A member all types of buildings. of the Norcros Group TEMPERATURE LIMITED 192-206 York Road, London SW11, England Telephone: 01-223 0511 Cables: Tetmur London SW1 Telex: 28228 741 Section 39: Other products and services Nylon nets and netting camouflage, cargo movement and restraint for Bridport-Gundry Ltd has been a contractor to British over 200 years, specialising in the supply of nets and cordage. Man-made fibres have enabled us to design and engineer a range of nets to meet the needs of this technical age, and to function efficiently in a variety of defence roles. Nylon, in the highest tenacities available, is processed into cords for surgical sutures, parachute cords and into nets for lifting and restraining cargo, as well as for camouflaging vehicles and defence positions. Governments for Materials: all synthetic fibres, but primarily Nylon 66 high tenacity, bright, for maximum strength and energy absorption and for least weight. Specifications: own, British Government or British Standards Institution. Approvals held: AQD (formerly AID) of British Ministry of Technology, Ministry of Defence, Admiralty, Air Registration Board, General Post Office, and British Standards Institition. Cargo nets 1 500 kg helicopter cargo net to Drawing JG 562 Issue 9. octagonal, 380 cm (12 ft) dia Mesh size: 15 cm. Weight: 10kg. To lift 1500kg. Safety factors: nylon net 6:1. steel hook-up 4:1 Fitted rapid hook-up mechanism, and abrasive resistant coating on net In service use in all climates for four years 5000 kg net is also available, to Drawing BG N 745, 600 cm (20 ft) dia Weight: 45 kg. General specification similar to the above. Restraint nets Restraint net for palletised cargo to Drawing BG N 71 1. a one-piece net Mesh size: 10 cm. Weight: 34 kg. To restrain up to 4536 kg (10 000 lb) to 4 g. loose cargo on international pallets size 224 274 cm (88 108 in) up to 250 cm high, in cargo-carrying and supply-dropping aircraft 36 rapid adjustable tensioning • water-proof cover is incorporated under net. In service with the Royal Similar nets have been in use with international airlines for ten years. Restraint net Mk 2 JG N 559 and canvas cover JG N 560 Nylon net wrap-around type, size 900 1 33 cm Mesh size: 6 cm. Weight: 10 kg Canvas cover 230 265 cm. To restrain loads of 3500 kg for freighting and parachuted supplies dropping straps fit pallet lashing positions; a Air Force • restraint net to Drawing JG N 643 Issue E, rectangular, nylon size 200 265 cm 2 cm Weight: 4 kg. To secure loads of mixed cargo, baggage or spares on aircraft floor or cabin, or helicopter cabin, restrains 500 kg to 5g 23 snap-hook fittings of 1000 kg ultimate strength each are fitted at positions to engage floor attachments: two or four nets can be linked together to cover larger areas. 500 kg loose cargo Mesh size: • 1 Camouflage nets These are made of nylon developed by us especially for the British Ministry of Defence Some hemp Plain nets or nets completely garnished to vegetation, sand and snow colours. Specifications to British Ministry of Defence Nos UK/ISC/S/31 1 5A-3592 inclusive Sizes: from 4-25 2 1 3 m for personnel to 1 2 3 1 2 3 m for vehicles and aircraft Mesh sizes: 5. 7 5 or 1 cm. Leafgarnished coverage from 62-100 per cent. We also make helmet camouflage nets to current specifications and to fit all helmets. fibre is used for some fibre specifications. Safety nets We make safety 10 cm. to nets to British Standard Specification 391 3 of nylon cord of 550 kg breaking any specified dimensions. Cordage A wide variety of cordage, and natural fibres Lanyards and rifle Forward and cabled, mesh size A mixed palletised load being winched from a helicopter in a typical BridportGundry helicopter cargo net manufactured from nylon, polyester, polythene, polypropylene to British Standards Specifications and all UK and many world defence specifications. pullthro jgh cords are aiso made. plaited command Gundry camouflage post is camouflaged by several Bridport- nets Industrial Division Bridport, Dorset, England Telephone: Bridport 2244 Supplies palletised restraint net, BRIDPORT-GUNDRY LIMITED 742 load, Cables: Netting Bridport Telex: 41132 for seen here air-drop in aircraft secured hold by Bridport-Gundry Section 39: Other products and services Mechanical seals for types of rotating shaft equipment all Flexibox mechanical seals are designed positively to prevent leakage from centrifugal and rotary pumps, Unbalanced seals V and mixers, compressors and vacuum pumps and many other agitators types of rotating shaft equipment. They used in oil refineries, works, food factories, power stations, aeroplanes, motor cars and by defence forces. Wherare chemical ever there is a rotating shaft there is an application for a Flexibox mechanical seal. The range seals is of Flexibox mechanical extremely wide, covering a great variety of applications. Some of the more standard types are listed below. RM RA (metric size) (inch size) The basis unbalanced kgf/cm 2 (1 50 seal for pressures to 10-5 up gauge lbf/in"-) RR The Flexibox balanced seal for pressures up to 8-4 kgf/cm 2 (1 20 lbf/in 2 ) basic Double seals gauge kwwwww^ ^a»p*c Chemiflex Flexibox mechanical seal for highly corrosive conditions FF-S The Flexibox seal for high operational speeds or highly viscous products RR-SM A multi-spring seal for very severe duties RFM RFA (metric sizes) (inch sizes) Double-seals for use below 10-5 kgf/cm 2 (150 lbf/in 2 ) gauge RRF and RRFF Double-seals for use above (1 50 lbf/in 2 ) 1 5 kgf/cm 2 gauge RRYB A vapour-phase seal for light Operating limits The operating limits hydrocarbons of mechanical seals are determined largely by the RRV-ST A absence or presence of optional design features or by the use of auxiliary equipment. Full details of seal for dealing with high temperatures without the use of auxiliary services the RM-D RA-D (metric size) (inch size) operating limits of Flexibox in the mechanical seals are given publications dealing with particular Dual-rotation seals seals FLEXIBOX LIMITED Nash Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1 SS, England (i Telephone: 061 -872 1 477 Telex: 66284 t flexibox 743 Section 39: Other products and services Searchlights for all purposes Above: Some of the many types of searchlights and signalling units m3de by Francis. Type of mounting and controls can be readily adapted to suit individual requirements Left: A small selection of warning lights, horns and bells and civil services made by Francis for military, para-military Francis manufactures a full range of searchlights for all voltages and duties, as well as day and night signalling projectors and hand lanterns. A representative selection of these products is shown in the two illustrations, and many other products are made to meet special requirements. Standard searchlight specifications cover the following ranges: Diameters: 1 78 (28 in) (7 in) to 71 Voltage: and 220 V 6, 1 2, 24, 32, 80, 11 mm Wattage: Range: mm W to 2 kW 48 420 m (460 yd) to 2600 m (2840 yd). Special light sources with greater range are also available. In addition to searchlights and signalling lamps, Francis also manufactures a range of specialised electrical equipment, including bells (electrical and manual systems), syrens, alternating horns, flashing beacons, vehicle-mounted searchlights (interrupter unit for flashing warning), cable reels and tripods, floodlights (both for pendantand vertical mounting), air horns to British Home Office specifications, lightweight rotating beacons with magnetic base for portable use and instant attachment to staff cars, and many similar products. Francis equipment is in continual use in many parts of the world and enjoys a good reputation for high standards of design and engineering. FRANCIS SEARCHLIGHTS LIMITED T urner Bridge, Bolton, Lancashire, England Telephone: Bolton 27196 7A4 Cables: Francis Bolton Section 39: Other products and services Water purifying units for desalination and de-ionisation Permutit seawater desalting kits Permutit desalting kits convert small quantities of seawaier into water suitable for drinking: they have proved invaluable in contributing to survival at sea. They are approved by the British Aeronautical Inspectional Directorate and are standard items of equipment for the Royal Air Force under the following RAF vocabulary reference: Apparatus, desalting, 2-pint, reference 27C/2467 Apparatus, desalting, 6-pint, reference 27C/2398 They are also approved as standard equipment to be carried in marine lifeboats and rafts under the international Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1 960. These kits are supplied in two sizes for producing 1 -14 litres (2 pints), and 34 litres (6 pints) of drinking water respectively. Specification 1 1 1 Seawater desalting cardboard container with pull-off adhesive tape storage bag of flexible rubberised fabric, with securing cord purifier bag of flexible rubberised fabric, with integral filter pad, drinking tube, plug and lanyard 3 chemical charges (2-pint kit kit), or 10 chemical charges (6-pint kit) Each chemical charge comprises 4 cubes double-wrapped in heat-sealed Cellophane. One chemical charge produces the following quantities of drinking water from seawater having a salinity of 35-5 grammes per 1000 grammes (standard seawater on which performance of kit is based) Treated water quality (parts per 100 000): Chlorides as NaCI 255 Sulphates as Na..S0 255 Phenolphthalein alkali as CaCC 20 Methyl orange alkali as CaCO 40 Total dissolved solids 550 4 , ; Permutit portable de-ionisers De-ionised (demineralised) water of exceptionally high is produced from the Permutit Mk 8 portable de-ioniser simply by attaching the hose connection of the unit to any nearby raw water tap. Treated water is then immediately available at tap speed. Flow rate up to 1 80 litres (40 gal) per hour. There are no installation costs, and no heat or power is required. The unit is completely portable and can be wheeled from site to site. These units are regenerated by the user simply and quickly using hydrochloric acid and caustic soda. Hundreds of gallons of treated water are obtained from each regeneration at a negligible cost. Permutit de-ionisers are widely used by all services. Typical applications include demineralised water for aircraft assisted take-off, topping up all types of batteries, photographic work, pharmaceutical and laboratory requirements. They completely outdate the use of distilled water purchased in bulk form. The Mk 17 unit is a cartridge-type portable deioniser and operates in a manner similar to that of the Mk 12, except that when the ion-exchange resin contained in the cartridge is exhausted (as indicated by the conductivity meter) the resin is thrown away and replaced with a charge of fresh resin supplied with the unit. It is a small, inexpensive and compact unit which can be hung on a wall or placed on a bench, is portable, lightweight, foolproof, and has a flow rate of up to 108 litres (26 gal) per hour of ultra-pure water. quality Mk 12 de-ioniser THE PERMUTIT COMPANY LIMITED Pemberton House, 632-652 London Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, England Telephone: 01 -560 5199 Cables: Permutit Hounslow Telex: 24440 Permutit 745 Section 39: Other products and services Optical systems for defence purposes Optical module for head-up display system Pilkington Perkin-Elmer Ltd offers a service to industry and governments in the field of optical design and in the development and production of optical systems. All work is carried out by specialists experienced in military and aerospace equipment and its applications. Typical products Airborne map-reader optics Infra-red lens systems TV cameras Lens system for electrostatic copiers Low-light TV and night-viewing optics Colour-separation optics for Wide-angle TV lenses Aircraft flight-simulation optics Missile-tracking systems PILKINGTON PERKIN-ELMER LIMITED Glascoed Road, St Asaph, Telephone: St Asaph 3301 746 Flintshire, Wales Cables: Optical St Asaph Telex: 61291 Section 39: Other products and services Brandhurst, Self-luminous products: and compounds, this field, a We make signs and markers a (tritium for instrument dial illumination, can be incorporated into new or existing of equipment They are also available in the form signs and markers for aircraft and vehicles. gas-activated of nuclear lamps to DEF Standard 62-4, also propriatary products marketed as Permluco' microlights. These self- Telephone: High i for infra-red devices Minicoolars ara betwaen -40 C pounds complying with MOD and DTD specifications Component luminising and complete dial fabrication to specific requirements are also undertaken. Wycombe 25106 A comprehensive range of Minicooler (miniature Joule Thomson cryocjanic liquet sr) systems for cooling infra-red detectors in military equipment such as airborne linescan, ground surveillance. FLIR, missile guidance and fuzing Rapid cooling, fixad orifice and S3lf-regulating Cryogenic coolers of Other products include self-luminous paint com- compete range Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England powered lamps, used extensively in self-luminous products in comprehensive service including the development and design offers self-luminous light sources nuclear lamps). nuclear lamps, Brandhurst Co Ltd Wellington Road. High specialists materials, sarvice cooling IR detectors to (233 K) and -253 C (20 K); sizes in meet most international standards of detector cells Operational systems can be built from approved elements or integrated into a system custom-built for each application Short duration, single O' multiple start or long-duration systems for logistic support equipmant. man-portable, transportable or permanently installed units are available. The Hymatic Engineering Co Ltd Glover Straet Redditch. Worcestershire, England and printed matter 33634 identification cards to produce a durable, tamper-proof record of personal data, photograph, signature, fingerprint, as required. This card can be punched (for automatic data collection) or embossed. It ensures positive Morane thin-film lamination also gives permanent protection to maps, exterior notices, planning charts, etc. Morane systems are supplied to British Ministry of Defence contracts and to many equipment for identification cards Telex: is only a few seconds. The machine compact, easily transported and has a maximum laminating width of 1 1 5 mm (4 A in). Our laminating systems use tough plastic films and simple machines to protect printed matter. Security and protective film laminating Cables: Hymatic Redditch Telephone: Radditch 63621 Heavy-gauge Morane film seals identification for access to restricted areas. Plastic Co Ltd Gresham Road, Staines, Middlesex, England Lam- inating time is countries throughout the world Morane Mechanical power Morane Staines products comprises power transmission and conveying chains and chain wheels; worm, spur, helical and bevel grarboxes and individual gaars; hydrostatic and machanically operated variable-speed s/stems; couplings, clutches, brakes and power equipment Renold Ltd Renold Housa. W/thenshawe Manchester, preformed electric wiring assemblies, rigid Cables: Ranold Limited is the largast single company in the world demoted solely to the supply of mechanTheir ranga of ical power transmission equipment. transmission Electric cables, Telephone: Staines 51985 and flexible 5\A/L, Cables England are Telephone: 061-437 5221 manufactured to British Standard Specifications and are suitable for the temperature ranqes from -75C to 260 C Preformed wiring assemblies are designed and manufactured for aircraft jet engines, fighting vehicles and various specialised equipments. Heat is a major considsration in design io r wiring assemblies on jet engines. Wires Ere often printed circuits Rist's Wires & Cables Ltd Lower Milehouse Lane, Newcastle M22 Staffs, England Telephone: Newcastle (Staffs) 561221 Telex: 23917 transmission ancillaries. The company is a supplier to the British Ministry of Defence and can offer a complete range of power transmission products to meet the requirements of all forms of military equipment through a world-wide sales organisation of more than 300 depots in over 100 countries. All enquiries should be made to the address given Cables: Renold Manchester Telex: 669052 in a moulding which is treated to withstand high temperatures. PTFE glassfibres are widely used as cable insulators, but choice of insulating and protective materials is dictated by operating con- encased ditions Wiring assemblies ere purpose-built and designed as far speed as possible as a single unit to facilitate in installation Cables: Rist's Newcastle Staffs Telex: 36301 747 *-}_ 9*